HRM 546 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

HRM 546 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. HRM 546 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Resource: Grading Guide: Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination in Employment

“State of Estates” is a national estate planning firm with 2,500 employees in eight states.

Research, as a team, three relevant court cases on age discrimination.

Design a 3-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for the senior management team at “State of Estates” to train them on the following topics:

  • An overview of the ADEA

Give examples of how this concept has been applied to employment situations involving age of employee.

Include visual interest in the form of relevant photos, clip art, and/or graphics.

HRM 546 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL Vincennes University How to Applicate First Aid in an Risk Situation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

You and your fiancée are sheltering in the basement of your apartment building, following a tornado warning for your area.After hearing an “all clear” on your emergency radio, you head upstairs and outside, only to witness massive devastation on your block.The power is out, cell service is out, and there is a car that is flipped upside down on its roof, up against a lamp post.You hear cries and moans coming from the vehicle.No one else is yet in sight.

On approaching the vehicle, you see four people inside, two adults, and two children.The driver, a man, has crawled out the window of the vehicle.He has a compound fracture of his right leg, and is bleeding severely from a head wound, with blood coming out his ears and nose.He is conscious, but barely, unable to answer your questions.

The woman on the passenger side is unconscious.She was not wearing a seat belt and has fallen from the seat.A brief examination shows only minor scrapes and cuts, but she is wearing a medical ID tag that indicates she is diabetic.She regains consciousness during your examination of her, and says she feels lightheaded and weak, and that she has not had her medicine yet today.She points back to the boy in the backseat, says, “hospital”, then loses consciousness again.

In the back of the vehicle, on the passenger side, a young girl, approximately 8 years of age, is screaming loudly, clearly in a great deal of pain, traumatized by the accident.She is covered in blood, though you can’t initially see what the source of the blood is.She shies away from you as you try to enter the car, screaming louder.

Opposite her in the back seat is an older boy, a young teenager, perhaps 13 or 14.He is curled up in an upright fetal position, moaning softly, hands protectively over the lower right side of his abdomen.He has no visible wounds, and your questions to him reveal that his pain is internal.He manages to tell you that the family was on their way to the hospital, suspecting appendicitis, when caught out in the storm.

Across the street from you are two businesses, a small convenience store, and a pharmacy.Both are closed.

Directions:Using the scenario information above, each student will prepare a minimum 2 page paper summarizing the actions you take.The paper should be written in narrative/essay format and must include the following elements:

1.Prioritize the order of victim treatment.Describe in detail what you would do for each person. Justify your decision.What are the pros and cons of choosing to provide first aid in this situation?What other actions are possible?

2.Both the pharmacy and convenience store may offer items that would help you, yet being closed, it would involve breaking and entering, then stealing items to aid you in your first aid efforts.Do you do this?Describe the reason for your action choice.

3.Explain how this scenario relates to first aid course content.

4.Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical reasoning issues by responding to the following eight key questions (8KQ).

1.Fairness – How can I act equitably and balance legitimate interests?

2.Outcomes – What achieves the best short- and long-term outcomes for me and all others?

3.Responsibilities – What duties and/or obligations apply?

4.Character – What action best reflects who I am and the person I want to become?

5.Liberty – How does respect for freedom, personal autonomy, or consent apply?

6.Empathy – What would I do if I cared deeply about those involved?

7.Authority – What do legitimate authorities (e.g. experts, law, my religion/god) expect of me?

8.Rights – What rights (e.g. innate, legal, social) apply?

The final paper must include a minimum of 2 citations.The citations must be included in normal reference format at the bottom of the last page or on a separate “works cited” page. MLA Format.


PSY 240 SU Egocentrism Types of Arguments and Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help

Task 3 Egocentrism & Critical Thinking


Egocentrism is a concept coined by Jean Piaget while exploring the stages of cognitive development in children. Essentially, it refers to the subconscious thinking functions of our minds that we deny we have. For example, no one says “I think I will think egocentrically for a while”. Its ultimate goals are gratification and self-validation. It does not respect the rights and needs of others, though it may be protective of those with whom it ego-identifies. When we are thinking egocentrically, we see ourselves as right and just. We see those who disagree with us as wrong and unjustified. Thus, there are two fundamental motives behind egocentric thinking.

