How would you conduct activities to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative aspects on young children?

Assessment vs Testing in Early Childhood Education
10 sources needed- at least 5 peer reviewed

Perspectives: research, identity and introduce the prevailing points of view involved in the discussion (~1 pg.)
-Introduce the topic
-What is the controversy?
-Why is the topic being debated?
-Define key terms such as testing, assessment, learning outcomes, etc.
-Identify who is arguing for what particular outcome (testing vs. assessment)

Discuss and debate the various perspectives on testing and assessment (~3 pgs.)
-Using research, discuss the press and cons of testing and assessment of young children
-Clarify what different sources agree and disagree on
-Clarify which points of view have greater support
-Identify the sources of the support as well

Applications: describe how you will address the issues of concern through a balanced approach (~2 pgs.)
-Discuss your opinion on the debate
-What do you believe is the best way to conduct assessments?
-What would you do in your Early Childhood classroom?
-What would assessments/tests look like? What would you evaluate?
-How would you manage assessment? What would you do and what would children do?
-What would you do to make children (and parents) comfortable?
-How would you conduct activities to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative aspects on young children?
How would you use the information gathered to improve your teaching and share the information with families? Would you share it?

Summary and Implications: Briefly present the key points of the argument, the debate, and your suggested application plan (1/2 pg.)
-A brief recap of the key points of the debate and your suggested plan of action to apply and address these issues in the classroom

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