Idealized Design of the Health Care System Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. Idealized Design of the Health Care System Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Mess Formulation – Black and Latino communities across the United States are faced with a set of interacting health care disparities and health equity issues, which form a health system of problems that are known as a mess. This health care system mess is the future it is now in. In other words, the implied future is based on the current Health Care System’s plans, policies, programs, and expected changes in its environment. The aim of this phase of Interactive Planning is to determine how the health care system would eventually destroy itself if it were to continue behaving as it is currently; that is, if the system failed to adapt to a changing environment, even one that is perfectly predicted.
Formulating the current state or mess involves the preparation of:
System and Obstruction Analyses – A detailed description of how the health care system CURRENTLY operates for Blacks and Latinos, and identification of those characteristics and properties of Systemic Racism that obstruct the Health Care System’s progress. NOTE: If you do NOT believe Systemic Racism is a major cause of health disparities and health equity issues among Black and Latino communities, then identify those aspects that obstruct the Health Care System’s progress in addressing health disparities and health equity issues in these communities.
Reference Projections and Scenarios of Possible Futures – Projections of aspects of the Health Care System’s future assuming (1) no change in the System’s current plans, policies, programs, etc. and (2) the future environment that it currently expects, along with a description of how and why the Health Care System would destroy itself if the assumptions made were to come true.
The following is a set of questions for you to consider answering in order to write the sections of your final project report. These questions are for you to explore your thinking on the project by considering different aspects of the project. Not all questions may apply to your approach.
As a member of the Nationwide Task Team to reduce/eliminate [Dissolve] health disparities and address health equity issues among Black and Latino communities, your focus now is to create the Idealized Design of the Health Care System to dissolve these issues.
Ideal Solution
Stakeholders opinion of solution
1. Mission Statement
2. Who do we blame?
3. How do we convince this is the right way
***measure 11,12
Idealized Design of the Health Care System Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CMRJ 329 APUS Week 2 Deductive Reasoning Vs Inductive Reasoning Case Study Law Assignment Help
Discuss inductive versus deductive reasoning (as reviewed in Lesson 2) and how you would apply the concepts of each (inductive and deductive reasoning) to the following unsolved crime scene:
Police Investigation
A man was found murdered and his wife severely beaten early on a Sunday morning in April 2001. The trailer park they lived in is a community of young adults just struggling to get by in life. The couple were newlyweds, Caucasian, in their early twenties and were expecting their first child. The murder scene looked like a massacre. The police found the female victim barely conscious leaning against the wall by the front door where she had struggled to get help but was weak from loss of blood. She had suffered blunt force trauma over her entire body. Her right little finger had been severed from her hand and was later found in a pool of blood. She had also been raped while her husband lay dying in the bed next to her also suffering from blunt force trauma to his torso and head.
The trailer had been ransacked and various items were stolen to include video games, trading cards, and a gaming system. They had no money or items of any significant value. Tool marks could be found on the walls, interior of the front door, on the wooden floor of the bedroom where the attack occurred, and on the blades of the ceiling fan still spinning in the bedroom. Blood could be found everywhere in the form of medium velocity spatter, drippings, pooling, trails, and cast-off. Bloody shoe prints lead out the door and disappear in the dirt outside the back of the trailer.
During the police investigation, a tire iron was found under a trailer near the back of the trailer park. During the course of conducting a neighborhood canvas, detectives learned from residents that a large black male estimated to be in his thirties was seen wandering around the trailer park just prior to the time of murders. None of the residents recognized him as living in the trailer park or as a guest of anyone who lived in the trailer park. Detectives also learned that around the time of the murder, three teenage males were observed peeking in one of the trailer’s windows.
REQUIREMENTS: Initial Response must be 350 words. MUST RESPOND TO TWO PEERS. ***Response must be 200 words excluding the references (APA Format) and will be checked for plagiarism***
MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
- What factors underlay the decision by Volkswagen to invest directly in automobile production
in Russia? Why was FDI preferable to exporting from existing factories in Germany? - Which theory (or theories) of FDI best explain Volkswagen’s FDI in Russia?
- How do you think FDI by foreign automobile companies might benefit the Russian economy?
Is there any potential downside to Russia from this inflow of FDI?
Case Study
- Russia is largely dependent on oil exports to drive its economy forward. Given the sharp fall
in global oil prices that occurred in 2014 and 2015, what impact do you think this will have
on FDI into Russia? - Volkswagen has signaled that it is going to stay the course in Russia, despite current political
and economic headwinds. Why do you think it made this decision? What are the pros and
cons of this decision? In your opinion, is it the correct decision?
UIC A Historical Hero versus A Modern Hero Help Others in Humanities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose an historical hero(Ancient Greek) from the past and compare him/her to one from the present
(they could be a current world figure, celebrity, or someone you know). You must use illustrations of each hero.Please refer to any source or quote you use. Be Creative!
The format for your paper should be as follows:
1. Title Page – Your name and subject
2. Body of Paper
a. Make references to your sources – Example (Wood, p.33) or (website)
3. Bibliography
Three sources or more. Do not use your text or Wikipedia!
4. Typed and double spaced with 4-5 pages of text
PHIL103 Towson University Hume’s Moral Account Essay Writing Assignment Help
Question 1: Hume thinks that sentiment is extremely important in considering our motivation for moral action – please give a short explanation of the role that it plays for him, giving a specific example as to how we might be motivated in the way he says. How does this tie into the virtues that he identifies? Does this offer us a compelling account of morality and, especially, moral motivation? Are they any possible criticisms one might make of his account, or of the way he explains the specific virtues? Why or why not?…
CFIPH The Compact Bedford Death Treated Differently in Society Poems Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1).
