HUMN 100 UMUC Transgender Among Adolescents Final Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help. HUMN 100 UMUC Transgender Among Adolescents Final Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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Final Project, Part 2. Development of the Topic.
This part of the final project is a summary of your ongoing work on the final paper; it should include three paragraphs, one covering each selected work. You should also make sure to re-state what your subject is.
Identify how the subject you chose in Part 1 appears in three different examples, each from a different Humanities discipline (visual art, music, dance, poetry, prose, theater, film, religion). For instance, you could choose a poem, a painting and a scene from a film, all of which express and represent the theme of anger. Or, to be even more specific, if you choose the emotion of “love,” the final paper could analyze and discuss love as it is expressed in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 147 (literature), Boticelli’s Birth of Venus (visual art), and in the ballet Swan Lake (dance).
Write one short paragraph (3-5 sentences) about each of your selections in which you:
- Identify a reliable and appropriate example (a good-quality image, recording, video, etc.).
- Identify and cite the source, including the artist, creator etc. as well as where you found the example.
- Explain why you find the example relevant for this assignment.
- Identify one tool, concept or method from the Learning Resources you might be able to use to talk about it.
STOP: Before you hand in your assignment, make sure to ask yourself the following questions:
- Have I chosen three examples from three different fields of the Humanities?
- Are each of the examples I chose specific, reliable, appropriate, relevant to my topic?
- Have I offered an explanation for each example that offers a reason for including it?
- Have I provided a specific and appropriate interpretative tool, concept or method that I will likely use to interpret each example?
- Have I provided a list of resources and do all of my citations conform to MLA 8th edition guidelines?
- Have I proofread this assignment for grammatical, structural, and spelling errors that might impede someone from understanding what I am trying to say?
Due Date for Part 2: This submission is due during Week 6, with the final day of submission being the Tuesday of the sixth week (11:30pm ET). Please see the Course Schedule for the exact final due date for this submission. The submission should be carefully edited and proofed for standard use of English.
Interesting topic, but remember this is not a research paper. Just make sure you analyze three different works of the humanities with three different tools of interpretation drawn from class resources to illustrate your topic.
HUMN 100 UMUC Transgender Among Adolescents Final Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 325 Saudi Electronic University Chotukool Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Course Learning Outcomes-Covered
- Demonstrate the dynamics of technological innovation concepts in technology-intensive business enterprises. (Lo 1.1)
Case Study Weight: 5 Marks
Students are supposed to read the Opening Case of Chapter-3 ‘Innovation in India: The Chotukool Project’ (Page Number-43) of their e-textbook. Based on your understanding of the case and concepts studied until now answer the following question in 300-500 words each.
- What were the pros and cons of attempting to develop a refrigerator for India’s rural poor? (1 marks)
- What product and process innovations did the Chotukool entail? Would you consider these incremental or radical? Architectural or Component Competence enhancing or competence destroying? (1 marks)
- Did the Chotukool pose a threat of disrupting the traditional refrigerator market? Why or why not? (1 marks)
- Is there anything you think Godrej should have done differently to penetrate the market of rural poor families in India? (1 marks)
- What other products might the lessons Godrej learned which chotukool apply to? (1 marks)
Note: It is mandatory to support each answer with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal.
- All students are encouraged to use their own words.
- Be three to five pages in length (1000-1500words), which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
- Use proper referencing (APA style) to reference, other styles will not be accepted.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
- It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the safe assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading and review the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded for this assignment.
Columbia College Report on Case Study of The Ricci vs Destefano Article Essay Writing Assignment Help
Title VII and Ricci v. DeStefano
Review Title VII (the Civil Rights Act) and the following case article: Ricci v. DeStefano, 557 U.S. 557 docket numbers 07-1428 and 08-328 found in your required reading section. From your review, you will analyze the case and report on its findings/outcome to your fire station.
You will construct a three- to five-page (not including title page and reference page) APA formatted essay on the following:
- Identify question(s) that were presented in the case.
- Identify issue(s) of the case.
- Identify facts that were presented by both sides.
- Discuss the implications of the ruling.
- Articulate the necessity of communication among members of the fire service based on your review of the case.
- Compare and contrast methods used in the case to that of your fire department.
- Apply an analysis of the case to the need for awareness within your fire station.
- 3 pages
University of Maryland Global Campus Ravi Shankar Indian Classical Music Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose one of the questions from the list below.
1) Reflect on the question by writing a 2-3 paragraph response.
2) Include the link to an educational website other than Wikipedia that helped you to form your response, with a 2-3 sentence description of how this website enhanced your learning for the week. Visit the UMGC Library “Is My Source Credible?” page and the Research Guide for Music (including links to Open Access Music Journals) to help you choose a reliable, credible educational website.
