HRM 599 SU Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs HR Management Capstone Writing Assignment Help

HRM 599 SU Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs HR Management Capstone Writing Assignment Help. HRM 599 SU Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs HR Management Capstone Writing Assignment Help.

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To attract, motivate, and retain good workers, companies need to define what an employee wants from the employment relationship. One way to define employee needs is to consider “total rewards,” which are everything an employee perceives to be of value resulting from working for the company. Benefits are a core element of total rewards and the ever-growing package of offerings have evolved. You must now work with the company to define precisely where the various programs will be categorized.

Write a six- to seven-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Identify and discuss at least three important variables that almost always should be considered by organizations when developing employee benefits programs. Be sure the response is specific and relevant.
  • Compare and contrast income protection programs and pay for time not worked programs, both of which are usual elements of benefits programs. How are the programs similar? Are they mandatory?
  • Research and discuss at least four to five of what may be referred as “Other Benefits” that you could recommend to the management team as necessary elements for the benefits package. Hint: Flextime and product or service discounts are good examples.
  • Develop an employee benefits package for any exempt or non-exempt position (you must designate which) level of your choosing, making sure you support the selection of your program elements.
  • Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment, one of which must be the assigned textbook.
  • No plagiarism. Please make 100% original as much as possible
  • Make sure all citations have at least 3 parts (author[s], year, and page or paragraph
    number) and this is regardless if they apply to quotes or paraphrases. Example: Lussier, 2019, pg 22
  • NOTE: You are not allowed to use non-academic websites except for those listed in the course resources list, or SHRM, ASTD, HCI, or WorldatWork. There are no exceptions to this requirement. You may also use Strayer University Library to locate additional sources to support your work.

Required Resources

Robert Lussier. 2019. Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (this should be the mail resource used)

Gregg Learning. May 9, 2016. Human Resource Strategy and Planning.

Integrity HR. April 18, 2018. 5 Steps To Developing A Strategic HR Plan.

Management Study Guide. No date. Job Design – Meaning, Steps and its Benefits.…

Business Wales/Busnes Cymru. Mar 17, 2015. The Recruitment Process.

Umar Farooq. September 26, 2015. Recruitment and Selection Process in HRM.…

PSI Testing Excellence. July 3, 2012. 5 Tips for Designing An Effective Employee Selection System.…

Gregg Learning. June 20, 2016. Lesson 2: Identify Training Needs.

Carter McNamara. No date. How to Design Your Personal and Professional Development Program.…

Gregg Learning. Aug 16, 2016. Be a Strategic Human Resource Partner.

HRinAsia. November 30, 2015. 6 Key Qualities Transforming HR as a Strategic Business Partner.…

SHRM. April 20, 2017. 5 Reasons to Seek SHRM Certification.

Serhart Kurt. December 16, 2018. ADDIE Model: Instructional Design.…

SHRM. May 11, 2016. SHRM Certification Testimonial – Robert Eugene Brabo II, SHRM-SCP.

SHRM. July 26, 2018. Why Choose SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification?

SHRM. November 28, 2016. Who is Eligible for SHRM Certification?

SHRM. No Date. Eligibility Criteria.…

USBank. January, 2019. Benefits At A Glance.…

University of Wisconsin Madison, 2020. New Employee Benefits Summary.…

SHRM. No date. Body of Competency and Knowledge…

GMASHRM. No date. The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge.…

Accоциация HRFORUM. May 27, 2018. The Value of SHRM Certification to Your Employer.

Scott Madden Management Consultants. 2012. The Evolution of the HR Business Partner Role.…

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

HRM 599 SU Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs HR Management Capstone Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PS 1010 Columbia Southern University Unit 7 Economic Policy Final Project Writing Assignment Help

Unit VIII Final Project: Policy

Instructions: Locate at least three academic articles that support your position.

Your paper should consist of at least three pages. Be sure to include an introduction in your paper. Any sources used should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.

As you have learned in this course, politics are an inherent part of government and every citizen’s life. In this unit, we discussed the domestic, economic, and foreign policies utilized by the United States. In addition, we discussed how these policies affect the United States, both domestically and abroad. This is evidenced in part by the concepts of isolationism and internationalism.

