How Aston Martin Uses the Golden Ratio in Car Design Project Programming Assignment Help. How Aston Martin Uses the Golden Ratio in Car Design Project Programming Assignment Help.
I’m working on a programming multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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Function and aesthetics are often governed by mathematics. Beautiful examples of this can be found in nature, from the growth pattern of plants to the feature placement on the human face. Read a low-tech blog post about how Aston Martin uses the golden ratio in car design. The Golden Ratio, phi, is defined by:
Equation 1. Exact Phi
One way that phi can be approximated is by taking the limit as n goes to infinity of a term in the Fibonacci sequence divided by it’s proceeding term:
Equation 2. Estimated Phi
Be sure to read the module page on printing on log files because it contains code on how to compute terms of the Fibonacci sequence. Similarly, e can be approximated by:
Equation 3. Estimated E
We will use our new input and output tools to create an iterative estimation program for both e and phi and compare our estimates to the true values.
As usual, create a script, include a comment at the top explaining the purpose of the script, your name, and the date it was created.
1. Use the menu function to ask the user if they would like to estimate e or phi. Use the input function to prompt the user to select a desired accuracy (tolerance) between .1 to .01. Include error checking to ensure the user input corresponds to your desired format. Use a conditional or switch statement to select between the two estimation functions that you will write (see below).
2. To write your function to estimate e, create a function that accepts as input the user’s desired tolerance and outputs the estimate of e and the number of iterations required to meet the desired accuracy. Your function header will look like: function [myE, numIters] = estE(tol). Use the limit equation above for large n and compare the result to MATLAB’s built-in value for e. While the absolute value of the difference between e and your estimated e is greater than the tolerance, continue looping and increasing n.
3. Use a similar method to estimate phi. Since MATLAB has no built-in constant for phi, create your own true phi using Equation 1 above.
4. Create a text file to keep track of your progress at each iteration with the fprintf command (you may have to print every 100 iterations or even 1000 iterations if it takes a long time to reach the desired accuracy). Report the iteration, the estimated value and the absolute value of the difference between the estimated and true values at each step. Here’s a sample output:
After 133 iterations, estimated e is 2.708133 and error is 0.010149.
After 134 iterations, estimated e is 2.708208 and error is 0.010074.
After 135 iterations, estimated e is 2.708282 and error is 0.010000.
Turn-in Instructions
You will need to submit .m files for each function you define, main.m, estE.m and estPhi.m as well as your text log file. Each .m file should include your name and function description in comments. Upload your files via Canvas. Let me know if you have any questions!
How Aston Martin Uses the Golden Ratio in Car Design Project Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DSCI 353 UMW The Optimization Models and Mean Screening Rate Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a statistics exercise and need an explanation to help me learn.
Show steps for all problems. Attach the original Excel files, including the answer report and the sensitivity report for the LP models, and time series forecasting files.
All airport passengers at the Capital City Airport must pass through a security screening area before proceeding to the boarding area. The airport has three screening stations available, and the facility managers must decide how many to open at any particular time. The average time for processing one passenger at each screening station is 0.5 minutes. On a Saturday morning, the arrival rate is 3passengers per minute. Assume that processing times at each screening station follow an exponential distribution and those arrivals following a Poisson distribution. Suppose two of the three screening stations are open on Saturday morning. Compute the following operating characteristics (show steps).
a.The probability a passenger will have to wait. b.The average number of passengers that will be waiting for security screening. c.The average time a passenger waits in line. d.The average time required a passenger to pass through security screening. |
Alcorn State University Concentrate on Enhance Students Performance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english presentation and need an explanation to help me study.
Clinical Experience Worksheet
program requires three Guided Clinical experiences that will require
you to teach at least two lessons to a small or whole group. For each
of these lessons, the clinical experience teacher at your placement
site will use the Guided Clinical experience Rubric to evaluate your
performance on the pre-assessment, instruction, post-assessment, and
reflection of the lesson. Refer to the Guided Clinical Experience
resources in your Teacher Education Handbook for further information
on how to submit the rubric to your clinical experience teacher.
the instructions below to ensure you complete all necessary
components of the Guided Clinical experience.
Site Demographics
the following information about the school and class demographics
at your placement site:
- Type of school (public/charter/private)
- School diversity (predominant demographics, specialized populations
served) - Title I school? (Y/N)
- Content area and grade level
- Student diversity in class (special education, remedial education,
English language learners, gifted and talented, ethnic or cultural)
Describe how this information will influence your approach to
teaching this group of students.
