Indiana University Hotel Industry Business Improvement Proposal Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Indiana University Hotel Industry Business Improvement Proposal Presentation Writing Assignment Help. Indiana University Hotel Industry Business Improvement Proposal Presentation Writing Assignment Help.

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Business Improvement Proposal Presentation

For your last major assignment, you will create an entirely online proposal presentation of the equivalent of 5-7 pages (single spaced) for an improvement to a business where you have worked or would like to work in the future. Use the proposal you already wrote as an email for homework (Homework 2/1) as a starting place.

This assignment will challenge you to achieve the following:

• Persuade a business audience to accept your ideas.

• Create logical, well-supported arguments by linking evidence to your claims

• Develop an online organizational structure and presentation that is easy to understand and follow.

• Adapt your ideas to a specific audience and anticipate and address their concern.


This is your big chance to tell an employer how to improve the business. Consider where you have worked, and think about one major improvement you would recommend. Brainstorm ideas that will help the business improve operational efficiencies, save money, increase revenue or market share, improve guest satisfaction, increase social responsibility, or enhance brand image. You might suggest that the company, for example, focus on a new market segment, simplify a procedure, upgrade facilities, begin composting, improve training, invest in a new computer system, or implement a social media campaign.

For this assignment to be sufficiently challenging, choose a recommendation that may be controversial. Expect resistance and garner enough evidence to persuade your audience to implement your idea. You will need to include external research, both of the company itself and the logistics of your proposed action, to support your claims. But choose something with a limited scope, so you can cover the topic thoroughly in a short time frame. Also avoid improvements that have large negative effects on staff.

Your proposal will include the following parts:

  • Executive summary
  • Summary of and need for planned improvement (including projected purpose and result)
  • Logistics of planned improvement
  • Conclusion

Grading Consideration

In addition to the goals listed above, I will be looking for the following in your proposal

• Clear strategy/approach to the issue

• Solid reasoning and use of evidence; clear analytical/critical thinking

• An organization appropriate to your purpose; paper is well organized and makes sense as a whole; paper is easy to follow and progresses in a logical manner

• Precision and accuracy of word choice

• Sentences are not only formed correctly, but also read smoothly; sentences, paragraphs, and paper as a whole are clear and easy to understand

• Correct citations/foot or endnotes and formatting


Peer Review Business Communication Portfolio –


Business Communication Portfolio


Throughout the semester, you will have produced many kinds of short business communications, ranging from emails to memos to letters. At the end of the semester, you will pick three to revise along with and include in a portfolio along with your resume and cover letter, selecting one good news/neutral letter/memo/email, one bad news letter/memo/email, and one persuasive letter/memo/email. The whole portfolio will also be prefaced with a cover letter explaining and reflecting on your revisions. This portfolio is your chance to apply and show what you’ve learned this semester.

Turning in the Portfolio

Your portfolio will contain the following parts and be uploaded as a single document:

  1. Portfolio Cover Letter
  2. Good news/neutral message (original and revision)
  3. Bad news message (original and revision)
  4. Persuasive message (original and revision)
  5. Resume and Cover Letter (original and revision)

Grading Considerations

Each set of drafts will be graded on the attached rubric (to be updated). I will be looking for the following in each:

  • Establishes a clear sense of purpose
  • Uses appropriate techniques and strategies for the audience and situation
  • Reflects an understanding/depth of revision
  • Communicates clearly and concisely
  • Contains few to no grammar/mechanics errors

Indiana University Hotel Industry Business Improvement Proposal Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Logistic Measures to Deal with Ebola Epidemic Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Your final paper will be a culmination of presentations, discussions and research during this course of study. I expect that you will be able to discuss or cite relevant topics we cover in the course as evidence that you have read the material and are facile enough to write about the importance of this subject matter even if you are not an expert. Do not include irrelevant extraneous material. The paper should utilize APA format

The final paper will be your opportunity to present a plan and objectives for providing logistic support to a fictional disaster situation. Although every situation encountered has its own unique requirements in order to successfully support the operation, there are basic actions taken pre-, intra- and post that should be followed. Incorporate what you have learned in policy, practice and possibly personal experience and develop an operational (tactical) plan- focused on logistics support- to ensure that disaster operations go smoothly. The goal of your paper should not to create the “perfect solution”; more it should be an examination/analysis of the situation at hand, and your role as a disaster logistician to assist the Incident Commander in supporting emergency operations.

Choose one of the 3 scenarios listed below and write a 3000-word paper (plus or minus 10%) that briefly describes the incident.

