I only just need an OUTLINE for this 5 paragraph in-class essay I have tomorrow.

I only just need an OUTLINE for this 5 paragraph in-class essay I have tomorrow.. I only just need an OUTLINE for this 5 paragraph in-class essay I have tomorrow..

Can you help me understand this English question?

The essay I’m writing tomorrow is based on an article, “The Coddling of the American Mind”, by Greg Lukianoff & Jonanthan Haidt, explaining why they’re successful in the point they’re attempting to make in this article. For this outline, I just need it to follow an intro paragraph, 2 argumentative body paragraphs, 1 counter-argument paragraph, & 1 conclusion paragraph. Please include some quotes in the outline, that’s very important to have. Here is a link for the article:


I only just need an OUTLINE for this 5 paragraph in-class essay I have tomorrow.

I only just need an OUTLINE for this 5 paragraph in-class essay I have tomorrow.

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