I need help in statistics within 2 hours Mathematics Assignment Help

I need help in statistics within 2 hours Mathematics Assignment Help. I need help in statistics within 2 hours Mathematics Assignment Help.

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List the independent variable(s), dependent variable(s) for each scenario. What is the appropriate statistical test to analyze the result for each scenario (e.g. independent sample t test, ANOVA, paired sample t test, repeated measures)? (Multiple tests may be possible for some scenarios. You only need to name one test) (20 points)

Is there difference in the length of the passwords for email accounts, online financial accounts, and entertainment accounts between Americans and Australians?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the text entry rate between left-handed users and right-handed users?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the review ratings made by e-commerce customers in spring, summer, fall, and winter?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the number of targets hit per minute when playing a game between novice players, intermediate players, and expert players?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

List all possible experimental designs (e.g. between group, within group, split plot) to examine the following research question. Illustrate each design through a table. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each design. (20 points)

“Is there difference in the target selection speed between computer mouse, trackball, and joystick when selecting static targets and moving targets?”

I need help in statistics within 2 hours Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Video response Business Finance Assignment Help

This Discussion is based on the following video– Millennials: Changing Consumer Behavior: Goldman Sachs’ Lindsay Drucker Mann.”

The talk highlights the soul of this week’s chapter concept: consumer behavior and how marketers utilize data to steer purchase habits. All students are required to participate in this forum.

The responses to the “For Discussion” questions should be about three paragraphs (400+ words) in total.

Concepts, terms, and quoted material from the text, additional readings, or lecture should appear in bold font and include page citation where possible. Please use appropriate language, refrain from the use of expletives, and exhibit sound judgment in your posts and responses.


  • Allow about 3 minutes to listen to the video below.
  • You will provide a minimum of a total of three responses.
  • Your first response will be answering the questions below which are based upon what you learned from the case study.
  1. Why are advertisers focusing specifically on Millennials?
  2. What makes the Millennial a distinct demographic?
  3. Describe ways companies respond to capture the Millennial market?
  4. What is the importance of the “peer review” and “product research” to Millennials?
  5. What amazed you about this Talk?
  6. Create your topic: This means to select any part of the video presentation and either ask a question, make a comment, state an observation, and/or draw a conclusion based upon your experiences.


Thesis Proposal 6 Pages Writing Assignment Help

Problem: there is a rise in lone wolf terrorists over the last ten years

Purpose of the Study: To determine what impact U.S. policy has on the rise of lone wolf terrorists

Research Question: What impact has U.S. Policy had on the rise of lone wolf terrorists

Assignment Instructions

A formal thesis proposal shall be prepared in accordance with the standards of the academic discipline. The formal proposal must provide a clear and lucid description of a question or problem and a proposed method of answering the question or solving the problem. Capstone thesis faculty must approve the proposal before students move on to the next stage of the process. The proposal should explain the question or problem to be investigated and convince the thesis professor that the question or problem merits investigation. It should show that the student has read the relevant and recent literature on the subject and it should contain a list of academically appropriate resources consulted during the preliminary stages of research.

In general, the thesis proposal should include background information related to the research topic, purpose of the research, methodology, and analytic procedures to be used. Proposal drafting is considered a learning process and helps students avoid oversights and possible mistakes. The formal proposal should not exceed five (5) pages (proposal title page not included). For further guidance on what the thesis should contain, see Appendix 1 (reprinted below from the End of Program Assessment Manual).

Research Proposal – Specific Instructions

For the thesis proposal, include each element in an abbreviated format not to exceed five pages. PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED TEMPLATE TO ENSURE YOUR PROPOSAL CONFORMS TO THE STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS.

Appendix 1 MA Theses (adapted from the End of Program Assessment Manual)

MA Theses are expected to contain the following elements:

Introduction – Approximately one (1) page in length. Your introduction will provide background and contextual material justifying your topic. Your introduction will also include a statement of the problem followed by a purpose statement. The introduction concludes with one or several specific research questions that sets the general context for the study.

Literature Review – Approximately two (2) pages in length with at least six (6) peer-reviewed journal articles that address the conceptual elements of the thesis and demonstrate that there is a “research gap.” Your review of the literature centers on your specific research question(s). The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same of similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in a larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this topic. It provides current state of our accumulated knowledge as it relates to your specific research question. In your literature review you should summarize and synthesize the material. Identify the findings as well as the methodology used to obtain those findings.

Theoretical Framework – Approximately one (1) page in length which includes a scholarly source that illustrates the framework you may use in your own study. In this section you will identify the gap in the literature and explain how your thesis addresses that gap. You will also present, explain, and justify your preliminary thoughts on a theory or model that you will use in your study. If you are developing a model you should present a preliminary diagram. Finally, you should state a hypothesis that is testable.

