HRM 635 GCU Training of Nutritionist and Dietician Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

HRM 635 GCU Training of Nutritionist and Dietician Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. HRM 635 GCU Training of Nutritionist and Dietician Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Training and development prompts a change within an organization. The goal of training is to identify areas for improvement and develop materials and opportunities to educate employees in order to support growth.

For this assignment, you are required to develop a small training exercise. Review your needs assessment and previous observations conducted on your work environment to help identify one area for improvement that would benefit a part of your organization. This training exercise does not need to be implemented, but should include at least one deliverable that you could use during the training exercise. As you are reviewing your organization, consider employee engagement, systems, procedures, communication, and the culture within the organization. These are suggestions for possible areas that could benefit from a training exercise. The training must include the following:

  1. What goal is the organization trying to accomplish?
  2. What processes or procedures will change after the training?
  3. Describe the strategies or actions involved in the training exercise to meet established goals. What is the expected performance or applications after the training? How will the strategies drive successful business results and improve employee performance?
  4. How will the organization provide support to the employees receiving training? To new employees? Does this support consider strengths and weaknesses within the organization?

You are required to develop a written description (1,000 words) including one visual for your training exercise. Be sure to take time to analyze your work surroundings and identify a need for further training and development.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

HRM 635 GCU Training of Nutritionist and Dietician Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Auburn University Comments and Perception of Thesis Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please submit your drafts by Wednesday night. Peer review partners will be assigned Thursday morning at 7 am. Peer reviews will be due by Thursday night. Thoroughly review the various dimensions of the project and then respond to the questions below.

  1. Comment on the thesis: What is the author’s position on the topic? What is the basis for the position? Is the thesis effective in establishing the purpose of the assignment?
  2. Comment on the content and organization: Does the project contain at least 900 words of text? How are the main ideas laid out? Do the ideas lead logically from one to the next? Can you identify any aspect that is missing or could be presented differently?
  3. Comment on the use of sources: Does the author use a variety of sources? Are the sources reliable, verifiable, and sufficient? Comment on the quality of sources, and in-text citations for all borrowed information, both visual and print.
  4. Comment on visual design: The form of this project must work along with its content in order to present a cohesive and unified argument. The form would include use of colors, fonts, visuals, design elements etc. Assess the author’s effective use of creative design. Make at least 2 suggestions for revision.
  5. What do you like best in this presentation/project and what is one area that you think needs revision?


George Mason University The Citric Acid Cycle Biochemistry Quiz Health Medical Assignment Help

I need help with biochemistry quiz. I have attached the lecture slides.

Quiz questions

1- The oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate is a highly exergonic reaction. How is the energy released by this reaction conserved?

2- The concentration of oxaloacetate in the cell is normally quite low. What factor in the citrate synthase reaction prevents this from hindering the operation of the cycle?

3- What is the source of the energy used to drive the substrate-level phosphorylation of GDP in the reaction catalyzed by succinyl-CoA synthetase? What are the difference between substrate-level phosphorylation and respiration-linked phosphorylation?

4- What is the net energy yield per molecule of glucose for the combined reactions of glycolysis, the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction, and the citric acid cycle?


PSY 110HA SLU Understanding Probability Chance Rules in Everyday Life Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1

For this Discussion, please address each of the following:

Pleasant Life: Design a beautiful day for yourself. Think about activities that you would find highly enjoyable and those that are important to you. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to carry out your plan. Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a pleasant life can benefit our psychological well-being.

Good Life: Decide on some unpleasant or tedious task that you must do. Think about how you can accomplish it in a more invigorating way. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to help you transform the unpleasant task into a pleasant one. Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a good life can benefit our psychological well-being.

Meaningful Life: Plan the “perfect” surprise for someone who needs it. Think about what is important to that person and how you can help them. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to carry out your plan. Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a meaningful life can benefit our psychological well-being

Part 2

Explain how an understanding of probability can enhance responsible stewardship, respect, and community.

Part 3

What was this savoring experience like for you? How was it different from the way you usually eat something like this? What do you think was the purpose of this activity and what is the most valuable lesson you learned from it?

With your chocolate, dried fruit, or cheese in your hand, close your eyes and take three deep,
cleansing breaths. Quiet your mind. Run your thumb and forefinger across the food’s surface. Notice
the texture. Is it smooth, rough, bumpy, dry, or moist? Continue to keep your eyes closed. Bring the
food to your nose and inhale deeply. Fully take in the scent of the small piece of food in your hand.
Now, take a very small bite. Let it sit in your mouth on your tongue. Slowly press it to the roof of your
mouth and let it melt. As your food piece is melting on your tongue, take in another breath, aerating
your palate as you take another breath from the back of your throat. Now, as you slowly eat the rest of
your morsel, recognize the life in your body as you benefit from the food bit. Slowly continue to breathe
into your mouth, and chew on the breath to give yourself a lingering sense of the experience. Take one
last moment to relax and enjoy the savoring experience. Now, slowly let your eyes flutter open, taking
one last deep breath and smile.