View these examples of Piaget’s concept of Egocentrism.

Children and Egocentrism

Adolescents and Egocentrism

Step 2

Write a paragraph or two explaining Egocentrism in your own words!

Step 3

Next, think about the following: According to Nosich, “Egocentrism interferes with critical thinking on all levels, from the deepest to the most superficial. It stands in the way of the empathy that is such an important part of empathy” (p. 22). In your opinion, is this true? What has been your personal experience with Egocentrism? To Specifically, think of a time when your desire to selfishly get what you want failed because of your egocentric thinking. To make it interesting, try exploring an experience in your particular field of study. Complete these statements:

The situation was as follows…

When I didn’t get what I wanted, I thought…and behaved…

A more rational way to think would have been…

A more rational way to act would have been…

Instructions: Based on the information you’ve accumulated, write a 1-2 page essay discussing your thoughts and answers from Steps 1, 2 and 3. Be sure to incorporate the questions being asked of you and to use APA formatting that includes double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, properly formatted citations for all sources to which you refer, and be free of grammar and spelling errors.

Task 4 – Logic of Arguments and Critical Thinking

In critical thinking and arguments, typically, there are two types of arguments – inductive and deductive.

Inductive Arguments are based upon the estimation of the probable truth of premises. For example:

I observe that each evening at 5:00 pm, the streets of downtown become crowded with workers.

It is highly likely that the increased crowd are people that work downtown.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the work day ends for these people at 5pm.

Deductive Arguments are different in that they proceed without any room for probability. For example:

X is a book; All books have pages in them; Therefore, X has pages in it.

Step 1

Read through this chapter on Critical Thinking and Logic. Scroll to about midway, to focus specifically on the role of arguments in critical thinking.

Step 2

View the video on Inductive vs. Deductive Arguments and Begin thinking about some of the inductive and Deductive arguments you have experienced recently.

Step 3

Based on what you know about Inductive and Deductive reasoning, first prepare a Venn Diagram that compares/contrast the differences between the two concepts. Then, think about a personal experience in which you’ve used an inductive argument to make a point. Next, think about a time that you’ve used a deductive argument to make a point. Provide an explanation of your experiences here. Be sure to include details on what made the argument inductive or deductive. Then, consider what impediments to critical thinking were present in your arguments. How did they help your arguments? How did they hurt your arguments?

Instructions: Upload your Venn Diagram and 3-4 paragraphs discussing your inductive and deductive arguments here. Be sure to answer all of the questions being asked of you. Also. be sure to use APA formatting that includes double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, properly formatted citations for all sources to which you refer, and be free of grammar and spelling errors.

Task 5: Critical Thinker Exemplars

No matter what walk of life you come from, what industry you’re interested in pursuing or how much experience you’ve already garnered, we’ve all seen firsthand the importance of critical thinking skills. In fact, lacking such skills can truly make or break a person’s career, as the consequences of one’s inability to process and analyze information effectively can be massive.

Step 1

Think of someone you have come to admire as a critical thinker. If available, ask them a few questions on how they have implemented their critical thinking skills. (If they are not available, answer the questions based on your knowledge of them). Some questions to consider include:

How did you become such a great critical thinker? What tips can you offer to someone trying to increase their critical thinking skills? How easy is it to avoid impediments to critical thinking?

Be sure to include some questions of your own.

Step 2

Then, because you’re now a guru too, how would you explain/teach critical thinking to someone who hasn’t quite grasped its fundamentals? What tips would you offer them? How would you explain to them how to assess their critical thinking?

