HU Ethics Discrimination Against Homosexuals in Employment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

HU Ethics Discrimination Against Homosexuals in Employment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. HU Ethics Discrimination Against Homosexuals in Employment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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read the article to answer this question i will provide it down below. NO CITATIONS THIS IS YOUR OPINION ANSWER DONT DO CITATION.

1. Do Jordan’s arguments justify discrimination against homosexuals in employment, education, and the military? Do they justify legally prohibiting same-sex marriage? why or why not?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences


You need to read the scenario below then answer the question on Bold:

You are the captain of a ship that has sunk. Thirty people are crowded into a lifeboat that can only carry twenty. It will sink unless you do something. You reason that it is better for a few to die than for everyone to do so, and since you know that the boat will need to be rowed if it is to reach safety you throw the ten weakest people overboard. When the boat reaches safety you are tried for murder.

How would you expect the jury to view your actions?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences

Would the moral issues have been different if you had prevented the last ten people from boarding the lifeboat in the first place?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences

HU Ethics Discrimination Against Homosexuals in Employment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

New York University Training Program for the Project Management Team Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Overview:

For this assignment, you will draft a critical document that initiates a project which is the business case. that are often part of initiating a project. This document provides decision-makers with the information they need to make an informed decision about whether to approve a project or not.

Assignment Instructions:

For this assignment, you be using the attached case study (see attached Case Study) to prepare a business case. A specific template, with instructions have been provided for each of these documents (see attached Wk2_AssignmentTemplate). Here are a few notes on each item:

Case Study:

The case study is fairly straightforward. You are part of a team that is trying to decide whether to use internal or external resources for a training project. As part of this case study, you will be preparing the business case which justifies the creation of the project. All the information you need is within the case study, but you will be required to draw reasonable conclusion from the case study, as every detail is not present. Please pay particular attention to the financial details provided, as well as, the considerations at the end of the case study, as it provides you with some ‘hints’ about how to consider various items. In a case study such as this, there are a range of good answers. So don’t think that you have to select one option or the other. The key is to accurately analyze the case, and then provide a recommendation that is based on evidence you provide within the business case.

Assignment Template:

The assignment template contains various sections and can be leveraged for this assignment.

  • Business Case
  • The business case has eight sections that lead you through an analysis of the case study. Instructions are provided within each section, along with sample questions, which act as prompts. The key to doing a good business case is drawing logical conclusions from the information provided. Take the time to read the case study carefully, allowing for reasonable assumptions on your part to complete the business case template. If this is your first time completing something of this nature, make sure to allow yourself sufficient time.

Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in writing the paper.

  • Each section of template is fully completed
  • Calculation supporting conclusions are performed accurately, making use of the financial background data provided
  • A clear recommendation is made and supported as part of the business case
  • Paper is free of grammatical errors


BEHS 453 UMGC Wk 5 Gaslight Based on Patrick Hamiltons Play Media Review Science Assignment Help

Hide Assignment Information

Media Review Project – due end of Week 5

1. Select a film that depicts domestic violence. Alternatively, you may select a book or television show instead of a movie. Some film suggestions follow:

  • A Cry for Help: The Tracy Thurman Story (1989)
  • Affliction (1999)
  • American Beauty (1999)
  • Bastard Out of California (1996)
  • Black and Blue (1999)
  • Burning Bed, The (1984)
  • Carousel (1956)
  • Color Purple, The (1985)
  • Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story (1993)
  • Crimes of the Heart (1986)
  • Dangerous Intentions (1995)
  • Dead by Sunset (1995)
  • Deadly Matrimony (1991)
  • Defending Our Lives (1983)
  • Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970)
  • Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002)
  • Enough (2002)
  • Escape from Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story (1995)
  • Fatal Vows: The Alexandra O’Hara Story (1994)
  • Final Appeal (1993)
  • For Colored Girls (2010)
  • Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)
  • Gaslight (1944)
  • Independence Day (1983) – (not the movie about aliens!)
  • Getting Out (1994)
  • Goodnight, Sweet Wife: A Murder in Boston (1990)
  • Great Santini, The (1979)
  • If Someone Had Known (1995)
  • In a Child’s Name (1991)
  • In My Sister’s Shadow (1996)
  • La Strada (1954)
  • Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg (1994)
  • Men Don’t Tell (1993)
  • Oliver! (1968)
  • Once Were Warriors (1994)
  • Perfect Guy, The (2015)
  • Petulia (1968)
  • Promise, The (1999)
  • Provoked (2006)
  • Shattered Dreams (1990)
  • Sleeping with the Devil (1997)
  • Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)
  • Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
  • Unspoken Truth, The (1995)
  • Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
  • What’s Love Got to Do With It? (1993)
  • When No One Would Listen (1992)
  1. Identify one character (victim of domestic violence) who will be the focus of your paper.
  2. Compose a 6-8 page paper (not including title or reference page) which addresses the items listed in the following rubric:




Possible Points

Title Page

On a separate title page, center and type the name of the film, the character you have selected, your name, and the course information like so:

Movie Title: Character Name

Your Name

BEHS453 (section)

Plot Synopsis

Summary of plot – provide enough detail that a reader who has never seen the film will understand the story line, but be concise and limit the description to a few paragraphs (limit to one page)

20 pts: Excellent summary of plot

15 pts: Good summary of plot, some details missing

10 pts: Poor summary of plot, major details missing

0 pts: No summary provided


Identify and describe the type(s) of domestic violence in the film. Identify the victim and the abuser, specifying the relationship that exists between the two.

10 pts: Clear description of violence in film, key characters and their relation to one another

7 pts: Adequate description of violence in film, key characters with some details missing

4 pts: Poor description of violence in film, key characters with major details missing

0 pts: No description of violence or characters in film


Impact of domestic violence on character

List and evaluate the symptoms the character is demonstrating using your eLearning Resources.

20 pts: Excellent analysis of symptoms and their causes, using citations from eLearning Resources to support response.

15 pts: Good analysis of symptoms and their causes using citations from eLearning Resources to support response. Some details missing or slight errors in citations.

10 pts: Fair analysis of symptoms and their causes. Major details missing. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

5 pts: Poor analysis of symptoms and their causes. Serious omission of detail. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

0 pts: No analysis of symptoms and their causes.


Theoretical explanations of domestic violence

Explain the domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective, drawing upon theories discussed in class and in your eLearning Resources

20 pts: Excellent explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective, using citations from eLearning Resources to support response.

15 pts: Good explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective using citations from eLearning Resources to support response. Some details missing or slight errors in citations.

10 pts: Fair explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective. Major details missing. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

5 pts: Poor explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective. Serious omission of detail. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

0 pts: No explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective.




Identify any pivotal moments in the film where intervention made or might have made a difference for your character

15 pts: Excellent analysis of intervention opportunities

10 pts: Good analysis of intervention opportunities; missing some detail

5 pts: Poor analysis of intervention opportunities: missing major detail

0 pts: No analysis of intervention opportunities


  1. Identify a strategy for helping the character, grounded in research and theory mentioned in course materials

2. Develop a comprehensive treatment plan

3.Identify real resources that could help the character and describe how these resources would be helpful

25 pts: Addresses all three criteria in clear, comprehensive fashion

20 pts: Addresses all three criteria but lacks detail

15 pts: Addresses 2 criteria in clear, comprehensive fashion

10 pts: Addresses 2 criteria but lacks detail

5 pts: Addresses only 1 criterion in clear, comprehensive fashion

0 pts: Does not address any of the criteria


Reference Page

List all references on a separate page using APA format (Version 5 or 6). For assistance with APA format, consult UMGC’s Information and Library Services or EffectiveWritingCenter



