HUSS 235 Bryant and Stratton Maslow Hierarchy of Needs during Crisis Intervention Paper Humanities Assignment Help

HUSS 235 Bryant and Stratton Maslow Hierarchy of Needs during Crisis Intervention Paper Humanities Assignment Help. HUSS 235 Bryant and Stratton Maslow Hierarchy of Needs during Crisis Intervention Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Part 1

As we’ve seen thus far, the primary focus of a crisis interventionist is to ensure the safety of all involved in the crisis situation. We’ve examined the theories, models, and strategies necessary to intervene successfully in a crisis, as well as examined the essential characteristics of crisis intervention workers. Next, we will review the specific dynamics of crisis case handling.

Abraham Maslow (1970) wrote concerning a hierarchy of needs. Meeting the basic physical needs of food, clothing, and shelter were first on his list. This is an important concept, particularly in the field of crisis intervention. According to Gilliland and James (2013) “paramount in psychological first aid is attending to Maslow’s needs hierarchy and taking care of survival needs first”. Many counselors, social workers and psychologists helped meet basic needs of food, shelter, clothing and other survival needs during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina before they did any counseling” (p. 19).

Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a reference, explain why you feel it’s important to have an understanding of this hierarchy in relation to the field of crisis intervention. Predict some of the pitfalls even experienced crisis workers could fall into without knowledge of basic human needs when intervening on a client’s behalf.

Part 2

View this video. (Click here here – Alternative Formats

for a transcription of the video.) Based on the video shown, write an essay at least one page in length identifying and evaluating the interventions shown. Use the following questions to guide your essay:

  • What “tools of the trade” were demonstrated by the worker?
  • How were safety concerns addressed? How was mobility determined?
  • What was the crisis worker’s level of involvement and how did the level of involvement change throughout the interview? What factors determined whether the crisis worker took a directive, collaborative, or non-directive approach?
  • From the hybrid model of crisis intervention, what tasks can be identified that took place during the intervention?

Part 3

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HUSS 235 Bryant and Stratton Maslow Hierarchy of Needs during Crisis Intervention Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ohio University Kidney Care & Medical Ethics Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment allows you to explore and critique a system for
allocating a scarce medical resource historically. You will evaluate the
limitations of allocation in both systems in an effort to apply and
critique the ethical criteria for allocating scarce resources at the end
of life.

First read Shana Alexander’s classic expose from a 1962 issue of
Life magazine where she unveils “The God Committee,” an organization of
lay persons in Seattle tasked with determining the lucky few whose lives
would be saved by access to the latest technology of the time, the
artificial kidney: Medical Miracle and a Moral Burden: They Decide Who. The article begins on page 102.

Follow-up by reading a modern policy on how to allocate scarce but
life-saving resources: University of California Davis’s policy on
allocation of organs for transplant: Donor Selection Criteria

Using the readings from this week, describe in 400 words or less
why “The God Committee” was an unethical approach to allocation of
resources. In your answer, try to identify as many aspects of concern as
possible, including how the practice contrasts (or doesn’t) with modern
approaches to organ allocation.


POLS 5070 ULM Personnel Management and Ethics in Public Administration Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Student will need to do a research paper on a topic related to personnel management in public administration. Your research paper should be around 13-16 pages long and should include a variety of resources. Newspaper articles and other media sources can be used to develop your topic. Your theoretical analysis should be built upon books and peer-reviewed journal articles in the field of ethics in public administration. The research paper is due to me via e-mail and submitted to Turn-It-In on Moodle by 11:55 p.m. CST on Friday, July 23, 2020.

I will discuss further detail when chosen for the assignment.


Central European University Costing Methods Comparative Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the scenario below with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas.

Eddison Electronic Company (EEC) provides electricity for several states in the United States. You have been employed as a cost accountant at this organization. As an expert in costing methods, in this assignment, you will be comparing and contrasting the following:

  • Full costing or absorption costing
  • Variable costing
  • Target costing
  • Life cycle costing
  • Activity-based costing

Research each method, and respond to the following questions:

  • What is the definition of each costing method?
  • Discuss how, when, and if the costing method could be used by EEC.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the costing method as it relates to EEC.
  • After your research is completed, provide a recommendation on which costing method is the best for the growth of EEC
  • Deliverable Length: 400–600 words, APA format, in-text citation


Central European University Cost Behavior Patterns and Concepts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 350–450 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Additional Information: Eddison Electric Company (EEC) provides electricity for several states in the United States. You have been employed as a cost accountant at this organization. As EEC’s corporate business cost accountant, you will need to have a clear understanding of the different types of costs (variable, fixed, mixed, direct materials, direct labor, and overhead) that the company carries.

