Homework assignment Dataset Computer Science Assignment Help

Homework assignment Dataset Computer Science Assignment Help. Homework assignment Dataset Computer Science Assignment Help.

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  • Use the tool of your choice (RStudio, Excel, Python) to generate a word document with basic data analysis of the data set posted in the Week 2 content folder.
  • Create a Word document that includes the screen shots described below.


  • Create a summary of statistics for the dataset. (provide a screen shot)
  • Create a correlation of statistics for the dataset. (provide a screen shot)
  • What is the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the Price? (provide a screen shot)
  • What is the correlation values between Price, Ram, and Ads? (provide a screen shot)
  • Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, CD, and Premium. (provide a screen shot)
  • Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, HD, and Ram where Price is greater than or equal to $1750. (provide a screen shot)
  • What percentage of Premium computers were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Categorical analysis)
  • How many Premium computers with CDs were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Contingency table analysis)
  • How many Premium computers with CDs priced over $2000 were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Conditional table analysis)

Homework assignment Dataset Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Change Management/Marketing Strategy&Behavior Business Finance Assignment Help

Task 1: Marketing Strategy & Consumer Behavior

Develop a 5-6 pager APA formatted paper and include the following. Consider Walmart & Apple Inc. wherever applicable as an example for this task.

  • What core values would you want to ingrain in your company’s culture? Why?
  • Following each decision round, do you and your co-managers make corrective adjustments in either your company’s strategy or the way the strategy is being executed?
  • List at least three such adjustments you made in the most recent decision round. What hard evidence (in the form of results relating to your company’s performance in the most recent year) can you cite that indicates that the various corrective adjustments you made either succeeded at improving or failed to improve your company’s performance?
  • What would happen to your company’s performance if you and your co-managers stick with the status quo and fail to make any corrective adjustments after each decision round?


Introduction about the topic

Brief summary of the concepts.

Answer all the topics mentioned in the task.


5- 6 Page APA Formatted paper with 6-8 References


Task 2: Change Management

Develop a 5-6 pager APA formatted paper and include the following:

1. If you have been involved previously as a manager of change, how would you rate yourself in terms of your handling of the need to take actions that sustain change? What have you done well? What not so well?

2. When you’ve been on the receiving end of the change initiatives of others, how well have they handled the need to take actions that sustain change? What have they done well? What not so well?

3. Out of these: Director, Navigator, Caretaker, Coach, Interpreter & Nurturer, which one resonates best with you? What is it about this case that you can relate to? Are there any implications for how you would act in the future?

4. How good are you at handling unanticipated outcomes?

5. If there was one main idea that you took away from chapter 12 that you believe can be of most use to you as a change manager, what would it be?

6. If you were to add an idea to the treatment of sustaining change that is provided in chapter 12, what would be your contribution?


Introduction about the topic

Brief summary of the concepts.

Answer all the topics mentioned in the task.


5- 6 Page APA Formatted paper with 6-8 References


capstone project Computer Science Assignment Help


The problem description defines the issue you are trying to address with your project.

  1. gives the overall description of the client’s business context
  2. identifies the assets that need to be protected
  3. analyzes the cybersecurity threats that the client needs to address (threats’ likelihood and impact are addressed).
  4. includes a detailed description of the current security posture of the client

It should clear and sufficiently precise:

Attached is an example of a problem description.


Details of the project that involves securing TVs:

Our firm is named Newfound and the company that we are working with is a retail store named Texto. Texto has hired us to find and secure bug, that has allowed hackers to remotely shutdown or display unwanted things, other than what the store wants to display.

We have to find the vulnerabilities of the software ( Which has to be found ) that manages the TVs.

I really need all of you to start researching this software connecting to multimedia devices and send me your notes ( max 1 page ).


supply and demand Economics Assignment Help

For this assignment you are to write a 1 to 2-page paper that addresses supply and demand for the iPhone 6 plus.

Note: The Apple iPhone 6 plus cellular phone will be researched
for each course project assignment leading up to your final submission.

