HMD 380 UNLV Marriotts and Starbucks Innovation Hospitality Marketing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. HMD 380 UNLV Marriotts and Starbucks Innovation Hospitality Marketing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Please reply to two of the questions (threads) and comment constructively on a classmate’s posting of your choice in any thread.
PART 1 – Reply to two of the questions
Question 1 – Marriott’s Innovation Lab
Read the article:
Watch the video about Marriott International’s Innovation Lab:
How effective is Marriott’s use of crowdsourcing for new product development?
Question 2 – Starbucks Brand Extension Strategy
Branding has become so strong that today hardly anything goes unbranded. A “brand extension” involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products in a new category. Watch the videos about Starbucks. Some analysts express strong concerns about Starbuck’s rapid expansion despite the success. Some critics worry that the company may be overextending the Starbucks brand name. Comment on the branding strategy of Starbucks.
Note: Starbucks initiated “Evening Happy Hour” and started to sell beer, wine, and appetizers at 400 hundred locations a couple of years ago, but cancelled the program in the U.S. in 2017.
Starbucks Expands Into Branded Products Beyond Coffee (Links to an external site.)
Starbucks CEO: Growth isn’t a strategy (Links to an external site.)
PART 2 – Comment constructively on a classmate’s posting
Here are two classmate’s posting from question 1 and 2. Please write comment for each one.
Question 1 – In my opinion, Marriott is doing a great job incorporating crowdsourcing for new product development because of how connected Marriott is with their consumers. By receiving input from their consumers or potential consumers, this would be a great way to better meet their needs of how today’s savvy business travel works. According to CEO of Prodigy Network he stated that, “that’s why you have to understand how to use [crowdsourcing] to impact your property, create ambassadors, and develop the ultimate loyalty program” (Boyd 2014). By understanding the importance of crowdsourcing, you will gain intelligence of how it works which could lead to the crowd and they could gain that intelligence as well. Working directly with the consumers/potential consumers, as Marriott is doing, this helps with becoming more invested in their ideas and vice versa. If consumers see that Marriott is invested in what they have to say, then that means more popular publicity for Marriott. This will also serve to all the modern business travelers who like to thrive collaboration and innovation.
Question 2 – I believe that Starbucks is an amazing company that really knows how to market towards customers. I think that removing the Starbucks name is a good idea. Many companies have made the decision to have different smaller brands that market towards different audiences. These companies have proven to be very successful. Starbucks is trying something new for their company. It could be successful but it could also not be successful. It is such a large company that it probably won’t hurt them in the long run. This strategy could be a good thing for the company.
HMD 380 UNLV Marriotts and Starbucks Innovation Hospitality Marketing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SOCI 332 America Public University Week 7 Providing Poor Communities PPT Mathematics Assignment Help
Take your Week 7 Final Portfolio Assignment and digest it in a presentation format. Create a narrated multimedia presentation using either Power Point, Screencast-o-matic (, or Prezi. Remember, narration with audio (not just ppt notes) is necessary. In essence, your presentations should “play” for us. The presentation should be no more than 5-10 minutes (about 8-10 slides). Be sure to provide some background on the topic, discuss your variables, provide figures (tables/charts – frequencies/graphs, crosstabs, tests of significance and measures of association), and conclude by highlighting how your research fits into the existing body of literature on this topic.
*Minus the audio*
ENG 315 Strayer University ?Professional Communication Experience Paper 5 Writing Assignment Help
Professional Experience #5
(Not eligible for late policy unless an approved, documented exception provided)
For Professional Experience #5, you will develop a promotional message. This can be an email, letter, info graphic, image, or any other relevant material that answers the following question:
- Why should students take a Professional Communications course?
Step One: Choose the type of file you want to use to develop your promotional message (Word document, PowerPoint, etc.) and open a new file in that type and save to your desktop, using the following file name format:
- Your_Name_Wk9_Promotion
- Example: Ed_Buchanan_Wk9_Promotion
Step Two: Develop a promotional message that is no more than one page to explain why students should take a professional communications course.
