I need a Powerpoint Presentation about PTSD ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help

I need a Powerpoint Presentation about PTSD ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help. I need a Powerpoint Presentation about PTSD ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help.

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I need a 6 minute Powerpoint presentation about PTSD


a. State your full name and the full name of your topic

b. Fully describe the nature of the illness/disorder

c. Discuss the signs and symptoms

d. Discuss the prevalence rates for the disorder

e. Discuss the causes of the disorder (if unknown, what do scientists speculate?)

f. Discuss how it affects the person and the family

g. Discuss the treatments, side effects of treatments, and costs of treatments

h. Discuss your opinion, personal reaction, and how it relates to what you learned in this class

I need a Powerpoint Presentation about PTSD ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Reading and Writing Essay Humanities Assignment Help

  • Based on Amoja Three Rivers’ “Cultural Etiquette,” Lynette Clemetson’s “The Racial Politics of Speaking Well,” and your own observations and experience, do some prewriting about issues of cultural sensitivity and language use. Don’t submit this, but look ahead: in Unit 3B we will discuss other texts dealing with this topic, and you will write and submit an essay dealing with any of this material you choose.
  • Amoja Three Rivers, “Cultural Etiquette: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned”
  • Lynette Clemetson, “The Racial Politics of Speaking Well”
  • Based on Natasha Spring’s “Freedom of Speech vs. Politically Correct Language” and John Leo’s “Free Inquiry? Not On Campus,” revise and expand the essay on cultural sensitivity and language use that you started in Unit 3A. Your revised essay (on all four texts) need not radically shift its focus or perspective on the issues (though it can), but it should meaningfully incorporate ideas and challenges from the two new readings into its discussion of the underlying issues. Use specific details from the texts to support and illustrate your observations, being sure to use quotation marks when including an author’s words.
  • Natasha Spring, “Freedom of Speech vs. Politically Correct Language”
  • John Leo, “Free Inquiry? Not On Campus”


The myth of computers in the classroom. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), Hill. Humanities Assignment Help

First, for this discussion, read the below reading and answer the associated question (100+ words). Be sure to quote and cite from the reading in your response.

  • Option 2 – Gekernter, D. (2014). Unplugged: The myth of computers in the classroom. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 212-215. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 214, “Rhetoric,” Question 3; The essay has a three-part structure, each section divided by space. How would you characterize the purpose of each section? How does the author use transitions to move from one section to the next?

Second, consider how the author’s argument applies to your writing. What points can you apply, especially when it comes to planning or outlining your paper? (100+ words)

Third, review the three versions of outlines for writing. Explore the merits of each type of outline. Identify which version you believe would most support your intended major writing assignment for this course. (100+ words)


Read the article and then write an essay based on the details below Humanities Assignment Help

  • Beginning with Henry Fountain’s “Proof Positive that People See Colors with the Tongue,” Sharon Begley’s “Why Language May Shape Our Thoughts”, and Lera Boroditsky’s “How Does Our Language Shape the Way We Think?”, locate and examine three additional sources (books, magazines, encyclopedia entries, websites, or online documents) dealing with linguistic relativity.
  • Create an annotated bibliography for your three new sources, in accordance with the guidelines explained in the UNC handout above. Describe the kind of source and the perspective each adopts toward LRH.
  • Based on all six texts and on your own observations and experience, write an essay in which you discuss your current view of LRH, its validity, and its importance. Refer to each of your sources in your discussion, remembering to use quotation marks when using an author’s words, and parenthetically citing each source from which you borrow ideas or information.
  • (LINKS of reading )
  • Henry Fountain, “Proof Positive that People See Colors with the Tongue”
  • Sharon Begley, “Why Language May Shape Our Thoughts”
  • Lera Boroditsky, “How Does Our Language Shape the Way We Think?”


COmic Book writing response Humanities Assignment Help




    • What role does memory play in TCAS? How is memory represented formally? How does the comic transition between memory and the present moment?
    • What roles do different time periods play in the narrative? How are they represented formally? How does the comic transition between the past and the present moment?
    • What imagery does the comic use to perpetuate or disrupt typical ideas or assumptions about witchcraft, gender, race, power, belief, oppression, etc.?
    • How does the comic critique current social issues or dynamics?
    • What is the relationship between image and text?
    • What do you make of Hack’s style? How does it make you feel?