Guidelines for this assignment are listed below:

  • Research the number of Apple iPhone 6 plus cellular phones that were released in the United States.
  • Identify the cost of the Apple iPhone 6 plus.
  • Discuss whether or not demand and supply are in equilibrium or is demand greater than supply.
  • Identify two factors that would cause the demand curve to shift to the left.
  • Discuss two factors that would cause the demand curve to shift to the right.
  • Identify two factors that would cause the supply curve to shift to the left.
  • Discuss two factors that would cause the supply curve to shift to the right.
  • State whether or not a price floor or price ceiling in the iPhone 6 plus would benefit consumers and why.
  • Discuss if the Apple iPhone 6 plus account is a market failure.

Assignment must align with the following guidelines:


A 150-200word summary of a news story from national news source Business Finance Assignment Help

Four (4) times during this
semester, you will submit a 150-200-word summary [not a copy] of a news
story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on
radio, on TV, or online. Use Times New Roman, 12-pt. type,
double-spaced. The story will be about the intersection of media and the
First Amendment in the United States—no stories from foreign countries.
Not part of the 150-200 words will be a description of where you found
this news item (N.Y. Times, CNN on TV, etc.), the title of the story,
the date, and URL, if applicable, although I need to have this info.
Just don’t count these words toward you 150-200 range. The story must
appear in the news media during the week you will be submitting it. In
addition to the summary of the story, I’m looking for any insights you
might have on why this is an important case or issue and any
implications for journalists, organizations, the media in general,
corporations, etc. Be sure to include your contact info at upper left:
name, date, which week’s summary, email address. Remember: If your story
has nothing to do with the First Amendment or nothing to do with the
media, it will count as a zero. The story must include BOTH. You will
have no more chance to submit a summary that week.

There will be NO ability to submit to a particular week once that week’s



Networkdefencewk2 Computer Science Assignment Help


Please find the attached file for casestudy topic.

  • 3–4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • At least two peer reviewed sources that are properly cited and referenced
  • APA format, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study.

Discussion1:250words discussion on give topic and 2 general replies on discussion and refences

Compare 2 different Intrusion Detection Systems. List the benefits and drawbacks of each system and explain which system you would choose for your company.

Discussion2:250words discussion on give topic and 2 general replies on discussion and refences

Pick 3 different types of encryption methods and explain the benefits of each one.


Find an encryption method that has been used historically but is no longer used. One example is the Enigma cipher of the Germans in WWII (Do not use this). Describe how that encryption method works, paying particular attention to how it contrasts with more modern methods. Write a 3 to 4 page paper use APA format and adhere to the writing rubric.

Networkdefencewk2 Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business News Analysis Reports Writing Assignment Help

Need business major writer, write one follow the sample format!!

Written Assignments – News Analysis Reports


Part of learning about business is to be aware of current business events as reported in professional business publications, as well as web resources for topics studied in this course. In addition, research and critical thinking and analysis skills are valuable in business and in college. The news analysis reports are designed to give you the opportunity to practice these skills while surveying current business information of interest to you. Grading is based upon relevance to course topics, neatness and clarity, and following instructions. To receive full credit you must follow instructions carefully.

News Analysis Reports. Word count at least 550.


You will research and write four reports on current business news articles from publications listed at the end of this document.

  • To receive full credit for these assignments, you will find it helpful to re-read these instructions while you are completing the first assignments. Make sure you are completing the requirements and that your documents are in the correct format, which is graded.
  • Report due dates are listed on the course assignment schedule. Submit these reports in the appropriate Moodle homework assignment link, beginning with week two.
  • There is a required format for these reports. You will find a memo example on your course Moodle site. Assignments are graded on format as well as on content.
  • Reports are to be typed and double-spaced. Follow course writing guidelines, including spell check and proofreading.
  • From the listing of approved business publications on the last page of this document, choose a current article of interest to you about a business event that relates to a course topic. Read the article, and if necessary explore related links. Be aware that brief articles will likely not give you enough material for this assignment, and you may need to do further research.
  • Write a summary analysis of your article listing and answering the questions below. Be thorough with discussion and explanations in order to receive full credit.
  • Specifically answer the questions below and write enough to show that you have thought about the article (around 550 -650words). Restate (type word-for-word) each question from below at the beginning of each answer paragraph.



