HLS 470 Colorado Technical University County Strategy Critical Infrastructure Paper Law Assignment Help. HLS 470 Colorado Technical University County Strategy Critical Infrastructure Paper Law Assignment Help.
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Assignment MUST be completed within the provided writing template. The highlighted portion needs to be deleted and information input.
You are the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Officer in the Plans Directorate of your County Emergency Management Agency. Your county commissioners have decided, based on continuing economic factors and other municipality-level constraints, that the county may be better suited to orchestrate and implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) better than the municipalities.
The paucity of available and full-time assets in the municipalities will simply not support successful implementation of this national-level plan. Based on your education and training, the county Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) has selected you to oversee, orchestrate, and synchronize the efforts of all associated stakeholders in meeting the six objectives in the NIPP. The county EMC would like this product in the form of a strategy (e.g., short and broad but addressing the key tenets) and the objectives stated in the NIPP.
He does not seek the intricate details that are normally associated with a program or plan; rather, he wants an overarching document that provides the affected stakeholders (e.g., owners or operators of Critical Infrastructure (CI), associated first responders, elected officials, and other public safety officials) with a strategy for protecting the county’s CI. He specifically wants the strategy to include a vision, goal, what needs to be accomplished, how you intend to accomplish each objective, and the resources that you intend to use to enable this strategy.
Using what you have learned thus far from the statutory, directive, plan references, and any dialogue with your colleagues, develop a County Strategy for Critical Infrastructure Protection that includes the specified tasks directed by your County EMC. Your only constraint is that this is not intended to be the intricate detailed plan for executing each implied task associated with critical infrastructure protection. It is meant to provide a reader with a general sense of background, purpose, tasks to be performed, and a conceptual framework of how you intend to execute the county responsibilities for successful completion of all specified and implied tasks.
Assignment Details
- In your county CIP strategy, include the following components:
- Vision
- Goal
- What needs to be accomplished
- How you intend to accomplish each objective
- The resources that you intend to use to enable this strategy
- How will you synchronize the efforts of all associated stakeholders in meeting the six objectives in the NIPP? Explain in detail.
- Remember to be specific and detailed in your county CIP strategy.
- This is a formal report that you are submitting for approval, so be sure to utilize the correct format.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
HLS 470 Colorado Technical University County Strategy Critical Infrastructure Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SOCI 332 American Military University Week 4 Cross Tabulation Paper Mathematics Assignment Help
provide a brief introduction to your study to remind your classmates what we are reading about here. Include:
1. Your overall research question
2. The research hypothesis and null hypothesis
Next, create a crosstab for your data and include it in the post. Be sure to explain your findings, including a description of the data, a calculation of the epsilons, and a discussion of the 10% rule. The epsilons in short are the differences between the highest and lowest column % in any given row. As long as one epsilon makes the 10% threshold, we’ll deem two variables have “enough” going on to with each other to warrant further statistical analysis.
Special note:
When a variable is continuous (interval/ratio level of measurement), for example, age of respondent, we do not run crosstabs directly b/c it will result in a really spread-out table with lot of 0s and low frequency cells. Such a crosstab does not help us understand the data.
The correct way is to reduce the level of measurement to either ordinal level or nominal level (group the numbers into categories) and then run the cross table. You do this by recoding (as you demonstrated in Assignment 1). In this way, your crosstabs will help us better understand data. Here is another example of recoding in a video.
I have attached my SPSS information from my previous week’s assignment as well as my last assignment for reference. If you go to the SPSS website you can download the software for a 30 day free of charge trial and do not have to include your card information.
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Reading: Things Fall Apart, chapters 13-18.
Purpose: To consider practice literary interpretation using Things Fall Apart
Skills/knowledge practiced: Textual analysis; close reading; writing with citations; use of textual evidence; developing argument; analysis of narrative techniques; genre analysis; following proper MLA formatting guidelines; paraphrasing quotes
Submission instructions: Please submit your 250-350 word response as a Word doc on Blackboard (no paper copies will be accepted). Every submission should include at least one quote from the text.
Grades will be based on the completeness of your submission (including textual quotes + sufficient word count length) as well as proper grammar/spelling and the depth of your critical analysis. Four points total: 1 pt. for proper citation use; 1 pt. for sufficient length; 1 pt. for sufficient depth of content/engagement; 1 pt. for proper assignment formatting.