Research Design. Approximately two (2) pages in length. This section represents your preliminary thoughts on how you will answer your research question(s). What design do you intend to use (i.e. case study method, mixed methods approach, interviews, surveys, policy evaluation). What data will you need to collect to answer your question? Where does this data exist? How will you collect it? How will you analyze it? What are the limitations of your method?

Reference List – References should be presented alphabetically in APA format.

Supporting Materials


I need to work on my statistic assignment within 2 hours! Mathematics Assignment Help

List the independent variable(s), dependent variable(s) for each scenario. What is the appropriate statistical test to analyze the result for each scenario (e.g. independent sample t test, ANOVA, paired sample t test, repeated measures)? (Multiple tests may be possible for some scenarios. You only need to name one test) (20 points)

Is there difference in the length of the passwords for email accounts, online financial accounts, and entertainment accounts between Americans and Australians?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the text entry rate between left-handed users and right-handed users?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the review ratings made by e-commerce customers in spring, summer, fall, and winter?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

Is there difference in the number of targets hit per minute when playing a game between novice players, intermediate players, and expert players?

Independent variable(s):

Dependent variable(s):

Statistical Method:

List all possible experimental designs (e.g. between group, within group, split plot) to examine the following research question. Illustrate each design through a table. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each design. (20 points)

“Is there difference in the target selection speed between computer mouse, trackball, and joystick when selecting static targets and moving targets?”

Analyze the following dataset using SPSS. Write down the specific test you run, explain why you choose to use that test, copy and paste the test result table generated by SPSS to the exam, report the test result using the standard statement. (20 points)

“A researcher is studying social media usage by high school students. The researcher recruited 16 high school freshmen and 16 high school seniors. He documented the number of hours each student spent on social media platforms in a period of 7 days. The data is listed below. Each number represents the number of hours a student in the specific group spent on social media platforms during the 7-day period. Is there a difference in the time spent on social media between the high school freshmen and the high school seniors?

Freshmen group: 11, 15, 4, 7, 20, 9, 7, 6, 14, 5, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 6

Senior group: 9, 12, 17, 7, 15, 21, 13, 18, 24, 6, 16, 10, 8, 19, 11, 14”


4 Phil proposal based on 4 chapters reading Writing Assignment Help

(3A) Advance an objection to the Against Taxation and Imprisonment argument (ch. 7) (page 110-120)

(3B) Advance an objection to the Modified FLO Argument (ch.8) (page 121-143)

(3C) Advance an objection to the Argument from Freds Puppies (ch. 9) (page 144-160)

(3D) Advance an objection to the Trolley Argument or advance an argument of your own against act utilitarianism (ch. 10)(page 161-172)


  • Each paper proposal is a four-sentence summary of a paper that you could write for the class
  • Here is the structure:

So-and-so says __________.

I will argue that __________, because __________.

One might object that __________.

I would reply that __________.

  • For purposes of these assignments, you may pretend that it is Kormans own view being presented in the chapter.
  • Here is a sample version of what you might submit for the first assignment. You are welcome to use the topics described there in your actual paper, but (needless to say) you cannot submit these exact proposals as your own paper proposal assignment.

Sample proposal:

Proposals for Prompts 1A and 1B Your Name Here

Prompt 1A

Korman says that God couldnt allow suffering. I will argue that God could allow suffering, because he would want to test our devotion. One might object that God wouldnt need to test our devotion since hes all-knowing and would already know how devoted we are. I would reply that even an all-knowing God cannot know what we will freely choose to do.

Prompt 1B

Korman says that believing in God has a higher expected utility than disbelief. I will argue that disbelief also has infinite expected utility, because for all we know God may send everyone to heaven. One might object that God couldnt send everyone to heaven, since God is perfectly just and it would be unjust to allow wrongdoers into heaven. I would reply that this objection fails, since there is at least some chance that God isnt perfectly just.



please use APA format Mathematics Assignment Help

Develop and write an APA 6th ed. Formatted paper 4-5 pages

Please provide complete solutions to the following problems. Explain your work in detail and justify the use of the statistic in each case. You may start with a non-directional test and then do a directional test if applicable.

  • Problems 64 and 72 in Supplementary Exercises presented at the end of chapter 9.
  • Problems 41 and 44 in Supplementary Exercises presented at the end of chapter 10. In problem 41 you may assume that the distribution of data is normal.
  • Problem 27 in Supplementary Exercises presented at the end of chapter 11.