5 pts: Formal and scholarly tone

3 pts: Minor lapses in tone

1 pt: Serious lapses in tone


Grammar and Syntax

5 pts: No significant grammatical, spelling, or syntactical errors

3 pts: Several grammatical, spelling, or syntactical errors that are somewhat distracting

1 pt: Serious grammatical, spelling, or syntactical errors that detract from overall quality of the paper


Citations and References

5 pts: In-text citations and reference list correct

3 pts: In-text citations and reference list have minor errors

1 pt: In-text citations and reference list have serious errors




Aberystwyth University ?Scheduling and Staffing Discussion Writing Assignment Help

discussion 1

Assess the health organization in which you work or one with which you are familiar, and describe how staffing and scheduling processes in particular make your organization a high-reliability organization. Then, evaluate any areas that may need improvement, and recommend steps for improvement.

In your evaluation and recommendation, consider the requirements and standards in becoming a highly reliable organization. Do these standards hinder or improve the quality of care? Justify your rationale.

discussion 2

  • Scan current health care delivery systems in your local community and select a health care organization. Consider that you have been hired by this organization’s board of directors to develop a new segmentation service.
  • Identify market-based segments of the health care organization you selected.

Post an executive summary that addresses the following:

Describe market-based segments of the health care organization you selected. Include demographic characteristics of segmented consumers that influence buying behaviors of the market. Then, analyze how the organization is responding to these market segments. Finally, evaluate the impact of these market segments and consumers on the future of the organization’s market. Support your response by identifying and explaining key points and/or examples presented in the Learning Resources.

Note: Your executive summary should be no more than 600 words. Be sure to apply best practices of business communication when writing your executive summary.


ENG 250 DCCC Information Books in Early Childhood Article Paper Humanities Assignment Help





After reading “Information Books in Early Childhood” please respond to the following prompt:

Why Read Informational Books-1.pdf

In your response please answer both of the following:

1. How does the following quote specifically connect to the reading?

2. Connect the quote to your experience as a reader

“Some books are to be tasted,
others to be swallowed, and
some few to be chewed and
— Francis Bacon



San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5 provided an overview of gross income. We learned about various inclusions and exclusions from gross income. In Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project, you will add to your taxpayer story by providing information about potential items of income.

Requirements for Part 2:

Complete the following questions to add to your taxpayer information.

It is recommended that you type your answers, so that you may later Copy-Paste as you organize the final project.

One of your taxpayers must be an employee of a company. The other spouse will be a small business owner (discussed later in Part 4). If you only have one taxpayer, they will have both roles (i.e. employee of a company and a small business owner).

Your taxpayer must receive 5 benefits, other than their salary. Two or three of these benefits should not qualify as fringe benefits, in part or in full. (An example of in-part could be receiving free parking of $300 a month when only $270 can be excluded). Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Your taxpayers must have 5 potential sources of other income. For each source of income, there can be multiple cash flows. For example, one source of income is a lawsuit where there are several different awards. Or, one source of income is interest income where there are several types of interest income. Two or three of these sources of other income should be excluded from income, in part or in full. Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Do not include any gains/losses on sales of stock or qualified dividends as other sources of income. We will discuss these topics again in further detail later in the course.

Remember to consider adding nuanced, misleading, or additional information to add difficulty/complexity to your taxpayer’s story.

Taxpayer Project: Part 2

1. What is your taxpayer’s job? Provide a reasonable salary for them to earn in this role.

2. What 5 benefits does the employer provide to your taxpayer, in addition to their salary?

3. For each of the 5 benefits, do they qualify as fringe benefits excluded from income (in part or in full)? Explain your reasoning.

4. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s job? What is the character of this income?

5. What are the 5 potential sources of other income for your taxpayers?

6. For each of the 5 potential sources of other income, what amount is included in income (in part or in full). Explain your reasoning.

7. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s sources of other income? What is the character of this income?

Examples for Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project: Sally and Jim Torero (MFJ)

(Note: These examples do not meet all requirements.)

Sally is an accountant at a CPA firm and earns a salary of $106,000.

