I need spss file output Health Medical Assignment Help

I need spss file output Health Medical Assignment Help. I need spss file output Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Paper detalis:

This week, you

explore key statistical concepts related to data and problem solving

through the completion of the following exercises using SPSS and the

information found in your Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing

Research textbook. The focus of this assignment will be on correlation

coefficients, tools that can help to determine the strength of the

relationship between variables. Because multiple factors influence

health care variables, it is important for you to understand how to

calculate and interpret correlation coefficients.

To prepare:

Review the Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research chapters

that you read as a part of the Week 6 Learning Resources. As you do so,

pay close attention to the examples presented—they provide information

that will be useful for you to recall when completing the software

exercises. You may also wish to review the Research Methods for

Evidence-Based Practice video resources.

Refer to the Week 6 Correlations Exercises and follow the directions to

calculate correlational statistics using Polit2SetB.sav data set.

Compare your data output against the tables presented in the Week 6 Correlations Exercises SPSS Output document.

Formulate an initial interpretation of the meaning or implication of your calculations.

To complete:

Complete the Part I and Part II steps and Assignments as outlined in the Week 6 Correlations Exercises page.

I need spss file output Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Strategic Plan Assignment- part 2 Business Finance Assignment Help

The ability to think strategically and make choices based on solid analysis and evaluation, in order to capitalize on achieving optimal results when applying limited resources of the firm, are at the core of this strategic initiative plan. Strategic initiatives act as the vehicle to accomplish strategic goals. Strategic initiatives translate vision into reality. The strategic management process enables organizations to achieve objectives through three stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation.

For this assignment, create a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan that seeks to increase your organization’s competitive advantage. Your strategic plan should aim to innovate. Throughout the development of your strategic plan consider your organization’s responsibility in the greater social good from a Christian perspective and how your plan address ethics, cooperate social responsibly and sustainability. Globalization brings both benefits and challenges in the business sphere. Be sure to consider how globalization impacts your strategic plan and address any international considerations if needed. Your strategic plan will be completed throughout the course in Topic 1, Topic 3, Topic 4, Topic 5, Topic 6, Topic 7, and Topic 8. Be sure to address instructor feedback when possible.

For the Strategic Plan assignment, you will work throughout the course to create a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan that seeks to increase your organization’s competitive advantage.

Complete Part 2 of the Strategic Plan assignment according to the directions in the Part 2: External and Internal Assessment section of the “Strategic Plan” resource


An environmental scan seeks to ensure your original pitch is viable (Part 1: Overview). External and internal assessment tools are utilized your to ensure strategic initiative is viable. You may find after completing your environmental scan your strategic initiative idea will change. The environmental scan helps you develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which will help focus the application of limited resources to produce above-average returns. During your scan, address the following:

Internal: Identify your strategic initiative using various internal assessment tools to evaluate your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in functional areas of business which include

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Productions/operations
  • Research and development
  • Management information systems

External: Identify your strategic initiative using various external assessment tools to evaluate outside trends and events outside the control of the organization, and the industry.

Create a 5-10 slide PowerPoint presentation that shows the results of your environmental scan. Include the following:

  • Identify what you found in your environmental scan.
    • What did you learn about the industry?
    • What did you learn about your organization?
  • Include the external and internal assessment tools you used at the end of your presentation as an appendix.
    • How did you apply the results of your internal and external assessment tools in your decision making process.
  • Describe what you learned during the process including key issues that will be reviewed going forward.
  • Outline the preliminary strategic initiative plan.
    • How have you considered the selected organizations culture within the context of implementing your strategic initiative plan?

oHow does this challenge or support your original vision/concept?

oWhat is emerging from your learning?

Provide three to five sources in your presentation. some of those sources need to be SCHOLARS


Write a technical report research paper on the current project ( your choice ) of computer science field. Writing Assignment Help

It should be the current project of computer science field. The length should be at least 6 page and references should be at least 5 scholar in APA format. I am letting you to choose your own topic so you can do best for me. just remember that it should be specific topic ( cannot be written too broad) about the current computer science project.

please let me know the topic before you start and say why you choose it.

here I have attached an example below.


