Immigration Policies Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Immigration Policies Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Use the attached reading and the reading in the links only, please!
- Forrester, Andrew C. Benjamin Powell, Alex Nowrasteh, Michelangelo Landgrave. 2019. Do Immigrants Import Terrorism. CATO Institute.
- Bove, Vincenzo, Tobias Böhmelt. 2016. “Does Immigration Induce Terrorism?”. The Journal of Politics, 78, 2. Blackwell Publishing.
- Uri Friedman. January 30, 2017. Where American’s Terrorists Actually Come from. The Atlantic.…
1.Discussion Board (26%): You will be required to post one answer, and one comment in the discussion board each week. a.I will post at least one discussion question related to the topic and relevant readings at the beginning of each week. The discussion questions will usually be broad to allow the responses from a wide spectrum. You are required to post your answer to the professor’s discussion question(s). You are required to post one answer with minimum 250 words long. You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings and information from other pertaining resources, and they expand the idea presented and contribute to the discussion.
2.Weekly Question( 13 %): You are required to submit at least one question from the weekly readings assigned•The question whether it is factual or fictitious, should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.•
A question such as “Has there been more research conducted on [the weekly topic]” is not an acceptable one.•The purpose of the “weekly question” the assignment is to promote your critical thinking, but not to receive an answer. Please do not expect a reply to your every question. •Your “weekly questions” must be substantially different from the question I posted on the Discussion Board.2-
How would be the effective US immigration policy in terms of counter-terrorism?
2-Weekly Question
Post a question relevant to the readings. The question of whether it is factual or fictitious should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.
3-write a comment
You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings.
Student#1 is for part 3- write a comment. write a response for this student discussion. Your comment will be at least 100 words long
Given that transnational terrorism remains a ubiquitous facet of our increasingly interconnected global order, effective U.S. immigration policy in regards to counter-terrorism must seek to limit the operations of transnational extremists domestically while simultaneously avoiding blanket-travel bans which serve to inculcate resentment against the United States among those impacted by such restrictions – particularly those seeking asylum from political violence. It is important to note, however, as Professor Bove notes in this week’s reading, that “while migrant inflows could, in principle, constitute such a link between states, leading to the diffusion of policies, ideology and behavior – and, eventually terrorism” (Bove, 2016) – immigration is but one potential facilitator of this outcome and not to be regarded as an essential cause of terrorism. While research has found that “many transnational terrorists are, in fact, migrants to their host country, there is no direct evidence that immigration actually induces terrorism” (Bove, 2016). This apparently contradictory sentiment is associated with the “normatively positive” effect of immigration such that “the number of terrorist attacks significantly decreases with immigration” (Bove, 2016). That is to say that while immigration may facilitate the movement of transnational terrorists, resulting in potential attacks, nations which are more accepting of immigrants tend to be less vulnerable, statistically, in this regard. It could also be the case however that nations capable of accepting influxes of immigrant populations are those wealthy enough to also contain security apparatuses capable of better preventing transnational terrorist attacks relative to their less wealthy counterparts. Whatever the case may be, identifying immigration as a salient cause of terrorism only serves to alienate immigrant populations – cultivating the resentment and potential subsequent radicalization that might ironically generate a greater number of attacks. Therefore U.S. immigration policy must, in the words of Professor Bove, seek to “[strike] a balance between border control and intelligence gathering, on the one hand, and facilitating the benefits of maintaining relatively open borders, on the other” (Bove, 2016).
Immigration Policies Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida International University Prosecutorial Reforms Law Question Writing Assignment Help
- Provide a comprehensive reflection of your critical thoughts on the topic at hand.
- Essay should be between 1,000-1,200 words.
- It should be typed in Calibri or New Times Roman (12-point font) and double-spaced.
- The total required word count makes it about 4 pages in length. Please make sure to use the word count feature in Microsoft Word to ensure you meet the minimum requirement regardless of the number of pages.
