i need help Writing Assignment Help. i need help Writing Assignment Help.
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select one quantitative research study and one qualitative study related to the field of nursing and write a summary of each study. Each summary must be accurate, succinct, and clear. These articles should be somewhat related to your PICOT questions.
What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative, and design)?
2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?
3. What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes?
4. What was the setting of the study?
5. What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify one.)
** submit the research study articles along with your summaries.
Each summary should be between 150–250 words.
Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.
First, for patients who are 65 or older, how does having indwelling catheter compared to no indwelling catheter influence the risk for developing urinary tract infection in a month?
Second, in patients who are 65 or older with symptoms of UTI, does starting an antibiotic without proper diagnosis compared to using alternative modalities more effective treatment or relief in managing the symptoms until appropriate diagnosis are in place?
Lastly, does treating asymptomatic symptoms of urinary tract infection with antibiotics in patients who are 65 and older reduces the urinary infection and complication after initiation of the medication?
i need help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Write essay about this arctic I will send some photos Writing Assignment Help
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide
range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and
facilitate new forms of scholarship.Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at. It was a commonplace of criticism in the 1960s that a strict applicati symmetry allowed a painter “to point to the center of the canvas” and, in to invoke the internal structure of the picture-object. Thus “pointing to the c was made to serve as one of the many blocks in that intricately constructed ar which the criticism of the last decade sought to connect art to ethics thr “aesthetics of acknowledgement.” But what does it mean to point to the ce t.v. screen?
In a way that is surely conditioned by the attitudes of Pop Art, artists’ video is largely involved in parodying the critical terms of abstraction. Thus when Vito Acconci makes a video tape called Centers (1971), what he does is literalize the critical notion of ‘pointing’ by filming himself pointing to the center of a television monitor, a gesture he sustains for the 20-minute running time of the work. The parodistic quality of Acconci’s gesture, with its obvious debt to Duchampian irony, is clearly intended to disrupt and dispense with an entire critical tradition. It is meant to render nonsensical a critical engagement with the formal properties of a work, or indeed, a genre of works-such as ‘video’. The kind of criticism Centers attacks is obviously one that takes seriously the formal qualities of a work, or tries to assay the particular logic of a given medium. And yet, by its very mis-en-scene, Centers typifies the structural characteristics of the video medium. For Centers was made by Acconci’s using the video monitor as a mirror. As we look at the artist sighting along his outstretched arm and forefinger towards the center of the screen we are watching, what we see is a sustained tautology: a line of sight that begins at Acconci’s plane of vision and ends at the eyes of his projected double. In that image of self-regard is configured a narcissism so endemic to works of video that I find myself wanting to generalize it as the condition of the entire genre. Yet, what would it mean to say, “The medium of video is narcissism?”
notecard assignment Humanities Assignment Help
Notecard Assignment : This assignment is based on the suggestions of past students and
instructors from this course and will help you learn more about how to organize your papers. For this
assignment, you must bring at least 20 notecards to class. First, carefully read the two articles you have
chosen on childhood in your country. As you read, on your notecards, you will write the author’s name
(or abbreviation) and one fact only. You must 1., paraphrase this fact (it should not be a direct quote)
and 2.,. Make sure you are ONLY paraphrasing facts from the paper’s results and conclusion, not from
the literature review. the articles must be on certain country which is Saudi Arabia so it would be regarding childhood in Saudi Arabia P.S: based on this assignment i would hire the person who works on this assignment to do the whole research paper for this my social course.
homework 99 Writing Assignment Help
Answer all questions fully. Answers shall summarize the requested information in a readable format where applicable. Fully cite your source of information at the beginning of the assignment, then explain in your own words the requested information as applicable. All work must be your own, sharing of work is a violation of academic integrity. Neatness (spelling, grammar and appearance) counts.
