i need 2 page long presentation about dove racism against black people i need to talk 5 minute in the presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

i need 2 page long presentation about dove racism against black people i need to talk 5 minute in the presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. i need 2 page long presentation about dove racism against black people i need to talk 5 minute in the presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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please follow the instruction or write about some easy company to talk about.

Presentation will be focused around a current business issue, environment cause, and health cause.This is the time to show the class your favorite causes or an issue you are passion about.

  • Pick a company then research a current issue the company has dealt with or are dealing with, within the last three years.You can find information in news media or corporate website under Event/News.
  • Create a PowerPoint Presentation with one chart or graph and one data table .
  • work cited

i need 2 page long presentation about dove racism against black people i need to talk 5 minute in the presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Electric Egineering latencies question Engineering Assignment Help

You are given the following hardware:

  • A 16-bit PC register,
  • An instruction memory with 1 read port (16-bit address input and 32-bit data output),
  • A register file with 3 read ports and 1 write port (4-bit address inputs and 16-bit data output) where reading address 15 always gives zero
  • An ALU with two 16-bit inputs that can perform all the operations listed above, with registers N and Z that store whether the last result is negative and zero respectively,
  • A data memory with 1 read/write port (16-bit address & data inputs and data output),
  • Additional multiplexers, gates, and pipeline stage registers as needed.

  • Implement a single-cycle datapath for this architecture. [15 pts]
  • Build a 6-stage pipelined datapath for this architecture. Given the following latencies, determine the minimum delay for each pipeline stage. You may ignore all other latencies. [15 pts]


Read from


Write to data

Read from

Write to




register file



register file



120 ps

100 ps

80 ps

140 ps

120 ps

120 ps

110 ps

  • Write an example code snippet in this architecture that contains two different data hazards: one that can be resolved by forwarding and one that would require stalling the pipeline. [5 pts]


2 pages essay about black lives matter . iam pro black lives matter Humanities Assignment Help

Essay Prompts for Black Lives Matter

Write a 2.5+ page essay (12 times new roman, double spaced) that contains a 5 paragraph argument in response to one of the following:

  • Does the Black Lives Matter movement indicate that ideas about a post-racial or colorblind society constitute a “false narrative” about the present state of race relations in America?
  • Is David French correct in claiming that the “thesis” of the Black Lives Matter movement is based upon faulty evidence? If so, does he help to support the conservative argument that the racial divisions of the past are mostly removed from American society?
  • Does the Black Live Matter campaign unnecessarily cause divisions based on race, or does it expose the deep-lying nature of existing divisions that need to be challenged and resolved?
  • Is Black Lives Matter biased, or is it a campaign that seeks to challenge the bias of prejudice?

The paragraphs should contain the following:

  • a summary of one or both of the authors’ arguments. If summarizing both, keep it tight. The summary, overall, should be a 6-8 sentence piece of writing. Finish your introduction paragraph with your thesis (overall claim + general reason). Try to use a transition word/phrase that shows that you are continuing on the discussion from what someone else or others are saying. Remember that you are addressing the prompt while bearing the ideas of others in mind.
  • Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 should be guided by a supporting idea for your argument that you can back up with reasoning, evidence, examples. Use a topic statement to expressing this controlling idea. Remember that you can argue in the negative. For instance, if you can prove that something that French says is flawed and illogical, then you may be do so to support BLM, in general, or a point made by McFadden in particular.
  • A conclusion: the handout on conclusions will help to highlight some strategies.

For please provide:

  • a thesis statement that sets out your general stance and some overall reason for taking that position
  • 3 x topic sentences that each show a solid supporting idea for your thesis

Thinking about topics to address in your argument

In order to make a strong argument in response to one of the prompts, you need to consider what you think about some of the topics and ideas that relate to BLM. These issues may be ones addressed by an author, or additional ones that you are bringing to the debate.

Whatever topic you wish to address, make sure that you have a reasoned claim about it that is your own. If disagreeing with someone, then explain or offer evidence for why. If agreeing, then do the same. Make sure that you add to what the author says by saying something else that has not yet been said by the author.

You may use one idea by McFadden to show why French is wrong, or vice-versa. But when doing so, make sure that your logical thinking is on show.

It is possible to spend the entire essay disproving the argument of someone else. For example, if you show that French’s argument has flaws in different areas, then you are proving that BLM has a strong case and that policing, specifically (and America, in general), is not colorblind.

You could also spend two paragraphs going against French or McFadden, and then a third supporting the author that you agree with (or, a third on something else you have to say about why BLM is on the right or wrong path).

OVERALL: there are a number of combinations of arguing against one or more authors, in addition to developing separate ideas, that you can make.

You may also just stick to talking about topics and ideas relating to them, without mentioning authors specifically. Here’s some topics to consider:

  • Structural problems relating to race
  • Anecdotal evidence
  • Statistics
  • Emotions and reasoning; subjective reactions and objective perspectives
  • the idea of a colorblind or post-racial society
  • the “phantom effects” of history
  • the question of “unquestioned personhood”
  • “racialized income inequality”
  • Voting, schooling, and housing
  • A society in which inter-personal relationships between the races involve tensions or divisions
  • White privilege


CAGE analysis for TerraPower (a reliable nuclear energy company) to expand to Canada or Japan Business Finance Assignment Help

  • CAGE Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a cultural, administrative, geographical and economic analysis comparing the USA to two other countries.


  • Select any two countries of your choice except China or India as are discussed in class as an example. Perform a CAGE analysis of the USA and the two countries.
  • Write an essay discussing your analysis and including a recommendation as to which country you would recommend to a U.S. based company wanting to expand in the future.

Your written essay must include

  • Four tables, one for each of the four dimensions of the CAGE analysis (Cultural, Administrative, Geographic and Economic).
  • Two or three paragraphs about cultural distance/commonality between USA and each country.
  • Two or three paragraphs about administrative distances/commonality between USA and each country.
  • Two or three paragraphs about geographic distance/commonality between USA and each country.
  • Two or three paragraphs about economic distance/commonality between USA and each country.
  • Executive Recommendation 2-3 paragraphs explaining which country you would recommend to a U.S.-based company wanting to expand internationally, considering your findings above.


APA style formatting (Links to an external site.), between 1500-2000 words. Make sure you use proper headings/subheadings to differentiate the four dimensions.


Write a care plan on irrtable infants APA format clear of gramatical errors listed below is the case study discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Building off of the Irritable Infants Case Study discussion, make an attempt at creating a nursing care plan for the situation. Include the following:

  1. Include appropriate interventions for the infants that will assist in attaining the goal and expected outcomes originally noted.
  2. Hypothesize implementation and tolerance of the actions to arrive at hypothesized evaluation; note what evaluation data would indicate a discontinuation, revision, or modification of the plan of care.
  3. Identify what type of nurse care delivery is represented in the care of these two infants. How do you know?
  4. If in the acute care setting, what actions could you delegate? Support these decisions.

Submit your care plan and a short, typed summary of points 2-4. Again, the goal of this assignment is not the “perfection” of your care plan and analysis, but rather to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the nursing process and an attempt at applying it within a given scenario.

Irritable Infant case study .



Take The Peregrine Exam Business Finance Assignment Help


Peregrine Exam (100 points)

What is the Peregrine Exam and why do I have to take it?

the end of the course, you will complete a Program Assessment exam
called the Peregrine Exam. The exam is designed to assess the
foundational business knowledge that you have acquired throughout the
duration of your program at Strayer. By completing this exam, you are
not only evaluating your competency and understanding on each topic you
have learned throughout your program but also helping to ensure that
Strayer University maintains the highest quality of education in the
business programs that we provide to our students.

This exam can be completed in weeks 9, 10, or 11, but the certificate of completion must be submitted through the “SubmitPeregrine Assessment” link located in week 9.

Masters Student Registration Instructions:

  1. Click the “Take the Peregrine Exam” link above.
  2. Enter your Student ID and select your Program.
  3. Click “Confirm”
  4. To take the exam:
    1. Select the hyperlink under “Thank you, your course/exam is ready”, then “Begin Exam”
    2. When finished, save the completion certificate and upload via the Submit Peregrine Assessment link in week 9.

Take The Peregrine Exam Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Select and focus on one of the challenges that young adults face and develop the topic in detail and in depth. Humanities Assignment Help

Young Adults (Millennials) Coping with Losses; Someone or Something. Singled-Spaced. Times

New Roman “11”. Cover page, Reference Page APA.

From the Literature Review.

1) Select and focus on one of the challenges that young adults face and develop the topic in detail

and in depth. Offer at least 2 in-text solid references APA style. Minimum 1000 words.

