Houston Community College American Yawps Race Challenges Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Houston Community College American Yawps Race Challenges Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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In the American Yawp, the authors cite the challenges of race, class, and gender that arose from the industrialization and the growth of democracy. The moral fabric of the young nation was uncertain. The identified solution in the text is the awakening of spirituality and the renewal of incorporate worshippers that resulted in strong religious communities. Walker cites a similar challenge by accusing the white Christians of America for degrading and wrenching the people of color. He considers religion as a solution for redeeming the oppressed. Charles Colcock Jones laments the discrimination of the poor (Negroes), especially in social and religious matters. He considers the white Americans as responsible for caring for the Negroes. “It is iniquity and disgrace when we forget them!” He advocates for the unity of all rather than that of professionals and people of classes for the young nation to progress. Jones’s opinion aligns with the ones presented in the A Member of the Ladies Home Missionary Society Visits Five Points, where the challenge of the young nation is considered as outcasts. These were the economically strained families, the drunkards, the naked, uneducated, and the sinners. The solution to this challenge was visiting these destitute and renovating their Five Points to make them children of God. The author of the A Camp Meeting 1829 gives an account of the isolation of communities in the young nation. This resulted in the camp meeting where the isolate sought solace from players and devotion to religion. In the Declaration Sentiments, Candy and Mott narrow down their challenges for the young nation to the discrimination of women. The proposed solution is equality and the promotion of women’s rights in society.
Question from Post
Good work. Let’s explore a couple of your points a bit more. First, if Walker expresses that white Christianity is responsible for the degradation of enslaved Blacks, is religion the solution? And, second, how did Stanton and Mott propose to achieve women’s rights/equality?
Houston Community College American Yawps Race Challenges Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MBA 5004 Webster University Price and Profit Model Assessment Economics Assignment Help
Each student will submit a 1-page summary of recommendations, including graphics, suitable for
presentation. In addition, each student will submit an Excel file with the following:
1. Data (demand and price from article)
2. Regression output for demand for chuck beef (evaluate statistics and recommend possible
3. Demand equation as function of Q and P
4. Demand schedule using demand equation Q=f(p)
5. Demand schedule using demand equation P=f(Q)
6. Total revenue (TR) and marginal revenue (MR)
7. Point elasticity along demand schedule
8. Graph of demand curve and marginal revenue
9. Price point that optimizes total revenue (graphically)
10. Marginal cost equation (given)
11. Total cost, marginal cost, and profit added to demand schedule
12. Price point that optimizes total profit (graphically)
The above requirements reflect a grade up to 85%. The following requirements reflect a possible grade
above 85%:
13. Shift demand by changing a determinant of demand other than price – provide hypothesis of
change in demand
14. Redo items 3-8
15. Provide new price point that optimizes total revenue
16. Provide new price point that optimizes total margin
Bus4014 Capella University Address Operations Management Issues and Decisions on A Bank Business Finance Assignment Help
- Operations management is the core of any business. It is the management function that coordinates all the activities in relation to product/service reliability, quality, efficiencies, delivery, and meeting customers’ expectations.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Assess the role of operations management within organizations.
- Explain how operations management improvements support an organization’s strategy.
- Explain how a service bundle relates to the initial purpose of a company.
- Identify operations management decisions for an organization.
- Competency 2: Apply the tools and technology used in operations management.
- Develop recommended changes for an organization’s operations management function.
Competency Map
Use this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.
- Competency 1: Assess the role of operations management within organizations.
Today’s global economy has forced companies to focus on how they deliver their product or service to their customers. Companies must now continuously evaluate better ways to reduce cost, improve quality, and give the customer more than was expected.Operations management is an integral part of this process because it focuses on the transformation of needed inputs to desired outputs. This transformation includes office, production, manufacturing, and vendors or suppliers, as well as other things that affect the company’s ability to deliver superior quality products.SHOW LESSOperations management includes the use of the facilities, equipment, materials, technology, and, most importantly, the employees. These operational activities are designed relative to sustainability concerns. Understanding operations management will allow you to see the flow of the product or service.A product or a service starts with design. A key component of the design process is to determine whether a product or service can be offered at a price point that will produce a profit for a company. A key consideration in design is any cost or environmental impact affecting sustainability concerns.Another aspect of operations management is that companies must strive to improve the work environment for their employees and enhance sustainability concerns. People are a company’s most important resource, and managers must take care of their employees in order to grow and maintain industry leadership.Our fast-paced economy has shortened the product life cycle, by forcing companies to update more often in order to serve their customers and stay ahead of the competition. One tool used by many companies to help maintain an advantage is the flow chart. This tool allows companies to diagram out all the processes needed to deliver their products. The flow chart diagram gives the visual flow of the work down to the simplest step in the process. It allows management to constantly review processes to see where bottlenecks occur and to help determine how they can improve the process.Some of the best practices used by companies that lead in their industries include:
- Breakeven analysis.