In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768). Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.
CFIPH The Compact Bedford Death Treated Differently in Society Poems Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BUS 309 Augusta State University Utilitarianism and Kantian Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Let’s think for a moment about the terms right and wrong. Are these terms defined the same way across cultures? How do the ethical theories apply to the right and wrong
of activities related to white collar crime? Chapter 2 of the text,
pages 43–73, covers normative ethics theories: Kantian, Utilitarian,
Consequentialist, and Non-consequentialist.
- Choose one of the following articles and apply each of the ethical theories to the right or wrong of the activities involved.
- New Evidence Against Lori Loughlin and Husband Revealed in Government Motion.
- Astros Sign-Stealing Scandal: What to Know About MLB’s Penalties Against Houston.
- Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Articles Discussion Science Assignment Help
Several coastal areas of Florida has been impacted by major algae blooms in recent years. Some of these blooms are caused by various kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, often referred to as blue-green algae. In addition, several coastal areas of southwest Florida, the panhandle, and, most recently, southwest Florida have been impacted by “red tides”, which in Florida area usually associated with a marine dinoflagellate called Karenia brevis.
While the two types of algae blooms are quite different in how and where they form, both cause significant environmental harm – including large fish kills. Toxins from Karenia brevis and certain kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, particularly Microcystis and Anabaena species, can also have adverse impacts on human health.
Media and public discussions about these algal blooms have often been quite contentious, confusing, and, in some cases, outright wrong. Leading scientists have therefore attempted to communicate scientific knowledge directly to the public. For this discussion board exercise, you will think carefully about the (somewhat different!) thoughts of two well-respected scientific researchers:
– Dr. Michael Crosby, President of Mote Marine Laboratory –…
– Dr. Karl Havens, former Director of the Florida Sea Grant Program –…
After reading both of these articles, answer the following three questions:
1) Based on what you have learned so far about the typical limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems (and, yes, Lake Okeechobee is freshwater), what nutrient would you generally expect to be the most likely limiting resource for Lake Okeechobee?
2) How do Crosby and Havens each describe the role of nutrient contamination, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, in initiating freshwater cyanobacteria (aka, blue-green algae blooms) blooms in Lake Okeechobee? What other factors do either of these researchers cite as a potential “trigger” for the cyanobacteria blooms to form in Lake Okeechobee?
3) Based on your reading of both Crosby and Havens (as well as any materials from lecture or other sources), describe why and how severe freshwater cyanobacteria blooms frequently occur in normally brackish ecosystems like the St. Lucie River estuary (on the east coast) and Caloosahatchee River estuary (on the west coast). (Hint – freshwater cyanobacteria normally would not survive in a saltwater estuary environment.)
Arizona State University Week 7 How Religion Shapes Society Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
In class, we discussed The Divine (Week 8 Lecture) and how Religion Shapes Society (Week 7 Lecture) which is an amalgamation of two terms Livingston uses to communicate a critical term in his text.
For this discussion identify and describe a deity, (God, god(s), a powerful spirit). Describe this deities character, values, disposition towards humanity. Then describe and examine how that deity has shaped & informed society. Defend your explanation of how that concept or person of deity shapes/d society with historic, cultural, or personal examples.
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Your primary post must be at least 300 words. Consider this academic writing so please use full sentences, make sure your post has a clear central idea, and watch your grammar. I recommend downloading Grammarly. You do not need to cite sources, but feel free to upload any images, links, or anything else you’d find helpful. Do remember I care much more about the quality of your writing than I do the length of your post, so don’t write filler. Also, make sure you hit 300 at least words.
You will be required to respond to 2 other classmates posts with responses of at least 75 words. For your responses critically examine the meaning provided by the sacred in the original post in order to demonstrate your understanding of the original post.
Monterrey Institute of Technology Women Roles in Politics and Society Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Women in politics and their role in society and equal rights.
1. In their respective articles (Enfranchisement of Women, Ain’t I a Woman?, and Why I Became a Woman’s-Rights Man), John Stuart Mill, Sojourner Truth, and Frederick Douglass argue that it is time to change society and its view of women in society. How does each author address the issue the role of women in society and what does each offer as a solution?
2. Discuss the impact of the Declaration of Sentiments and the Equal Rights Amendments (ERA) on the first wave of feminism and American society. What were the original goals of both the Declaration of Sentiments and the ERA? Why did it take so long (75 years) before suffrage was enacted? Why did the Declaration of Sentiments (and therefore, suffrage) succeed and the ERA failed? Finally, what lessons can current feminists learn from the first wave of feminism? Chapter 2 of the Lynne Ford book should be and the film One Woman, One Vote may be referenced!
I will attach files for more guidance. Should be double-spaced, using either Courier, Times New Roman or similar type. Font size must be between 11 and 14. Citations and quotes may be used.
– Two pages per question
After reading both of these articles, answer the following three questions:
1) Based on what you have learned so far about the typical limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems (and, yes, Lake Okeechobee is freshwater), what nutrient would you generally expect to be the most likely limiting resource for Lake Okeechobee?
2) How do Crosby and Havens each describe the role of nutrient contamination, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, in initiating freshwater cyanobacteria (aka, blue-green algae blooms) blooms in Lake Okeechobee? What other factors do either of these researchers cite as a potential “trigger” for the cyanobacteria blooms to form in Lake Okeechobee?
3) Based on your reading of both Crosby and Havens (as well as any materials from lecture or other sources), describe why and how severe freshwater cyanobacteria blooms frequently occur in normally brackish ecosystems like the St. Lucie River estuary (on the east coast) and Caloosahatchee River estuary (on the west coast). (Hint – freshwater cyanobacteria normally would not survive in a saltwater estuary environment.)