Hydrogen Atom Distribution Functions & Radial Probability Density Questions Science Assignment Help

Hydrogen Atom Distribution Functions & Radial Probability Density Questions Science Assignment Help. Hydrogen Atom Distribution Functions & Radial Probability Density Questions Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a chemistry multi-part question and need guidance to help me study.
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The graphs below represent some radial probability density and some radial distribution functions of the hydrogen atom:

1. Which graph represents the radial distribution function of the hydrogen 3s orbital? [ Select ] [“E”, “A”, “C”, “D”, “B”, “F”, “None of the graphs”]

2. Which statement about the radial distribution function is correct? [ Select ] [“The radial distribution function gives the total probability of finding the electron in a spherical shell at a distance from the nucleus”, “The radial distribution function does not have physical meaning”, “The radial distribution function can change its phase along the x-axis”]

3. What is the main difference between the radial distribution function and the radial probability density for the 1s orbital? [ Select ] [“The value of the functions close to the nucleus”, “The radial distribution function is normalized”, “The number of nodes”]

Hydrogen Atom Distribution Functions & Radial Probability Density Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Child Family School Community and Socialization Paper Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment you will complete topic 1 and topic 2 .You also need the book Berns, R. M. (2016). Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization, and Support. United States: Thomson/Wadsworth publishing. I don’t have the book We are on Chapter 8 please include intext citations,apa style and references.

Peers (ch.8): How important is friendship? What makes a good friend?

You will have two topics and must discuss both.

Topic 1: Friend

What makes a good friend? (Broad question). Why is it important to have at least one? Evaluate and discuss the factors that both positively and negatively influence the socialization of the child. Remember to integrate references from the textbook to support your discussion.

Topic 2- Gangs

Please discuss the problem of gangs.

What are the characteristics of gangs and victims?

Discuss methods that can be taken to eliminate the need for gangs and methods that can be taken to help the victims.

Critique relating to two theories (Erikson, Bronfenbrenner, Maslow, etc.) of socialization that address the interrelationship of child, family, and community. Be sure to include appropriate text materials.


GB 560 Purdue University Global Unit 2 Business Process Change Diagrams Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

When planning and executing a business process change, it is recommended to use a diagram. This visual representation of the process allows key stakeholders to provide input on the work to be performed, and the resources required to participate in this initiative.

Do some research on Transformation at IBM under CEO Ginni Rometty


  • Prepare two general process diagrams (see figure 9.2) for the Business Process Change you selected based on your researched topic.

Diagram the current process steps taken by the organization for the process.

Diagram any adaptations to the process steps after the change process is approved.

  • Provide a written explanation of each of your process diagrams.

(response to this question should be 3–5 paragraphs in length).


Physical Chemistry MO Theory Description for the H2 Molecule Question Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

Compare the MO theory description for the H2 molecule, where the wavefunction is given by equation a:


with the VB treatment given by equation b


1. What is the meaning of lambda, λ? [ Select ] [“The contribution of hybrid orbitals”, “The contribution of the molecular dipole”, “The contribution of functions describing ionic character”]

2. Under what condition(s) do the two equations become identical? [ Select ] [“λ>0 and λ<1”, “λ>1 and λ<0”, “λ=1”]

3. How does the MO theory treat the ionic character contribution to the wavefunction? [ Select ] [“The MO theory overestimates the ionic character”, “The MO theory underestimates the ionic character”, “The MO theory correctly estimates the ionic character contribution”]


WU Wk 4 Global Diversity and Sustainability Biological Diversity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, noting the ways in which indigenous groups ally themselves with others and adapt to change.
  • Identify a threat to cultural and biological diversity and/or environmental justice and sustainability in an indigenous group.
  • Investigate whether or not the indigenous group is partnering with an external activist to maintain cultural and biological diversity and/or promote environmental justice and sustainability.
  • Detail the joint actions undertaken, or the opportunity for joint actions that could be undertaken, to work toward diversity, justice, or sustainability for indigenous peoples.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post two paragraphs that describe the joint actions undertaken—or that could be initiated—toward maintaining cultural and biological diversity or promoting environmental justice and/or sustainability for the indigenous group you identified. Analyze to what extent diversity, justice, and sustainability are important for the future of indigenous peoples.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings that contain a perspective other than yours.

  • Explain how your colleagues’ perspectives do either of the following:
    • Align with or complement your perspective.
    • Contrast with or are in opposition to your perspective.