Assignments should be formatted as follows: 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced with header, page numbers, Times New Roman font, Word Count listed, Works Cited page on separate page, submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF. This may seem like a lot but it is the golden standard for document preparation, and if properly followed will make your writing immediately more consistent and easier to read.See the following for an example: MLA Citation Template and Example.pdf
Prompt: Locate a scene in Things Fall Apart that you believe to have deeper significance or meaning (chapters 13-18 only!), and then provide an interpretation of your chosen scene in relation to what you believe to be the overarching message of the novel in general. Pay attention to Achebe’s use of language, symbols, metaphor, repeated images/words, and characterization—why does he portray Okonkwo or the other villagers in Umuofia in the specific way that he does, and to what effect? What can a close reading of these elements help us learn about the novel’s setting, especially in relation to the history of colonialism?
EGN 3443 American College Importance of Statistics in Computer Science Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
the document includes:
1. why statistics is important to computer science and the role of statistics in computer science
– include phases of the work where statistics are used, the purpose of using statistics in your field, what type of input into the work of your field statistics provides, and ways the applications of statistical methods of findings are changing because of technology developments. Where it is possible includes references to probability and statistics terms from your textbook’s first two chapters in italics. Consider if any of the graphics from your source documents will help your explanation.
choose 2 sources from the links below and 2 others you search for them :
The Role of Statistics In Computer Science (Links to an external site.). This Michigan Tech webpage discusses what computer scientists do with statistics and applications of statistics in computer science
The Role of Statistical Methods in Computer Science and Bioinformatics. by Irina Arhipova. While this paper is about education it does a nice job of explaining the interconnection computer science statistics and bioinformatics. (Links to an external site.)
How Much Of Machine Learning Is Computer Science Vs. Statistics? (Links to an external site.) by Michael Hochster (Links to an external site.), PhD in Statistics from Stanford; Director of Research at Pandora from Forbes online. This brief answer to a question does a nice job of explaining the different approach computer scientists and statisticians have toward statistics. 10 Statistical Concepts You Should Know for Data Science Interviews (Links to an external site.) by Terence Shin on Medium, Towards Data Science. DO NOT use this as a required source BUT I recommend that you look at this brief article written by a young professional. It really indicates how important probability and statistics are in your field and helps you prepare to get a job.
2. Evidence of the Value of Probability and Statistics in Starting your Career.
– review the data provided in the two articles linked below and determine first, what the data suggests, and second, how this can be used as part of persuading freshman in your field that probability and statistics will be important as they start their career. Determine what aspects of the data support the “story you are telling” in your handout and how to best present it so the freshman look at it and understand how the data supports what you are saying.
The Four Career Competencies Employers Value Most (Links to an external site.)by NACE Staff
Are College Graduates “Career Ready”? (Links to an external site.) by NACE Staff
Use this article – Career Readiness Defined (Links to an external site.)– to be clear on what the data represents and which competency/competencies this class addresses
– A two-page handout (it may be 8.5″ x 11″ or 8.5″ x 14″) for freshmen in your field to present the role of probability and statistics in your field and its importance in them being career-ready.
– a minimum of 6 sources:2
– Professional Communication is
Telling a Good Story
No Mysteries
-Start with the claim
Connect the Dots
-Strong organization
Thesis statement
Topic sentences
Say what you Mean
-be precise with your words and ideas
Sound professional
ALWAYS check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
NO slang, contractions, shorthand wording or initials
Speak in full sentences (full ideas)
Relate to Your Audience
-Avoid using phrasing your audience might not know, and when necessary define it.
-Descriptive Statistics for this assignment
Understand the data that is presented in the descriptive statistics
Understand the sources
What elements of what is presented helps your story?
How can you present it in a way that makes it easy to understand for your audience?
Organization & hierarchy
What makes a document understandable?
Strong organization
Clear and specific language
Integration of specific visual elements
What makes a document inviting to read?
White space
Color (used well)
Graphic Interest
The Benefits of Virtualization Software Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented? Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization.
At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.
Note: 500 words. and please avoid plagiarism.
CJUS 703 Everest College Restorative Justice Reintegrative Shaming Article Critique Law Assignment Help
Restorative Justice has served as a counterpoint to the get tough and call for mass incarceration for too long. Advocates of restorative justice have fought gratuitously against harsh policies and practices. Restorative justice has shown the limits of harm in the correctional enterprise.
