HS 3310 Troy University Perspective of Theorist Erik Erikson Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

HS 3310 Troy University Perspective of Theorist Erik Erikson Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help. HS 3310 Troy University Perspective of Theorist Erik Erikson Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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I am going to assign you a short case scenario that will require you to incorporate three perspectives. This will include your own perspective, the perspective of theorist Erik Erikson, and the perspective of theorist James Marcia.

You are to address A, then B, and then C in this APA formatted paper.

This means you will have an APA cover page, and an APA reference page.

You will use the textbook on your reference page,

as well as TWO other creditable sources for EACH theorist.

This means you will have a total of at least 5 Creditable sources on your reference page. If you do not have 5 creditable references, deductions will occur.

Erik Erikson is a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory of Psychosocial Development. Erikson is addressed throughout this book and his psychoanalytic theory identifies a series of eight stages in which a healthy developing individual should pass through from infancy to late adulthood.

You are to read and research Erik Erikson’s theory of “Eight Stages of Development”. Erickson’s 8 stages begin on page 321, chapter 7, however additional research will be required to ensure a comprehensive understanding of this theory.

James Marcia is a developmental psychologist who expanded on Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. His research and writings have largely focused on adolescent development. His work was to identify and classify processes that adolescents go through when they experience identity crises.

You are to read and research James Marcia’s theory on the Four Identity Statuses. Marcia’s 4 Identity Statuses are listed on page 326, in chapter 7.However, additional research will be required to ensure a comprehensive understanding of this theory.

If you are not familiar with APA guidelines you may contact the Writing Center on the Dothan campus for direction and guidance.

Instructions: Read the short case scenario below and answer the questions that follow. Your entry will be evaluated for clarity, integration of information from the text and scholarly literature, and for evidence of proofreading. Answer ALL questions. Due:


“Rolando is the first born and only son of Luis and Maria and the hope of their family name. Luis has plans for Rolando to go into this new family business and looks forward to the many grandchildren that Rolando will give to the family. Rolando has great respect for his parents, family, and tradition and always wants to please everyone. Rolando wants to attend college and is struggling with his identity”.

  • You are their case manager. What areas of concern do YOU see for Rolando and his parents?After you state your concerns, back them up by providing examples from the case study that explain why you are concerned. Critically think about the possible ramifications/consequences, or pros and cons associated with your 3 valid concerns? This section requires that you employ critical thinking skills. Connect the dots for me!
  • Erikson’s theory: Address the following 4 stages from Erikson’s 8 stages and talk your way through how EACH INDIVIDUAL stage applies to this case. Address Intimacy, then Isolation, followed by Generativity, and lastly Stagnation.
  • Marcia’s theory. Address the following 4 stages from Marcia and talk your way through how each stage would or would not apply to Rolando.

You must provide 2 valid statements of concern. (.50 x 2 = 1)

You must provide 2 valid explanations of why you are concerned. (.50 x 2 = 1)

What are the concerns? What are potential outcomes? Discuss with me what you are thinking regarding each stage. Explain your reasoning for each.

Stage SIX:

Are any family members in these stages? Who? How?

(1) Intimacy – 1 point

(2) Isolation – 1 point

Stage SEVEN:

Are any family members in these stages? Who? How?

(3) Generativity -1 point

(4) Stagnation – 1 point

What are the concerns? What are potential outcomes? Discuss with me what you are thinking regarding each stage. Explain your reasoning for each.

  • Identity Achievement – 1 point
  • Foreclosure – 1 point
  • Identity Diffusion – 1 point
  • Moratorium – 1 point

How does this stage apply to Rolando? Is he in this stage? Explain.

How does this stage apply to Rolando? Is he in this stage? Explain.

How does this stage apply to Rolando? Is he in this stage? Explain.

How does this stage apply to Rolando? Is he in this stage? Explain.

In this assignment you are to explain how Erikson’s, and Marcia’s theories apply to Rolando, along with your own concerns. You should be able to express your thoughts and statements in a paper that is no less than three pages. If you submit a paper less than three full page’s deductions will occur.