You may select one of the topics for your paper:

  • A community of approximately 10,000 has been exposed to an unknown virus. It appears to be spread by contact. At present, only a small portion of the population is affected. Government leaders and health officials are contemplating community containment. Discuss how you, as the logistic chief, would supply and support emergency operations, what agencies would you seek support from, and establish points of distribution.
  • Severe storms have ravaged your rural community of 10,000. Fortunately, there are few deaths but many are displaced. Being rural, access to the community is limited and made worse by the storms. Discuss your immediate actions post-incident, and present a plan for short term sustainment of operations and support to population. If a logistics pre-plan would be beneficial, include that in your discussion.
  • Your rural community of 10,000 main employer- a large agricultural chemical processing plant- is struck by a large fire. Due to the nature of the chemicals, the fire may last for days. Emergency Management has decided to tell citizens to shelter in place versus to evacuate. The incident has drawn responders from a large area, and most arrive ill equipped for a sustained operation. Further complicating the issue is water runoff from fire suppression into the town’s only source of water. Discuss how you would support both the citizens and the providers while being aware of sheltering, along with limited movement because of the fire. Do not be concerned about the potential exposure- focus on the logistic support.


Should we change how we fund schools? If so, in what way? If not, why? Humanities Assignment Help

What do you think? Should we change how we fund schools? If so, in what way? If not, why? Please make sure to draw on at least two of the assigned readings on this topic, and remember that you are encouraged to respond to classmates as your post!

“What do you think?” posts on Blackboard. Students are expected to write weekly posts of between 350-500 words on our class Blackboard site. These posts should express your thoughts and beliefs about the week’s topic, drawing on the assigned readings as a starting point. All posts are due by noon on Mondays. You are welcome to cite other sources and/or your own experiences in these posts, but you must also utilize at least two of the assigned readings. Because these are graded posts, please make sure to write in grammatically correct, complete sentences. A prompt for each week’s post appears in the course schedule below and will also appear on Blackboard. In order to encourage peer discussion, at least 4 of your posts (and as many as 6) should be directly responding to a classmate (as part of that person’s initial thread).

Darling-Hammond, Linda. “Inequality and School Resources: What It Will Take to Close the Opportunity Gap.” In Prudence Carter and Kevin Welner (eds.) Closing the Opportunity Gap: What America Must Do to Give Every Child an Even Chance (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013): 77-97. Available as an e-book through Newman Library.

Hanushek, Eric. “Misplaced Optimism and Weighted Funding.” Education Next March 29, 2012.…

Hill, Paul. “What’s at Stake in the Ongoing Fight About School Spending Comparability?” Education Next (June 23, 2016).

Lerner, Sharon. “The Abbott Districts’ Fortunate Few” Prospect (January 2014).……

Here is Camera summarizing a report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

And here is a link to the EdBuild interactive school funding mapto help you think about different ways of funding schools.


Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help


Hope you are doing well,

I need answer for 3 Discussions, Each One should be in Approximately 300 words . Answer the questions below follow APA guidlines . 3 references per reviewed articles.

Discussion Quastion1: Discuss the idea of brand loyalty. Think of your favorite stores. What do they do that encourages your loyalty? What do you like about the in-store experience? What further improvements could these stores make?

Discussion Quastion2: Discuss the notion that “all news is good news”

Discussion Quastion3: Discuss the similarities and differences between the marketing of products and the marketing of services.

Note: Each discussion in separate word document.

Note: Subject name is: Marketing Management.


I only need 10 pages. Business Finance Assignment Help

your write-up. Be sure to have a cover page and include the full names of each member in your team. The write-up is being prepared for the company’s stakeholders and should therefore be presented in a professional manner. Be sure to check for spelling and grammar errors. Make sure to follow the guidelines below:

  • Cover page (include name of each group member)
  • 10 to 20 pages (not including cover page and references)
  • Double-spaced with 1” margins
  • Appropriate sub-headings
  • References
  • NOTE: Ensure you have reviewed and applied APA Style to your assignment before submitting for grading (See Research, Writing, & Presentation Resources in your Blackboard course site).
  • Review the Written Paper Rubric criteria before completing this portion of the assignment.
  • Include an executive summary.
  • Clearly introduce and outline your suggestion.
  • Explain why your suggestion makes sense using your research from the semester.
  • Describe considerations including costs, additional needs related to employment and/or technology, and marketing if necessary.
  • Discuss a timeline.
  • Consider the potential revenue that could be generated from your idea and how the success of the idea will be measured.
  • Include a conclusion.
  • Appendix: consider including your research on previous assignments as an appendix, which you can refer to in your paper.