Short Answer (1 point)
1. In designing a building, the first and most critical step is determining the ___________.
2. Buildings in which multiple uses occur are called ___________________.
3. Describe three methods used by the model codes to address buildings in which multiple uses occur.
4. Name three types of buildings that have special use and occupancy requirements:
5. What impact do the packaging method and packaging materials have on the Group F
6. Under what circumstances can age be used as a determining factor in determining the
use and occupancy of a building?
7. Does a fire inspector have the authority to order the installation of a sprinkler system in a building that has been illegally changed from a warehouse to a nightclub? Why or why not? Justify your answer.
8. When used in describing construction types protected means _____________.
9. According to the North Carolina Building Code, noncombustible unprotected construction is classified
as type __________.
10. According to the North Carolina Building Code, heavy timber construction is classified as type _______.
11. What four elements are used by the model building codes to establish limits on building height and area?
12. Rated assemblies and components are tested under fire conditions prescribed by the ___________.
13. What is the primary difference between a fire wall and a fire barrier?
14. Fire-resistance ratings for listed assemblies are expressed in terms of _________ . Is the fire-resistance rating of an assembly a good indicator of its actual performance under fire conditions? Why or why not? Justify your answer.
Discussion Questions (3 points)
a. Does the current occupancy reflect the use group assigned to the building?
b. How does the use group affect fire safety and evacuation planning?
c. Is the defend in place strategy proposed by the director compatible with the built-in fire safety features of the building?
2. The management of a condominium apartment complex has applied for a permit to operate a place of assembly. A seating plan for the second floor of the “community swim club building” showing 287 folding chairs with adequate aisles and exits is attached to the application. Before leaving the office for the inspection you review the file and find the following information:
1234 Any Street
2 Stories,
Gross floor area 7200 sq. ft./ floor
a. Is the building’s use group classification appropriate for the intended use?
b. What steps must the management take to legally establish a place of assembly?
c. Is there anything about the building’s size or construction that would preclude the establishment of a place of assembly in this building?
Assignment MLA Writing Assignment Help
Essay Draft Homework Assignment
1. Complete Essay Focus Plan Outline prior to developing draft.
Essay Focus Plan
I. Topic (Subject)
II. Central Idea (Purpose of essay)
III. Three Supportive Points
IV. Thesis Statement (Include topic, point of view, three supportive points)
V. Topic Sentences (Body Paragraphs)
1. (Express first point in a complete sentence)
2. (Express second point in a complete sentence.)
3. (Express third point in a complete sentences.)
V. Briefly list at least 2-3 probable examples of evidence you will use to support each body paragraph point.
A. Point 1: a.
B. Point 2: a.
C. Point 3: a.
VI. Cite one quote per body paragraph from a reliable source to substantiate the credibility of your point. (At least one quote must be from article selection. Do not include quote in essay draft. However, be aware where quote maybe inserted within each paragraph. Remember to identify reference sources.
Please bring MLA formatted printed or handwritten outline and essay draft to class on , if handwritten, single-space heading and double-space (meaning write on every other line) for text of your essay.
An overview of prewriting guidelines discussed in class yesterday will be posted later this evening.
To write an analytical paper Writing Assignment Help
You are required to write an original analysis of a piece of nonfiction that we have read and/or discussed so far in class. Writing an analysis of nonfiction commonly entails formulating and arguing a thesis that synthesizes a thematic aspect of the writing with a formal one. For instance, consider the way in which a particular literary device at work in your selected nonfiction contributes to conveying a theme or idea there. (Remember that a theme is not merely a topic; rather, a theme expresses an idea about a given topic.)
All take-home writing assignments must:
- use MLA style
- be typed in Times New Roman 12 font
- be double-spaced
- have one-inch margins
- be stapled
- indicate, in the upper left-hand corner, your name, the instructor’s name, course information, date, and assignment number.
To write an analytical paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Paraphrasing Activity – “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Humanities Assignment Help
Paraphrasing Activity – “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
For this assignment, you will use Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” to help you practice the important rhetorical skill of paraphrasing.