    To prepare for this Discussion:

    • Review this week’s Learning Resources, noting the ways in which indigenous groups ally themselves with others and adapt to change.
    • Identify a threat to cultural and biological diversity and/or environmental justice and sustainability in an indigenous group.
    • Investigate whether or not the indigenous group is partnering with an external activist to maintain cultural and biological diversity and/or promote environmental justice and sustainability.
    • Detail the joint actions undertaken, or the opportunity for joint actions that could be undertaken, to work toward diversity, justice, or sustainability for indigenous peoples.

                        • Learning Resources

                          Required Readings

                          Welsch, R.L. & Vivanco, L.A. (2017). Anthropology: Asking questions about humanity (2nd ed.). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.

                          • Chapter 7, “ Environmental Anthropology: Relating to the Natural World” (pp.165-181)
                          • “Social and Economic Inequality: Why Poor Neighborhoods and Marginalized People Face the Greatest Environmental Risks” (pp.185-186)
                          • “Anthropology Confronts Climate Change (pp. 186-187)

                          The chapters from this course text provide details on biodiversity and environmental change.

                          Aikau, H. K., & Spencer, J. H. (2007). Introduction: Local reaction to global integration—The political economy of development in indigenous communities. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 32(1), 1–8.

                          This article focuses on indigenous groups from North America, South America, and Asia. The authors compare these groups as a case study of the effects of globalization, politics, development, and planning.

                          Partlow, J. (2008, October 14). Doubt, anger over Brazil dams; As work begins along Amazon tributary, many question human, environmental costs. The Washington Post, A11.

                          In this article, the author describes the construction of two hydroelectric dams on the Madeira River, a main tributary of the Amazon. Partlow shares the impact these dams have on the local indigenous groups and the environment.

                          Valdivia, G. (2007). The “Amazonian trial of the century”: Indigenous identities, transnational networks, and petroleum in Ecuador. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 32(1), 41–72.

                          This article details the participatory relationship of indigenous groups and organizations like FEINCE, OISE, and FOISE in the Ecuadoran Amazon. This relationship has been forced by a lawsuit against Chevron Texaco.

                          Required Media

                          TEDx Talks. (Producer). (2013). Taking indigenous world-views seriously: Juan Barletti at TEDx University of St Andrews 2013 [Video]. Retrieved from

                          Note: The approximate length of this piece is 10 minutes.



    Legacy of Reconstruction Portrayal of African Americans Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Please watch the following scenes from the film that focus on the portrayal of African Americans in an inaccurate and racist way. The Reconstruction scenes are in the second half of “A Birth of a Nation.” The whole movie and individual clips are available for free on YouTube. The DVD is available at many libraries and can be found on Netflix and Films on Demand.

    One of the scenes that best exemplifies historical distortion and racism is the segment from the South Carolina statehouse. Other good examples are scenes with the KKK, whose members are portrayed as heroes.

    “The Birth of a Nation” – South Carolina statehouse


    “The Birth of a Nation” – scene with the KKK


    After viewing the film, please answer the following questions in your reflection:

    1.What seems to be the legacy of Reconstruction according to Griffith’s film?

    2.Compare that to Foner’s assessment of Reconstruction. What does Foner think the legacy of Reconstruction should be?

    1. After the film’s release in 1915, the NAACP and others tried to have the film banned or censored. Discuss the First Amendment issues that arose from the film’s release. Should “The Birth of a Nation” be shown in public today?

    The reflection response you submit must be a minimum of 500 words. The word count should be included in your reflection response.

    Legacy of Reconstruction Portrayal of African Americans Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Campbellsville University Week 3 ISO 27001 Standard Effectivenes Computer Science Assignment Help

    Please go through below question very carefully, and please make sure to mention Introduction, Body content and Conclusion

    The required article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an introduction and comparison of different frameworks. As with anything, there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to all approaches.

    For your week 3 research paper, please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

    • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
    • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
    • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

    Your paper should meet the following requirements:

    • Be a minimum of 4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
    • Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
    • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
    • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


    WOH 2012 Florida Central Emergence of Early Writing in Egypt Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Comparing ancient civilizations.

    Seldom in history has a society been as influential as the Mesopotamians; few events can rival the significance of the rise of the first complex societies. The Sumerians were just the first in a series of brilliant cultures in southwest Asia, an area enriched by successive migrations. But did anyone group contribute more?

