HLTH 509 Liberty University Virginia Health Rankings Discussion Writing Assignment Help. HLTH 509 Liberty University Virginia Health Rankings Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Topic: Virginia’s Health Rankings
Go to the America’s Health Rankings website and go to the EXPLORE link and select “Virginia” where it says, “Find your state”. View the full state report for Virginia. Examine the state’s health value and rank for each health Determinant and Outcome, as well as the combined rankings for these and for diabetes, obesity, and smoking. You can compare these for the 19 years that the rankings have been published as well as contrast them with other states and the nation as a whole.
Note that Virginia’s overall health ranking has remained around 20. In general, this means that 30 states are worse and 19 states better in overall health ranking. Note also that unlike many states who have improved (or worsened) their health status, Virginia has maintained its rank close to 20 for the past decade or more. There seems to be no breaking over the 19/20 barrier into healthier terrain. Why do you think that is? Select 5 Determinants that if improved, would likely lead to Virginia receiving a better health ranking in the future. Justify your answers in 150–200 words.
HLTH 509 Liberty University Virginia Health Rankings Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
GEOG 2006 Week 2 Projections Task Science Assignment Help
To Hand In:
1. A compressed folder using zip. In the folder will be a single shapefile (seven files with the same name but different extensions). In that shapefile, you will populate the appropriate column with the area information for each projection. Refer to the powerpoint for week2 under Projection On-the-Fly for how to do this.
A single shapefile includes several subfiles. They will have endings like this: .shp, .dbf, .shx, .sbx, .sbn and .prj. Make sure all of these files are submitted.
2. A PDF document with the answers of all questions in the order they come in.
The instruction, overview and some tips of this Assignment are in the carry 2006 A1.zip.
Please check Halifax-Travel.gdb.part1.zip and Halifax-Travel.gdb.part2.zip to get the data.
FOT 3511 Florida International University Reply to Mar Adentro Film Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Ideas, Arguments, & Analysis |
50 to >44 pts Exemplary Ideas expressed in discussion posts include original thought, substantial depth, and are relevant to topic/film. Viewpoint shows strong logical thinking, reasoning, and analysis with evidence and examples. Construction of new meaning and insights are evident. 44 to >40 pts Accomplished Ideas expressed in discussion posts are mostly substantive and relevant to the topic/film; some original thought. Demonstrates logical thinking, reasoning, and/or analysis for most part. Viewpoint is supported with evidence and/or examples. 40 to >30 pts Developing Ideas expressed in discussion posts show a minimal understanding of the topic/film. Comments are general in nature and/or occasionally may not be relevant. Rehashes or summarizes ideas with limited analysis, original thought, and/or supported viewpoints. 30 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory-Beginning Ideas expressed lack an understanding of the topic/film. Comments are irrelevant, off-topic, and/or confusing to follow. Viewpoint, if given, is not supported with evidence or examples. |
/ 50 pts |
Connection to Course Materials |
20 to >18 pts Exemplary Strong, direct connections are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.) and are clearly stated. 18 to >15 pts Accomplished Some direct connections are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.) and are clearly stated for the most part. 15 to >13 pts Developing Minimal direct connections are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.). Connections are largely inferred and somewhat unclear at times 13 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory-Beginning No connections are made to readings or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.), and/or if made, are not clearly stated and are largely personal opinions. |
/ 20 pts |
Contribution to Learning Community |
20 to >17 pts Exemplary Effectively contributes to the learning community. Frequently initiates dialogue and motivates group discussion by providing feedback to students’ postings, asking follow-up questions, and through thoughtful, reflective comments. Respectfully encourages a variety of viewpoints and invites contributions from others. 17 to >15 pts Accomplished Contributes to the learning community. Often attempts to direct group discussion to present relevant viewpoints and meaningful reflection by others. Interacts respectfully with students. 15 to >13 pts Developing Somewhat contributes to the learning community but the focus is generally on own posts. Occasionally interacts with others’ postings but little attempt to involve other students in the discussion. Short statements such as “I agree with…”. 13 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory-Beginning Negligible contribution to the learning community. Rarely engages with students and generally ignores others’ posts and/or has a negative effect through misrepresenting content in other posts, inappropriate comments made, and/or attempts to dominate the discussion. |
/ 20 pts |
Writing Quality |
10 to >8 pts Exemplary Discussion posts are well written and clearly articulated using standard English, characterized by elements of a strong writing style with correct grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. 8 to >7 pts Accomplished Discussion posts show above average writing style that is clear using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or spelling. 7 to >6 pts Developing Posts show an average and/or casual writing style using standard English that is generally clear but contains some errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. 6 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory-Beginning Posts show a below average/poor writing style that lacks standard English, and/or is difficult for readers to follow. Contains frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. |
AJS 514 University of Phoenix Criminological Theory Presentation Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a criminal justice presentation and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to include the following:
- An evaluation of biological, social, and psychological factors contributing to crime, to include the relations between personality, genetics, and poverty
- Recommendations for crime control strategies based on your findings
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Follow the Instructor Writing Guide. Use the recommended “six by six” slide format with about six words per bullet and about six bullets per slide. Make the presentation visually attractive. Use 30 to 100 words per slide in Speaker Notes.