In the Unit VIII Final Project, you will accomplish the following:

§Select one type of policy covered in the unit, describe its purpose and goals, and explain the role each of the three branches of government in the development of the chosen policy.

§Discuss how the policy you chose affects U.S. implementation of isolationism or internationalism, and describe how the media influences such action and decisions.

§Explain how each level of government is or is not affected by the type of policy you have chosen.

§Describe how one’s political party affiliation can affect his or her beliefs about the type of policy you have chosen.


ENG 12020 Cuyamaca College Purpose of Education Annotation Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help


For our first unit of this course, we will be discussing educational barriers. We will talk more about what I mean when I say “educational barrier” later on in the week as well as next week, but for now, I want us to consider the purpose of education, and to do so, I want us to read Martin Luther King Jr.’s estimable text by the same name.

Step 1:

Carefully read through “The Purpose of Education”by Martin Luther King Jr. Read it slowly! Read it twice! Annotate it! If you need a refresher on annotating your work, you can review the materials I’ve supplied here: English 020 Connection: Reading Strategies.

To help our understanding of the material, I have provided below some helpful notes.

  • bull session: noun, an informal, spontaneous discussion, usually pertaining to close-door politics.
  • bull session: noun, an informal discussion, as in College students love late-night bull sessions about anything and everything, from professors to poetry to politics. This expression originally referred to an exchange of opinions and anecdotes, including stories of sexual prowess, by men, and then came to be used more broadly. [Slang; c. 1915]
  • Eugene Talmadge: (1884-1946) American politician who served as the governor of Georgia for three terms, elected to four. He was also involved heavily in the politics regarding the University of Georgia. Talmadge presented himself as an aggressive defender of white supremacy, arguing keeping Black people disfranchised and segregated was far more important than education. At one campaign rally, Talmadge stated: “We in the South love the Negro in his place-but his place is at the back door” (Anderson). King is responding to Talmadge’s insidious, racist remarks and ideology when he address him in this text.
  • Morehouse College: A historical black men’s college or HBCU in Atlanta, Georgia which played a key role in the American Civil Rights Movement. Dr. King is among the list of its vary storied alumni.

123_Jan-Feb1947_The Purpose of Education.pdf

Step 2:

Fill out an annotation worksheet for the reading.

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (DOCX)

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (PDF)

(You can download it, type in your responses, and save your file or you can print it out, write your answers on the worksheet, and post a scan of the document.)

Step 3:

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and detailed. Each answer should be a a minimum of 150 words long. These can be attached/written in a separate document or text submission or at the end of your annotation worksheet.

  1. In your own words, what is the purpose of education? Why is it important to get an education?
  2. How would you summarize Dr. King Jr.’s argument? What are some of the things he said that stood out to you most?
  3. How does Dr. King Jr.’s text relate to your experience in education so far?


To submit, please attach your saved files as either a Word, PDF, JPG or PNG file below and click Submit. You can submit twice for each annotation worksheet.

Happy Writing!


PSU Translating Psychology Genre to Sociology Genre Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

write this in the style fit your genre, like if you choose a biology filed you need write in apa format, if it’s in English filed write in MLA format. 5-8 page double spaced

I linked an article I choose which is under the cultural psychology area you could rewrite this in humanity or writing area. However, if you like another article which you familiar with, you can change it. but tell me first.

1. Identify Primary Text: Choose an academic article (theoretical or empirical) which you wish to translate. There are no restrictions as to what article you should choose—as long as it is an academic paper that is published and was written by a scholar of a particular discourse community. This will be your primary text to be translated into a new genre.

2. Identify New Genre: Choose a genre(if the primary article was in psychology filed you could write a new one in humanity filed) of writing in which to “translate” your text. There are no restrictions as long as it is a textual genre and it is different from the original text’s genre. In choosing your new genre, pay a particular attention to the rhetorical triangle, that is the purpose, audience, context as well as conventions – and how all of these will impact the “translation.”