In at least 350 words (not including any quotations from the text), analyze 1 significant, interesting page or double-page spread from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (this is cosmic book, not the film!!!). Be sure to read other posts before composing your own so you are contributing something new to the conversation. Primarily your goals are to:

1) Briefly offer some context of the page(s) and explain what interested you about them / why you chose them specifically.

2) Choose 1 formal element (relay, layout, transitions, closure, lettering, color, etc.), and analyze how it is employed in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

3) Discuss how this formal element is contributing to the narrative (ex. Why do you think the author/artist chose to utilize this particular element? What is the effect? Why do you find this element interesting or worthy of attention?). Think about not only what is happening in the story but how it is being depicted, paying special attention to the formal element you’ve chosen to focus on.

For tips on composing an analysis of visual texts, be sure to check out A Short Guide to Visual Rhetoric .pdf (see attached file)

4) Conclude your post with a question for the class that asks something about the comic that you want others’ opinion about. This question is meant to prompt more analysis of TCAS.

5) Include photo of the page(s) you’re looking as direct evidence (embed or attach file).



7 Core Assign Business Finance Assignment Help


In Unit 5 you laid out you plan for conducting your study. In Unit 6 you did the gathering of the data. In Unit 7 clean and code data, perform an exact analysis of data using appropriate tests, and correctly interpret the data. Given that you have completed your SPSS assignment, this should fairly straight forward for you. There are good descriptions of cleaning and coding in the book and in the Paddle exercise as well. As usual, let me know if you have difficulties.

Core Learning Outcomes

  • The student will collect, clean and code data, perform an exact analysis of data using appropriate tests, and correctly interpret the data.


After gathering their research data, students will clean and code the data and

prepare it for processing. The student will run appropriate data analysis.


Unit 7 Core Assessment Rubric

Unit 7 Core Assessment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe student will collect, clean and code data, perform an exact analysis of data using appropriate tests, and correctly interpret the data.

65.0 to >58.5 pts


Accurately collects and prepares data. (>=90% accuracy) Statistical tests are appropriate to the question using the right level of data. (>=90% accuracy) Correct interpretation of data. (>=90% accuracy)

58.5 to >52.0 pts

Above Expectations

Accurately collects and prepares data. (>=80% accuracy) Statistical tests are appropriate to the question using the right level of data. (>=80% accuracy) Correct interpretation of data. (>=80% accuracy)

52.0 to >45.5 pts

Meets Expectations

Collection and preparation of data with at least 70% accuracy. Statistical tests and levels of data are chosen with at least 70% accuracy. Interpretation of data is at least 70% accurate.

45.5 to >39.0 pts

Does Not Adequately Meet Expectations

Collection and preparation of data with at least 60% accuracy. Statistical tests and levels of data are chosen with at least 60% accuracy. Interpretation of data is at least 60% accurate.

39.0 to >0 pts

Fails to Meet Expectations

Inappropriately collects and prepares data. (<60% accuracy) Inappropriate analysis of data. (<60% accuracy) Unacceptable interpretation of data. (<60% accuracy)

65.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar

10.0 to >9.0 pts


Excellent grammar with an average of 1 or fewer errors per page.

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Above Expectations

Competent grammar with an average of 2 or fewer errors per page.

8.0 to >7.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Satisfactory grammar with an average of 3 or fewer errors per page.

7.0 to >6.0 pts

Does Not Adequately Meet Expectations

Adequate grammar with an average of 4 or fewer errors per page.

6.0 to >0 pts

Fails to Meet Expectations

Poor grammar with an average of 5 or fewer errors per page.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 75.0

7 Core Assign Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Can someone please write my paper/essay? Humanities Assignment Help

By the end of this course, you will complete a 4 or 5-page document-based research project. You will conduct research on a current issue from several different perspectives using both primary and secondary sources. You will also research current activism or plans of action to address the issue. Example topics can be, but are not limited to: The Link Between Racism and Poverty, Keeping or Removing the Electoral College, or Minority Rights Throughout American History. If you need help on choosing a topic, please message your class instructor.

Your research paper will include a detailed history of the issue and the historical events that brought the issue to the forefront of American political or social attention.

You will identify strategies of reform used successfully that you believe could apply to help find a solution to this contemporary problem. You will cite historical sources to explain the issue and argue your opinion about the best solution. You will use MLA style.

Stage One

Choose a topic and submit to your instructor. Wait for feedback and approval of topic.

