HSN 376 University of Phoenix WK3 Informatics Solution Proposal General Solution Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. HSN 376 University of Phoenix WK3 Informatics Solution Proposal General Solution Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
I’m working on a nursing presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.
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HSN/376: Health Information Technology For Nursing
Wk 3 – Informatics Solution Proposal: General Solution
Assignment Content
HSN 376 University of Phoenix WK3 Informatics Solution Proposal General Solution Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
WRIT 101W UCI In 1931 Kurt Godel Demonstrated Two Theorems Notes Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
- Open this attached google version of “Division by Zero”(attached) that has the section headers removed. Copy the text in a separate document you can save.
2. Then, choose a different paragraph to be the first paragraph of the story.
(Optionally, you can try reordering the entire story. You could also add section numbers, titles, etc., or do anything else with the form to organize it differently. Think of this as running an experiment: you’re just trying something out to see what will happen. You don’t necessarily have to like the version you come up with, you’re just interested in finding out what data you can collect from trying it out. (This is how I frame writing drafts of any sort of writing as well.) Have fun!
1b. Finally, write a short reflective process paragraph (~3-5 sentences or bullet points) discussing:
- how you chose this paragraph to be the start of the story, and why,
- what effects you were hoping to achieve,
- what doing this exercise was like, what you were thinking as you did it, etc.,
- whether you liked Chiang’s original version or yours better and why,
- what ideas you have for things you could try in your own writing.
SIM PATH 415 American Sentinel University Maintaining Standards Report Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a science question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Activity 3
Maintaining Standards
Choose a topic and discuss the standards in detail. Analyze how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively.
Support your discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice.
Reading and Resources
- Review chapter 13 & 23 in Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Aroh, D., Colella, J., Douglas, C., & Eddings, A. (2015). An example of translating value-based purchasing into value-based care. Urologic Nursing, 35(2), 61-74. doi:10.7257/1053-816X.2015.35.2.61
- Boyle, D. K., Cramer, E., Potter, C., Gatua, M. W., & Stobinski, J. X. (2014). The relationship between direct-care RN specialty certification and surgical patient outcomes. AORN Journal, 100(5), 511-528. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2014.04.018
- Kizer, K. W. (2015). Clinical integration: A cornerstone for population health management. Journal of Healthcare Management, 60(3), 164-168.
- Marmor, T. R., & Gordon, R. W. (2014). Commercial pressures on professionalism in American medical care: From Medicare to the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 42(4), 412-419. doi:10.1111/jlme.12164
- Spruce, L. (2015). Back to basics: Implementing evidence-based practice. AORN Journal, 101(1), 106-112. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2014.08.009Visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- Visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Visit the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- Visit The Joint Commission
- Visit Affordable Care Act
Additional Instructions:
- All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
- Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
- Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
- Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
- Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Options:
Choose One: |
Instructions: |
Paper |
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation |
Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation |
Video Presentation |
Table |
Graphs or other illustrations |
Poster |
Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements. Management and Leadership – Maintaining Standards Description: The baccalaureate-graduate nurse will examine the concepts/ processes that assist in maintaining standards that promote patient safety. Description: The baccalaureate-graduate nurse will examine the concepts/ processes that assist in maintaining standards that promote patient safety.
Area Gold Mastery Silver Proficient Bronze Acceptable Acceptable Mastery not Demonstrated
Choose a Topic Selects a topic from the list above and discusses the standard in detail Selects a topic from the list above but does not discuss the standard in detail Selects a topic from the list above and lists details of the standard Selects a topic from the list above but does not discuss the standard
Analyze the Influence Discusses how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively. Mentions how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively. Lists how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively.
personal nursing
practice with no
discussion Does not discuss how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively.
Support the Discussion Supports the discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice Supports the discussion and opinions with either facts or relevant examples from personal nursing practice Lists facts and relevant examples from Does not support the discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice
APA, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. One to three errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Four to six errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Seven or more errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. References Provides two or Provides two Provides one Provides no more references. references. references. references.
Area Gold Mastery Silver Proficient Bronze Acceptable Acceptable Mastery not Demonstrated
Choose a Topic Selects a topic from the list above and discusses the standard in detail Selects a topic from the list above but does not discuss the standard in detail Selects a topic from the list above and lists details of the standard Selects a topic from the list above but does not discuss the standard
Analyze the Influence Discusses how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively. Mentions how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively. Lists how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively.
personal nursing
practice with no
discussion Does not discuss how these concepts/ processes influence the standards in your organization, including staffing, decision making or workplace issues, both positively and negatively.
