HL S571 Trident University International Law Cyber Attacks Question Law Assignment Help

HL S571 Trident University International Law Cyber Attacks Question Law Assignment Help. HL S571 Trident University International Law Cyber Attacks Question Law Assignment Help.

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Discussion Requirements

A substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or more for each of the responses (4 TOTAL).

Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.

Before writing your comments:

  • Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.
  • Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:

Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from http://www.findingdulcinea.com/features/edu/Strategies-for-Synthesis-Writing.html

NOTE: You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources.

Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.

Third post for each module discussion:

Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.

Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.






Classmates and Professor,

Cyber Defense

Cyberattack cases have been on the rise in the past years. Organizations, businesses, the military, and the government have been victims of a certain type of cyberattack. With the rising number of organizations being victims of cyberattacks, the need for cybersecurity has increased tremendously. Large organizations are seeking the services of cybersecurity specialists to help in protecting the business’s computer systems and networks. However, some organizations wait until they are attacked to start taking cybersecurity measures. However, considering the sophisticated techniques that cybercriminals are using to mask their activities, an organization can be a victim of a long-perpetrated cybercrime.

In view of this, Corrin (2015), reports that the United States government is also looking for the best approach to protect itself and the citizens from the threat of cybercrime. One of the government strategies is to ensure that the Department of Defense takes both offensive and defensive measures on various cybercrimes. According to Wright (2015), most countries have very weak cybersecurity infrastructure that can be exploited by attackers and cause significant damage.

The author highlights that the US significantly depends on systems and the cyber realm for most of its operations, business-wise or governmental. Organizations and the government need to ensure they have approached cybersecurity correctly to minimize cases of attacks. By taking the offensive options, the government can use the Intelligence Community to detect cybercrime activities and deal with the attackers before they attack. While it is important to keep defensive measures, sitting back and waiting for an attack is not the best option. Tracking and tracing these criminals can result in criminal organizations or groups being shut down, which can help reduce the threat of cybercrimes (Wright, 2020).

All stakeholders including private organizations and the government should join hands, to minimize cyberattacks in the country. Every stakeholder has their specialty when it comes to cybersecurity defense mechanisms. By pooling these ideas together, the parties can develop strategies and techniques that can help the country combat the cybercrime menace. Using an offensive approach can help bring down cybercrime criminal organizations, which will save the organization’s from the effects of cyberattacks such as financial loss. An offensive approach requires constant monitoring of systems and online activities to track cybercrime suspects, and cripple their operations (Pattison, 2020). By engaging the Intelligence Community in the activities of tracking and capturing cybercriminals, the attackers will lose the higher ground and they are the ones who will have to increase their cyber defenses.



Corrin, A. (2015, July 1). Defense cyber strategy: We can and will hit back. Retrieved from https://www.c4isrnet.com/home/2015/07/01/defense-cyber-strategy-we-can-and-will-hit-back/

Pattison, J. (2020). From defence to offence: The ethics of private cybersecurity. European Journal of International Security, 5(2), 233-254.

Wright, A. (2015, May 8). Cybersecurity: The Best Defense is a Good Offense. Mysterious University. Retrieved from



Good morning class!

Do you think that the best cyber defense includes being on the offensive?

Technology is ever evolving and continues to amaze most with the technological advances we continue to see. Because of this, and the fact that there are always those that will use technology for harm to others and their own personal gain, we must be proactive in protecting our cyber interests. Medairy (n.d.) explains how cyber threats can settle undetected in our networks on average of 200-250 days before being discovered (para. 5). Once they are finally detected, much damage has potentially already taken place. By taking a strong offensive, proactive approach, we can catch these threats before the network is compromised.

Should the government and/or private companies engage in cyber warfare?

If necessary, the government should do whatever it takes to protect our nation and the security of our future. Private companies should not engage in cyber warfare as things will eventually escalate into something that the government or law enforcement would be forced to intervene. Knake (2018) explains, “We should all want to avoid an outcome where a company that under-invests in its own cybersecurity starts a conflict that will cost far more in blood and treasure than upgrading its firewalls (para. 6).”



