I need help with my critical thinking class, the book we are using is called critical thinking by Paul and elder. Writing Assignment Help. I need help with my critical thinking class, the book we are using is called critical thinking by Paul and elder. Writing Assignment Help.
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For this week, please consider TWO problems or issues that you face (they can be big or small), and identify the assumptions, concepts, and point of view that you bring to the problems or issues.
You may submit the assignment in the following way (either written, or as an audio/video submission):
Problem/Issue 1: what is it?
1a. What assumptions do you have about this problem/issue? Name at least two, preferably more.
1b. What concepts are important for solving or addressing this problem/issue?
1c. What makes up your point of view with regard to this problem/issue? Where are you coming from on this, and how might that shape your response? What background do you have or not have in this problem/issue?
Problem/Issue 2: what is it?
2a. What assumptions do you have about this problem/issue? Name at least two, preferably more.
2b. What concepts are important for solving or addressing this problem/issue?
2c. What makes up your point of view with regard to this problem/issue? Where are you coming from on this, and how might that shape your response? What background do you have or not have in this problem/issue?
I need help with my critical thinking class, the book we are using is called critical thinking by Paul and elder. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Composing music and music editing Humanities Assignment Help
You have been commissioned to work on the theme music of the movie Singapura Love.
In Part 1, you will compose a melody for a solo singing voice and make a recording.
In Part 2, you will use the free software Microsoft Song Smith (which you can download fromhttps://aka.ms/songsmith–education–installer) or some other software to generate a musical instrument track for the singing voice track that you created in Part 1.
In Part 3, you will create an audio edit plan to combine the vocals (created in Part 1) and musical instrument backing track (created in Part 2).
In Part 4, you will edit and combine the singing vocal track with the musical instrument backing track and export the completed song to a single MP3 file.
In Part 5, you will produce a transcribed score of the song in PDF format.
In Part 6, you will create a “Making of” presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or some other presentation software to reflect on the entire process from Part 1 to Part 5, highlighting the challenges encountered and how you overcome them.
Part 1 – Create the singing vocals part for the song (20 marks)
Part 1a
Compose and create a complete melody for a solo voice. Create and use your own original lyrics. Create a singer’s voicetrack using software such as Garageband, Audacity, or any other audio recording software. You may choose to record your own voice or another singer’s voice. Try to minimise background noise by recording in a quiet environment.
Take at least FIVE (5)screenshots of your production process inside the software and provide descriptions under each screenshot to clearly explain the steps you have taken. Include the screenshots and descriptions in the document (in Microsoft Word .doc format).(10 marks)
Part 1b
Export the singing vocal track as a WAV or MP3 file.
(Hint: You can convert a WAV file to a MP3 file using the software Apple iTunes. Click on iTunes > Preferences and then click on the “Import Settings” button, then choose “MP3 encoder”. Next, right click on your song in iTunes, and then click on “Create MP3 version”. Finally,right click on the song and choose “Show in Finder” or “Show in Explorer” to locate the mp3 file on your computer’s hard drive.)(10 marks)
Part 1b marks distribution:
Appropriate use of Music Tempo(max 2 marks)
Construction of a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end, giving a sense of ‘story’(max 3 marks)
Overall quality as an audio experience for the audience (max 5 marks)
Part 2 – Create the musical instrument backing track(20 marks)
Required: Experiment with the free software Microsoft Song Smith (download it fromhttps://aka.ms/songsmith–education–installer) or some other software to compose and create a musical instrument backing track for your singing voice track which you have created in Part 1. The complete melody for the musical instrument track should be at least 24 bars long.