APA formatting is required in this assignment. This means all pages are to follow the guidelines of APA. (Title page, reference page, page numbers, body of submission, subtitles, etc. …)

If APA is not formatted deductions will occur.

.50 deduction per 3 grammatical errors. (Contractions are grammatical errors.)

1 – point deduction for every day late.

.50 – point deduction if cover page is not APA

.50 – point deduction if reference page is not APA

You must have 5 creditable APA references with one being the textbook.

Make sure your references are APA formatted in order to earn full credit.

.50- point deduction if subtitles are not used.

.15 deduction if page number missing and mut be positioned APA.

****** I will upload the page with the directions and also the textbook

HS 3310 Troy University Perspective of Theorist Erik Erikson Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UC Enterprise Risk Management Wal Mart ISO 27001 Certification Discussion Writing Assignment Help

My Organization/Company:(WalmartLabs/Walmart)

From your research, discuss whether or not your organization(Walmart) has ISO 27001 certification. Outside of overall protection from cyber-attacks, describe, in detail, some other benefits your organization will achieve in obtaining this certification. If your company does not have this certification, how can they go about obtaining it?

Present your discussion post as if you were presenting to senior leaders of your company.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Reference article:

Lopes, M., Guarda, T. & Oliveira, P. (2019). How ISO 27001 Can Help Achieve GDPR Compliance. 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), pp. 1-6. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8760937?arnumber=8760937


University of West Georgia Mod 6 Use of Policies in the Public Sector Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Learning objectives associated with this assignment

  • Describe the decision-making process in the public sector.
  • Identify the challenges faced in decision-making within public administration.
  • Discuss the methods used to ensure compliance with policies and decisions.
  • Explain the key issues in addressing the evaluation of policy and decision outcomes.
Assignment Documents ( All attached below )

Unit 6 Reading


USA Government Branches

Branches of Government

Video: Performance Management Recommendations for the New Administration

Videos: Reinventing Government, Parts I & II

Instructions for this Assignment

Using Microsoft Word, write a response paper of at least 300 words that addresses the following:

Since Congress makes law, and empower bureaucrats/public administrators to execute/implement public policy, bureaucrat/public administrators significantly engage in decision making. Within that context, discussion decision-making as follows:
1. Outline/describe the decision-making process in the public sector, then discuss challenges faced in decision-making within public administration.
2. Discuss the methods used to ensure compliance with policies and decisions.
3. Explain the key issues in addressing the evaluation of policy and decision outcomes

Submission Format

Your paper should be double-spaced and include a centered title. Any sources used should be properly cited in APA format.


Common Risk Factors for Polypharmacy Interventions and Its Complications Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines, and is a major concern for providers as the use of multiple medicines is common in the older population with multimorbidity, and as one or more medicines may be used to treat each condition.

  • Discuss two (2) common risk factors for polypharmacy. Give rationale for each identified risk factor.
  • Discuss two interventions you can take as a Nurse Practitioner in your clinical practice to prevent polypharmacy and its complications.
  • Discuss in 250 words using at least 2 evidenced-based, peer-reviewed references no older than 5 years.


GCC Cultural and Ethical Perspective of Inquiry on Stress Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address your chosen topic.

  • Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
  • Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt” for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
  • State your research questions in your paper’s introduction.
  • Form the body of your paper by answering each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research).
  • In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

  • What laws govern or pertain to the issue?
  • What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue?
  • How do ethical theories apply to the issue?
  • How do money, power, and control matters relate to the issue and its treatment?

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

  • Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?
  • How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?
  • Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?
  • Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?

Your paper must be five pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow current APA Style (e.g., spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering).



Consumer Behavior in The Automotive Industry Consumer Trends Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to learn more how the terms that people search for using web search engines reflect (and even predict!) what is happening in our world.For this assignment, use Google Trends to explore what terms people have been searching for on Google You should compare the search activity for some set of related words over time and write a brief (1-2 pages) (single spaced, Times New Roman, 11 font) about your findings.?