Original Document
Audio Recording
Be sure to address the following:
- State the purpose of the letter. Be sure to paraphrase the speech throughout your analysis.
- Describe one strategy for development of the letter. This should be one that you identify with or think is effective. Base your description on this Module’s readings and the course activities you participated in.
- Remember that your paraphrase should end up being about the same number of words as the original material that you cite. Please note that you are not paraphrasing the entire document but more like a sentence or two. This is similar to what you might do with a quote, but with your own words. A paraphrase is not the same as a summary.
- Explain why you think the strategy is effectively used in the letter.
- Incorporate at least one quote from the speech, and properly cite the quote on the References page.
- Explain how you plan to use the development strategy in your Portfolio Project.
- Your written paper should be two to three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
- You must accurately insert a quote and paraphrase in your analysis to provide in-text evidence from the essay or article you selected, and you must comment on the quote to demonstrate you are thinking in a critical manner.
- Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
Quotation Activity – Gettysburg Address Humanities Assignment Help
Quotation Activity – Gettysburg Address
It is important to be able to incorporate your sources effectively through direct quotation. For this activity, you will use Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” to practice writing an essay while effectively incorporating quotations to help support your discussion.
For this activity, you will write an essay and address the following points:
- What is a “proposition” in the sense that Lincoln uses it?
- What does it mean to “consecrate” a place?
- What is “hallowed” ground?
- The “Gettysburg Address” is short but very famous. He was the President, he could have spoken longer, and most speakers that day, in fact, delivered much longer speeches. He wasn’t pressed for time. He had time to prepare. A long speech was expected of him. Why do you think Lincoln kept it so short? (Hint: Where was he speaking and why? How did his “rhetorical situation” influence him?)
- Do you see any correlations from Douglass’ work to this work? If so, how do you see this occurring in the text? Be sure to quote from Douglass if you see a correlation.
- Your written paper should be two to three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
- You must accurately insert a quote in your analysis to provide in-text evidence from the address, and you must comment on the quote to demonstrate you are thinking in a critical manner.
- Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
The text of the “Gettysburg Address” can be accessed through the Yale Law School Avalon Project: The Gettysburg Address
This video is from PBS and notes the events leading up to Lincoln’s drafting the Gettysburg address. Scholars will read the address and provide analysis. Pay close attention to the analysis as it will help you to formulate your critical thinking assignment this week.
Lincoln @ Gettysburg
Read Carefully Writing Assignment Help
!!!!! NO PLAGIARISM !!!!! (2–4 pages, excluding Title Page and Reference Page)
- Part 1 – Present
- What is counseling?
- How does it differ from other helping professions?
- Summarize the philosophical underpinnings of the counseling profession.
- Part 2 – Past
- Looking historically, if you showed Part I of your paper to the historical figure you chose, how would this figure handle it? Would the figure be shocked, mildly surprised, or in complete agreement? How would the figure respond?
- Part 3 – Future
- Discuss the future direction you selected that most excites you, and explain how it will enhance your professional practice as a counselor.
The Past, Present, and Future of Counseling
This is where you introduce the purpose and format of the paper. The introduction paragraph does three things: It sets the context for the paper, providing general information so your reader understands the topic; it demonstrates why the topic is important; and it states your thesis. Conclude your introduction with a sentence or two outlining the topics you will cover in the paper. The maximum page length for this assignment is 2 to 4 pages, not counting the title and reference pages. Please note this template is in perfect APA format. Do not change the font style or size, heading format, or reference format.
Each section (under each heading) requires at least one paragraph (i.e., a minimum of three sentences). In this section, define the profession of counseling, describe how it differs from other helping professions, and summarize the philosophical underpinnings of counseling. Be sure to support your points with citations to the Learning Resources. Using multiple resources will support your points further.