Suggested format:



BSDR1103 Tourism Consulting Company Case Study Developmental Plan Writing Assignment Help


You are working in a tourism consulting company in the Sultanate of Oman. The Ministry of Tourism asked you to help them in formulating a proposal for developing tourism in one tourism attraction that will help to attract both overseas as well as local tourists who will ultimately help to boost up the economy.

Your task with your team includes the following:

  • Constitute teamwork with 3-4 students.
  • Select a host destination in Oman (it is preferred to select geographic area within the governorate in where your college is located).
  • Your assignment report may include the following:

Part I: Describe the current situation of the chosen place considering:

  • Introduction: you have to introduce your chosen place considering the geographic location, population, space, economic activities and so on.
  • The tourism product: you have to describe the components of tourism product available at the selected place in the light of 3A’s (Attractions and Activities – Amenities – Accessibility).
  • The tourism Demand: you have to describe the tourism demand at the chosen place considering the no. of visitors, visitors’ profile (Age, Group or individual, nationality, gender…etc.)
  • Development problems: you should collect primary data about the problem from which your chosen place is suffering from. Your method of data collection may include questionnaire, interview, and/or observation methods. The targeted population for questionnaire and interview may include international and national visitors and experts. Observation method requires a real visitation to the chosen place and taking photos as evidence. Filled questionnaire should be attached with assignment report in case of using questionnaire. Students are free to select any of the mentioned method for data collection or a mix of these methods.
  • Development suggestions: based on the primary data collected and on your experience, you should suggest how to develop the chosen place to attract both overseas as well as local tourists who will ultimately help to boost up the economy. Your suggestions may include how to develop the supply side and how to solve problems that are related to visitors and local people at the chosen place.
  • Marketing suggestions: based on the primary data collected and on your experience, you should suggest how to promote the chosen place to attract both overseas as well as local tourists who will ultimately help to boost up the economy. Your suggestions may include what are the promotional tools (advertising, public relation, sales promotion, personal selling) that may be used for promoting the available and suggested tourism products of the chosen place.
  • References: All outside material used must be fully referenced at the end of your report.Referencing begins with the author, year of publication, title, publisher, and finally the page numbers. If correct referencing is not given, it will be considered an act of plagiarism and an act of cheating.
  • Appendices: All valid questionnaires, photos and any evidence for the collection of primary data should be attached with the assignment report.

Part II: Development Plan

  • Development problems: you should collect primary data about the problem from which your chosen place is suffering from. Your method of data collection may include questionnaire, interview, and/or observation methods. The targeted population for questionnaire and interview may include international and national visitors and experts. Observation method requires a real visitation to the chosen place and taking photos as evidence. Filled questionnaire should be attached with assignment report in case of using questionnaire. Students are free to select any of the mentioned method for data collection or a mix of these methods.
  • Development suggestions: based on the primary data collected and on your experience, you should suggest how to develop the chosen place to attract both overseas as well as local tourists who will ultimately help to boost up the economy. Your suggestions may include how to develop the supply side and how to solve problems that are related to visitors and local people at the chosen place.
  • Marketing suggestions: based on the primary data collected and on your experience, you should suggest how to promote the chosen place to attract both overseas as well as local tourists who will ultimately help to boost up the economy. Your suggestions may include what are the promotional tools (advertising, public relation, sales promotion, personal selling) that may be used for promoting the available and suggested tourism products of the chosen place.

Part III: References and Appendices:

  • References: All outside material used must be fully referenced at the end of your report. Referencing begins with the author, year of publication, title, publisher, and finally the page numbers. If correct referencing is not given, it will be considered an act of plagiarism and an act of cheating.

Appendices: All valid questionnaires, photos and any evidence for the collection of primary data should be attached with the assignment report.

GUIDANCE ON ASSIGNMENT WRITING is attached in the attached files.

BSDR1103 Tourism Consulting Company Case Study Developmental Plan Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Understanding Planetary Motion Computer Science Assignment Help

Johannes Kepler, a 17th Century astronomer and mathematician, published three laws of planetary motion that improved upon Copernicus’s heliocentric model. These laws were made possible by years of accurate planetary measurement collected by Kepler’s predecessor, Tycho Brahe. Kepler’s laws were a radical change from previous astronomical models for the Solar System which maintained the ancient Greek idea of perfect circular motion. With the Stellarium planetarium software, we are able observe the orbit of the planets and test some of his ideas.

For this part of the project, use a computer simulation to test Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Please read through the assignment background information and follow the steps listed in the lab assignment instructions. You will be asked to form a hypothesis, state the lab objective, record your measurements and calculations, and answer each of the lab questions.