Part 2a
Take at least FIVE (5)screenshots of your production process inside Microsoft Song Smith or any other software, and provide short descriptions under each screenshot to explain the steps taken. Include the screenshots and descriptions in the document (in Microsoft Word .doc format).(10 marks)
Part 2b
Export the musical instrument backing track as a WAV or MP3 file and name it as, for example, “yourName–yourStudentId–part2.mp3”(Hint: You can convert a WAV file to a MP3 file using the software Apple iTunes. Click on iTunes > Preferences and then click on the “Import Settings” button, then choose“MP3 encoder”. Next, right click on your song in iTunes, and then click on “Create MP3 version”. Finally, right click on the song and choose “Show in Finder” or “Show in Explorer” to locate the mp3 file on your computer’s hard drive.) (10 marks)
Part 2b marks distribution:
Appropriate use of Music Tempo(max 2 marks)
Construction of a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end, giving a sense of ‘story’(max 3 marks)
Overall quality as an audio experience for the audience(max 5 marks)
Part 3 –Editing Plan to combine vocals with backing track(20 marks)
You may use the Sample Audio Plan in the Appendix section to create your own Audio Editing Plan to help you to appraise and compose your song. Please also insert this Audio Editing Plan of your music into your word document.
Marks distribution:
Accuracy of timing of audio tracks(max 2 marks)
Clarity of layout (max 2 marks)
Clarity of description (max 4 marks)
Creativity of content (max 4 marks)
Use of descriptive track names (max 4 marks)
Demonstrated attention to detail and planning(max 4 marks)
Part 4 –Combine the Vocal and Musical Instrument tracks(20 marks)
Combine the singing vocal track from Part 1 and the musical instrument track from Part 2 to createyour song. You may use Garageband or any other software to accomplish this.
You can place your singing vocal track on one track. Then place the musical instrument track on another separate track. You can try to change the tempo of the music (without changing the pitch of the notes) using Garageband or some other software.
Here are some additional suggestions:
•Use the Sound Loops Library inside GarageBand to enhance your music.
•Explore ways to add “cadences / turnarounds” to your music using GarageBand.
•Try to transpose suitable parts of your composition to add contrast and texture.
•Use the various software amplifiers, stomp boxes and sound effects inside GarageBand to make your music sound like other musical instruments. Explore ways to add sound effects like reverb, chorus, delay, etc.
•Export your music from GarageBand to iTunes.
•Inside iTunes, right–click on your file and convert your music file into MP3 format.
Important: Please do not use any music or loops which are copyrighted work of other people in your music composition. For example, it is absolutely not allowed to perform “covers” of a famous pop star’s music; even if it is performed entirely by you. Neither would you be allowed to “sample” copyrighted music from commercial musicians’ albums. Your music must be totally original and contain at least some musical elements in the Singapore style.
Marks distribution:
Accuracy of length of music according to Audio Editing Plan(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Music Tempo(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Track volumes(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Multiple tracks (max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Pan controls(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Effects and manipulation of sounds(max 2 marks)
Construction of a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end, giving a sense of ‘story’(max 4 marks)
Overall quality of the soundscape as an audio experience for the audience(max 4 marks)
Part 5 –Transcribing the Score of the Song(10 marks)
Apply your knowledge and use the free web application at Noteflight.com or any other software to generate the score sheet of your music composition. At the minimum, you must include the main melody of your singer’s vocal track, the lyrics of the song, and the notes of the musical instrument back track inside your score sheet. Add performance directions into your score sheet. You may use the Composer’s Checklist in the Appendix section to prepare the performance directions. Please also insert the score sheet of your music into your word document. Make sure you can visually see the musical notes of your score sheet inside your Word document.
Marks distribution:
Accuracy of transcription of main melody of song(max 4 marks)
Transcription of accompanying chords(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Music Performance Directions in score(max 4 marks)
Part 6 –Create the “Making Of” Presentation(8 marks)
Using PowerPoint or any other presentation software, create a Project Management / Reflection Journal document of your music composition, music recording, music transcription and editing processes. Document and discuss how you use music audio technology in each stage of your music creation process.Mention the music and audio and computer problems you faced technically and how you managed to solve them.