ENG 1011 Cuyamaca The Career that Interests Me Is Actuary Career Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
- For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in the class. Answer these possible questions:
- Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?
- Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your AchieveWorks Assessments. Click on this Video (Links to an external site.) on finding your assessment results.
- What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?
- What is a typical day, week, month, year? What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?
- What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?
- What are the educational requirements? Licenses?
- What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
- What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.
- What are the growth opportunities?
- What interesting facts did you discover?
- Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and paste it on a piece of paper or download it from a website (extra)
- To research your career, use at least 4 sources of information:
- Websites, Texts, E-books, Articles (databases at the library)
- Informational Interview: It is encouraged you use an interview with a person in your career of interest. Go back to the Informational Interview Assignment.
- Assessments you did in CollegeScope. Click on any chapter and view your results in your portfolio that includes AchieveWorks Assessments (Personality, Multiple Intelligences, Learning, Skills). Click on this Video (Links to an external site.) on finding your assessment results.
- O*Net Online (Links to an external site.) (go back to your library research_
- Occupational Outlook Handbook (Links to an external site.)
- Outlook Quarterly and Career Outlook Publications
MAN 3303 St. Petersburg College Importance & Meaning of Concept of Strategy PPT Business Finance Assignment Help
To: New Consulting Team Member
From: CEO
Re: Presentation
Our consulting firm has just landed the account of a new client. This client is a medium sized manufacturer that sells technological products domestically. The client wants our firm to help it develop a strategy to enter and be competitive in the international market. The first place you will have to start with this project is to get this client’s management team to really understand the importance and meaning of the concept of Strategy. Therefore, you will need to explain to them:
1. The definition of Strategy;
2. Why Strategy is important; and
3. Recommend what type of Strategy would be best for this organization and why you choose this type of Strategy.
The client wants you to create a short presentation on this topic.
Create a PowerPoint of 5-7 slides not including title slide and reference slide. (Include 2 to 5 images/graphics in your presentation). Keep in mind that the material on your actual slides should include a few words that highlight the important points that you want to get across in the presentation. This is the section your audience views during your presentation. The Speaker Notes section for each slide allow you to put in all the information you would discuss that you, as the Speaker, will see when give your presentation. For this assignment, follow this format and be sure to include Speaker Notes with 80-200 words for each content slide in the Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint slides. These Speaker Notes should thoroughly describe the details of the slide. Presentation should have at least two references.
MAN 3303 St. Petersburg College Importance & Meaning of Concept of Strategy PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HRM 300 CSU Training & DEV for Teams Organizations & Society Professional DEV Plan Business Finance Assignment Help
Assume you have been asked by your supervisor to create a professional development plan. Consider your career plan and your recent professional development history.
In at least 3 full pages, create a plan addressing the following topics in order using the prescribed section headers in bold.
- Section 1- Importance of Training. In this section, (1) define training as an HR function in your own words, and (2) identify the benefits of training to the employee and the organization (with evidence of financial impact).
- Section 2- Professional Training Proposal. In this section, (1) based on your professional goals or needs and research, propose and describe a training activity, and (2) describe how the training will add value to your current job/position and/or a job that you want.
- Section 3- Importance of Development. In this section, (1) define development as an HR function in your own words, and (2) identify the benefits of development to the employee and the organization (with evidence of financial impact).
- Section 4- Professional Development Proposal. In this section, (1) based on your professional goals or needs and research, propose and describe a development activity, and (2) describe how the development will add value for the future.
- Section 5- References. In this section, provide the full citations for 2 credible sources You also incorporated these 2 references internally appropriately.
Additional requirements:
- This assignment is not a traditional APA-styled paper. Therefore, an introduction and conclusion are not required for this assignment.