- Follow the traditional essay formatting:
- Introduction
- Body Paragraphs
- Conclusion
- For in-text citations and referencing, you can use MLA or APA.
Prosecutorial Reforms and Challenges
Prosecutorial Reforms: Based on the research article (Learning Materials below), what are some of the challenges prosecutors face when attempting to implement new reforms?
Organization–about equally divided by:
- Overview and review of reforms, classic vs. contemporary prosecutorial systems
- Your answer and explanation to the posted question
Learning Materials
Research Article: Tempting Expectations: A Qualitative Study of Prosecutorial Reform (ATTACHED)
Note: Students can use other resources but be sure the learning material is included as the central source.
Rubric also attached
STAT 300 American River College Statistics Mathematics Assignment Help
I will provide the info to the tutor when he accepts my bid.
To complete the Midterm in MyLab a few things about the midterm:
- You will access the Midterm through MyLab — it will be available starting 8:00am Friday, March 19, and remain open until 11:59pm Sunday, March 21.
- It will be located right under the Midterm Practice in your MyLab assignments list.
- It covers Chapters 1 through 5.
- It contains 32 questions and is worth 300 points.
- You will have 3 hours to complete the exam (take it anytime during the available window, but it must be completed in a single 3-hour session and submitted no later than 11:59pm on Sunday Match 21).
Timberland High School Chemistry Worksheet Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry project and need guidance to help me learn.
This project is on chapter’s 3,4, and 5
-Electron Structure and Periodic Properties of Elements
-Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry
-Advanced Theories of Bonding
Link to textbook:…
-For questions talking about learning goals you must be very specific. *put in own words*
Example: learning goal for a Bohr Model question-
The learning goal for this question is (look at textbook chapter 3.2) to describe the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, and use the Rydberg equation to calculate the energies either admitted or absorbed by the atoms.
-If the next question is asking for examples, look through the chapter and find an example displaying the topic of the learning objective.
Example: textbook example for a Bohr Model question-
An example from the textbook would be (look in textbook chapter 3.2) example 3.5
An example from the textbook would be (look at exercises in the textbook) example #16 (if there is a letter then put “letter __”) in the 3.2 The Bohr Model section
Thank you!
Education Is the Foundation of Poverty Alleviation Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
To make a researchers page, you don’t need to write too much text, just a few sentences of summary and explanation. Mainly use specific data and graphs to prove that education is the foundation of poverty alleviation. “To teach someone how to fish is better than to just give him a fish ” Pay attention to the improvement of poor people’s own strength, and get rid of poverty from the root of their mentality and wealth-making skills, especially the need to remove their laziness.
1: Use the cross-country survey data and historical data to
show that education is the foundation of poverty alleviation work. The source of the data and graphs needs to be written.
2: Finding relevant negative data proves that direct economic help sometimes exacerbates poverty. Let the poor people become dependent and lazy, making it harder to get out of poverty.
3: We can use the results of poverty alleviation since China’s reform and development as an example to prove that education is the foundation of poverty alleviation.
Grossmont College Developmental Appropriate Book for Preschoolers Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Selecting a Developmentally Appropriate Book for Preschoolers (ages 3-6)
35 points
Due: Friday March 19
Each day, a five-point deduction will apply when an assignment is late.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Project:
Discuss the major developmental characteristics, abilities, issues, and/or concerns of the early childhood years demonstrated in the children’s book in two developmental domains.
Apply the knowledge of early childhood development to selecting appropriate books for children.
Devise ways of caregiver interactions to promote early childhood development supported by course knowledge.
Select one book demonstrating early childhood developmental aspects in two of these domains (physical/motor, cognitive, or socioemotional).
1.Briefly describe the book (title, number of pages, story/information, illustration – how children understand it even though not able to read, font size, language – vocabulary children already know and will learn, and average length of sentences, etc.).
Also state how you think the book is meant for preschoolers demonstrated in the above-mentioned aspects. Provide specific examples from the book when necessary.