Marks distribution:
Clarity and Conciseness(max 2 marks)
Citation of resources used in APA, Harvard or MLA format(max 2 marks)
Technical content & presentation material(max 4 marks)
Composing music and music editing Humanities Assignment Help
You have been commissioned to work on the theme music of the movie Singapura Love.
In Part 1, you will compose a melody for a solo singing voice and make a recording.
In Part 2, you will use the free software Microsoft Song Smith (which you can download fromhttps://aka.ms/songsmith–education–installer) or some other software to generate a musical instrument track for the singing voice track that you created in Part 1.
In Part 3, you will create an audio edit plan to combine the vocals (created in Part 1) and musical instrument backing track (created in Part 2).
In Part 4, you will edit and combine the singing vocal track with the musical instrument backing track and export the completed song to a single MP3 file.
In Part 5, you will produce a transcribed score of the song in PDF format.
In Part 6, you will create a “Making of” presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or some other presentation software to reflect on the entire process from Part 1 to Part 5, highlighting the challenges encountered and how you overcome them.
Part 1 – Create the singing vocals part for the song (20 marks)
Part 1a
Compose and create a complete melody for a solo voice. Create and use your own original lyrics. Create a singer’s voicetrack using software such as Garageband, Audacity, or any other audio recording software. You may choose to record your own voice or another singer’s voice. Try to minimise background noise by recording in a quiet environment.
Take at least FIVE (5)screenshots of your production process inside the software and provide descriptions under each screenshot to clearly explain the steps you have taken. Include the screenshots and descriptions in the document (in Microsoft Word .doc format).(10 marks)
Part 1b
Export the singing vocal track as a WAV or MP3 file.
(Hint: You can convert a WAV file to a MP3 file using the software Apple iTunes. Click on iTunes > Preferences and then click on the “Import Settings” button, then choose “MP3 encoder”. Next, right click on your song in iTunes, and then click on “Create MP3 version”. Finally,right click on the song and choose “Show in Finder” or “Show in Explorer” to locate the mp3 file on your computer’s hard drive.)(10 marks)
Part 1b marks distribution:
Appropriate use of Music Tempo(max 2 marks)
Construction of a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end, giving a sense of ‘story’(max 3 marks)
Overall quality as an audio experience for the audience (max 5 marks)
Part 2 – Create the musical instrument backing track(20 marks)
Required: Experiment with the free software Microsoft Song Smith (download it fromhttps://aka.ms/songsmith–education–installer) or some other software to compose and create a musical instrument backing track for your singing voice track which you have created in Part 1. The complete melody for the musical instrument track should be at least 24 bars long.
Part 2a
Take at least FIVE (5)screenshots of your production process inside Microsoft Song Smith or any other software, and provide short descriptions under each screenshot to explain the steps taken. Include the screenshots and descriptions in the document (in Microsoft Word .doc format).(10 marks)
Part 2b
Export the musical instrument backing track as a WAV or MP3 file and name it as, for example, “yourName–yourStudentId–part2.mp3”(Hint: You can convert a WAV file to a MP3 file using the software Apple iTunes. Click on iTunes > Preferences and then click on the “Import Settings” button, then choose“MP3 encoder”. Next, right click on your song in iTunes, and then click on “Create MP3 version”. Finally, right click on the song and choose “Show in Finder” or “Show in Explorer” to locate the mp3 file on your computer’s hard drive.) (10 marks)
Part 2b marks distribution:
Appropriate use of Music Tempo(max 2 marks)
Construction of a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end, giving a sense of ‘story’(max 3 marks)
Overall quality as an audio experience for the audience(max 5 marks)
Part 3 –Editing Plan to combine vocals with backing track(20 marks)
You may use the Sample Audio Plan in the Appendix section to create your own Audio Editing Plan to help you to appraise and compose your song. Please also insert this Audio Editing Plan of your music into your word document.
