I need help with my final exam they are 5 essay questions! Science Assignment Help

I need help with my final exam they are 5 essay questions! Science Assignment Help. I need help with my final exam they are 5 essay questions! Science Assignment Help.

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Question 1

What are the
advantages and disadvantages of a life style as an ectotherm? Consider
thermoregulation, metabolism, respiration, circulation, and any other
physiological adaptations. In which type of environment would it be best
to be an ectotherm? How have ectotherms in the arctic adapted to

Question 2

Your best friend at SBCC is from the
Andes mountains in Peru. She is 12th the generation Peruvian, and was
born and lived her first 18 years of life in Cusco, Peru at 11,000 feet.
You are 8 the generation Santa Barbarian and have lived here your whole
life. You two run the SBCC track together every Tuesday and Thursday
but you can never run as fast or as far. Compare your physiology to hers
and explain why. What happens physically and physiologically to you
when you go home with her for the summer?

Question 3

lost your pet dog At Joshua Tree National Park on Father’s Day weekend
(the desert with averagedaily temps of 120°F). What physiological
struggles will your pet have? What might they do to cope? Consider its
thermoregulation, metabolism, behavior, and other physiological effects.

Question 4

I shrunk the kids! Apart from the obvious challenges of vacuum cleaners
and predatory house cats, consider the physiological changes that would
occur, or that would be necessary for normal body function, if these
children were miniaturized to about 1/100 original body size (in direct
1:1 proportion). Discuss in detail physiological changes or problems
related to metabolic rate, scaling of physiological processes,
temperature regulation, osmoregulation, energy intake, respiratory
physiology, and/or any other area of environmental adaptation discussed
this semester. You may assume that these children are in a comfortable
home (about 75°F) and encounter periods of strenuous exertion when
evading predators.

Question 5

Pretend we are friends at a
cocktail party and I ask you about your semester. You are so excited
about your animal physiology class and cannot wait to share three really
interesting things you learned. Go for it! Tell me what this exciting
new bit of knowledge is and explain it so your accounting major friend
can understand. Please provide enough detail so I can learn something
and understand.

Just instructions from my professor.

(You MUST answer in your
own words. Any bit of plagiarism will result in a zero for the entire
exam. Please be thorough and provide as much detail as you can without
adding ancillary facts that do not add to the answer. In other words, be
direct but detailed. These questions are intended to make you think and
start to put the different concepts together to come up with well
thought out, coherent answers.)

I need help with my final exam they are 5 essay questions! Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

InfoTech in a Global Economy Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 19 – The digital divide remains formidable in scaling information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled opportunities for effective leadership and development in countries lagging behind, (Ahmed, 2015). Based on the case study, the authors reminded us that, the practice of e-Participation provides an avenue for adaptation, application, and utilization of ICT as a subset of e-Commerce, in the realm of e-Democracy and, it is a concept needed to bridge the existing digital gap within and across countries in a global context.

From the chapter, we learned that as the world moves at a faster and voluminous pace, there is a need to acquire technology and the skill to use it, as is increasing at the rate beyond those societies that are unable to remedy their inadequacies. However, the challenges to meet this pressure could be enormous, but not insurmountable, and the means to address such challenges are abundantly available in ICT-supported processes like e-Participation.

Q1 – From this context, what is the functional role of the ICT?

  • identify and name the functional role of the ICT, and
  • provide a short narrative to support your response,
  • provide substantive feedback to three other colleagues response to the DF questions,
  • DON’T COPY and PASTE responses from textbooks and any other digital Internet sources,
  • 1.25 points earned for correctly addressing ALL of the above


Chapter 19 – Buente, and Robbin (2008), and Hilbert (2011) outlined different angles in conceptualizing digital divide. They included subjects, characteristics, means, intensity, and purpose of connectivity corresponding to inquiries of ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’. On the other hand, Huang and Chen (2010) added the dynamics of evolution to address the questions of whether and when.

Q2 – What were the approaches and inquiries for the discourse framework on eParticipation and simulation exercise as conceptualized by the authors?

  • identify and name the six approaches and inquiries,
  • provide a brief narrative for each,
  • provide substantive feedback to three of your colleagues’ DF work,
  • DON’T COPY and PASTE responses from textbooks and any other digital Internet sources,
  • 1.25 points earned for correctly addressing ALL of the above.