2.Reference Chapters 9-11 of the course text and relate specific early childhood development knowledge to the children’s book content. Address the following guidelines for the two chosen developmental domains. Discuss about one domain at a time.
I.What is the developmental domain to which the book is relevant?
II.What are the early childhood developmental characteristics, abilities, issues, and/or concerns demonstrated in the book?
a.For each domain, identify at least two aspects of preschoolers’ developmental characteristics/abilities/issues discussed in the textbook that are relevant to the children’s book, e.g., nutrition need, egocentrism.
b.Paraphrase substantial textbook information regarding the developmental characteristics/abilities/issues. Then discuss how the characteristics/issues are shown in the children’s book (e.g., in illustration, language, book format, story, etc.). Cite the course knowledge twice or more for each developmental aspect, with good quantity and depth of information, and relate the knowledge to the content of the children’s book.
c.To earn a better grade: You are encouraged to consider how the child’s development can be further promoted and/or abilities be enhanced through the use of the book. Discuss how a caregiver can interact with a preschooler, in addition to reading the book, to promote the focused developmental aspects. Paraphrase specific course knowledge to support your arguments.
III.Critical Analysis of Equity and Inclusion: address the following questions
a.Do the characters model views or actions that you would like children to emulate? Give an example.
b.Do the words and images provide opportunities to learn about or partake in someone else’s experience? Give an example.
c.Does the storyline encourage caregiver-child conversations about differences?
*The example assignment on Canvas does not include this section.
When information is borrowed from the textbook, paraphrase it using your own words, avoid using quotations, and cite the text in APA style (Note the page numbers of the textbook information in your citations). Quote only those words that you would definitely not be able to paraphrase!
Cite the children’s book author (and year when applicable) whenever you discuss its content.
The whole paper needs to be formatted in APA Writing Style.
The essay will be 4-5 pages (not including the title and reference pages). Type it using: 12-point Times or Times New Roman font, double-spacing and one-inch margins.
Structure of essay: (No abstract is needed.)
Title page: (includes an image of the children’s book cover here)
Description of book (2/3 – 1 page)
First domain: 1 – 11/3 page; use a topic sentence with the focused domain and two (or more) developmental aspects
Your arguments of appropriateness supported with paraphrased course knowledge
Second domain: 1 – 11/3 page; use a topic sentence with the focused domain and two (or more) developmental aspects
Your arguments of appropriateness supported with paraphrased course knowledge
Critical Analysis of Equity and Inclusion: about 1/3 page
A brief summary (of developmental aspects and major arguments): about 1/3 page
Page of references (the textbook and the children’s book) using APA style
Whenever there are SIX or more words copied from the original literature or other people’s work without quotation marks, it is considered plagiarism, for which you will lose many points or earn the grade of F. Rephrasing others’ ideas without citation is also plagiarism.
EXAMPLE- file:///Users/chanelkhairo/Downloads/Essay_1_sample375B(1).pdf
Grossmont College Developmental Appropriate Book for Preschoolers Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SJSU The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Equality and Social Justice Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Describe how social actions that leverage social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have led to greater equality and social justice in the US. (min 250 words) must pick facebook or twitter either one .please review rubric must include all case from 1 to 6 !
student is able to describe comprehensively how social actions that leverage social networking sites such as Facebook and Twtter have led to greater equality and social justice in the U.S. Students provides at least 3 supporting details and/or examples. (must give at least three example for supporting your thesis and idea )
Rubric :
1 Thesis Statement
2 Organization and Paragraph Construction (Information is logically organized. All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, concluding sentence with a transition.)
3 mechanic (No grammatical,)
***4 Content CriteriaStudents will be able to describe how social actions that leverage social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have led to greater equality and social justice in the U.S.
5 Broad impacts of engineeringUnderstand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
6 Social actionsStudents will be able to describe social actions which have led to greater equality and social justice in the U.S. (i.e. religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age).