With your classmates, please discuss the following:

  • Describe the differences between variable, fixed, and mixed costs, and list an example of each.
  • Describe the differences between direct labor, direct material, manufacturing overhead, and non-manufacturing costs, and list an example of each.
  • APA format and in-text citiation is a must



Ohio University Public Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

Still one of the most divisive issues in medical ethics, physician
assisted suicide is an example case study to examine the wide ranging
impact of health care policy amongst a variety of stakeholders.

You will be working in small groups for this assignment.

In your state, the public has voted in a reasonably majority (75%
in favor) to adopt a new law permitting physician assisted suicide, very
similar to the law in Oregon. Your hospital is a Catholic institution,
funded by area Catholic churches and charities, and these organizations
condemn the practice of PAS as violating the fundamental tenets to
respect and protect life. The hospital’s mission statement says that it
is “Dedicated to providing compassionate care, particularly for the poor
and vulnerable, with a commitment to sanctity of life and the provision
of the highest quality and innovation.”

Your board of trustees (BOT) is divided on whether to come out and
condemn the practice of PAS. While PAS will certainly not be offered in
your hospital, half of the BOT feels that a public condemnation is
necessary to express the hospital’s views on the issue. The other half
feels that such action is inappropriate and could alienate patients,
community members, as well as employees and physicians who do not share
the same values as the hospital.

You are part of a small team of health care executives working in
different areas of the hospital. You have been compelled by the BOT to
brief them on the issue of whether the hospital should make a public
statement on physician assisted suicide and, if so, what it should

Draft a memo of no more than 500 words to the BOT that:

  • Suggests whether you should make a public statement and, if so,
    what it might say (alternatively if you will not make a statement, then
    explain why). Consider Brittany Maynard’s statement and other readings
    from this week that help to describe patient, political, ethical and
    other stances on the issue.

Ohio University Public Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECO 110HA Saint Leo Hoola Hoop & Person Case Study & Nano Viricides Stocks Case Analysis Economics Assignment Help

Part 1

After watching The Hudsucker Proxy clip, discuss the following:

a) What shift factor was at play in this scene?
b) How did it affect the equilibrium price and quantity?
c) Think of a time in your life where your demand was impacted by a shift factor and describe it using the economics we have covered.

Please let me know if you can view this clip.

Part 2

Find a news article of your choice describing a good or service (you may use articles from websites such as or Summarize the situation and identify what supply or demand shift factor is at work. Describe the effect on equilibrium price and quantity given the shift factor. Provide a copy of your article with your written assignment.

Must be at least 1000 words

This is the article that I have chosen. If you can find a better article that would be easier to write about please do so. As long as it is good. The article will be reviewed in advance.


Bryant and Stratton College Culture with Cultural Competence Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1.

1. Choose one of the universal cultural factors that can affect an individual’s health and health care. Explain why it would be important for a provider to understand how this factor affects the life of a patient.

2. In 1985, a Task Force on Black and Minority Health convened by the Secretary, DHHS, asked the NIH to determine why minorities were experiencing higher rates of diseases, disability, and death than the overall U.S. population, and to work to eliminate such health disparities. Health disparities are an important factor to consider when creating a plan of care. A Plan of Care, otherwise known as a Care Plan, is defined by Collins Engligh Dictionary as “a plan for the medical care of a particular patient or thewelfare of a child in care”. As a healthcare worker, it is your responsibility to do your best to help your patient be as healthy as possible. Choose a specific patient demographic (specify age, gender, & ethnicity) and create a Plan of Care to decrease the prevalence of health care disparities in your patient.

Part 2.

  • Discuss the differences among the terms cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural relevancy, cultural competence, and cultural humility.
  • Which ones of these do you aspire to in your work with the health system? Illustrate how you will incorporate them into your work

Part 3

Define “culture.” Software is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the programs that run on a computer to perform functions.”
Use this analogy of the software to the computer as a lens to explain why culture has been described as the “software of the mind,” explaining the relationship between the effects of culture on perspective.
Propose one way you can reduce discrepancy by expressing cultural competence as a healthcare worker.

Part 4

  • Summarize how you are feeling about your progress in this course. “culture with cultural competence
  • State what your expectations are from me going forward.


