IEEE Analyzing Security Issues & Techniques in Data Warehouse Research Report Writing Assignment Help. IEEE Analyzing Security Issues & Techniques in Data Warehouse Research Report Writing Assignment Help.
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For this component you will write a report or critique on the paper you chose from Assignment 1, the Presentation and Participation component above.
Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not including references). Use 1.5 spacing with a 12 point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen article, you should use other sources to support your discussion or the chosen papers premises. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style.
Your report or critique must include:
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MITS 5509 Assignment 1 and 2
Title Page: The title of the assessment, the name of the paper you are reporting on and its authors, and your name and student ID.
Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two paragraphs).
Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the authors. Report on results discussed and discuss the conclusions of the article and how they are relevant to the topics of this Unit of Study.
Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the body of the paper. The conclusion should not introduce any ‘new’ material that was not discussed in the body of the paper. (One or two paragraphs)
References: A list of sources used in your text. They should be listed alphabetically by (first) author’s family name. Follow the IEEE style.
The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number.
Note: reports submitted on papers which are not approved or not the approved paper registered for the student will not be graded and attract a zero (0) grade.
What to Submit
Submit your report to the Moodle drop-box for Assignment 2. Note that this will be a
IEEE Analyzing Security Issues & Techniques in Data Warehouse Research Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Constitution Arguments in Federalist 51 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Use a short intro and conclusion—related to each other—to provide historical context and to tie the paper together.
As I mentioned in previous feedback, be sure to quote your source to illustrate the points you’re making.
For this discussion, we will use:
—Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist Argument (1788)
–an excerpt from The Federalist No. 51 by James Madison (1787)
–Chapter 7 of Give Me LIberty!
To address the following question:
What major issues or ideological tensions did the debate over the Constitution reveal?
In order to answer that larger question, our discussion will need to consider:
What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists?
What were the major arguments in support of the Constitution put forth by the Federalists?
What were the events and historical circumstances that influenced each argument?
Remember to use the sources to support your statements. You now know that this is done by quoting the source. Also, quoting the primary sources gives your statements more weight because you’re interpreting the data or the evidence yourself, rather than relying on another historian (Foner) for that interpretation.
How much should I say?
Each student will have to post their own post before they respond to someone else. Your first post can address just one of the many issues relevant to the discussion. It should not be an effort to address ALL of the issues at hand.
You must reply to other students’ posts. Your reply can be as short as a paragraph, but should be enough to refute or elaborate on another student’s point. If a post already has two replies, consider moving on to another thread.
In total, you should strive for somewhere around 250-400 words total for your discussion contributions. In general, each student should post at least 3 times with the understanding that your discussion contributions are worth 50 points total just like your Response Papers.
Finally, remember from the Response Papers and Discussions guidelines:
What to say if you don’t agree with the discussion post?
–“I think I see it differently…”
–“I have a different take on this.”
–“I am not sure I follow the logic of your thinking. The way I see it is…”
Use third-point referencing. That is, refer to the post, not the person who created the post.
–For example: “The argument might be stronger if…”
–“The thesis is clear and well-supported…”, “The sources don’t seem to support the point I think you’re trying to make…”
What to say if you don’t understand parts of the post?
–I am not sure I follow, exactly
–I know what I mean by the word “____” but I’m not sure I know what you mean…
–Could you help me understand your thinking when you said___
Avoid phrases like:
–“You do a terrible job of…”
–“You should have…”
–“Your thesis sucks…”
Suggested Structure
–1st paragraph–restate in your own words the argument that you understand the student is making
–2nd paragraph–extend or refute the point made by the student by including more evidence from the texts
–give a concluding idea
Quantum Quantum Mechanics Spectroscopy Questions Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a physics multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.
1. The degeneracy ratio of the energy levels is important in microwave spectroscopy. What is the degeneracy of the third excited rotational level? [ Select ] [“7”, “1”, “3”]
2. The typical energy difference for transitions in electronic spectroscopy is 5 x 10-18 J. Calculate the ratio of the number of molecules in two adjacent levels, the ground and the first excited level, at 300 K. Assume the electronic states are singlets. [ Select ] [“approximately 0”, “7.4 x 10^(-22)”, “7.4 x 10^(-5)”]
3. Considering the ratio of molecules in the ground level to the first excited level in microwave spectroscopy (MW) and in electronic spectroscopy (EL), select the incorrect statement. [ Select ] [“The ratio for EL is smaller than 1”, “The ambient temperature does not affects the ratio in MW”, “The ratio for MW is larger than 1”]
San Diego State University Protestants Reformation in Europe Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This week, we get to explore the reformations of Europe, Please construct a thoughtful 400-500 word main response addresses the questions posed in your option. You should spell check, edit for grammar, include quotes or paraphrased examples from our readings or my lectures (cites of course in the most simple way possible or your personal favorite MLA, APA, or Chicago style)
Discuss the the causes of the Protestant Reformation (Links to an external site.) in Europe and its effects. Pay particular attention to Martin Luther and his challenges to the Roman Catholic Church.
Which MO Represents the Bonding Molecular Orbital For OH Physical Chemistry MCQ Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Although the hydroxyl radical (OH) is present only in trace amounts in the atmosphere, it plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry because it is a strong oxidant and can react with many pollutants. Assume that the radical is analogous to the HF molecule (MO diagram below) and that the molecular orbitals result from overlap of one of the oxygen 2p and hydrogen 1s orbitals.
