I need someone to write a short essay that is due for me today and a good researcher Writing Assignment Help. I need someone to write a short essay that is due for me today and a good researcher Writing Assignment Help.
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Choose two stories out of the 4 of what u want to write on…………….. The Tale of Genji, Journey of the West, Canterbury Tales, and Noh Drama
this assignment is due today. Just a short essay nothing to big. Dont worry about page numbers
- Using two of the four pieces from this module and AMPLE examples from the works (USE PAGE NUMBERS), discuss the role of women in the Medieval ages.
- Be sure to include their role in the Noh Drama plays when discussing Japanese culture.
i.Also include reference to both the lower class and upper class noting how their role in the home and outside the home has changed considerably, even within the Medieval time period.
- Because several of these works reference religious roles, be sure to include the view of women in the church. In addition, include reasons as to why there are no women in “The Journey to the West.”
Yes, you can use John Green’s video as well as the link to Invitation to the World of Literature as a source in your paper. The outline above is simply a guideline. Other, pertinent information, can and should be added to this essay.
I need someone to write a short essay that is due for me today and a good researcher Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Write a response to articles related to school finance Writing Assignment Help
A. Please read the short articles related to school finance that in the attached file.
The articles titles below:
1. What’s Behind the Mediocre Scores On School Finance Report
2. Equity in Funding: More Than Just Dollars
3. States Squeezed by Fiscal Pressures, Political Rifts in Financing Education
B. write a response (one and a half pages), identify and discuss the following in your best APA:
1. Identify at least 3 “Big Rocks”, important points and/or “Ahas! (Why are they important to your learning?)
2. Find and discuss at least 3 confirmations of your learning this semester that the reading(s) provide(s) specific evidence of support
3. Form at least 3 questions that the readings may not have answered for you which may be important to future policy and litigation.
Research Proposal Writing Assignment Help
the Topic of the paper is about female finding their voices in politics and media and narrow it down with an example of the amazon prime series (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Term Paper (100 points)
This research will be presented as part of a research forum to be held on the last day of class.The research paper written during this class will be used to fulfill the requirements of the Graduate Studies Office for students pursuing a non-thesis option in ORGC. This is a class that will meet three times a semester which is usually the first , the middle and the last which is when the research proposal is due. The time off from class is going to be spent on writing your proposal and asking me questions either during my office hours or by email or by phone.
Format of how the paper should be written.
Please refer to APA ways of citing your sources and references page and have 15 number of sources.
I’ll provide sample papers, and you can use them as a guide line to write the research paper.
Suggested Readings
Alwood, E. (1996).Straight news:Gay and lesbians and the news.Sage.
Bacon-Smith, C. (1992).Enterprising women: Television fandom and the creation of popular
myth.University of Pennsylvania Press.
Barr, M. S. (Ed.). (2000).Future females, the next generation: new voices and velocieties in feminist science fiction criticism.Rowman and Littlefield, Publishers.
Beasley, M. H. &Gibbons, S.J. (1993) Taking their place:A documentary history of women
and journalism. American University Press.
Berenstein, R. J. (1996).Attack of the leading ladies: Gender, sexuality, and spectatorship in
classic horror cinema. Columbia University Press.
Berg, C. R. (2002).Latino images in film: Stereotypes, subversion, resistance.Austin:University of Texas Press
Biagi, S. & Kern-Foxworth, M. (1997). Facing difference:Race, gender, and mass media.Pine Forge Press.
Bonner, F, et al. eds. (1992).Imagining women:Cultural representations and gender.
Polity Press.
Bordo, S. (1993).Unbearable weight: Feminism, western culture, and the body.University of California Press.
Bowen, S. P. & Wyatt, N. (1993).Transforming visions: Feminist critiques in communication studies.
Hampton Press.
Brown, M.E. (1990). Television and Women’s Culture.Sage.
Butler, M. & and Paisely, W. (1980). Women and the mass media:Sourcebook for research and action.Human Services.
Carson, D. et al. (Eds). (1994).Multiple voices in feminist film criticism.Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Clover, C. J. (1992).Men, women and chainsaws: Gender in the modern horror film.Princeton University Press.
Cohan, S. & Hark, I. R. (Eds.). (1993).Screening the male: Exploring masculinities in Hollywood cinema.Routledge.
Cook, P. & Dodd, P. (Eds.). (1994).Women and film:A Sight and Sound reader.London: Scarlett Press.
