HLS 405 TUI National Response Framework And National Incident Management System Discussion Law Assignment Help

HLS 405 TUI National Response Framework And National Incident Management System Discussion Law Assignment Help. HLS 405 TUI National Response Framework And National Incident Management System Discussion Law Assignment Help.

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Module 1 – Case Assignment 1


Case Overview


Implementation of National Response Framework Mission Area

This Implementation effort is consistent with Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-8. Core capabilities are the distinct elements needed to achieve the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) (See Overview of the National planning Frameworks).

The Response mission area includes 14 core capabilities as follows:


2.Public Information and Warning

3.Operational Coordination

4.Critical Transportation

5.Environmental Response/Health and Safety

6.Fatality Management Services

7.Infrastructure Systems

8.Mass Care Services

9.Mass Search and Rescue Operations

10. On-Scene Security and Protection

11. Operational Communications

12. Public and Private Services and Resources

13. Public Health and Medical Services

14. Situational Assessment.


Command and Management: Incident Commander (IC) and Command Staff

According to NIMS, the Incident Command System is responsible for the overall management of a system.

The five management functions of the Incident Command System of an incident are:

1.Incident Command – Sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities and has overall responsibility for the incident.

2.Operations – Conducts operations to reach the incident objectives.

3.Planning – Supports the incident action planning process by tracking resources, and collecting/analyzing information.

4.Logistics – Provides resources and needed services to support the achievement of the incident objectives.

5.Finance & Administration Monitors costs related to the incident (NIMS).

Case Assignment


Rank order (in order of priority) the 14 core capabilities of the NRF. Explain why you rank ordered 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Be specific.

Explain how the United States conducts an all-hazards response in the five preparedness mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and disaster recovery.


When would a Deputy Incident Commander (Deputy IC) be necessary? Give examples.

In The missing piece of NIMS: Teaching incident commanders how to function in the edge of Chaos, the author notes that first responders have to deal with a disaster situation already unfolding, and not “all the pieces fit together nicely.” The author writes about the Five Tenets of Working in Chaos. Please paraphrase each one using your own words.

Assignment Expectations

Length: This Case Assignment should be 3-5 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.


Module 1 – Background


Required Reading

Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201, 3rd Ed. (2018). FEMA. https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1527613746…

Executive Summary: Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization Operational Area Emergency Plan (2010). Office of Emergency Services, County of San Diego. Retrieved from http://www.co.san-diego.ca.us/oes/emergency_manage…

National Incident Management System (2017), 3rd. Ed., FEMA. Retrieved from https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1508151197…

2019 National Preparedness Report. (2019). FEMA.gov. Retrieved from https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/document…. Click 2019 National Preparedness Report Executive Summary and review the 2-page findings.

Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8: National Preparedness (2011). U.S. Department of Homeland Security Retrieved from: http://www.dhs.gov/presidential-policy-directive-8…

Renauld, C. (2012). The missing piece of NIMS: Teaching incident commanders how to function in the edge of Chaos, Homeland Security Affairs, 8(8). Retrieved from: http://www.hsaj.org/?article=8.1.8[Download article]

Required Websites

National Planning Frameworks. FEMA. http://www.fema.gov/national-planning-frameworks

National Response Framework, Fourth Edition. FEMA. https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/document…

Required Videos

Citywide Incident Management System (2019). NYC Emergency Management. Retrieved from https://www1.nyc.gov/site/em/about/citywide-incident-management-system.page

Incident Command System, NIMS Familiarization (2012). RMP Corp. Retrieved from:
Note: Regardless of whether the presenter talks about natural or manmade disasters, focus on the components of NIMS.

HLS 405 TUI National Response Framework And National Incident Management System Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSY 120 Grossmont College Human Personality Traits Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Consider how nature and nurture are intertwined in their influence on personality. Which human personality traits do you think are more influenced by nature, and which do you think are more influenced by nurture? Explain

Some people believe that “all you are” is determined by the types and amount of neurotransmitters that ooze through your synaptic gaps and the electrical current in your brain.