Marks distribution:
Accuracy of timing of audio tracks(max 2 marks)
Clarity of layout (max 2 marks)
Clarity of description (max 4 marks)
Creativity of content (max 4 marks)
Use of descriptive track names (max 4 marks)
Demonstrated attention to detail and planning(max 4 marks)
Part 4 –Combine the Vocal and Musical Instrument tracks(20 marks)
Combine the singing vocal track from Part 1 and the musical instrument track from Part 2 to createyour song. You may use Garageband or any other software to accomplish this.
You can place your singing vocal track on one track. Then place the musical instrument track on another separate track. You can try to change the tempo of the music (without changing the pitch of the notes) using Garageband or some other software.
Here are some additional suggestions:
•Use the Sound Loops Library inside GarageBand to enhance your music.
•Explore ways to add “cadences / turnarounds” to your music using GarageBand.
•Try to transpose suitable parts of your composition to add contrast and texture.
•Use the various software amplifiers, stomp boxes and sound effects inside GarageBand to make your music sound like other musical instruments. Explore ways to add sound effects like reverb, chorus, delay, etc.
•Export your music from GarageBand to iTunes.
•Inside iTunes, right–click on your file and convert your music file into MP3 format.
Important: Please do not use any music or loops which are copyrighted work of other people in your music composition. For example, it is absolutely not allowed to perform “covers” of a famous pop star’s music; even if it is performed entirely by you. Neither would you be allowed to “sample” copyrighted music from commercial musicians’ albums. Your music must be totally original and contain at least some musical elements in the Singapore style.
Marks distribution:
Accuracy of length of music according to Audio Editing Plan(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Music Tempo(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Track volumes(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Multiple tracks (max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Pan controls(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Effects and manipulation of sounds(max 2 marks)
Construction of a narrative: a clear beginning, middle and end, giving a sense of ‘story’(max 4 marks)
Overall quality of the soundscape as an audio experience for the audience(max 4 marks)
Part 5 –Transcribing the Score of the Song(10 marks)
Apply your knowledge and use the free web application at Noteflight.com or any other software to generate the score sheet of your music composition. At the minimum, you must include the main melody of your singer’s vocal track, the lyrics of the song, and the notes of the musical instrument back track inside your score sheet. Add performance directions into your score sheet. You may use the Composer’s Checklist in the Appendix section to prepare the performance directions. Please also insert the score sheet of your music into your word document. Make sure you can visually see the musical notes of your score sheet inside your Word document.
Marks distribution:
Accuracy of transcription of main melody of song(max 4 marks)
Transcription of accompanying chords(max 2 marks)
Appropriate use of Music Performance Directions in score(max 4 marks)
Part 6 –Create the “Making Of” Presentation(8 marks)
Using PowerPoint or any other presentation software, create a Project Management / Reflection Journal document of your music composition, music recording, music transcription and editing processes. Document and discuss how you use music audio technology in each stage of your music creation process.Mention the music and audio and computer problems you faced technically and how you managed to solve them.
Marks distribution:
Clarity and Conciseness(max 2 marks)
Citation of resources used in APA, Harvard or MLA format(max 2 marks)
Technical content & presentation material(max 4 marks)
please follow APA no plagarism and references and cation must-RP Engineering Assignment Help
You have an option to purchase all of the assets of the Overland Railroad for $2.5 billion. The option expires in nine months. You estimate Overland’s current (month 0) present value (PV) as $2.7 billion. Overland generates after-tax free cash flow (FCF) of $50 million at the end of each quarter (i.e., at the end of each three-month period). If you exercise your option at the start of the quarter, that quarter’s cash flow is paid out to you. If you do not exercise, the cash flow goes to Overland’s current owners.
In each quarter, Overland’s PV either increases by 10% or decreases by 9.09%. This PV includes the quarterly FCF of $50 million. After the $50 million is paid out, PV drops by $50 million. Thus, the binomial tree for the first quarter is (figures in millions):
The risk-free interest rate is 2% per quarter.