1.Start by going to the Google Trends web page. You should pick some subject than you are interested in and see how searches for related terms have varied over time. For example, you could compare the popularity of searching for different sports teams, music groups, products, companies, political concerns, or world events. You must find something that has a connection to consumer behaviour. You should compare between three and five search terms that are related to your topic (e.g., comparing searches for the words Obama, Biden, McCain, Palin would give you four search terms all related to the 2008 Presidential Election).

2.Submit a brief (no more than two single-spaced pages) describing what you found. Your brief should include the following points:

Specify the exact query you gave to retrieve your results (e.g., the search terms, the locations, and the time frame) from Google Trends. Describe how your search terms are related (i.e., the overall subject you are investigating).

Include the graph that Google Trends produced. You can save a copy of the screen/web page (e.g., using Snip & Sketch) and paste it in your report.?

An accurate description of the relative popularity of the search terms. For example, what is the relative ordering of popularity of the search terms? How much more popular is one search term than another?

A description of the popularity of the search terms over time. Is there any seasonal or regular, periodic nature to the popularity of the search times? Is the popularity of these search terms increasing or decreasing over time? Has the relative popularity of the search terms changed at all over time? Are there distinct moments in time when the popularity of the search term has abruptly increased or decreased?

Your interpretation (a subjective discussion) about the relative popularity of the search terms and their popularity over time. Why do you think some of the search terms are more popular than others? How do the search terms correlate with what is going on in the real world? What information from the other sources do you have to back up your speculations? What world events correspond to any observed peaks in search popularity?

Dig more deeply using Google Scholar. Locate two articles that have the potential to inform or explain your findings from the scholarly literature. Include the APA formated references and briefly describe how they might shed insight.

Consumer Behavior in The Automotive Industry Consumer Trends Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Schiller International University Turning Digital Currency Into Gold Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Please read BitGold case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.

1. BitGold’s IPO took place in Canada; however, as a global platform, BitGold aimed to appeal to users in developing countries around the world. Where should BitGold focus on acquiring users?

2. How could BitGold continue to stay on the right side of the law?

3. How could BitGold market its services to users and merchants, both in Canada and abroad?

4. Given the uneven state of the regulatory environment in the United States with respect to bitcoin startups, how should BitGold organize its US expansion?

Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page


CIS 377 Wireshark Capture and Analyze the Network Traffic Lab Report Computer Science Assignment Help

You will use a
network-monitoring program (“sniffer”) to listen to all packets that are sent
on the wire connected to a certain network card on your machine. It can be seen
as a digital form of microphone that “records” everything that goes through the
wire. Due to the network setup (switched network), you will only see packets to
and from your computer, and also broadcast packets. That is, you cannot easily
eavesdrop your neighbors’ traffic in this kind of network by sniffing from your
computer’s network card. The network, which in fact is a virtual network,
consists of a number of machines as shown in Figure 1. The ‘client’ computer is
to be seen as the one you are sitting at (and the one which most of the work is
done with). The client will, however, be available through a terminal. Later on
during the assignment you will also access a machine named ‘webserver’ through
another terminal window. In addition we also have access to a gateway and a
nameserver on the network


LBCC Healthcare Review of Concepts Dimensions Measures & Progress Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

We have a health care crisis because doctors, patients, employers and employees are trapped in a wasteful, broken system that is too bureaucratic and far too unresponsive to patient needs and market forces. To solve our problems, doctor needs the opportunity to produce higher-quality, less-costly care. As a patient, we need access to services we are not now getting. At the workplace, we need access to health insurance that costs less and gives us more.

Discussion Question

Reflect on your own attitude toward these issues. Using the framework from your reading, class discussion and additional research for this week, analyze and try to explain your position. Min WC: 350

The fact that millions of Americans do not have health insurance is said to be a major problem, if not the major problem, of the United State health care system. Estimates of the number who are uninsured vary widely. There are also widely different indicators of how much difference uninsurance makes. One of the strange features of the U.S. health care system is that the health plan most of us have is not a plan that we chose; rather, it was selected by our employer. Even if we like our health plan, we could easily lose coverage because of the loss of a job, a change in employment, or a decision by our employer.

