HUM 115 University of Phoenix Pro Facial Recognition Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

HUM 115 University of Phoenix Pro Facial Recognition Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. HUM 115 University of Phoenix Pro Facial Recognition Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Review both the pro and con argument articles on facial recognition from the University Library and then answer the following questions (your response to each question should be 50-100 words long):

1. Identify the author and source (publisher) of the pro facial recognition article (using link provided above). Do you think this author/source is credible? Why or why not? (Hint: Review the author’s background, authority, etc.)

2. What is one reason (premise) the author gives for supporting his conclusion that facial recognition software is beneficial and necessary? What evidence, statistics and/or outside sources does he provide to support this reason?

3. Identify the author and source (publisher) of the con facial recognition article (using link provided above). Do you think this author/source is credible? Why or why not?

4. What is one reason (premise) the author gives for supporting his conclusion that facial recognition software can be detrimental and needs to be put on hold for now? What evidence, statistics and/or outside sources does he provide to support this reason?

5. Which of these articles do you feel met all the criteria of a strong argument (clear, relevant, credible, complete, and sound) and why (explain how the article meets each criteria in your response)?

6. After reviewing and analyzing both articles, what do you think is the value of understanding multiple viewpoints before forming an opinion or argument?

HUM 115 University of Phoenix Pro Facial Recognition Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECE 405 Ashford University Children Families in a Diverse Society Culturally Relevant Methods Discussion Writing Assignment Help

As an early childhood educator or early childhood administrator you have such an important role in supporting each and every child in your care. Prior to writing this assignment, review the Teaching Children Cultural Competence in Early Childhood Education (Links to an external site.) article and Chapters 1 and 2 of your text. Then search for and read at least one additional scholarly source.

For this assignment, compile and present in tabular format a list of 15 culturally competent strategies for English language learners (ELLs) that you could use in your early childhood education teaching or leadership role. At least five of your strategies should be appropriate for infants/toddlers, five strategies should be appropriate for preschool, and five strategies should be appropriate for early elementary age.

Your chart should include the following four headings and provide content for each strategy of similar focus and depth, including support from one credible source for the “Print-Rich Environment” example shown below:

Name of Strategy

Age Group

How strategy supports an aspect of diversity that is important in early childhood education

Specific example with explanation of this strategy will be used to support ELLs.

Print Rich Environment


This strategy helps to support language development because children and families can see examples of language and vocabulary in the environment as a model for print and language.

Around the early childhood education environment, several index sized cards will be used to label areas of the classroom with common vocabulary terms that children and families need to learn. Examples include clock, chair, window, door, books, arts area, computers, etc.

The Culturally Relevant Methods assignment


EDMG 220 APUS Wk 4 Most Important Part of Emergency Planning Discussion Writing Assignment Help

EDMG220: Emergency Management

Wk4: The Most Important Part of Emergency Planning

Our reading, thus far, has discussed multiple aspects of emergency planning, including planning structures and guidelines, identification of planning missions and goals, and so forth. Considering what you’ve learned thus far, identify which component you consider the most important part of the emergency planning process. Be sure to defend your answer using what you have learned thus far.

I have attached the Model Town EOP and Comprehensive
Preparedness Guide (CPG 101)
both Chapter 4 & Appendix C are apart of the
reading and resources this week.

Initial Discussion Posting:

Contribution demonstrates a thorough understanding of
the concepts presented by providing opinion, examples, and/or evidence from the

When sourced evidence is provided, attribution is
given to the author or creator of the work.

Contribution met the minimum word count and contained
no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Your initial response should have extensive words (at
least 250 words). Please use reference in APA format.

Posting was on time.


OSU Globalization Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Personal Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You will write a 4-6-page reflection paper (double spaced; 12pt font; 1 inch margins) . All the requirements are in the file which I attached. I also paste some powerpoint and class materials in this file.

You will write a 4-6-page reflection paper (double spaced; 12pt font; 1 inch margins) on what you have learned about (i) the globalization of business innovation and entrepreneurship, (ii) being a global manager and (iii) about what you will need to do to further develop your competencies and comfort to become an effective global manager. In preparing your response to this assignment, you should draw from your personal experiences on the virtual international study tour, from the content of the speakers who present during the study tour, virtual company visits, and the assigned readings.