- Build a binomial tree for Overland, with one up or down change for each three-month period (three steps to cover your nine-month option).
- Suppose you can only exercise your option now, or after nine months (not at month 3 or 6). Would you exercise now?
- Suppose you can exercise now, or at month 3, 6, or 9. What is your option worth today? Should you exercise today, or wait?
Please explain your answer in detail and provide in-text citations.
chemical properties of Continuous Production of ZIF-8 MOF Writing Assignment Help
in this project i am trying to list all the chemical properties of Continuous Production of ZIF-8 MOF
1.Desired Reaction Step-by-Step
2.Overall Desired Reaction
3.Undesired Reactions while Continuous Production of ZIF-8 MOF
Enthalpy and Equilibrium Information for Chemical Species
Tables listing heat of formation and ΔGf° for each of the reactants, products and side products data.
Table 1: Reactant Data
Reactants |
ΔHf° [kJ/mol] |
ΔGf° [kJ/mol] |
Table 2: Product Data
Products |
ΔHf° [kJ/mol] |
ΔGf° [kJ/mol] |
Table 3: Side Product Data
Side Products |
ΔHf° [kJ/mol] |
ΔGf° [kJ/mol] |
Table of catalysts that may be involved in the reaction another table for the reaction constants and the molar heat capacities
Catalysts |
ΔHf° [kJ/mol] |
ΔGf° [kJ/mol] |
at least 5 sources APA format
block chain and data funds plus block chain small quiz Writing Assignment Help
Answer the following question:
SQL is a pervasive querying language. While there is one primary SQL dialect that all SQL RDBMS implementations must support, and that’s ANSI SQL, each database platform comes out with its own context. Each of these dialects has its own DDL (Data Definition Language). DML (Data Manipulation Language). and DQL (Data Query Language). Other than for marketing purposes (to sell the product as unique), what is the value of creating a new variation of a SQL dialect.
Provide an example of one SQL dialect as part of your write-up.
- This is a required assignment, worth 15 points. The assignment must be submitted by the due date. Late assignment are not allowed.
- You are required to submit a minimum of two postings. Points will be deducted for not fulfilling this minimum requirement.
- Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
- Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
- Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for the course. A third is termination from the university.
Welcome to Week 6 discussion board!
A percentage of your grade is based on your posts on the Discussion Boards. You must post at least three times. One post should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion board, should be a minimum of 300 words, and should be posted no later than Thursday to give peers an opportunity to reply. The other post should be a thoughtful response to another student’s post, and should be a minimum of 100 words. In addition to the questions below, feel free to talk about any personal experience, thoughts, or ideas that are related to the discussion.
After watching the video & reading the article provided in the content area.
- Go ahead and set up a Bitcoin wallet.
- Describe and explain the process, you can also talk about any difficulties you have encountered.
block chain and data funds plus block chain small quiz Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Help me answer 26 Question of learning objectives about Anatomy. Science Assignment Help
1. Describe the general make-up of a tissue.
2. List the four primary tissue types.
3. Identify the three embryonic germ layers and name the adult structures that are derived from each.
4. List and explain the general characteristics of epithelial tissue.
5. Describe the major functions of epithelial tissue.
6. Classify epithelial tissues based on the number of cell layers and the shape of the cells.
7. Name and describe the various types of epithelial tissue, including their chief
functions and locations.
8. Relate the structural specializations of epithelial tissue with the functions they perform.
9. Differentiate between exocrine and endocrine glands, and unicellular and multicellular glands.
10. Categorize glands based on their structure and function.
11. List and describe the major functions of connective tissue.
12. Identify the specialized cells found in connective tissue.
13. Describe the three main components of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.
14. Discuss the types and functions of embryonic connective tissue.
15. Explain how adult connective tissue is classified.
16. Give an example of each type of connective tissue; describe its characteristic functions, and its location in the body.
17. Discuss the three types of muscle tissue by describing their general structures, locations in the body, and functions.