Complete an annotated bibliography of all of your planned sources. Submit the annotated bibliography via this assignment. (100 points)

By the end of this course, you will complete a 4 to 5-page document-based research project. You will conduct research on a current issue from several different perspectives using both primary and secondary sources. You will also research current activism or plans of action to address the issue.

Your research paper will include a detailed history of the issue and the historical events that brought the issue to the forefront of American political or social attention.

You will identify strategies of reform used successfully that you believe could apply in order to discover a solution to this contemporary problem. You will cite historical sources to explain the issue and argue your opinion about the best solution. You will use MLA style.

Stage Two

Draft your research paper. Submit a draft of your paper to your instructor. (50 points)


finish 5 problem Mathematics Assignment Help


A 3-bit string is a string made up of 3 characters, each a 0 or a 1. Suppose you’d like to write out, in one string, all eight of the 3-bit strings in any convenient order.

For example, if you wrote out the 3-bit strings in the usual order starting with 000, 001, 010, . . . , you could concatenate them together to get a length 3 times 8 = 24 24-string that started 000001010. . . .

But you can get a shorter string containing all eight 3-bit strings by starting with 00010. . . . In which Now 000 is present as bits 1 through 3, and 001 is present as bits 2 through 4, and 010 is present as bits 3 through 5, . . . .

3-good string.png

  1. Say a string is 3-kool if it contains every 3-bit string as 3 consecutive bits somewhere in it. Find a 3-kool string of length 10, and explain why this is the minimum length for any string that is 3-kool.
  2. Explain how any walk that includes every edge in the graph shown in Figure determines a string that is 3-kool. Find the walk in this graph that determines your 3-kool string from part 1.
  3. Explain why a walk in the graph of Figure above that includes every every edge exactly once provides a minimum length 3-kool string.
  4. The situation above generalizes to k >=2. Namely, for each k there is a digraph, LaTeX: B_kB k, such that the nodes are V(LaTeX: B_kB k)=LaTeX: left{0,1right}^k{ 0 , 1 } k, and any walk through LaTeX: B_kB k that contains every edge exactly once determines a minimum length , (k+1)-kool bit-string. What is this minimum length?
  5. Define the transitions of Bk. Verify that the in-degree and out-degree of every vertex is even, and that there is a positive path from any vertex to any other vertex (including itself) of length at most k.


    Let x =21212121; y = 12121212: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD of x and y. Show all steps.


    There is a bug on the edge of a 1-meter rug. The bug wants to cross to the other side of the rug. It crawls at 1 cm per second. However, at the end of each second, a malicious first-grader named Shahrzaad stretches the rug by 1 meter. Assume that her action is instantaneous and the rug stretches uniformly. Thus, here’s
    what happens in the first few seconds:

    • The bug walks 1 cm in the first second, so 99 cm remain ahead.
    • Shahrzaad stretches the rug by 1 meter, which doubles its length. So now there are 2 cm behind the bug and 198 cm ahead.
    • The bug walks another 1 cm in the next second, leaving 3 cm behind and 197 cm ahead.
    • Then Shahrzaad strikes, stretching the rug from 2 meters to 3 meters. So there
      are now 3 times 3/2 = 4.5 cm behind the bug and 197 *3/2= 295.5 cm ahead.
    • The bug walks another 1 cm in the third second, and so on.


    (a) During second i , what fraction of the rug does the bug cross?
    (b) Over the first n seconds, what fraction of the rug does the bug cross altogether?
    Express your answer in terms of the Harmonic number LaTeX: H_n=frac{1}{1}+frac{1}{2}+frac{1}{3}+...+frac{1}{n}H n = 1 1 + 1 2 + 1 3 + . . . + 1 n
    (c) Our currently known universe is thought to be about LaTeX: 3cdot10^{10}3 ⋅ 10 10 light years in diameter.
    How many universe diameters must the bug travel to get to the end of the rug?
    (This distance is NOT the inflated distance caused by the stretching but only the actual walking done by the bug).


    To determine which of two people gets a prize, a coin is flipped twice. If the flips are a Head and then a Tail, the first player wins. If the flips are a Tail and then a Head, the second player wins. However, if both coins land the same way, the flips don’t count and whole the process starts over.Assume that on each flip, a Head comes up with probability p, regardless of what happened on other flips.

    • Use the four step method to find a simple formula for the probability that the first player wins.
    • What is the probability that neither player wins?