2) Personal Perspective: Share one of your experiences related to a loss of Something or

Someone. Propose a creative short title to your story. Discus the impact this loss had on you.

How you coped? Who helped and guided you? The challenges going through the grieving

process. Also discuss any other thoughts and feelings that you think are important and that may

help others to better cope with losses. Minimum 1000 words.


​E-Commerce Project Business Finance Assignment Help

E-Commerce Project

Create your own e-commerce business in Saudi Arabia (website or mobile application)

(I want the website name to be ART-AND-GIFT) If you want to take an idea about my topic and answer questions through this account on my instagram (ART_AND_GIFT) https://www.instagram.com/art_and_gift/

, you need to explain the process that you will follow in building your e- commerce presence.

Before you begin to build a website or app of your own, there are some important questions you will need to think about and answer. The answers to these questions will drive the development and implementation of your e-commerce presence.

1. Set up your E-Commerce presence

  • ▪ What is the idea? [The visioning process]
    • ▪ Introduce your e-commerce business
    • ▪ What are the different types of products? Explain
    • ▪ What kinds of services are provided by your online store? [Customer Service, Exchange and Return, Delivery] Explain
    • ▪ Business statement
    • ▪ Business vision
    • ▪ Business objective
  • ▪ Business and Revenue model
    ▪ A general idea of how your business will generate revenues
  • ▪ Who and where is the target audience? Demographics, lifestyle, consumption patterns, etc.
  • ▪ Characterize the marketplace [ballpark] [Size, growth, demographics, structure].
  • ▪ Where’s the content coming from?
  • ▪ Conduct a SWOT analysis.
  • ▪ Develop an e-commerce presence map.

▪ Develop a timeline: Milestones [6 phases]. ▪ How much will this cost?

2. Building an E-Commerce Site:

▪ Building the system [a simple website layout]
▪ Create your own website using: https://www.wix.com
▪ Or you can design the layout using any free e-commerce website template.

▪ Describe what your website looks like by describing the following: ▪ Color

▪ Layout
▪ Home page

▪ How to test your website before you launching? ▪ Links testing

▪ Content testing
▪ Is it easy to find information on your website?

▪ Is it easy for customers to purchase online?

  1. Select an appropriate software and hardware platform to build your E-Commerce store. Software/Technologies ▪ Select an appropriate web server software to build your E-Commerce store. ▪ Provide the basic functionality for sales: ▪ How does shopping cart software work?
    ▪ How to make an online catalog for your business? Hardware ▪ List all the computing equipment needed for your website functionality.
  2. Payment and Security ▪ What are the methods of payment you are going to use in your online store and why? ▪ What are the commonly used technologies to secure your online transactions?

▪ Develop a privacy policy. The policy should outline how information will be collected and used?

  1. Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method. ▪ Identify the online, offline and social media marketing strategies you will use to bring people to your website?
  2. Explain your business e-commerce process ▪ Explain in detail all the steps from the time a visit is recorded until the final user buys a product.

7. Conclusion:

▪ Conclude your report.

8. Reference list

▪ List all the sources you have used in the process of researching your work.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • ▪ This assignment is an individual assignment.
  • ▪ All students are encouraged to use their own word. It requires effort, search and critical thinking.
  • ▪ Your Assignment must include: ▪ A cover page that contains the following: ▪ Student name, Student ID and CRN ▪ A “References” section listing all sources included. And ensure that you follow the APA style in your report. ▪ A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.

▪ Your project report length should be between 2200 to 2500 words. ▪ Assignment must be in Word format only no PDF.
▪ Your file should be saved as Word Doc.

I don’t want any similarities with any student at work,

Thank you


Module 09 Written Assignment – Stroke Concept Map Health Medical Assignment Help

Please use the concept map to plan care for Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is a 38-year-old African American that presents with an altered level of consciousness (ALOC). He has been having headaches for the last three months but due to a hectic work schedule he has not been able to go to see his medical practitioner. During his last visit two years ago, his blood pressure was slightly elevated, but he never followed up. Upon arrival to the ED a CT scan is completed and it shows a large bleed near the frontal lobe. What should Mr. Jackson’s plan of care include?


Sociology in the Digital World-Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi There!

I am looking for help with this assignment! It is seven parts and each part has the rubric broken out. *See attached ‘Sociology in a Digital World’ file.

Please adhere to the rubrics, In my other assignments I have found the instructor to be very picky!

Thank you so much!!!

Part 1 – Digital Growth Timeline


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability evaluate how society’s structure adapts to digital growth.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. You have worked other places that have relied more on digital technology that have been extremely successful, in part because of their operating efficiency.

Your company is considering making upgrades to several of your operating processes. Because of your history of working in more technologically progressive environments, you are asked by your supervisor to create a visual presentation with a timeline of digital growth in the organization and compare it to the digital growth in society in general. In discussing this project with your boss, it is clear that digital growth can refer not only to Internet and computers, but it can also refer to other aspects of business operations such as cash registers, phone services, advertisements, various tools for communication, etc. Your supervisor asks that this timeline be created to help you, your supervisor, and other stakeholders determine the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed upgrade in technology in the workplace with the overall goal of understanding what systems can be put into place or maintained that can help the store run as efficiently as possible. You are told that the timeline can be in any visual format that you choose.

For this timeline, you are to reflect and address the following sets of questions:

  • What is digital growth? Where is the company now in terms of digital growth?
  • What are some examples of technological advances that could be used in a department store operation?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology?
  • What is Big Data? How might Big Data be used in this business?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of the store using Big Data?
  • Do you believe that updating technology and business practices will be advantageous? Why or Why not?

Part 2 – Understanding Digital Identity Formation


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to conduct research into how a digital footprint is created by looking at your own personal and professional life to determine your digital identity. In addition, you will be able to examine how an organization’s digital footprint impacts their overall success.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital identities that are formed and impacted through various methods. Your supervisor continues, saying, “They can develop or change through social media, positive or negative press, word of mouth, and so on.”

You begin to understand that the digital footprint of a business or organization can greatly impact their success or failure due to many factors, including the rapid dissemination of information that can occur digitally.

Your supervisor, through the course of the discussion, acknowledges that you are very fluent in the area of digital identity and asks you to conduct research and create a visual presentation explaining how digital identity is formed for both individuals and organizations. Your supervisor says, “This visual presentation will be presented to not only me, but company stakeholders and your coworkers in order to help them understand how identity is formed, and how to best maximize digital identity to contribute to the overall success of our store.”

Your supervisor continues, saying, “From this presentation, decision makers will be able to work on identity management and can then implement digital strategies in order to maintain or improve the store’s identity. In the end, this is intended to help increase exposure to the store, enhance the customer base, and the overall success of the store. The visual representation should be interactive and informative and can be presented in any visual format that you choose.”

For this research and presentation, you are to reflect upon and address the following topics:

  • What are the key methods of identity development? Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
  • Explain how technology and digital forums can aid in identity formation.
    • Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
    • Are there differences between identity development in the digital world and in the physical world?
    • As technology improves and changes, what are some things that individuals and organizations do to impact change and development in the digital age?
    • How can individuals change the course of action for organizations and their digital footprint?
  • How is the digital identity of your store in the above scenario formulated, and what impact might that identity have on the overall success of the store?

Part 3 – Examining the Digital World Through the Use of Sociological Theory


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of prominent sociological theories and how they impact the digital world.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. The Human Resources Department does not have adequate computer access and often requires employees to complete some business at home. They also require prospective employees to apply from home. You recognize that not all people have personal computers, and some might be accessing business and personal records from a public computer. There are two prominent sociological theories that can be used to easily examine computer usage for individuals and organizations. Those theories are Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.

At a staff meeting, you and your team are engaged in a discussion about the use of technology on both an individual and organizational level. You cite the digital divide as a major concern. Your store is considering an upgrade in some or all of their technological resources.

Recognizing that you are technologically savvy, your supervisor asks you to generate a visual comparison that considers the use of public computers versus a personal computer. You will rank concepts such as ease of use, time, and comfort in completing tasks, security factors, email management, and safety in conducting business that is typically completed on a computer that may lead someone to experience the digital divide (a difference between groups of people and their use of digital technology). You will also need to consider the sociological theories named above and explain how from a sociological perspective, it would benefit or hinder the store you work in to upgrade their technology.

Your comparison should consider various factors identified below and will illustrate the benefits and some potential limitations of utilizing technology. Your presentation will be presented to your supervisor and other members of the Operations Department in order to determine which, if any, components of the store’s current technological operations will be updated. The visual comparison can be in any engaging format that you select.