Instructions: Compile your responses to Steps 1 and 2 in a 1-2 page paper


MDC TED Talk on The Environment Struggle for Environmental Justice Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Watch two TED Talks on the same subject Note: Subject
should be at the intersection of political, environmental, or social issues

The Civic Action Scorecard Take action. Score points. Earn award

Watch two TED Talks on the same subject Note: Subject should be at the intersection of political, environmental, or social issues


5 points for watching two TED Talks X2=10 points

Summary (~200-400 words total) of both TED Talks and name and citation of each TED Talk watched

Reflect on the subject addressed. In what ways is it innovative? What did you learn? How does it relate to your own experiences and community? What action are you inspired to take after learning about the subject or innovation?


NURS UMES Heart Strokes Treatment and Risk factors Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Assigned Topic:

Patient CB has a history of strokes. The patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Drugs currently prescribed include the following:

  • Glipizide 10 mg po daily
  • HCTZ 25 mg daily
  • Atenolol 25 mg po daily
  • Hydralazine 25 mg qid
  • Simvastatin 80 mg daily
  • Verapamil 180 mg CD daily

Due Dates:

  • Assignment: Sunday, December 13th, @11:59PM MT
  • Write a 2- to 3-page paper
    that addresses the following:

    Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic
    and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study you were

    Describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s
    recommended drug therapy. Be specific and provide examples.

    Explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan and
    explain why you would make these recommended improvements.

  • Assignment:
    Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders

    …heart disease remains the No. 1
    killer in America; nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure, high
    cholesterol, or smoke—some of the leading risk factors for heart disease…

    —Murphy et al., 2018

    Despite the high mortality
    rates associated with cardiovascular disorders, improved treatment options do
    exist that can help address those risk factors that afflict the majority of the
    population today.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF

    As an advanced practice nurse,
    it is your responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for
    patients with cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness
    of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might
    influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical
    history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.

    Reference: Murphy, S. L., Xu, J., Kochanek, K. D., & Arias, E.
    (2018). Mortality in the United States, 2017. Retrieved from…

    To Prepare

    Review the Resources for this module and consider the impact of
    potential pharmacotherapeutics for cardiovascular disorders introduced in the
    media piece.

    Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this

    Select one the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity,
    age, or behavior factors.

    Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the
    patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

    Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
    processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.

    Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan
    based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on whether
    you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative treatment
    option for the patient.




Indiana University South Bend History of Western Civilizations Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The purpose of discussion forum is to encourage you to debate and consider the questions of the week in depth – to provide the same opportunities that you might have in a class to teach and learn from each other.

For each module, you’ll receive fifteen to twenty questions, and you should write 100 to 150-word answers on TWO questions. I’ll be looking for clarity, specific information, and evidence that you are reading and learning from fellow students.

Please also be aware that you will not receive full credit for your post if you primarily summarize what others have already written.

It makes sense to try to limit your post to 150-words to give your fellow students the possibility of also responding to the question.

Your post should add some substantive point to the discussion. For example, you could make reference to an event, individual, quote, or movement from the textbook; you could interpret the evidence in a new and different way from the existing posts; you could ask a question about something that you found puzzling or confusing; you could link evidence in other posts to the larger questions for the week, or you could ask an insightful question that spurs students to think more deeply about the material.

Here are some tips if you feel that what you have written has already been discussed.

I hope that you also see these discussion questions as prompts that will allow you to write answers to the question but also to comment on what you found most interesting in the chapter.

*Please put the number of words at the bottom of your post. Please do not include your quote in your word count.

Please remember that these contributions must be in your own words. Even for these informal assignments, as well as quizzes, a student who uses another’s words without proper attribution is committing plagiarism.

Finally you might consider “liking” posts that are well-written or lead you to think about the material in new ways.

Here are the questions for this week:

1. Why does the chapter open with the image of a Calvinist Temple of Paradise? How does this space differ from the Gothic Cathedral in chapter 9?

2. In what ways do the opening vignettes of Erasmus or Katharina von Bora reveal key themes of the chapter?

3. As opposed to the term “reformation,” why might it be preferable to treat the period as a re-formation, re-making, or re-founding of Christian institutions and beliefs?