Click here to download the instruction document for this piece of the project. Follow the instructions contained within and submit your results as this project deliverable.

Submit your assignment with a title page and in APA format.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:


Need Help? Click here for complete drop box instructions.


Exploring Mental Illness Through Poetry Humanities Assignment Help

Exploring Mental Illness Through a Poetry- Writing Assignment (25 points)

Mt topic is anxiety disorder( panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder etc)

A creative and thought provoking element to this class will include reflecting upon and writing about a specific mental illness in order to understand what it must be like for individuals who struggle with any of the specific disorders discussed in class. For this assignment, you will be required to compose a poem or a song (for you aspiring songwriters or music lovers) regarding the experience of a specific mental illness.

There is no required format or topic, as these are left entirely up to your own choosing and discretion. You may choose to be concrete or abstract, serious or humorous, or personal or theoretical, and you may describe the experience using first- or third-person pronouns. The poems do not need to be in a rhyming format. Anything goes!

However, you must have a poem that contains at least 200 words. Failure to meet the minimum word count will result in point loss.

In terms of grading, you will be judged primarily on content, rather than format or poetic language. However, be mindful that you must have a very clear understanding about the experience of the mental illness that you choose.

To earn an ‘A’, a poem must convey an excellent under­standing (or be an excellent description) of anxiety, depres­sion, psychosis, or some particular disorder (e.g., avoidant personality disorder). A ‘B’ grade is given to a poem that conveys a good understanding or description of the experience of men­tal illness. Some latitude is available for the evaluation of writing ability. For example, an adequate description of avoidant personality would earn a grade of B; an adequate description that is also well written (e.g., the poem’s lines contain the appropriate number of syllables for its rhyme scheme, and the poet’s choice of words is good) would earn a B+.

Please be aware that this is NOT a paper assignment and I do not want you to hand in an academic essay describing symptoms, treatment etc…This is your opportunity to understand mental illness in a less structured, creative and exploratory manner. You might want to talk to individuals you know who have struggled with mental illness, reflect on your own struggles or delve into case studies within the academic literature. I also suggest reading personal memoirs about these conditions. A number of books can be found at your local bookstore. Also, be aware that if you choose to explore a mental illness that we have not yet discussed in class, you will have to read that chapter and any other relevant material ahead of time. You can always set up a time to talk to me during office hours to clarify any confusing information.


(1) A requirement of this project is to meet with me during office hours to discuss your topic of interest and explore how you imagine yourself approaching the poem. I do this to ensure that students have a clear understanding of the disorder itself prior to the creative writing process and recognize that listing symptoms will not meet the requirements of the assignment. I ask that you have the chapter read on the disorder of interest PRIOR to meeting with me so that we can throw around some ideas for discussion. If I find that you come to this meeting unprepared, I will simply ask you to reschedule when you are more prepared to discuss the disorder. Failing to show for your scheduled meeting will result in an automatic loss of 5 points for your poem assignment. 4/4 is the absolute last day you may meet with me to discuss you poems…………..

(2) A second requirement of the project is to post at least 2 different posts on two different days (one in February and one in March) about your chosen disorder under the Poetry Posts page. Details about these poetry posts can be found under the specific assignment descriptions.

I have always found it easier to tap into creative sources when I am feeling relaxed. The benefits of an elaborate dream, wonderful music, or a good film (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. can help us escape the mundane and make us feel rejuvenated. All of us have the potential to be creative, even if you don’t write poetry, play an instrument, sing, dance or paint. Most importantly, attempt to free yourself of judgment regarding your creative abilities. Consider the various ways in which you want to be creative, and like a child allow yourself to play. Throw out the rules or what you know to define creativity and just imagine.

The entire assignment is worth 40 points. 25 of the points will come directly from the poem that you submit. The other 15 points are tied to your ability to meet the requirements stated above (office meeting and 2 poetry posts). The final poem is due on 04/14/19. I do not accept late poems. Nor do I accept hard copies of this assignment. All poems must be submitted to the assignment dropbox by 11:59 p.m. by the due date.


design of energy Programming Assignment Help

(a) Tout for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(b) Head loss for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(c) Demonstrate how did you account for the density change in head loss calculation for the three cases.

needs to show, a diagram for the problem you were solving, a flow chart with equation information, program, and output.