For this comparison chart, you are to reflect upon and address the following sets of questions/information.

  • Define conflict theory.
  • Define symbolic interaction theory.
  • Discuss how each of these theories would explain the use of technology and the development of the digital world we now live.
  • Consider multiple ways that society has changed in the past several decades and what contributed to that change.
  • Provide examples of technological growth and change over the past several decades.
  • Make direct correlations between the technologies that exist and the changes that have occurred at the organizational and societal levels in the past several decades.
  • Define digital divide.
  • Consider factors that create the digital divide, such as access to technology, socioeconomic status, age, personal interest, location of residence, etc.
  • Based upon factors that cause the digital divide, suggest ways that this divide can be combated.
  • How does the digital divide apply to the store that you work in for this scenario?
  • Which theoretical perspective can best be applied to your store in the above scenario to help explain and counter the impacts of the digital divide?

Part 4 – Using Sociological Theory to Understand Organizational Change


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to examine organizational changes that are due to technological changes and apply the sociological theory that would explain such change.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. As a department, you and your peers begin to discuss changes that your store could make to help the store become more profitable and more competitive in the marketplace. This leads to discussions about the evolution of business practices at larger corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Kohl’s, etc. Partway through your discussion, your Director of Operations comes in and joins the conversation. He likes what he is hearing and starts to brainstorm out loud with the group how your store can get “more with the times.”

Knowing that every change within an organization is made for a specific reason, your director asks that you research some of the key theoretical perspectives that would explain how and why organizations change. Because of your sociological prowess from your days in school, you know that you can apply Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory to the reasons for organization change, but your supervisor has asked for a minimum of three theories that would support change.

In addition to conducting research on theoretical perspectives for change, your supervisor would like you to put together some sort of visual representation that demonstrates how each of the theories explains organizational change, and then highlight the one that you think is most applicable to your store. You will be presenting your visual presentation to store management in an effort to provide them information so that they can determine the avenues of change that are most appropriate for your store. Because your supervisor sees the value in the changes to the organization, he has encouraged you to create a presentation that will grab the attention of the audience and that includes both pictorial and written information so that all the audience can easily envision the application of the change to your environment.

For this presentation you are to reflect and address the following information/questions:

  • Provide a brief definition of Conflict Theory.
  • Provide a brief definition of Symbolic Interaction.
  • What changes have been made in various aspects of society (work, school, shopping, etc.)? Explain them through the lens of Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.
  • How do Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory explain or impact organizational change?
  • Identify at least one other sociological theory, and demonstrate how it applies to organizational change in our society.
  • Of the three identified theories (Conflict, Symbolic Interaction, and the theory of your choice), which theory do you believe best explains organizational changes in our society? Consider various aspects of the organizations that change i.e. technology, online, and face-to-face transactions, local versus global operations, etc.

Part 5 – Evolution of Language


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online and digital forums due to advances and changes in technology.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You have always had a passion for communication and technology, and at your new store, you quickly realize that their methods of communication and their technological resources are outdated. You have worked retail for many years and over time have realized that there are many gaps and differences in the way that people communicate and the forms of technology that they are comfortable with. This applies to both your customers and your colleagues.

Because you feel that this is an area of expertise for you, you approach your supervisor and begin a discussion about communication changes and gaps in communication in conjunction with the technological changes that have happened over the last several decades. You and your supervisor discuss the best ways for your store to understand various communication methods and the gaps that exist in communication among your consumers and colleagues.

You volunteer to put together a written summary of broad spectrum changes in technology and the resulting changes in communication methods and gaps in communication. Your supervisor loves this idea. He does ask, however, that the information be presented in the form of a pamphlet or written statement that can be both presented to staff and handed out by Human Resources as a training tool for employee relations.

You are encouraged to provide as many examples of changes to communication methods that you can come up with. Also consider many different gaps in communication such as generational differences, differences in socioeconomic status, the region the people live in, interest in technology, setting in which you are communicating in (personal versus professional), etc. After considering these issues, your supervisor would like you to present some ideas as to how your store can bridge communication gaps between colleagues and with your customers.

For this written summary, you are to reflect upon and address the following information:

  • Consider various methods of communication, types of technology that can assist in communication, and other factors involving technology that may impact or change communication.
  • Consider several factors that impact access to communication in society. Some possible are socioeconomic status, access to technological resources, generational differences, differences in intellect, etc.
  • How have online environments and technological growth impacted how society communicates on both personal and professional levels? Be sure to provide specific examples of both.
  • How do changes in methods of communication create communication gaps in our society?
  • What are some ways that society can bridge communication gaps that happen as a result of technological growth?

Part 6 – Deviance Video Collage


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of deviance in the digital world and the changes to deviance that we see due to technological advances.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Since you began working with this organization, you have noticed that your team members are more comfortable with technology. However, the available technology in the store has not been updated. It is also apparent to you that as technology has improved in our society, so has the types of deviant behaviors that occur, and you’re aware that deviant behaviors in both the physical world and in digital environments can impact business practices.

With the observations that you have made, you approach your boss who has also noticed an increase in deviant behaviors within society and has an overall concern about how the store can be impacted.

Because of his increasing concern about the impact of deviant behaviors on the store, and his knowledge of your familiarity with the subject, you are asked by your supervisor to create a video collage that will demonstrate your interpretation of deviance in the digital world and the impact it can have on the store you are working in. Your supervisor informs you that this video collage will be presented to your supervisor and colleagues in order to help you and the business determine the types of deviance that need to be addressed, and how to effectively manage it through daily operations. Your supervisor encourages you to use a variety of visual representations in order to captivate your audience and get your message across.

For this video collage, you are to reflect and address the following questions and information.

  • What is defined as deviant in the physical world?
  • What is defined as deviant in the digital or online world?
  • Compare and contrast deviance between the two environments.
  • Consider various forms of deviance in both the physical and virtual worlds, and explain how they impact society.
  • How would Conflict Theory define deviance?
  • How would Symbolic Interaction Theory define deviance?
  • How do the theories discussed impact the meaning or interpretation of deviance in a digital or online environment?
  • How do you envision that deviance in the virtual world, or deviance due to technological advances, can impact your store?
  • What are some ways to manage various forms of deviance in the day-to-day operations of your store?

Part 7 – Narrated Presentation on Updated Business Practices


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to create a presentation for colleagues that will highlight the benefits of technological growth and how such growth impacts society’s structure, organizational structure, individual identity, and language.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. In your past work experience, you have utilized various forms of technology to complete daily job functions and have been part of updating technology to meet the demands of your organization. Technological advances can address all areas of the business including, but not limited to, how applicants apply for positions, the type of phone and computer systems operated, cash register functions, marketing methods, etc.

You have shared your thoughts with your supervisor, and he has tasked you with putting together a narrated presentation, with visuals for your peers, to share the overall benefits of utilizing modern technology to help improve overall efficiency for the business and help to expand the consumer base for the store.

For this narrated visual presentation, you are to reflect upon and include discussion of the following topics or categories:

  • Demonstrate how digital and technological growth can assist the organization:
    • Provide a definition for digital growth.
    • Explain how digital growth has impacted organizations.
    • Describe how digital growth impacts society as a whole and your store in the future.
  • Demonstrate how an individual creates their own digital identity, how it can impact organizational identity, and how these can be impacted by changes to technology:
    • Explain some key methods of identity development.
    • How can technology and digital forums help with personal or organizational identity formation?
    • What do individuals and employees as a whole have to do with developing the identity of an organization?
  • Demonstrate challenges and benefits to upgrading technological resources:
    • Describe main sociological theories that can describe an individual or a store’s ability to access technological resources.
    • Identify some key examples of societal change due to technology. What does this imply for your store?
    • What is the digital divide and how can this impact the use of technology in your store?
  • Examine your organization through a sociological perspective and explain benefits of change to the organization:
    • Conflict Theory – How is it defined and how would a Conflict Theorist justify upgrades in technology
    • Symbolic Interaction Theory – How is it defined and how would a Symbolic Interactionist justify or explain the need for upgrades to technology?
    • Outline additional theories that can help explain the need for technological growth at your store.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online environments and with the use of enhanced technology:
    • Examine some of the changes to technology that have impact language and communication.
    • Discuss differences in access to and familiarity with technology such as generational differences, socioeconomic differences, etc. How might this impact your store?
    • Consider how communication could change within your store for employees and consumers with various types of technology.
  • Demonstrate how deviance in the physical and virtual world could impact your store:
    • Provide a definition deviance in both the physical and the virtual world.
    • Explain how deviant behaviors have led to changes at your store and what considerations should be taken into account when upgrading technology at your store.