The impact of technological devices in the USA in the next 10 years Writing Assignment Help


  • Introduces the topic
  • Provides the research problem that will be addressed by the research
  • Clearly, state the claim or the thesis statement
  • Presents a brief description of the sub-section of the research

A. section 1

  • Background reading on the topic
  • More information from the second resources

B. section 2

  • Presents at least one primary source(interview or survey)

C. Section 3

  • Presents the analysis by the researcher on the basis of data collected from primary and secondary sources
  • Presents the opinion and position of the researcher on the topic. your final position or claim, or thesis, on the topic should be given based on the analysis done in the research


Brief concluding remarks to be followed by recommendations

Work cited (ten sources) MLA


Common Belief Essay Post Write Submit Assignment Writing Assignment Help


The goals of LART 250 are for you to “demonstrate the reading and writing process and metacognitive awareness in a combined reading and writing portfolio of your strongest work.” To practice for the final portfolio, you will write a 500 word post-write reflecting on your process and choices in producing the literacy narrative essay.

This assignment is also a part of your Essay 4 (Common Belief Essay) grade. You must complete this assignment satisfactorily to get a grade on your essay. Not completing this assignment means you will get a non-passing grade on your essay for EWRT 1A.

Post Write Assignment:

1. What did you need to know or do to write your Common Belief essay? Summarize Schulz’s argument in “evidence.” Use a quote to help you show your understanding of her argument. How does your essay demonstrate her ideas?

2. Describe your process developing this draft. What steps did you take? What assignments, readings, or class activities helped you?

3. Acknowledge the readers-respondents who gave you feedback. What feedback did you use? How did their feedback shape your essay? Refer me to a specific passage where you made a significant change to your essay. Why does this change improve the effectiveness of the essay?

4. How did you contribute to building a #helpful peer feedback culture in our class? Describe the kind of feedback you gave and to whom and explain how your comments were helpful. What do you want to work on to improve your helpfulness in your feedback? What strategies can you use to improve? How else are you contributing to our community in the class?

5. Do you see your essay as a successful essay? Why do you do you see your essay this way? Describe how your essay works and how it meets the criteria we wrote together as a class. Refer me to specific passages that meet the criteria.

6. How can I help you most in my response to this draft? What parts are you concerned about, or where are you uncertain about your decisions? Please be specific. What questions do you have for me as a reader?

7. Review the Essay Grading Rubric (it’s also under the “Resources” module in Canvas). How would you assess your own essay? Why would you assess it this way?

A successful Post write will…

  • Answer all the questions thoughtfully and honestly (the post write will meet the word count).
  • Quote or paraphrase specific parts of your essay to show what you’re talking about.
  • Quote or paraphrase specific comments made during Eli reviews to show what you’re talking about.
  • Explain your answers with reasons, specific details from your work, or experiences in the class.
  • Format your post write using MLA guidelines in a word document. Please use numbers or paragraphing to indicate when you are responding to a new question or shifting to a new idea.


Paper on The Cambridge Five- Russian Spies Writing Assignment Help

“The Cambridge Five” – Soviet Union Spies

3 Cold War Spies: Motives & How they got Caught

Did espionage affect the course of the Cold War or did the Cold War spawn forty years

of mystery, international intrigue, spy wars and periods of spy mania, leading to the

largest national security state in history? Starting with a fresh look at the case of Julius

and Ethel Rosenberg — how they got caught and whether or not they were guilty – and

ending with the saga of Edward Snowden and the NSA surveillance controversy — this

course examines the Cold War’s most important spy cases and operations to better

understand the interplay between the world of secrets and the world of statecraft and

technology. After all, the global conflict was a clash between governments with opposing

ideologies as well as a war between intelligence agencies.

Other topics include the rise of superpower espionage and the face-off between the CIA

and the KGB, the role of technological (spy satellites, planes, submarines, intercepts)

versus human espionage (spies), Berlin as spy-city and the Berlin Tunnel, a tale of two

spy-novelists (Ian Fleming & John Le Carré), LSD and mind-control, defectors, moles

and mole-hunting, the rise of the spy bureaucracy, spy motivations, spy catchers, and

scientific-technical espionage. We will look closely at the case of Edward Snowden and

his NSA revelations as a legacy of the Cold War enabled by 9/11 and the Patriot Act. We

will close with a discussion of, and debate about the CIA torture report.

A research paper or project, 8-12 pages.

The body of the paper should be double-spaced with margins normal 1-inch sized

margins on the top, bottom and sides. The footnotes or endnotes should be single-spaced.

