HU Comparison of Techniques for Hedging Receivables Question Economics Assignment Help. HU Comparison of Techniques for Hedging Receivables Question Economics Assignment Help.
I’m working on a finance test / quiz prep and need support to help me study.
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Comparison of Techniques for Hedging Receivables.
Assume that Carbondale Co. expects to receive S$500,000 in one year. The existing spot rate of the Singapore dollar is $.60. The one?year forward rate of the Singapore dollar is $.62. Carbondale created a probability distribution for the future spot rate in one year as follows:
Future Spot Rate Probability
$.58 20%
.63 50
.67 30
Assume that one?year put options on Singapore dollars are available, with an exercise price of $.63 and a premium of $.04 per unit. One?year call options on Singapore dollars are available with an exercise price of $.60 and a premium of $.03 per unit. Assume the following money market rates:
U.S. Singapore
Deposit rate 7% 4%
Borrowing rate 8 5
Given this information, determine whether a forward hedge, money market hedge, or a currency options hedge would be most appropriate. Then compare the most appropriate hedge to an unhedged strategy, and decide whether Carbondale should hedge its receivables position.
Forward hedge
Money market hedge
Option hedge
Possible Spot Rate
Option Premium per Unit
Yes or
Amount Received per Unit (also accounting for premium)
Total Amount Received for S$500,000
Unhedged Strategy
Possible Spot Rate
Total Amount Received for S$500,000
- Assume that Baton Rouge, Inc. expects to need S$1 million in one year. Using any relevant information in part (a) of this question, determine whether a forward hedge, a money market hedge, or a currency options hedge would be most appropriate. Then, compare the most appropriate hedge to an unhedged strategy, and decide whether Baton Rouge should hedge its payables position.
Forward hedge
Money market hedge
Option hedge
Amount Paid Total
Option per Unit Amount
Possible Premium Exercise (including Paid for
Spot Rate per Unit Option? the premium) S$1,000,000 Probability
Unhedged Strategy
Possible Total
Spot Rate Amount Paid Probability
HU Comparison of Techniques for Hedging Receivables Question Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SUNY Brockport Hemagglutination Virtual Lab Report Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a immunology report and need support to help me learn.
I need you to help me answer questions in a document based on hemagglutination. I’ve attached multiple things to help you complete this assignment.
The document labeled “hemagglutination assay assignment” has the questions and is the only thing I need to be answered based on all the other supporting documents I sent.
There will be videos I tag that will assist with writing a short answer response to each question that requires it.
Please be detailed and explain as much as possible based on all the supporting documents. Thank you!
No references is needed.
PRLS 410 George Mason University Article on InEvent Inc by Erin Schilling Summary Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 1 : Develop a presentation that gives an overview of your semester project. Include the following KEY points:
- The organization is… (name, location, size, sector). It was formed when… (history).
- Our mission (purpose) is to …
- The organization offers… (services) that are designed to serve….. (markets)
- One business goal that the organization plans to complete in the next year is…
- The organization will achieve this goal by…
- In the next 5 years the organization will … (vision) and expects to have to overcome the following challenges…
- One SMART goal is…
- Here is the organizational chart. The … (structure type). This structure best represents the organization because…
- The most valuable part of this project for me was…because…
- The assignment (or aspect) that I found most challenging was…because…
- Provide a complete bibliography of ALL references/resources used for this project, including footnotes and full information about the required interview.
Part 2 : Find and read a recent (within the last 10 years) and relevant article or other media piece from a credible and reputable journal, periodical, book/book section or multi-media presentation that is about you’re the type of organization you selected for your semester project. Do not use a website. You should be able to relate the content to business administration in sports, recreation, tourism/hospitality or event management.
Evaluation (15 points) will be based for the Journal Article on:
- Ability to summarize the article’s main points clearly and concisely
- Relevancy of the article to your semester project and/or the sports, recreation, and tourism/hospitality or event management industries.
- Ability to summarize the article’s main points clearly and concisely in the form of a paper.
- Relevancy of the article to your semester project and/or the sports, recreation, and tourism/hospitality or event management industries.
LLU Requirements for Obtaining Informed Consent of an Adult for Clinical Study Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Question is obtaining informed consent of an adult for a clinical study (any phase [ie, 1, 2, or 3]): When obtaining informed consent from a study participant, list 5 items which are required to be either documented in the informed consent form or during the actual process of obtaining consent (eg, when the study staff meets with a prospective study participant). In addition, for each of the 5 items you identify, provide 2 justifications/reasons as to why those items are mandatory.
For every one of the 5 items you identify, each item of those 5 items must have 2 justifications.
Rasmussen College Target Population and Nursing Research Methods Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Course Project Part 1 Q Proposal .Here is the instruction for the paper
The first course project assignment is a written proposal that describes an assessment of the needs of
the client(s) and why you feel this project would be beneficial to improve health outcomes. Include the
(goal of the project, the target audience, and what you expect the response to be.
This proposal should not be more than 2 pages.
In addition, a cover page and reference page using APA
format should be included. It is likely that you will need 1 or 2 scholarly articles to get grounded on your
topic to develop your QI proposal.
• Overall Goal of the QI project
Target Client Population – including location and/or department
Brief assessment of the need for a quality improvement for this client population
• Anticipated ‘test of change’ (intervention(s) – (This will be supported and/or may change based
on part 2- Literature review)
• Proposed measurement(s) – (How evaluation will be completed to determine if the
intervention(s) made a positive difference.
