HSTM2220 Troy University Week 1 Tourism Professional Reflection Writing Assignment Help. HSTM2220 Troy University Week 1 Tourism Professional Reflection Writing Assignment Help.
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This is an opportunity to critically evaluate new information you have learned this week, tie it to course materials and analyze how this information will help you in becoming a better tourism professional. This reflection should be free of jargon and not overly technical. The aim is for you to continually build knowledge from week to week, have a record of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and “ah-ha” moments at the end of the term, as well as to give me insight into your learning process and the impact of components of this course.
HSTM2220 Troy University Week 1 Tourism Professional Reflection Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DeVry University Artifact Ancient Greece Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
This week, you will complete the Timeline Project you began in Week 5 with the submission of your formal presentation. The point of this project is to help you see how all of the pieces of this class fit together and give you an opportunity to demonstrate how much you have learned about being a student of history and the humanities.
In Week 5, you prepared a list and outline of the artifacts you will analyze for each of the time periods listed. Using the feedback you have received from your Week 5 assignment and the guidelines in the Course Project Overview, you will prepare and deliver a 10–15 minute presentation to explore your timeline and analyze your artifacts.
Be sure to submit your assignment.
The student has produced a high-quality video or narrated slide show about three historical events and one artifact from each of the periods described on the project list (1–5). 10 pts
Historical Events The student has chosen three historical events and discussed these events and their impact on the culture and the humanities.
30.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
30.0 pts
Artifact Discussion The student has chosen appropriate artifacts for each period and discussed how the artifact reflects the cultural events and the people of the time period.
35.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
35.0 pts
Quality Presentation The student has put together a creative, visually appealing timeline and narrated it with quality information.
30.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
30.0 pts
Grammar, Mechanics, and Style Grammar refers to correctness of language usage. Mechanics refers to conventional correctness in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Style includes word choice, sentence variety, clarity, and conciseness. Also, sentences vary in length and structure; ideas are clear, logical, and concise.
10.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
10.0 pts
APA Formatting and References The students have used appropriate APA formatting and have included a slide or list of references in their presentation.
10.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
10.0 pts
Total Points: 125.0
BUS430 Strayer Evaluate and Experience & Finding the Best Buy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
This is a 2 part discussion question.
Evaluate and Experience
- Analyze the importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization. Evaluate a bad experience you have had with an appointment from the perspectives of the customer (you) and the organization with regard to inefficient planning and scheduling.
- Analyze the experience you provided from a process perspective. Suggest ways the schedules could have been designed to be more efficient and effective.
Finding the Best Buy
- Read the Finding the Best Buy case study. https://prezi.com/dkxxc7hqged3/finding-the-best-buy/
- Corporate governance has become a hot issue in the U.S. over the past two decades. From your analysis of the case study, determine two possible corporate governance challenges that might be faced by Best Buy as a result of its rapid growth and why they could become corporate governance issues.
- Make recommendations for how Best Buy can overcome these challenges. Provide specific examples to support your response.
South University Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Analysis Report Writing Assignment Help
- Gregor’s transformation in Kafka’s Metamorphosis is clearly dehumanizing, both literally and metaphorically. When does his dehumanization start? What are the stages in Gregor’s growing awareness of his metamorphosis? What are the social and psychological reasons for Gregor’s transformation? Does Gregor arrive at some understanding of his situation before he dies?
- Answer all parts of the question thoroughly and accurately in at least three fully developed paragraphs.
- Provide detailed evidence in the form of quotations from the text. Follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing the text.
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the time period, topic, or genre that is this week’s focus.
ART010 Solano Community College Death and Art Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
You’ve seen how death can be addressed quite literally in artwork (as in, “look, there’s a skull!”), and also symbolically (“what lovely flowers! –but since they are cut, they will die eventually, as must we all”).
- For this discussion, in a post, first, talk about your comfort level with visual symbols of death.
- Note if you would be OK with having a portrait of yourself made in the mode of Holbein’s The Ambassadors, with a skull lurking in anamorphosis on the floor
- Note if you would you like a calavera portrait of yourself, wearing your favorite outfit.