Guided Clinical
Complete the following steps and observations. Write your
responses on a separate document and submit the file along with your
Lesson Plan Template to your course instructor.
Part 3:
Post-Assessment (Domain 3)
- As part of your lesson delivery, conduct a post-assessment to
determine the extent to which students met the lesson objectives.
Select one of the following:
- Create and administer the post-assessment
- Administer a teacher-prepared post-assessment
- Observe a teacher administering a post-assessment
- Collect post-assessment data from clinical experience teacher
- What assessment was used? How did you or the teacher score the
assessment? - What does the data tell you?
- What were the students’ key areas of opportunities and strengths?
- How did the students perform on the post-assessment in relation to
the pre-assessment? - How can post-assessment data inform your future instruction?
- Provide a graphic representation of the results.
Part 4: Reflection
(Domain 4)
your observations and thoughts on your lesson delivery in an informal
anecdotal record or journal. This record does not need to be
APA-formatted, but will accompany the submission of your paper.
reflective questions such as: What went well? What didn’t go well?
How did you feel? How did the students respond? What could you do
at least a 700-word reflection of your instructional experience based
on these observations. Include the following sections in your paper:
- Analysis of results
- Did students master the lesson objective(s)? Why or why not?
- What explanations do you think may account for the results? How can
this explanation be supported by theory or research?
- What opportunities may I have missed?
- What would I do differently next time?
- Reflect on your planning and lesson delivery and the dispositions
of effective educators outlined below. In what areas did you do
well, and how can you continue to develop in all areas?
- Professional competence and responsibility
- Professional and collaborative relationships (valuing diversity)
- Critical thinking and reflection
Chicago Public Schools Ethical Analysis of Tesla Inc Philosophy Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Write a three-page essay on the following topic:
Choose a business entity in our world today and perform an “ethical audit” on its practices, employing
course materials. When performing your audit, you should ask how the five philosophers we’ve studied this term would
think of the culture of your chosen company. But, of even greater significance, how well does this
company fare according to the standards expressed in The Responsible Company, especially with regard to the “Checklists” in that work’s Append
Trident Weaponization & Asset Value Cybersecurity Vulnerability Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a cyber security question and need an explanation to help me study.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Vulnerability scans as part of vulnerability management efforts are important events to conduct for any network infrastructure. Scans will often produce results that need to be analyzed for validity, followed by the development of a remediation plan to prioritize detected vulnerabilities, and determine actions to correct them. These ongoing efforts comprise the phases of the vulnerability management life cycle—testing, detection, and remediation.
- Which factors are considered when prioritizing vulnerabilities for remediation? What data or metrics are used to evaluate these factors?
- Describe a common type of cybersecurity vulnerability. Which tools are available to scan for this type of vulnerability? How do they work?
- Explain techniques that might be used to validate a scan report. Differentiate and describe the 4 different types of scan reports.
Ashford University Design Design Org Programming Lang Paper Programming Assignment Help
Q1: Erroneous input
Here are two one-line inputs that give error messages if you type them into the interpreter:
Where are each of these errors generated? Why are they generated in different places?
Q2: Valid input
Summarize what the tokenizer does when a user types the following at the interactive prompt:
“Example string”
Here’s the start: The interactive prompt is produced by Lox.runPrompt(), which calls Java’s built in readLine() to get a line of input. When the user enters that line as input, the interpreter calls“Example string”). then creates a new instance of the Scanner class, and calls scanTokens() on it.
Starting from the call to scanTokens(), summarize what happens.
Q3: Add a new operator
(a) Add a new operator ^ for exponentiation, which tokenizes to POWER. This would let us write things like x = x^2; to square a number.
Hint: This should work very similarly to +, -, /, and *, and requires changes in two files.
For this question, include your actual code in the submission. That can be either a link to a, or screenshots/code in your submission document.
(b) What if we wanted to use ** for exponentiation instead, like Python does? This would let us write x = x**2; instead. How would that change be different?
You don’t have to actually implement this one, just answer in a sentence or two.
Ashford University Design Design Org Programming Lang Paper Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of California Los Angeles A Reflection on Colonialism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Please write a reflection paper on the attached reading.
The reflection is NOT a summary of the reading. It is supposed to be a brief engagement with the material in addition to points or questions you would like to raise for class discussion. The reflection must not exceed 500 words.
Grading rubric:
– 3%: The student shows in-depth understanding of the material and is able to
articulate the main ideas and arguments and provide further insights.
– 2%: The student gets the general idea of the material and provides some insights,
but does not articulate them well.
