Identify Overall Scope and Analyze Unexpected Events Business Finance Assignment Help. Identify Overall Scope and Analyze Unexpected Events Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Project Scope Document
This assignment has two parts. In the FIRST part of this assignment, you will use the Project Scope Document template (linked below). In the SECOND part of this assignment, you will use Tab 2 of the Project Schedule Template (also linked below). Tab 2 will provide you with the unexpected events information needed to complete your analysis.
Part I
Develop the project scope document (no more than 3 pages long) to include the following information:
- Project Description
- Project Assumptions
- Project goals
- Project constraints (if any)
- Project limitations
- Project milestones
- Project risks (initial assessment)
Please use the template linked below to develop your project scope document.
Project Scope Document Template
The Project Scope needs to be developed prior to any analysis of unexpected events.
Analysis of Unexpected Events
Part 2
In a separate Word document, provide an analysis of unexpected events using the Project Schedule Template below (the unexpected events are located in Tab 2 of the document). In your analysis, you should discuss four areas affected by these unexpected events. Three of the areas of the project affected by the events should include changes to budget, human capital, and impact to schedule. Identify one additional area affected by these events.
Please submit your assignments in one zip file.
Identify Overall Scope and Analyze Unexpected Events Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Value Proposition Business Finance Assignment Help
My assignment is to market Detroit’s bid to be the second headquarters for Amazon. The below links talk about Detroit and other cities and their chances of being the 2nd HQ for Amazon:
A.Target Market Definition (Must use demographics and one of the following segmentation bases for each market: geographic, psychographic, benefits sought, usage)
B.Strategy Statement
1. Image and Market Position
2. Value Proposition
What you need to write is Value Proposition in Strategy Statement.
Final draft Humanities Assignment Help
The purpose of the Week 5 Final Essay assignment is to compose a final essay that is clearly focused, fully developed, and logically organized. The essay should be formatted according to APA guidelines, and it should utilize appropriate academic English, grammar, word usage, mechanics, and punctuation. You may use the Reference and Citation Generator to assist you with creating and finalizing your in-text citations and reference page.
Review the Final Draft Sample and the Final Essay Instructions.
Complete the assignment using the APA Sample Template.
Upload your completed essay to WritePoint® powered by Grammarly® and the Plagiarism Checker. Review and apply any recommended changes.
Submit your Final Essay to the Assignment Files tab.
Commonalities of Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya civilizations. What makes them such powerful entities? Humanities Assignment Help
View the video from Rio Salado’s film library at the following URL: Great Empires of the Past: Core Concepts.
The video is 75 minutes long and is a fascinating look at the world’s greatest empires, many of which you have studied in this course. You will find 36 two-minute clips of each empire, and the video provides a comprehensive look at the evolution of humans’ creation of civilization. After viewing this video, answer the question below.
After watching this video, consider some ideas of what all of these empires have in common. What makes them such powerful entities? What human quality joins them together? Assert an opinion about what you think could be a common thread in humans’ sense of community among these early societies. Use THREE different empires for examples, providing specific details from the video. This should be a well-developed response with an opening sentence, supporting ideas, and a conclusion.
Cases Summary Economics Assignment Help
This assignment is just to summary the case listed and provide your opinion wither you agree or not and why with the court decision, a tablet is provided.
The summary has to be clear to the point and give all important info about the case. Starts with who is the appellant against who and all info about what happened finally what the decision of district court, then the supremum curt.
each case provided with the page number in the attached book, In the template you only have to worry about number 1 (what happened in the case) and number 7 ( your opinion) don’t worry about the rest ( 2-6) I will do it.