In addition, her employer paid $14,000 of medical insurance premiums on behalf of Sally, Jim, and their children.

Sally also received a couple other benefits at work. The CPA firm wants to encourage their employees to stay healthy during busy season, so they pay for memberships to a community gym located a short drive away. The value of the gym membership Sally received was $1,200.

The CPA firm uses software to help clients prepare household budgets and come up with a financial plan. Because the CPA firm already purchased the software license, employees can use the software to prepare their own personal budgets and financial plans. If Sally had to buy her own software license, it would have cost her $500.

Jim went to Las Vegas two times during 2019 to gamble. On one trip he won $5,000. On the second trip he lost $6,000.

Sally and Jim earned $2,500 of interest from their savings account and $1,000 of interest from a City of San Diego bond.

Sally was hit by a car while crossing the street in a crosswalk and broke her leg. She sued the driver and won the lawsuit. She received $40,000 to compensate her for her injury. She also received $20,000 for punitive damages.

San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECO 202 SNHU Government Fiscal Policies to Influence Its Economy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Continue your observation of the 10-year period selected for Milestone One, and research the fiscal policies implemented during those years. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Examine the fiscal policies in place at the start of your specific time period in relation to their effects on macroeconomic issues. For instance, consider level of government spending, taxation, subsidies, unemployment benefits, and so on.

 Analyze new fiscal policy actions undertaken by the U.S. government throughout the time period by describing their intended effects, using macroeconomic principles to explain the actions.

 Explain the impact of the new fiscal policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy by integrating the macroeconomic data and principles.

Guidelines for Submission: Your fiscal policies milestone should be 3–5 slides in PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynotes or PreZentit, not including title page and references. Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses. Your reference list slide needs to be in APA format.

The 10 years I chose was 2000-2010. I will also upload the rubric and power point template.


Strayer University Retention of Students in Lower Grade Essay Writing Assignment Help

Persuasive or Argumentative Essay Assignment


Choose one of the following prompts to discuss in an essay.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages. MLA format, Times New Roman, 12-point font and double spaced. A minimum of two outside resources. Wiki resources are not allowed.

This is the topic I will like to write on.

Occasionally, students in elementary school are given the opportunity advance to the next grade even
though they have not successfully completed the lower grade. Advocates of “social promotion”
think that keeping a child in a grade for longer than a year hurts his or her development and self-esteem. Write an essay stating your opinion on this issue, making sure to support your opinion
with convincing reasons.


MGT 301 SEU How Googles People Operations Group Motivate Its Employees Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please Follow requirements in attached Assignment file

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


US Ethical Situations in Business Reflective Journal Entry & Moral Self Assessment Writing Assignment Help

The first journal entry is a self-reflection on what you have learned during the first part of the semester. (attached the files named “lecture 2,3,4,5slides” it is our class materials contain some theories and file named “required readings”) The reflection needs to address the following questions:

How has your knowledge and understanding of moral reasoning in general and in international business in particular evolved over the past weeks?

Reflect on the readings, theories and/or cases discussed that have impacted you the most. How and why?

Do not to find other resources by googles.

Word limit: 1000 (+/- 10%), not include the reference list. The reading, and theory need to be referred.


In your response please answer both of the following:

1. How does the following quote specifically connect to the reading?

2. Connect the quote to your experience as a reader

“Some books are to be tasted,
others to be swallowed, and
some few to be chewed and
— Francis Bacon



San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5 provided an overview of gross income. We learned about various inclusions and exclusions from gross income. In Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project, you will add to your taxpayer story by providing information about potential items of income.

Requirements for Part 2:

Complete the following questions to add to your taxpayer information.

It is recommended that you type your answers, so that you may later Copy-Paste as you organize the final project.

One of your taxpayers must be an employee of a company. The other spouse will be a small business owner (discussed later in Part 4). If you only have one taxpayer, they will have both roles (i.e. employee of a company and a small business owner).