– 1%: The student summarizes the reading or film and provides no further insights.
General idea of the course:
The aim is a critical engagement with how colonialism has manifested in Palestine and how it continues to do so until today. The course examines the various mechanisms and policies, both internally and externally, that work to entrench settler colonialism and dispossess the Palestinians. The course will explore and discuss forms of resistance in Palestine, their potentials and limitations, and possibilities for a just solution.
Flagler College Data Analytics Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Case Description:
Create a set of use cases for the following health club membership system:
When members join the health club, they pay a fee for a certain length of time. Most memberships are for 1 year, but memberships as short as 2 months are available. Throughout the year, the health club offers a variety of discounts on its regular membership prices (e.g., two memberships for the price of one for Valentine’s Day). It is common for members to pay different amounts for the same length of membership. Member will be issued a membership card upon signing up.
The manager wants the system to track each time a member comes into the club. The tracking data will be kept in the system. The system will then identify the heavy users and generate a report so that the manager can ask them to renew their memberships early, perhaps offering them a reduced rate for early renewal. Likewise, the system should identify members who have not visited the club in more than a month so that the manager can call them and attempt to reinterest them in the club.
The club wants to email reminder letters to members asking them to renew their memberships 1 month before their memberships expire. Some members have become angry when asked to renew at a much higher rate than their original membership contract, so that the club wants to track the price paid so that the manager can override the regular prices with special prices when members are asked to renew. The system must track these new prices so that renewals can be processed accurately.
Part 1: How many use cases are needed to fully cover the interactions between the system and its environment (users), as described in the case? List the name and provide a brief description of each use case.
Part 2: Select one of the use cases you identify in problem 1, use the use case template to fill in details of this use case.
Use Case Template
Use Case Name: |
ID: |
Priority: |
Brief Description:
Actor: |
Trigger: Type External Temporal |
Normal Course
Information for Steps |
Summary Inputs
Source |
Summary Outputs |
Destination |
The Ohio State University Gun Policy Campaigns Reflective Writing Paper Humanities Assignment Help
The TaskYour reflective writing papers should respond to and reflect on persuasive discourse. Persuasive discourse comes in a variety of forms, including:
Advocacy for causes (e.g., media campaigns for controversial issues such as Supreme Court nominations, immigration, Pandemic relief, gun policy)
Advertising campaignsInterviews with significant people, e.g., authors…
“Pundit” analysis on “news” networks (e.g., discussion on Meet the Press)
Other ideas? Get instructor approval for alternatives
The material you discuss should be substantial; much more than a 30 second ad or a two minute infomercial.
The reflective paper is a critical thinking task. What about the discourse is meaningful to you? Why? How? What stands out for you; that you consider to be important, relevant, insightful, confusing, controversial, debatable, etc.?More specifically, respond to the arguments in the discourse. You could comment on:What you learned from the discourse (e.g., watching Sunday News/Talk Show)
The quality and credibility of the discourse? The persuasiveness of the discourse? You (and others) as audience members?Other relevant argument concepts (e.g., language, reasoning, fallacies)? You can reflect on the persuasive discourse by drawing on your knowledge of argument; concepts and practices you are learning in this course.
Reflecting and responding goes beyond simply writing “I like X because…” Reflective writing relies on thinking critically about the discourse; insights that are grounded in both the event/material and one’s ability to recognize and understand argument.
Mechanics:Length – one to two pages, double-spaced, written in essay form
References – not required
University of Virginia Myoglobin Sperm Whales Oxygen Saturation Graph Discussion Science Assignment Help
A scientist conducts an experiment with sperm-whale myoglobin wherein she replaces His-64 with a Gln. This mutation is designated H64ΔQ. She also creates two other mutants H64ΔE and H64ΔV. She then measures the oxygen-binding ability of each of these versions of Mb. Using an oxygen saturation graph:
Draw a rough hypothetical oxygen saturation curve for wild-type (normal) Mb.
Draw rough hypothetical oxygen saturation curves for the 3 mutant forms of Mb.
Provide a brief explanation for the shape/position of the curves you drew for (c).
**I can draw an explain the wild-type Myoglobin, I understand why it has it’s shape. I understand that the His64 is attached to the Heme using a hydrogen bond to the oxygen on the distal side, but I am clearly overlooking something with the mutations and how to determine what shape they would take.
How Aston Martin Uses the Golden Ratio in Car Design Project Programming Assignment Help
How Aston Martin Uses the Golden Ratio in Car Design Project Programming Assignment Help