  • Do you think that all of your thoughts, hopes, dreams and aspirations are results of physiological processes; your love, hate, anger and memories are only at the synaptic level? Why or why not?
  • How would you explain this to someone who knows nothing about how the brain works?

in your own w


MUSIC 115 Cuyamaca College Musical Style Elements Journal Humanities Assignment Help

Choose TWO AUDIO examples (not video clips) from Unit 1 and write a 150-word journal that presents details of each song as well as comparisons. Audio examples are found in the modules area or click here.


For our first Listening Journal, please compare an original Rhythm and Blues (R&B) song and it’s cover version. Your options from this unit are either:

“Sh’boom” by the Chords (R&B original) and Crew Cuts (pop cover)


“Shake Rattle and Roll” by Big Joe Turner (original R&B) and Elvis Presley (cover country-based rock n roll)

Utilize your textbook and the PowerPoint presentation for this assignment. Include information about the audio examples including the artist, the genre or style of the music and instruments used. Please comment on the melody, rhythm, timbre, form and text of each song. How does the song change when it’s covered by different artists in a different genre? You may also want to refer to the Musical Style Elements lecture presentation for clarification of musical terminology.


Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.


MKT 3321 Texas Wesleyan University Boston Consulting Group Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

There are two questions : Each question on separate word file.

1. BCG

First, choose a specific product from a known brand (you can choose the very same product and brand you are considering for the course project).

Then do some research about the product and the brand. Specifically, identify the following:

  • Product’s market share
  • Competitors who compete with the product in the same market
  • Characteristics of the industry the product is in
  • Future of the product
  • Future of the industry

Finally, using the information you have gleaned, determine where in the BCG Matrix your chosen product stands and explain why in a written report.

2. Discussion

SWOT analysis of any university of business school. Research the school’s internal and external environments.


West Coast University Week 7 Public Health Leadership Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

As a public health leader, it is important to understand your own personal mission, vision, and values statement.

Your leadership philosophy and style will be reflected to those you work with.

Use the bullets below to develop your leadership philosophy:

  • Identify three examples of personal success (e.g., at work, in your community, at home). Is there a pattern or theme to your successes?
  • Develop a list of five core values that you believe in. Which value is most important to you?
  • How do you want to make a difference? How do you contribute to your employer, your family, and/or the world?
  • What are your short- and long-term goals? Prioritize them.
  • Write your mission, vision, and values statement (can be placed either in the body of the paper or in the Appendix section).
  • In your conclusion paragraph, describe the process of writing this mission statement. Did you learn anything new about yourself? How can you use this mission statement in the future?

Your assignment can either be written in Word (2–3 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages) or you can use PowerPoint or any other presentation software. Use current APA formatting to style your paper/presentation and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

See the rubric for specific grading criteria.

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)
Points: 100 points



Ashford University Definitions and Types of Terrorism Discussion Law Assignment Help

Definitions and Types of Terrorism

As you have seen, the definition of terrorism can differ from person to person and from organization to organization. Most definitions have some elements in common.

  • Who should have the authority to “officially” define terrorism? Why do you think so?
  • What is your definition of a terrorist? Explain your definition.
  • What types of terrorists exist in the world today? List and describe the motivations of today’s major terrorist groups.
  • What can be done to limit the growth of terrorists and terrorism? Describe a plan to limit the growth of terror groups.
  • Are there no alternatives to violence for terrorist groups to make themselves heard?

Ashford University Definitions and Types of Terrorism Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of The Sacred Heart ?Guía De Estudio de Aspectos Culturales Y Ética Jurídica en Farmacología Health Medical Assignment Help

Guía de estudios # 2: Unidad II – Aspectos Culturales y ético legales en farmacología

Unidad II – Aspectos culturales, ético-legal, morales, humanísticos y espirituales en la administración de drogas.

A. Leyes que regulan la administración de drogas

   1.  Acta de alimentos y drogas puras

   2. Acta federal de alimentos, drogas y cosméticos’

   3.  Administración de drogas y alimentos

B. Leyes que regulan la administración de substancias controladas

C. Implicaciones de enfermería al administrar drogas controladas.

D. Aspectos culturales, humanísticos y espirituales en la farmacoterapia.


En farmacología es importante considerar la cultura, los grupos étnicos para ser efectivos en la administración de medicamentos. Las costumbres, la religión son significativas en la adherencia al tratamiento. Por lo tanto en el estimado de enfermería es importante tomar en cuenta estos aspectos transculturales.