PAST (historical figure is going to be Sigmund Freud) USE THIS LINK TO GET INFORMATION ABOUT FREUD in PART 3. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/waldenu/detail.action?docID=254580
Choose a historical figure from the assigned chapter. Describe how the historical figure you chose would react to the definition of counseling above. How would this figure handle it? Would the figure be shocked, mildly surprised, or in complete agreement? How would the figure respond? Be sure to support your points with citations to the Learning Resources.
FUTURE (The direction is Past “because the past helps us understand the rich history of the counseling profession, but it also helps us identify pressing issues on the horizon that will continue to challenge professional counselors in the future“)
From the assigned chapter, discuss the future direction you selected that most excites you, and explain how it will enhance your professional practice as a counselor. Be sure to support your points with citations to the Learning Resources.
Finish the paper with a strong conclusion paragraph. In this paragraph, summarize the main thesis and sub-topics of the paper. Leave your reader with an interesting impression. Aspire to spark their curiosity to learn more about the topic.
- Discuss Sigmund Freud
- From Chapter 1, select one future direction (from the section “Where We Are Going,” beginning on p. 22) to discuss. the past helps us understand the rich history of the counseling profession, but it also helps us identify pressing issues on the horizon that will continue to challenge professional counselors in the future ,<—– add this to part 3 and explain on it.
- Search the Walden databases for at least one scholarly article pertaining to the historical figure and/or to the future direction you chose.
- Use the Research Paper Template in this week’s Learning Resources to complete this Assignment. Refer to your American Psychological Association (APA) manual to assist you in the proper use of APA throughout your paper.
2 Parts PLEASE Read Humanities Assignment Help
part 1
At one time or another, all of us have probably been frustrated by sitting in traffic, angered by our neighbors, and shocked by the rising price of gasoline.
Many of us have probably been sorry to see a stand of trees torn down, or a cornfield paved over, simply to make room for yet another nondescript chain store or restaurant, while half the mall sits empty, with perfectly good space ready to be rented.
There is often a nostalgia for the “good old days,” when children could play outside safely, and people sat on their porches chatting with the neighbors, and life was kinder and gentler. Of course, those good old days never really existed. Crime has always been around–it just wasn’t as widely reported in the days before the Internet and 24-hour cable news. And statistically, children have always been in greatest danger from those closest to them, and that, sadly, hasn’t changed. And many people fled small towns specifically to get away from the nosy, gossiping neighbors who would sit on the front porch and pass judgment on anyone who seemed “different” in any way.
Still, the realities of long commutes, longer workdays, more demands on our time, and the reality of a finite supply of petroleum has prompted many to look to planned communities, or New Urbanism, as a solution. And as the Baby Boomers and subsequent generations get older–and less able to drive into nearby towns for medical supplies and treatment–a number of theorists have argued that we need to move toward planned communities as a realistic way of integrating our needs, and the needs of the rest of the world.
So, given all of this, what do you think of planned communities? Would you ever consider living in a place such as Celebration USA or Seaside, Florida? Is the loss of freedom and autonomy a worthwhile trade-off to ensure that you’ll live in a neighborhood with a certain “look” and certain values? Or does the whole idea of planned communities give you the creeps? Do these homogeneous neighborhoods seem elitist and Orwellian to you?
Is it possible to build a planned community that combines the best of convenience and neighborhood without devolving into a segregated society? What features might you include if you were planning a community from the ground up?
part 2
In a few paragraphs, describe your writing process.
How do you get started? How do you motivate? Are you an outliner, or not? Why? Are you a mover/eater/music listener, etc.?
How soon do you start? Do you like to try and produce a whole draft in one sitting, or do you work on bits and pieces,
or so many words in a day?
Describe what you do when you get a writing assignment and how you proceed from there.
Finally, reflect on whether or not your writing process, as it is currently, usually “works” for you.
If so, why? If not, how can you change it to get different results?