HSA 315 SU Wk 8 The Role of Eh Rs in Supporting Population Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. HSA 315 SU Wk 8 The Role of Eh Rs in Supporting Population Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Discussion 1:
“How do EHRs support population health?”
- What is the role of EHRs in supporting population health?
- How do they enhance patient engagement/outreach, care coordination/management, and health information exchange?
- How have information systems saved health care payors and patients on care costs?
- How have clinical outcomes and organizational outcomes among various populations of patients been improved as a result of health care IT?
Discussion 2:
- “Choosing the right health care technology.”
- Choose one of the following outcomes:
- 1) promotes access to health care services,
- 2) promotes health equity,
- 3) provides care for vulnerable populations, and
- 4) enhances cost effectiveness.
- Then, choose one specific health care technology:
- 1) telehealth,
- 2) e-health, and
- 3) m-health. Research its use in health care.
- Explain how your chosen health care technology improves or facilitates your chosen outcome.
- Provide an example of how the technology has been used/is being used to improve health care (based on your chosen outcome) and increase the value of health care services offered.
- Share the facility, and the outcome of using the technology.
Discussion 3:
- “A dataset that interests you.”
- Go to this AHRQ website: https://www.ahrq.gov/data/resources/index.html. Review various data sources that are available.
- Select one (1) dataset that interests you.
- Summarize it, including the data it contains, the timeframe collected, locations/settings included, and any findings, patterns, and/or trends thus far.
- As an administrator, how might you use this data to help inform decisions within your health care organization?
- How could access to these large datasets help you as a health care administrator? Support your answer.
- Go to this AHRQ website: https://www.ahrq.gov/data/resources/index.html. Review various data sources that are available.
- Choose one of the following outcomes:
HSA 315 SU Wk 8 The Role of Eh Rs in Supporting Population Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Allan Hancock College Closing Businesses to Slow COVID 19 Spread? Essays Health Medical Assignment Help
Choose ONE of the below questions.
For the question you choose, write two different essays. The essays should address two opposite positions on the same issue.
For EACH essay provide:
· An introduction to the question – and the position taken in that essay
o Clearly state the topic
o Define the two opposing positions
· The body of the essay which presents several supporting points to the position
o Clearly distinguish evidenced-based versus values-based
o Use references
o You may cite advocacy groups in these essays – but clearly present the information as advocacy-based
· A conclusion / summary
· Each essay should be 2-4 pages in length. The text should be double spaced, Calibri, 12 point font with 1.25 inch margins.
· References: Style referencing will be used. Not included in the length of the essay.
the topic is below:
Closing businesses to slow the spread
In APA format.
PSY 3800 South University Psychology Test Instruments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Answer the following questions:
- Is it possible to develop a test that will be totally free of error variance? Why or why not?
- What rationale would you use to justify the use of newly developed instruments that may not have existed long enough to accumulate evidence?
- Describe situations in which the use of newly developed instruments would be appropriated.
- What precautions do the practitioners need to take if they want to use new instruments?
- Is it possible to have a test that is reliable but not valid? Why or why not?
- What is the difference between construct, content, and face validity?
BUS 402 Strayer University Small Business Management Promotion and Pricing Strategies Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
“Entrepreneurs must determine what to sell, to whom and how often, on what terms and at what price, and how to get the product or service to the customer. In short, a marketing plan identifies a company’s target customers and describes how it will attract and keep them. The process does not have to be complex.” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 274).
With this assignment, you will address some of the basic areas within a marketing plan and help to refine your strategies for creating a successful business.
Using the business from Assignment 2, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
- Identify its primary target market.
- Specify three (3) methods you will use to research customer needs and wants.
- Describe the marketing mix: a) product, b) pricing strategy, c) promotion, and d) placement/distribution.
- Create a one-year advertising budget and plan that incorporates the use of various advertising media and publicity.
- Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.
FIN 320 Strayer Importance of Financial Ratios in Predicting Stock Price Trends Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Now that you have done the research and made a selection on the stock of a publicly traded U.S. corporation in your first assignment, in Week 4, it’s time to take a closer look at your choice with a detailed analysis. To complete this assignment, refer to the scenario from your first assignment, Investment Selection.