3) Select and add an image to your post that reflects your learning, including the specific reasons you chose the image.
4) Post your written reflections, educational website and image in the Week 6 Discussion forum.
5) Post a substantive (at least one paragraph in length) response to at least 2 classmates.
Initial discussion posts are due by Friday at 11:59PM Eastern Time and at least two responses to classmates are expected by the end of the week on Tuesday by 11:59PM Eastern Time.
Please see the Discussion Grading Rubric to learn how to earn the full 4 points for the Discussion Assignment.
- As a paragon of Indian classical music and the “Godfather of World Music,” Ravi Shankar has influenced countless musicians around the world on many levels. The artists discussed in this chapter are just a small (but important) sampling of what might be described as Shankar’s “global gharana.” Do an internet search of “Ravi Shankar” and use this search to locate musicians who collaborated with him, who acknowledge his influence, or who otherwise are identified in connection with him. Create an annotated list summarizing your findings.
- Some of the songs in this week’s course materials dealt with challenging social and political issues from adultery and malice to war and cultural resilience in the face of diversity. Identify and discuss some songs with which you are familiar that do likewise. Have these songs affected your own thoughts and views on issues they address?
- Beyond the synthesis of many different Indian and Western elements in his music, A. R. Rahman draws from a diversity of other musical traditions of the world in his film scores and songs. Research Rahman and write a brief report on his use of musical elements and influences from outside the Indian and Western traditions.
- In Indian films, it is generally assumed that playback singers, rather than the on-screen actors and actresses themselves, are the singers of songs in films. In Western films, contrastingly, there is often a stigma attached to actors and actresses who are “exposed” for not having sung their own songs in their films. Speculate on what might account for this fundamental difference in cultural attitudes and values.
- Since the time of the Beatles, the sounds of sitars and other traditional Indian instruments (either the actual instruments or digitally sampled versions) have become commonplace in much Western popular music. Recordings of groups and artists ranging from the Rolling Stones to Ricky Martin feature an “Indian” element. Locate and discuss examples of such music using keyword searches on the Internet (e.g. search “Rolling Stones AND sitar” or “Ricky Martin AND sitar.”).
- Search YouTube for video examples of gamelan and Indonesian popular music. Write a brief report on your findings.
- The history of the Balinese dance-drama Kecak provides an interesting example of the kind of complex relationships between tradition and modernity that define many world music traditions. Though it is promoted as a “Traditional Balinese genre,” it is, in fact, a product of the 20th century intercultural innovation. Try to think of types of music with which you are familiar that are marketed as “Traditional” and “Authentic” despite being modern and contemporary in many if not most respects.
UMUC Wk 6 Gregorian Music Questions Humanities Assignment Help
During Week 6, think of at least three research questions relating to the music culture that you want to explore. Reflect on these questions.
To guide your reflections on these questions, compile source information on your subject through library and Internet research, documenting three of the best library sources (these may be in the form of eBooks and articles from the UMGC Library) and three of the best web-based sources. Visit the “Is My Source Credible?” page provided by the UMGC Library and the Research Guide for Music (including links to Open Access Music Journals) for assistance in locating reliable, credible sources.
After compiling your list of six sources (3 library articles/Ebooks and 3 educational websites) and reflecting on each of the three research questions, write 2-3 paragraphs in response to each question. Locate and include images, listening examples, or videos to illustrate your reflections.
Submit reflections on your three research questions, list of six sources, and images and/or links to listening examples at the Fieldwork Project Research Questions link, worth 5 out of the total 25 points for the entire project. You will receive feedback so you will know that you are on the right track before completing the Interview Questions portion of the project during Week 7.
Submit the Fieldwork Project Topic to the assignment folder by the end of Week 6 (Tuesday at 11:59 PM ET).
Please view the second row of the grading rubric to see how to earn the full 5 points for your reflections on your research questions, list of 6 sources, and images and/or listening examples for Week 6.
*****Professor feedback on topic selection:
What a great topic, Irma –
Christian church music is a very broad category, so I am glad you will concentrate your research on the music related to the Catholic church. I am very happy to hear you will be conducting the interview and observe a choir live performance.
Congratulations and thank you for submitting your work on time — keep up the good work and enthusiasm!
ECOM 301 Saudi Electronic University Vision of Scope Technologies Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
You work for a company as a digital marketing manager and you’ve been asked to prepare a comprehensive digital marketing campaign. The campaign will run for the duration of one year, starting January until December 2021.
Important note:
You can choose any company to work with as long as:
- It is a local company.
- It is a startup that was established in the last (3 – 6) years, 2014 onwards.
- It can belong to any industry sector.