3. Translate: “translate” your chosen text into a brand new genre!

4. Reflect: Write a metacognitive reflection in which you’ll describe and analyze your choices as well as how you’ve accomplished this translation. Your reflection should be at least three pages.

Your reflective essay should analyze all of the following: 1) the initial text to be “translated,” 2) the process and choices employed in the “genre translation,” and 3) the translation itself. Don’t dedicate the whole paper to talking about your new genre; it is equally important to provide clear, insightful analysis of the conventions and rhetorical elements of the academic article that you started with. Along with your translation, include a brief explanation of your reference text along with its citation information and a hyperlink through which I can access the original article.


ECO 535 University of Phoenix Wk 1 Interest and Inflation Rates Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Review the Wk 1 Resources.

 major economic events influenced supply, demand, and economic equilibrium in the US economic activity:

  • Rapid price increases, such as caused by the 1973 oil embargo or the aftermath of a major hurricane
  • Dramatic employment drops, such as the combined impact of the 2006 housing bubble burst and the subsequent Great Recession
  • Crippling interest rates by the Federal Reserve, such as those of the 1975 – 1985 time period
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of the Cold War, and the “peace dividend”
  • The dot-com bubble from 1994 to 2000, and the subsequent dot-com crash



ELAC Should America Adopt a National Language Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

In a four to five paragraph essay, using some or all of the supporting material below, argue a stance on the question: Should America adopt a national language?

Supporting Material:

  • There is no official “national language” in America.
  • “The definition of an official language is one that has been specifically designated in the Constitution of a country or territory. Officially recognized languages are often mistaken for official languages” (
  • Half of the world’s countries have a designated “national language” (
  • A majority of second-generation immigrants know English as well as or better than those who trace their genealogy back to the Pilgrims.
  • Around 50% of immigrants come to American with the ability to speak English moderately well (Public Policy Institute of California).
  • Spanish is the second most common language in America, spoken by over 12% of the population, followed by Chinese (Business Insider).
  • People of German ancestry make up the biggest ethnic group in America (U.S. Census Bureau).
  • “German is the most commonly spoken non-English, non-Spanish language in nine states, with French most common in six states and D.C. Vietnamese was the most common language in six states” (Business Insider).
  • More than 50% of US States have English as their official language. Only two states have an official second language: Hawaii (Hawaiian) and New Mexico (Spanish) (CNN, Washington Post).
  • There are over 350 languages spoken and signed in the United States (U.S. Census Bureau).
  • “While most of the U.S. population speaks only English at home or a handful of other languages like Spanish or Vietnamese, the American Community Survey reveals the wide-ranging language diversity of the United States,” said Erik Vickstrom, a Census Bureau statistician. “For example, in the New York metro area alone, more than a third of the population speaks a language other than English at home, and close to 200 different languages are spoken. Knowing the number of languages and how many speak these languages in a particular area provides valuable information to policymakers, planners and researchers.” (U.S. Census Bureau).
  • In the 15 largest metro areas in the country, about 20-25% of the U.S. population speaks a language other than English at home (U.S. Census Bureau).
  • Children who learn a second language (or even a third) in school are more likely to get advanced degrees and higher paying jobs. It also helps develop their knowledge and critical thinking skills (Pew Research).

ELAC Should America Adopt a National Language Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Colorado College Early Childhood Education and Literature Paper Writing Assignment Help

Part 1

  • After reading the three articles presented this week, what does it mean to be a “reflective practitioner” in education? How might reflective practice enhance your work as a childcare or early childhood program administrator? What are three to four key points discussed in the three articles? (Tie those points to the two prior questions in this prompt).

Part 2

For this assignment, you will think about your favorite book from early childhood

Re-read a favorite book from childhood (preferably one that is in the early childhood range).

You will write a 1 – 2 page page paper analyzing the text. Site the title (in italics), author, illustrator, publisher, date.

Furthermore address the following:

  • Your reason for choosing the text? Your analysis of why this book was so important to you when you were young. in other words, What made this one distinct?
  • Do you remember this book being read to you or did you read it yourself? Play read it or really read it? How old are what grade were you in?
  • How do the illustrations work with the text(or words). Do you like them now?
  • Use this pink sheet attached to help you. What genre or category is it? How do you know?
  • Check out the author(s) on the Internet and find out about him/her and are there any new things you have learned about the text since when you were young?