4. At the time of the issuing of his Ninety-five Theses, Martin Luther still seemed to have accepted most of Catholic theology. In what ways does our document for this week (pg. 416) support that view?

5. How and why did Luther come to develop a much more radical rethinking of Christian theology and institutions? Why can’t he accept the Church’s authority?

6. What challenges faced the church in the 1400s and 1500s?

7. Explain the basic beliefs of Luther’s new theology of salvation, and his ideas about how the true Christian church should be structured. In other words, what aspects of existing Catholic practice did Luther challenge?

8. In the view of Catholics of the early 1500s, how did indulgences work? Why did it make sense to pay money to the church to help loved ones or oneself enter heaven?

9. Why did the Roman Catholic church find Luther’s ideas so disturbing and dangerous?

10. Why did Luther’s ideas and those of other new religious leaders such as Zwingli and Calvin create problems regarding the relationship between church and state? What was Luther’s solution to those problems? How did his views differ from those of other religious reformers?

11. Why did religious war break out in the Holy Roman Empire in the 1540s and in the rest of Europe in the second half of the sixteenth century? To what extent were these wars tied to political struggles as well as tensions over religious doctrine? How did the “many Europes” and political divisions in Europe prevent Luther’s ideas from being silenced?

12. What was the “Radical Reformation”? Why did new and more radical religious leaders emerge? What was the reaction of followers of Luther and Calvin to these new movements?

13. Why did Franz von Sickingen and the Knights in the Knights revolt believe that Luther’s ideas supported their interests?

14. What, ultimately, were the most effective responses of the Catholic Church to both the challenge of Protestantism and demands for spiritual reform from within the church? How did the Catholic Church carry out reform?

15. How did the Church fight back against the Protestants? What role did the Jesuit order play in this fight?

16. In what ways might baroque art assist the Catholic Church in maintaining the support of the faithful? What role did mystics play in the upheavals of this period?

17. Why did wars over religion dominate the second half of the sixteenth century and what did Europeans learn from these wars? What did the religious turmoil of the sixteenth century cost Europe? What did Europeans gain?

18. Have a look at map 13.2. What areas remained free of Protestantism and why would that be the case?

19. Why did Spain attack England in 1588, and why was Spain unsuccessful?

20. What were the costs of the religious turmoil of this period and to what extent did Europeans gain from this experience?

Indiana University South Bend History of Western Civilizations Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ELAC Interpersonal Communication When Expressing Sexual Orientation Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.

Hi Jesca, I hope you are doing well. It is nice to talk to you again. Since you did my research paper beautifully, I was wondering if you could make a presentation slideshow of the research paper you wrote for me? All of the guidelines, fonts, topics of each slide, and etc are all on the “presentation guideline” I attached.

– I also provided the essay as a reference.

please let me know if you can complete


California State University of Northridge Farmers in The 1920s Quiz Questions Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Question 1

Which of the following statements is true about farmers in the 1920s?

The “golden age” of farming reached its peak during the 1920s with profits steadily rising.

Because of a decline in mechanization and the use of fertilizer and insecticides, agricultural production continued to decline.

The government maintained high farm prices which raised farmer’s incomes.

Dire conditions prompted mass migration out of rural areas.

During the 1920s, the world demand for agricultural products increased.

Question 2

Which of the following is correct regarding the candidate and his party affiliation in the Election of1948?

Dewey (Republican), Truman (Progressive Party), Wallace (State’s Rights Democratic Party), Thurmond (Democrat).

Truman (Republican), Dewey (Democrat), Thurmond (Progressive Party), Wallace (State’s Rights Democratic Party).

Wallace (Progressive Party), Truman (Democrat), Thurmond (State’s Rights Democratic Party), Dewey (Republican).

Thurmond (State’s Rights Democratic Party) , Dewey (Progressive Party), Truman (Democrat), Wallace (Republican).

Question 3

Which of the following statements is true regarding the origins of the Vietnam War?

The Eisenhower administration funneled billions of dollars in aid to bolster Japanese efforts to preserve its Asian empire in Vietnam.