Please use APA format with 6 peer reviewed references

please use APA format Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Finish 3 exersices Business Finance Assignment Help

EXERCISE 37 Single-Element Parallel Series—Part I

Now it’s time for you to apply the lesson. Once you’ve tried simple parallelism, you’ll
start to see opportunities to add parallelism to your writing during revision.
Write five sentences that contain verb series (at least one with a surprise in the
final verb).
Write five sentences that contain noun series (at least one in the subject position
and one in the object position)

EXERCISE 38 Single-Element Parallel Series—Part II

Now it’s time to attempt all three of the series types we’ve just studied.
a) Write three sentences that contain adjective series.
b) Write three sentences that contain adverb series.
c) Write three sentences that contain preposition series.
d) Write three sentences that combine two of these series.

EXERCISE 39 Multiple-Element Parallel Series

Complexity returns in these four series. The bonus for you as a writer is that they will
help ensure that readers will f nd your sentences easy to follow.
a) Write three sentences containing adjective-noun series.
b) Write three sentences containing subject-verb series.
c) Write three sentences containing subject-verb-object series.
d) Write three sentences containing verb-preposition-object series.

read file page183-198


Drawing compounds using Chem sketch Science Assignment Help


Please go through the instructions written and read them carefully

This assignment only requires chem sketch in order to be done .

I will post the instructions below and I will upload a file for the questions needed to be answered

Instructions :

This assignment is submitted as a Microsoft Word document . You are opening a blank Word document, building chemical models in the software, taking screen captures of what you build, and pasting them into the document. Please crop and resize appropriately so I can see them.

Follow the instructions to complete the models from Parts A and B. Most students choose to rebuild the tables for Part A and Part B and then paste the models directly into a table cell (include the other information required in additional columns). Organize it however you like as long as I can clearly find the Part A models (twelve models with MR and name) and the Part B models (four 3D ball-and-stick models

with CC, CH, and CCC bond lengths). Part A can be the line structures as given by the program. Part B MUST be 3D models. Do not hand write anything – all information in the lab must be typed or screen cap/pasted/cropped.


Write an evaluation of your intervention Humanities Assignment Help

Write an evaluation of your intervention

For this assignment Please use the information from the intervention assignment to answers the following: Do not copy and paste write in your own words

Write an evaluation of your intervention.

1.Include specific implications for educational practice in light of your project.

2. Explore recommendations for further study based on what you were unable to learn in your intervention.

3. Draw conclusions to summarize your project.

Length: 500 words

Please include APA style with citations

Please use the information from the intervention assignment to create a discussion post. Do not copy and paste write in your own words .

Intervention assignment below :


Learners comprise of people with different natures, which makes them have different learning skills and speeds. The students with normal learning mechanisms and speeds have an advantage over those with learning disabilities or those that require special care to learn effectively. Students who require special education comprise of those learners that are diagnosed with disabilities such as learning disabilities, hearing impairment, emotional disturbances, or autism that limit them acquiring education normally as others do. These students, during their pursuit of education, are faced with numerous challenges such as inability to access learning material, ineffective participation within class activities, unsupportive learning environment and peers, and inconclusive curriculum. The introduction of the act for individuals with disabilities was aimed at offering support to individuals with disabilities, it allowed for free access to public education and the inclusion of such learners within the educational system. The change brought numerous challenges to the teachers who are not well equipped to handle special learners making them face challenges in handling mixed classes and delivering quality education equally to all ( Debbag, 2017). Therefore, it is imperative to come up with an intervention plan that accommodates the challenges for learning by the special needs education, review the overall functions and gauge its effectiveness from institutions that have implemented the intervention.

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

Special education students have a right to access quality and beneficial education that will offer them good learning outcomes and support for their needs. In this regard, the best way to effectively cover these needs is through the use of Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs). The program seeks to offer educational services that are specialized and designed to benefit all types of learners despite the disabilities they possess. Also, the increased need for accountability led to the invention of the program to enable more focus on academic achievement, improvement of grades, and adjustment of the assessment techniques. Students with special educational needs require a learning technique that offers them an opportunity to learn more about being independent and incorporates teaching mechanisms that they can relate to and understand (Lee & Rispoli, 2016). The IEPs offer an educational program that involves modified programs essential for children with special needs. The program involves instructions that are specially designed, specified method of delivering the instructions, and modified criteria for boosting performance to enable the children with special needs to acquire educational progress that is meaningful (Beech, 2012). Also, the program is modified to fit individual needs through the participation of parents and professionals that are aware of the specific child’s prerequisites in the formulation of the program and adjustment of the educational system to accommodate the important needs.