PSYC 8202 Walden University Week 3 The Research Continuum Elements Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Execution of an optimal survey study depends on
the interactive order and flow in the continuum of survey research
methodological components. For example, the purpose of the study needs
to directly address the problem. The research questions and hypotheses
need to use the same operationally defined terms found in the problem
and purpose, and the theory must be both testable and serve as the
framework that holds all of the pieces of your study together.
For the Discussion, select two of the following
research elements to use for this assignment: research problems, theory,
definitions, research questions, or hypotheses. Then, consider how
these two elements are related. Finally, consider the topic you plan to
use for your Research Proposal (and, potentially, for your
dissertation), and why you feel it is a relevant survey research topic.
With these thoughts in mind:
Part 1
an explanation of how the
two research elements you selected are related. Then describe the topic
you plan to use for your Research Proposal and why it is a relevant
survey research topic. Justify using empirical citations and examples.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.
Part 2
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:
- Ask a probing question.
- Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings.
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Validate an idea with your own experience.
- Make a suggestion.
- Expand on your colleagues’ postings.
Return to this Discussion in a few days
to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you learned
and/or any insights you gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.
MGT 3663 GIT Mercks Challenge in Securing a Patent for Hepatitis C Drug Proposal Business Finance Assignment Help
the primary objective of this group assignment is to practice using the class material, frameworks, and ideas covered during the course. The secondary objective is to enrich the learning process by leveraging the prior experiences or future interests of participants to show how course concepts can be applied in a wide variety of business settings.TOPIC:A challenge facing a specific firm with respect to exploiting, protecting, licensing out, licensing in, or acquiring (via means other than licensing) its innovations. If you wish, you can focus on a firm within the industry related to your expected career path. Originality is encouraged.
Examples of previous paper topics include:
• The strategic response of Linux-based company Red Hat to the community movement from stationary computers to mobile computing • A strategic analysis of the patent war between Samsung and Apple related to mobile phones and tablets • The WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) technology unsuccessful race to become a standard for broadband connectivity• Assume that you are advising the head of R&D at BigPharmaX who has told you that, to identify promising drugs, BigPharmaX’s scientists typically use hundreds of patented targets (e.g., features of cells, or genes implicated in some disease process) owned by others without seeking a license (i.e., they are infringing). What should BigPharmaX’s strategy be with respect to the use of others’ patented targets and research tools?• Waymo strategy in commercializing autonomous driving technology.•Technology and strategy behind Square’s success and recommendations to sustain its competitive advantage. DELIVERABLES AND DEADLINES:
Florida National University Nurses Evidence Based Practice Competencies Response Health Medical Assignment Help
List specific goals of treatment for M.W.
The client visited the clinic to conduct a clinical evaluation of the recurrent shortness of breath. The situation and the patient’s past medical report revealed that she is a victim of hypertension which triggered the conditions like diabetes mellitus type 2. On the other hand, the patient has COPD with respiratory failure, Deep vein thrombosis, and chronic renal insufficiency. Similarly, M.W. a 69-year-old individual is an alcohol abuser which I am certain many of his present conditions have not been healed or even managed. We, therefore, have specific goals for the patient to follow for him to control his health problems more appropriately.
·For hypertension, the patient work on losing extra pounds which will help to lower his blood pressure down. Exercises regularly and eating healthy meals are also of the ways the patient can manage hypertension including reduction of his drinking habits.
·The interventions for diabetes type 2 are related to that hypertension. It involves taking insulin and other medications as prescribed by the professional physician (Palmer et al., 2017). Also eating a planned diet by the physician entails eating meals rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates.
·Patients with respiratory failure in COPD often get pharmacological treatment, supplemental oxygen, and also via mechanical ventilation.
·For chronic renal insufficiency which was the major diagnosis, the patient can work on his blood pressure, manage the glucose levels, monitor the progress of the kidney, and above all, M.W should take medications as prescribed by the physician including developing a dietitian meal plan (Beddhu et L., 2018).
·All the mentioned interventions will surely control heart failure problems and other related conditions.
What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why?