• Desired improved health outcome and/or expected response (resulting form the ‘tests of
• Timeline
Feel free to contact instructor if would like some feedback on your QI project proposal
Game Theory and Security and Defense Studies Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Below is the information about the essay you will write.
Please find at the link below the article related to Game Theory and International Relations.
There are three main parts in the article.
3.2. Game theory and security and defense studies (pp. 4 – 11)
3.3. Game theory and the economic relations among nation-states (pp. 11 – 13)
3.4. Game theory and diplomacy (pp.13 – 15)
I want you to read those three main parts and then summarize and discuss them (make a critique) in a paper of a total length of maximum 8 pages…6 pages for summary and 2 pages for critique.
Game Theory and Security and Defense Studies Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Huawei Slips Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Emerging changes in today’s world, including the U.S. – China relationship, the pandemic, and the likely de-globalization, have created a lot of pressures on multinational firms. For example, Huawei’s global sales fell substantially in the third quarter of this year, partly due to the U.S. government’s restrictions on sales of chips to Huawei.
In this short essay, please answer: How can Huawei deal with this non-market environment? Please read the attached Wall Street Journal article, “Huawei Slips From Its Perch In Phones” published on October 31, 2020. You can also do additional online research.
Specifically, in the first paragraph, please evaluate four I’s of this non-market environment. As we discussed in class, the non-market environment is characterized by four I’s (Issue, Institutions, Interests, and Information). In the following paragraph(s), please recommend strategies that Huawei can take in this non-market environment. For each recommended strategy, please offer rationales about why this strategy may work.
Huawei Slips From Its Perch In Phones 2020-10-31.pdf
apa format and references
University of California Davis Types of Taxation Systems in the USA Essay Economics Assignment Help
Combine all of your assignments so far to create a paper analyzing our current tax system in the United States. Copy/Paste your weekly assignments all together, being careful to respond to any TA/Prof feedback and create an introduction and a conclusion. Also, use a transition sentence to combine topics. In your conclusion, plan to summarize your major concerns and propose solutions. Use times new roman, 12 point font, double spaced formatted text with one inch margins. The paper should max out at around 4 pages (please do not spend time shortening your paper to 4 pages but if you are writing much more than 4 or 5, you are putting in more time than necessary). Do not put your name, class or date on the top of the paper. Start with your analysis
San Diego State University Abuse Prevention and Physical Disabilities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help…
1.Reflecting on the movie you watched “Take a Look at This Heart,” think about what was discussed over the semester and which concepts in the film correlated to the main concepts of this course.
2. The film, Take a Look at This Heart, represented one group of individuals with disabilities, and our speakers in class represented another group of people with disabilities. What two groups of individuals were represented between the film and the guest speakers? How did the content in the film differ from the content of the guest presentations? What was the main takeaway from the film, versus the main takeaway from the guest presenters in class?
3. According to our guest lecturer, Amy Machado, what concepts need to be specifically taught to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in order to facilitate access to healthy relationships in their lives?
4. Respond to our guest speaker, Amy Machado. What about her presentation resonated with you and your own experiences or perspectives? What did you learn from her? How is this information useful to you in the future?
De Anza College Power of Art to Affect Personal and Political Change Film Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I need a film analysis paper, I added the request to the attachment. There are several topics to choose from the attachment。
of Ada (Holly Hunter), positioned as an outsider, as she undergoes a physical and psychological
journey to free herself from patriarchal forces. The setting (place and historical period),
antagonists, metaphorical implications of Ada finding her voice and the gaze of the camera
should be addressed.
Thomas Vinterberg as a director and affects The Celebration (1998, Denmark). Also refer to
Jørgen Leth and Lars von Trier’s The Five Obstructions (2003, Denmark) in terms of limits
fostering creativity.
Denmark), and Cuarón’s Y tu mamá también (2001, Mexico). Consider how the Dogme rules
impact the former, and cinematic techniques such as the dual narrative and straying camera
affect the latter.
and Zhang Yimou’s government-supported Hero (2002, China). How do both films reflect a
transitional time in each country’s changing political landscape: Mexico’s changeover in 2000 to
the leadership of a different party after 71 years of Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) rule and
Hong Kong’s return to Chinese sovereignty in 1997?
Francisco comment on the power of art to affect personal and political change. What do they
convey about music, calligraphy and playwriting, respectively?
independent film movement? What themes emerge that reflect conditions and issues in the San
Francisco Bay Area?
1.Reflecting on the movie you watched “Take a Look at This Heart,” think about what was discussed over the semester and which concepts in the film correlated to the main concepts of this course.
2. The film, Take a Look at This Heart, represented one group of individuals with disabilities, and our speakers in class represented another group of people with disabilities. What two groups of individuals were represented between the film and the guest speakers? How did the content in the film differ from the content of the guest presentations? What was the main takeaway from the film, versus the main takeaway from the guest presenters in class?
3. According to our guest lecturer, Amy Machado, what concepts need to be specifically taught to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in order to facilitate access to healthy relationships in their lives?
4. Respond to our guest speaker, Amy Machado. What about her presentation resonated with you and your own experiences or perspectives? What did you learn from her? How is this information useful to you in the future?