Cloud Architecture and System Administration Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Part 1

A. You are a software engineer for a small company. The company runs several small services, such as a website, a blog, and an internal Web application for order management. Your boss wants to move to the cloud but is not sure what provider would be best. Based upon your reading and exploration of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure, write 2 paragraphs each in an APA paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe what steps would be needed to get started on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

2. Compare the differences in terminology encountered when creating a Linux server on each cloud provider.

3. Recommend one cloud provider over the other. Backup your recommendation with appropriate reasoning, including opinion on the experience and available components.

B. The position of a System Administrator can be very complex depending on the work environment. An administrator must constantly maintain the system, but also must be cognizant of the users and the group environment in which they work. Over time, system professionals become aware and implement best practices to demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations.

Do some research on best practices for a System Administrator in the library or on the Internet. You can also use your own best practices if you have been working in IT. In a minimum 2-page paper, provide and explain three best practices in each of the following areas of a System Administrator’s role:

  1. The ability to focus on multiple tasks
  2. The ability to meet deadlines
  3. The ability to utilize system users’ feedback to improve system performance
  4. The ability to balance the quality of work against meeting deadlines
  5. The ability to acknowledge mistakes and correct errors

Part 2

A. Write a 2-paragraph summary on using traditional storage over VHD or vice versa. Include the pros/cons and features relevant to its use on a current version of Windows Server operating system.

B. Write a 2-paragraph summary on the basics and use of storage pools in Windows Server 2016 for virtual machines. Detail the benefits and or limitations of its use compared to a method without use of storage pools.


Role at Work Place Business Analyst Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Role at work place: Business Analyst

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Gibson, Darril. Managing Risk in Information Systems, 2nd edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2015

Subject: Cryptography
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Cryptography) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Stallings, Williams. Cryptography and Network Security. Pearson, 2017.

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt and Cryptography
Q 1: * Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place (you should write a total of 400-500 words).
Q 2: * Please explain how you participate in business operations and decision making in your current position:


This is the article that I have chosen. If you can find a better article that would be easier to write about please do so. As long as it is good. The article will be reviewed in advance.


Bryant and Stratton College Culture with Cultural Competence Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1.

1. Choose one of the universal cultural factors that can affect an individual’s health and health care. Explain why it would be important for a provider to understand how this factor affects the life of a patient.

2. In 1985, a Task Force on Black and Minority Health convened by the Secretary, DHHS, asked the NIH to determine why minorities were experiencing higher rates of diseases, disability, and death than the overall U.S. population, and to work to eliminate such health disparities. Health disparities are an important factor to consider when creating a plan of care. A Plan of Care, otherwise known as a Care Plan, is defined by Collins Engligh Dictionary as “a plan for the medical care of a particular patient or thewelfare of a child in care”. As a healthcare worker, it is your responsibility to do your best to help your patient be as healthy as possible. Choose a specific patient demographic (specify age, gender, & ethnicity) and create a Plan of Care to decrease the prevalence of health care disparities in your patient.

Part 2.

  • Discuss the differences among the terms cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural relevancy, cultural competence, and cultural humility.
  • Which ones of these do you aspire to in your work with the health system? Illustrate how you will incorporate them into your work

Part 3

Define “culture.” Software is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the programs that run on a computer to perform functions.”
Use this analogy of the software to the computer as a lens to explain why culture has been described as the “software of the mind,” explaining the relationship between the effects of culture on perspective.
Propose one way you can reduce discrepancy by expressing cultural competence as a healthcare worker.

Part 4

  • Summarize how you are feeling about your progress in this course. “culture with cultural competence
  • State what your expectations are from me going forward.


Cloud Architecture and System Administration Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Part 1

A. You are a software engineer for a small company. The company runs several small services, such as a website, a blog, and an internal Web application for order management. Your boss wants to move to the cloud but is not sure what provider would be best. Based upon your reading and exploration of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure, write 2 paragraphs each in an APA paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe what steps would be needed to get started on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

2. Compare the differences in terminology encountered when creating a Linux server on each cloud provider.

3. Recommend one cloud provider over the other. Backup your recommendation with appropriate reasoning, including opinion on the experience and available components.

B. The position of a System Administrator can be very complex depending on the work environment. An administrator must constantly maintain the system, but also must be cognizant of the users and the group environment in which they work. Over time, system professionals become aware and implement best practices to demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations.