Knake, R. K. (May 30, 2018). Instead of Hacking Back, U.S. Companies Should let Cyber Command do it for them. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/blog/instead-hacking-back-us-companies-should-let-cyber-command-do-it-them

Medairy, B. (n.d.). The future of cybersecurity: The best defense is a good offense. Retrieved from https://www.boozallen.com/s/insight/blog/future-of-cybersecurity.html




Not only is the government responsible for protecting land, water, and sea but now being added onto those three fundamentals is Cyberspace. The government has instilled many defensive measures in place in order to protect our systems from attacks. However, there have been many questions as to how to go about cyber-attacks offensively. Offensive cyber-attacks would mean that the government or military would be openly allowed to attack foreign nationals with aggressive force through cyberspace. However, I do not feel like offensive measures should be depended on or looked too much into and she is why.

In an article by Brandon Valeriano and Benjamin Jensen, the two explore the history of the United States taking offensive measures and the increasing need for it to be used by the government. They do eventually conclude that looking more into offensive cyber strategies would be hurting the United States more than helping it for many different reasons. Making more strategic moves offensively when it comes to cyber opens up an entirely new dimension and limitations for not only the United States but also other countries. If we would be the first to begin a random and forceful cyber-attack, it is more than likely that foreign terrorists will begin to test their limitations as well in retaliation (Valierno and Jensen, 2019). Trying to keep the balance between offensive and defensive measures in the government has been a tough regiment to deal with. However, for the safety of everyone across the world, it is best that more of the focus be on the defensive measures in the Cyberworld.

As far as the question of the government or private companies dealing with cyber warfare, it should without a doubt be the government to handle those types of situations. While both industries should be ready for any cyber-attack at any time, the government needs to be the one to rely on in the event of an attack. Private businesses should report to the government and track the situation when it occurs but there should be no reason that they are taking on cyber-attacks by themselves. That just opens an even bigger realm of confusion between the two parties (FDD, 2019). Plus, the government more than likely has the proper training to handle situations better like cyber-attacks.



FDD. (2019, February 5). U.S. Government and Private Industry Must Prepare for Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare Escalations. Retrieved from https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2019/02/05/government-and-private-industry-must-prepare-for-cyber-enabled-economic-warfare-escalations/

Valierno, B., & Jensen, B. (2019, January 8). The Myth of the Cyber Offense: The Case for Restraint. Retrieved from https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/myth-cyber-offense-case-restraint



Hello Class,

The short answer is Yes, the best cyber defense includes being on offense. Cyber defense is characterized as a computer network defense mechanism that includes action response and protection of critical infrastructure and information assurance for entities to include: government, organizations, and the public and private sector (Galinec, 2017). In addition to a responsive/reactive approach to cyber-attacks, U.S. cyber defense capabilities include an offensive approach, which was charged to the Department of Defense (DoD), who are responsible for defending the U.S. homeland and its interests from attacks that incur within cyberspace which is outlined in the DoD’s Cyber Strategy, particularly, its three primary missions. One of these missions includes if directed by the President or Secretary of Defense, the DoD will provide integrated cyber capabilities for the support of military operations and contingency plans, meaning that in certain circumstances, the U.S. military is legally able to conduct cyber operations to disrupt an enemy’s military-affiliated networks or infrastructure for the purpose of protecting U.S. interests, particularly, in an area of operation (Corrin, 2015). By conducting such offensive measures lets U.S. adversaries understand that the U.S. is willing to take offensive actions as deterrence for any future attacks.

With technology and advances within cyberspace continuing to guide the way society, business, and government move forward, the reality is that these advances also bring forth bad cyber actors whose goal is to steal intellectual property, inflict damage to U.S. critical infrastructure, etc. For these reasons, it is imperative and appropriate for both the private sector and government to engage in cyber warfare. While, many would argue that warfare, specifically, cyber warfare, should be engaged primarily through government, as there are repercussions that could result from an international level. Just as the National Cyber Strategy calls for a unified effort from all aspects of government and the private sector as it relates to cybersecurity, the same can be said about offensive cyber measures against bad cyber actors. However, the preference of these measures should be a concerted effort, as both may potentially be affected by either actions. Thanks!