- Use one-inch margins, size 12 font, double-spaced line spacing, and page numbers.
- A minimum of two scholarly/peer-reviewed references must be included. Do not use blogs, Wikis, or anonymous sources
Santa Monica College Oral Lesions Pathology Pinterest Board Science Assignment Help
Oral lesions pathology
- CREATE a Pinterest Board. Pinterest is free. You can add a board to your personal account or quickly make a new account just for this course.
Create a Pinterest account. - NAME your board “DH: Oral Pathology”
- ADD 10 PINS representing any oral pathology/lesions
- One picture per oral pathology/lesion (1) pin/item
- Choose your own lesions.
Some categories to consider include:- Salivary Gland Lesions: mucocele, ranula, salivary stones, etc.
- Ulcerative Lesions: herpes lesions (I & II), syphilis, etc
- Tongue Lesions: geographic tongue, hairy tongue, ankyloglossia, etc.
- Pigmented Lesions: physiological pigmentation, oral freckles, amalgam tattoo, Fordyce’s granules, etc
- Cancerous Lesions/Smoking Associated Lesions: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, etc
- These are BY NO MEANS THE ONLY oral lesions/pathology available to you. I want you to get creative and explore your textbook and articles to share more!!
- EDIT each pinned image in the “note” section.
- INCLUDE in each PIN (4 elements)
- Name of the lesion or oral pathology in the picture
- Cause. What is the cause of the lesion/oral pathology?
- Describe the defining characteristics/symptoms of the lesion or oral pathology shown. What are the main characteristics that denote or identify the oral pathology or lesion shown?
- List ANY patient recommendations for this lesion. What, if any, are the treatment recommendations for your patient? If there are no recommendations, write “no recommendations for patient”.
- SUBMIT the URL of your Pinterest board using the “reply” button below.
This way the class can explore your wonderful ideas and integrate them into their boards! Sharing is a great way to expand our experiences, ideas, and understanding! - If you have questions, please turn to the Class Q&A Board.
The image below shows the “Edit this Pin” window. In the “note” section, the name of the oral pathology, the cause is listed, the defining symptoms/characteristics are there, and lastly, the treatment recommendation is provided.
These images show (1) edit pin button (2) Note description option
I have created a sample Pinterest Board for you to check out and explore. Feel free to check out the lesions/oral pathology that I have Pinned. Be sure to click on the images to review the explanations provided for examples of the description requirements.
EXAMPLE Pinterest Board: Oral Pathology
Requirements: Follow the prompt
Daniel Webster College Role of Diagnosis in Marriage and Family Therapy Essay Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment, please write an essay or produce a 2 to 3-minute video clip that addresses each of the following questions. You must cite the points made in the assignment with evidence from the readings (and other information). Papers should be written in a third-person voice. Please do not use personal pronouns (I, me, we, you, etc.). The assignment must have a minimum of two scholarly references supporting the points made in the assignment.
- What are the main reasons you must provide a diagnosis in your clinical work? (2 points)
- What are some of the limitations of the DSM and diagnosis? Please briefly describe major drawbacks to diagnosis. (1 point)
- How does diversity impact symptoms and diagnosis? (1 point)
- What is positive psychology? Provide a brief 2 to 3-sentence description of how you could address these elements in your work with clients? (1 point)
Option 1: Written essay: Length: 2-3 double -spaced pages, not including title or reference pages
GCCCD Economics and Reputation in Scripps Health Organization Report Paper Humanities Assignment Help
First part ::::::::::
please make sure it’s required to do the research from only (SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY) and ( companies in SAN DIEGO, California)
The first step in the process of putting together this report is to conduct research to find specific information relevant to your goals within a career path or academic field, AND about the organization (company or school) to which you might submit an application. Your research goals should be as specific and directed as possible. Look for the following information:
- Required qualifications that you must meet in order to be considered for the position or program.
- Requirements of doing the job or completing the grad program.
- Salary, benefits, advancement opportunities (job); costs, financial aid, student employment opportunities (grad school).
- Relevant facts & info about location, mission statement, outreach, reputation, company or school culture, etc.
- Specific focuses within your career path or academic field: research that interests you, individuals of importance with whom you might want to work, newsworthy achievements that relate to your goals, etc.
Use the Research Resources links posted in Module 2 to get started, and then perform a focused Internet search to dig deeper. You are required to use sources both from the company’s or university’s own website AND from sources outside their own material. This ensures a thorough and unbiased mix of sources.