Number of cones = 10 and 5 cone each pipe

Pipe length = 1.416 ft

Diameter of pipe (in) = 0.311

Diameter of pipe (out) = 0.0625

Area of pipe (in) = 0.303

Area of pipe (out) = 0.0122

Flow rate (in) = 0.0030

Flow rate (out) = 0.013

look at the pics is help full


Topic 4 DQ 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

[supanova_question] can help us escape the mundane and make us feel rejuvenated. All of us have the potential to be creative, even if you don’t write poetry, play an instrument, sing, dance or paint. Most importantly, attempt to free yourself of judgment regarding your creative abilities. Consider the various ways in which you want to be creative, and like a child allow yourself to play. Throw out the rules or what you know to define creativity and just imagine.

The entire assignment is worth 40 points. 25 of the points will come directly from the poem that you submit. The other 15 points are tied to your ability to meet the requirements stated above (office meeting and 2 poetry posts). The final poem is due on 04/14/19. I do not accept late poems. Nor do I accept hard copies of this assignment. All poems must be submitted to the assignment dropbox by 11:59 p.m. by the due date.


design of energy Programming Assignment Help

(a) Tout for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(b) Head loss for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(c) Demonstrate how did you account for the density change in head loss calculation for the three cases.

needs to show, a diagram for the problem you were solving, a flow chart with equation information, program, and output.

Number of cones = 10 and 5 cone each pipe

Pipe length = 1.416 ft

Diameter of pipe (in) = 0.311

Diameter of pipe (out) = 0.0625

Area of pipe (in) = 0.303

Area of pipe (out) = 0.0122

Flow rate (in) = 0.0030

Flow rate (out) = 0.013

look at the pics is help full


Topic 4 DQ 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

[supanova_question] can help us escape the mundane and make us feel rejuvenated. All of us have the potential to be creative, even if you don’t write poetry, play an instrument, sing, dance or paint. Most importantly, attempt to free yourself of judgment regarding your creative abilities. Consider the various ways in which you want to be creative, and like a child allow yourself to play. Throw out the rules or what you know to define creativity and just imagine.

The entire assignment is worth 40 points. 25 of the points will come directly from the poem that you submit. The other 15 points are tied to your ability to meet the requirements stated above (office meeting and 2 poetry posts). The final poem is due on 04/14/19. I do not accept late poems. Nor do I accept hard copies of this assignment. All poems must be submitted to the assignment dropbox by 11:59 p.m. by the due date.


design of energy Programming Assignment Help

(a) Tout for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(b) Head loss for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(c) Demonstrate how did you account for the density change in head loss calculation for the three cases.

needs to show, a diagram for the problem you were solving, a flow chart with equation information, program, and output.

Number of cones = 10 and 5 cone each pipe

Pipe length = 1.416 ft

Diameter of pipe (in) = 0.311

Diameter of pipe (out) = 0.0625

Area of pipe (in) = 0.303

Area of pipe (out) = 0.0122

Flow rate (in) = 0.0030

Flow rate (out) = 0.013

look at the pics is help full


Topic 4 DQ 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

[supanova_question] can help us escape the mundane and make us feel rejuvenated. All of us have the potential to be creative, even if you don’t write poetry, play an instrument, sing, dance or paint. Most importantly, attempt to free yourself of judgment regarding your creative abilities. Consider the various ways in which you want to be creative, and like a child allow yourself to play. Throw out the rules or what you know to define creativity and just imagine.

The entire assignment is worth 40 points. 25 of the points will come directly from the poem that you submit. The other 15 points are tied to your ability to meet the requirements stated above (office meeting and 2 poetry posts). The final poem is due on 04/14/19. I do not accept late poems. Nor do I accept hard copies of this assignment. All poems must be submitted to the assignment dropbox by 11:59 p.m. by the due date.


design of energy Programming Assignment Help

(a) Tout for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(b) Head loss for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.

(c) Demonstrate how did you account for the density change in head loss calculation for the three cases.

needs to show, a diagram for the problem you were solving, a flow chart with equation information, program, and output.

Number of cones = 10 and 5 cone each pipe

Pipe length = 1.416 ft

Diameter of pipe (in) = 0.311

Diameter of pipe (out) = 0.0625

Area of pipe (in) = 0.303

Area of pipe (out) = 0.0122

Flow rate (in) = 0.0030

Flow rate (out) = 0.013

look at the pics is help full


Topic 4 DQ 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose two at-risk health issues that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. Discuss the prevalence of each of these health problems in society today. Describe measures that you would take as a nurse to assist clients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. Include the kind of activities you would recommend, the amount of exercise, and the approach you would use to gain cooperation from the client. Support your response with evidence-based literature.


Indiana University Hotel Industry Business Improvement Proposal Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Indiana University Hotel Industry Business Improvement Proposal Presentation Writing Assignment Help

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