Note: Please include any financial statements or relevant financial information in an appendix after the “Sources” page in your paper. These links or additional documents are not included in the required page length.
Write a 4–6 page paper in which you do the following:
- Provide a detailed overview of the stock of the publicly traded U.S. corporation you selected in the assignment of Week 4. Provide the rationale for your selection and plans for a diversified portfolio.
- Select five financial ratios, then analyze the past three years of financial data for the investment (please obtain data from the financial statements or the equivalent).
- Analyze the price of the investment to stock market beta for the past five years.
- Create a trend line that depicts the price movement for the investment against the market index movement using elements of Microsoft Office, such as Excel, Visio, MS Project, or one of their equivalents (such as Open Project, Dia, and OpenOffice), as appropriate. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
- Determine the type of investor who would be the best candidate for the chosen investment (e.g., a risk-averse investor, an aggressive investor, a broker, and a dealer in the market). Provide a rationale for why this investment is a solid choice. Support your assertion that someone with the investor profile you outlined should invest in this stock.
- Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Visit the Strayer University Library.
Harvard University Nursing Care for Older Adult Life Sustaining Measures Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.
Mr. D Mr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed, and he is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction. Mr. D has a long history of comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (CHF). The physician asks Mr. D if he wants life-sustaining measures taken (e.g., CPR, mechanical ventilation, etc.) should he experience cardiopulmonary arrest. Mr. D tells the physician that he wants all measures taken to save his life. |
Imagine that you are the nurse assigned to provide care to Mr. D, and address the following:
- Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures?
- What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?
- If Mr. D were your family member, how would you respond to his decision?
Review the posts made by your classmates and reply to someone expanding on their idea or offering an alternative for consideration.
Harvard University Nursing Care for Older Adult Life Sustaining Measures Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MU WK 5 The Relationship Between Religion and Politics Presentation Writing Assignment Help
You are required to complete a final project for this class. The subject of your final project should be drawn from the last four assigned chapters from the Wiesner-Hanks text:Gender in History:Global Perspectives 2nd Edition
This project can be completed as a PowerPoint slideshow with narration or as a 12 to 15 minute video reply that covers one of the main topics of these chapters in detail as supported by outside research. You should use academic sources to support your analysis
Topics from classes to choose from
Week 1 Sex Gender and The Family
Week 2
Economic Structure Norms Laws and Idealss
Week 3 Religion and Politics
NU 492 Aspen University Arizona Overview Demographics And Community Health Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
APA paper with a minimum of 2000 words (maximum 2500 words) in length and should completely answer the proposed questions/items as listed under “Overview”. You should have a minimum of three (3) references. APA formatting is required and all responses should be combined into a single document for submissionYou may build upon this assessment in Community Health II by planning, implementing and evaluating a project within your community designed to address primary prevention of an identified health concern. Each of the areas below are to be reviewed in your paper: Defining, Assessment, Data Gathering, Data Generation. Be sure that your paper has all of the components listed in the rubric under “Learning Materials” near the bottom of this page.
Defining the Community
Your community can be any geographically defined county, city, or town. Clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:
- Describe the population that is being assessed?
- What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?
- Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?
- Does this community exist within a certain city or county?
- Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?
- Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?
- Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?
- Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?
- How will information for the community assessment be collected?
After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted.
The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.
Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists)
Demographics of the Community
- When demographic data are collected, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made.
- If the population that is being assessed is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population.
- The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:
- State and County Quick Facts—Easy access to facts about population, housing, economics, geographic data, business, based on U.S. Census data
- Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites www.epodunk.com and www.city-data.com
Information from Government Agencies
- Healthy People 2020—this resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to be reached by the year 2020
- National Center for Health Statistics—this agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; this website provides statistical information about the health of Americans
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—The CDC website contains a large amount of information related to the health of the American population. The search engine within this website can be used to find relevant information
- Federal agencies with statistical programs
- Every state in the United States has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2020 document. This information may be available on the state health department website.