Connect the insights and lessons that you have derived from the assigned readings to what you actually saw in practice. Discuss both the consistencies and inconsistencies. Integrate all these into a personal reflection on the new knowledge and insights that you have gained about the globalization of business operations and effective global management.

Then, develop a “global manager personal development plan” on what you will need to do to further develop your competencies and comfort to become a “true” global manager. Since it is a personal reflection, the paper should be written in “the first person.”

I offer the questions below to assist you with your journaling and with the writing of your personal reflection and personal development plan paper. The list below is only a guide. You are encouraged to create and respond to your own set of personal reflection questions.

  • What are the key dynamics and underlying trends in globalization? How are these changing? How might they change in the future?
  • How is technology impacting global business strategy and operations?
  • What are the differences and similarities in dominant business norms and practices you have observed across the different countries, both overt and subtle?
  • What seems to be the personal attributes and managerial competencies necessary to be an effective and successful global manager?
  • How comfortable are you with the possibility of becoming a global manager? What are your strengths for such a role?
  • What things will you have to change/develop to become a more effective global manager?
  • What frameworks or ideas presented in the readings were most beneficial to you to identify strengths and areas of needed improvement for you to become a more effective global manager?
  • What are your career and life vision? How have the global management concepts/frameworks and the global managers that you met on this global business intensive course enhanced the clarity of your career and life vision?


Colorado Technical University Role of The Supply Chain Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

After the initial report, the owners of Stone Horse Supply Company, John and Michael, have contacted you regarding some information in which they did not understand. They explain to you over the phone that they do not understand the need to modernize the company’s flow regarding its suppliers as part of a new supply chain strategy. They request that you prepare a presentation for them discussing the importance and benefits of an efficient and robust information system as an integral part of an efficient supply chain strategy.

For this assignment, you must submit a presentation consisting of 10-12 PowerPoint slides with at least 50-100 words of speaker’s notes per slide in which you discuss the importance and benefits of an efficient and robust information system as an integral part of an efficient supply chain strategy. For full-credit, you must address the following in your presentation:

  • Provide a list of competitive supply chain strategies.
  • Explain the environment and sustainability of supply chain strategies.
  • Provide at least 3 issues that could affect a competitive supply chain strategy?
  • Explain at least 2 growing uncertainties that exist in supply chain management.
  • Explain the importance and benefits of an efficient and robust information system as an integral part of an efficient supply chain strategy.
  • Provide at least 3 recommendations, for John and Michael, for improving their company’s supply chain information flow. 10-12 PowerPoint slides with at least 50-100 words of speaker’s notes per slide



HCC Historical and Cultural Aspects of Addictive Substances Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion: Historical and Cultural Aspects of Addictive Substances

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The earliest records of humanity show that humans have used addictive substances since the beginning. These substances have been used by priests/priestesses and traditional healers in particular, and by the population in general. Drug use is not new. Even pathological use was also described in antiquity. Marc-Antoine Crocq, M.D., is the writer of the main article that you will find with this discussion. It provides a perspective on human’s cultural history with addictive substances, as well as what Dr. Crocq feels are the historical roots of addiction science. Please focus on the first section of the article on the cultural patterns of use which actually contains more on the historical roots than does the second section that has a heading that identifies it as the historical roots section.

After thoughtfully reading the article, using APA Style with your citations and references listings, write about what you found to be the most interesting or relevant concept or information that you learned and why. You do not need to write a heading or in double-space.

In your post, you must cite at least one more recent reference, list it properly in the references section in your post, and tell how it supports what you learned. Seek to include quality/scholarly peer-reviewed references in your documentation. Minimize the use of popular media Internet websites for your sources. Please see the discussion about APA Style and sources in the Academic Honesty section at the beginning of this course, as well as the PowerPoint entitled, “The Nature of Science, Scientific Research, and How to Find Credible Sources.” Submit your primary post by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, Aug. 26th.