Vietnam exemplifies how American leaders seemed more comfortable with dealing with democratic governments than military regimes.

Eisenhower sent American troops to Vietnam to avert French defeat in 1954.

A peace conference in Geneva divided Vietnam temporarily into northern and southern districts with elections scheduled for 1956 to unify the country.

With U.S. backing, the anticommunist leader Ngo Dinh Diem moved quickly to hold elections believing it would result in a victory for his party.

Question 4

Which of the following statements best describes the post-WWII creation of “suburbia?

As late as the 1990s, nearly 50 percent of suburban whites lived in communities with non-whites.

Urban renewal was a government program that halted the practice of banks and real estate developers from engaging in housing discrimination.

Suburbanization softened the racial lines of division in American life.

Suburbia had the effect of creating racial uniformity.

Urban renewal was a program that provided federal funds to renovate poor neighborhoods for the benefit of non-whites.

Question 5

In 1954, John Foster Dulles announced an updated version of the doctrine of containment known as:


“peace through strength”

“peaceful coexistence”


“massive retaliation”

Question 6

Which of the following was dedicated to replacing the culture of segregation with a “beloved community” of racial justice that empowered ordinary blacks to take control of the decisions that affected their lives?

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.

Congress of Racial Equality.

Young Americans for Freedom.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Students for a Democratic Society.

Question 7

The chief concern of the United Farm Workers (UFW):

was for Mexican-Americans to abandon their Mexican past and the new Chicano culture.

was low wages and oppressive working conditions.

was getting the support of local growers to agree to labor contracts.

was their inability to work out contracts with major growers prompting the UFW to engage in nonviolent protests and a national boycott of California grapes.

was overcoming obstacles that kept the organization from achieving any success.

Question 8

At the Miss America beauty pageant of 1968, protestors filled a “freedom trash can” with objects of female oppression (girdles, brassieres, high-heeled shoes, and copies of Playboy and Cosmopolitan) and lit the objects on fire to protest the image of women as sex objects.



Question 9

High unemployment along side inflation is known as:


The Misery Index.

Question 10

Which of the following is true regarding President Carter’s Cold War foreign policy?

President Carter was praised by conservative cold warriors and foreign policy “realists.”

President Carter promoted human rights through organizations such as Amnesty International.

In 1978, he increased aid to the dictatorship in Argentina hoping to soften Cold War tension with Latin American countries.

Carter curtailed American military spending and refused to funnel aid to fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan.

In 1979, Carter refused the deposed Shah of Iran to seek medical attention in the United States.

Question 11

What was Nixon’s policy of Vietnamization?

A reaction to the My Lai Massacre in which he committed more American troops to combat.

A brilliant policy that limited the war and quieted the antiwar movement.

A gradual withdrawal of American troops with South Vietnamese soldiers continuing the war.

A strategy to blame Ho Chi Minh for the conflict in Vietnam and take the blame away from the United States.

A directive to key military advisors and officers to implement a plan that would assimilate U. S. soldiers to life in Vietnam.

Question 12

Which organization lobbied in defense of the Scottsboro boys?

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)

Anti-Defamation League.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

International Labor Defense.

Question 13

Which of the following events led Truman to claim a victory for the Berlin blockade?

The United States conducted an eleven-month airlift with Western planes supplying fuel and food to their zones.

Truman signed an executive order that would dissolve the Soviet Zone and divide its territory equally among France, Britain, and the United States.

The United States along with Britain and France introduced a separate currency in thier zones.

American troops invaded the Soviet-controlled zone of Berlin and destroyed miltary outposts.

The Soviets were unable to cut off road and rail traffic from the American, British, and French zones of occupied Germany to Berlin.

Question 14

Which of the following statements best characterizes television in the 1950s?

Only a small percentage of American homes had television by the end of the 1950s.

Television programs were controversial and often projected the harsh reality of suburban America.

in the 1950s, movie theatre attendance replaced TV watching as the nation’s leading leisure activity.

It provided Americans of all regions and backgrounds with a common cultural experience.

Television provided news programing, but newspapers were the most common source of information about public events.