Support the Discussion Supports the discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice Supports the discussion and opinions with either facts or relevant examples from personal nursing practice Lists facts and relevant examples from Does not support the discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice
APA, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. One to three errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Four to six errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Seven or more errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. References Provides two or Provides two Provides one Provides no more references. references. references. references.
The Difference Between Feminist and Womanist Theologies Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a humanities writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
I’m working on a humanities writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
question one
Explain how the issue of gender has shaped and influenced understandings of African American religious traditions. Specifically, include in your response reflections on two of the following issues:
- The difference between feminist and womanist theologies.
- How particular readings of scripture, or the language used the idea of God in many translations, influence the necessity of womanist theology or impact understanding of the issue of gender.
- What is the Cult of True Womanhood or Domesticity, as used in the nineteenth century, and in what ways does are these ideas present and responded to in discussion of gender.
- Whether there is any differences in how issues of gender are treated within Christian traditions versus Islamic traditions. How have some traditions addressed women in leadership?
- question two :Please explain how the idea of manifest destiny played a role in developing religious thought in America and how it influenced particular religious understandings within African American religious traditions. Specifically, define and comment on the tradition of Jeremiad and its relationship to the idea of manifest destiny.
- Question three : Discuss how Islamic religious traditions in American contained and expressed its understanding of the apocalyptic. Provide specific examples.
- question 4 Describe Christian Nationalism and how it is manifested in African American religious traditions with specific reference to Albert Cleage.
- question 5 Discuss how African American religious communities have addressed the issue of economics. Specifically, comment on the approach to economics found within African-based traditions, Spiritual and Christianity churches, and Islam. Give specific examples of how churches addressed economic needs in their community
- question 6 Explain what liberation theology means within African American religious traditions and discuss some of the concrete issues liberation theology addresses with particular attention to the Statement by the National Committee of Black Churchmen of June 13, 1969.
question7 Describe the three statements produced by the Catholic Church on the issue of race. For each statement produced by the Catholic Church, address the following:
- Identify the drivers to the production of the statement.
- Discuss the specific conditions each statement sought to address.
- Assess the effectiveness of the statement or what the statement failed to adequately address.
question 8 Discuss how racism has been understood within the Catholic tradition and how the advantages AND disadvantages to this approach in facilitating racial reconciliation.
Saint Martins University Nelson Mandela Leadership Integration Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology Other and need an explanation to help me study.
write a 4-6-page leadership integration paper. All specifications of All papers will be written according to the formatting styles prescribed by the American Psychological Manual (6th Edition) of the American Psychological Association. More detailed related information is available under ‘APA Documentation’. The purpose of this paper is to help you synthesize and integrate the concepts covered in the course
Leadership Biography- Select a well-known leader from history and read a biography on his/her life. You will summarize the reading from a leadership perspective and in particular from the perspective of charisma. Evaluate the extent to which s/he demonstrates the craft of charisma and the implications of this for his / her leadership practice and your own leadership practice.
- Ideally, you could include a mind map to illustrate leadership decisions / challenges faced by this leader, how the leader demonstrated the traits associated with charisma in their decision making process / communication in their handling of the leadership challenge, and the implications / lessons learned from this for your own leadership practice (e.g., does it work in some situations but not others, does it work in some organizations better than others, is it is any area of development for you / why).
book for this course is : The Leadership Experience, 7th Edition. Richard L Daft. (2018)
MDC Entertainment Medium Comparison Murphys Romance Review Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Watch Murphy’s Romance (1985) and In Old California (1942)
Comparison Reviews should focus on the image of the Pharmacist as it is portrayed in both of these movies.
Compare a direct patient encounter by these two Pharmacists.
Compare how each pharmacist presented himself as a professional and how he represented the profession.
Which pharmacist would you rather have for your family? Why?
If a movie were to be made in 2021 that had a Pharmacist as a main character, which actor (male or female) would make a good Pharmacist? Why?