- Benchmarking.
- Reverse engineering.
- Concurrent engineering.
Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
- What are some characteristics of operations management decisions?
- Select one operations management decision. Is this decision tactical or strategic? Why?
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.
Library Resources
The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:
- Aswathappa, K., & Shridhara Bhat, K. (2009). Production and operations management. Mumbai, IN: Global Media.
- Plenert, G. J. (2002). International operations management. Copenhagen, DNK: Copenhagen Business School.
Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BUS-FP4014 Operations Management for Competitive Advantage Library Guide to help direct your research.
Bookstore Resources
The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.
- Reid, R. D., & Sanders, N. R. (2016). Operations management: An integrated approach (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Chapter 1, “Introduction to Operations Management.”
- Chapter 2, “Operations Strategy and Competitiveness.”
- Chapter 3, “Product Design and Process Selection.”
- Chapter 11, “Work System Design.”
Assessment Instructions
Consider the operations management aspects of the organization in the following scenario:Madero Bank is a regional U.S. bank. Madero Bank’s managers decided on a business strategy emphasizing customer service, rather than on some other dimension such as customer financials (providing higher interest rates on savings accounts, lower interest rates on loan, and so forth). To help the bank implement that customer service strategy, they conducted a survey of their customers, and found that the customers would like the bank to be open for more hours. As a result, Madero Bank decided to remain open until 7:00 P.M. on Fridays, and to be open from 9:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. on Saturdays.The expanded hours have presented challenges for Madero Bank’s operations management team, in staffing an adequate number of tellers to cover those additional hours without customers having to wait in long lines. Madero Bank’s managers are also considering additional approaches to support their customer service strategy, including the following:
- Providing additional hours of telephone customer support (which would involve securing additional telephone lines, customer support representatives, and telephone and computer equipment).
- Advancing the bank’s online banking functionality (including a redesigned Web site and the development of an app on each of the leading mobile platforms).
- Redesigning the physical layout of the bank to better utilize high-contact areas (areas with significant customer traffic) and low-contact areas (areas with little or no customer traffic).
- Offering service bundles for the bank’s largest personal and business banking customers, such as a predefined set of accounts, services, and reduced fees for platinum-level customers.
Operations Management Proposal
Using the scenario above, create a proposal in which you provide answers to the following questions:
- How should operations management and associated improvements support Madero Bank’s strategy?
- How might service bundles be utilized in support of this strategy? How do they relate to the initial purpose of the bank?
- What are some of the key operations management decisions to be made at Madero Bank?
- What operations management changes would you recommend, and why? (These changes could be related to hours, facilities, equipment, and personnel.)
UWF Nuclear Safeguards IAEA Safeguards and Additional Protocol Essay Engineering Assignment Help
- Describe in your own words the available tools the IAEA might use to effectively implement safeguards measures in those States with integrated safeguards.
- Describe in your own words the origin, purpose, and implementation of the Additional Protocol. A sufficient exploration of the topic might yield a paper between 1200 and 1500 words.Cite all sources in the body of the paper and include a list of complete references. Some references are included on Blackboard. Utilize the materials provided in the course and find at least two additional reference using the library (electronic resources available through the library are acceptable/encouraged such as the open literature).
- Clearly identify the two additional references that you found and cited.Rubric
- Correct explanation and exploration of the topic assigned; Does the short answer or essay address each of the key concepts identified for this problem?
- Is the answer free of conceptual errors?