Part 3

  • Define children’s literature, including the two major aspects.
  • Name three ways children benefit personally from reading good literature.

3.The claim is often made that literature is transformative and can change how we think about ourselves and others. Discuss the ways in which literature can be transformative for a child. Give examples if you can

Part 4

  • List three ways that you can learn to evaluate children’s books and improve your judgment of the merits of books.

2.List five characteristics of books that are likely to appeal to children today


HRM 599 Strayer University Voluntary Employee Benefits Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on your review, please respond to the following:

The video shares a discussion specifically on 9 benefits related to Voluntary Employee Benefits. Review the VEB’s and if you could only have 4 of them, which 4 would you select? Be sure to explain why you made those choices.


One to three small sentence-responses for analyzing the cases are not considered substantive.

You may only have no more than 3 references for your response and each must be appropriately cited in the response.

Make sure all citations have at least 3 parts (author[s], year, and page or paragraph number) and this is regardless if they apply to quotes or paraphrases. Journals and articles must have the “Retrieved from” information.


Ashford University Ethics in Developmental Psychology Paper Humanities Assignment Help

PSY-5706 V2: Ethics in Developmental Psychology (6379545798)

For this assignment, pretend that you are a tutor contracted by a family to assist 8-year-old Carl Saunders with his school work. One of his parents was killed in an automobile accident 2 years ago; recently, Carl’s schoolwork has begun to deteriorate. Third grade is difficult for him, so you come to the home three times per week. You think tutoring services can now be reduced, but his parent, Logan Saunders, wants you to continue. You like Carl and during the 3 months that you have tutored him, you have developed a bond with him. In addition, you and Logan Saunders have become friendly and you perceive a mutual attraction. This may or may not be a violation of any ethical standards, but this attraction is common. For example, Johansson, Kenttä, and Andersen (2016), believe that intimacy, attraction, love, and even sexual relations can occur in almost any social setting.

In a summary by Gorman (2009), nearly two dozen states have restrictions regarding sexual relationships with a former client within 1, 2, or up to 5 years after treatment ended. Some states extend these restrictions to other healthcare professionals as well. If you were a psychologist or other professional, a careful review of the relevant ethical standards for your organization and the laws of your state might result in a decision that seeing Logan socially could violate the ethical standards and state regulations. However, you are just a tutor and are not required to follow the APA ethical standards.

As Carl’s tutor, prepare an analysis in which you discuss the appropriateness of a possible relationship with Logan.
Be sure to address the following:

  • Discuss what you believe is the appropriate course of action in your role as a tutor even though there are probably no state laws or codes of ethics regulating your behavior with Logan.
  • Indicate whether you should end tutoring before you begin your relationship with Logan and if so, how long should you wait. Explain if you should not become involved in a relationship with Logan at all.
  • Determine if any harm would come to anyone if you and Logan began a romantic relationship. There are three parties involved; be sure to discuss this from the point of view of each of the involved people: you, the parent, and Carl.
  • Conclude with supportive research on the concept of multiple relationships in varying settings.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your assignment, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.


LA Pierce College Mental Illness in Hamlet Humanities Assignment Help

With the topic that I have attached below, submit a 7-8 page paper plus a bibliography that contains 3-4 sources. The paper must be 12 point, Times New Roman font and double spaced with standard margins in a Word Document.

