HUM 7100 University of Arizona The Foster Care System Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help. HUM 7100 University of Arizona The Foster Care System Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help.
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Annotated Bibliography
Locate 8 – 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article sources that are relevant to your topic for the final paper and were published within the past 6 years. (The Foster Care System) MY TOPIC FOR THE FINAL PAPER
Read and analyze the articles to compile an annotated bibliography in APA format (6th ed).
See the “Helpful Examples” section in the Ashford University Writing Center, and scroll down to “Annotated Bibliography” for tips and examples. You can also watch the Annotated Bibliography tutorial video (Links to an external site.) from the Writing Center.
Review Section 4.1: Locating Resources, Section 5.1: Evaluating Journal Articles: The Big Picture, Section 5.2: Higher-Level Inquiry Skills, and Section 4.3: Evaluating Sources, from Sole’s and Landrum’s (2015) Academic Research and Writing: A Guide for the Social Sciences.
Include a cover page (see p. 41 of the APA Manual, 6th ed.)
HUM 7100 University of Arizona The Foster Care System Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Week 3 SMART Goals Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Content
Saint Josephs University Quality Management Plan Report Business Finance Assignment Help
Note: I need you to complete the plan files first and write a report on the two plans in about 400 words(200 words each). The report is just used for presentation and I will create a PowerPoint according to your report. Make sure you list the bullet points as outline separately after you write the report so that I can create the slides. Each deliverable as outlined at the end of each presentation deck.
Tip for Quality management plan:
a hotel is about rooms, meals, staff providing service, etc. So for the pre-opening phase, what is your approach / plan to ensure we achieve quality? How do you measure quality of the rooms? How do you measure quality of the restaurants? How do you measure quality of the service? I’ll give you a good example. Guest satisfaction shows whether or not guests “like” your hotel and restaurants and staff service. How do we measure this? a.) Internal: online guest satisfaction surveys after guest checks out and b.) External: Tripadvisor. So, for me to give a GM a KPI for this one during the pre-opening I would tell him/her: “You must achieve an 80% score in terms of guest satisfaction, or 4.5 stars in TripAdvisor in the first 6 months of the opening.” It needs to be MEASURABLE. Otherwise “good services” is subjective. And if you don’t measure, you can’t improve…
Tip for Scope of work (procurement plan):
chose “Towels” and describe to the vendor what you need/want, etc. If someone comes to you and says: “I need towels”, what would you ask? Colour, size, quality, threat count, logo, etc. etc. Clear?
The new hospitality project previously assigned to your project management team is currently in the construction phase.
The next key milestone is “top-off” of the building. At this point, the fit-out phase and pre-opening phase will commence in parallel.
The hotel management company has started the recruitment process of preopening general manager, who will lead the pre-opening team to a successful “on-time, on-brand, on-budget, on-customer” new hotel/resort opening. The successful
candidate will commence his/her duties on 01 July 2021.
Assignment :project Management Plan
The project management team has received the verbal approval from the project sponsor to initiate the pre-opening phase.
The assignment is to prepare all relevant project documents and constitute the project management plan for the preopening phase of the assigned hospitality project. The plan must be ready prior to the onboarding of the pre-opening general manager and must focus on the project management aspects of the preopening phase.
MKTG 331 Harvard University Chase Sapphire Reserve Card Retail Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Answer each of the following in narrative form.Create one essay.
Include marketing terminology. Be mindful of formal business writing, proper grammar, punctuation and sentence formation.Include in-text citations.
A.Begin with a paragraph synopsis.
B. What is your assessment of the product offered – the Chase Sapphire Reserve card?Is this a good product for JPMorgan Chase (JPMC)?For the Sapphire brand?
Analyze product strategy (the product’s design, features and benefits) as well as the company’s promotional strategy (the use of social media and its virality, the use of influencers
Relative Advantage?Compatibility? Complexity? Trialability, Observability?
Why has Chase Sapphire Reserve been so successful in acquiring customers?