- Explain whether you find Kane Kwei’s art-coffins in bad taste, or charming, and say whether you would want to be buried in one –and if so, what shape would you want?
- Be sure to state whether your feelings come from your cultural background.
- In the same post, share a memento mori still life painting or a Kane Kwei coffin that you found online. Be sure to identify the artwork by title, artist, date, medium, and museum.
- It might take a bit of searching to find the museum, but I’d like you to post the museum website where the image appears, if you can.
- Be sure to conclude your post with your preferred name, so other students can reply to you appropriately.
- In reply to others’ posts, try to interpret the symbolism in the artwork (the iconography), and what it might mean culturally and universally. Please also share your personal reaction to others’ chosen artworks, noting to what extent your personal and cultural background impacts your feelings about the work.
Remember, students are expected to post thoughtful comments that:
- Satisfactorily meet the discussion criteria (cover what is required, according to the directions)
- Show depth and insight (Quotes and specific examples are required, not only in showing that you understand the depth of the material, but in making your ideas clearer for your reader.) Indicate that you have done the textbook readings and have explored online material.
- Show graciousness, cordiality (niceness and respect) and care (not slap-dash or off-the-cuff).
- Show time commitment and attention to all the other posts in the discussion (based on the number and extent of the replies)
Discussions require at least one post and two replies to be considered for full credit. I am looking for in-depth responses (quality) as well as quantity of replies.
I will post two classmate post to replies them. So please make sure there are three post to writ down. One post you have to answer all four question and one online website. Another two post you have to replies your classmate post.
University of Phoenix Chapter 1 to 6 Organizational Change Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Select three notable organizational change experts whose works are included in the Organizational Change text in Chapters 1 through 6.
Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation that:
- Identifies the three different organizational change expert(s) you selected.
- Identifies the nature of their work in the field of organizational change.
- Describes their work in terms of any model, framework, diagram, or process for which they are credited. If there is no model, framework, diagram, or process described or shown in the text, you may research the Internet or University of Phoenix Library to find one, or you may design a model, framework, diagram, or process that you believe describes their work.
Use any respective charts or diagrams such as the models, exhibits, and figures found in Chapters 1 through 6 of the Organizational Change text to explain their work.
Include a title slide and reference slide.
Include brief speaker notes.
Reference two research sources in addition to the Organizational Change text, for a total of three references.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
University of Phoenix Chapter 1 to 6 Organizational Change Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Machuca Film analysis Writing Assignment Help
ESSAY: Machuca
Traditionally defined by the transition from adolescence into adulthood, the coming-of-age story has taken many shapes and forms around the world. Most involve a rite of passage, a journey that takes the character from innocence to self-discovery. They tend to emphasize an internal dialogue and sometimes is told from the point-of-view of the now adult character. It can tackle issues of sexual identity, depression, suicide…and social inequality. They are sometimes imbued with a nostalgic aura, of days gone by.
Andrés Wood’s Machuca(2004) takes the basic premise of a coming-of-age story and turns it on its head. The backdrop: the days leading to the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Salvador Allende in 1973. Our protagonist: Gonzalo, a shy, upper class boy who’s bullied at his private English-only Catholic school. Yet, the film is named after after one of the poor students allowed into the school by the school’s progressive Catholic priest. They soon become friends and as, per the film generic rules, Gonzalo discovers a whole new world through Machuca. We see this world through his eyes
No film is a better example of the political defined by the personal experience addressed in class than Machuca.
Write a 600-750 word essay around the film’s point of view. Pick one or two scenes to answer the following: How does Wood use Gonzalo’s point of view to explore Chile’s class disparities? How does Gonzalo’s point of view impact how we perceive that particular moment in history? How does that history slowly but surely intrude in Gonzalo’s world? By telling the story through Gonzalo’s point of view, how much information is Wood sharing or withholding from us?