Question 15

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It prohibited racial discrimination in public institutions and privately-owned public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels, and theaters.

It was endorsed by Johnson and presented to Congress less than a week after John Kennedy’s assassination.

It outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests that discriminated against African American voters.

It was embraced by female and liberal members of congress.

It banned discrimination on the grounds of sex.

Question 16

Which of the following was NOT an issue that prompted a movement for conservative values in the early 1970s?

Tax reform.

Abortion rights.

Equal Rights Amendment.

Racial inequality.

Question 17

Which statement best describes the significance of the Watergate scandal of 1972?

It demonstrated an abuse of power by high-ranking government officials.

It brought to the public’s awareness how easy it was to infiltrate the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters.

It demonstrated the stalwart dedication of two Washington Post journalists who broke an important national story.

It led to the resignation of President Nixon and a presidential pardon from President Ford.

It undermined confidence in the Democratic Party.

Question 18

Which of the following best describes welfare capitalism?

The blacklisting of union organizers to prevent or defeat strikes.

Corporations paid more attention to the human factor in employment.

The federal government forced employers to provide private pensions and medical insurance to employees.

Unions agreed to demands by employers.

Question 19

Which New Deal program did FDR dissolve amidst public criticism that Americans had become dependent on government?

Civil Works Administration.

Civilian Conservation Corp.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act.

Public Works Administration.

Works Progress Administration.

Question 20

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

It was established by the United States, Canada, and ten western European nations.

It came about as a response to the Soviet Union testing its first atomic bomb in 1949.

NATO was established immediatly after the Soviets formalized their own eastern European alliance, the Warsaw Pact.

West Germany became a crucial part of NATO.

It pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.

Question 21

The Southern Manifesto rejected desegregation with a policy they called “forced integration.”



Question 22

Beat poets such as Allen Ginsberg:

supported limited government and free market capitalism.

invited readers to scream out in protest against the United States involvement in the Vietnam War.

defended the notion of participatory democracy.

were critical of rebellious youth otherwise known as juvenile delinquents.

often wrote of personal and political repression.

Question 23

In which state did governor, Orval Faubus use the National Guard to prevent court-ordered integration at Central high school following the Brown decision?

Topeka, Kansas.

Little Rock, Arkansas.

Birmingham, Alabama.

Oxford, Mississippi.

Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Question 24

Abbie Hoffman, the founder of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), authored the Sharon Statement which set the agenda for a generation of conservative youth in the early 1960s.



Question 25

Which Supreme Court case established a constitutional “right to privacy” and set precedence for a future case regarding abortion rights?

Roe v. Wade.

Miranda v. Arizona.

Griswold v. Connecticut.

Loving v. Virginia.

New York Times v. Sullivan.

Question 26

The Hart-Celler Act:

Provided health services to the poor and elderly.

Prohibited racial discrimination in employment, institutions, and privately owned public accommodations.

Allowed federal officials to register voters.

Abandoned the national-origins quota system of immigration.

Faced opposition from the civil rights movement of the mid-1960s.

Question 27

Which of the following is NOT a program or agency created by the Nixon administration?

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

Block Grants.

The National Transportation Safety Board.

The Environmental Protection Agency.

The National Endowments for the Humanities and for the Arts.

Question 28

Which of the following froze each countries arsenal of intercontinental missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads?

The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.

Question 29

Which of the following organizations lobbied in the name of “personal liberty” for laws prohibiting discrimination against immigrants by public and private institutions?

National Immigration League.

Young Americans for Freedom.

Anti-Defamation League.

National Catholic Welfare Council.

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.

Question 30

Which of the following was accused of passing secrets concerning the atom bomb to Soviet agents during WWII?

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Alger Hiss.

Question 31

Which New Deal program correctly states its function?

The Civil Works Administration constructed highways, tunnels, courthouses, and airports.

The Civilian Conservation Corps built dams to prevent foods and deforestation along the Tennessee River.

The Public Works Administration built stadiums, swimming pools, and sewage treatment plants.