4. You should expand the annotated bibliography you developed for the mid-term proposal

and include both primary and secondary sources. Divide primary and secondary sources

into separate sections.

5. Choose an appropriate title. A good title is both snazzy and captures the essence or

argument of the paper. All papers must have a title.

6. Aim for an argumentative edge and do have a thesis statement.



Speech & Outline Writing Assignment Help

5 Min Speech on the Cartoon Character the Joker & Outline


Commemorative speeches

The following items are required to be included in the speech and should be included on the outline. Your instructor may provide additional details concerning the requirements for your outline. Any additional requirements will be announced in class.


A.Attention-getting device.

B.Central idea statement revealing main points.


A.Write a declarative sentence identifying your first main point.

1.(Support)Provide details to help explain your main point.

2. (Support) Continue providing enough detail to fill out the main point completely.

3. (Support)If necessary…

use a signpost or transition statement between main points

B.Write a declarative sentence identifying your second main point.




use a signpost or transition statement between main points

C.Not all speeches will have a third point, but if you are including an additional point, make sure that it is developed with ­supporting materials.





A.Signal the ending of the speech.

B.Reinforce the central idea and summarize main points.

C.Conclude with a vivid/memorable ending.

IV. Bibliography (APA)

Speech & Outline Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

create a slide-show presentation on Adobe Spark. For the presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Guidelines: To finish out the course, you will create a slide-show presentation on Adobe Spark. For the presentation, you will present an analysis of a film or television character exemplifying a concept covered in this course/textbook. Think of this project as an opportunity to teach someone something important about interpersonal communication! See yourself in the role of the instructor! Teach us!!!

Presentation Content: Presentations should be based on and explore ONE concept covered as part of the course but illustrated with an example not previously used in class or in the textbook. You will create a 4-6 minute slideshow as your online presentation.

  • As part of your presentation, you will be required to answer a few questions:
    • What is the concept? Identify and thoroughly define it for the class.
    • Connect the concept to a film or television character(s).
    • Introduce the character or characters to the class.
    • Describe the aspects of the characters’ emotion(s), thought(s), and behavior(s) that serve as evidence for illustrating the concept.

Presentation Slideshow: For this presentation, you will use Adobe Spark to create your slideshow.

  • Go to this link:

https://spark.adobe.com/sp/design/video/041add6b-cab2-4608-9b4d-a9ff82370f5d (Links to an external site.)

  • Create an account with your personal email or Google account so you can sign in and out/save your work.
  • Watch the tutorial about “Getting Started.” After you finish the “Getting Started” tutorial, dive in and create your slide show!
  • Once you complete your slideshow, download a copy for yourself and create a link to post on Canvas in the Presentation Module (click on “Share”). As a back-up, you can post both the link and a copy of your slideshow.
  • Your slides should
    • (a) be in a logical order
    • (b) catch the attention of the audience
    • (c) include graphics, and/or photos of the character(s)
    • (d) have no grammatical mistakes.
    • (e) have proper citation(s) from the textbook.
    • The slides should not be full of lots of text!
  • You are required to include narration in your presentation, so you will need access to a microphone.
  • Your delivery should be formal. You should not sound like you are reading from a script!

Slideshow Expectations:

  • Students will be evaluated by the instructor according to the rubric posted on Canvas.
  • Points will be docked for presentations that go under the allotted time of 4 minutes or over the allotted 6 minutes. Given that there is a time constraint, one of your challenges will be to select the most critical pieces of information to present.
  • This assignment is worth 25 points. See assignment rubric for breakdown of points.


Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to prompt

15.0 to >5.0 pts

Initial post includes all required elements in a thorough and thoughtful manner.

5.0 to >2.0 pts

Max one required element is missing.

2.0 to >0 pts

More than one required element is missing

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

10.0 pts


Volume at acceptable level. Slides is in-focus, clear. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

5.0 pts


Volume at near-acceptable level. Picture/slide has some focus/clarity issues. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

0.0 pts


No attention paid to volume or picture/video. Presentation is under 4 minutes in length.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0


I need someone to do a research portfolio for me Humanities Assignment Help

For this assignment I want you to find two articles from a magazines or newspapers that discuss topics such as pay gap between men and women and also how the strain theory plays role in African- Americans deviance.