Journal Article Critiques enable you to practice thinking critically and to synthesize information. Do not quote from the article. Instead, summarize and paraphrase. Your review must be written in your words and include at least 3 (three) scholarly citations in APA format. In addition to 5 pages of content, make sure to include a title and reference page. In addition to an introduction and conclusion, make sure to respond to the following questions to prepare your Journal Article Critique assignment.
- What is the article’s title and purpose?
- Who is/are the author(s) of the article and what are his/her/their qualifications?
- What are the author(s)’ theoretical assumptions?
- What is the article’s hypothesis?
- How is the hypothesis supported or rejected? What makes the supporting points credible?
- How does the article fit into other literature on the topic?
- What other articles or research support the authors’ main points?
- Does the article advance the work in a given field?
Be sure to review the criteria on the Journal Article Critique Grading Rubric before beginning this assignment.
CJUS 703 Everest College Restorative Justice Reintegrative Shaming Article Critique Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Technology Acceptance Model in Technology and Education Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
In this paper, address the following key concepts:
- Define TAM and the components.
- Note how TAM is impacting educational settings.
- Give an overview of the case study presented and the findings.
Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.
The paper should meet the following requirements:
- 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
- APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.
The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.
ACC Management of Geographically Dispersed Teams Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
This week’s journal articles focus on empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams, please answer the following questions:
How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?
Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team. Please note the pros and cons of each tool.
Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why.
Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.
The paper should meet the following requirements:
3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.
The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.
Texas Woman University Organizational Culture Leadership Essay Writing Assignment Help
Discuss how the ethics of organization’s leaders has on an organization’s culture (espoused values, basic underlying assumptions, etc.). After reading the three case studies (Chapters 3 – 5) you can see various challenges leadership can face when change is needed.
Oftentimes in the face of constant change it is easy to cross the ethical lines. Pick any organization that has had a recognized lapse in ethical judgement from leadership. Discuss how their behaviors have influenced the organization’s overall culture. (Competency #8)
* A minimum of three references are required. (Your textbook plus two more.)
** Typical paper length: 5 – 7 pages APA
Forum #2
What were three key takeaways from your perspective regarding the three case studies presented in chapters 3 – 5? you must reply to at least two of your classmate’s postings.
Ashford U Challenges & Opportunities for Organizational Behavior Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment 1: Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior
Perform a study of organizational behavior and taking into account the influence of domestic, global and virtual industries and workplaces, discuss both the challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior from a leadership perspective.
Write a 3-4 page paper in which you use at least 5 references and your experience to:
1. Discuss the strategic intent of organizational behavior.
2. Discuss the trends impacting organizational behavior given that businesses operate in both global and domestic markets.
3. Discuss how the trends of virtual workplace influence organizational behavior
4. Discuss the overall challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior from a leadership perspective.
5. Reflect on the insights you gleaned from this assignment and discuss how you will apply the information you learned within your workplace. Please provide the context for your role at work (i.e., manager, employee, team lead, etc.). What will you do less/differently/more? What outcomes do you hope to achieve?
The specific outcomes associated with this assignment are:
a). Understand the basic theories, concepts and practices in organizational behavior impacting leaders.
b). Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior.
c). Write clearly and concisely about strategic management using proper writing mechanics.
https://anyessayhelp.com/- to be clear on what the data represents and which competency/competencies this class addresses
– A two-page handout (it may be 8.5″ x 11″ or 8.5″ x 14″) for freshmen in your field to present the role of probability and statistics in your field and its importance in them being career-ready.
– a minimum of 6 sources:2
– Professional Communication is
Telling a Good Story
No Mysteries
-Start with the claim
Connect the Dots
-Strong organization
Thesis statement
Topic sentences
Say what you Mean
-be precise with your words and ideas
Sound professional
ALWAYS check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
NO slang, contractions, shorthand wording or initials
Speak in full sentences (full ideas)
Relate to Your Audience
-Avoid using phrasing your audience might not know, and when necessary define it.
-Descriptive Statistics for this assignment
Understand the data that is presented in the descriptive statistics
Understand the sources
What elements of what is presented helps your story?
How can you present it in a way that makes it easy to understand for your audience?
Organization & hierarchy
What makes a document understandable?
Strong organization
Clear and specific language
Integration of specific visual elements
What makes a document inviting to read?
White space
Color (used well)
Graphic Interest