Corrin, A. (2015). Defense cyber strategy: We can and will hit back. Retrieved from https://www.c4isrnet.com/home/2015/07/01/defense-cyber-strategy-we-can-and-will-hit-back/

Galinec, D. (2017). Cybersecurity and cyber defense: national level strategic approach. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00051144.2017.1407022




Cyber attacks, crime, and warfare are all relevantly newer concepts as computers are not nearly as old as most technological advancements. To go deeper, several younger politicians were born either well before or after the first computer which of course will make developing legislation and policies with this field complicated. That being said, some important questions can be asked for the current situations revolving around the cyber arena – the discussion on whether the United States should stay on the offensive and should government and private companies engage in cyber warfare. I believe that we should be on the offensive and that cyber warfare should be something that is done when necessary.

According to William Lynn, former United States Secretary of Defense, the newer policy was to “pull cyber into the mainstream military thinking.” (Corrin, 2015) Essentially, there have been increased discussions among our military and top government officials surrounding military response as if cyberattacks are equivalent to an act of war. This is not necessarily far out, because there are weaknesses in any government’s infrastructure that could easily be used against them or cause significant damage and destruction. (Wright, 2015) Take the United States for example. Several government operations, data, and overall infrastructure are reliant on the cyber realm. Imagine an adversary that was able to hack U.S. military computers and within 30 minutes could dismantle the country from the inside: financial market, nuclear missiles, oil refineries, air traffic controls, you name it. To me, this could be equivalent to an act of war and therefore if the U.S. is to keep the level of deterrence, adversaries need to understand there could be a more “aggressive” response.

Government and private organizations should definitely engage in cyber warfare when necessary because adversaries will continue to try and not only exploit us but also we could utilize cyber warfare to attack specific organizations. There are more international criminal organizations engaged in such behavior than there are of sole state governments and therefore military response might not be authorized if the sole target is simply an organization such as Al Qaeda. (Hermen, 2017) Furthermore, besides international organizations such as Al Qaeda improving cybersecurity skills, there are relevant domestic terror groups who pose cybersecurity threats within which once again makes military response difficult. To start, there is the National Alliance and Aryan Nation who have already increased their computer skills.

I believe a strong offensive strategy could not only help with the nation’s deterrence strategy but also allow us to become more knowledgeable and skilled in this area.



Corrin, A. (July 1, 2015). Defense cyber strategy: We can and will hit back, C4&ISR Networks. http://www.c4isrnet.com/story/militarytech/omr/cyberstrat/2015/07/01/defense-cyber-strategy-power/29558285/

Hemen, P. F. (2017). The implications of transnational cyber threats in international humanitarian law: Analysing the distinction between cybercrime, cyber attack, and cyber warfare in the 21st century. Baltic Journal of Law &

Politics, 10(1), 1-34. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.trident.edu:2048/10.1515/bjlp-2017-0001

Wright, A. (May 8, 2015). Cybersecurity: The Best Defense is a Good Offense.



Module 3 – Background


Required Reading

Averbuch A., & Siboni, G. (2013, May). The classic cyber defense methods have failed: What comes next? Military and Strategy Affairs, Vol 5, No. 1. Retrieved from http://www.inss.org.il/uploadImages/systemFiles/MA…

Assessing nine years of cyber security vulnerabilities and exploits (2018). 2018 Security Threat Report. Protiviti. Retrieved from https://www.protiviti.com/sites/default/files/info…

Buchanan, B. (2016). The life cycles of cyber threats. Survival, 58(1), 39-58, Retrieved from Trident Online Library

Cisco. (n.d.). Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution Overview. Retrieved from http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/…