  • Use the example memo format to begin your report.
  • Write a summary paragraph discussing the main ideas in the article.
  • Type these questions and their answers:
    • What is the main subject of the article?
    • How does the article relate to a topic in this course? From which chapter?You must cite at least three specific examples of the connection to the course comparing what is in the article to what is in the text. **** Important note **** This is where the majority of the points for this assignment will be awarded.
    • If the writer states an opinion, what is it? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
    • In your opinion, what might be the impact of the article topic on the local or national business community or economy, or on consumers?
    • Why is the article of interest to you?

Sources for News Analysis Reports

One of the purposes of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to research and read professional articles on business topics. Popular publications and online resources for the mass market are not to be used for this assignment.

Research one of the following publications, or request instructor approval for an alternative. Please note all these publications are available in print format at your college or public library. Web addresses have been checked but may not be current.

Business 2.0


Bloomburg Businessweek




Fast Company














Wall Street Journal


Oregon Business





Black Enterprise

Career Magazine

The Economist

Hispanic Business


Assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Using what was covered in the lectures, write a program in R to collect data via webscraping.

    The website the data is collected from must allow webscraping. There are numerous websites that offer directions on how to webscrape. Have you visited any of these sources? How many mention legality?

    After scraping data from a site write a research paper to describe:
    • The data collected, how you chose this data, and how legality was confirmed
    • What issues you may have ran into in the data collection
    • How you may use webscraping in a practical setting, such as research or for an employer
    • Discuss the legality of webscraping outside the scope of this data, what problems can webscraping cause?
    The following documents should be submitted for full credit:
    • The research paper
    • The .r file with your webscraping code

    Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (and at least 1500 words), double-spaced, saved in MS Word format. All research papers in this course should be written in APA format (no abstract is nesessary. Properly cite and reference any websites or documents you include to support the requirements of this assignment.Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.Submit your assignment on or before the due date.By submitting this paper, you agree:(1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy;(2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and(3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Note: Your answer must be 1500 words and add min 5 references


gcc research Humanities Assignment Help


For this project, you are to prepare a Word Processing: Internet Research document. An example assignment link has been provided, so that you can get a feel for the size, layout, and structure of the document.

The assignment will contain approximately three pages of research and writing effort. The completed document will have an additional three pages. The additional pages are: Title page, Table of Contents page, and Works Cited page (MLA format).

This means that your document will be composed of six or more pages. Above average scores will be based on quality of content and expanded topics as appropriate (you are welcome to expand the depth and/or breadth of the project to match your interests).

Basic requirements for the document

1This document should be based on the “Project 1 – Example document” in terms of format and layout only.

2It should have a title page as shown on the example document, but have the current date, your full name, and use your picture instead of Daffy Duck. The format and layout should be identical. The four lines of centered text are “Title” text with a “horizontal line” above and below the text. Skip a line or two and “insert” your centered picture.

3It should have a “Table of Contents” page as shown on the example document that contains your actual table of contents. There should be a page break between the title page and the table of contents page. There should be a page break between the Table of Contents page and the body of the document.

4All pages, except for the title page should have a header with your full name on the left and the name of the assignment on the right (use a right-tab to accomplish this). Every page except the title page should have a page number on the lower right-hand corner of the page.

5The body of the document should contain the outline provided, your paragraphs explaining each topic, and a relevant picture for each Heading 2 topic. Appropriate pictures should be staggered from left to right as you read down the document, and line up with the document margins (no pictures in the center of the text). Be sure to use “Heading” levels for the outline titles and “Normal Text” for the body text under each outline level. Using heading levels will allow you to automatically create the table of contents. For example, “Search Strategy” would be a Heading 1. “Search Tools” would also be a Heading 1. “Search Engines” would be a Heading 2, because it is a sub-topic of “Search Tools”, and so on. The text under these heading would be “Normal text”.

