HUM 141 Oakton Community College LGBTQ Studies GRQ and Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

HUM 141 Oakton Community College LGBTQ Studies GRQ and Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. HUM 141 Oakton Community College LGBTQ Studies GRQ and Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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I have two assignments for you. a GRQ’s and a discussion. Please, do the GRQ’s first and then discussion.

Here is the discussion details:

This week will be the transition into our final study for the semester, The Argonauts. In a bid to tie together the many themes we’ve discussed this term – about media, public health, narrative, representation, freedom, legacy/history, the public – we will explore the many layers of this work over the next few weeks. This memoir centers around notions of intimacy, family, motherhood, sex, and permissiveness, and how they all rely on certain stable notions of self (sexuality & gender especially). As Nelson explains at the beginning, her reference to the Argo is a metaphor for the couple who says “I love you,” as a way to renew its existence through dramatic change while still keeping its name. This change, for Nelson, happens in the arenas of sexuality, gender, and relationality.

A similar set of problems and dynamics, though dealt with differently, are unpacked in this week’s assigned viewing, The Danish Girl. Starring cisgender heterosexual actor Eddie Redmayne as Lili Elbe, one of the earliest trans women to benefit from gender affirmation surgery, the film focuses particularly on the changing nature of Elbe’s relationship with wife Gerda vis-a-vis Elbe coming out and beginning to present to the world as a woman. Pay close attention to themes in which gender or sexuality seem to mediate the integrity or dynamic of this relationship.

In your initial post this week, reflect on some ways gender and sexuality mediate your sense of things like togetherness, family, intimacy, closeness, or home. In other words, how do these support the everyday relationships and feelings you take for granted? For instance, do you have certain gendered expectations of your friends based on their gender identities/expressions? (Do you expect different things from man friends vs. woman friends?) Another example- are there things your family members do that create a sense of normalcy, but might be gendered? (What does mom do vs. what does dad do, sister vs. brother, etc.) The goal here is to work backwards from the way the seeming “stability” of relationships feels different when background factors – like gender and sexuality – change. This tells us that the relative normalcy of our lives likely depends more on these things than we observe- this is what your post should explore.

In your response, offer your thoughtful feedback on what they said. How do their examples compare/contrast from your own? What different ways of seeing/expecting things from gender/sexuality emerged in your post versus your classmates’? These are some of many questions you could explore.

HUM 141 Oakton Community College LGBTQ Studies GRQ and Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Providence R Script Median Number of Insects for Each Pesticide Data Lab Report Programming Assignment Help

In this experiment, scientists used 6 different pesticides (A, B, C, D, E and F) applying each to multiple crop fields. After application, they counted the insects remaining in each field. The hope is that they would see one pesticide was consistently more effective by leaving fewer insects in each field. The dataset has only 2 columns: The number of insects counted and the pesticide used. Each row represents a unique area of crops.

For the assignment, write an R script that will analyze the data by calculating the median number of insects for each pesticide and create a bar graph with the results. The bar graph should include axis labels, a title and color. Using the data, which pesticide was most effective? (you can include that in a comment)


SCI 405 Rider University Baby Jane Doe & Spina Bifida Condition Case Study Science Assignment Help

This is a continuation of the annotated bibliography that was done last week.

The case is Baby Jane Doe

The Case Study Analysis is the in-depth term paper discussing the case you choose. The Annotated Bibliography is a critique of three references you will use for the Case Study Analysis. The Case Study Analysis is not limited to those three references. You may use as many references as you want. You are required to cite a minimum of three resources for the case study analysis, in proper APA format.


Mercy College Dobbs Ferry Analysis Audit Information Technology Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

You are asked to conduct an IT audit for a company. Here is the information that you are provided to conduct your audit.

The company has a mix of Windows and Linux desktop computers. The network contains an external firewall to protect to the DMZ and an internal firewall to protect the Windows and Linux computers.

The company’s password policy requires a minimum of 6 characters. Passwords are not required to be changed.

When an employee leaves the company, it is found that user accounts are not deleted.

The company stores its business data on local servers and there are no backups of the company’s business data

The company’s external firewall allows inbound connections on ports 22, 23, 80, and 443.

Write an audit report that addresses the following questions. Be sure to describe your conclusions and recommendations in detail. Your report should be a minimum of 3 pages and maximum of 6 pages.

What is the audit universe?

What log files would you want to collect? What will you be looking for in the log files and why?

Conduct a risk assessment. Describe your findings based on the details above.

Discuss your recommendations to address any of your findings.


CHEM 12 CUNY Kingsborough Solubility Product of A Compound Lab Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry report and need support to help me understand better.

Title: Determining the Solubility Product of a compound

PDF file for your lab report: (click, print and complete)

Free format, follow the instruction in the video clips.…

What to watch, data collection and instructions:



HIST 17B DAC The Other Civil War the Wealthy Power Over the Less Fortunate Discussion Humanities Assignment Help…

Zinn Chapter 10

Once you have found your passages from the reading, after we have a chance to discuss the reading you will then be asked to write a 500 word response to the chapter.

What did you get from the reading? What questions came to mind from the reading? What did you like or dislike in the reading? What do you think of sources Zinn used? Note he should be using primary as well as secondary sources. A primary source is from the time period under study. The secondary source, well that is historians talking to each other and us.