Corrin, A. (2015, July 1). Defense cyber strategy: We can and will hit back. Retrieved from: http://www.c4isrnet.com/story/military-tech/omr/cy…

Wright, A. (2015, May 8). Cybersecurity: The best defense is a good offense. Mysterious Universe. Retrieved from http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/05/cyber-securi…

HL S571 Trident University International Law Cyber Attacks Question Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Lehman No One Should Limit Freedom of Speech if It Never Causes Violence Essay Writing Assignment Help

  • Write a 4 page (1000-1200 word) double-spaced typed essay in 10-12 point font.
  • • Base your paper on the 4 assigned articles on the topic of the boundaries of free speech. YOU SHOULD USE ALL OF THE ARTICLES THAT YOU USED FOR YOUR QUIZZES. This will be 4 of the 5 assigned articles.

    These are the articles for the assignment:

    1. Cancel Culture comes for Counterculture https://reason.com/2019/04/29/cancel-culture-comes…

    2. Facebook is removing Anon pages and groups from its sites, but critical thinking is still the best way to fight conspiracy theories https://theconversation.com/facebook-is-removing-q…

    3. What’s Offensive Art? The Answer isn’t Black and White https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2018/07/26/vincen…

    4. Thirty years on, Why the Satanic Verses remains so controversial https://theconversation.com/thirty-years-on-why-th…

    5. Unlearning Liberty https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspir…

    • Focus on the structure of your paper! Use the videos to help guide you.

    • Your introduction should begin with some background on your topic and end with your thesis statement. Your introduction can be more than one paragraph.

    • Your thesis should reflect the viewpoint that you arrive at after carefully reading and considering the assigned articles, but it should not be phrased in the first-person.

    • Develop your supporting points with a few well-chosen quotes as well as summary/paraphrase, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, based on how the articles were discussed in class, discussion boards, and quizzes.

    • You may also use the video interviews with R. Crumb, Quentin Tarantino, and Cornel West that were provided, but you are not required to. Use the video author’s name as your parenthetical citation.

    • DO NOT use outside sources.

    • Credit the source by adding the author’s name in parenthesis at the end of your sentence.

    • Summarize your supporting points and restate your thesis in your conclusion.

    • Avoid clichés.

    • Keep your language formal and academic. Do not use slang. Do not use “I” or “you.”

    • Include a works cited page in MLA form


    Lehman College The Laws on Freedom of Expression Boundaries of Free Speech Essay Writing Assignment Help

  • Write a 4 page (1000-1200 word) double-spaced typed essay in 10-12 point font.
  • • Base your paper on the 4 assigned articles on the topic of the boundaries of free speech. YOU SHOULD USE ALL OF THE ARTICLES THAT YOU USED FOR YOUR QUIZZES. This will be 4 of the 5 assigned articles.

    These are the articles for the assignment:

    1. Cancel Culture comes for Counterculture https://reason.com/2019/04/29/cancel-culture-comes…

    2. Facebook is removing Anon pages and groups from its sites, but critical thinking is still the best way to fight conspiracy theories https://theconversation.com/facebook-is-removing-q…

    3. What’s Offensive Art? The Answer isn’t Black and White https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2018/07/26/vincen…

    4. Thirty years on, Why the Satanic Verses remains so controversial https://theconversation.com/thirty-years-on-why-th…

    5. Unlearning Liberty https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspir…

  • Focus on the structure of your paper! Use the videos to help guide you.
  • Your introduction should begin with some background on your topic and end with your thesis statement. Your introduction can be more than one paragraph.
  • Your thesis should reflect the viewpoint that you arrive at after carefully reading and considering the assigned articles, but it should not be phrased in the first-person.
  • Develop your supporting points with a few well-chosen quotes as well as summary/paraphrase, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, based on how the articles were discussed in class, discussion boards, and quizzes.
  • • You may also use the video interviews with R. Crumb, Quentin Tarantino, and Cornel West that were provided, but you are not required to. Use the video author’s name as your parenthetical citation.