Historical and Cultural Aspects of Man’s Relationship With Addictive Drugs.pdf

Additionally, you must also comment on at least one classmate’s post (your response post). In your comments, please address what you think may have been the “stronger points” and the “weaker points” of their discussion. If you feel their discussion was lacking in some way, please offer some ideas about how it might be made more effective. If you do not feel there are any “weaker points” in your classmate’s narrative, please indicate this in your comments. You may use references to support your position. Please be courteous and considerate in your comments. Submit your response post to a classmate by 11:59 PM on Thursday, Aug. 27th.

There is a grading rubric for your primary post (worth 15 pts.), and for your response post to a classmate (worth 10 pts.)–25 pts. maximum on each assignment. This rubric is your guide for how to obtain the most points for your discussion submissions. I include a copy of it in the introductory material to this course.


Crocq, M-A. (2007). Historical and cultural aspects of man’s relationship with addictive drugs. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 9(4), 355-360.

HCC Historical and Cultural Aspects of Addictive Substances Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HIM 3202 Rasmussen College Utilizing Healthcare Data to Make Business Decisions Lab Report Writing Assignment Help

In this lab you will be presented with a scenario that requires you to visit the American Cancer Society website to collect data and then interpret it. Through this activity, you will get a first-hand demonstration of how large databases can contribute to knowledge about diseases and conditions, as well as to experience how the knowledge is used to drive business and policy decisions.

For this assignment:

  1. Open and follow the steps in the Data Collection and Analysis Instructions provided below:
  2. Download and complete the worksheet below:


HMS High Rate of Obesity in The Young Age Group in The Area of Hobart Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Complete the task directly on the attached template (File name :Template Analysis)

The community which will be approached is Hobart (capital of Tasmani)



Task description

Conduct a local community-based health needs assessment that includes problem identification and determinant analysis. This should include diagrammatic representation of the causal links and temporal sequence of determinants and outcomes and identification of potential intervention points. This task will be guided by an assessment template and steps outlined in modules 1-5 inclusive.


Measures Intended Learning Outcome:

Criterion 1

Demonstrates health needs assessment processes including problem definition and determinant analysis.


Criterion 2

Identifies causal and temporal relationships between determinants and health outcomes


Criterion 3

Identifies opportunities for public health intervention


Task length

1000 words


CJ 370 Purdue Unit 4 Duties of A Specialized Personnel in Active Crime Scene Paper Law Assignment Help

Discussion topics support this unit’s objectives and should be completed after reading all materials. Your responses ought to include original evaluation, synthesis, or analysis of the topic and contribute to the weekly Discussion in a meaningful way. You must complete all Discussion topics and reply to your peers’ posts. Refer to the Discussion Board Rubric under Course Resources for additional requirements.

Post One: Specialized Personnel: Active Crime Scene

There are many special duties that a crime scene technician can carry out at a crime scene, but they cannot do everything. Provide one example of when a specialized personnel or unit can be called out, explaining what their duties would be. Make sure that you do not duplicate a classmates’ answer.

Post Two: Specialized Personnel: Completed Crime Scene

There are many different specialized personnel or units that can be used once the crime scene has been completed. Provide one example of a specialized personnel or unit that can be called out, explaining what their duties would be. Make sure not to duplicate a classmates’ answer.


Alabama State University Unit 5 Managing Information Systems Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

1200 words total. 3 APA CIted references and reference list. No Plagiarism!!!

1.Case Study: Pg 479-490 – Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Others: Understanding the science behind the Change.

You will need to write a comprehensive APA Analysis paper.

NOTE – Do not directly quote anything you have written from previous assignments as this is viewed as self-plagiarism.

  • What are the overall things that companies must consider regarding the support and management of information systems?
  • Describe the challenges and opportunities that business managers face in managing information systems and technologies to meet business goals.

Note – The answers to the questions below do not have to be included in your essay, but they may be helpful in establishing what you want to say.

How can information technology be used to help a business grow?

What management strategies need to be used in order to focus on both the security and ethical use of business applications?

What are the pros and cons of providing a very detailed change proposal?


HUM 115 University of Phoenix Pro Facial Recognition Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

HUM 115 University of Phoenix Pro Facial Recognition Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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