The behavior of individual adopters of the card will vary in how much individuals spend, whether all charges are paid in full each month, and whether consumers churn (i.e., whether they renew cards annually).As noted in the case (see page 3) three customer architypes are presented – transactors, revolvers and dormants.Assuming the following for each type of customer, how can the Chase Sapphire team best design its product and brand to attract customers?
Is Chase Sapphire Reserve a cult brand?What if any changes are suggested to the marketing strategy of the card (product)?
Grand Canyon University Nursing Leadership & Practice Reflective Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.
This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).
In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below. In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission.
- New practice approaches
- Interprofessional collaboration
- Health care delivery and clinical systems
- Ethical considerations in health care
- Practices of culturally sensitive care
- Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
- Population health concerns
- The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
- Health policy
- Leadership and economic models
- Health disparities
Capella University Critical Thinking and Its Application Powerpoint Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Content
- Read “An Exploration into Research on Critical Thinking and its Cultivation” from the University Library.Critical thinking is a valuable skill in every aspect of life. Consider the times when you have used critical thinking and how it affected the situation. In this assignment, you will analyze a scenario and use critical thinking to propose a course of action.Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with audio recording for each slide, including detailed speaker notes. Local campus learning teams should present to the class and will not need to include audio for each slide. Online and local campus learning teams should follow these instructions:Select one of these scenarios:
- A person trying to interpret an angry co-worker’s needs, expressed through a rush of emotion and snide comments, to give that co-worker some help and support.
- You are the manager and are having a team meeting. Two people on the team get in a dispute about how to complete a project.
- A customer leaves an unfair, negative review on an online site about services/products provided by your business.
- You and your friend at work both applied for a management position. You were offered the position and your co-worker was not. Now things are uncomfortable between you two. Your co-worker is only speaking to you at work when necessary and is not speaking to you outside of work at all. You don’t want to live with this tension, and you want your friend back.
- Your learning team has four members on it. You’ve been assigned a project to be completed for Week 3. Your team meets once you learn the requirements of the assignment to assign the tasks each team member is going to work on. Immediately, one team member begins asking questions to the team via email that demonstrate that he doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do even after repeated emails to try to explain. When he turns in his part, the other team members note that it is poorly done. He didn’t do some of what he was asked and some of what he did either he was not asked to do or it was not even part of the assignment.
- Create your own scenario or use one from your own experiences.
- For your presentation, you should:
- List the questions you asked that demonstrate critical thinking. How did you answer?
- Format your presentation according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. You should:
- Treat the presentation as if it were an academic paper.
- Make the first slide the title page slide.
- Include in-text citations on any slide that require it, revealing outside source information.
- Make the last slide the references page slide.
- Note: When approaching Learning Team assignments, equal group work is required. Reference your Learning Team Charter for the details and guidance.Idea for scenarios 1-5 adapted from The California Academic Press LLC, San Jose, CA., USA, Insight Assessment – a division of California Academic Press 1735 N 1st Street, Suite 306, San Jose, CA 95112-4511 USA.
Submit your assignment.Resources
Capella University Critical Thinking and Its Application Powerpoint Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Central Virginia Community College Personal Dimensions of Wellness Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Write a half- to 1-page entry in your Health Journal that addresses the following:
- After reviewing the readings about the Dimensions of Wellness, explain which dimension of your wellness you feel is the most out of balance. Explain your response.
- Construct a 1-sentence goal statement related to a health behavior that falls within this dimension of wellness or dimensions (if it overlaps). Example: In order to improve my emotional and physical health, my behavioral goal is to get more sleep by going to bed an hour earlier each night.
- Identify two to three specific steps you will take to work toward this health behavior goal by the end of this course. Example: In order to get an additional hour of sleep each night, I will need to eat earlier in the evening and start my course work earlier. I also have a tendency to procrastinate, which means I don’t start my course work until 8 or 9 at night. I need to eat earlier, start on my home work by 6, and then I can get to bed no later than 10 pm.