  • DO NOT use outside sources.
  • Credit the source by adding the author’s name in parenthesis at the end of your sentence.
  • Summarize your supporting points and restate your thesis in your conclusion.
  • Avoid clichés.
  • Keep your language formal and academic. Do not use slang. Do not use “I” or “you.”
  • Include a works cited page in MLA form
  • [supanova_question]

    Medical Prep Institute The Gate Control Theory of Pain and Morphine Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me study.

    During a student nursing clinical, you are assigned to care for a client receiving morphine IV for control of postoperative pain. The clinical instructor has assigned you to explain the following:

    1. What role does morphine play in the gate control theory of pain? Your answer should include information on the actions of morphine.
    1. What are the differences between narcotic agonists, narcotic agonists–antagonists, and narcotic antagonists?

    Original posts must be at least 350 words.

    You need to have at least 1 reference and it needs to be written in APA format. The reference must be your textbook or scholarly/academic site (not wikepedia or ask.com, etc.)


    Cuyamaca College Weight Loss Regime Questions Humanities Assignment Help

    The most basic way to lose weight is to modify or reduce calories from your traditional diet. Simple Diet 101 philosophy, right? But how many of you really have an idea of the math or proper way to reduce calories. That’s right, reduce calories rather than cutting them out completely. How many times have you cut a specific food and then in your sleep the little voice says “EAT ME”? Well don’t cut it, reduce the amount and the times you eat it.


    In your post please include the following:

    1. Briefly describe three foods you could reduce from your current lifestyle.
    2. What food could you add (alternatives) or substitute to better help you reduce your calorie consumption?

    Please reply to at least ONE of your peer’s posts. In reply, please do one of the following:

    1. Note something you have in common with the others students when it comes to food intake.
    2. Share some feedback or advice in response to what ideas for calorie reduction.

    Tips for success:

    • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
    • Please note, if you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.
    • Please keep the post to only what is asked in the assignment – if you have questions or other comments please post them in the appropriate forum.
    • We should be able to read your post in the forum without having to open any additional documents.

    Grading Rubric

    Click on the Gear icon located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this assignment. All assignments must be submitted through CANVAS. The instructor will not except emailed assignments.



    CRJS 416 AIU ONLINE Homeland Security & Crisis Management Planning Discussion Law Assignment Help

    create a strategic plan (10–12 pages) to improve collaboration between the agencies that are involved in homeland security and emergency response in your city. Be sure to describe how your plan will encourage agencies to work together and avoid turf wars with regard to information and jurisdiction.

    For this assignment, the strategies and plans listed in the resources for this and the other units provide examples of plans that you may use as a template. Because of the page limit, it is unlikely that an entire strategic plan is achievable. Therefore, you should focus on preparing a collaboration annex to the plan that you select.

    • You will again approach it from the perspective of an emergency planner for the real-world county that you have employed all term. (Again, please use a pseudonym when referring to this county.)
    • Choose either an emergency operations plan or a subject-specific plan (such as pandemic influenza, school safety and preparedness, information sharing, establishing a fusion center, or any other reasonable topic).
    • Locate an annex in any plan or strategy; it does not need to be the plan that you have selected to contribute to for this assignment.
    • You are going to produce a collaboration annex to a plan that is used (actually or hypothetically) by your county.
      • Provide definitions and explanations for key terms, including interagency, partners, collaborative relationships, coordination, and team-building.
    • Develop and describe 3–5 primary overarching objectives for collaboration and coordination. These are strategic and therefore conceptual; you will be more specific later.
      • These objectives should be as detailed as possible to include information as to why and how they should be pursued and achieved.
      • An example of an objective may be to seek consensus with the subsequent rationale for this, potentially including focusing the team on a single end state, permitting all partners to have some ownership on the plan’s elements or overall goals, or demonstrating respect for all partners’ perspectives.
        • These components must be fully explained.
    • Identify at least ten stakeholders with whom the county will need to collaborate for this specific plan. Describe the following for each partner:
      • The specific capabilities that it brings to bear
      • Benefits that it will reap from collaboration
      • Challenges that collaboration or partnering will create for it
      • Points of contact for each partner agency
      • Any other information that you feel is relevant
    • Educate prospective partners on methods that the county will use to promote collaboration.
      • Select or originally design at least four methods, programs or approaches designed to foster collaboration.
        • You have learned about some methods and can locate many more in available strategies and operating procedures, especially those focused primarily on interagency coordination.
        • You may choose methods from existing sources, design your own programs, or combine both forms; if you use a method from another source, you must properly reference it.
    • Identify and describe at least three ways that partners will be incorporated into exercises; make these descriptions detailed, logical, and relevant to the success of this specific plan.
    • Write a short summary wrapping up the intentions of your annex.

    Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

    CRJS 416 AIU ONLINE Homeland Security & Crisis Management Planning Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Rutgers University Political Campaign Communication Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    After watching the film, please respond to the following questions:

    1. What differences did you find between how Shirley Chisholm campaigned in 1972 and today’s presidential campaigns. Try to think of differences beyond the simply technological.

    2. Do you think Chisholm ever had a chance to win? If yes, what should she have done differently? If no, what might be the reasons to run a presidential campaign that is not likely to win?


    After watching the film, please respond to the following questions:

    1. What do you think about the relationship between the candidate and the press? Is it friendly, adversarial, a combination, or something else? How does this relationship affect how the media covers the candidate?

    2. Many of Bush’s events on the campaign trail seem to be pseudoevents (see Political Campaign Communication, p. 67-68). Why does the press cover these events? Should they? Do they help voters make a decision?


    Opportunity Cost Production Possibilities Curve and Scarcity Questions Paper Economics Assignment Help

    1- Your volunteer organization, save the earth, is trying to raise money and has decided to run an organizer. They have figured out that they can plant 80 small trees in an 8 hour day, or they can plant 40 larger trees in the same time.

    Using the information given, draw the model to display and explain the data and the relationship between scarcity and opportunity costs.

    2- Your factory currently makes parts of Teslas and BMWs at 6 million Teslas/year And 3 million BMWs/year. using the information given, draw the model to display the production possibilities curve and opportunity cost.

    Also, explain the data.

    Label Appropriate points such as Economic Inefficiency and Unattainable.

    3- Explain and map out economist growth.

    4- Explain and map out economic decline.


    AU Mishandled Interpersonal Conflict in The Film Frozen Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Film options:


    Erin Brockovich

    If you have problems accessing any of this content, contact your instructor immediately.

    In this assignment, you will write a two- to three-page (500 to 750 word) paper in which you apply some of the communication-based conflict resolution strategies outlined in your textbook to a conflict in a fictional television program or film.

    In your paper,

    Define conflict, utilizing Bevan.

    Describe one interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively in the television episode or film.

    Explain how this situation meets the criteria for interpersonal conflict, utilizing Bevan, Section 9.2.

    oNote: Focus on one exchange that illustrates one conflict and not the entire plot of the episode. If possible, provide some dialogue so the reader can clearly see how the characters handled the situation.

    Explain why the conflict was not handled effectively, utilizing Bevan (Chapters 8 and 9).

    Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters used to address the conflict, utilizing Bevan.

    Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters could have used to resolve this conflict more effectively, utilizing Bevan.

    The Interpersonal Conflict in Television or Film paper

    Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length, which is 500 to 750 words (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.

    Must include a separate title page with the following:

    oTitle of paper

    oStudent’s name

    oCourse name and number

    oInstructor’s name

    oDate submitted

    For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

    Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

    Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

    oFor assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

    Must use at Bevan multiple times, including to define conflict and explore ways the characters can overcome it.

    Must document use of Bevan following APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.

    Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

    Late Policy: Faculty will accept late submissions of written assignments up to 3 days after the due date. The maximum late penalty that may be applied to assignments submitted within 3 days of the deadline is 10%.