Most employer health insurance contracts last only twelve months. At the end of the year, the employer may choose a different health plan or cease providing health insurance altogether. Strangely, the only people with private health insurance guaranteed to last longer than one year are people who purchase insurance on their own. A switch of health plans might mean changing doctors as well, if the two plans do not have overlapping networks or if cost-sharing arrangements penalize the patient’s previous choice of doctors. If an employee (or family member) has a health problem, that could interrupt the continuity of care. In addition, different plans have different benefit packages. So some services, such as mental health, might be covered by one plan but not the next.

These disruptions affect some families more than others. For people who are healthy, they amount to minor inconveniences; for others, the problems can be severe. One study of chronically ill workers found that relying on one’s employer for health coverage reduced job mobility 40 percent. Older workers, who are more likely than younger workers to have health problems, are also disproportionately affected. Further, as more employers cut back on postretirement health care benefits, many baby-boomer early retirees will have to shop for individual insurance and pay for it with after-tax dollars. The same fate will confront many younger spouses of retirees who enroll in Medicare.

Discussion Question

What is your approach to determine an action that can resolve these problems in our system? Can we have one without the other? WC MINIMUM 350

Must post first.

Vaccines, which save millions of lives every year, are one of the most successful public health interventions in the history of modern medicine. Among the diseases that they prevent is the whooping cough, nimonia, malaria, polio and many more. Why, then, is that sickness making a scary comeback globally; especially in California which is currently weathering its largest whooping-cough epidemic since 1947, with over 7,800 cases and 10 deaths in 2010? Mainly because more and more parents, worried about the vaccine’s supposed side effects, are choosing to delay vaccinating their children — or not to do it at all, says Paul Howard and James R. Copland, director of the Center for Medical Progress and director of the Center for Legal Policy at the Manhattan Institute, respectively.

This public health calamity comes at a time when the Supreme Court is considering a lawsuit against whooping cough vaccine manufacturer Wyeth. If successful, the suit would make epidemics much more likely and undermine public confidence in vaccines even further.

  • Parental concerns about vaccine safety are mostly wrongheaded.
  • Plaintiffs’ lawyers, eager to translate junk science into jury awards, have long spread misinformation about the dangers of vaccination.
  • They’ve been especially successful among the affluent and well-educated, presumably because those groups have greater access to vaccine pseudoscience.
  • Last October, the National Committee for Quality Assurance issued a report finding that vaccination rates among privately insured two-year-olds declined by nearly 4 percent in 2009 — even as rates among enrollees in Medicaid increased.
  • In fact, 91.2 percent of children in Medicaid received the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, compared with 90.6 percent of children in private plans.

In California’s wealthy Marin County, public health official Fred Schwartz reports that parents are “signing waivers to opt out of immunizing kindergarten-bound children.” About 7 percent of all children entering kindergarten in Marin County are unvaccinated, the seventh-highest percentage among California’s 58 counties. It isn’t surprising, then, that Marin County accounts for 15 percent of all California whooping-cough cases, despite having just 0.67 percent of the state’s population, say Howard and Copeland.

Discussion Question:

What would you do in terms of policy, system and economics to raise the hope of people already concerned about the issues discussed above? WC: 350 Words


BUSN 278 DeVry University Wk 4 Budget Proposal Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

continuation from last weeks assignment. The company name is EZ Beginnings Ltd not Nike Acquisition though. thank you!!

Week 4 Project Activity: Investment Analysis (Draft)

Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.

Grading Rubric

Section 4.0 Investment Analysis (Draft) Deliverable Points
The cash flows show detailed inflows and outflows, as well as net cash flows. 6
The NPV Analysis is properly calculated and presented. 6
The Rate of Return calculations are properly calculated and presented. 4
The payback period is properly calculated and presented. 4
Total Points 20


HS 3310 Troy University Perspective of Theorist Erik Erikson Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

HS 3310 Troy University Perspective of Theorist Erik Erikson Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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