Your taxpayer must receive 5 benefits, other than their salary. Two or three of these benefits should not qualify as fringe benefits, in part or in full. (An example of in-part could be receiving free parking of $300 a month when only $270 can be excluded). Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Your taxpayers must have 5 potential sources of other income. For each source of income, there can be multiple cash flows. For example, one source of income is a lawsuit where there are several different awards. Or, one source of income is interest income where there are several types of interest income. Two or three of these sources of other income should be excluded from income, in part or in full. Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Do not include any gains/losses on sales of stock or qualified dividends as other sources of income. We will discuss these topics again in further detail later in the course.

Remember to consider adding nuanced, misleading, or additional information to add difficulty/complexity to your taxpayer’s story.

Taxpayer Project: Part 2

1. What is your taxpayer’s job? Provide a reasonable salary for them to earn in this role.

2. What 5 benefits does the employer provide to your taxpayer, in addition to their salary?

3. For each of the 5 benefits, do they qualify as fringe benefits excluded from income (in part or in full)? Explain your reasoning.

4. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s job? What is the character of this income?

5. What are the 5 potential sources of other income for your taxpayers?

6. For each of the 5 potential sources of other income, what amount is included in income (in part or in full). Explain your reasoning.

7. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s sources of other income? What is the character of this income?

Examples for Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project: Sally and Jim Torero (MFJ)

(Note: These examples do not meet all requirements.)

Sally is an accountant at a CPA firm and earns a salary of $106,000.

In addition, her employer paid $14,000 of medical insurance premiums on behalf of Sally, Jim, and their children.

Sally also received a couple other benefits at work. The CPA firm wants to encourage their employees to stay healthy during busy season, so they pay for memberships to a community gym located a short drive away. The value of the gym membership Sally received was $1,200.

The CPA firm uses software to help clients prepare household budgets and come up with a financial plan. Because the CPA firm already purchased the software license, employees can use the software to prepare their own personal budgets and financial plans. If Sally had to buy her own software license, it would have cost her $500.

Jim went to Las Vegas two times during 2019 to gamble. On one trip he won $5,000. On the second trip he lost $6,000.

Sally and Jim earned $2,500 of interest from their savings account and $1,000 of interest from a City of San Diego bond.

Sally was hit by a car while crossing the street in a crosswalk and broke her leg. She sued the driver and won the lawsuit. She received $40,000 to compensate her for her injury. She also received $20,000 for punitive damages.

San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECO 202 SNHU Government Fiscal Policies to Influence Its Economy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Continue your observation of the 10-year period selected for Milestone One, and research the fiscal policies implemented during those years. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Examine the fiscal policies in place at the start of your specific time period in relation to their effects on macroeconomic issues. For instance, consider level of government spending, taxation, subsidies, unemployment benefits, and so on.

 Analyze new fiscal policy actions undertaken by the U.S. government throughout the time period by describing their intended effects, using macroeconomic principles to explain the actions.

 Explain the impact of the new fiscal policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy by integrating the macroeconomic data and principles.

Guidelines for Submission: Your fiscal policies milestone should be 3–5 slides in PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynotes or PreZentit, not including title page and references. Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses. Your reference list slide needs to be in APA format.

The 10 years I chose was 2000-2010. I will also upload the rubric and power point template.


Strayer University Retention of Students in Lower Grade Essay Writing Assignment Help

Persuasive or Argumentative Essay Assignment


Choose one of the following prompts to discuss in an essay.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages. MLA format, Times New Roman, 12-point font and double spaced. A minimum of two outside resources. Wiki resources are not allowed.

This is the topic I will like to write on.

Occasionally, students in elementary school are given the opportunity advance to the next grade even
though they have not successfully completed the lower grade. Advocates of “social promotion”
think that keeping a child in a grade for longer than a year hurts his or her development and self-esteem. Write an essay stating your opinion on this issue, making sure to support your opinion
with convincing reasons.