HIST 17B DAC The Other Civil War the Wealthy Power Over the Less Fortunate Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HSA 501 Albany State University Consulting for The Caring Angel Hospital Thesis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Consulting for the Caring Angel Hospital


Imagine that you are a senior consultant at Practical Health Care Consulting. Your supervisor has instructed you to spend three months at the Caring Angel Hospital to help improve the quality of care, add value to the organization, improve employee morale, design an efficient organizational chart, create a strong team environment, and create the hospital’s competitive advantage. The hospital has traditionally made losses year after year. Furthermore, it is not performing well financially, and the banks are not willing to lend it large sums of money for more effective marketing.

After spending two months within the hospital, you are very happy with your progress, and you think you are capable of acquiring more patient base and expanding the hospital market. However, with a closer look, you notice that your patients are still hopping from one specialized hospital to another in search of various specialized treatments. You also notice that the seats are not comfortable in the waiting area, and the patients continuously show up for appointments on the wrong dates. The nurses and the employees are not smiling during patient conversations, and everyone looks for ways to blame others for failures in the patient treatment process. Everyone seems to work alone and hide what they do from their colleagues.

At the end of the 3-month period, you must provide a report with your recommended strategies designed to help Caring Angel Hospital achieve its goals.

Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

  • From a consulting perspective, propose the major steps that Caring Angel Hospital could take to achieve each of the following goals:
    • Improve the quality of care.
    • Add value to the organization.
    • Improve employee morale.
    • Design an efficient organizational chart.
    • Create a strong team environment.
    • Create the hospital’s competitive edge.
  • Recommend one approach that the hospital could use for acquiring a larger market share given the prevailing financial circumstances. Justify your recommendation.
  • Investigate at least two value-added services that Caring Angel Hospital could offer to strengthen its value proposition. Provide at least two examples of the advantages of these value-added services to the hospital.


HRM 650 AUO Drawing Talent from Internal vs External Labor Markets Essay Writing Assignment Help

Discussion 1

Last week you reviewed how to manage diverse organizations. This week you will expand your knowledge by looking at how to recruit and select talent within a diverse workforce. As discussed in this week’s reading, the focus of talent management is on finding individuals who have specific skills and have the ability to support the company in achieving results. The scope of “talent” is different from company to company. Almost all are looking for leaders and potential leaders that could include all levels of operation.

When selecting talent, companies can focus their search outside of the company, or inside the company, based on what they are trying to achieve. For example, Microsoft talent focuses on the top 10% of performers at all levels and functions. Such a company might benefit from looking externally to find top performers wherever they are located. In contrast, GE looks for high performers who have high potential and display key GE values. GE might prefer looking internally to see who best displays the GE values they seek.

For this discussion, compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of drawing talent from internal versus external labor markets, especially in the areas of overcoming biases in organizational decision making, and in selecting a diverse workforce.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.

Discussion 2

How to Select What to Measure

This week you reviewed how to decide on the measurement scorecard that comes with implementing processes of global coordination. There are at least two cross-border performance measurement systems to consider—global scorecards that reinforce a global mindset and joint performance that encourages all organizations to be concentrating on the same goals.

Performance appraisals and rewards differ on a global scale. For instance, the standards used to evaluate performance may differ based on cultural values. The same could be said for the rewards that an individual or team finds meaningful. In addition, the entity with the authority to assess performance and provide rewards (e.g., peer, manager, HR, etc.) can differ based on culture. How does a company decide what rewards or incentives should be used and who should conduct the performance evaluation in a global organization?

For example:

Team incentives based on team performance

    • At corporate level (gain-sharing and profit-sharing plans)
    • At department level (gain-sharing and profit-sharing plans)

    Team rewards based on performance

      • Middle or upper management (e.g., spot rewards such as movie tickets, gift cards, etc.)
      • Team allocates the incentive to team members based on the team member’s role

      Individual performance-based incentives or rewards

        • Quantity of work being produced by the employee
        • Quality of the work by the employee
        • Work safety records
        • Work attendance

        Provide a rationale your decisions. Your responses should be a minimum of 300 words.


        BBA 3826 Columbia Southern University Investment Decisions Article Critique Business Finance Assignment Help


        In this unit, you explored rational decision-making in investment decisions.
        For this assignment, you will delve deeper into this concept. To complete this
        assignment, use the CSU Online Library to select an article related to
        rational decision-making in investments. Then, summarize and critique the
        article by applying concepts you learned in the unit. In your critique, be
        sure to include the information below.

        • Explain how the rational decision-making process can be applied to
          investment strategies.
        • Identify investment strategies for long-term optimal growth.
        • Explain how fairness and ethics can be applied to investment

        Your article critique must be at least three pages in length. You may use
        other sources besides your chosen article if necessary, but this is not
        required. Be sure to format your paper and cite and reference any sources used
        (including the article) in accordance with APA guidelines.


        The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.


        PSY 255 Grand Canyon University The Humanistic Approach Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

        I’m working on a psychology project and need support to help me study.

        Write an outline of your research paper. Choose a topic, from your textbook, relevant to Personality Psychology

        Your outline should be 500-750 words, not including the required APA-formatted reference page and cover page.

        Use the following as a guide to your research:

        1. Affirm your thesis on the approved personality psychology topic you have selected. Why is it important?
        2. Evaluate relevant and valid research that reflects the ethical standards in the discipline of personality psychology.
        3. Relate the concept to personality development.
        4. Utilize research to validate your ideas and supporting claims.

        The instructor will provide feedback with the expectation that feedback is incorporated into your final research paper due at the end of Topic 7.

        Use only peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.

        This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

        APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

        this assignment to LopesWrite.


        HUM 141 Oakton Community College LGBTQ Studies GRQ and Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

        HUM 141 Oakton Community College LGBTQ Studies GRQ and Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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