Cortes, A. J. (1999).Provocateur: Images of women and minorities in advertising.Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers.
Craig, S. (Ed.) (1992).Men, masculinity, and the media.Sage.
Creedon, P. (1993).Women in Mass Communication, 2nd edition. Sage.
Dates, J. L. & Barlow, W. (1993).Split image:African-Americans in the mass media. Howard University Press.
deLauretis, T. (1987). Technologies of gender:Essays on theory, film, and fiction. New York:MacMillan.
deLauretis, T. (1984).Alice doesn’t: Feminism, semiotics, cinema.Indiana University Press.
Doane, M. A. et al. (Eds.) (1984).Re-vision;Essays in feminist film criticism. University Publications of America.
Douglas, S. J. (1994).Where the girls are: Growing up female with the mass media. Random House.
Edwards, J. (1988).Women of the world:The great foreign correspondents. Ballantine.
Erens, P. (Ed.). (1990). Issues in feminist film criticism. Indiana University Press.
Erens, P. (Ed.). (1979).Sexual strategems: The world of women in film.Horizon Press.
Gibson, P.C. & Gibson. R. (Eds.) (1993).Dirty looks:Women, pornography, powerLondon:BFI.
Grant, B. K. (Ed.). (1996).The dread of difference: Gender and the horror film.University of Texas Press.
Gunter, B. (1995).Television and gender representation.London: John Libbey.
Hallam, E,. & Street, B.V., eds. (2000).Cultural encounters: Representing otherness.Routledge.
Haskell, M. (1996).From reverence to rape:The treatment of women in the movies (2nd Ed.).New York:Penguin.
Helford, E. R. (Ed.). (2000).Fantasy girls: Gender in the new universe of science fiction and
fantasy television.Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers.
Hernandez, D. G. (April 20, 1996).Obstacles facing women journalists.Editor & Publisher, 12.
hooks, b.[Gloria Watkins] (1996).Reel to reel: Race, sex, and class at the movies.Routledge.
hooks, b. (1994).Outlaw culture: Resisting representations.Routledge.
Horrocks, R. (1995).Male myths and icons: Masculinity in popular culture.Macmillan.
Hosley, D. & Yamada, G. (1987). Hard news:Women in broadcast journalism.Greenwood.
Irons, G. (Ed.). (1992).Gender, language and myth: Essays on popular narrative.University of Toronto Press.
Johnston A. & White, A. B. (Summer 1994).Communication styles and female candidates: A study of the political advertising during the 1986 Senate elections.Journalism Quarterly, 71:2.
Kaplan, E. A. (1992).Feminist criticism and television.In R. C. Allen (Ed.).Channels of discourse, reassembed: Television and contemporary criticism (2nd Ed.) (pp. 247-283).Routledge.
Kaplan, E. A. (1983).Women and film:Both sides of the camera.Routledge.
Kamalipour, Y. R. & Carilli, T. (Eds.) (1998).Cultural diversity and the U.S. media.SUNY Press.
Kay, K. & and Peary, G. (Eds.) (1977).Women and the cinema:A critical anthology.New York:Dutton.
Kern-Foxworth, M. (1994).Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Rastus:Blacks in advertising, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Kuhn, A. & Radstone, S. (Eds.). (1990).The women’s companion to international film.London: Virago.
Kuhn, A. (1985).The power of the image:Essays on representation and sexuality. Routledge.
Kuhn, A (1982).Women’s pictures.London:Verso.
Lane, C. (2000). Feminist Hollywood: From ABorn in Flames@ to APoint Break.Wayne State University Press.
Lont, C. M. (1995).Women and Media:Content/Careers/Criticism.Wadsworth.
McCraken, E. (1992).Decoding women’s magazines:From “Mademoiselle” to “Ms.”.St. Martin’s Press.
MacDonald, M. (1995).Representing women;Myths of femininity in the popular media. Arnold Press.
McRobbie, A. (1991).Feminism and youth culture.New York:MacMillan.
Modleski, T. (1988).The women who knew too much: Hitchcock and feminist theory.New York: Methuen.
Mulvey, L. (1989).Visual and other pleasures.Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
Newswatch:A critical look at coverage of people of color (1994).Center for Integration and Improvement of Journalism, San Francisco State University.
Noriega, C. H. & Lopez, A.M., eds. (1996).The ethnic eye: Latino media arts.University of Minnesota Press.