Step Three: Submit your completed promotional message file for your instructor’s review using the Professional Experience #5 assignment link the Week 9 in Blackboard. Check that you have saved all changes and that your file name is follows this naming convention: Your_Name_Wk9_Promotion.
In order to receive credit for completing this task, you must:
- Ensure your message is no more than one page.
- Provide an effective answer to the question of why students should take a professional communication’s class.
- Submit the file to Blackboard using the Professional Experience #5 link in the week 9 tab in Blackboard.
Note: This is a pass/fail assignment. All elements must be completed simulating the workplace environment where incomplete work is not accepted.
- The professional experience assignments are designed to help prepare you for that environment. To earn credit, make sure you complete all elements and follow the instructions exactly as written. This is a pass/fail assignment, so no partial credit is possible. Assignments that follow directions as written will receive full credit, 22 points. Assignments that are incomplete or do not follow directions will be scored at a zero.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
- Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar, mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.
- Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
- Learn communication fundamentals and execute various professional tasks in a collaborative manner.
- Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.
Chicanos and Gang Activity Paper Writing Assignment Help
The goal is to write a is 4-5 pages double spaced paper on the following prompt
Prompt:“1. According to Rodríguez, who is ultimately to blame for his involvement in gangs and 2. who/what does he credit for “saving” him from gangs? 3. Why are gangs so appealing to some?“
You’ll receive the first 2 pages of the paper, revise it. Then write the rest (roughly 2-3 pages)
Part 1 — revise the paper (see attachment “rough draft”)
- Revise the paper according to the comments (see red font and feedback)
Note: things you need to revise
- Citations (change the rephrase into direct quotes or find other direct quotes that fits the paragraph) 1 per paragraph
- Rewrite the thesis — be sure to answer all prompts in the thesis (1. who is ultimately to blame for his involvement in gangs 2. who/what does he credit for “saving” him from gangs? 3. Why are gangs so appealing to some)
Part 2 — write the rest 2 pages
- Write Every paragraph, with the exception of the introduction and conclusion, should have one direct quote from novel to support your argument
- Be sure to have a topic sentence for every paragraph. h. A topic sentence informs the reader what you will be addressing in the paragraph
- The paper should not read like a summary of the book. You should provide an argument and prove it, using evidence from the novel.
- Write a thoughtful conclusion
note: Do not use outside source (other than the novel), MLA style, rough draft and the rest of paper that you’re going to write has to be connected and fluent)
You can use this website to know the summary/themes of the book, but you have to use direct quotes from the book and list out the page number(see attachment “always running”)
Patient Respiratory Distress Opioid Ingestion PH & CO2 Values Questions Science Assignment Help
1. A patient is experiencing respiratory distress due to opioid ingestion. The acid base values are:
pH: 7.31
CO2: 55
HCO3: 24
A. Explain the cause for the pH value
B. Explain the cause for the CO2 value
C. Explain how compensation may occur
2. A patient is experiencing respiratory distress after a fight with their spouse. The acid base values are:
pH: 7.48
CO2: 31
HCO3: 24
A. Explain the cause for the pH value
B. Explain the cause for the CO2 value
C. Explain how compensation may occur
3. A patient is experiencing severe diarrhea . The acid base values are:
pH: 7.33
CO2: 39
HCO3: 19
A. Explain the cause for the pH value
B. Explain the cause for the HCO3 value
C. Explain how compensation may occur
4. A patient is is experiencing severe vomiting. The acid base values are:
pH: 7.49
CO2: 42
HCO3: 31
A. Explain the cause for the pH value
B. Explain the cause for the HCO3 value
C. Explain how compensation may occur
Texas A & M University Widening Looms in Columbus Project Article Business Finance Assignment Help
Need help in writing with the following
You will research news sources to find examples of projects in State of Indiana; USA.