    GU Wk 1 IT Project Management Success Factors & Measuring Project Success Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

    Information Technology Project Management – Week 1 Assignment 1

    W1 Assignment

    Project Success Factors and Measuring Project Success

    Read the assigned chapter(s) of the textbook, and the summary of, “Chaos Manifesto 2013,” (Manifesto, 2013, n.d.). You can read the full article if you sign up for a free membership at The Standish Group.

    What are factors that lead to project success? Analyze each success factor and conclude why you think each factor leads to successful projects, or why not.

    Read “Measuring Project Success Using Business KPIs” at, http://www.projecttimes.com/articles/measuring-project-success-using-business-kpis.html (Parker, 2014).

    In what ways can we measure a project’s success?

    If a project is on time, on budget and meets scope goals, would you consider it as successful? Why, or why not?

    Answer these questions in 4 – 5 pages.

    Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.


    Manifesto, C. (2013). Think Big, Act Small. The Standish Group International Inc.
    Manifesto, C. (n.d.). Think big, act small, 2013//[Electronic resource]–Access mode: http://www. versionone. com/assets/img/files. CHAOSManifesto2013. Pdf.

    Parker, J. (2014, May 4). Measuring Project Success Using Business KPIs. Retrieved April 7, 2016, from http://www.projecttimes.com/articles/measuring-project-success-using-business-kpis.html


    18-20 points


    16-17 points


    14-15 points


    12-13 points


    0-11 points

    Comprehension of Assignment

    (20% of grade)

    Addressed the question completely and thoroughly. Provided additional supporting evidence, demonstrating a full comprehension of subject matter.

    Addressed the question(s) completely and thoroughly.

    Addressed the majority of the question(s).

    Addressed minimal portions of the question(s).

    Did not address the question(s).

    Application of Course Knowledge and Content

    (20% of grade)

    Thorough technical application of course knowledge and content in a complete and concise manner.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is mostly accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is partially accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is minimally accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is inaccurate and incomplete.

    Organization of Ideas

    (20% of grade)

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order throughout the entire assignment. Includes adequate and appropriate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order within a majority of the assignment. Includes acceptable supporting evidence

    Original ideas are partially developed and presented in a somewhat logical, sequential order. Inadequate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are not present and/or not presented in a logical, sequential order. Organization is difficult to follow throughout the assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Little to no original ideas or organization present throughout the entire assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Writing Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless, including proficient demonstration of citations and formatting throughout the entire assignment.

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate including demonstration of citations and formatting within a majority of the assignment.

    Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) including demonstration of citations and formatting within minimal portions of the assignment.

    Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), inaccurate demonstration of citations and formatting.

    Assignment is incomprehensible due to multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation). No demonstration of citations or formatting present.

    Research Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Accurate and applicable use of resources relevant to the subject matter that enhance the overall assignment.

    Appropriate use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Adequate use of resources, not all resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Minimal use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    No evidence of resources apparent.




    18-20 points


    16-17 points


    14-15 points


    12-13 points


    0-11 points

    Comprehension of Assignment

    (20% of grade)

    Addressed the question completely and thoroughly. Provided additional supporting evidence, demonstrating a full comprehension of subject matter.

    Addressed the question(s) completely and thoroughly.

    Addressed the majority of the question(s).

    Addressed minimal portions of the question(s).

    Did not address the question(s).

    Application of Course Knowledge and Content

    (20% of grade)

    Thorough technical application of course knowledge and content in a complete and concise manner.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is mostly accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is partially accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is minimally accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is inaccurate and incomplete.

    Organization of Ideas

    (20% of grade)

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order throughout the entire assignment. Includes adequate and appropriate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order within a majority of the assignment. Includes acceptable supporting evidence

    Original ideas are partially developed and presented in a somewhat logical, sequential order. Inadequate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are not present and/or not presented in a logical, sequential order. Organization is difficult to follow throughout the assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Little to no original ideas or organization present throughout the entire assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Writing Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless, including proficient demonstration of citations and formatting throughout the entire assignment.