Al completar esta guía los estudiantes podrán: 

1. Explicar los conceptos: etnofarmacología, enfermería transcultural y prácticas de salud complementarias.

2. Discriminar entre las categorías de substancias controladas.

3. Distinguir los entre los estilos  de comunicación, la preferencia de espacio y la organización social.

4. Aplicar el proceso de enfermería considerando la etnofarmacia.


Kee J. L., Hayes, E. R., & McCuistion, L. (2018). Pharmacology: A nursing process approach (9thed.). Philadelphia: Saunders, Elsevier.



Debe contestar cada pregunta en sus propias palabras en forma precisa y concisa, con un límite de 15 -20 páginas. Considere los indicadores de la rúbrica. El trabajo puede ser entregado en grupo.

Lea las preguntas, contéstelas y envíelas en o antes de la fecha señalada en el calendario a través de ésta tarea.


1.Explique en sus propias palabras: Marcos

 – Etnofarmacología

 – Enfermería transcultural

 – Prácticas de salud complementarias

2. Explique las categorías I – V de sustancias controladas. Mareily

3. Escriba 10 responsabilidades de enfermería cuando administra sustancias controladas. Rosemarie

4. Escriba el Código de ética de la Asociación Americana de Enfermería. Keren

5. Compare los estilos de comunicación, la preferencia de espacio y la organización social de las siguientes culturas: Europeos, africanos y  los latinos. Luis

6. Integre la etnofarmacología  en el proceso de enfermería:

– Escriba 10 aspectos etnofarmacológicos a estimar en el cliente y familia. Dayan

– Establezca  3 diagnósticos de enfermería relacionados a la etnofarmacología. Dayan

– Escriba 5 intervenciones de enfermería por cada diagnostico de enfermería. Dayan

– Identifique  3 actividades educativas relacionadas a la etnofarmacología. Rosemarie


Escala de valoración:

4 – Excelente: Exhibe todos los criterios indicados con un máximo de excelencia. Expresa las ideas en forma clara, concisa y coordinada. (No presenta errores)

3 – Bueno: Exhibe los criterios indicados satisfactoriamente. Presenta el criterio, pero contiene información innecesaria o faltan aspectos relevantes. Algunas ideas no están claras o coordinadas. (Presenta 1 – 2 errores)

2 – Regular: Muestra detalles irrelevantes o carece de información necesaria. No evidencia organización ni coordinación de ideas. (Presenta 3-5 errores)

1 – Deficiente: Carece de información para evaluar el criterio. Presenta muchos errores. No tiene las ideas claras, concisas y coordinadas. (Presenta 6 o más errores)

0 – Ausente: No provee la información

Your assignment will be graded based on this rubric.

RubricTarea: Guía de estudios # 2 ENF 231 – [grupal línea] Rubric

44 possible points


4 points


3 points


2 points


1 point


0 points

Portada, presentación y límite de páginas

–/4 points

Portada, presentación y límite de 15 – 20 páginas.

Portada con encabezamiento, título, autor, fecha, curso, profesor y páginas enumeradas.

Contesta todas las preguntas en un máximo de 15 – 20 páginas, letra arial 12 a doble espacio.

Portada presenta la mayor parte de los elementos (No incluye 1 – 2 )

Contesta las preguntas en un máximo de 21 – 25 páginas, letra arial 12 a doble espacio.

Portada presenta  parte de los elementos solicitados (No incluye 3 – 4 )

Contesta las preguntas en un máximo de 26 – 30 páginas.

No presenta la mayor parte de los elements solicitados (No incluye 5 – 6).

Contesta las preguntas en un máximo de 31 – 35 páginas.

No presenta portada y contesta las preguntas en mas de  35 páginas.


–/4 points

Redacción, estilo, ortografía  y gramática correcta  con secuencia lógica.

Excelente organización de ideas, coherencia en párrafo, corrección sintáctica ortográfica y gramática.