The enrollment and participation in the program require the evaluation of the eligible learners through assessing their specific needs and the capabilities they have despite the condition. The information collected is then used in structuring an effective learning program that fits into the available abilities and complements the shortcomings brought about by the condition (Cortiella, & Burnette, 2008). The status of the learner after the evaluation is used as a basis for setting up learning and intervention goals contingent on the current necessities of the pupil. The IEPs use the goals set up as a means of measuring the progress of the individuals so as to gauge the effectiveness of the plan and adjust the faulty strategies set up. Also, the program includes various accommodations, modifications of the current procedures, the services requires for the children, and academic instructions required for the specific child. All these strategies are modified according to the individual needs depending on the evaluation process results that have inclusive information on the disability and the effects they have on the learning process of the specific child (Lee & Rispoli, 2016). Similarly, parental involvement in the child’s education is upheld through their participation in the program from the initial point of diagnosis, through the process of determination for the need of the special program to the scope of services to be issued to the child.

Components of the Individualized Education Program

The federal law that is involved with individuals with Disabilities set up clear guidelines of the components that must be present within the program for the effective handling of such learners. First, there needs to be a clear indication of the present performance of the child within the distressful areas and the skills they currently possess. The IEP also needs to include the goals to be achieved on an annual basis; these goals include both short term and long term goals that the child is required to achieve within the academic year (Beech, 2012). The aim of this step is to create a means of measuring whether the intervention is indicating any progress towards the achievement of the set goal, and once the year passes, other goals are set. Tracking of the student’s progress is also included in the program; each child has a specific measuring technique that is also communicated to their parent to maintain their roles within the education of the children.

Additionally, the services specially recommended for the child are also stipulated in the program with the inclusion of the instructions for the specialized program and the required services to attain good educational outcomes. The program clearly indicates the time for the individualized program, the regularity of the services and areas for their delivery (Beech, 2012). The program also outlines whether the student needs to participate in the mainstream classes, and if appropriate, the program includes the means of participation that do not restrict full participation (Siegel, 2017). Lastly, the program indicates the type of testing techniques that includes the specified accommodations for the child’s assessment and transitional programs that are aimed at improving the independence of the child and preparation for transition to secondary education or job environment. Therefore, the program is inclusive of all the requirements needed for the attainment of good learning outcomes and resources for achieving them.

Reasons for Recommending the Program

All children require a chance to learn and acquire expertise regardless of their abilities or disabilities is the main guiding principle towards the formation of an individualized education plan. The program is essential for solving the low academic expectation among the student with disabilities that is facilitated by the inefficiency of the educational system to accommodate their needs (Lee & Rispoli, 2016). Disability is associated with numerous inefficiencies that make the individuals have low expectations due to the constraints these individuals face within the education system. Learners possess different abilities that attribute to different learning outcomes, a factor that is also manifested within people with disabilities. The intervention is essential since it structures learning strategies and goals depending on the educational capability of the individual learner and the inefficiencies that need to be adjusted (Beech, 2012). Correspondingly, in the pursuit of education, children with disabilities encounter constrain that limit their ability to learn, which is often different depending on the nature of the disability. In this regard, the program is a good intervention strategy since it outlines all the services the individual requires to attain good academic outcomes and creates a plan that accommodates them. Learners with disabilities are required to meet standards similar to those without disabilities to attain entry to college or opportunity to compete with other students. The intervention allows for this through the various program modifications to allow for accommodations that allow the students equal access to information acquisition and an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and knowledge within the scope of their impairment.

The program has a high chance of causing positive change in their education since it involves interventions that include participation of special education and general teachers, therapists, counselors, the children, and parents, which enables the child to attain support from all the available sources. Formulation of the implementation plan for the individualized education for the students involves a collective meeting where the essential personnel for the program takes part in the process and decision making (Siegel, 2017). The students being most aware of the challenges they face and what they aim to achieve are given the upper hand in formulating their learning goals and plans. The other members of the intervention strategy get to understand the magnitude of the disability and the parts they have to play in the intervention to aid the children to acquire good educational outcomes, making it very effective in improving expectations (Lee & Rispoli, 2016). Consequently, this boosts the chances of success for the learner as the program involves collective participation from the comprehensive and competent that ensure the outlined goals are attained.

Additionally, the program is structured well enough to offer the required support needed by the disadvantaged students to enable them to have an equal chance of success as their peers. Some forms of disabilities limit the participation of students with disabilities from actively carrying out instructional activities and assessment; however, the incorporation of the program allows for adjustments to be made within the classrooms to allow for accommodations for such disabilities (Cortiella, & Burnette, 2008). Similarly, the intervention offers modifications of the school curriculum to fit the specific needs of the learners through the inclusion of assistive technological advancements. Also, it is recommended since the program includes the participation of teachers in offering additional support for the students within the collective lessons (Debbag, 2017). Subsequently, the program contains numerous interventions essential for improving learning outcomes and support for students with disabilities, which allows them to acquire education under a normal educational environment.