An example Technical Report – PDF below from Google Scholar search


A search in Google for “drones used in agriculture” will find a lot of useful information

Technical Report Outline – minimum for this assignment

Abstract – https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/abstracts/


Literature Survey – https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/literature-reviews/

Methods and Algorithms (may not be needed for your assignment)

Conclusions and Recommendations

Acknowledgement (may not be needed for your assignment)

References (cannot be more than 4 years old without permission from instructor)

Appendices (illustrations, charts, photos, etc.) (you may have none of these)

Information about citing references and the reference list at the end of the document – use APA format




Need 3 quick activities done for management theory. Business Finance Assignment Help


Here is the download link to the textboook please read chapter 6 :



Provide a minimum of 100 words per section to address the questions below:
1-Define firm-level strategy.
2- Select a recognizable firm. Based on your observations, address the following:
a) Describe the five forces of your company’s industry based on Porter’s model
b) Identify your firm’s direct competitor.
c) Is your selected firm being offensive or defensive in their strategy?
d) As your selected firm’s competitor, how would you react specifically to their strategy?


1-Outline steps of the strategy-making process.
2-What is a corporate-level strategy? Describe the major approaches to corporate-level strategy.
3-Identify three grand strategies, and give examples of each.
4-What is an industry-level strategy? What tools can companies use to develop successful industry-level strategies?


Will automation take away all our jobs, by David Autor, TED (18:37 min).

Click on the link below to find the video. If the URL doesn’t work, open YouTube (or TED.com) and search for the title. Click on the ‘closed caption’ [cc] or ‘subtitle languages’ to select subtitles. View the video and provide thorough answers to the questions below:

1 – Provide examples of inventions of the last 200 years to replace labor.
2 – Explain reasons why these automations have not made human labor obsolete.
3 – Why are there so many human jobs?
4 – Define O-ring concept.
5 – Analyze the challenge that automation poses.
6 – Describe what led to highschooler movement.



Ethical theories Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Read Boatright’s chapter 3, “Ethical Theories,” pp. 85-91 (textbook). Please note that I have excluded Nozick’s entitlement theory from the reading.

Read Case 3.3, “Clean Hands in a Dirty Business,” pp. 101-102 (textbook)

Assignment Directions: Answer these questions about Case 3.3, pp. 101-102

  • Do you recommend that Janet join Karen at Union Tobacco, Inc., as a marketing specialist? Why or why not? (Answer in 4-5 sentences.)

Explain which ethical theory supports your recommendation. (Answer in 300 words.)

Be sure to include in-text citations, as needed, and a Reference list that includes the case.

I realize that you may not be well versed in philosophical theories. That’s okay! Read the theory descriptions in the chapter, think about them, and answer the questions. You do not need to conduct additional research for this assignment.



PESTLE Analysis PowerPoint Health Medical Assignment Help


– Healthcare

Type of service:

Power Point Presentation


Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

10 slides

Number of sources:

6 sources

Paper detalis:

Week 2 – PESTLE Analysis PowerPoint

Due Week 2 and worth 300 points

A PESTLE Analysis identifies political, economic, social, technological,
legal, and environmental factors. Review PESTLE Analysis at the
following https://www.groupmap.com/map-templates/pestle-anal…

The U.S. health care system costs $3.3 trillion last year and delivered
too little value (Blumenthal, 2017). For most Americans, health care is
not only expensive but also fragmented, inconvenient, and physically
inaccessible. Aetna, CVS, UnitedHealth Group and DaVita are health care
stakeholders who are engaging in mergers and acquisitions to produce a
higher quality product. Review the article “Is M&A the Cure for a
Failing Health Care System?” at
in Harvard Business Review.

Congratulations; you have been selected as the new Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of a local hospital. Within six months of taking the job,
you learn your health care organization is considering a merger. Your
first task is to conduct a PESTLE Analysis. Use critical thinking
skills and metacognition to research current events in the macro
environment of the local hospital in your area. Your hospital selection
will be the same hospital used throughout this course. Review the
website information on your hospital selection and prepare a 10-slide
Microsoft PowerPoint narrative using a PESTLE Analysis

Your 10-slide PESTLE PowerPoint should follow this format:

Slide 1: Cover Page a. Include the title of your paper, your name, the
course number and course title, your professor’s name, the university’s
name, and the date.

Slide 2: Background / Executive Summary a. Describe the details of the
situation. Use bullets with short sentences. The title of these slides
should be Executive Summary.

Slide 3: Thesis Statement a. Identify the focus of your research. The title of this slide should be Thesis Statement.

Slides 4-9: Supporta. Support your Thesis Statement following the SESC
formula: State, Explain, Support, and Conclude. (Use Sublevel 1 and 2
Headings to provide coherence and organization. An overview of using the
Sublevel 1 and Sublevel 2 headings is provided in the following video
Provide in-text citations
using the format in the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual
2010, 6th Edition.)