For this research project you are to select 2 articles from magazines or newspapers. You are to write a 2-3 page(MLA FORMAT DOUBLE SPACED) reaction to each of the two articles discussing how they relate to sociological theory and topics discussed in class or present in the course readings. . Please see the rubric concerning how this project will be evaluated. The rubric is not meant to micro manage you, rather to provide a broad framework while allowing you and your peers to creatively write in different directions.

Each paper should use 12 point Times New Roman font and standard margins. You must submit your completed portfolio to blackboard (do not e-mail me your papers).

Rubric: please look over the rubrics as your write!!







Information is very organized with a very logical structure.

Information is organized with a somewhat logical structure.

Information is fairly organized with little coherent structure.

Information is not organized and has little to no coherent structure.

Recognizing the key points

The most applicable course topics present in the article are addressed by the author and expanded upon in depth.The author provides much support for their main points.Theories and concepts are bolded as they are brought up.

A few applicable course topics present in the article were addressed though could be expanded upon to make connections clearer.The author provides some support for their main points.

The most applicable course topics present in the article were barely addressed by the author and expanded upon with little depth.The author provides a little support for his/her main points.

The most applicable course topics were not addressed.The author provides little to no support for his/her main points.


The author discusses important implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

The author discusses some weak implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

The author discusses some no implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.


Violence in Schools Humanities Assignment Help

write a 6-8 paragraph in response. The paper must have a clear, strongly worded thesis statement, clear topic sentences, and relevant support from the texts listed. The maximum numbers of in-text citations is 4, and these must be documented in MLA parenthetical format.


The paper must be in MLA format (1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 font, etc.). A Works Cited page is not necessary but is good practice. The paper must exhibit both critical thinking and the traits of a good argument.

  1. Violence in schools is one of the current challenges society must face. Some say arm teachers; others say have more law enforcement on campus. Are these potential solutions of treating the symptom while ignoring the root of the problem? Is there a mental health issue at hand? Analyze the problem of school violence and argue how it should be addressed in contemporary society. Use support in the form of general analysis and from “What Should America Do about Gun Violence”, “Children Killing Children- Just Another Normal Day”, and/ or “Mental Health Services a Defense against School Violence”


Client profile for literacy activity( Adapted Story) Health Medical Assignment Help

Your specific “client” will be developed by answering the following questions. Some things to remember:

  • This is an adapted book for a client who uses AAC (as opposed to a client who is verbal but not meeting the expected milestones for literacy)
  • This is an adapted book for a client who is at the “emergent” stage of literacy development
  • This is an adapted book for a client who would be classified as having “complex communication needs”. This means that there WILL be motor issues to address.
  • The attached files has the rubrics that will help for this assignment,also attached is some power points talking about adapted stories and literacy development,use all the information given to create an adapted book for a client.
  • The book chosen is “llama llama red pajama”
  • [supanova_question]


    • Create an account with your personal email or Google account so you can sign in and out/save your work.
    • Watch the tutorial about “Getting Started.” After you finish the “Getting Started” tutorial, dive in and create your slide show!
    • Once you complete your slideshow, download a copy for yourself and create a link to post on Canvas in the Presentation Module (click on “Share”). As a back-up, you can post both the link and a copy of your slideshow.
    • Your slides should
      • (a) be in a logical order
      • (b) catch the attention of the audience
      • (c) include graphics, and/or photos of the character(s)
      • (d) have no grammatical mistakes.
      • (e) have proper citation(s) from the textbook.
      • The slides should not be full of lots of text!
    • You are required to include narration in your presentation, so you will need access to a microphone.
    • Your delivery should be formal. You should not sound like you are reading from a script!

    Slideshow Expectations:

    • Students will be evaluated by the instructor according to the rubric posted on Canvas.
    • Points will be docked for presentations that go under the allotted time of 4 minutes or over the allotted 6 minutes. Given that there is a time constraint, one of your challenges will be to select the most critical pieces of information to present.
    • This assignment is worth 25 points. See assignment rubric for breakdown of points.


    Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

    Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to prompt

    15.0 to >5.0 pts

    Initial post includes all required elements in a thorough and thoughtful manner.

    5.0 to >2.0 pts

    Max one required element is missing.

    2.0 to >0 pts

    More than one required element is missing

    15.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

    10.0 pts


    Volume at acceptable level. Slides is in-focus, clear. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

    5.0 pts


    Volume at near-acceptable level. Picture/slide has some focus/clarity issues. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

    0.0 pts


    No attention paid to volume or picture/video. Presentation is under 4 minutes in length.