2 questions minimum 400 words with references in APA format Business Finance Assignment Help
Since your last meeting with Mr. Potts, you have learned that because he is home so infrequently, he does not spend much quality time sober with his children. He recently missed their dance recital and their dance competitions. The girls excel at dance and have won numerous awards, none of which Mr. Potts has been around for. Mr. Potts has never missed work because of drinking, although you have learned that he sleeps only 4–5 hours per night and is typically hung over the next day after being out drinking the night before. He has very little patience, chain smokes, and has many regrets in his life (although drinking is not yet one of them). When asked about his children, he appears to know very little about them. He is unable to tell you who each child’s best friend is, what each child’s favorite color is, what television shows they like to watch, what music interests them, or what foods they like to eat. He cannot recall ever doing any activity with either of them, whether individually or together. He is not sure of their schedule, and he has never been to a school parent/teacher conference or any doctor or dentist appointments. However, he is very vocal in his expectation that his children excel in school and get all As. He did disclose that he reviews their report cards to be sure they are getting all As.
Mr. and Mrs. Potts travel frequently as a couple with different retail groups, and these trips are paid for by the manufacturers of the furniture that Mr. Potts carries in his stores. The children do not come on these trips. There are about two per year, each lasting for 1 week. When asked about these trips during an interview, Mrs. Potts’s face elongates and she looks down. She is very guarded in her responses to you as the probation officer. You learn that these trips are a source of great stress for Mrs. Potts because all decisions are left up to her. She decides and plans for the child care for the children when they travel, she does the packing, and she even has to pick out all of Mr. Potts’s clothing. During these trips, Mr. Potts is intoxicated most of the time except the mornings, and Mrs. Potts is left to deal with his intoxication, embarrassing behavior, and other antics.
Mr. Potts has a heart condition and has suffered from three heart attacks in the past 6 years. In addition, he had triple bypass surgery 18 months ago. He takes numerous medications for his heart condition. The doctors have clearly articulated to him that they believe that his years of heavy drinking have impacted the functioning of his heart. They have advised him explicitly that Mr. Potts must stop drinking if he wants to live. Despite this medical advice and his failing heart, he continues to drink and smoke excessively. His wife and children have spent numerous days and nights at the hospital while he recovered from his surgery and heart attacks.
Sarah, the 10-year old, dotes on her father whenever she has the opportunity. She sympathizes with him, gets him beers out of the refrigerator when he is home drinking, and is always trying to take the stress away from the family caused by Mr. Potts’s drinking.
Cindy, the 11-year old, is an angry child. She lashes out verbally and behaviorally at both her parents. Her parents do not know it, but she has recently began self-mutilating behaviors in the form of cutting her forearms, writing the words “help me” with a knife.
Given the additional information that you have learned about the Potts family during your interviews, do the following:
- Explain how Mr. Potts’s alcohol-related medical condition has impacted his children and wife.
- Use the facts and your knowledge of alcohol abuse and alcoholism to specifically address the impact of the medical condition on each member of the family.
2 questions minimum 400 words with references in APA format Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Sports Management Business Finance Assignment Help
This week you must develop a sponsorship proposal in Word. In real life, you are more likely to develop a PowerPoint proposal. But for this assignment, I would like you to develop a full proposal in Word, which contains more information and details. As previously stated, a poor proposal simply lists a number of rights components and says little about what benefits it offers and why those benefits are relevant and important to the company. Your proposal must demonstrate your knowledge of the chosen prospective sponsor (a for-profit organization only). The rights components offered and the benefits discussed must be in line with the company’s mission, current strategies, target markets, and business situations.
The proposal must communicate the compelling reasons why the sponsor must not lose this unique opportunity presented.
When you write a proposal, make sure to align the property’s assets/sponsorship rights with the sponsor’s goals and benefits.
I recommend you choose a company that is not a current sponsor of your chosen sport property.
Sample Proposal and Guidelines ARE Attached PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW GUIDELINES
Program to Implement Dijkstra’s shortest path Programming Assignment Help
Every requirement of this question is explained in the attachment below. Also attached are the additional classes that you can use for the completion of the assignment.
Please…. If you receive the same question from other users before me please ignore me or if you receive any question after you are accepted by me please do not respond to them because they might be of the same class as i am in and we all will be in trouble if you provide the same code.