Slide 10: References

Locate peer reviewed journal articles to support your responses. For
example, identify clinical quality that does not compare to other
hospitals, see https://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html. Use
APA format for your references. (To help you with APA in-text citations
and your Reference list, some students use Citation Machine at

Writing Resources are available from Strayer University’s Writing
Center, Tutor.com, and https://www.grammarly.com. Your SafeAssign score
should be ≤25%, as stated in Blackboard.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Differentiate between strategic management, strategic thinking, strategic planning, and managing strategic momentum.

Analyze the significance of the external environment’s impact on health care organizations.

Analyze the roles of and the relationships among organizational mission,
vision, values, and strategic goals, and why they are called
directional strategies.

Apply analytic skills to define strategic problems, generate and
evaluate strategic alternatives, and develop implementation tactics.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in the strategic management of health care organizations.

Write clearly and concisely about strategic management of health care organizations using proper writing mechanics.


Manually enable Safe Assign for the activity.

If students are unable to provide the voice narrative, do not subtract
points. Allow the students to provide a written narrative on the Notes
Pages in MS PowerPoint.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic /
organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the
following rubric.

PESTLE Analysis PowerPoint Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Paper on Classification algorithm Writing Assignment Help

Upon completion of the week 6 lesson, you will be able to:

    • Explain the concept of Classification algorithm
    • Discuss Applications of Classification algorithms
    • Explain Regression analysis
    • Validating and Testing of the Classification/Regression Models

This week reading assignment is the course textbook chapter 6 and 7 (EMC Education Service (Eds). (2015) Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing, and Presenting Data, Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc).

In our classification system, we have data that is used to train our model. In this case of sorting emails into clusters, discrete values are provided with the data, and this is known as classification.

There is another aspect of supervised learning, where instead of providing a discrete value, we provide it with a continuous value. This is known as regression. Regression is also considered supervised learning. The difference between classification and regression is that the first has discrete values and the latter has continuous, numeric values.


Part I: Identifying Illegal and Unethical Application Questions Part I: Identifying Illegal and Unethical Application Questions Writing Assignment Help

Part I: Identifying Illegal and Unethical Application Questions (20 points)

Using the applications provided by the instructor (posted below this assignment and with chapter 6 material) find 20 illegal or unethical questions. Each answer is worth 1 point for a total of 20 points. You need to provide APA in-text citations to indicate where your information came from. Write these up on a word document following the format provided below. Failure to follow said format will result in a point deduction for the question or zero credit. You should have a “Reference” page in APA format to indicate where your answers came from. Please number your answers. Each question should contain one or two citations and rationales should be three sentences long.

Part II: Writing Interview Questions (10 points)

In this section you will write the interview questions you will ask during potential candidate interviews. These questions should assess an individual’s fit with an organization and for the position (based on the job statement, job duties/essential functions, and job specifications). These questions should also allow you to juxtapose candidates to ascertain who the most qualified candidate is.

Keep in mind the legal parameters related to interview questions, essential job functions, and the competencies you are trying to assess. What questions will assess the capabilities of the person you are interviewing, as well as the motivation to perform at a high level if given the position. Do not ask any questions that could land you in court!! Create at least 10 questions to assess the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Personality of the job candidates. There should be at least two situational interview questions and two behavioral description interview questions. You may not copy these off the internet. You must create them yourself.

To accurately write interview questions you need to look at a few job descriptions as well as O*Net to understand the position you may have to hire for. By actually having a job description including; job title, job identification/job statement, job duties/job essential functions, and job specifications you will ask better questions. (You definitely should use O*Net as one of your sources for the information.)

Tell me the position and organization you are writing the interview questions for. Then write 10 interview questions. Number your interview question one 1 through 10.


Position: Women’s Soccer Coach

Organization: University of North Carolina at Pembroke

1) Situational Interview Question – Two of your star players are constantly arguing on the field during the game. What would be your short-term and long-term solutions for addressing this issue?

Important assignment parameters and reminders…

Avoid conjecture!! Provide support for your answers and indicate where you gathered supporting evidence for your suppositions in Part I. Your similarity match must be below 30% on the plagiarism detection software which means you may not just cut and paste answer for your entire paper. Some direct quotes are acceptable, but use in-text citations to reference facts you learned in an article but wrote in your own words. Papers must be posted to canvas before assignment will be graded. No late assignments are accepted without documentation of FMLA.

You must follow the “writing guidelines” posted on Canvas.

All answers should include in-text citations consistent with APA formatting style guidelines. If your paper contains plagiarized material you will receive a zero. Additionally, one point will be deducted for each APA formatting error so please review guidelines carefully.

You may use your textbook to answer questions. In addition, use the library database system to find peer-reviewed journal articles to find support for your suppositions. See directions in folder under Written Applied Assignments Module.

No websites may be used except EEOC, SHRM, and O*Net.