    10.0 pts

    Total Points: 25.0


    I need someone to do a research portfolio for me Humanities Assignment Help

    For this assignment I want you to find two articles from a magazines or newspapers that discuss topics such as pay gap between men and women and also how the strain theory plays role in African- Americans deviance.




    For this research project you are to select 2 articles from magazines or newspapers. You are to write a 2-3 page(MLA FORMAT DOUBLE SPACED) reaction to each of the two articles discussing how they relate to sociological theory and topics discussed in class or present in the course readings. . Please see the rubric concerning how this project will be evaluated. The rubric is not meant to micro manage you, rather to provide a broad framework while allowing you and your peers to creatively write in different directions.

    Each paper should use 12 point Times New Roman font and standard margins. You must submit your completed portfolio to blackboard (do not e-mail me your papers).

    Rubric: please look over the rubrics as your write!!







    Information is very organized with a very logical structure.

    Information is organized with a somewhat logical structure.

    Information is fairly organized with little coherent structure.

    Information is not organized and has little to no coherent structure.

    Recognizing the key points

    The most applicable course topics present in the article are addressed by the author and expanded upon in depth.The author provides much support for their main points.Theories and concepts are bolded as they are brought up.

    A few applicable course topics present in the article were addressed though could be expanded upon to make connections clearer.The author provides some support for their main points.

    The most applicable course topics present in the article were barely addressed by the author and expanded upon with little depth.The author provides a little support for his/her main points.

    The most applicable course topics were not addressed.The author provides little to no support for his/her main points.


    The author discusses important implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

    The author discusses some weak implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

    The author discusses some no implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.


    Violence in Schools Humanities Assignment Help

    write a 6-8 paragraph in response. The paper must have a clear, strongly worded thesis statement, clear topic sentences, and relevant support from the texts listed. The maximum numbers of in-text citations is 4, and these must be documented in MLA parenthetical format.


    The paper must be in MLA format (1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 font, etc.). A Works Cited page is not necessary but is good practice. The paper must exhibit both critical thinking and the traits of a good argument.

    1. Violence in schools is one of the current challenges society must face. Some say arm teachers; others say have more law enforcement on campus. Are these potential solutions of treating the symptom while ignoring the root of the problem? Is there a mental health issue at hand? Analyze the problem of school violence and argue how it should be addressed in contemporary society. Use support in the form of general analysis and from “What Should America Do about Gun Violence”, “Children Killing Children- Just Another Normal Day”, and/ or “Mental Health Services a Defense against School Violence”


    Client profile for literacy activity( Adapted Story) Health Medical Assignment Help

    Your specific “client” will be developed by answering the following questions. Some things to remember:

  • This is an adapted book for a client who uses AAC (as opposed to a client who is verbal but not meeting the expected milestones for literacy)
  • This is an adapted book for a client who is at the “emergent” stage of literacy development
  • This is an adapted book for a client who would be classified as having “complex communication needs”. This means that there WILL be motor issues to address.
  • The attached files has the rubrics that will help for this assignment,also attached is some power points talking about adapted stories and literacy development,use all the information given to create an adapted book for a client.
  • The book chosen is “llama llama red pajama”
  • [supanova_question]


    • Create an account with your personal email or Google account so you can sign in and out/save your work.
    • Watch the tutorial about “Getting Started.” After you finish the “Getting Started” tutorial, dive in and create your slide show!
    • Once you complete your slideshow, download a copy for yourself and create a link to post on Canvas in the Presentation Module (click on “Share”). As a back-up, you can post both the link and a copy of your slideshow.
    • Your slides should
      • (a) be in a logical order
      • (b) catch the attention of the audience
      • (c) include graphics, and/or photos of the character(s)
      • (d) have no grammatical mistakes.
      • (e) have proper citation(s) from the textbook.
      • The slides should not be full of lots of text!
    • You are required to include narration in your presentation, so you will need access to a microphone.
    • Your delivery should be formal. You should not sound like you are reading from a script!

    Slideshow Expectations:

    • Students will be evaluated by the instructor according to the rubric posted on Canvas.
    • Points will be docked for presentations that go under the allotted time of 4 minutes or over the allotted 6 minutes. Given that there is a time constraint, one of your challenges will be to select the most critical pieces of information to present.
    • This assignment is worth 25 points. See assignment rubric for breakdown of points.


    Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

    Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to prompt

    15.0 to >5.0 pts

    Initial post includes all required elements in a thorough and thoughtful manner.

    5.0 to >2.0 pts

    Max one required element is missing.

    2.0 to >0 pts

    More than one required element is missing

    15.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

    10.0 pts


    Volume at acceptable level. Slides is in-focus, clear. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

    5.0 pts


    Volume at near-acceptable level. Picture/slide has some focus/clarity issues. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

    0.0 pts


    No attention paid to volume or picture/video. Presentation is under 4 minutes in length.

    10.0 pts

    Total Points: 25.0


    I need someone to do a research portfolio for me Humanities Assignment Help

    For this assignment I want you to find two articles from a magazines or newspapers that discuss topics such as pay gap between men and women and also how the strain theory plays role in African- Americans deviance.




    For this research project you are to select 2 articles from magazines or newspapers. You are to write a 2-3 page(MLA FORMAT DOUBLE SPACED) reaction to each of the two articles discussing how they relate to sociological theory and topics discussed in class or present in the course readings. . Please see the rubric concerning how this project will be evaluated. The rubric is not meant to micro manage you, rather to provide a broad framework while allowing you and your peers to creatively write in different directions.

    Each paper should use 12 point Times New Roman font and standard margins. You must submit your completed portfolio to blackboard (do not e-mail me your papers).

    Rubric: please look over the rubrics as your write!!







    Information is very organized with a very logical structure.

    Information is organized with a somewhat logical structure.

    Information is fairly organized with little coherent structure.

    Information is not organized and has little to no coherent structure.

    Recognizing the key points

    The most applicable course topics present in the article are addressed by the author and expanded upon in depth.The author provides much support for their main points.Theories and concepts are bolded as they are brought up.

    A few applicable course topics present in the article were addressed though could be expanded upon to make connections clearer.The author provides some support for their main points.

    The most applicable course topics present in the article were barely addressed by the author and expanded upon with little depth.The author provides a little support for his/her main points.

    The most applicable course topics were not addressed.The author provides little to no support for his/her main points.


    The author discusses important implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

    The author discusses some weak implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

    The author discusses some no implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.


    Violence in Schools Humanities Assignment Help

    write a 6-8 paragraph in response. The paper must have a clear, strongly worded thesis statement, clear topic sentences, and relevant support from the texts listed. The maximum numbers of in-text citations is 4, and these must be documented in MLA parenthetical format.


    The paper must be in MLA format (1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 font, etc.). A Works Cited page is not necessary but is good practice. The paper must exhibit both critical thinking and the traits of a good argument.

    1. Violence in schools is one of the current challenges society must face. Some say arm teachers; others say have more law enforcement on campus. Are these potential solutions of treating the symptom while ignoring the root of the problem? Is there a mental health issue at hand? Analyze the problem of school violence and argue how it should be addressed in contemporary society. Use support in the form of general analysis and from “What Should America Do about Gun Violence”, “Children Killing Children- Just Another Normal Day”, and/ or “Mental Health Services a Defense against School Violence”


    Client profile for literacy activity( Adapted Story) Health Medical Assignment Help

    Your specific “client” will be developed by answering the following questions. Some things to remember:

  • This is an adapted book for a client who uses AAC (as opposed to a client who is verbal but not meeting the expected milestones for literacy)
  • This is an adapted book for a client who is at the “emergent” stage of literacy development
  • This is an adapted book for a client who would be classified as having “complex communication needs”. This means that there WILL be motor issues to address.
  • The attached files has the rubrics that will help for this assignment,also attached is some power points talking about adapted stories and literacy development,use all the information given to create an adapted book for a client.
  • The book chosen is “llama llama red pajama”
  • [supanova_question]


    • Create an account with your personal email or Google account so you can sign in and out/save your work.
    • Watch the tutorial about “Getting Started.” After you finish the “Getting Started” tutorial, dive in and create your slide show!
    • Once you complete your slideshow, download a copy for yourself and create a link to post on Canvas in the Presentation Module (click on “Share”). As a back-up, you can post both the link and a copy of your slideshow.
    • Your slides should
      • (a) be in a logical order
      • (b) catch the attention of the audience
      • (c) include graphics, and/or photos of the character(s)
      • (d) have no grammatical mistakes.
      • (e) have proper citation(s) from the textbook.
      • The slides should not be full of lots of text!
    • You are required to include narration in your presentation, so you will need access to a microphone.
    • Your delivery should be formal. You should not sound like you are reading from a script!