The Works Progress Administration set unemployed young men to work on projects like forest preservation, flood control, and the improvement of national parks and wildlife preserves.

The Tennessee Valley Authority authorized the government to raise farm prices and set production quotas for major crops.

Question 32

Which of the following declared Communism was a religion “inspired, directed and motivated by the Devil himself.”

Reverend Billy Graham

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Question 33

In the 1920s, the term “New Negro” meant:

those in the black community who visited Harlem’s dance halls, jazz clubs, and speakeasies in search of exotic adventure.

those in the black community who rejected black stereotypes and a searched for black values.

those in the black community who were advantaged by higher-wage jobs and affordable housing in Harlem.

Those in the black community who were disadvantaged by segregation.

Those in the black urban community of Harlem who moved to the rural south for greater economic opportunities.

Question 34

Which 1960s movement of young people believed in “personal freedom,” strictly limited government, and “international communism” as a grave threat to liberty?

Free Speech Movement (FSM).

Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

National Organization for Women (NOW).

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP).

Question 35

The Moral Majority meant those who embraced religion alongside conservatism.



Question 36

Which group would NOT be considered part of the Southern Conference for Human Welfare?

Black activists.

Southern New Dealers.

Labor leaders.

Some elected officials.


Question 37

Which of the following is NOT part of President Johnson’s War on Poverty and the Great Society?


Head Start.

Legal services for the poor.

Job training.

Peace Corps.

Question 38

Which of the following involved integrated groups who traveled by bus to the Deep South to test compliance with court orders banning segregation on interstate buses?

Congress of Racial Equality.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Students for a Democratic Society.

Young Americans for Freedom.

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.

Question 39

Which civil rights leader coined the term Black Power?

Ella Baker.

Stokely Carmichael.

Malcom Little (X).

W.E.B. Du Bois.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Question 40

The Congressional Elections of 1946:

ushered in a Congress that endorsed Truman’s Fair Deal.

ensured a conservative coalition of lawmakers along with southern Democrats.

ushered in a congress that was pro labor.

returned both houses of Congress to the Democrats since the 1920s.

Question 41

The success of the Brown case in 1954, for civil rights activists, was chief justice Earl Warren’s call for “an immediate desegregation of schools” to begin following the court’s decision.



Question 42

Which critic of mass society in the 1950s argued that Americans were conformists who lacked the inner resources to lead truly independent lives?

Vance Packard.

Allen Ginsberg.

C. Wright Mills.

William Whyte.

David Riesman.

Question 43

Which federal program under the Nixon administration guaranteed a minimum income for all Americans?

Block grants.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).

Affirmative action.

Minimum Wage Act (MWA)

Family Assistance Plan.

Question 44

Which of the following was NOT part of President Reagan’s approach to the Cold War?

Reagan embraced the human rights initiatives of the Carter administration’s foreign policy.

Reagan adopted a policy of “peace through strength” and calls the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”

The Reagan administration presides over the largest military build up in American history.

President Reagan sent troops to Grenada to oust a pro-Cuban government.

Reagan proposes a space-based system to intercept and destroy enemy missiles.

Question 45

Reagan’s program to stimulate private investment by lowering taxes for businesses and high-income Americans was known by his supporters as:

“supply-side economics”

“trickle-down economics”

Question 46

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:

originated after Johnson proclaimed the United States was a victim of aggression.

empowered Congress to end the Vietnam War.

failed in Congress with only two members – senators Ernest Gruening of Alaska and Wayne Morse of Oregon giving support to the measure.

seceded North Vietnam to the French government and weakened the military resolve of South Vietnam.

Question 47

According to historians, mass society in the 1950s is best understood as an era of:

Liberty and freedom.

Stability and authority.

Social media and “selfies.”

Consensus and conformity.

Question 48

What event took place in Birmingham, Alabama in May 1963 that led President Kennedy to endorse the goals of the civil rights movement?

Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous speech “I have a dream” to a gathering of 250,000 black and white Americans.