Buena organización de ideas, coherencia en párrafos. La corrección parcial sintáctica, ortográfica y gramatical.(Presenta 1 – 2 errores)

Deficiencia en sintaxis, ortografía y gramática. Deficiencia en organización de ideas y párrafos.  (Presenta 3-5 errores)

Sintaxis y gramática pobre. Deficiencia en organización de ideas y párrafos.(Presenta 6-7 errores)

No existe organización de ideas, coherencia en los tópicos y párrafos, con corrección sintáctica, ortográfica y gramatical pobre.(Presenta más de -7 errores)

Literatura e investigación profesional

–/4 points

Evidencia de búsqueda de literatura profesional a través del trabajo. 

Evidencia búsqueda de literatura profesional reciente (no más de 5 años de publicada) relacionada al tema y al curso; incluyendo 3 artículos de enfermería sobre nuevas tendencias en el tema, las cuales incorpora y los cita en el contenido de la guía.

Evidencia búsqueda de literatura profesional reciente (no más de 5 años de publicada) relacionada al tema y al curso; incluyendo  2 artículos de enfermería sobre nuevas tendencias en el tema, las cuales incorpora y los cita en el contenido de la guía.

Evidencia poca búsqueda de literatura profesional reciente (no más de 5 años de publicada) relacionada al tema y al curso; incluyendo 1 artículo de enfermería sobre nuevas tendencias en el tema, las cuales incorpora y los cita en el contenido de la guía.

Evidencia muy poca búsqueda de literatura profesional reciente relacionada al tema y al curso; No incluye artículo de enfermería sobre nuevas tendencias en el tema.

No evidencia búsqueda de literatura.


–/4 points

Cita referencias relacionadas al tópico según el formato de la última edición de APA.

Cita todas referencias utilizadas  relacionadas al curso, según formato de la última edición de APA en todas las preguntas.

Cita la mayor parte de las referencias utilizadas  relacionadas al curso, según formato de la última edición de APA en la mayoría de las preguntas.

(Presenta 1 – 2 errores)

Cita parte de las referencias utilizadas  según formato de la última edición de APA  en alguna de las preguntas.

(Presenta 3-5 errores)

La mayor parte del contenido carece de citas.

No presenta citas.

Pensamiento crítico

–/4 points

Evidencia de pensamiento crítico

Evidencia pensamiento crítico al exponer  con dominio todos los planteamientos en cada tópico.

Evidencia pensamiento crítico al exponer  con dominio la mayor parte de los planteamientos en cada tópico.

(Presenta 1 – 2 errores)

Ocasionalmente demuestra pensamiento crítico al exponer los planteamientos.

(Presenta 3-5 errores)

En la mayor parte del contenido no evidencia pensamiento crítico al exponer los planteamientos .

(Presenta 6 – 8  errores)

Carece de pensamiento crítico en todos los tópicos.


–/4 points

Contesta todas las preguntas solicitadas.

El contenido lo desarrolla  en un discurso propio (100 %)basado en todas las preguntas y las respuestas contienen los conceptos principales requeridos incorporando citas de otros autores en formato APA.

La mayor parte (80%) del contenido lo desarrolla  en un discurso propio basado en todas las preguntas y las respuestas contienen los conceptos principales requeridos incorporando citas de otros autores en formato APA.

(Presenta 1 – 2 errores)

Parte (70 %) del contenido lo desarrolla  en un discurso propio basado en las preguntas y las respuestas carecen de los conceptos principales requeridos.  Incorpora pocas citas de otros autores.  (Presenta 3-5 errores)

El escrito evidencia ausencia total de elaboración personal. No hay evidencia de un discurso propio en el escrito.

El texto presenta párrafos ajenos sin citar la fuente (plagio, “copiar y pegar”), o no es completo en las citas.


–/4 points

Escrito organizado  con secuencia lógica.

Demuestra organización excelente del escrito y sigue completamente el formato establecido para la tarea.  Incluye sub tópicos del contenido en secuencia lógica.

La mayor parte de la tarea sigue casi en su totalidad el formato establecido para el trabajo.

Incluye los sub tópicos del contenido en secuencia lógica. 

(Presenta 1 – 2 errores)

No sigue el formato establecido para el trabajo.

Dificultad para elaborar el contenido en sub tópicos.

En la mayor parte  de la tarea no presenta ninguna organización.