Download and use the Annotated Research Source List form linked below to guide you through your research process, making sure to find sources that provide information in all of the categories listed. Enter the NAMES of the sources (author, name of article and/or publication or website, etc.) AND the URLs. (Do not only list the URLs.) Upload the completed form to submit for this assignment. Points will be earned based on the thoroughness, completeness, and relevance of the research sources and listings. Upload the completed form as a PDF or Word doc, or copy onto a Google doc and post a sharable link (do not share via email).
– attached is the form for the research
—– SECOND PART ::::::
Fact Sheet Rough Draft:
INSTRUCTIONS for Composing the Fact Sheet:
- The content of the fact sheet is based solely on the research you did (see Annotated Research Sources List page) and does not include personal commentary, opinions, or references to oneself. (No “I” or “me.”)
- Because it is to be composed as an online text, you will incorporate digital resources, including hyperlinks, videos, and images. Note: When reading your document within Turnitin, these links will not be functional, but they will show up as being there by the underlined formatting that automatically happens. I can download your submission as a Word file or PDF to test functionality when I grade it.
- Research shows that online readers prefer to read small chunks of information rather than longer text passages and respond to visual cues to hold their interest. Therefore, your fact sheet must include the following:
- Subheadings to mark sections of your text. These subheadings should clearly indicate what the reader should expect to learn about in the section they head up.
- Short paragraphs
- Bulleted lists where appropriate to condense a set of information concisely.
- At least two images that convey useful, relevant visual information about the company or school, such as photographs, charts or graphs, logos, etc.
- A video that conveys information about the company or school. Use a hyperlink to take the reader to the video, and frame the link with wording that indicates it’s a video, and what it’s about.
- Do not use academic style citations or footnotes. Rather, you should document all sources using hyperlinks within your text that take your reader directly to your sources. Be sure to read the “Integrating Sources with Hyperlinks” page, and follow the guidelines below:
- When you insert a hyperlink, only type the name of the source in your text, and not the URL (http://….com).
- Be careful to insert the hyperlink accurately, so that the word(s) hyperlinked take the reader precisely to where they indicate.
- Use the following example of the above guidelines to help you format your digital source documentation correctly:
The SDSU School Counseling program claims in their mission statement to prepare their graduates to become “student advocates” who will become “culturally competent leaders in educational reform and social justice in the schools and communities they serve.”
- For image source attribution, you can select the image itself and insert the hyperlink within the image, or you can type the source in smaller font beneath the image and hyperlink it there.
- Similarly, videos need to be hyperlinked–otherwise, readers would not be able to view them. Be clear in your text that the link readers see leads to a video.
- Do not simply copy and paste information from sources; you are to compose this fact sheet, showing an ability to synthesize information, paraphrase and quote directly when appropriate, and attribute information properly to their original sources (see #4 above).
- A fact sheet is—surprise!—all about the facts, and not about how you feel about those facts, your process of discovery, your goals, or your interests. Therefore, your writing style should be straightforward and impartial–no opinions, no personal comments, no self-references. Keep your focus solely on the career or graduate program, and the company, organization or school you might be applying to in the future.
- The finished fact sheet should be approximately 1,000 (give or take 100 words in either direction), block format (single-spaced with a double space between sections, no indents) and subheadings in bold (you can also use color and/or make them slightly larger, if you wish). You may format into columns with a smaller font, if desired. While this is not an assignment in graphic design, a demonstrated awareness of the visual appeal required to engage an online reader is part of the desired outcome.
Your fact sheet grade will be based on the following criteria:
- The quality of your research: Sources must be of high quality, reflecting a thorough and thoughtful research process, including an adequate mix of sources from both within and outside the company or school.
- The relevancy of the information in terms of helping you to specifically target your future resume and application process.
- The accuracy of source attribution, using digital hyperlinks to take readers directly to your sources.
- The skill of preparing a document for online reading, using clearly written subheadings, text sections that are chunked to be relatively short (~1-3 paragraphs), properly formatted bulleted lists, hyperlinks, and multimedia sources.
- The quality of your writing: Well written sentences and paragraphs, no typos or writing errors, successful synthesis of researched information, straightforward style with no personal opinion, and easy-to-follow structure.
HLTH 509 Liberty University Virginia Health Rankings Discussion Writing Assignment Help
HLTH 509 Liberty University Virginia Health Rankings Discussion Writing Assignment Help