Kennedy reads “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” an eloquent plea for racial justice written by MLK while serving a nine day prison term in Birmingham.

A bomb exploding at a black Baptist church in Birmingham, killing four young girls.

Medgar Evers, field secretary of the NAACP is killed by sniper fire.

The images, broadcast on television, of schoolchildren being assaulted by police.

Question 49

Which of the following statements about the Black Panther Party is True?

The Black Panther Party ran health clinics, schools, and children’s breakfast programs.

The Black Panther Party became notorious for purposely advocating violence toward law enforcement as a tactic to increase their political power.

Question 50

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Korean War?

General Macarthur endorses Truman’s decision not to use nuclear weapons.

It demonstrates that the war which began in Europe was now a global conflict.

The south invades the north wanting to reunite Korea under communist control


University of San Francisco Historical Daily Prices & Statistics Report Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel project and need guidance to help me study.

Pick 2 stocks you are interested in investing (They can be any stock, as long as they are common stocks listed on NYSE/Nasdaq/Amex). For each of the stock, do the following:

(1) Obtain its 5-year historical daily prices (1/1/2015 – 12/31-2019) on Yahoo finance and calculate its daily holding period returns.

(2) Generate a summary statistics report on its holding period returns.

(3) Create a Histogram chart on its holding period returns.

(4) Estimate its annualized volatility using all the holding period returns from (1).

(5) Use the S&P 500 holding period returns during the same period as market return, run a regression to estimate the beta of this stock. Y: stock return minus risk-free rate. X: market return minus risk-free rate. You can use 1.5% as risk-free rate.

(6) Once beta is estimated, calculate the expected return of this stock using CAPM. According to CAPM, Expected return = Rf + beta*(Rm-Rf). Note that Rf should be an annual return, Rm should also be an annualized return, which can be calculated using average of daily S&P 500 returns in part (5) multiplied by 252.

(7) Use the expected return and annualized volatility you estimated in part (4) and (6), simulate daily stock prices for the next 252 days, assuming stock prices follow Geometric Brownian Motion.

(8) Form a portfolio with both stocks and risk-free asset. Estimate the correlation coefficients between two stocks. Use this formula =CORREL(HPRs of stock1, HPRs of stock 2)

(9) Set a target portfolio return, use Solver to estimate the optimal weights for all assets in your portfolio. (Tip: If your solver is unable to give you a solution, consider changing your target portfolio return to a more realistic number, for example, if both your stocks have expected returns around 10% based on CAPM, setting a target portfolio return of 20% will probably not work.)



Colorado Technical University Online Managing Healthcare Organizations Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Healthcare managers must deal with three components of healthcare delivery: access to care, quality of care and the cost of care. With the move to a value based care model from fee for service, there is a stronger connection between quality of care and payment. Organizations that accredit healthcare facilities such as The Joint Commission focus on quality standards. These organizations may also hold what is called “deemed status”. This means that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) will accept accreditation of a healthcare facility by an accrediting organization such as The Joint Commission as meeting the Conditions of Participation (CoPs). Healthcare organizations that meet the CoPs are eligible for reimbursement for the care of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. Thus, the standards for accreditation include those that align with the CoPs. Managers must ensure that their organization meets these standards.

Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of 12-15 slides, not including title page and reference page, with 150-300 words of speaker notes. Review the CMS Conditions of Participation for the type of health care organization that you chose in Week 1 and that you have used throughout this course.

  • Identify at least two sections of the CoPs (e.g., patient rights, medical record services).
  • Explain how these sections are implemented in your selected health care facility.
  • Compare and discuss how these sections might be implemented differently in another type of health care facility.
  • Make recommendations for how your healthcare facility could make improvements to ensure meeting the CoPs.
  • In addition to the two CoPs that you have chosen, describe the Emergency Preparedness CoP, and how your health care facility will implement this standard.

You can research the CoPs for your chosen health care organization in the Code of Federal Regulations at 24CFR utilizing the links below:

Note: Use APA style to cite at least 2 scholarly sources.


HRM 546 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

HRM 546 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

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