Your paper should be structured as follows:

a) Introduction with a thesis (1 full page, see my podcast on writing intros for guidance)

b) 2-3 page summary of your research – use indirect quotations as much as possible. I suggest that you find 2-3 common or contrasting points about your research and discuss them. Be sure to keep your voice as a writer when presenting them.

c) 3-4 pages in which you develop your thesis – please note that it does not HAVE to be an argumentative paper, though you should present both sides should you decide to do so.

d) Conclusion in which you recommend another topic of interest.

e) Bibliography (This does not count as one of your pages.) using MLA style


For this assignment, pretend that you are a tutor contracted by a family to assist 8-year-old Carl Saunders with his school work. One of his parents was killed in an automobile accident 2 years ago; recently, Carl’s schoolwork has begun to deteriorate. Third grade is difficult for him, so you come to the home three times per week. You think tutoring services can now be reduced, but his parent, Logan Saunders, wants you to continue. You like Carl and during the 3 months that you have tutored him, you have developed a bond with him. In addition, you and Logan Saunders have become friendly and you perceive a mutual attraction. This may or may not be a violation of any ethical standards, but this attraction is common. For example, Johansson, Kenttä, and Andersen (2016), believe that intimacy, attraction, love, and even sexual relations can occur in almost any social setting.

In a summary by Gorman (2009), nearly two dozen states have restrictions regarding sexual relationships with a former client within 1, 2, or up to 5 years after treatment ended. Some states extend these restrictions to other healthcare professionals as well. If you were a psychologist or other professional, a careful review of the relevant ethical standards for your organization and the laws of your state might result in a decision that seeing Logan socially could violate the ethical standards and state regulations. However, you are just a tutor and are not required to follow the APA ethical standards.

As Carl’s tutor, prepare an analysis in which you discuss the appropriateness of a possible relationship with Logan.
Be sure to address the following:

  • Discuss what you believe is the appropriate course of action in your role as a tutor even though there are probably no state laws or codes of ethics regulating your behavior with Logan.
  • Indicate whether you should end tutoring before you begin your relationship with Logan and if so, how long should you wait. Explain if you should not become involved in a relationship with Logan at all.
  • Determine if any harm would come to anyone if you and Logan began a romantic relationship. There are three parties involved; be sure to discuss this from the point of view of each of the involved people: you, the parent, and Carl.
  • Conclude with supportive research on the concept of multiple relationships in varying settings.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your assignment, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.


LA Pierce College Mental Illness in Hamlet Humanities Assignment Help

With the topic that I have attached below, submit a 7-8 page paper plus a bibliography that contains 3-4 sources. The paper must be 12 point, Times New Roman font and double spaced with standard margins in a Word Document.

Your paper should be structured as follows:

a) Introduction with a thesis (1 full page, see my podcast on writing intros for guidance)

b) 2-3 page summary of your research – use indirect quotations as much as possible. I suggest that you find 2-3 common or contrasting points about your research and discuss them. Be sure to keep your voice as a writer when presenting them.

c) 3-4 pages in which you develop your thesis – please note that it does not HAVE to be an argumentative paper, though you should present both sides should you decide to do so.

d) Conclusion in which you recommend another topic of interest.

e) Bibliography (This does not count as one of your pages.) using MLA style


For this assignment, pretend that you are a tutor contracted by a family to assist 8-year-old Carl Saunders with his school work. One of his parents was killed in an automobile accident 2 years ago; recently, Carl’s schoolwork has begun to deteriorate. Third grade is difficult for him, so you come to the home three times per week. You think tutoring services can now be reduced, but his parent, Logan Saunders, wants you to continue. You like Carl and during the 3 months that you have tutored him, you have developed a bond with him. In addition, you and Logan Saunders have become friendly and you perceive a mutual attraction. This may or may not be a violation of any ethical standards, but this attraction is common. For example, Johansson, Kenttä, and Andersen (2016), believe that intimacy, attraction, love, and even sexual relations can occur in almost any social setting.

In a summary by Gorman (2009), nearly two dozen states have restrictions regarding sexual relationships with a former client within 1, 2, or up to 5 years after treatment ended. Some states extend these restrictions to other healthcare professionals as well. If you were a psychologist or other professional, a careful review of the relevant ethical standards for your organization and the laws of your state might result in a decision that seeing Logan socially could violate the ethical standards and state regulations. However, you are just a tutor and are not required to follow the APA ethical standards.