6The document should have a minimum of two footnotes indicating where you found the information you have written about. The footnotes should include hyperlinks back to where you found the information. Higher-grade assignments will have more than two footnotes. Reference the example document to see an example footnote.

7You must have at least one table that contains supporting information in your document. Where you locate it and what you put into it is up to you. Your table must demonstrate some formatting features (colors, lines, text formatting, etc.).

8Your document must have a “Works Cited” page and contain at least three MLA formatted references for content used in your document. Higher-grade assignments will have more than three references. The centered text “Works Cited” should be entered as “Title” text, so that it will automatically get included in the table of contents.

Topics that need to be covered

Search Strategy (Why develop one? What steps are involved?)

Search Tools

Search Engines (What is this? How so they work? How can they help you?)

Advanced Searching (How do you go about this?)

Visible versus Invisible Web (What is this? How can it help you?)

Education Related Search Sites

California Assist (What is this? How can this help you?)

GCC Transfer Center (What is this? How can it help you?)

GCC “Form & Petitions” Web Page (What is an SEP?)

CollegeBoard (Collegeboard.org) Inspiring Minds (What is this? How can it help you?)

U.S. Bureau of Labor & Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (What is this? How can it help you?)

Information Competency

GCC Library Information Competency Workshops (What workshops are offered? What is covered?)

Evaluating the Information You Find (How do you do this?)

Scholarly Research (What is this and where do you find it?)

Intellectual Property & Plagiarism (What are these and what are the rules? Provide examples)

Keeping Track of and Citing Sources (When do you do this? How do you go about it? Provide some examples.)


wk6 480 thanks in advance . my friends Computer Science Assignment Help

Important! Read First

Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.

Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. This assignment requires you to upload a project into the GitHub website. For anyone who is new to GitHub, you may want to review the Lynda.com course, GitHub for Web Designers (Links to an external site.), to learn how to use the GitHub website. If you prefer not to review the full course on Lynda.com, the following short lessons may be helpful:

Option #1: Career Development Criteria—Self Marketing

GitHub Existing Project Demonstration

GitHub is a hosting service for projects that use Git. Git is a revision control system tool that manages source code history. You can store project codes in GitHub repositories.

For this week’s assignment, upload a previous project that you have completed into the GitHub website (https://github.com/ (Links to an external site.)). Submit a report in a Word document that includes:

  • A description of the project
  • A rationale for why you chose the specific project to upload
  • An explanation of the output of your project
  • A description of how your project can be used by other programmers to solve a business problem
  • The benefits and challenges of using GitHub to store projects.

Your report must:

  • Be 2-3 pages long, in addition to a title page.
  • Cite and include a minimum of 3 reviewed, scholarly references. The reference page and title page do not count in the length of the assignment submission.
  • Include a screenshot of your GitHub account with the project loaded and project output.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).

Option #2: Career Development Criteria—Self Marketing

GitHub New Project Demonstration

GitHub is a hosting service for projects that use Git. Git is a revision control system tool that manages source code history. You can store project codes in GitHub repositories.

For this week’s assignment, create a python project and upload to the GitHub website (https://github.com/ (Links to an external site.)). Submit a report in a Word document that includes:

  • A description of the project
  • A rationale for why you chose to create the project to upload
  • An explanation of the output of your project
  • A description of how your project can be used by other programmers to solve a business problem
  • The benefits and challenges of using GitHub to store projects.

Your report must:

  • Be 2-3 pages long, in addition to a title page.
  • Cite and include a minimum of 3 reviewed, scholarly references. The reference page and title page do not count in the length of the assignment submission.
  • Include a screenshot of your GitHub account with the project loaded and project output.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA


Homework assignment Dataset Computer Science Assignment Help

Homework assignment Dataset Computer Science Assignment Help

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