- Use and citation of sources provided in the course and any additional required source(s)
- Grammar and readability
- Overall content and format
SNHU Healthcare Administration Educating Staff To Meet Performance Objectives Writing Assignment Help
Government-sponsored healthcare programs provide healthcare organizations with reimbursement opportunities based on the patient population that they serve. When administrators understand the demographics of the patient population, they can use that information to develop programs and plans for increasing patient volumes. Consequently, these programs increase patient revenue.
In your initial post, assume the role of healthcare administrator in a hospital environment. How would you approach the challenge of educating your staff on how the team can meet performance objectives for reimbursement from government-sponsored programs? Apply at least one collaborative teamwork principle in your response and explain why you chose that one.
(It may be helpful to review the TeamSTEPPS article from Module One for collaborative teamwork ideas.)
When responding to your classmates, compare and contrast their collaborative strategies with yours. Which do you think would be more effective, and why?
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.
University of Florida Achilles as A Beast or A God Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Write on one of the following topics:
Topic 1:
Aristotle said that the man who is incapable of working in common, or who in his self-sufficiency has no need of others, is no part of the community, and is like a beast or a god. Discuss the character of Achilles in light of this statement. Use plenty of examples, details, references, and quotations in the response.
Topic 2:
In spite of the constraints imposed by the formulaic language of the oral tradition, Homer, according to one critic, “sees his people as individually distinct and makes us aware of their individuality.” Discuss the ways Homer succeeds in presenting as differentiated individuals Hector, Nestor, Ajax, Odysseus, Agamemnon, Priam, and Phoenix. How does Homer make his characters individuals? Give plenty examples and references to the text in your response.
Topic 3:
For a complete primary source, use The Iliad and search for the listed books.
Homer’s preferred medium of poetic comparison is simile rather than metaphor, and his similes are “extended.” The simile does more than establish a likeness between A and B; it goes on to describe B in great detail, some of the details not like A at all. Yet, these details, the apparent development of B for its own sake, often do suggest points of comparison that lie below the surface, and often, too, they make significant comments on broader aspects of the situation in which they appear. Discuss the function of the extended or epic simile in at least three of the following passages:
- Your response should be at least 500 words in length
- Use MLA format for any quotations or citations that you use to support your answer
- PlagiarismYou are expected to write primarily in your own voice, using paraphrase, summary, and synthesis techniques when integrating information from class and outside sources. Use an author’s exact words only when the language is especially vivid, unique, or needed for technical accuracy. Failure to do so may result in charges of Academic Dishonesty.Overusing an author’s exact words, such as including block quotations to meet word counts, may lead your readers to conclude that you lack appropriate comprehension of the subject matter or that you are neither an original thinker nor a skillful writer.
“I can send some of my friends responses as an examples”
University of Florida Achilles as A Beast or A God Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
History of The Prophets Video Reflective Essay Humanities Assignment Help
write your typical 2-page essay. second page must be a personal reflection that relates to Theology,
2 pages of reflective essay
first page : summary of the video
second page : personal reflection
here is the link of the video: history of the prophets
for guidelines of how you have to write the essay for the video : remember to follow it !
Sacred Scriptures Video Essay Guidelines
Note: the video will be inaccessible after the due date; essays handed in late will be penalized.
- two – page, double-spaced typed essay
- one page overview/summary of key points, important concepts, with reference to evidence cited in the video.
- one page informe reflection about TODAY. Please don’t discuss the video again. Hopefully, something in the video will be thought provoking to you (everyone will be different) and that you will want to develop an idea/topic that you feel strongly about. This is a journey of discovery; it only happens with intellectual honesty. There is no right or wrong answer. I’m interested to see that you are seriously contemplating the material and trying to wrestle with ideas and the way they may impact you and your beliefs TODAY.
- begin your reflection with a thesis statement and develop your stand on some issue; do not refer to the video. EG. “I do (do not) agree with capital punishment”
- written in proper style, checked for spelling/grammar errors
The purpose of the 2-page essay is to practice supporting a written viewpoint: a) that demonstrates a critical grasp of concepts discussed in the video with accompanying supportive evidence, and b) that shows a thoughtful, considered, personal reflection of some aspect of the topic covered. The essay will thus have both an objective and a subjective component.