    Discuss in your mind if you support or reject the following statements: “The ancient Hebrews were the most important peoples of the ancient Middle East.” Both the Mesopotamians and Egyptian civilizations are often referred to as “cradles of civilization.” Each one made significant contributions to the world, but was the Egyptian civilization in fact “original”?

    Respond to this question:

    • ***** Discuss the emergence of writing in Egypt. Show how it contributed to our knowledge of early Egyptian civilization but also point out its unique features. *****


    ERAU Week 3 & 4 Cost Management Systems & Cost Volume Profit Discussion Writing Assignment Help


    Here are the questions:

    Question 1:

    Cost Management Systems

    ABC Costing Discussion

    Read the following scenario and then thoughtfully discuss the questions.

    Calvin Cabello is a new production analyst at Red Duv Aviation, in the division of the company that manufactures three parts used in small airplane engines. One of his first jobs is to update the predetermined overhead allocation rates for factory production costs. Normally this is done once a year. The production analyst takes into consideration the previous year’s actual data along with projected changes and calculates a new rate. Calvin completed his calculations but was confused by what he found. He noticed the activity rate for “maintenance” had almost doubled in one year. Confused by this, he spoke with the factory manager, Priscilla Posey, who proceeded to tell him to just spread the costs out over the other activities. Calvin knew this wasn’t right, but had been newly hired and really needed to keep his job.

    Later that week while at the local pub, after work, Calvin overheard some employees that worked at Red Duv talking about making extra money on the weekends helping Priscilla restore an old airplane. It occurred to Calvin that the reason the maintenance activity rate was so high, was because Priscilla had been using factory labor, tools, and supplies to have her personal airplane restored.


    • Besides finding irregularities, such as the case of the unusual increase in this situation, discuss other ways that ABC cost data can be useful for manufacturing companies.
    • Discuss the primary standard from the IMA statement of Ethical Professional Practice that Priscilla violated in this scenario.
    • Would Priscilla have been able to do this if Traditional Costing methods had been used?
    • What would you recommend Calvin do?

    Question 2:

    Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

    Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Break Even Discussion

    Read the following scenario and then thoughtfully discuss the questions.

    In a recent news report, the following statement was made: “A report put out by brokerage house CLSA about Jet Airways said that the fall in ATF (fuel) prices has brought down the load factors (flight occupancy) required for the airlines to break even from 78 percent to 63 percent.” The load factor is the percentage of available seats on a flight that are occupied.


    • What are some important assumptions commonly made in CVP analysis?
    • What significant assumptions and limitations should be considered when using this piece of information?
    • Do these assumptions impose serious limitations on the analysis? Why or why not?

    Just like last time, these are for a discussion board so I don’t need a cover page and 250 words should be good enough. Thanks!


    A1 Business and Technical College Public Defenders Questions Law Assignment Help

    Government agencies can charge fees for “free” legal counsel when the fees will not impose a “significant legal hardship” on the defendant. For an interesting perspective on criminal trial rights, see the John Oliver video. Keep in mind, it’s HBO so a word of caution. Public Defenders: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO (Links to an external site.)Public Defenders: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

    1. Why might this practice go against the Supreme Court’s ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright?
    2. Briefly explain the various types of plea bargaining. How and why is plea bargaining used in the criminal justice system? What are the advantages of plea bargaining? What are the disadvantages? Do you think plea bargaining is ethical? Can our justice system function without it?



    1. Why might this practice go against the Supreme Court’s ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright?
    2. Briefly explain the various types of plea bargaining. How and why is plea bargaining used in the criminal justice system? What are the advantages of plea bargaining? What are the disadvantages? Do you think plea bargaining is ethical? Can our justice system function without it?



    1. Why might this practice go against the Supreme Court’s ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright?
    2. Briefly explain the various types of plea bargaining. How and why is plea bargaining used in the criminal justice system? What are the advantages of plea bargaining? What are the disadvantages? Do you think plea bargaining is ethical? Can our justice system function without it?



    1. Why might this practice go against the Supreme Court’s ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright?
    2. Briefly explain the various types of plea bargaining. How and why is plea bargaining used in the criminal justice system? What are the advantages of plea bargaining? What are the disadvantages? Do you think plea bargaining is ethical? Can our justice system function without it?


    Hydrogen Atom Distribution Functions & Radial Probability Density Questions Science Assignment Help

    Hydrogen Atom Distribution Functions & Radial Probability Density Questions Science Assignment Help

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