MGT 301 SEU How Googles People Operations Group Motivate Its Employees Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please Follow requirements in attached Assignment file

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


US Ethical Situations in Business Reflective Journal Entry & Moral Self Assessment Writing Assignment Help

The first journal entry is a self-reflection on what you have learned during the first part of the semester. (attached the files named “lecture 2,3,4,5slides” it is our class materials contain some theories and file named “required readings”) The reflection needs to address the following questions:

How has your knowledge and understanding of moral reasoning in general and in international business in particular evolved over the past weeks?

Reflect on the readings, theories and/or cases discussed that have impacted you the most. How and why?

Do not to find other resources by googles.

Word limit: 1000 (+/- 10%), not include the reference list. The reading, and theory need to be referred.


In your response please answer both of the following:

1. How does the following quote specifically connect to the reading?

2. Connect the quote to your experience as a reader

“Some books are to be tasted,
others to be swallowed, and
some few to be chewed and
— Francis Bacon



San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5 provided an overview of gross income. We learned about various inclusions and exclusions from gross income. In Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project, you will add to your taxpayer story by providing information about potential items of income.

Requirements for Part 2:

Complete the following questions to add to your taxpayer information.

It is recommended that you type your answers, so that you may later Copy-Paste as you organize the final project.

One of your taxpayers must be an employee of a company. The other spouse will be a small business owner (discussed later in Part 4). If you only have one taxpayer, they will have both roles (i.e. employee of a company and a small business owner).

Your taxpayer must receive 5 benefits, other than their salary. Two or three of these benefits should not qualify as fringe benefits, in part or in full. (An example of in-part could be receiving free parking of $300 a month when only $270 can be excluded). Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Your taxpayers must have 5 potential sources of other income. For each source of income, there can be multiple cash flows. For example, one source of income is a lawsuit where there are several different awards. Or, one source of income is interest income where there are several types of interest income. Two or three of these sources of other income should be excluded from income, in part or in full. Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Do not include any gains/losses on sales of stock or qualified dividends as other sources of income. We will discuss these topics again in further detail later in the course.

Remember to consider adding nuanced, misleading, or additional information to add difficulty/complexity to your taxpayer’s story.

Taxpayer Project: Part 2

1. What is your taxpayer’s job? Provide a reasonable salary for them to earn in this role.

2. What 5 benefits does the employer provide to your taxpayer, in addition to their salary?

3. For each of the 5 benefits, do they qualify as fringe benefits excluded from income (in part or in full)? Explain your reasoning.

4. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s job? What is the character of this income?

5. What are the 5 potential sources of other income for your taxpayers?

6. For each of the 5 potential sources of other income, what amount is included in income (in part or in full). Explain your reasoning.

7. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s sources of other income? What is the character of this income?

Examples for Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project: Sally and Jim Torero (MFJ)

(Note: These examples do not meet all requirements.)

Sally is an accountant at a CPA firm and earns a salary of $106,000.

In addition, her employer paid $14,000 of medical insurance premiums on behalf of Sally, Jim, and their children.

Sally also received a couple other benefits at work. The CPA firm wants to encourage their employees to stay healthy during busy season, so they pay for memberships to a community gym located a short drive away. The value of the gym membership Sally received was $1,200.

The CPA firm uses software to help clients prepare household budgets and come up with a financial plan. Because the CPA firm already purchased the software license, employees can use the software to prepare their own personal budgets and financial plans. If Sally had to buy her own software license, it would have cost her $500.

Jim went to Las Vegas two times during 2019 to gamble. On one trip he won $5,000. On the second trip he lost $6,000.

Sally and Jim earned $2,500 of interest from their savings account and $1,000 of interest from a City of San Diego bond.

Sally was hit by a car while crossing the street in a crosswalk and broke her leg. She sued the driver and won the lawsuit. She received $40,000 to compensate her for her injury. She also received $20,000 for punitive damages.