Penley, C. (Ed.) (1988).Feminism and film theory.Routledge.
Pietropaolo, L. & Testaferri, A. (Eds.). 1995).Feminisms in the cinema.Indiana University Press.
Press, A. (1991).Women watching television:Gender, class, and generation in the American television experience.University of Pennsylvania Press.
Rapping, E. (1994).Mediations:Essays into the culture and gender wars.South End Press.
Redding, J. M. & Brownworth, V. A. (1997).Film fatales: Independent women directors.Seattle: Seal Press.
Rogers, M. F. (1999).Barbie culture.Sage.
Russell, D. E.H. (Ed.) (1993). Making violence sexy:Feminist views on pornography.Open University.
Schwichtenberg, C. (1993).The Madonna connection: Representational politics, subcultural ,identities, and cultural theory.Westview Press.
Shipler, D. K. (May/June 1998).Blacks in the newsroom.Columbia Journalism Review, pp. 26-32.
Streitmatter,(1993).The Advocate:Setting the standard for the Gay Liberation press.Journalism History, 19:3, pp. 93-102.
Tasker, Y. (1993).Spectacular bodies;Gender, genre and the action cinema.Routledge.
Thornham, S. (Ed.). (1999).Feminist film theory: A reader.New York University Press.
Tuchman, G.et al. (Eds.). (1978).Hearth and home:Images of women in the mass media. Oxford University Press.
Valdivia, A. N. (Ed.). (1995).Feminism, multiculturalism, and the media: Global diversities.Sage.
van Zoonen, L. (1994).Feminist media studies.Sage.
Walters, S. D. (1995).Material girls:Making sense of feminist cultural theory.University of California Press.
Willis, S. (1997).High contrast: race and gender in contemporary Hollywood film.Duke University Press.
Wilson, C. C. & Gutierrez F. (1985).Minorities and media:Diversity and the end of mass communication. Sage.
Wilson, C.C., Guitierrez F. & Chao, L. M. (2003).Racism, sexism, and the media: The rise of class communication in multicultural America, 3rd edition.Sage.
Evidence assignment law Business Finance Assignment Help
Please answer question (B)
Max is on trial for shoplifting from a store. He was caught outside the store with the unpaid item in
his shopping cart. During his case in chief Max testified that he had merely forgotten the item was
on lower shelf of his shopping cart and he had inadvertently neglected to pay for it. During cross
examination by the prosecutor, Max was asked whether he was arrested three years ago because
he had written a “bounced” cheque at the same store. Defence counsel objected saying that the
charge had been dismissed.
How should the judge decide on the admissibility of the evidence? Discuss.
Reading Prompts question. Writing Assignment Help
These are the reading Prompt questions and should be at least 5 sentences from the following books. Provide the author, title, and page number or online identifier of the source. For prompts that ask for a passage, quote the passage as well. The questions are uploaded in the word document.
Victors and Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Conquest of Mexico, by Stuart B. Schwartz
Religious Transformations in the Early Modern World, by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
Abina & The Important Men, by Trevor Getz
Persepolis Vol. 1, by Marjane Satrapi
1989: Democratic Revolutions at the Cold War’s End, by Padraic Kenney
Short Paper: Budgeting Techniques Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help
I don’t have the book, But I did Attach the syllabus as well as some material that could help out with this assignment.
Chapter 5 highlights the budgeting techniques, fiscal management practices, and accounting principles that assist public administrators in aligning resources to outcomes. For this short paper, review Exercise 1 on page 193 and then write a paper that answers the following question:
Does the budget tell you what you need to know in order to act from the viewpoint of the city council member, the public works department, and the average citizen?
Explain your answer using the strengths and weaknesses of the various budgeting techniques outlined in Chapter 5.
For additional details, please refer to the Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document.
Short Paper: Budgeting Techniques Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Essay Final Draft Writing Assignment Help
Please use our second two readings – Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “Crazy Rich Identities” and Ta-Nehisi Coates’s “The Case for Reparations” – to answer the following question. Support your answer with your own close analysis of quotes and ideas from both texts. In this paper, please focus on engaging in a close reading of the text to identify assumptions and implications, and on placing the texts in conversation with each other.
Kwame Anthony Appiah says that “the way Singapore handles national identity and ethnic difference makes for a fascinating comparison with the United States.” Take at least one specific concept from Appiah’s article and apply it to the situation Ta-Nehisi Coates discusses in his article. How might the way Appiah thinks about the nature of identity and the relationship between the state and ethnic identity or differences affect our understanding of the way America has “handle[d] national identity and ethnic difference” as discussed by Ta-Nehisi Coates?