Consider the images of the molecular orbitals below:
1. Which MO image represents the ? (bonding) molecular orbital for OH?
2. Which MO image represents the ?* (antibonding) molecular orbitals for OH?
3. Which of the molecular orbitals, 2. or 4., in the MO diagram has more hydrogen character?
4. Estimate the bond order of OH.
Spectrum of Acetaldehyde CH3CHO Recorded at 200 MHz & 400 MHz Questions Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry multi-part question and need guidance to help me study.
The spectrum of acetaldehyde, CH3CHO, shown below, is recorded at 200 MHz and 400 MHz.
1. Which of the peaks belongs to the proton in the -CHO group? [ Select ] [“9.8 ppm”, “2.2 ppm”]
2. Is the following statement True or False: “The spin-spin coupling constant J depends on the strength of the magnetic field B0.” [ Select ] [“False”, “True”]
3. What is the strength of the magnetic field B0 for the spectrum recorded at 200 MHz? [ Select ] [“9.40 T”, “4.7 T”, “1.14 T”]
Spectrum of Acetaldehyde CH3CHO Recorded at 200 MHz & 400 MHz Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HUM 7100 UOAGC Week 3 Identifying Three Issues Grammarly Uncovered in Your Work Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Reflective Journal: Grammarly and RefWorks
Part 1: If you have not already done so, submit one of the written assignments you have drafted for this course (or any document that was written according to academic standards) to Grammarly to be reviewed for writing and style issues.
If you have not used Grammarly in the past, study The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly (Links to an external site.) tutorial; then set up a Grammarly account, and use Grammarly to review a draft of your academic document.
Begin your journal entry by identifying three issues Grammarly uncovered in your work (e.g., wordiness, passive voice, subject-verb agreement) and excerpt some of the feedback Grammarly provided as explanations.
Then, integrate and cite the examples you provided to address the following questions:
- Was a piece of software able to identify errors and suggest revisions that might improve your writing?
- Did Grammarly suggest changes or modifications that were less than optimal and which you rejected?
- What do your responses to these first two questions imply about how to constructively process feedback from Grammarly?
- Was the experience of using Grammarly generally beneficial?
- Will you use Grammarly for future class assignments? Why or why not?
Part 2: Reflect on RefWorks, the online bibliographic management program available to you at Ashford University. Please review this guide from the Library on Creating a RefWork Account (Links to an external site.) if you do not already have an account. If you have not yet accessed RefWorks, do so now and try out some of its features before you address the following questions:
- Have you used RefWorks prior to this assignment? Based on that experience, if applicable, or on your current assessment of the tool, describe your thoughts concerning the usefulness of RefWorks. Does it help to keep resources organized? Which features of the tool do you find most helpful?
- Looking forward, how do you plan to use RefWorks for this class and for the duration of your doctoral journey?
Central Virginia Community College Social Insurance Response Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a literature question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Assignment Topic:
social insurance response
I agree, Social Insurance are programs that the government is involved in implementing on individuals that sign up whether unemployed or employed, with disabilities and mental challenges against economic disasters that may occur. The insurance compensations also have requirements that an individual needs to meet to acquire them like their lifetime contributions. The listed programs are the set up initiatives and not institutions. The government’s responsibilities regarding social insurance are well described as well as the impact of Social insurance. However, the ease to acquire healthcare provided by the social insurance programs wasn’t mentioned.
Central Virginia Community College Poetry Phillis Wheatley Literature Review Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Assignment Topic:
American Literature
1 source required
Please post a response to the Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano and/or one or more of the poems by Phillis Wheatley by creating your own titled reply. Begin your post with a brief quoted passage from the text that you found especially important and explain why you think the passage is important for understanding the text. What might be most interesting is to find a point of comparison between either of these readings and some other reading from the course up to this point, or to find a point of comparison between Equiano and Wheatley. How, for example, did they regard their status as slaves in their writing? Can you find similarities in their views on slavery? Differences? Did their depictions (or lack thereof) surprise you in any way?
Operation Wrap Spend and Merck Organization in the United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a case studies question and need support to help me learn.
- COVID-19 infections were still climbing across the U.S. and many other parts of the world in September 2020, and it seemed that every time Ken Frazier, the CEO of Merck & Co. consented to an interview in recent months he always seemed to hear the same question, “Where’s Merck?” The company, a leader in the global vaccine business had a low public profile even though it was working assiduously on two vaccine candidates for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The U.S. Government had initiated a high profile program-Operation Warp Speed (OWS)-to accelerate the development of vaccines, but Merck was notably absent. Should Merck seek or accept funding from OWS, and what terms might accompany such an agreement?
[supanova_question] if you do not already have an account. If you have not yet accessed RefWorks, do so now and try out some of its features before you address the following questions:
- Have you used RefWorks prior to this assignment? Based on that experience, if applicable, or on your current assessment of the tool, describe your thoughts concerning the usefulness of RefWorks. Does it help to keep resources organized? Which features of the tool do you find most helpful?
- Looking forward, how do you plan to use RefWorks for this class and for the duration of your doctoral journey?