San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECO 202 SNHU Government Fiscal Policies to Influence Its Economy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Continue your observation of the 10-year period selected for Milestone One, and research the fiscal policies implemented during those years. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Examine the fiscal policies in place at the start of your specific time period in relation to their effects on macroeconomic issues. For instance, consider level of government spending, taxation, subsidies, unemployment benefits, and so on.

 Analyze new fiscal policy actions undertaken by the U.S. government throughout the time period by describing their intended effects, using macroeconomic principles to explain the actions.

 Explain the impact of the new fiscal policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy by integrating the macroeconomic data and principles.

Guidelines for Submission: Your fiscal policies milestone should be 3–5 slides in PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynotes or PreZentit, not including title page and references. Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses. Your reference list slide needs to be in APA format.

The 10 years I chose was 2000-2010. I will also upload the rubric and power point template.


Strayer University Retention of Students in Lower Grade Essay Writing Assignment Help

Persuasive or Argumentative Essay Assignment


Choose one of the following prompts to discuss in an essay.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages. MLA format, Times New Roman, 12-point font and double spaced. A minimum of two outside resources. Wiki resources are not allowed.

This is the topic I will like to write on.

Occasionally, students in elementary school are given the opportunity advance to the next grade even
though they have not successfully completed the lower grade. Advocates of “social promotion”
think that keeping a child in a grade for longer than a year hurts his or her development and self-esteem. Write an essay stating your opinion on this issue, making sure to support your opinion
with convincing reasons.


MGT 301 SEU How Googles People Operations Group Motivate Its Employees Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please Follow requirements in attached Assignment file

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


US Ethical Situations in Business Reflective Journal Entry & Moral Self Assessment Writing Assignment Help

The first journal entry is a self-reflection on what you have learned during the first part of the semester. (attached the files named “lecture 2,3,4,5slides” it is our class materials contain some theories and file named “required readings”) The reflection needs to address the following questions:

How has your knowledge and understanding of moral reasoning in general and in international business in particular evolved over the past weeks?

Reflect on the readings, theories and/or cases discussed that have impacted you the most. How and why?

Do not to find other resources by googles.

Word limit: 1000 (+/- 10%), not include the reference list. The reading, and theory need to be referred.


In your response please answer both of the following:

1. How does the following quote specifically connect to the reading?

2. Connect the quote to your experience as a reader

“Some books are to be tasted,
others to be swallowed, and
some few to be chewed and
— Francis Bacon



San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5 provided an overview of gross income. We learned about various inclusions and exclusions from gross income. In Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project, you will add to your taxpayer story by providing information about potential items of income.

Requirements for Part 2:

Complete the following questions to add to your taxpayer information.

It is recommended that you type your answers, so that you may later Copy-Paste as you organize the final project.

One of your taxpayers must be an employee of a company. The other spouse will be a small business owner (discussed later in Part 4). If you only have one taxpayer, they will have both roles (i.e. employee of a company and a small business owner).

Your taxpayer must receive 5 benefits, other than their salary. Two or three of these benefits should not qualify as fringe benefits, in part or in full. (An example of in-part could be receiving free parking of $300 a month when only $270 can be excluded). Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Your taxpayers must have 5 potential sources of other income. For each source of income, there can be multiple cash flows. For example, one source of income is a lawsuit where there are several different awards. Or, one source of income is interest income where there are several types of interest income. Two or three of these sources of other income should be excluded from income, in part or in full. Provide sufficient information to make this determination.

Do not include any gains/losses on sales of stock or qualified dividends as other sources of income. We will discuss these topics again in further detail later in the course.

Remember to consider adding nuanced, misleading, or additional information to add difficulty/complexity to your taxpayer’s story.

Taxpayer Project: Part 2

1. What is your taxpayer’s job? Provide a reasonable salary for them to earn in this role.

2. What 5 benefits does the employer provide to your taxpayer, in addition to their salary?

3. For each of the 5 benefits, do they qualify as fringe benefits excluded from income (in part or in full)? Explain your reasoning.

4. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s job? What is the character of this income?

5. What are the 5 potential sources of other income for your taxpayers?

6. For each of the 5 potential sources of other income, what amount is included in income (in part or in full). Explain your reasoning.

7. What is the total amount to be included in gross income, related to your taxpayer’s sources of other income? What is the character of this income?

Examples for Part 2 of the Taxpayer Project: Sally and Jim Torero (MFJ)

(Note: These examples do not meet all requirements.)

Sally is an accountant at a CPA firm and earns a salary of $106,000.

In addition, her employer paid $14,000 of medical insurance premiums on behalf of Sally, Jim, and their children.

Sally also received a couple other benefits at work. The CPA firm wants to encourage their employees to stay healthy during busy season, so they pay for memberships to a community gym located a short drive away. The value of the gym membership Sally received was $1,200.

The CPA firm uses software to help clients prepare household budgets and come up with a financial plan. Because the CPA firm already purchased the software license, employees can use the software to prepare their own personal budgets and financial plans. If Sally had to buy her own software license, it would have cost her $500.

Jim went to Las Vegas two times during 2019 to gamble. On one trip he won $5,000. On the second trip he lost $6,000.

Sally and Jim earned $2,500 of interest from their savings account and $1,000 of interest from a City of San Diego bond.

Sally was hit by a car while crossing the street in a crosswalk and broke her leg. She sued the driver and won the lawsuit. She received $40,000 to compensate her for her injury. She also received $20,000 for punitive damages.

San Diego State University Grocery Business Taxpayer Job Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECO 202 SNHU Government Fiscal Policies to Influence Its Economy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Continue your observation of the 10-year period selected for Milestone One, and research the fiscal policies implemented during those years. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Examine the fiscal policies in place at the start of your specific time period in relation to their effects on macroeconomic issues. For instance, consider level of government spending, taxation, subsidies, unemployment benefits, and so on.

 Analyze new fiscal policy actions undertaken by the U.S. government throughout the time period by describing their intended effects, using macroeconomic principles to explain the actions.

 Explain the impact of the new fiscal policy actions on individuals and businesses within the economy by integrating the macroeconomic data and principles.

Guidelines for Submission: Your fiscal policies milestone should be 3–5 slides in PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynotes or PreZentit, not including title page and references. Be sure to include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses. Your reference list slide needs to be in APA format.

The 10 years I chose was 2000-2010. I will also upload the rubric and power point template.


Strayer University Retention of Students in Lower Grade Essay Writing Assignment Help

Persuasive or Argumentative Essay Assignment


Choose one of the following prompts to discuss in an essay.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages. MLA format, Times New Roman, 12-point font and double spaced. A minimum of two outside resources. Wiki resources are not allowed.

This is the topic I will like to write on.

Occasionally, students in elementary school are given the opportunity advance to the next grade even
though they have not successfully completed the lower grade. Advocates of “social promotion”
think that keeping a child in a grade for longer than a year hurts his or her development and self-esteem. Write an essay stating your opinion on this issue, making sure to support your opinion
with convincing reasons.


MGT 301 SEU How Googles People Operations Group Motivate Its Employees Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please Follow requirements in attached Assignment file

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


US Ethical Situations in Business Reflective Journal Entry & Moral Self Assessment Writing Assignment Help

The first journal entry is a self-reflection on what you have learned during the first part of the semester. (attached the files named “lecture 2,3,4,5slides” it is our class materials contain some theories and file named “required readings”) The reflection needs to address the following questions:

How has your knowledge and understanding of moral reasoning in general and in international business in particular evolved over the past weeks?

Reflect on the readings, theories and/or cases discussed that have impacted you the most. How and why?

Do not to find other resources by googles.

Word limit: 1000 (+/- 10%), not include the reference list. The reading, and theory need to be referred.


HU Ethics Discrimination Against Homosexuals in Employment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

HU Ethics Discrimination Against Homosexuals in Employment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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