    Suggestions: The tree diagram and sample space are infinite, so you’re not going to finish drawing the tree. Try drawing only enough to see a pattern. Summing all the winning outcome probabilities directly is difficult. However, a neat trick solves this problem and many others.Hint: Let s be the sum of all winning outcome probabilities in the whole tree. Notice that you can write the sum of all the winning probabilities in certain subtrees as a function of s. Use this observation to write an equation in s and then solve.

    PROBLEM 5.

    If we raise an irrational number to an irrational power, can the result be rational?
    Show that it can by considering LaTeX: sqrt{2}^{sqrt{2}}2 2 and arguing by cases.(Note that LaTeX: sqrt{2}^{sqrt{2}}2 2is not rational, but …)


view debate:church and state Humanities Assignment Help

-Readings: Chapter 2 (GHSS) – The Constitution and Chapter 2 (GS)California’s Political Parties and Direct Democracy

https://vimeo.com/62476624 (Links to an external site.)

Separation of church (religion) and state (government) is a core concept in American democracy. The ideal of avoiding an official government religion and allowing for freedom to worship has been debated since the founding of the county. This debate revisits and renews many of the classic controversies surrounding this issue.

Does the United States have separation of church and state?

Separation of church (religion) and state (government) is a core concept in American democracy. The ideal of avoiding an official government religion and allowing for freedom to worship has been debated since the founding of the county. This debate revisits and renews many of the classic controversies surrounding this issue.

Church and state are officially tied together in the U.S.

Christianity is prominent culturally and socially, but it is not the official religion of the government.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that ”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
Obasohan and Falcon agree that Christianity is prominent in American society. Obasohan argues that this is because the government officially promotes it. Falcon argues that it is because millions of Americans freely choose to exercise their religion in public. What is your opinion on this question?

A few presidents have not specified specific religious beliefs, but most have.
11 Episcopalians
9 Presbyterians
4 Methodists
4 Baptists
4 Unitarians
3 Disciples of Christ
2 Dutch Reformed
2 Quakers
1 Catholic
1 Congregationalist

Grant Wacker says the Religious Right consists of Christians that hold basic beliefs: 1) moral absolutes exist.; 2) there are no clear lines between public and private spheres; 3) government’s proper role is to cultivate virtue, not to interfere with the marketplace; 4) Americans need to operate within a framework of common Judeo-Christian traditions.

Is it appropriate for Congress to support judges based on religion? If
Congressional constituents are religious people and want their representative to appoint judges with religious values, should the Congress follow the constituents in response to representative democracy or ignore their constituents to honor separation of church and state?

According to recent NSRI and ARIS data, Americans’ religious belief are
distributed as:
Christianity (76.5%)
Secular (13.2%)
Judaism (1.3%)
Islam (0.5%)
Buddhism (0.5%)
Agnostic (0.5%)
Atheist (0.4%)
Other (7.1%)

The Christian Right is referenced and discussed several times throughout the debate. Both debaters acknowledge it as a prominent force in American politics. Is the Christian Right powerful because it is a well organized interest group or a state sanctioned religion?

The First Amendment says that ”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . .” This statement is clear, but the prevalence and practice of religion in America has complicated the separation between church and state. WHAT DO YOU THINK?


Strategic Marketing Speaker Note Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

Create a professional presentation (using MS PowerPoint) that the CEO has asked you to share with the Board of Directors of your chosen institution. For this portfolio project, you will develop a strategic marketing plan; assessing the organization’s environment, identifying the consumer market, developing a mission and vision statement, summarizing quality initiatives, developing a plan for marketing the organization, and creating a monitoring measurement metric, to ensure future success of the organization.

The project will consist of the visual representations of the following elements:

  1. An introduction of the organization
  2. A mission and vision statement
  3. A SWOT analysis identifying the organizational competencies and strategic advantages
  4. Identification of the consumer, key stakeholders, and market
  5. A summary of a marketing direction for the organization (e.g., expansion of a service or new program)
  6. Recommendations for monitoring performance measurements to ensure the success of the organization’s strategic plan.
  7. Requirements:
    • Your presentation should be 10-15 slides in length, excluding the title and reference slides which must be included.
    • The presentation must be submitted as a PowerPoint file (.ppt) – do not submit as a PDF or Word file.
    • Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes – a minimum of 100 words per slide.
    • Integrate concepts, terms, and theories from the readings and module content.
    • You need to cite at least 10 sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. Six of these sources must come from academic journals. The CSU-Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find resources. Your paper must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.


I need a Powerpoint Presentation about PTSD ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help

I need a Powerpoint Presentation about PTSD ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help

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