For this assignment you will need to do some minor research and reading on the causes that led to the coup d’etat, particularly on the role the middle class had in the days leading to the coup (the reading will also help you when we turn our attention to Pablo Larraín’s Post-Mortemin class).
EN121 Monroe How To Detect Phishing Emails? Discussion Help Writing Assignment Help
The link often takes you to a “website” that looks legitimate?
1. What were some of the clues or red flags that made you either provide more info or hit the delete key?
2. Refer to specific criteria from the lecture notes (CRAAP test) and the textbook(s) to explain why EACH of the websites provided below are OR are not credible sources.
Please be sure to provide specific reasons for your answers. Use paragraphs to enhance the presentation of your posts.
2. https://www.interceptpharma.com/homepage-non-usa/
3, https://www.bradyunited.org/
CSCW2015 GATECH Engaging Participation Patterns In World Without Oil Writing Assignment Help
Read the excerpt Chang_Games.pdf and write a short (~300 word) response.
Read the excerpt from p1872-jafarinaimi.pdf and write a short (~300 word) response.
Response should address the following:
1. Who is the author? Who are they writing for and/or against?
2. Identify and quote a main claim from the reading that you agree or disagree with. Explain your position. (Include the page number, so that you can refer back to this quote later.)
3. Offer an example of the kind of evidence the author uses to support this claim. Is it convincing?
Grossmont College Txtng Is Killing Language. Jk!!! – John Mc Whorter Essay Writing Assignment Help
Texting has become an accepted way of speaking to each other. But is this accepted method effective? Can it clearly communicate your thinking? Is it a viable way to fix problems, say something important or maintain a relationship?
The Assignment:
- Watch the video posted on Canvas or copy and paste this link in your browser:Txtng is killing language. JK!!! – John McWhorter (Links to an external site.)
- Write an essay about the video and your texting experience:
- Pull three details that are very interesting to you from his talk and summarize Then explain how those three details work within language. Cite the video in your essay.
- Once you have summarized the three details, and explained those details:
- analyze one of your own (classroom appropriate*) text messages/exchanges with a significant other in which you apologized or attempted to clarify a disagreement or relational issue.
- If you do not have any exchanges related to this prompt, create a text message dialogue and then follow the instructions for this assignment.
- Include the text messages and brief backstory about the issue in your essay so the reader understands what occurred.
- * Please choose a text message exchange that is appropriate for discussion in the classroom and does not in any way embarrass you or your significant other.
- When analyzing your message, explain any text speech, emoticons, symbols you choose to use:
- How do they convey your thinking, message, and texting style?
- Also, IYHO, to what extent does the evolution of informal language influence the way in which we are able to communicate?
NOTE: Your essay should:
- have a clear (and brief) introduction, a body and a clear (and brief) conclusion.
- be 1000-1200 words in length.
- incorporate three textbook references from three different chapters. Include a clear in-text reference (text chapter, page number).
- not include a reference page.
- be free of spelling and grammar errors.
- college-level writing
- Pull three details that are very interesting to you from his talk and summarize Then explain how those three details work within language. Cite the video in your essay.
- Once you have summarized the three details, and explained those details:
- analyze one of your own (classroom appropriate*) text messages/exchanges with a significant other in which you apologized or attempted to clarify a disagreement or relational issue.
- If you do not have any exchanges related to this prompt, create a text message dialogue and then follow the instructions for this assignment.
- Include the text messages and brief backstory about the issue in your essay so the reader understands what occurred.
- * Please choose a text message exchange that is appropriate for discussion in the classroom and does not in any way embarrass you or your significant other.
- How do they convey your thinking, message, and texting style?
- Also, IYHO, to what extent does the evolution of informal language influence the way in which we are able to communicate?
NOTE: Your essay should:
- have a clear (and brief) introduction, a body and a clear (and brief) conclusion.
- be 1000-1200 words in length.
- incorporate three textbook references from three different chapters. Include a clear in-text reference (text chapter, page number).
- not include a reference page.
- be free of spelling and grammar errors.
- college-level writing