MDC Entertainment Medium Comparison Murphys Romance Review Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Miami Dade College Public Healthcare System Online Analytical Discussion 2 Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
Discussion Guidelines
Read the article, The Public Image of the Pharmacist in the Popular Press AND view the short video, The Pharmacist 1946 Vocational Guidance Films, (The Pharmacist 1946 Vocational Guidance Films; Druggist Career Opportunities 1 (Links to an external site.)
As part of your discussion, answer the following questions:
How has the pharmacists’ image been portrayed over time?
What did you read that surprised or shocked you the most?
The short video was an accurate representation of what pharmacists did nearly 75 years ago. What did you like about the roles portrayed? Would you still be interested in being a pharmacist if the profession had not changed so significantly?
What can be learned from the past public perceptions of our profession to help our image in the future? Be specific.
You are encouraged to look at additional current references from the literature (which you must properly cite) to support your points. Limit your initial post to no more than 500 words.
BUSI 690 LU AmerisourceBergen Corporation Mission Objectives & Strategies Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business case study and need support to help me understand better.
Complete a case study of ABC Corporation (your instructor will assign the specific company for the case study at the beginning of Module 2) . You will find the case in the case section of the text.
A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. Assume you are a consult asked by the ABC Corporation to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations. You must include exhibits to support your analysis and recommendations.
The completed case study must include these components, portions will be submitted over modules 5, 6, and a final compilation in module 8.
Cover page (must include the company name, your name, the date of submission, and a references page; the document must follow current APA guidelines)
A total of 12 – 15 pages (for all three parts, combined) of narrative text, this does not include the financial statements, reference pages, or matrices
Reference page (follow current APA guidelines)
Historical Financial Statements, Projected Financial Statements, NPV Calculations and a Cost Sheet for the strategy in an Excel document
Matrices, which must be exhibits/attachments in the appendix and not part of the body of the analysis (The Strategy Club has excellent templates/examples for exhibits and matrices: http://strategyclub.com/free-student-template/)
Deliverables for Case Study: Matrices Assignment
1.Existing mission, objectives, and strategies.
2.A new mission statement (include the number of the component in parenthesis before addressing that component).
Great mission statements address these 9 components:
Customers: Who are the firm’s customers?
Products or services: What are the firm’s major products or services?
Markets: Geographically, where does the firm compete?
Technology: Is the firm technologically current?
Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: Is the firm committed to growth and financial soundness?
Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm?
Self-concept: What is the firm’s distinctive competence or major competitive advantage?
Concern for public image: Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concerns?
Concern for employees: Are employees a valuable asset of the firm?
3.Analysis of the firm’s existing business model.
4.SWOT Matrix and Analysis (comes from researching the firm, industry, and competitors). It is important to know the difference between causes and effects in the SWOT analysis. Causes are important, not effects. Focus on internal and external analysis when completing this matrix. This matrix should be based on research and contain quantifiable metrics. There should be 8-10 items in each quadrant, with research support for each item.
5.Once the SWOT Matrix and Analysis is created, construct the TOWS also known as the Bivariate Strategy Matrix.
6.Group Map – create this based on the firm as a whole or a specific SBU, clearly identify which method you chose and why.
7.Competitive forces analysis, use PESTLE and Porter’s Five Forces as the foundation for this analysis. Clearly identify the factors that are impacting the firm, research is required to support the position taken in your narrative.
Neighbor for Seniors Building Ramps for Homes Weekly Journal Entry Writing Assignment Help
This week we worked on a program called “Neighbor For Seniors” building ramps for homes. They allowed me to build a narrative for a client by interviewing them, collecting an application, a Social Worker went out to the home to take pictures of the client’s porch. Once I completed the narrative I was able to post it on a website for people to donate funds to get a ramp to build for the client. We achieved at least 100 charts to shred once they were scanned in the system. Picked up groceries and hygiene inventory to be delivered for clients next week.
MN 505 Purdue Global Nutrition Exercise Stress Management Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
Read the required reading. You have a client from a vulnerable population, such as an economically disadvantaged and older adult, who needs to begin lifestyle changes with nutrition, exercise and stress management modifications.
Discuss how you would approach nutrition, exercise and/or stress management counseling. Address food aid programs that would be appropriate for referral. What exercise recommendations would be appropriate for your client/s. Comment on stress management factors that may need addressed with your choice of the vulnerable population.
APA 7th Edtion
3 References