The Baroque Era Now Humanities Assignment Help
Week 5 (October 29 – November 4) Chapter 6- The Baroque;
Chapter 6- The Baroque EraNow we see some more familiar ideas when it comes to what we now refer to as “classical music” (remember, during each era before the 20th century, what you think of as classical music was the popular music of the time- so it does not make sense to tell me that “classical music was popular during the Baroque era.” That statement is misleading and arguably incorrect.) During the Baroque era, different forms (ways of organizing music) appear, and different musical genres such as opera and orchestral are invented.
Quiz 3 (Due November 4)
Quiz 3 focuses on the Baroque Era.
Vietnamese Culture – Vietnamese Traditional dress Business Finance Assignment Help
- Pick a Vietnamese culture that you strongly identify with. (Think about your nationality, your religion, the region where you grew up, or organizations of which you are a member.)
- Bring in an object that represents that culture.
- Create an outline that organizes your thoughts and main points into a coherent speech. (You will turn this in, figure 12.1 on page 309 of your textbook shows an example of the proper structure of a speech outline).
- Speak for 1 to 2 minutes about your culture, how this object represents your culture, and how your culture has shaped who you are. This is a very short speech, so make each word count.
A hotel reservation system using PHP and Mysql Programming Assignment Help
Design a hotel reservation system using PHP and Mysql
home page of your web site gives introduction of your hotel (note the
hotel shall be named after your name) which includes the address, email,
phone numbers, and direction to your hotel. This page also contains
entries for check-in and check-out dates. Select number of rooms drop
down list, Number of adults and children dropdown lists. A submit button
to send user to the second page. All fields are required. Other
checking and validation shall and may be included. The second page
contains the list of available rooms on that booking period. The second
page shows images for different type of rooms available. It will list
price per night and the total cost for the stay period. A user can
choose the room type they want. The information of the available rooms
shall be retrieve from your MySql database. There is a submit button to
go to the confirmation page which contains fields for user to enter
his/her name and correspondence information such as address, street
name, city, state, phone number, email address. The room, stay period
and cost of the stay will be summarized and shown on this page. When
user clicks on submit button on this page, your system will output
appropriate message. Add at least three other pages. For example, local
attraction, Hotel dining, Shopping, Salon, Computer services, etc.
Use PHP as server side script
Use MySql. Design your own database and table(s)..
Name your web site yourNamePHP
When you connect to MySql database. Make sure that you use
yourFirstNameLastName as the user name in mysql connect command. For
example, if your name is called John Smith then Your command to connect
to Mysql Database would like mysql_connect( “localhost”, “johnsmith”,
“johnsmithpass” )
Export your MySql database as johnsmith.sql so
that I can regenerate your database on instructor’s computer. (replace
johnsmith with your name)
Make sure that you name your database johnsmithdatabase . (replace johnsmith with your name)
Remember to add these lines to johnsmith.sql in order to create user
which is used in mysql connect command (once again, replace johnsmith
with your name)
— create user to query product database —
ON johnsmithdatabase.*
TO johnsmith@localhost
IDENTIFIED BY ‘ johnsmithpass’; Once again, replace johnsmith with yourfirstnamelastname
Create a write up report (in word or pdf format) which include a cover
page with your name, this class information, such as course name,
section, instructor, etc. Second page is table of content. First chapter
is the description of your hotel system. Second chapter is your system
design. You can use diagram to illustrate your design if you want to.
Third chapter is your implementation. It should include the sql file
content that you submitted, the source code of all pages. Fourth chapter
includes your test run results which shall include test run screen
shots. As detailed as possible. Fifth chapter is discussion and
conclusions. Mention about the cool features of your web site. Things
for future improve. The limitation of your web site, etc… You can
include a Reference chapter at the end or as Appendix.Submission
Zip your website which includes all your application files.
The sql file which can regenerate your database and create a user to connect to your database
The report in word or pdf format.
A video file to demonstrate how you design your web site, features of your web site, and how to use it.(or a link to internet)
Zip all above to a folder
sure your web site can run independently. it shall be portable to others’ system that run XAMPP and
there is no local dependence on your machine.
You can submit a demo video or post your demo on the web and give me the link.
Quiz 3 focuses on the Baroque Era.