Consider Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction theory and how they would explain deviance and a method to overcome it at your store. On your final narrated visual, provide a summary that directly ties together your visuals and discussion points, and provide an overall statement of the benefits of updating technological resources to help the store run more efficiently.

Before recording your final narration, rehearse your presentation as if you are delivering it to a live audience so that you are fully prepared. Your presentation should be fluent and fluid in nature so that it is clear that you are the expert on the material that you are presenting to your audience.

*Please Note* I will not require you to narrate your presentation IF you provide DETAILED notes with your presentation. These notes should be exactly what you would say for each slide during your presentation.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to plan care for Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is a 38-year-old African American that presents with an altered level of consciousness (ALOC). He has been having headaches for the last three months but due to a hectic work schedule he has not been able to go to see his medical practitioner. During his last visit two years ago, his blood pressure was slightly elevated, but he never followed up. Upon arrival to the ED a CT scan is completed and it shows a large bleed near the frontal lobe. What should Mr. Jackson’s plan of care include?


Sociology in the Digital World-Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi There!

I am looking for help with this assignment! It is seven parts and each part has the rubric broken out. *See attached ‘Sociology in a Digital World’ file.

Please adhere to the rubrics, In my other assignments I have found the instructor to be very picky!

Thank you so much!!!

Part 1 – Digital Growth Timeline


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability evaluate how society’s structure adapts to digital growth.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. You have worked other places that have relied more on digital technology that have been extremely successful, in part because of their operating efficiency.

Your company is considering making upgrades to several of your operating processes. Because of your history of working in more technologically progressive environments, you are asked by your supervisor to create a visual presentation with a timeline of digital growth in the organization and compare it to the digital growth in society in general. In discussing this project with your boss, it is clear that digital growth can refer not only to Internet and computers, but it can also refer to other aspects of business operations such as cash registers, phone services, advertisements, various tools for communication, etc. Your supervisor asks that this timeline be created to help you, your supervisor, and other stakeholders determine the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed upgrade in technology in the workplace with the overall goal of understanding what systems can be put into place or maintained that can help the store run as efficiently as possible. You are told that the timeline can be in any visual format that you choose.

For this timeline, you are to reflect and address the following sets of questions:

  • What is digital growth? Where is the company now in terms of digital growth?
  • What are some examples of technological advances that could be used in a department store operation?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology?
  • What is Big Data? How might Big Data be used in this business?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of the store using Big Data?
  • Do you believe that updating technology and business practices will be advantageous? Why or Why not?

Part 2 – Understanding Digital Identity Formation


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to conduct research into how a digital footprint is created by looking at your own personal and professional life to determine your digital identity. In addition, you will be able to examine how an organization’s digital footprint impacts their overall success.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital identities that are formed and impacted through various methods. Your supervisor continues, saying, “They can develop or change through social media, positive or negative press, word of mouth, and so on.”

You begin to understand that the digital footprint of a business or organization can greatly impact their success or failure due to many factors, including the rapid dissemination of information that can occur digitally.

Your supervisor, through the course of the discussion, acknowledges that you are very fluent in the area of digital identity and asks you to conduct research and create a visual presentation explaining how digital identity is formed for both individuals and organizations. Your supervisor says, “This visual presentation will be presented to not only me, but company stakeholders and your coworkers in order to help them understand how identity is formed, and how to best maximize digital identity to contribute to the overall success of our store.”

Your supervisor continues, saying, “From this presentation, decision makers will be able to work on identity management and can then implement digital strategies in order to maintain or improve the store’s identity. In the end, this is intended to help increase exposure to the store, enhance the customer base, and the overall success of the store. The visual representation should be interactive and informative and can be presented in any visual format that you choose.”

For this research and presentation, you are to reflect upon and address the following topics:

  • What are the key methods of identity development? Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
  • Explain how technology and digital forums can aid in identity formation.
    • Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
    • Are there differences between identity development in the digital world and in the physical world?
    • As technology improves and changes, what are some things that individuals and organizations do to impact change and development in the digital age?
    • How can individuals change the course of action for organizations and their digital footprint?
  • How is the digital identity of your store in the above scenario formulated, and what impact might that identity have on the overall success of the store?

Part 3 – Examining the Digital World Through the Use of Sociological Theory


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of prominent sociological theories and how they impact the digital world.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. The Human Resources Department does not have adequate computer access and often requires employees to complete some business at home. They also require prospective employees to apply from home. You recognize that not all people have personal computers, and some might be accessing business and personal records from a public computer. There are two prominent sociological theories that can be used to easily examine computer usage for individuals and organizations. Those theories are Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.

At a staff meeting, you and your team are engaged in a discussion about the use of technology on both an individual and organizational level. You cite the digital divide as a major concern. Your store is considering an upgrade in some or all of their technological resources.

Recognizing that you are technologically savvy, your supervisor asks you to generate a visual comparison that considers the use of public computers versus a personal computer. You will rank concepts such as ease of use, time, and comfort in completing tasks, security factors, email management, and safety in conducting business that is typically completed on a computer that may lead someone to experience the digital divide (a difference between groups of people and their use of digital technology). You will also need to consider the sociological theories named above and explain how from a sociological perspective, it would benefit or hinder the store you work in to upgrade their technology.

Your comparison should consider various factors identified below and will illustrate the benefits and some potential limitations of utilizing technology. Your presentation will be presented to your supervisor and other members of the Operations Department in order to determine which, if any, components of the store’s current technological operations will be updated. The visual comparison can be in any engaging format that you select.

For this comparison chart, you are to reflect upon and address the following sets of questions/information.

  • Define conflict theory.
  • Define symbolic interaction theory.
  • Discuss how each of these theories would explain the use of technology and the development of the digital world we now live.
  • Consider multiple ways that society has changed in the past several decades and what contributed to that change.
  • Provide examples of technological growth and change over the past several decades.
  • Make direct correlations between the technologies that exist and the changes that have occurred at the organizational and societal levels in the past several decades.
  • Define digital divide.
  • Consider factors that create the digital divide, such as access to technology, socioeconomic status, age, personal interest, location of residence, etc.
  • Based upon factors that cause the digital divide, suggest ways that this divide can be combated.
  • How does the digital divide apply to the store that you work in for this scenario?
  • Which theoretical perspective can best be applied to your store in the above scenario to help explain and counter the impacts of the digital divide?

Part 4 – Using Sociological Theory to Understand Organizational Change


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to examine organizational changes that are due to technological changes and apply the sociological theory that would explain such change.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. As a department, you and your peers begin to discuss changes that your store could make to help the store become more profitable and more competitive in the marketplace. This leads to discussions about the evolution of business practices at larger corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Kohl’s, etc. Partway through your discussion, your Director of Operations comes in and joins the conversation. He likes what he is hearing and starts to brainstorm out loud with the group how your store can get “more with the times.”

Knowing that every change within an organization is made for a specific reason, your director asks that you research some of the key theoretical perspectives that would explain how and why organizations change. Because of your sociological prowess from your days in school, you know that you can apply Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory to the reasons for organization change, but your supervisor has asked for a minimum of three theories that would support change.

In addition to conducting research on theoretical perspectives for change, your supervisor would like you to put together some sort of visual representation that demonstrates how each of the theories explains organizational change, and then highlight the one that you think is most applicable to your store. You will be presenting your visual presentation to store management in an effort to provide them information so that they can determine the avenues of change that are most appropriate for your store. Because your supervisor sees the value in the changes to the organization, he has encouraged you to create a presentation that will grab the attention of the audience and that includes both pictorial and written information so that all the audience can easily envision the application of the change to your environment.

For this presentation you are to reflect and address the following information/questions:

  • Provide a brief definition of Conflict Theory.
  • Provide a brief definition of Symbolic Interaction.
  • What changes have been made in various aspects of society (work, school, shopping, etc.)? Explain them through the lens of Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.
  • How do Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory explain or impact organizational change?
  • Identify at least one other sociological theory, and demonstrate how it applies to organizational change in our society.
  • Of the three identified theories (Conflict, Symbolic Interaction, and the theory of your choice), which theory do you believe best explains organizational changes in our society? Consider various aspects of the organizations that change i.e. technology, online, and face-to-face transactions, local versus global operations, etc.

Part 5 – Evolution of Language


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online and digital forums due to advances and changes in technology.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You have always had a passion for communication and technology, and at your new store, you quickly realize that their methods of communication and their technological resources are outdated. You have worked retail for many years and over time have realized that there are many gaps and differences in the way that people communicate and the forms of technology that they are comfortable with. This applies to both your customers and your colleagues.