As Carl’s tutor, prepare an analysis in which you discuss the appropriateness of a possible relationship with Logan.
Be sure to address the following:

  • Discuss what you believe is the appropriate course of action in your role as a tutor even though there are probably no state laws or codes of ethics regulating your behavior with Logan.
  • Indicate whether you should end tutoring before you begin your relationship with Logan and if so, how long should you wait. Explain if you should not become involved in a relationship with Logan at all.
  • Determine if any harm would come to anyone if you and Logan began a romantic relationship. There are three parties involved; be sure to discuss this from the point of view of each of the involved people: you, the parent, and Carl.
  • Conclude with supportive research on the concept of multiple relationships in varying settings.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your assignment, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.


LA Pierce College Mental Illness in Hamlet Humanities Assignment Help

With the topic that I have attached below, submit a 7-8 page paper plus a bibliography that contains 3-4 sources. The paper must be 12 point, Times New Roman font and double spaced with standard margins in a Word Document.

Your paper should be structured as follows:

a) Introduction with a thesis (1 full page, see my podcast on writing intros for guidance)

b) 2-3 page summary of your research – use indirect quotations as much as possible. I suggest that you find 2-3 common or contrasting points about your research and discuss them. Be sure to keep your voice as a writer when presenting them.

c) 3-4 pages in which you develop your thesis – please note that it does not HAVE to be an argumentative paper, though you should present both sides should you decide to do so.

d) Conclusion in which you recommend another topic of interest.

e) Bibliography (This does not count as one of your pages.) using MLA style


For this assignment, pretend that you are a tutor contracted by a family to assist 8-year-old Carl Saunders with his school work. One of his parents was killed in an automobile accident 2 years ago; recently, Carl’s schoolwork has begun to deteriorate. Third grade is difficult for him, so you come to the home three times per week. You think tutoring services can now be reduced, but his parent, Logan Saunders, wants you to continue. You like Carl and during the 3 months that you have tutored him, you have developed a bond with him. In addition, you and Logan Saunders have become friendly and you perceive a mutual attraction. This may or may not be a violation of any ethical standards, but this attraction is common. For example, Johansson, Kenttä, and Andersen (2016), believe that intimacy, attraction, love, and even sexual relations can occur in almost any social setting.

In a summary by Gorman (2009), nearly two dozen states have restrictions regarding sexual relationships with a former client within 1, 2, or up to 5 years after treatment ended. Some states extend these restrictions to other healthcare professionals as well. If you were a psychologist or other professional, a careful review of the relevant ethical standards for your organization and the laws of your state might result in a decision that seeing Logan socially could violate the ethical standards and state regulations. However, you are just a tutor and are not required to follow the APA ethical standards.

As Carl’s tutor, prepare an analysis in which you discuss the appropriateness of a possible relationship with Logan.
Be sure to address the following:

  • Discuss what you believe is the appropriate course of action in your role as a tutor even though there are probably no state laws or codes of ethics regulating your behavior with Logan.
  • Indicate whether you should end tutoring before you begin your relationship with Logan and if so, how long should you wait. Explain if you should not become involved in a relationship with Logan at all.
  • Determine if any harm would come to anyone if you and Logan began a romantic relationship. There are three parties involved; be sure to discuss this from the point of view of each of the involved people: you, the parent, and Carl.
  • Conclude with supportive research on the concept of multiple relationships in varying settings.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your assignment, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.


LA Pierce College Mental Illness in Hamlet Humanities Assignment Help

With the topic that I have attached below, submit a 7-8 page paper plus a bibliography that contains 3-4 sources. The paper must be 12 point, Times New Roman font and double spaced with standard margins in a Word Document.

Your paper should be structured as follows:

a) Introduction with a thesis (1 full page, see my podcast on writing intros for guidance)

b) 2-3 page summary of your research – use indirect quotations as much as possible. I suggest that you find 2-3 common or contrasting points about your research and discuss them. Be sure to keep your voice as a writer when presenting them.

c) 3-4 pages in which you develop your thesis – please note that it does not HAVE to be an argumentative paper, though you should present both sides should you decide to do so.

d) Conclusion in which you recommend another topic of interest.

e) Bibliography (This does not count as one of your pages.) using MLA style


HRM 599 SU Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs HR Management Capstone Writing Assignment Help

HRM 599 SU Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs HR Management Capstone Writing Assignment Help

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