- State and local health departments provide information related to vital statistics for the community.
Other Data Sources
- America’s Health Rankings—this website provides information about various health indicators for each state: https://www.americashealthrankings.org/
- Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment.
After data are collected from various sources, it is important to review the information and to identify assets and areas for improvement in the community by comparing local data (if available) versus state and national data. This will facilitate organization of the information that has already been obtained and will provide direction for the next step of the process.
Data Generation (data are developed that do not already exist):
Windshield Surveys
With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community.
Examples of key observations to make when one is assessing the community through a windshield survey include the following:
- Age of the homes in the community
- Location of parks and other recreational areas
- Amount of space between homes and businesses
- Neighborhood hangouts
- Transportation in the community
- Quality and safety of streets and sidewalks
- Stores and other businesses
- People out in the community
- Cleanliness of the community
- Billboards or other media displays
- Places of worship
- Healthcare facilities
Participant Observation
Spend time observing the population that is being assessed. Through observation of interactions among group members, much can be learned about the community, including the following:
- Developmental level of the population
- Effectiveness of peer-to-peer interactions
- Respect for peers and others
- Safety in the environment
- Economic status
Informant Interviews
Informants could be people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis.
Examples of questions that may be asked of key informants include the following:
- Strengths/assets of the community
- Areas of improvement for the community
- Concerns of community members
- Access to health care
- Emergency plans for natural or man-made disasters
Focus Groups
Focus groups (usually small groups of 6-12 people) can be helpful when one is gathering information about specific areas of concern within the population. Use of a focus group involves open dialogue about the population, whereas an interview or survey yields only individual responses.
- Focus groups may be effective for assessing the following:
- Satisfaction with services provided
- Community resources used
- Transportation issues within the community
- Safety within the community
- General concerns of members of the population
Surveys may be used to collect data from the community. Selecting a sample of the target population may prove helpful in the collection of data that are easier to analyze. It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population.
A survey should be developed that takes into consideration the developmental level of the group that is being assessed. Questions should be written at the appropriate developmental level, so they are answered in a way that makes the data useful. Surveys might include closed-ended (yes/no), multiple choice (several responses to choose from), Likert scale (Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree), or open-ended (“why”/“how”) questions.
Topics that may be addressed in a survey include the following:
- Demographic information
- Status of employment
- Safety within community
- Safety in environment
- Personal safety (seatbelts, helmets, etc.)
- Stressors/stress management patterns
- Risky behaviors
- Support systems
- Volunteer/community activities
- Rest patterns
- Nutrition
- Dental hygiene
- Health promotion activities
WK 2 Informed Consent Confidentiality Issues with The Client Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Respond to at least two colleagues, using personal experience or research to expand on his or her post.
Colleague 1: Antoinette Davis
RE: Discussion 1 – Week 2
Hello All,
Post a description of the importance of confidentiality when working with your client. How does the principle of confidentiality impact the therapeutic relationship? Then, explain your understanding of mandated reporting and how it empowers vulnerable populations.
As social workers, we based our work on the Code of Ethics that states we respect our clients’ privacy and confidentiality. What our client informs us is between us unless we have the proper consent to disclose or when we are mandated to report if someone is at harm or harm to themselves. At the first initial contact, it is important to go over confidentiality with them and make sure they understand. It is important that they understand that we have an obligation to report any harm or threat to harm. When we are working with clients, it is our duty to let them know that disclosure may be necessary to prevent “series, foreseeable, and imminent harm to a client or others,” (NASW, 2017). Also get any consent from us may need to better serve the clients. We have to make sure that clients understand informed consent agreements as well and what your agency policy and state laws allow.
According to Mattison (2018), it proves how cyber communications is a relevant study. Like any other jobs, Social work has been changed with technology increasing. For example, clients may be more comfortable with communication thru email, text or video chat. As social workers we have to be conscious about our actions and make sure we are not crossing boundaries/ We have to make sure we inform them that basic information, such as setting an appointment is okay but going into personal information is not a good idea through email or text messages.