Because you feel that this is an area of expertise for you, you approach your supervisor and begin a discussion about communication changes and gaps in communication in conjunction with the technological changes that have happened over the last several decades. You and your supervisor discuss the best ways for your store to understand various communication methods and the gaps that exist in communication among your consumers and colleagues.

You volunteer to put together a written summary of broad spectrum changes in technology and the resulting changes in communication methods and gaps in communication. Your supervisor loves this idea. He does ask, however, that the information be presented in the form of a pamphlet or written statement that can be both presented to staff and handed out by Human Resources as a training tool for employee relations.

You are encouraged to provide as many examples of changes to communication methods that you can come up with. Also consider many different gaps in communication such as generational differences, differences in socioeconomic status, the region the people live in, interest in technology, setting in which you are communicating in (personal versus professional), etc. After considering these issues, your supervisor would like you to present some ideas as to how your store can bridge communication gaps between colleagues and with your customers.

For this written summary, you are to reflect upon and address the following information:

  • Consider various methods of communication, types of technology that can assist in communication, and other factors involving technology that may impact or change communication.
  • Consider several factors that impact access to communication in society. Some possible are socioeconomic status, access to technological resources, generational differences, differences in intellect, etc.
  • How have online environments and technological growth impacted how society communicates on both personal and professional levels? Be sure to provide specific examples of both.
  • How do changes in methods of communication create communication gaps in our society?
  • What are some ways that society can bridge communication gaps that happen as a result of technological growth?

Part 6 – Deviance Video Collage


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of deviance in the digital world and the changes to deviance that we see due to technological advances.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Since you began working with this organization, you have noticed that your team members are more comfortable with technology. However, the available technology in the store has not been updated. It is also apparent to you that as technology has improved in our society, so has the types of deviant behaviors that occur, and you’re aware that deviant behaviors in both the physical world and in digital environments can impact business practices.

With the observations that you have made, you approach your boss who has also noticed an increase in deviant behaviors within society and has an overall concern about how the store can be impacted.

Because of his increasing concern about the impact of deviant behaviors on the store, and his knowledge of your familiarity with the subject, you are asked by your supervisor to create a video collage that will demonstrate your interpretation of deviance in the digital world and the impact it can have on the store you are working in. Your supervisor informs you that this video collage will be presented to your supervisor and colleagues in order to help you and the business determine the types of deviance that need to be addressed, and how to effectively manage it through daily operations. Your supervisor encourages you to use a variety of visual representations in order to captivate your audience and get your message across.

For this video collage, you are to reflect and address the following questions and information.

  • What is defined as deviant in the physical world?
  • What is defined as deviant in the digital or online world?
  • Compare and contrast deviance between the two environments.
  • Consider various forms of deviance in both the physical and virtual worlds, and explain how they impact society.
  • How would Conflict Theory define deviance?
  • How would Symbolic Interaction Theory define deviance?
  • How do the theories discussed impact the meaning or interpretation of deviance in a digital or online environment?
  • How do you envision that deviance in the virtual world, or deviance due to technological advances, can impact your store?
  • What are some ways to manage various forms of deviance in the day-to-day operations of your store?

Part 7 – Narrated Presentation on Updated Business Practices


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to create a presentation for colleagues that will highlight the benefits of technological growth and how such growth impacts society’s structure, organizational structure, individual identity, and language.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. In your past work experience, you have utilized various forms of technology to complete daily job functions and have been part of updating technology to meet the demands of your organization. Technological advances can address all areas of the business including, but not limited to, how applicants apply for positions, the type of phone and computer systems operated, cash register functions, marketing methods, etc.

You have shared your thoughts with your supervisor, and he has tasked you with putting together a narrated presentation, with visuals for your peers, to share the overall benefits of utilizing modern technology to help improve overall efficiency for the business and help to expand the consumer base for the store.

For this narrated visual presentation, you are to reflect upon and include discussion of the following topics or categories:

  • Demonstrate how digital and technological growth can assist the organization:
    • Provide a definition for digital growth.
    • Explain how digital growth has impacted organizations.
    • Describe how digital growth impacts society as a whole and your store in the future.
  • Demonstrate how an individual creates their own digital identity, how it can impact organizational identity, and how these can be impacted by changes to technology:
    • Explain some key methods of identity development.
    • How can technology and digital forums help with personal or organizational identity formation?
    • What do individuals and employees as a whole have to do with developing the identity of an organization?
  • Demonstrate challenges and benefits to upgrading technological resources:
    • Describe main sociological theories that can describe an individual or a store’s ability to access technological resources.
    • Identify some key examples of societal change due to technology. What does this imply for your store?
    • What is the digital divide and how can this impact the use of technology in your store?
  • Examine your organization through a sociological perspective and explain benefits of change to the organization:
    • Conflict Theory – How is it defined and how would a Conflict Theorist justify upgrades in technology
    • Symbolic Interaction Theory – How is it defined and how would a Symbolic Interactionist justify or explain the need for upgrades to technology?
    • Outline additional theories that can help explain the need for technological growth at your store.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online environments and with the use of enhanced technology:
    • Examine some of the changes to technology that have impact language and communication.
    • Discuss differences in access to and familiarity with technology such as generational differences, socioeconomic differences, etc. How might this impact your store?
    • Consider how communication could change within your store for employees and consumers with various types of technology.
  • Demonstrate how deviance in the physical and virtual world could impact your store:
    • Provide a definition deviance in both the physical and the virtual world.
    • Explain how deviant behaviors have led to changes at your store and what considerations should be taken into account when upgrading technology at your store.

Consider Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction theory and how they would explain deviance and a method to overcome it at your store. On your final narrated visual, provide a summary that directly ties together your visuals and discussion points, and provide an overall statement of the benefits of updating technological resources to help the store run more efficiently.

Before recording your final narration, rehearse your presentation as if you are delivering it to a live audience so that you are fully prepared. Your presentation should be fluent and fluid in nature so that it is clear that you are the expert on the material that you are presenting to your audience.

*Please Note* I will not require you to narrate your presentation IF you provide DETAILED notes with your presentation. These notes should be exactly what you would say for each slide during your presentation.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to plan care for Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is a 38-year-old African American that presents with an altered level of consciousness (ALOC). He has been having headaches for the last three months but due to a hectic work schedule he has not been able to go to see his medical practitioner. During his last visit two years ago, his blood pressure was slightly elevated, but he never followed up. Upon arrival to the ED a CT scan is completed and it shows a large bleed near the frontal lobe. What should Mr. Jackson’s plan of care include?


Sociology in the Digital World-Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi There!

I am looking for help with this assignment! It is seven parts and each part has the rubric broken out. *See attached ‘Sociology in a Digital World’ file.

Please adhere to the rubrics, In my other assignments I have found the instructor to be very picky!

Thank you so much!!!

Part 1 – Digital Growth Timeline


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability evaluate how society’s structure adapts to digital growth.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. You have worked other places that have relied more on digital technology that have been extremely successful, in part because of their operating efficiency.

Your company is considering making upgrades to several of your operating processes. Because of your history of working in more technologically progressive environments, you are asked by your supervisor to create a visual presentation with a timeline of digital growth in the organization and compare it to the digital growth in society in general. In discussing this project with your boss, it is clear that digital growth can refer not only to Internet and computers, but it can also refer to other aspects of business operations such as cash registers, phone services, advertisements, various tools for communication, etc. Your supervisor asks that this timeline be created to help you, your supervisor, and other stakeholders determine the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed upgrade in technology in the workplace with the overall goal of understanding what systems can be put into place or maintained that can help the store run as efficiently as possible. You are told that the timeline can be in any visual format that you choose.

For this timeline, you are to reflect and address the following sets of questions:

  • What is digital growth? Where is the company now in terms of digital growth?
  • What are some examples of technological advances that could be used in a department store operation?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology?
  • What is Big Data? How might Big Data be used in this business?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of the store using Big Data?
  • Do you believe that updating technology and business practices will be advantageous? Why or Why not?

Part 2 – Understanding Digital Identity Formation


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to conduct research into how a digital footprint is created by looking at your own personal and professional life to determine your digital identity. In addition, you will be able to examine how an organization’s digital footprint impacts their overall success.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital identities that are formed and impacted through various methods. Your supervisor continues, saying, “They can develop or change through social media, positive or negative press, word of mouth, and so on.”

You begin to understand that the digital footprint of a business or organization can greatly impact their success or failure due to many factors, including the rapid dissemination of information that can occur digitally.