Part 1, around (500) words: Due week 6, on 27/2/2021. (Refer to the Textbook Chapters 2 & 3, and apply the following in the context of your company)
- Investigate the micro-environment as part of the situation analysis for your company.
- Summaries the macro-environment variable your company needs to monitor when operating the digital marketing campaign. (two or three variables for each force are sufficient)
- Technological forces.
- Legal forces.
- Economic forces.
- Political forces.
- Social forces.
- Competitors analysis
- Suppliers and/or Digital Marketing intermediaries.
- Customers’ persona.
ECOM 301 Saudi Electronic University Vision of Scope Technologies Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SPC 1017 Palm Beach State College Monroes Motivated Sequence Racial Profiling Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a white papers presentation and need support to help me study.
Using MMS Monroe’s template.
Great “imagine” to get our attention. Powerful inclusion of your personal experiences/ethos and pathos! Excellent use of support to signify the importance and relevance of this topic.Nice strong claim! Good preview and powerful transition into the Need step.
Great identification of the problems in the Need step and these problems are supported well. However, you need to build in “oral citations” as opposed to “in-text” citations so that your audience can hear where your information comes from. For example, “A research article published in the Journal of Social Issues studied, how, in many instances, African-American citizens in a society have been suspected of criminal activities following a high percentage of crimes being committed by the blacks.” Since your audience won’t be reading this argument, they need to hear where your external support/logos come from. Make sure to do this with each source.
Beautiful transition to the Satisfaction step! Great focus on awareness within this step. Very good opposing/counter-argument.
Currently, you are missing the Visualization step. Go back to the template. This step doesn’t have to be long, but just give your audience something to think about–a future where these problems have been solved, or a future where these problems have gotten worse.
The action step is great! Very nice summary and I love your call to action that asks us to “appreciate each other despite their differences.” Beautifully said!
Your third and fourth sources are perfect! However, your first two sources seem to be missing some information. Make sure to include either the journal or website these articles came from.
The next steps are to finalize your draft and begin creating notecards that will aid in your delivery of this speech.
Hospice Care Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Please watch the following Youtube Video –
The video is from Hospice Learning Center and is titled “What is Hospice Care? What You Need to Know About Hospice”.
Please post a discussion sharing with the class your thoughts regarding hospice care. What is hospice care? What similarities does it share with palliative care? What are the differences? Share your views/thoughts on the subject.
In view of the fact that this is an election year, lots of non-information will pop up on popular search engines. For that reason, you should find credible support for your work through the use of peer-reviewed scholarly sources from MedLine, Ebsco, Proquest, and/or Google Scholar. Please use articles within the past two or three years.
As I have previously stated – the topics in this course can be emotionally trying. There are times you may disagree with your classmates; you all are to be respectful to your classmates discussions and responses.
**Please write a 300 to 500 word discussion post adhering to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines.
**Please use the following rubric:
APA Discussion Entries Rubric
Score _____/50
____ (5) In-text citations include necessary info in parentheses after borrowed material
____ (5) References per APA
____ (5) Grammar and spelling
____ (15) Application of three or more concepts from the learned material
____ (20) for each substantive response (2 in all, 10 points each, maximum points would be 20 possible here)
Gujarat University Application of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Paper Writing Assignment Help
assignment is a written assignment where you will demonstrate how this
course research has connected and put into practice within your own
career.Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
of proper APA formatting and citations.
If supporting evidence
outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal
connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this
course. Demonstrate
a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed,
demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the
The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and
skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could
be applied in the workplace.
CSC 212 Purdue University Global Unit 3 Professional Use of Social Media Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Your initial post should be in the 100- to 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Respond to at least two of your colleagues with meaningful comments. Responses should incorporate course concepts. Your responses should be in the 75- to 100-word range. Refer to the discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the discussion.
Topic 1: Self-Assessment Survey Reflection
Social media has great potential for communicating a professional online presence. Organizations also use social media for marketing, promotion of corporate social responsibility, and communication to all stakeholders. In this discussion, you will present your ideas on this topic as it relates to communicating your online presence as well as research ways organizations use social media for communicating a professional image.
For this discussion, response to the following questions with examples and references to support your opinion:
- In your opinion, what is professional use of social media?
- What are some ways to communicate professionally through social media?
- Research an organization’s use of social media for promoting a professional online presence. Describe ways the organization uses social media in a professional context.
Focus on ways you can use social media to promote a professional online presence as well as ways an organization in your specific field uses social media to promote the organization. Share the results of your research and identify professional use of social media.
HUMN 100 UMUC Transgender Among Adolescents Final Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help
HUMN 100 UMUC Transgender Among Adolescents Final Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help