Project Article #1:
News source (APA reference):
Web address:
Brief Description:
Why is this a Project?
Elevator Pitch (100 words):
Analyze the selected project to determine which organizational structure/culture (Section 4-2a on page 110) would be the ideal or preferred organizational structure for this project. Discuss why you selected this structure and justify that choice. Then, discuss which structure is the least preferred and explain/justify why this would not be a preferred organizational structure for your selected project. Provide specific examples, elements or components from the project to explain your justification. Each of the justification sections should be a minimum of 300 words.
Preferred Org Structure:
Least Preferred Org Structure:
Texas A & M University Widening Looms in Columbus Project Article Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSYC 1200 Saint Marys Gender Differences in Reading & Writing Achievements Article Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Each student must choose a different article from one of these 4 journals (only) published in or after 2015:
·Canadian Psychology
·American Psychologist
·Perspectives on Psychological Science
·Psychological Science in the Public Interest.
The actual writing: Please write a 4-5 page paper (see format details below) that describes the main ideas of the article. Be sure you include a section that describes what you learned that you did not know, what surprised you, and how this article connects or relates to some aspect of your life or that of someone you know. You can use hypothetical situations (e.g., if I had no toes…).
Format for assignment paper must be typed neatly and contain no misspelled words, typos, or grammatical errors. Assignments must be double-spaced (no extra spaces/lines between paragraphs) using 1″ margins, use New Times Roman font (12 cpi). Number the pages on the top right please. Start on Page 1 – no need for a title page. Be sure your name, date, and the title of the assignment are on your work. If your assignment is shorter than 4 entire pages, it is too short, and points will be deducted).
CUNY Hostos Community College The Spanish Borderlands Journal Response Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Students should submit a short paragraph (around 3 or 4 sentences) commenting on any aspect of the assigned text for the class of 06/03:
González, Juan. Chapter 3: “The Spanish Borderlands and the Making of an Empire (1801-1898)” Harvest of Empire 27-57. Just read the 2nd chapter of the PDF, p. 27-57).
* PDF available in the Course Content are and also here: Harvest of Empire – Chapter 1 & 2 _1_.pdf
* Journal Responses could follow a variety of formats: they could comment on the general or specific topics of the readings, formulate questions about the text’s historical or theoretical argument or methodology, compare the text to a previous reading, or reflect on how the reading fits within the course’s unit.
* Due date: 06/03
* Late journal responses will be allowed but they will be penalized with a reduction of 5% of the grade.
University of Phoenix Ch 15 The Future of Policing Case Study Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Content
ISOL 535 University of the Cumberlands Cryptology Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
This is the practical connection assignment for this course. This paper must directly address the applications and implications of the concept of Cryptology to the security of information in a digital world and contain all of the following elements;
- a title page.
- an introduction of the content of the paper.
- a brief review of the recent literature related to data encryption.
- a brief analysis of the applications of cryptology for digital information security.
- a conclusion that summarizes the content of your paper and discusses future research opportunities related to your topic.
- a reference page(s).
To complete this assignment, upload a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) that contains your complete paper. Remember that your paper, including your list of sources, must be in APA format, and you MUST cite your references in the body of the paper using APA in-text citation format. A source is any paper or article that you will reference in your paper. If you need more information on APA format (for references list AND in-text citations), visit this reference:…
Plagiarism detected in your work will be addressed as discussed in the plagiarism section of the syllabus.
Here are a few details about the overall research paper.
- Your paper must include both a Title page and a Reference page.
- Your paper should NOT include an abstract.
- Your paper must include a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed resources (articles or papers)
- Cited sources must directly support your paper (i.e. not incidental references)
- Your paper must be at least 800 words in length (but NOT longer than 1000 words; Scholarly writing should be efficient and precise. Be clear in the information that you are conveying and with the evidence used to support it. Here is a good resource to help with writing concisely:
- Title and reference pages are NOT included in calculating the paper length.
If you are not sure how to identify peer-reviewed papers or articles, please visit the following resources:……