Your supervisor, through the course of the discussion, acknowledges that you are very fluent in the area of digital identity and asks you to conduct research and create a visual presentation explaining how digital identity is formed for both individuals and organizations. Your supervisor says, “This visual presentation will be presented to not only me, but company stakeholders and your coworkers in order to help them understand how identity is formed, and how to best maximize digital identity to contribute to the overall success of our store.”

Your supervisor continues, saying, “From this presentation, decision makers will be able to work on identity management and can then implement digital strategies in order to maintain or improve the store’s identity. In the end, this is intended to help increase exposure to the store, enhance the customer base, and the overall success of the store. The visual representation should be interactive and informative and can be presented in any visual format that you choose.”

For this research and presentation, you are to reflect upon and address the following topics:

  • What are the key methods of identity development? Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
  • Explain how technology and digital forums can aid in identity formation.
    • Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
    • Are there differences between identity development in the digital world and in the physical world?
    • As technology improves and changes, what are some things that individuals and organizations do to impact change and development in the digital age?
    • How can individuals change the course of action for organizations and their digital footprint?
  • How is the digital identity of your store in the above scenario formulated, and what impact might that identity have on the overall success of the store?

Part 3 – Examining the Digital World Through the Use of Sociological Theory


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of prominent sociological theories and how they impact the digital world.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. The Human Resources Department does not have adequate computer access and often requires employees to complete some business at home. They also require prospective employees to apply from home. You recognize that not all people have personal computers, and some might be accessing business and personal records from a public computer. There are two prominent sociological theories that can be used to easily examine computer usage for individuals and organizations. Those theories are Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.

At a staff meeting, you and your team are engaged in a discussion about the use of technology on both an individual and organizational level. You cite the digital divide as a major concern. Your store is considering an upgrade in some or all of their technological resources.

Recognizing that you are technologically savvy, your supervisor asks you to generate a visual comparison that considers the use of public computers versus a personal computer. You will rank concepts such as ease of use, time, and comfort in completing tasks, security factors, email management, and safety in conducting business that is typically completed on a computer that may lead someone to experience the digital divide (a difference between groups of people and their use of digital technology). You will also need to consider the sociological theories named above and explain how from a sociological perspective, it would benefit or hinder the store you work in to upgrade their technology.

Your comparison should consider various factors identified below and will illustrate the benefits and some potential limitations of utilizing technology. Your presentation will be presented to your supervisor and other members of the Operations Department in order to determine which, if any, components of the store’s current technological operations will be updated. The visual comparison can be in any engaging format that you select.

For this comparison chart, you are to reflect upon and address the following sets of questions/information.

  • Define conflict theory.
  • Define symbolic interaction theory.
  • Discuss how each of these theories would explain the use of technology and the development of the digital world we now live.
  • Consider multiple ways that society has changed in the past several decades and what contributed to that change.
  • Provide examples of technological growth and change over the past several decades.
  • Make direct correlations between the technologies that exist and the changes that have occurred at the organizational and societal levels in the past several decades.
  • Define digital divide.
  • Consider factors that create the digital divide, such as access to technology, socioeconomic status, age, personal interest, location of residence, etc.
  • Based upon factors that cause the digital divide, suggest ways that this divide can be combated.
  • How does the digital divide apply to the store that you work in for this scenario?
  • Which theoretical perspective can best be applied to your store in the above scenario to help explain and counter the impacts of the digital divide?

Part 4 – Using Sociological Theory to Understand Organizational Change


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to examine organizational changes that are due to technological changes and apply the sociological theory that would explain such change.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. As a department, you and your peers begin to discuss changes that your store could make to help the store become more profitable and more competitive in the marketplace. This leads to discussions about the evolution of business practices at larger corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Kohl’s, etc. Partway through your discussion, your Director of Operations comes in and joins the conversation. He likes what he is hearing and starts to brainstorm out loud with the group how your store can get “more with the times.”

Knowing that every change within an organization is made for a specific reason, your director asks that you research some of the key theoretical perspectives that would explain how and why organizations change. Because of your sociological prowess from your days in school, you know that you can apply Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory to the reasons for organization change, but your supervisor has asked for a minimum of three theories that would support change.

In addition to conducting research on theoretical perspectives for change, your supervisor would like you to put together some sort of visual representation that demonstrates how each of the theories explains organizational change, and then highlight the one that you think is most applicable to your store. You will be presenting your visual presentation to store management in an effort to provide them information so that they can determine the avenues of change that are most appropriate for your store. Because your supervisor sees the value in the changes to the organization, he has encouraged you to create a presentation that will grab the attention of the audience and that includes both pictorial and written information so that all the audience can easily envision the application of the change to your environment.

For this presentation you are to reflect and address the following information/questions:

  • Provide a brief definition of Conflict Theory.
  • Provide a brief definition of Symbolic Interaction.
  • What changes have been made in various aspects of society (work, school, shopping, etc.)? Explain them through the lens of Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.
  • How do Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory explain or impact organizational change?
  • Identify at least one other sociological theory, and demonstrate how it applies to organizational change in our society.
  • Of the three identified theories (Conflict, Symbolic Interaction, and the theory of your choice), which theory do you believe best explains organizational changes in our society? Consider various aspects of the organizations that change i.e. technology, online, and face-to-face transactions, local versus global operations, etc.

Part 5 – Evolution of Language


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online and digital forums due to advances and changes in technology.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You have always had a passion for communication and technology, and at your new store, you quickly realize that their methods of communication and their technological resources are outdated. You have worked retail for many years and over time have realized that there are many gaps and differences in the way that people communicate and the forms of technology that they are comfortable with. This applies to both your customers and your colleagues.

Because you feel that this is an area of expertise for you, you approach your supervisor and begin a discussion about communication changes and gaps in communication in conjunction with the technological changes that have happened over the last several decades. You and your supervisor discuss the best ways for your store to understand various communication methods and the gaps that exist in communication among your consumers and colleagues.

You volunteer to put together a written summary of broad spectrum changes in technology and the resulting changes in communication methods and gaps in communication. Your supervisor loves this idea. He does ask, however, that the information be presented in the form of a pamphlet or written statement that can be both presented to staff and handed out by Human Resources as a training tool for employee relations.

You are encouraged to provide as many examples of changes to communication methods that you can come up with. Also consider many different gaps in communication such as generational differences, differences in socioeconomic status, the region the people live in, interest in technology, setting in which you are communicating in (personal versus professional), etc. After considering these issues, your supervisor would like you to present some ideas as to how your store can bridge communication gaps between colleagues and with your customers.

For this written summary, you are to reflect upon and address the following information:

  • Consider various methods of communication, types of technology that can assist in communication, and other factors involving technology that may impact or change communication.
  • Consider several factors that impact access to communication in society. Some possible are socioeconomic status, access to technological resources, generational differences, differences in intellect, etc.
  • How have online environments and technological growth impacted how society communicates on both personal and professional levels? Be sure to provide specific examples of both.
  • How do changes in methods of communication create communication gaps in our society?
  • What are some ways that society can bridge communication gaps that happen as a result of technological growth?

Part 6 – Deviance Video Collage


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of deviance in the digital world and the changes to deviance that we see due to technological advances.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Since you began working with this organization, you have noticed that your team members are more comfortable with technology. However, the available technology in the store has not been updated. It is also apparent to you that as technology has improved in our society, so has the types of deviant behaviors that occur, and you’re aware that deviant behaviors in both the physical world and in digital environments can impact business practices.

With the observations that you have made, you approach your boss who has also noticed an increase in deviant behaviors within society and has an overall concern about how the store can be impacted.

Because of his increasing concern about the impact of deviant behaviors on the store, and his knowledge of your familiarity with the subject, you are asked by your supervisor to create a video collage that will demonstrate your interpretation of deviance in the digital world and the impact it can have on the store you are working in. Your supervisor informs you that this video collage will be presented to your supervisor and colleagues in order to help you and the business determine the types of deviance that need to be addressed, and how to effectively manage it through daily operations. Your supervisor encourages you to use a variety of visual representations in order to captivate your audience and get your message across.

For this video collage, you are to reflect and address the following questions and information.

  • What is defined as deviant in the physical world?
  • What is defined as deviant in the digital or online world?
  • Compare and contrast deviance between the two environments.
  • Consider various forms of deviance in both the physical and virtual worlds, and explain how they impact society.
  • How would Conflict Theory define deviance?
  • How would Symbolic Interaction Theory define deviance?
  • How do the theories discussed impact the meaning or interpretation of deviance in a digital or online environment?
  • How do you envision that deviance in the virtual world, or deviance due to technological advances, can impact your store?
  • What are some ways to manage various forms of deviance in the day-to-day operations of your store?