    Slideshow Expectations:

    • Students will be evaluated by the instructor according to the rubric posted on Canvas.
    • Points will be docked for presentations that go under the allotted time of 4 minutes or over the allotted 6 minutes. Given that there is a time constraint, one of your challenges will be to select the most critical pieces of information to present.
    • This assignment is worth 25 points. See assignment rubric for breakdown of points.


    Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

    Presentation Grading Rubric (1)

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to prompt

    15.0 to >5.0 pts

    Initial post includes all required elements in a thorough and thoughtful manner.

    5.0 to >2.0 pts

    Max one required element is missing.

    2.0 to >0 pts

    More than one required element is missing

    15.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

    10.0 pts


    Volume at acceptable level. Slides is in-focus, clear. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

    5.0 pts


    Volume at near-acceptable level. Picture/slide has some focus/clarity issues. Presentation is 4-6 minutes in length

    0.0 pts


    No attention paid to volume or picture/video. Presentation is under 4 minutes in length.

    10.0 pts

    Total Points: 25.0


    I need someone to do a research portfolio for me Humanities Assignment Help

    For this assignment I want you to find two articles from a magazines or newspapers that discuss topics such as pay gap between men and women and also how the strain theory plays role in African- Americans deviance.




    For this research project you are to select 2 articles from magazines or newspapers. You are to write a 2-3 page(MLA FORMAT DOUBLE SPACED) reaction to each of the two articles discussing how they relate to sociological theory and topics discussed in class or present in the course readings. . Please see the rubric concerning how this project will be evaluated. The rubric is not meant to micro manage you, rather to provide a broad framework while allowing you and your peers to creatively write in different directions.

    Each paper should use 12 point Times New Roman font and standard margins. You must submit your completed portfolio to blackboard (do not e-mail me your papers).

    Rubric: please look over the rubrics as your write!!







    Information is very organized with a very logical structure.

    Information is organized with a somewhat logical structure.

    Information is fairly organized with little coherent structure.

    Information is not organized and has little to no coherent structure.

    Recognizing the key points

    The most applicable course topics present in the article are addressed by the author and expanded upon in depth.The author provides much support for their main points.Theories and concepts are bolded as they are brought up.

    A few applicable course topics present in the article were addressed though could be expanded upon to make connections clearer.The author provides some support for their main points.

    The most applicable course topics present in the article were barely addressed by the author and expanded upon with little depth.The author provides a little support for his/her main points.

    The most applicable course topics were not addressed.The author provides little to no support for his/her main points.


    The author discusses important implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

    The author discusses some weak implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.

    The author discusses some no implications of the article’s points for society based on his/her analysis.


    Violence in Schools Humanities Assignment Help

    write a 6-8 paragraph in response. The paper must have a clear, strongly worded thesis statement, clear topic sentences, and relevant support from the texts listed. The maximum numbers of in-text citations is 4, and these must be documented in MLA parenthetical format.


    The paper must be in MLA format (1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 font, etc.). A Works Cited page is not necessary but is good practice. The paper must exhibit both critical thinking and the traits of a good argument.

    1. Violence in schools is one of the current challenges society must face. Some say arm teachers; others say have more law enforcement on campus. Are these potential solutions of treating the symptom while ignoring the root of the problem? Is there a mental health issue at hand? Analyze the problem of school violence and argue how it should be addressed in contemporary society. Use support in the form of general analysis and from “What Should America Do about Gun Violence”, “Children Killing Children- Just Another Normal Day”, and/ or “Mental Health Services a Defense against School Violence”


    Client profile for literacy activity( Adapted Story) Health Medical Assignment Help

    Your specific “client” will be developed by answering the following questions. Some things to remember:

  • This is an adapted book for a client who uses AAC (as opposed to a client who is verbal but not meeting the expected milestones for literacy)
  • This is an adapted book for a client who is at the “emergent” stage of literacy development
  • This is an adapted book for a client who would be classified as having “complex communication needs”. This means that there WILL be motor issues to address.
  • The attached files has the rubrics that will help for this assignment,also attached is some power points talking about adapted stories and literacy development,use all the information given to create an adapted book for a client.
  • The book chosen is “llama llama red pajama”
  • [supanova_question]

    I need help with my final exam they are 5 essay questions! Science Assignment Help

    I need help with my final exam they are 5 essay questions! Science Assignment Help

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