No sigue las preguntas guías de la presentación.

Reflexión crítica

–/4 points

Reflexión crítica de la importancia de los conceptos incluidos.

Reflexiona críticamente sobre la importancia de los conceptos planteados  para la disciplina de enfermería farmacológica, mínimo  de 9 – 10 oraciones basadas en argumentos  de  evidencia científica.

Reflexiona críticamente sobre la importancia de los conceptos planteados  para la disciplina de enfermería farmacológica, mínimo  de  7 – 8 oraciones basadas en argumentos  de  evidencia científica.

Reflexiona superficialmente sobre la importancia de los conceptos planteados  para la disciplina de enfermería farmacológica, mínimo  de 5 – 6 oraciones basadas en argumentos  de  evidencia científica.

Reflexiona muy superficial sobre la importancia de los conceptos planteados  para la disciplina de enfermería farmacológica, menos de 5 oraciones.

No provee la información

Implicaciones para la práctica

–/4 points

Implicaciones del tópico para la práctica de enfermería.

Identifica implicaciones de los tópicos discutidas para la práctica de enfermería farmacológica, mínimo  de 9 – 10 oraciones  basadas en argumentos  de  evidencia científica.

Identifica implicaciones de los tópicos discutidas para la práctica de enfermería farmacológica, mínimo  de 7 –  8 oraciones  basadas en argumentos  de  evidencia científica.

Identifica implicaciones de los tópicos discutidas para la práctica de enfermería farmacológica, mínimo 5 – 6 oraciones.

Identifica algunas implicaciones de los tópicos discutidas para la práctica de enfermería farmacológica, menos de 5 oraciones.

No provee la información

Conclusión de la evidencia

–/4 points

Conclusión del tema discutido y del aprendizaje obtenido en la tarea

Ofrece conclusión sobre el tema discutido que incluye el aprendizaje adquirido en 8 – 10 oraciones, que evidencien pensamiento crítico profundo.   Sustenta la postura con un mínimo de 3 citas actualizadas.

Ofrece conclusión sobre el tema discutido que incluye el aprendizaje adquirido en 6 – 7 oraciones que evidencien pensamiento crítico.

Sustenta la postura con un mínimo de 2 citas actualizadas.

Ofrece conclusión sobre el tema discutido que incluye el aprendizaje adquirido en 4- 5 oraciones que evidencien pensamiento crítico pobre.

Sustenta la postura con un mínimo de 1 cita actualizada.

Ofrece conclusión sobre el tema discutido que incluye el aprendizaje adquirido en 2 -3  oraciones que no evidencien pensamiento crítico.

No incluye citas.

No provee la información


–/4 points

Referencias utilizadas

Redacta referencias correctamente según la última edición de APA, las coloca en orden alfabético, utiliza mínimo 4  fuentes de información, recientes (publicadas en los últimos cinco años), confiables, profesionales y, relacionadas al tema, que aparecen citadas en el cuerpo del trabajo.

Redacta la mayor parte de las referencias correctamente y aparecen en su mayoría citadas en el cuerpo del trabajo.

Utiliza tres (3) fuentes de información, recientes, confiables, profesionales y relacionadas al tema

Referencias redactadas incorrectamente, no utiliza APA y no se relacionan al tema.

Solo utiliza dos (2) referencias y utiliza solo una fuente de información.

Referencias incompletas y no aparecen citadas en el texto.

Solo utiliza una (1) referencia.

No presenta refrencias.


American InterContinental University Applied Managerial Marketing Setting Goals Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

400-600 words

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).

Michelle, Elena, and the Mobile Manufacturing, Inc. (MM) board of directors know how important it is to understand the environment in which it is operating. They hired you—a highly-regarded marketing consultant—to bring a fresh perspective to the marketing plan. You are scheduled to meet with Michelle and Elena next week to discuss the environmental conditions that are relevant to introducing the new product.

As you prepare for the meeting, you consider all of the possible environmental issues. You recognize that Elena brings an interesting perspective to the process because she has experience designing mobile phones for the Eastern European market, and she is pushing for a new product that can be marketed worldwide. On the other hand, Michelle is more concerned with the domestic marketplace and is worried that trying to market a new product anywhere outside the United States—much less worldwide—could be very risky.