Part 7 – Narrated Presentation on Updated Business Practices


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to create a presentation for colleagues that will highlight the benefits of technological growth and how such growth impacts society’s structure, organizational structure, individual identity, and language.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. In your past work experience, you have utilized various forms of technology to complete daily job functions and have been part of updating technology to meet the demands of your organization. Technological advances can address all areas of the business including, but not limited to, how applicants apply for positions, the type of phone and computer systems operated, cash register functions, marketing methods, etc.

You have shared your thoughts with your supervisor, and he has tasked you with putting together a narrated presentation, with visuals for your peers, to share the overall benefits of utilizing modern technology to help improve overall efficiency for the business and help to expand the consumer base for the store.

For this narrated visual presentation, you are to reflect upon and include discussion of the following topics or categories:

  • Demonstrate how digital and technological growth can assist the organization:
    • Provide a definition for digital growth.
    • Explain how digital growth has impacted organizations.
    • Describe how digital growth impacts society as a whole and your store in the future.
  • Demonstrate how an individual creates their own digital identity, how it can impact organizational identity, and how these can be impacted by changes to technology:
    • Explain some key methods of identity development.
    • How can technology and digital forums help with personal or organizational identity formation?
    • What do individuals and employees as a whole have to do with developing the identity of an organization?
  • Demonstrate challenges and benefits to upgrading technological resources:
    • Describe main sociological theories that can describe an individual or a store’s ability to access technological resources.
    • Identify some key examples of societal change due to technology. What does this imply for your store?
    • What is the digital divide and how can this impact the use of technology in your store?
  • Examine your organization through a sociological perspective and explain benefits of change to the organization:
    • Conflict Theory – How is it defined and how would a Conflict Theorist justify upgrades in technology
    • Symbolic Interaction Theory – How is it defined and how would a Symbolic Interactionist justify or explain the need for upgrades to technology?
    • Outline additional theories that can help explain the need for technological growth at your store.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online environments and with the use of enhanced technology:
    • Examine some of the changes to technology that have impact language and communication.
    • Discuss differences in access to and familiarity with technology such as generational differences, socioeconomic differences, etc. How might this impact your store?
    • Consider how communication could change within your store for employees and consumers with various types of technology.
  • Demonstrate how deviance in the physical and virtual world could impact your store:
    • Provide a definition deviance in both the physical and the virtual world.
    • Explain how deviant behaviors have led to changes at your store and what considerations should be taken into account when upgrading technology at your store.

Consider Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction theory and how they would explain deviance and a method to overcome it at your store. On your final narrated visual, provide a summary that directly ties together your visuals and discussion points, and provide an overall statement of the benefits of updating technological resources to help the store run more efficiently.

Before recording your final narration, rehearse your presentation as if you are delivering it to a live audience so that you are fully prepared. Your presentation should be fluent and fluid in nature so that it is clear that you are the expert on the material that you are presenting to your audience.

*Please Note* I will not require you to narrate your presentation IF you provide DETAILED notes with your presentation. These notes should be exactly what you would say for each slide during your presentation.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to plan care for Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is a 38-year-old African American that presents with an altered level of consciousness (ALOC). He has been having headaches for the last three months but due to a hectic work schedule he has not been able to go to see his medical practitioner. During his last visit two years ago, his blood pressure was slightly elevated, but he never followed up. Upon arrival to the ED a CT scan is completed and it shows a large bleed near the frontal lobe. What should Mr. Jackson’s plan of care include?


Sociology in the Digital World-Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi There!

I am looking for help with this assignment! It is seven parts and each part has the rubric broken out. *See attached ‘Sociology in a Digital World’ file.

Please adhere to the rubrics, In my other assignments I have found the instructor to be very picky!

Thank you so much!!!

Part 1 – Digital Growth Timeline


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability evaluate how society’s structure adapts to digital growth.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. You have worked other places that have relied more on digital technology that have been extremely successful, in part because of their operating efficiency.

Your company is considering making upgrades to several of your operating processes. Because of your history of working in more technologically progressive environments, you are asked by your supervisor to create a visual presentation with a timeline of digital growth in the organization and compare it to the digital growth in society in general. In discussing this project with your boss, it is clear that digital growth can refer not only to Internet and computers, but it can also refer to other aspects of business operations such as cash registers, phone services, advertisements, various tools for communication, etc. Your supervisor asks that this timeline be created to help you, your supervisor, and other stakeholders determine the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed upgrade in technology in the workplace with the overall goal of understanding what systems can be put into place or maintained that can help the store run as efficiently as possible. You are told that the timeline can be in any visual format that you choose.

For this timeline, you are to reflect and address the following sets of questions:

  • What is digital growth? Where is the company now in terms of digital growth?
  • What are some examples of technological advances that could be used in a department store operation?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology?
  • What is Big Data? How might Big Data be used in this business?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of the store using Big Data?
  • Do you believe that updating technology and business practices will be advantageous? Why or Why not?

Part 2 – Understanding Digital Identity Formation


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to conduct research into how a digital footprint is created by looking at your own personal and professional life to determine your digital identity. In addition, you will be able to examine how an organization’s digital footprint impacts their overall success.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. One day while working, you are having a discussion about technology and identity formation with your supervisor. Your supervisor continues to explain that individuals and organizations have digital identities that are formed and impacted through various methods. Your supervisor continues, saying, “They can develop or change through social media, positive or negative press, word of mouth, and so on.”

You begin to understand that the digital footprint of a business or organization can greatly impact their success or failure due to many factors, including the rapid dissemination of information that can occur digitally.

Your supervisor, through the course of the discussion, acknowledges that you are very fluent in the area of digital identity and asks you to conduct research and create a visual presentation explaining how digital identity is formed for both individuals and organizations. Your supervisor says, “This visual presentation will be presented to not only me, but company stakeholders and your coworkers in order to help them understand how identity is formed, and how to best maximize digital identity to contribute to the overall success of our store.”

Your supervisor continues, saying, “From this presentation, decision makers will be able to work on identity management and can then implement digital strategies in order to maintain or improve the store’s identity. In the end, this is intended to help increase exposure to the store, enhance the customer base, and the overall success of the store. The visual representation should be interactive and informative and can be presented in any visual format that you choose.”

For this research and presentation, you are to reflect upon and address the following topics:

  • What are the key methods of identity development? Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
  • Explain how technology and digital forums can aid in identity formation.
    • Consider available technology, socioeconomic status, generational issues, access to technological resources, etc.
    • Are there differences between identity development in the digital world and in the physical world?
    • As technology improves and changes, what are some things that individuals and organizations do to impact change and development in the digital age?
    • How can individuals change the course of action for organizations and their digital footprint?
  • How is the digital identity of your store in the above scenario formulated, and what impact might that identity have on the overall success of the store?

Part 3 – Examining the Digital World Through the Use of Sociological Theory


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of prominent sociological theories and how they impact the digital world.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. The Human Resources Department does not have adequate computer access and often requires employees to complete some business at home. They also require prospective employees to apply from home. You recognize that not all people have personal computers, and some might be accessing business and personal records from a public computer. There are two prominent sociological theories that can be used to easily examine computer usage for individuals and organizations. Those theories are Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.

At a staff meeting, you and your team are engaged in a discussion about the use of technology on both an individual and organizational level. You cite the digital divide as a major concern. Your store is considering an upgrade in some or all of their technological resources.

Recognizing that you are technologically savvy, your supervisor asks you to generate a visual comparison that considers the use of public computers versus a personal computer. You will rank concepts such as ease of use, time, and comfort in completing tasks, security factors, email management, and safety in conducting business that is typically completed on a computer that may lead someone to experience the digital divide (a difference between groups of people and their use of digital technology). You will also need to consider the sociological theories named above and explain how from a sociological perspective, it would benefit or hinder the store you work in to upgrade their technology.

Your comparison should consider various factors identified below and will illustrate the benefits and some potential limitations of utilizing technology. Your presentation will be presented to your supervisor and other members of the Operations Department in order to determine which, if any, components of the store’s current technological operations will be updated. The visual comparison can be in any engaging format that you select.

For this comparison chart, you are to reflect upon and address the following sets of questions/information.

  • Define conflict theory.
  • Define symbolic interaction theory.
  • Discuss how each of these theories would explain the use of technology and the development of the digital world we now live.
  • Consider multiple ways that society has changed in the past several decades and what contributed to that change.
  • Provide examples of technological growth and change over the past several decades.
  • Make direct correlations between the technologies that exist and the changes that have occurred at the organizational and societal levels in the past several decades.
  • Define digital divide.
  • Consider factors that create the digital divide, such as access to technology, socioeconomic status, age, personal interest, location of residence, etc.
  • Based upon factors that cause the digital divide, suggest ways that this divide can be combated.
  • How does the digital divide apply to the store that you work in for this scenario?
  • Which theoretical perspective can best be applied to your store in the above scenario to help explain and counter the impacts of the digital divide?