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate including demonstration of citations and formatting within a majority of the assignment.

    Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) including demonstration of citations and formatting within minimal portions of the assignment.

    Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), inaccurate demonstration of citations and formatting.

    Assignment is incomprehensible due to multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation). No demonstration of citations or formatting present.

    Research Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Accurate and applicable use of resources relevant to the subject matter that enhance the overall assignment.

    Appropriate use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Adequate use of resources, not all resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Minimal use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    No evidence of resources apparent.




    18-20 points


    16-17 points


    14-15 points


    12-13 points


    0-11 points

    Comprehension of Assignment

    (20% of grade)

    Addressed the question completely and thoroughly. Provided additional supporting evidence, demonstrating a full comprehension of subject matter.

    Addressed the question(s) completely and thoroughly.

    Addressed the majority of the question(s).

    Addressed minimal portions of the question(s).

    Did not address the question(s).

    Application of Course Knowledge and Content

    (20% of grade)

    Thorough technical application of course knowledge and content in a complete and concise manner.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is mostly accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is partially accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is minimally accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is inaccurate and incomplete.

    Organization of Ideas

    (20% of grade)

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order throughout the entire assignment. Includes adequate and appropriate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order within a majority of the assignment. Includes acceptable supporting evidence

    Original ideas are partially developed and presented in a somewhat logical, sequential order. Inadequate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are not present and/or not presented in a logical, sequential order. Organization is difficult to follow throughout the assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Little to no original ideas or organization present throughout the entire assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Writing Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless, including proficient demonstration of citations and formatting throughout the entire assignment.

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate including demonstration of citations and formatting within a majority of the assignment.

    Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) including demonstration of citations and formatting within minimal portions of the assignment.

    Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), inaccurate demonstration of citations and formatting.

    Assignment is incomprehensible due to multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation). No demonstration of citations or formatting present.

    Research Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Accurate and applicable use of resources relevant to the subject matter that enhance the overall assignment.

    Appropriate use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Adequate use of resources, not all resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Minimal use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    No evidence of resources apparent.




    18-20 points


    16-17 points


    14-15 points


    12-13 points


    0-11 points

    Comprehension of Assignment

    (20% of grade)

    Addressed the question completely and thoroughly. Provided additional supporting evidence, demonstrating a full comprehension of subject matter.

    Addressed the question(s) completely and thoroughly.

    Addressed the majority of the question(s).

    Addressed minimal portions of the question(s).

    Did not address the question(s).

    Application of Course Knowledge and Content

    (20% of grade)

    Thorough technical application of course knowledge and content in a complete and concise manner.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is mostly accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is partially accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is minimally accurate, concise and complete.

    Technical application of course knowledge and content is inaccurate and incomplete.

    Organization of Ideas

    (20% of grade)

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order throughout the entire assignment. Includes adequate and appropriate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order within a majority of the assignment. Includes acceptable supporting evidence

    Original ideas are partially developed and presented in a somewhat logical, sequential order. Inadequate supporting evidence.

    Original ideas are not present and/or not presented in a logical, sequential order. Organization is difficult to follow throughout the assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Little to no original ideas or organization present throughout the entire assignment. Lacks supporting evidence.

    Writing Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless, including proficient demonstration of citations and formatting throughout the entire assignment.

    Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate including demonstration of citations and formatting within a majority of the assignment.

    Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) including demonstration of citations and formatting within minimal portions of the assignment.

    Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), inaccurate demonstration of citations and formatting.

    Assignment is incomprehensible due to multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation). No demonstration of citations or formatting present.

    Research Skills

    (20% of grade)

    Accurate and applicable use of resources relevant to the subject matter that enhance the overall assignment.

    Appropriate use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Adequate use of resources, not all resources relevant to the subject matter.

    Minimal use of resources relevant to the subject matter.

    No evidence of resources apparent.


    HL S571 Trident University International Law Cyber Attacks Question Law Assignment Help

    HL S571 Trident University International Law Cyber Attacks Question Law Assignment Help

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