Effectiveness of the Program

A review of the various institutions that have fully incorporated the IEPs within their curriculum indicates that it brings about significant positive change within the education of learners with disabilities. A research was piloted to gauge the effectiveness of the IEPs among learners with learning disabilities within the Basin School in Saudi Arabia (Ahmed, 2015). The program within the school involved activities such as the building of the portfolios for the students from the relevant sources before enrollment into the program, parental participation, adjustment of the evaluation techniques, and participation of teachers. The results of the study indicated that the program is highly effective in boosting the educational outcomes of the special students (Ahmed, 2015). Also, the students involved in the program reported improved learning outcomes due to the program, their interaction with other students improved from the collective classes, and they acquired confidence in success due to the educational program.

Additionally, the program has indicated success within the Mary Lyon School that has a curriculum that includes strategies that are beneficial for students with disabilities. The school has different schoolchildren with debilities ranging from emotional disturbances and related behavioral disabilities (Cortiella, & Burnette, 2008). The classes are fully integrated with those with special needs acquiring the services they need to acquire equal learning outcomes. Also, the teachers involved in the delivery of services have the necessary training to handle both normal and special learners. The system involved incorporates all the essential components required for successful individualized education for learners with disabilities. An evaluation in the outcomes of the program indicates that the special needs students perform well within their assessment tests, indicating that the program is very effective in improving the academic expectations and provision of the necessary support for the learners to have a bright future (Lee & Rispoli, 2016).


In summary, the intervention for the low academic expectations and poor support for special needs students requires a plan that leads to an improvement of both. The individualized educational programs are the best fit since its main aim is offering specialized services within the education system to benefit all types of learners, especially those with special needs. The program works towards improving the learning environment and teaching techniques to give the learners with disabilities a chance to participate in the education system equally and attain positive outcomes. Similarly, it includes accommodations, modifications of the current procedures, the services required for the children, and academic instructions required for the specific students. The success of the program is evident from the various institutions that have applied it and acquired a positive outcome. Consequently, all schools should endeavor to include this program in their curriculum, and more funds need to be issued to support the program in public institutions.


Ahmed, E. Y. E. (2015). The Effectiveness of Individual Educational plan (IEP) Application among Pupils with Learning Disabilities (PLD) Basin School, Jazan, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Education and Research, 3(5), 109, 118.

Beech, M. (2012). Developing quality individual educational plans: A guide for instructional personnel and families. (Doctoral dissertation, Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta).

Cortiella, C., & Burnette, J. (2008). Challenging change: How schools and districts are improving the performance of special education students. National Center for Learning Disabilities.

Debbag, M. (2017). Opinions of Prospective Classroom Teachers about Their Competence for Individualized Education Program (IEP). Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(2), 181-185.

Lee, K., & Rispoli, K. (2016). Effects of Individualized Education Programs on Cognitive Outcomes for Children with Disabilities in Head Start Programs. Journal of Social Service Research, 42(4), 1-15.

Siegel, L. M. (2017). The complete IEP guide: How to advocate for your special ed child. Nolo.


Statistical Sensitivity analysis on MatLab Programming Assignment Help

Statistical Sensitivity Analysis:

-I will send you a paper on the topic. You will need to read and implement the method. This would require you to get comfortable with statistics. Once you understand the method, coding it down is very easy. “Attached below”

Requirements: Please type down the report in Word

1) Abstract (<200 words)

2) Background in layman language (i.e., no jargons and no excessive use of field-specific abbreviations). Write about the importance and applications of the topic you are investigating, what has been done in the literature, and how your project improves/related to the prior works and this class.<2 pages.

3) Technical details. <3 pages.

4) Results. <3 pages

5) conclusion. Summarize the report. Also, write about what you learned in this project. 1 page.

6) Appendix. Codes, detailed formulas/discussions/results


The most important criterion is “implementing/developing a method/algorithm that is relevant to one of the topics we have discussed in the class”. You should discuss your results and show that you have understood the topic. Please write your report in a professional style (i.e., avoid using slangs, …).

Topics Discussed in Class:

-Optimization (Gradient-based optimization, Heuristic Optimization, Multi-Objective Optimization)

-Gaussian Processes (GP modeling)

-Bayesian Calibration


I need help in statistics within 2 hours Mathematics Assignment Help

I need help in statistics within 2 hours Mathematics Assignment Help

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