Part 4 – Using Sociological Theory to Understand Organizational Change


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to examine organizational changes that are due to technological changes and apply the sociological theory that would explain such change.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. As a department, you and your peers begin to discuss changes that your store could make to help the store become more profitable and more competitive in the marketplace. This leads to discussions about the evolution of business practices at larger corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Kohl’s, etc. Partway through your discussion, your Director of Operations comes in and joins the conversation. He likes what he is hearing and starts to brainstorm out loud with the group how your store can get “more with the times.”

Knowing that every change within an organization is made for a specific reason, your director asks that you research some of the key theoretical perspectives that would explain how and why organizations change. Because of your sociological prowess from your days in school, you know that you can apply Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory to the reasons for organization change, but your supervisor has asked for a minimum of three theories that would support change.

In addition to conducting research on theoretical perspectives for change, your supervisor would like you to put together some sort of visual representation that demonstrates how each of the theories explains organizational change, and then highlight the one that you think is most applicable to your store. You will be presenting your visual presentation to store management in an effort to provide them information so that they can determine the avenues of change that are most appropriate for your store. Because your supervisor sees the value in the changes to the organization, he has encouraged you to create a presentation that will grab the attention of the audience and that includes both pictorial and written information so that all the audience can easily envision the application of the change to your environment.

For this presentation you are to reflect and address the following information/questions:

  • Provide a brief definition of Conflict Theory.
  • Provide a brief definition of Symbolic Interaction.
  • What changes have been made in various aspects of society (work, school, shopping, etc.)? Explain them through the lens of Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory.
  • How do Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory explain or impact organizational change?
  • Identify at least one other sociological theory, and demonstrate how it applies to organizational change in our society.
  • Of the three identified theories (Conflict, Symbolic Interaction, and the theory of your choice), which theory do you believe best explains organizational changes in our society? Consider various aspects of the organizations that change i.e. technology, online, and face-to-face transactions, local versus global operations, etc.

Part 5 – Evolution of Language


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online and digital forums due to advances and changes in technology.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You have always had a passion for communication and technology, and at your new store, you quickly realize that their methods of communication and their technological resources are outdated. You have worked retail for many years and over time have realized that there are many gaps and differences in the way that people communicate and the forms of technology that they are comfortable with. This applies to both your customers and your colleagues.

Because you feel that this is an area of expertise for you, you approach your supervisor and begin a discussion about communication changes and gaps in communication in conjunction with the technological changes that have happened over the last several decades. You and your supervisor discuss the best ways for your store to understand various communication methods and the gaps that exist in communication among your consumers and colleagues.

You volunteer to put together a written summary of broad spectrum changes in technology and the resulting changes in communication methods and gaps in communication. Your supervisor loves this idea. He does ask, however, that the information be presented in the form of a pamphlet or written statement that can be both presented to staff and handed out by Human Resources as a training tool for employee relations.

You are encouraged to provide as many examples of changes to communication methods that you can come up with. Also consider many different gaps in communication such as generational differences, differences in socioeconomic status, the region the people live in, interest in technology, setting in which you are communicating in (personal versus professional), etc. After considering these issues, your supervisor would like you to present some ideas as to how your store can bridge communication gaps between colleagues and with your customers.

For this written summary, you are to reflect upon and address the following information:

  • Consider various methods of communication, types of technology that can assist in communication, and other factors involving technology that may impact or change communication.
  • Consider several factors that impact access to communication in society. Some possible are socioeconomic status, access to technological resources, generational differences, differences in intellect, etc.
  • How have online environments and technological growth impacted how society communicates on both personal and professional levels? Be sure to provide specific examples of both.
  • How do changes in methods of communication create communication gaps in our society?
  • What are some ways that society can bridge communication gaps that happen as a result of technological growth?

Part 6 – Deviance Video Collage


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of deviance in the digital world and the changes to deviance that we see due to technological advances.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Since you began working with this organization, you have noticed that your team members are more comfortable with technology. However, the available technology in the store has not been updated. It is also apparent to you that as technology has improved in our society, so has the types of deviant behaviors that occur, and you’re aware that deviant behaviors in both the physical world and in digital environments can impact business practices.

With the observations that you have made, you approach your boss who has also noticed an increase in deviant behaviors within society and has an overall concern about how the store can be impacted.

Because of his increasing concern about the impact of deviant behaviors on the store, and his knowledge of your familiarity with the subject, you are asked by your supervisor to create a video collage that will demonstrate your interpretation of deviance in the digital world and the impact it can have on the store you are working in. Your supervisor informs you that this video collage will be presented to your supervisor and colleagues in order to help you and the business determine the types of deviance that need to be addressed, and how to effectively manage it through daily operations. Your supervisor encourages you to use a variety of visual representations in order to captivate your audience and get your message across.

For this video collage, you are to reflect and address the following questions and information.

  • What is defined as deviant in the physical world?
  • What is defined as deviant in the digital or online world?
  • Compare and contrast deviance between the two environments.
  • Consider various forms of deviance in both the physical and virtual worlds, and explain how they impact society.
  • How would Conflict Theory define deviance?
  • How would Symbolic Interaction Theory define deviance?
  • How do the theories discussed impact the meaning or interpretation of deviance in a digital or online environment?
  • How do you envision that deviance in the virtual world, or deviance due to technological advances, can impact your store?
  • What are some ways to manage various forms of deviance in the day-to-day operations of your store?

Part 7 – Narrated Presentation on Updated Business Practices


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to create a presentation for colleagues that will highlight the benefits of technological growth and how such growth impacts society’s structure, organizational structure, individual identity, and language.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. In your past work experience, you have utilized various forms of technology to complete daily job functions and have been part of updating technology to meet the demands of your organization. Technological advances can address all areas of the business including, but not limited to, how applicants apply for positions, the type of phone and computer systems operated, cash register functions, marketing methods, etc.

You have shared your thoughts with your supervisor, and he has tasked you with putting together a narrated presentation, with visuals for your peers, to share the overall benefits of utilizing modern technology to help improve overall efficiency for the business and help to expand the consumer base for the store.

For this narrated visual presentation, you are to reflect upon and include discussion of the following topics or categories:

  • Demonstrate how digital and technological growth can assist the organization:
    • Provide a definition for digital growth.
    • Explain how digital growth has impacted organizations.
    • Describe how digital growth impacts society as a whole and your store in the future.
  • Demonstrate how an individual creates their own digital identity, how it can impact organizational identity, and how these can be impacted by changes to technology:
    • Explain some key methods of identity development.
    • How can technology and digital forums help with personal or organizational identity formation?
    • What do individuals and employees as a whole have to do with developing the identity of an organization?
  • Demonstrate challenges and benefits to upgrading technological resources:
    • Describe main sociological theories that can describe an individual or a store’s ability to access technological resources.
    • Identify some key examples of societal change due to technology. What does this imply for your store?
    • What is the digital divide and how can this impact the use of technology in your store?
  • Examine your organization through a sociological perspective and explain benefits of change to the organization:
    • Conflict Theory – How is it defined and how would a Conflict Theorist justify upgrades in technology
    • Symbolic Interaction Theory – How is it defined and how would a Symbolic Interactionist justify or explain the need for upgrades to technology?
    • Outline additional theories that can help explain the need for technological growth at your store.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online environments and with the use of enhanced technology:
    • Examine some of the changes to technology that have impact language and communication.
    • Discuss differences in access to and familiarity with technology such as generational differences, socioeconomic differences, etc. How might this impact your store?
    • Consider how communication could change within your store for employees and consumers with various types of technology.
  • Demonstrate how deviance in the physical and virtual world could impact your store:
    • Provide a definition deviance in both the physical and the virtual world.
    • Explain how deviant behaviors have led to changes at your store and what considerations should be taken into account when upgrading technology at your store.

Consider Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction theory and how they would explain deviance and a method to overcome it at your store. On your final narrated visual, provide a summary that directly ties together your visuals and discussion points, and provide an overall statement of the benefits of updating technological resources to help the store run more efficiently.

Before recording your final narration, rehearse your presentation as if you are delivering it to a live audience so that you are fully prepared. Your presentation should be fluent and fluid in nature so that it is clear that you are the expert on the material that you are presenting to your audience.

*Please Note* I will not require you to narrate your presentation IF you provide DETAILED notes with your presentation. These notes should be exactly what you would say for each slide during your presentation.


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