During my experience working with the South Carolina Department of Social Services, I learned as a mandatory reporter that you must by law report “abuse, abandonment, neglect, and financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult. As a mandatory reporter, you have the obligation and it encourages you to report. Mandated reporting allows us to empower the vulnerable populations that we are working with because it allows us to be the advocate for the population. It slos empowers them because they can feel safe knowing they have a safe place to disclose any abuse or neglect and let them know there are people out there to protect them. We are the voice of those who may not have a voice. Whether they are scared to speak out or cannot speak out , it is our job to do so for them.
Mattison, M. (2018). Informed consent agreements: Standards of care for digital social work practices. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(2), 227-238.
National Association of Social Workers (2017). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from: https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English
Colleague 2: Lindsey Chambliss
RE: Discussion 1 – Week 2
According to the NASW Code of Ethics, we as social workers have a responsibility to uphold the code’s mission by always remaining ethical and upholding standards that ethical when working with our clients. The code serves as a set of boundaries, examples to follow and rules to use throughout ones career as a reference to rely on to make good decisions. Confidentiality is so very important when working with clients for one because it is following the code of ethics and agency policies, but also because it is good practice. It shows the client that the atmosphere is a safe one and the social worker can be trusted. Most clients are going to be more transparent if they believe they can trust the social worker that everything will remain confidential. According to our reading from this past week, the article, Eye on Ethics, stated “many ethics mistakes in social work are preventable”; I have found this to be so true in my line of work as a medical social worker. There have been times when I have been working with a patient and they have family that call on the phone requesting a medical update; I always make sure to speak with the patient regarding who I can speak to and whom I cannot. I always make sure that I document my verbal conversation and that the patient has or has not given me consent to speak with this or that family member and/or friend. Documentation is also mentioned in the article, Eye on Ethics, and speaks directly to social workers regarding documentation, stating, “careful documentation provides essential evidence of social wokers’ efforts to manage ethics-related risks. ” I could not agree more with these statement and it serves as a great reminder.
Based on my experience as a medical social worker, I have experienced mandated reporting many times. I have dealt with scenarios where mothers are unable to take their baby home from the hospital after I have reported to DCFS. I have also experienced situations where the state becomes involved with an elderly and/or physically handicapped individual after my report to Adult Protective Services. I believe that reporting empowers the individual by removing them from unsafe enviornments and/or prevents further harm and suffering. At times, the social worker and/or mandated reporter has to be the voice for the vulnerable. A child that cannot keep him/herself safe and/or an elderly person that no longer has capacity either physically and/or mentally due to many different types of deficits.
All in all mandated reporting is very important and confidentiality is also extremely important when working with clients to uphold the NASW Code of Ethics and to protect the relationships between social worker and client.
Reamer, F.F., (2011) Eye on Ethics. https://www.socialworktoday.com/news/eoe_113011.sh…
https://www.socialworkers.org/about/ethics/code-of ethics/code of ethics-english
Management Principles of Marketing Selling Online Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Among the Promotion tools, one of the most significant ones is personal selling, which has gained in importance, especially as companies expand outside the U.S. In Asia and Europe, personal relationships are important and professionals take time to get to know each other. They move more cautiously toward doing business with each other. In contrast, the American standard seems to be to get to the sale much more quickly.
How has personal selling involved you, whether as a seller or a buyer?
Some of you might think you’ve never done any personal selling, but I’d encourage you to consider things such as asking for a raise, convincing your parents to let you do something (as a teenager, of course), or any other circumstance in which you try to convince someone else to “buy” whatever you’re offering.
In 2000, the big phrase was “The Internet has changed EVERYTHING!” Not true, as so many “dot-bombs” found out by the end of that year. But the Internet did change some things about doing business, particularly in the area of personal selling.
In the virtual world, “personalization” is important. Visitors to a site want that site to look and feel a particular way as a condition of doing business with the online company.
What do you see as the advantages of selling online? Disadvantages?
What challenges must online sellers deal with?