Do some research on best practices for a System Administrator in the library or on the Internet. You can also use your own best practices if you have been working in IT. In a minimum 2-page paper, provide and explain three best practices in each of the following areas of a System Administrator’s role:

  1. The ability to focus on multiple tasks
  2. The ability to meet deadlines
  3. The ability to utilize system users’ feedback to improve system performance
  4. The ability to balance the quality of work against meeting deadlines
  5. The ability to acknowledge mistakes and correct errors

Part 2

A. Write a 2-paragraph summary on using traditional storage over VHD or vice versa. Include the pros/cons and features relevant to its use on a current version of Windows Server operating system.

B. Write a 2-paragraph summary on the basics and use of storage pools in Windows Server 2016 for virtual machines. Detail the benefits and or limitations of its use compared to a method without use of storage pools.


Role at Work Place Business Analyst Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Role at work place: Business Analyst

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Gibson, Darril. Managing Risk in Information Systems, 2nd edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2015

Subject: Cryptography
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Cryptography) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Stallings, Williams. Cryptography and Network Security. Pearson, 2017.

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt and Cryptography
Q 1: * Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place (you should write a total of 400-500 words).
Q 2: * Please explain how you participate in business operations and decision making in your current position:


This is the article that I have chosen. If you can find a better article that would be easier to write about please do so. As long as it is good. The article will be reviewed in advance.


Bryant and Stratton College Culture with Cultural Competence Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1.

1. Choose one of the universal cultural factors that can affect an individual’s health and health care. Explain why it would be important for a provider to understand how this factor affects the life of a patient.

2. In 1985, a Task Force on Black and Minority Health convened by the Secretary, DHHS, asked the NIH to determine why minorities were experiencing higher rates of diseases, disability, and death than the overall U.S. population, and to work to eliminate such health disparities. Health disparities are an important factor to consider when creating a plan of care. A Plan of Care, otherwise known as a Care Plan, is defined by Collins Engligh Dictionary as “a plan for the medical care of a particular patient or thewelfare of a child in care”. As a healthcare worker, it is your responsibility to do your best to help your patient be as healthy as possible. Choose a specific patient demographic (specify age, gender, & ethnicity) and create a Plan of Care to decrease the prevalence of health care disparities in your patient.

Part 2.

  • Discuss the differences among the terms cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural relevancy, cultural competence, and cultural humility.
  • Which ones of these do you aspire to in your work with the health system? Illustrate how you will incorporate them into your work

Part 3

Define “culture.” Software is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the programs that run on a computer to perform functions.”
Use this analogy of the software to the computer as a lens to explain why culture has been described as the “software of the mind,” explaining the relationship between the effects of culture on perspective.
Propose one way you can reduce discrepancy by expressing cultural competence as a healthcare worker.

Part 4

  • Summarize how you are feeling about your progress in this course. “culture with cultural competence
  • State what your expectations are from me going forward.


Cloud Architecture and System Administration Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Part 1

A. You are a software engineer for a small company. The company runs several small services, such as a website, a blog, and an internal Web application for order management. Your boss wants to move to the cloud but is not sure what provider would be best. Based upon your reading and exploration of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure, write 2 paragraphs each in an APA paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe what steps would be needed to get started on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

2. Compare the differences in terminology encountered when creating a Linux server on each cloud provider.

3. Recommend one cloud provider over the other. Backup your recommendation with appropriate reasoning, including opinion on the experience and available components.

B. The position of a System Administrator can be very complex depending on the work environment. An administrator must constantly maintain the system, but also must be cognizant of the users and the group environment in which they work. Over time, system professionals become aware and implement best practices to demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations.

Do some research on best practices for a System Administrator in the library or on the Internet. You can also use your own best practices if you have been working in IT. In a minimum 2-page paper, provide and explain three best practices in each of the following areas of a System Administrator’s role:

  1. The ability to focus on multiple tasks
  2. The ability to meet deadlines
  3. The ability to utilize system users’ feedback to improve system performance
  4. The ability to balance the quality of work against meeting deadlines
  5. The ability to acknowledge mistakes and correct errors

Part 2

A. Write a 2-paragraph summary on using traditional storage over VHD or vice versa. Include the pros/cons and features relevant to its use on a current version of Windows Server operating system.

B. Write a 2-paragraph summary on the basics and use of storage pools in Windows Server 2016 for virtual machines. Detail the benefits and or limitations of its use compared to a method without use of storage pools.