On all 3 parts use websites only as resources with .com, .gov, .org ending.


Columbia Southern University Leader in Emergency Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Please look at the requirements



Ideal “Trait” Profile for a Leader in Emergency Management

The purpose of this assignment is to construct an ideal profile, based on the trait approach of leadership, for an emergency manager working in the aftermath of a disaster. This assignment also provides you with an opportunity to consider several of the details associated with hiring someone to serve on your emergency management team.

Click here to take a five-minute personality test. Address the following in a two page essay:

  • How “self-confidence” could help an emergency manager with decision-making skills.
  • How “integrity” could help an emergency manager build trust among colleagues.
  • How “sociability” could help an emergency manager interact with other professionals, including subordinates, supervisors, and interagency roles.
  • Based on the results from your personality test, what traits do you possess that would make you an effective emergency manager.


  • Instructions

    Brief Leadership Speech—Skills and Behavioral ApproachPart 1: The purpose of this assignment is for you to think critically about both the skills approach and the behavioral approach of leadership by preparing your initial (brief) speech for the first meeting on the first day after a disastrous event. Your audience for this speech includes those who will report to you (subordinates). Select ONE of the following options for this assignment:

    • Write the speech in a Word document, or
    • present the speech, and capture it via video.

    The content of the speech needs to succinctly answer the following question: What would you say to your team on the first day to communicate your expectations toward structure, productivity, and the concern for people?Structure, productivity, and the concern for people are key aspects of the behavioral approach of leadership. To keep it simple, the length of the speech must be at least 250 words and no more than 300 words. When spoken, this is approximately two minutes and no more than three minutes. A lot can be stated in that amount of time, so keep it concise and on point. If you choose the video option (and hopefully you will, as it can be a great way to demonstrate your ability to potential employers), click here to access a guide with some helpful tips for capturing the video and uploading it to YouTube. Part 2: The second part of this project involves completing a self-evaluation form about your speech. It requires very little time, but you should carefully consider the guidance it offers toward a quality message. Click here to access the form. Complete the form, save it, and submit it in Blackboard for grading. This assignment involves submitting more than one file to one assignment. Click here to access instructions on submitting more than one file to one assignment.

  • 3.


    The purpose of this assignment is for you to analyze the ethical considerations and team-based approach to leadership by reading a brief case study about a hospital in a flood and making decisions to mitigate the circumstances. In August of 2007, the patients and staff at a hospital in Dyer, Indiana, experienced rising waters from excessive rainfall. As such, an evacuation took place to protect everyone inside St. Margaret Mercy Hospital. Evacuations sound easy enough; however, they can be a bit tricky if the plan does not account for all of the important factors. In this case, 70 patients of the hospital had psychological difficulties, which prevented them from being able to effectively care for themselves. For example, the patients’ charts indicated descriptors such as suicide risk, severe depression, high levels of anxiety, and lack of proper medication. Using the foundations of this event as a learning platform, the challenge to address for this case study is how to effectively evacuate 70 dependent patients from a hospital by using ethical decision-making and a team-based approach to leadership. Consider each of the following details as you describe how you would effectively manage such an emergency as a leader:

    • What types of things would lead you to decide that evacuating the patients is necessary? (You can address ethical decision-making.)
    • Where would you place the patients? In other words, what would serve as your evacuation shelter? Be sure to explain why this would be an effective evacuation shelter by describing the location and its surroundings.
    • How would you transport the patients and their medication to the evacuation shelter?
    • Who would monitor the patients at the evacuation shelter?
    • How would you apply team-based leadership in an emergency like this (e.g., interagency collaboration and cooperation)?

    Compile your answers in a three-page case study. Use APA style to format the paper, and make certain to include a title page. You are expected to conduct research for this assignment by including at least two references on a reference page. The research should focus on ethical decision-making and team-based leadership. Be sure to proofread your work before submitting it in Blackboard for grading.

  • 4.