The patient’s major diagnosis was Anemia of CKD which is a critical condition that needs serious medical and other appropriate interventions. The treatment Anemia of CKD involves erythropoietin and iron or an artificial erythropoietin-stimulating agent (ESA) and it is given under the skin. Iron pills are injected into a patient’s veins which are essential in reducing the symptoms of CKD. Another crucial treatment for the condition involves Vitamin B12 supplements orally (Shlipak et al., 2021). ESA and adjuvant iron therapy exhibit the primary treatment for anemia in CKD. In that ESA expands hemoglobin concentrations without altering the blood transfusion and thereby enhancing the quality of life of the patient. Although the medications are quite expensive and need a parenteral route of care and drug administration.
What are the parameters for monitoring the success of therapy?
To evaluate the success of ESA and that of iron pills should be focused on the maximally efficacious of erythropoiesis. The evaluation stages take place in Anemia treatment which involves the management of hemoglobin, the frequency and the mode of iron supplements, CKD condition. The evaluation procedure should focus on delaying the progression of CKD, diagnosing and treating the pathological manifestations of chronic kidney disease including the timely plan for long-term renal replacement intervention.
Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy
The patient should note that the prescribed therapy which involves ESA and Iron pills, those iron pills are meant to delay other possibilities of anemia interventions in the predialysis individuals to decrease the needed dosage of ESAs in HD individuals has come to the fore. It is also crucial for the patient to comprehend that Iron pills are also meant to add up hemoglobin levels without the application of ESA to enhance iron stores before the administration of ESA intervention. It is also meant to improve the response to ESA once administered or to manage iron deficiency due to ESA treatment.
List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy
ESA has been used for several decades due to its effective nature in regards to the patient’s recovery speed. However, the therapy has its effects that may have diverse effects on the patient and several pieces of researches have confirmed that it relates to high CV and thrombosis risk to cancer and mortality rates increases. Other side effects include swelling, fever, dizziness, nausea, hypertension, and also pain at the site of the injection. Similarly, Iron pills have side effects such as stomach upset and pain, constipation. When such symptoms arise, it would be advisable to change medication that will have fewer effects on the patient.
What over-the-counter and/or alternative medications would be appropriate for M.W.?
From the clinical knowledge, it is obvious that patients with kidney disorders often experience the worse type of hypertension. Therefore, Dialysis can be the best intervention for M.W. The therapy involves removing wastes and fluids from the patient’s blood due to the inability of the kidney to perform such tasks (Palmer et al., 2017). On the other hand, another alternative intervention can be a kidney transplant which entails surgical replacing of a healthy kidney from a donor. The kidney can come from deceased individuals or living volunteers. however, the patient will require medication to manage his condition for the rest of his life to prevent the body from rejecting the strange organ.
What dietary and lifestyle changes would you recommend for M.W.?
Many cardiovascular disorders require a dietitian plan for the successful management of the disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to canned ones are much recommended since they contain all the relevant nutrients that are meant to keep the immunity of the patient much stronger (Palmer et al., 2017). The renal dietitian can provide the best directives for patients like M.W. Meals that are low in fats are also recommended including whole grains, poultry, fish, foods low in sodium including beans.
Beddhu, S., Greene, T., Boucher, R., Cushman, W. C., Wei, G., Stoddard, G., … & Chertow, G. M. (2018). Intensive systolic blood pressure control and incident chronic kidney disease in people with and without diabetes mellitus: secondary analyses of two randomized controlled trials. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 6(7), 555-563.
Palmer, S. C., Maggo, J. K., Campbell, K. L., Craig, J. C., Johnson, D. W., Sutanto, B., … & Strippoli, G. F. (2017). Dietary interventions for adults with chronic kidney disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (4).
Shlipak, M. G., Tummalapalli, S. L., Boulware, L. E., Grams, M. E., Ix, J. H., Jha, V., … & Zomer, E. (2021). The case for early identification and intervention of chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney International, 99(1), 34-47.