Role at Work Place Business Analyst Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Role at work place: Business Analyst

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Gibson, Darril. Managing Risk in Information Systems, 2nd edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2015

Subject: Cryptography
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Cryptography) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Stallings, Williams. Cryptography and Network Security. Pearson, 2017.

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt and Cryptography
Q 1: * Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place (you should write a total of 400-500 words).
Q 2: * Please explain how you participate in business operations and decision making in your current position:


This is the article that I have chosen. If you can find a better article that would be easier to write about please do so. As long as it is good. The article will be reviewed in advance.


Bryant and Stratton College Culture with Cultural Competence Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1.

1. Choose one of the universal cultural factors that can affect an individual’s health and health care. Explain why it would be important for a provider to understand how this factor affects the life of a patient.

2. In 1985, a Task Force on Black and Minority Health convened by the Secretary, DHHS, asked the NIH to determine why minorities were experiencing higher rates of diseases, disability, and death than the overall U.S. population, and to work to eliminate such health disparities. Health disparities are an important factor to consider when creating a plan of care. A Plan of Care, otherwise known as a Care Plan, is defined by Collins Engligh Dictionary as “a plan for the medical care of a particular patient or thewelfare of a child in care”. As a healthcare worker, it is your responsibility to do your best to help your patient be as healthy as possible. Choose a specific patient demographic (specify age, gender, & ethnicity) and create a Plan of Care to decrease the prevalence of health care disparities in your patient.

Part 2.

  • Discuss the differences among the terms cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural relevancy, cultural competence, and cultural humility.
  • Which ones of these do you aspire to in your work with the health system? Illustrate how you will incorporate them into your work

Part 3

Define “culture.” Software is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the programs that run on a computer to perform functions.”
Use this analogy of the software to the computer as a lens to explain why culture has been described as the “software of the mind,” explaining the relationship between the effects of culture on perspective.
Propose one way you can reduce discrepancy by expressing cultural competence as a healthcare worker.

Part 4

  • Summarize how you are feeling about your progress in this course. “culture with cultural competence
  • State what your expectations are from me going forward.


Cloud Architecture and System Administration Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Part 1

A. You are a software engineer for a small company. The company runs several small services, such as a website, a blog, and an internal Web application for order management. Your boss wants to move to the cloud but is not sure what provider would be best. Based upon your reading and exploration of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure, write 2 paragraphs each in an APA paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe what steps would be needed to get started on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

2. Compare the differences in terminology encountered when creating a Linux server on each cloud provider.

3. Recommend one cloud provider over the other. Backup your recommendation with appropriate reasoning, including opinion on the experience and available components.

B. The position of a System Administrator can be very complex depending on the work environment. An administrator must constantly maintain the system, but also must be cognizant of the users and the group environment in which they work. Over time, system professionals become aware and implement best practices to demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations.

Do some research on best practices for a System Administrator in the library or on the Internet. You can also use your own best practices if you have been working in IT. In a minimum 2-page paper, provide and explain three best practices in each of the following areas of a System Administrator’s role:

  1. The ability to focus on multiple tasks
  2. The ability to meet deadlines
  3. The ability to utilize system users’ feedback to improve system performance
  4. The ability to balance the quality of work against meeting deadlines
  5. The ability to acknowledge mistakes and correct errors

Part 2

A. Write a 2-paragraph summary on using traditional storage over VHD or vice versa. Include the pros/cons and features relevant to its use on a current version of Windows Server operating system.

B. Write a 2-paragraph summary on the basics and use of storage pools in Windows Server 2016 for virtual machines. Detail the benefits and or limitations of its use compared to a method without use of storage pools.


Role at Work Place Business Analyst Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Role at work place: Business Analyst

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Gibson, Darril. Managing Risk in Information Systems, 2nd edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2015

Subject: Cryptography
This assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, in APA format and describe how you might apply what you have learned in this course (Subject: Cryptography) to your current or previous job role (Role at work place: Business Analyst).

Stallings, Williams. Cryptography and Network Security. Pearson, 2017.

Subject: Info Security & Risk Mgmt and Cryptography
Q 1: * Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place (you should write a total of 400-500 words).
Q 2: * Please explain how you participate in business operations and decision making in your current position:


HUSS 235 Bryant and Stratton Maslow Hierarchy of Needs during Crisis Intervention Paper Humanities Assignment Help

HUSS 235 Bryant and Stratton Maslow Hierarchy of Needs during Crisis Intervention Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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