Note: Please develop only one idea/topic in some depth. I do not want a series of topics where you voice an opinion on every topic. JUST ONE IDEA developed well. Also DO NOT REFLECT ON THE VIDEO; NO NEED TO MENTION THE VIDEO AGAIN, EXCEPT FOR ONE SENTENCE OF TRANSITION TO INDICATE WHAT IN THE VIDEO PROMPTED YOUR REFLECTION.
Objective component: 5 points
It is an organized essay that: 1) is well-written with use of spell and grammar-check; 2) is a good overview or summary of the video as a whole; 3) discusses the key points and major concepts; 4) refers to relevant passages/evidence/examples; 5) shows a grasp or understanding of the meaning or significance of the video’s message.
Reflection component: 5 points
It is an organized essay of an idea related to the video, that: 1) is well-written with use of spell and grammar-check; 2) is a serious attempt to grapple with a relevant issue of today in a meaningful way; 3) focuses on or develops a particular viewpoint 4) does more than simply raise questions without pursuing answers; 5) includes some evidence, experience, or reference to outside material to provide support for the particular viewpoint.
Personal Example: The sacrifice of Isaac passage causes me great grief still to this day. Why would G-d expect such a thing, and can I accept such a portrait of this G-d? Such an act of a father would be a capital offense today. My view is that I cannot accept this particular portrait of G-d because…….(SR)
MBI 111 MU Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria Microorganisms & Human Disease Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Critical Thinking Assignment : Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria Reflection
paper should be 375-500 words in length, which corresponds to 1½-2 double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, and minimal spacing elements.
The video clearly makes the point that bacteria of many types, for example, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC), bacteria carrying the NDM-1 gene, and Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are becoming increasingly resistant to the effects of antibiotics. (Note: People and animals do not become resistant to antibiotics! This is a common misconception.) The resulting difficulty in treating certain bacterial infections will likely continue to be an ongoing problem for years to come. Although the video does a great job of demonstrating the consequences of antibiotic resistance, it just briefly addresses how we got to this point and it discusses only one action (more antibiotic development) that might reduce the problem.
Since antibiotics became commercially available in the 1940s, a number of human actions have led us to the current problem of antibiotic resistance. Some of these actions include:
- Doctors overusing and misusing antibiotics, including inappropriately prescribing them for viral infections (to keep patients happy and feeling well cared for)
- Patients demanding antibiotics to treat viral infections (because they think viruses and bacteria are more or less the same things, and therefore antibiotics should work against both types of microbes)
- Failure by patients to take their antibiotics exactly as prescribed (for example, stopping treatment when they feel better instead of when the prescription is gone, saving unused antibiotics for the next time they get sick, or sharing antibiotics with friends or family)
- Using antibiotics in animal feed to make animals grow faster by preventing bacterial diseases
- Formulating antibacterial soaps that contain antimicrobial chemicals (some of these chemicals are closely related to antibiotics)
- The ability to travel rapidly around the world which can result in movement of resistant bacteria to new areas (as shown in the video, antibiotic resistance is a problem in both developed and less developed countries, and there is no regulation of antibiotic sales and use in many less developed countries which can exacerbate the problem)
Health care providers and public health workers face a formidable challenge in convincing people to change the behaviors and practices listed above. In this assignment, you will use the information provided by the video and at least one outside source, add a healthy dose of critical thinking, and then address ONE possible solution that would potentially mitigate the problem of antibiotic resistance.
You will need at least 1 outside source of information (book or internet). Several potential reliable sources of information for this topic are:
- Your textbook, Cowan, MK, Microbiology, A Systems Approach, 5th edition, section 12.4.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance, http://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/index.html (Links to an external site.)
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Antimicrobial Drug Resistance, http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/antimicrobialresistance/understanding/pages/default.aspx (Links to an external site.)
- World Health Organization, Antimicrobial Resistance, http://www.euro.who.int/en/what-we-do/health-topics/disease-prevention/antimicrobial-resistance (Links to an external site.)
You may also find a resource on your own, but you may NOT use sites such as Wikipedia, about.com, NaturalNews.com, personal blogs, or any site that is attempting to sell a product.