Also i would like you to add comments for every line in the program for my understanding.
Please discuss the need for change and propose a solution. Writing Assignment Help
employees felt that there was a racial bias toward people of color when hiring
for a management position within the corporate operations department. We
noticed that there was an issue when an employee pointed out the there was only
one black person in a management position. When two other manager positions
opened, employees of all races applied. I would say that there were three
employees that were black and 2 were white, the 2 white employees were hired.
This observation had been mentioned to leadership but they failed to address
it, instead leadership ignored the accusations. There have been letters written
to the HR department to address this issue but the turnaround time to address
those letters are still pending.
There are many diversity and inclusion programs that the company have employed and
they have been very valuable and beneficial to their employees. Still there are
more training topics that needs to applied to address issues that can arise
around racism. Building trusting relationships is very important and being able
to talk about racism amongst colleagues is a way to build that trust.
APA Format
~3 pages: Need for Change
the change that needs to take place and discuss internal and external forces that
represent obstacles to the change, supporting your opinion with appropriate
citations. Describe the various kinds of data you would need to gather to
confirm your diagnosis. What level of analysis (organization, group, or
individual job) should be applied to this situation?
(Incorporate objectives )
- Planned change theories, the purpose of diagnosis in OD, diagnostic models in OD, types of OD interventions that apply.
- Discuss the purpose of diagnosis in OD.
- Explain the role of diagnostic models in OD.
- Describe levels and types of OD interventions
- Discuss how contingencies related to the change situation affect the design of effective OD interventions.
- Explain how contingencies related to the target of change affect the design of effective OD interventions.
- Identify key elements of successful change management.
- Explore the processes of change associated with each element
~3-5 pages: Proposed Solution (Incorporate course objective 6)
Create recommendations for a proposed solution. What do you believe would be an effective intervention? What forces could be harnessed to promote the change? Who should be included in the solution’s implementation? What would be considered a success? What additional approaches could be considered? What steps would you take to implement the recommended solution. Be sure to present your findings objectively, without emotion.
(Incorporate objectives )
- Describe factors that may impact the success or failure of an OD intervention
- Describe the desired characteristics of the feedback process
Dow Jones from 1979 through 2005. Mathematics Assignment Help
Year | Coded Year | DJIA |
1979 | 0 | 838.70 |
1980 | 1 | 964.00 |
1981 | 2 | 875.00 |
1982 | 3 | 1046.50 |
1983 | 4 | 1258.60 |
1984 | 5 | 1211.60 |
1985 | 6 | 1546.70 |
1986 | 7 | 1896.00 |
1987 | 8 | 1938.80 |
1988 | 9 | 2168.60 |
1989 | 10 | 2753.20 |
1990 | 11 | 2633.70 |
1991 | 12 | 3168.80 |
1992 | 13 | 3301.10 |
1993 | 14 | 3754.10 |
1994 | 15 | 3834.40 |
1995 | 16 | 5117.10 |
1996 | 17 | 6448.30 |
1997 | 18 | 7908.30 |
1998 | 19 | 9181.40 |
1999 | 20 | 11497.10 |
2000 | 21 | 10788.00 |
2001 | 22 | 10021.50 |
2002 | 23 | 8341.60 |
2003 | 24 | 10453.90 |
2004 | 25 | 10788.00 |
2005 | 26 | 10717.50 |
The data in the above DJIA folder shows closing values of the Dow Jones from 1979 through 2005.
Plot the data. Be sure to show the years on the horizontal scale. Give the actual years, not the coded years.
Give the trend equation using the coded years
Interpret the slope in the context of this problem. Do not use the term unit increase.
Using this model forecast what should have been the closing value for 2008
Identify Overall Scope and Analyze Unexpected Events Business Finance Assignment Help
Identify Overall Scope and Analyze Unexpected Events Business Finance Assignment Help