- Explain the potential health benefits related to changing this behavior. Example: By getting more sleep, I’ll have more energy to get through the day, and my mood will likely improve. I think it will improve my emotional health, too, because I’ll be more rested to deal with stressful situations. Also I won’t have to panic the night before my assignments are due because I won’t be procrastinating. I may actually do better in my classes as well because I won’t be trying to write assignments with one eye!
Each week, as part of your Health Journal, you will be asked to report your progress toward achieving this goal. Assignments must follow APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. You may also choose to use the resources on the Writing and Library Skills Resource Guide page below.
HUS 4230 RC Importance of Organizational Culture Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
This reading summarizes the importance of organizational culture and how it can impact the work being done. Leaders not only manage the staff and the day-to-day functions of an organization but also model desired behavior in their actions and words. The article highlights what occurs when disconnect between staff and organizational culture happens, as well as ways to effectively lead to create a sustaining agency culture.
As you read the chapter, answer the following in APA format in a Word Document:
- Why is it significant to differentiate between the “big C” and the “little c” in an organization? How is the leader ultimately responsible for both types of culture?
- Describe factors that contribute to unrest and upheaval within an organization’s culture. What is the role of the leader in these factors?
- How do the organization’s characteristics, commitment, and consistency ultimately shape its culture?
- Discuss various elements of Human Services organizational culture. Why should leadership be aware of them?
- Examine the relationship between culture and strategy to change. Where does the leader fit into this correlation?
MBA 705 Caliber Training Institute Milestone Five Assumption and Contingency Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
5-1 Milestone Five: Assumption and Contingency Planning
Submit the assumptions and contingency planning, which includes your explanation of assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept.
Utica College Sinus Arrhythmia Associated with Normal Respiration Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
The rhythm shown in this strip is sinus arrhythmia. Both the atrial and ventricular rates, though identical compared to each other, are irregular. Because the strip is shorter than six seconds, and because there is significant irregularity in the rate, I chose to use the small box method to determine the rate range. In order from left to right the rates measure as follows: 94 bpm, 100 bpm, 60 bpm, 68 bpm, and 75 bpm. This means that the rate range is 60 – 100 bpm. Every P wave has a positive deflection and is smooth and rounded in shape, 2 mm in height, and is just over 0.08 seconds in duration making them normal P waves. The PR interval of each complex is within normal range at 0.16 seconds duration. The QRS complex is also normal at approximately 0.06 seconds duration. The QT interval consistently measures 0.28 seconds in duration, which is considered short. This was measured by counting the small boxes from the beginning of each QRS complex to the end of each T wave. I was unable to use the R-R interval method as these are variable. The ST segment is isoelectric. Finally, the T wave has a positive deflection with a smooth, rounded shape and is 2 mm in height.
Sinus arrhythmia can be respiratory in nature, which is a change in heart rate in response to vagal stimuli from inspiration and expiration (Aehlert, 2018, p. 81, Soos & McComb, 2020, Introduction). This occurs primarily in younger patients (Aehlert, 2018, p. 81). Non-respiratory sinus arrhythmia can be caused by cardiac issues such as heart disease or myocardial infarction or may not be related to the cardiac system at all, such as in the case of increased intracranial pressure or with medications such as digitalis (Aehlert, 2018, p. 81, Soos & McComb, 2020, Nonrespiratory). Nurses need to be aware that though patients with sinus arrhythmia typically do not require treatment, they are still to be assessed and monitored since the development of hemodynamic instability is a possibility, likely due to bradycardia, and will need treatment (Aehlert, 2018, p. 82). If hemodynamic instability due to bradycardia were to occur, the patient would likely be treated with atropine and fluids (Aehlert, 2018, p. 82, Lippincott Advisor, n.d.).
Aehlert, B. (2018). ECGs made easy. Elsevier.
Lippincott Advisor. (n.d.). Bradycardia.
Soos, M., & McComb, D. (2020). Sinus Arrhythmia. StatPearls.