After researching, you will need to integrate the information you gathered from the video and outside sources, and then demonstrate your critical thinking skills by answering the following three items in your paper (rather than writing a formal paper, please number each answer to expedite the grading process):
- Describe ONE approach, activity, or potential solution that experts in antibiotic resistance believe will help reduce or control the problem of antibiotic resistance. (3 pts)
- Discuss the pros and cons of this suggested course of action. Why might the course of action be expected to work well? Why might it not be expected to work well? Why might some people be willing and others unwilling to change their way of doing things? (4 pts)
- Use information from the video and/or your outside source(s) to explain the potential consequences and implications of ignoring the problem of antibiotic resistance. In other words, why should we all care about antibiotic resistance? (3 pts)
BE SURE TO CITE YOUR OUTSIDE SOURCE WITHIN THE TEXT OF THE PAPER AND PROVIDE A FULL REFERENCE AT THE END! Failure to cite your source of information will result in a score of zero. If you use one or more of the sources I provided above, it/they must be cited and referenced as you would a source you found on your own.
POLI SCI 19 SMC Women In Politics on The Enfranchisement of Women Essay Writing Assignment Help
1. This essay is to be submitted as Midterm Essay #1.
In their respective articles (Enfranchisement of Women, Ain’t I a Woman?, and Why I Became a Woman’s-Rights Man), John Stuart Mill, Sojourner Truth, and Frederick Douglass argue that it is time to change society and its view of women in society. How does each author address the issue the role of women in society and what does each offer as a solution?
2. This essay is to be submitted as Midterm Essay #2.
Discuss the impact of the Declaration of Sentiments and the Equal Rights Amendments (ERA) on the first wave of feminism and American society. What were the original goals of both the Declaration of Sentiments and the ERA? Why did it take so long (75 years) before suffrage was enacted? Why did the Declaration of Sentiments (and therefore, suffrage) succeed and the ERA failed? Finally, what lessons can current feminists learn from the first wave of feminism? Chapter 2 of the Lynne Ford book should be and the film One Woman, One Vote may be referenced!
MDCC Cultural Competency Stages & Principles Pharmacy Profession Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Question #1
According to the Cultural Development Model, there are six stages towards achieving cultural
Stage 1. Cultural incompetence
Do nothing to increase knowledge of different cultures.
Stage 2. Cultural knowledge
Assess cultural attitudes and knowledge. Learn facts about cultures, especially
related to health and health behaviors.
Stage 3. Cultural awareness
Understand implications of culture on health behaviors.
Stage 4. Cultural sensitivity
Combine knowledge and awareness into individual and institutional
Stage 5. Cultural competency
Routinely employ culturally appropriate health care interventions and
Stage 6. Cultural proficiency
Practice with cultural competence and integrate it into one’s research and
scholarship activities.
Answer the following parts of this question: ( see chapter attached for information on cultural competency)
A. In which stage do you consider yourself to be?
B. Give at least two (2) examples of behaviors or perceptions that place you at that
C. In which stage were you this time last year? Explain.
D. How has the EPP-1 course contributed to your level of knowledge or skills in this
E. Identify two (2) strategies you could use to move to a higher stage? Be specific.
Explain why you chose these strategies.
Question #2
Select one of the topics covered in Module 2 of this course that you feel will be most beneficial
to you as a future practicing pharmacist and reflect upon it. Explain why you selected this
topic. ( Topic chosen: Principles & elements of interpersonal communication, see class Power Point attached)
Question #3
Explain how the presentation of the above-selected topic ( Topic chosen: Principles & elements of interpersonal communication, see class Power Point attached) either changed your thinking and/or
point of view of past-held beliefs or reinforced what you had already believed or knew.
The reflective assessment must be posted before the stated deadline. Your reflection should be
formatted in the same matter as the questions, with the question number listed and the corresponding
answer given below it. You do NOT have to repeat the questions, but you may. The answer to each
question should provide evidence of a deep reflection on the topic asked.
Reflections must be posted by the due date using 12-point, Times New Roman font, and 1.5 line
Please post this EOS Comprehensive Reflective Assessment as Microsoft Word document; do NOT
post in PDF format.
Houston Community College American Yawps Race Challenges Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Houston Community College American Yawps Race Challenges Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help