18. Describe the functional specialty of nervous tissue.
19. Compare the structure of the three types of neurons.
20. Explain the functions of neuroglia.
21. List the structural and functional characteristics of mucous, serous, and synovial membranes.
22. Describe the process of inflammation in response to tissue damage and explain how inflammation protects the body.
23. Relate the five major signs of inflammation and how they are produced.
24. Describe the three groups of cells based on their ability to regenerate.
25. Explain the major events involved in tissue repair.
26. Describe the age–related changes that occur in cells and in extracellular matrix.
IPAWS Mind Map Business Finance Assignment Help
Mind Map Discussion and Refinement project
Craft your mind map (as an illustration, or using one of the 30 day free trials) demonstrating your understanding of the IPAWS “network” of methods to transmit crucial emergency messaging to the public of your country of origin. Indicate where you perceive weaknesses or areas for innovation and enhancement. Deposit your personal original work as an assignment, and then copy that here so that the class may comment and collectively envision the optimal system (at your level of understanding.
Please note: As there are many mind mapping programs and more drawing programs that could be used to satisfy this project, I will insist on either a PDF file or a screen capture (more often a .png file) for the submission and original discussion.
*I haven’t found the ultimate program for this, for free or low cost. One I have used successfully, free, is Bubbl.us. It will allow three maps before it requires a fee. Another that was recommended to me is FreeMind (a little more complicated). If you have drawing skills, a Word file or PowerPoint works just as well.
- For this exercise, the setting will require responding in one continuous thread for each Country of Origin
- Place your mind map here as a PDF or a PNG file
- Your initial description should be 200-300 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
- Reply to classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50-200 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc., proposing refinements).
i am going to attache some of the classmates maps to help you.
rsch week 5 discussion post Science Assignment Help
The selection of a research design is guided by the study’s purpose and research questions and hypotheses, and the design then links the research questions and hypotheses to the data that will be collected. You should keep in mind, however, that the research process is interactive, not necessarily proceeding in a linear fashion from one component to the next. Rather, the writing of research questions could, for example, necessitate adjustments to the study’s purpose statement. Nevertheless, when presented together, the various components of a research study should align. As you learned last week, alignment means that a research study possesses clear and logical connections among all of its various components.
In addition to considering alignment, when researchers select a research design, they must also consider the ethical implications of their choice, including, for example, what their design selection means for participant recruitment, procedures, and privacy.
For this Discussion, you will evaluate quantitative research questions and hypotheses in assigned journal articles in your discipline and consider the alignment of theory, problem, purpose, research questions and hypotheses, and design. You will also identify the type of quantitative research design the authors used and explain how it was implemented. Quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental are examples of types of research designs used in quantitative research.
With these thoughts in mind, refer to the Journal Articles document for your assigned articles for this Discussion. If your last name starts with A through I, use Article A. If your last name starts with J through R, use Article B. If your last name starts with S through Z, use Article C.
By Day 4
Post a critique of the research study in which you:
- Evaluate the research questions and hypotheses.
The Research Questions and Hypotheses Checklist serves as a guide for your evaluation. Please do not respond to the checklist in a Yes/No format in writing your Discussion post.
- Identify the type of quantitative research design used and explain how the researchers implemented the design.
- Analyze alignment among the theory, problem, purpose, research questions and hypotheses, and design.
Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.
2208-CE-5327-001-CONSTR ESTIMATING & SCHEDULING (Term Project) Engineering Assignment Help
I have uploaded all the description of the projects
There is an assignments for each week in order to finish this project. We have till end of November 30, 2020
For the first assignment :
Note: The scope of this assignment is only the comfort station.
-Please read the project specification and check the drawings and list all the information regarding the sitework of the comfort station.
-Please conduct net-in-place quantity takeoff for the sitework of the comfort station. (It’s due on OCT 3rd)
** I will post the rest of the assignment gradually (No need to finish the project at once).
At the end I need a PowerPoint for the project to do a presentation.