    Active Shooter ScenarioThe purpose of this assignment is for you to analyze the situational approach, path-goal theory, and leader-member exchange theory as they each relate to an active shooter incident within a facility with employees. This assignment involves reading through a scenario (a case study) that contains active shooters within a facility. Click here to access the scenario and the milestone questions to answer. (Click here to access the PDF version.) Read each section of the scenario, and then answer the questions that immediately follow by recording your responses in a Word document; base your answers on what you know at that point in the scenario. Save all of your answers within one Word document before submitting it in Blackboard for grading


    The purpose of this assignment is for you to continue developing your leadership style by analyzing how you can approach gender equality and cultural diversity. You must also think about being proactive by promoting wanted behavior. How do you, or will you, promote gender equality and cultural diversity in the workplace? Imagine you are an emergency manager (EM) for a hospital within a city. Write a two-page philosophical statement that describes how you, as an EM leader, will ensure the avoidance of unwanted practices related to both gender and cultural bias. This philosophical statement should contain the thoughts and principles that drive how you approach daily decisions as a leader in the field of emergency management. Include at least the following criteria within your philosophical statement:

    • How would you describe your philosophy toward gender equality?
    • How would you describe your philosophy toward cultural diversity?
    • What types of actions would you implement to prevent unwanted practices?
    • What types of actions would you implement to promote wanted practices?
    • Why is your philosophical statement important to you as a leader in emergency management?

    Remember that you are writing this philosophical statement as a leader, from a leader’s perspective. Be sure that the statement remains relevant and demonstrates critical thinking for the topics. Other than the requirements within these instructions, you can go in any direction with your philosophical statement, as it is your philosophy. To clarify, you are not writing a policy but, rather, you are writing a narrative that describes your own thought process about these topics and how each one fits into your leadership style. Your statement must be a minimum of two pages in length.


    The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the different leadership styles and approaches for emergency management situations. An active threat or active shooter situation will always be continually changing. Leadership will play an integral role within the context of this type of emergency. There will be challenges in leadership in leading the emergency services management personnel should there be a change of personnel due to an unforeseen event. For this assignment, research the Las Vegas active shooting incident from October 1, 2017. In a five page essay:

    • How would transformational leadership become involved during this incident?
    • Who would be some of the key personnel and team members involved in this incident?
    • Based on the ability of the active threat/shooter to enter into the hotel with several bags of firing arms and ammunition, how might leadership be able to increase security measures? What are some of the security measures that can be updated or put in place in an effort handle a large arsenal of weapons?
    • How might adaptive leadership play an integral role in the overall psychodynamic approaches on the new leadership style for this particular incident regarding the Las Vegas shooting?
    • What are some of the adaptive leadership approaches that may need to be taken with the advent of this active threat/shooter opening fire from the 32nd floor of this hotel?

    Format your paper using APA style. Include a reference page. Utilize the CSU Online Library in order to find references and support for your assignment.

  • 7.

    The purpose of this assignment is for you to think critically about how a National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) could impact your leadership style as an emergency manager. Think about all of the leadership theories that you studied in this course. Think about the theories that align with your leadership style. Then, write a two-page essay that answers each of the following questions:

    • How does NIMS impact your leadership style as an emergency manager?
    • How does ICS impact your leadership style as an emergency manager?
    • Which leadership theories might conflict with NIMS and ICS? Explain.
    • Thinking back to the Unit I assignment, how does your own leadership style align with NIMS and ICS? Explain.

    Be sure to address each of the questions, proofread your work, and submit it in Blackboard for grading. If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.



BCC Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards Video analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Video analysis #5 will require you to watch the video provided here. Then you will follow the series of instructions below.

  1. The children in this video are between 24-36 months. Using RIELDS (…) need to identify the motor development standards you see occurring. (You should have them available to you as you watch the video). You will provide objective observations surrounding the students that are successful and need additional support with the tasks being asked of them.

2. You are going to refer to the DEC Recommended Practices to complete the following:

Summarize what the DEC Recommended Practices (DEC-RP) are and why they are important (3-5 sentences).

Look at the DEC-RP FOR Assessment (there are 11) identify at least 2 DEC-RP from assessment that can be evidenced here, provide a rationale.

Do you feel that DEC-RP Environment, E6 is being met? Explain why/not.

The video demonstrates several components of DEC-RP instruction. Select one that you feel is clearly evident, explain why and then explain how you would build upon it.

3. Interaction between caregivers/educators:children and children:children is critical in building a positive environment for learning. What were some positive interactions you identified during your observation? (Be sure to share your objective observation).

Finally, reflect on what you learned about DEC-RP and how you will ensure you are meeting them on a day-to-day basis in your classroom.

BCC Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards Video analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 111 NVCC Consequences of Mainstream Media Dissemination of Fake News Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a English writing question and need support to help me study.

To complete this writing assignment, first watch this video: PBS Newshour Video: Online Misinformation (Links to an external site.).