You sit down to start your work on the marketing plan, and you begin by drafting some goals that the marketing plan needs to address.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Walking through the halls at MM, you ponder the job that lies ahead. Coming out of her office, Michelle spots you and heads in your direction.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she says. “Have you settled into your office?”
“Yes,” you say. “I’m eager to get started.”
Michelle enters your office and takes a seat in a chair. “I’m scheduled to make a presentation to the board at the quarterly meeting next week. I know it’s short notice, but I was wondering if you could pull together a 30-minute presentation for them?” she asks.
“What would you like me to present?” you ask.
“As you know, you and Elena have been brought on to revitalize the product line for the company. Your role is to create a winning marketing plan that will allow us to capitalize on the new product that Elena is designing. The board would like you to discuss some of the issues that you will be considering as you develop the marketing plan for the new product. I know they’re especially interested in your thoughts on the global market.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” you say.

Consider the environmental variables (i.e., technological, demographic, economic, political, and cultural variables) that you must include in your marketing plan, and answer the following:

  • Which of the environmental factors do you feel is the most critical, and why?
  • What might someone with an opposing viewpoint think is the most important?
    • Given this opposing argument, how would you argue your opinion?
  • What solutions should be considered as you seek to develop a sense of ownership of your plan?
  • What solutions would you recommend to the board, and why?
  • Is a compromise feasible?


HU 260 Environmental Factors Relevant for Introduction of Mobile manufacturing Inc Paper Writing Assignment Help

Constructing Deductive and Inductive Arguments

Arguments consist of premises and conclusions. Premises are structured so as to lend support to conclusions. The kind of support that a premise lends to a conclusion allows us to distinguish between deductive and inductive arguments. This week, you will be constructing both kinds of arguments.

1.In three premises each, construct one example of each following deductive argument form:

Modus ponens

Modus tollens

Hypothetical syllogism

Disjunctive syllogism

Make sure your arguments are deductively valid and that your examples are your own. Here are two examples of the general format that your arguments should take:

Modus ponens:

1.If it is raining, then it is pouring.

2.It is raining.

3.Therefore, it is pouring.

Modus tollens:

1.If Jack went to the grocery store, then he bought cookies.

2.Jack did not buy cookies.

3.Therefore, Jack did not go to the grocery store.

2.After you construct the preceding deductive argument forms, construct a three premise syllogism. For example:

1.All men are mortal.

2.Socrates is a man.

3.Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

3.After you construct a three premise syllogism, construct one of each of the following inductive argument patterns:

Induction by enumeration

Reasoning by analogy

Statistical induction

Higher-level induction

Your examples of inductive argument patterns should not be expressed in premise form. Rather, they should be informally expressed in writing. You should have one paragraph for each pattern. Be as detailed as possible.

Finally, please remember to label your arguments. This makes it easier for them to be graded. Include your name, course section, and the date at the top of your assignment document.

View your assignment rubric.

W2 Quiz

Weekly Reading-Book

Chapter 2

Introduction to Logic

Critical Thinking – Fundamentals: Deductive Arguments

The Many Forms of Inductive Arguments


Ashford University Terrorist Activities Financing Discussion Law Assignment Help

For this assignment, review the subject of terrorism financing. Read the case of Mohammed and Chawki Hamoud, two brothers who lived in North Carolina and raised millions of dollars for Hezbollah.

Mohamad Youssef Hammoud sentenced to 30 years in terrorism financing case

Prepare a 5- to 7-page report in Microsoft Word that covers the following points.

  • Describe the mechanics of the Hamoud brothers’ operation. Show specifically how they managed to raise so much money.
  • Identify and explain the specific laws that were broken.
  • Discuss Hezbollah, including their mission and history. What might that group have used the money for?
  • Describe the other ways that Hezbollah receives funding and from whom.
  • Evaluate the efforts being made by counterterrorism authorities to identify and disrupt operations designed to raise money for terror groups.


HLS 405 TUI National Response Framework And National Incident Management System Discussion Law Assignment Help

HLS 405 TUI National Response Framework And National Incident Management System Discussion Law Assignment Help

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