Answers must be in complete sentences. One point will be deducted for each incomplete sentence.

Paper Format and Directions

If the question is always illegal you need to reference 1) which application the question came from, 2) indicate the question is illegal, and 3) write out the illegal question exactly as written in application as well as 4) rationale for why the question is illegal (what law/legislation is this question breaking).

Application: Illegal, Unethical, or Potentially Illegal – “Question from application written exactly as written on application.”

Rationale – You need to provide a rationale as to why this application question is illegal, unethical, or potentially illegal. Each answer should be at least three sentences long and provide at least one or two in-text citations in proper APA format.


1) Duck Man Donuts (list application first): Illegal question – “Are you a diabetic or has anyone in your family ever been diagnosed with sugar mania?”

Rationale – According to the EEOC (2019) organizations should not ask questions about an applicant’s….. continue with rationale(s). (Answer must be two or three sentences long.)

If the question is unethical or potentially illegal you need to 1) identify application, 2) indicate the question is potentially illegal or unethical, 3) write out question exactly as written in application, and 4) “why” in this instance the question should not be asked, as well as 5) what question could be asked if any.


2) Arby’s: Potentially Illegal and Unethical Question – “Do you have reliable transportation to work?”

Rationale – Driving a personal vehicle or company vehicle is not an essential job function. This could create an adverse impact based on the American’s with Disability Act (citation) as someone may not be able to drive but could still work as a cook or cashier. (Answer must be two or three sentences long plus a separate sentence for how the application question should be written to make it ethical and avoid breaking any laws.)

They should ask: The organization is probably trying to make sure an employee will not miss shifts and will arrive to work on time. As such, they should ask, “Are you able to arrive at work on-time?” instead.


Lab work, check attached file Writing Assignment Help

Data mining is a complex process that aims to discover patterns in large data sets starting from a collection of existing data. In my opinion, data mining contains four main steps:

  1. Collecting data: This is a complex step, I will assume we have already gotten the datasets.
  2. Pre-processing: In this step, we need to try to understand your data, remove or reduce noise, do dimension reduction and select proper predictors etc.
  3. Feeding data mining: In this step, we need to use your data to feed your model.
  4. Post-processing: In this step, we need to interpret and evaluate your model.

Classification algorithms predict one or more discrete variables, based on the other attributes in the dataset.

Regression algorithms predict one or more continuous numeric variables, such as profit or loss, based on other attributes in the dataset.

Segmentation/Clustering algorithms divide data into groups, or clusters, of items that have similar properties.

Association algorithms find correlations between different attributes in a dataset. The most common application of this kind of algorithm is for creating association rules, which can be used in a market basket analysis.

Sequence analysis algorithms summarize frequent sequences or episodes in data, such as a series of clicks in a web site, or a series of log events preceding machine maintenance.


Option #1: Education BI Use Case: Student Retention & Reducing Costs Writing Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will submit a business intelligence solution
framework for a university with one online and two physical campuses.
The solution will be used by university executives to improve overall
student retention and overhead costs.


  1. The BI solution must:
  • Provide real-time data access
  • Access historical institutional data from student databases from the past 15 years
  • Analytic capabilities to combine data sources (i.e., students’ data,
    course registrations, online/on-campus data, dates of course offerings,
  • Ability to predict students likely to drop out
  • Easy and secure access to data from multiple divisions within the university departments
  • BI dashboards to present and view the results
  • Model(s) (such as: artificial neural networks [ANN], Support Vector
    Machine [SVM}, and Linear Regression [LR} models) you recommend using
    and their rationale
  • You will use SAS code for the model(s) that you will use for this BI framework solution.
    • FOR EXAMPLE: if you’re using ANN model, write/locate ANN SAS code to include in your submission.

  1. Explain in detail how your BI framework solution will work with the
    above-mentioned characteristics to help executives improve decision
    making. The executives are the CEO and president level as well as the
    vice presidents of different departments. Each department will focus on
    its own data while top executives will focus on the overall university
    total retention and costs.

Submission Requirements:

Your framework should meet the following requirements:

  • Three pages in length
  • Include the screenshot diagram(s) of the BI solution framework
  • Formatted according to APA guidelines as explained in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.) (subheadings, one-inch margins, and double spacing)
  • Supported by three credible, academic outside sources in addition to course materials
  • Write clearly and logically, as you will be graded on content,
    analysis, and your adherence to the tenets of good academic writing,
    which should be succinct where possible while also exploring the topics
    appropriately. Integrate and cite scholarly sources to support your
    work, and supplement your ideas.


I need spss file output Health Medical Assignment Help

I need spss file output Health Medical Assignment Help

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