Next, in the dialogue box, explain what you believe to be the level of responsibility that individuals have to recognize, investigate, and denounce misinformation. If a friend or classmate posts or forwards to you information that you suspect may be deliberately inaccurate, what should you do? Please write in detail what you will do in each case when such postings come from 1) an older relative, 2) a close friend, and 3) a distant acquaintance. If you choose to do nothing in response to the misinformation, write about how online misinformation has influenced modern society.

Write a minimum of 250 words.


MGMT 4P90 BU Organization Internal Resources Activity System & Value Proposition Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Management presentation and need support to help me understand better.

-Specific course: MGMT 4P90-BUSINESS STRATEGY

-I need some views on Internal analysis about Niagara Goodwill. Only internal analysis is needed, no other parts are needed.

It’s best to provide a list of points, and then provide some explanations and references.

– No need for PPT, word document is fine

-No word limit

-A Sample Presentation Framework:

1. A short problem statement (a 1 minute summary that should reflect a similar output as our class’s last presentation. Specifically a statement of what your group believes is Goodwill Niagara’s strategic problem in achieving its mission).

2. An external assessment (a 3 minute summary of external factors/trends that you feel are most important to our client and why).

3.An internal assessment (a 3 minute summary of the resources, activity systems, and value propositions of the organization that are necessary to our client’s future success).

4.A SWOT analysis (A 2 minute overview based upon your assessment of the external environment and internal organization articulating what are Goodwill Niagara’s strengths and weaknesses as well as potential opportunities and threats for it in it’s environment).

5. A statement of strategic position (a 1 minute statement/summary (based upon your prior assessments rational) regarding how the client is positioned for their future environment).

***I only need the third part(An internal assessment (a 3 minute summary of the resources, activity systems, and value propositions of the organization that are necessary to our client’s future success).


JWI 550 Strayer University Week 3 Value Stream Mapping and Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


For this assignment, select a value stream in your organization that can benefit from analysis and improvement. As noted previously, the value stream (or end-to-end process) selected does not need to be overly large or complex. Select something which has the potential for meaningful improvement, but which is manageable within the scope of this assignment.

1)Develop a current state Value Stream Map of your selected value stream. Show the customer demand rate (or Takt), information flow, work flow, and summary timeline on the map.

2)Document key metrics for each process block:

•Process Time(PT)

•Lead Time(LT)

•Percent Complete and Accurate(%C&A)

•Any other appropriate metrics, such as number of operators, changeover time or setup time, batch size, and %uptime.

3)Calculate the current state summary metrics:

•Total lead time (TotalLT)

•Total process time (TotalPT)

•Activity Ratio(AR)

•Rolled Percent Complete and Accurate (Rolled%C&A)

4)Describe the current state of the value stream and highlight any performance deficiencies and challenges, such as delays, excessive WIP, bottlenecks, capacity and workload imbalances, rework, poor quality yields, long lead times, and other operational issues.

Submission Requirements

Your work may be submitted in either Word or PowerPoint.

•Since you will need to include a diagram to map the value stream for #1, you should select whatever software you are most comfortable working with. The Value Stream Map can easily be created in PowerPoint(see the symbols and template provided by the instructor), or neatly drawn by hand. You may also use software such as Visio. In all cases, please scan or convert your map to a PDF or JPG,and paste it into Word or PPT before submitting.

•For #2, the information for each process block should be on the value stream map.

For #3, it can be on the map or in tabular form. Show how the summary metrics are calculated. Keep your written answers brief and to the point. Accuracy is what matters. This should take no more than one page. There are no additional points for overly elaborate responses.

•For #4, a thorough response with specifics should take no more than one page.As you discuss improvement opportunities, mention and make specific reference to the Value Stream Map, including names of process blocks and performance metrics.


Northcentral University Stigma & Systemic Barriers in African American Community Regarding Mental Health PPT Writing Assignment Help

Please post using a written summary and an attached professional PowerPoint presentation. Include the following information:

  • Brief introduction to the problem to include its novelty and significance.
  • List and drawing of the concepts (independent and dependent variables) of the conceptual framework.

The dependent variables (DV) in this study are the African Americans thoughts and opinions on receiving mental health treatment and the independent variables are the stigma, systematic barriers and opinions about mental health treatment.

  • Summary of the concept (variable) relationships.

The controlled variables would be African Americans between the ages of 21-55 years of age. Possibly explore thoughts on Mental Health by generations (Gen Z, Millennials or Gen Y, or Baby Boomers)

  • Clear hypotheses you will test in your study.

Summary of proposed methods to include sampling, and analysis; display organized with subheadings.

  • Justification of the feasibility of proposed research.
  • Expected outcomes.


HRM 635 GCU Training of Nutritionist and Dietician Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

HRM 635 GCU Training of Nutritionist and Dietician Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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