Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help.

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The patient is an 11-year-old girl who has been complaining of intermittent right lower quadrant pain and diarrhea for the past year. She is small for her age. Her physical examination indicates some mild right lower quadrant tenderness and fullness.




Hemoglobin (Hgb),

8.6 g/dL (normal: >12 g/dL)

Hematocrit (Hct),

28% (normal: 31%-43%)

Vitamin B12 level,

68 pg/mL (normal: 100-700 pg/mL)

Meckel scan,


No evidence of Meckel diverticulum

D-Xylose absorption,


60 min: 8 mg/dL (normal: >15-20 mg/dL)

120 min: 6 mg/dL (normal: >20 mg/dL)


Lactose tolerance,

No change in glucose level (normal: >20 mg/dL rise in glucose)

page1image17968960 page1image16194224

Small bowel series,

Constriction of multiple segments of the small intestine

Diagnostic Analysis

The child’s small bowel series is compatible with Crohn disease of the small intestine. Intestinal absorption is diminished, as indicated by the abnormal D-xylose and lactose tolerance tests. Absorption is so bad that she cannot absorb vitamin B12. As a result, she has vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. She was placed on an aggressive immunosuppressive regimen, and her condition improved significantly. Unfortunately, 2 years later she experienced unremitting obstructive symptoms and required surgery. One year after surgery, her gastrointestinal function was normal, and her anemia had resolved. Her growth status matched her age group. Her absorption tests were normal, as were her B12 levels. Her immunosuppressive drugs were discontinued, and she is doing well.

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Why was this patient placed on immunosuppressive therapy?
  2. Why was the Meckel scan ordered for this patient?
  3. What are the clinical differences and treatment options for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’sDisease? (always on boards)
  4. What is prognosis for patients with IBD and what are the follow up recommendations formanaging disease?

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Q&A for The movie Lady Bird & the novel We Are Okay (LaCour 2017) Humanities Assignment Help

Answer the following in 2-3 sentences

* Please use simple language

We Are Okay

  1. Lacour
    makes use of a number of intertextual references in the novel, most
    notably Marin’s love of Jane Eyre, Turn of the Screw, and the Frida
    Kahlo painting “The Two Fridas.” Pick one of these and adduce as many
    similarities as possible.
  2. Discuss 1) the “tree theme” in the novel and what this symbolizes.
  3. What college is Marin at? (Two possible answers.)
  4. Why do you think Marin expresses such happiness about being able to work at the Pottery Studio?
  5. What would your diagnosis of Gramps be?
  6. What is the connection between Marin’s swimming pool routine and her mom?
  7. The
    copyright page indicates that this book is filed under “lesbian.” It
    seems to me, however, that Marin and Mabel had a more….idk experimental
    or informal sexual fling. Would a better term for this be bisexual or
    fluid or intersectional? Note for instance that Mabel has moved onto a
    guy (forget his name) so she’s by definition not a lesbian.
  8. How would you describe Hannah’s influence on Marin? What does Marin learn from her?
  9. How is Ana (Mabel’s mom) portrayed and why, do you think so?


  1. This movie was written and directed by Greta Gerwig. What makes that impactful in Hollywood?
  2. The
    nun tells Ladybird, when discussing her essay about how much she hates
    Sacramento, that “love is a form of attention.” I’ll be honest and say I
    consider this one of the wisest movie quotes in recent years. How about
    you? We’re now in what’s been called the “attention economy.” Thoughts?
  3. Discuss how economics functions in the movie. Ladybird’s mom
    is a nurse, her father an unemployed IT guy. Mortgage problems, house
    crumbling, Ladybird pretends to live somewhere else, thrift store
    shopping not as hipsters but because they can’t afford new clothes. Her
    getting the money to go to NYU is sort of a miracle.
    1. Note here we have the same CA→ NY movement as in We Are Okay. (And Booksmart, sort of.)
  4. Look
    up the name and credits of the actress who plays Ladybird, or Christine
    McPherson. She’s a remarkable actress and has the coolest Irish-Gaelic
  5. Why did things not work out romantically between Ladybird and Danny?
  6. What do you think causes Ladybird to call her mom and apologize at the end?
  7. Explain what you think the epigraph by Joan Didion means? How does it prepare us to watch this specific film set in Sacramento?
  8. What audiobook do they listen to? Why do you think this novel from 1939 is relevant to the theme and symbology of the film?


answer this question, for an undergradute engineering research opportunity Writing Assignment Help

I want someone who is familiar with STEM to write this:)))

XXXXX faculty, students, and staff all demonstrate a commitment to a culture of inclusion and equity in engineering. The field of biogeotechnics requires diversity of ideas and disciplines. Please answer one of the following questions related to diversity, equity and inclusion: 1) How will your experiences or interests contribute to the diversity of perspectives needed in the field of biogeotechnics; 2) Describe your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM fields; OR 3) Explain how STEM fields can be improved by increased diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

there’s a 500 words limit, it can be less.


​Urinary Obstruction Case Studies Health Medical Assignment Help

Urinary Obstruction Case Studies

The 57-year-old patient noted urinary hesitancy and a decrease in the force of his urinary stream for several months. Both had progressively become worse. His physical examination was essentially negative except for an enlarged prostate, which was bulky and soft.



Routine laboratory studies

Within normal limits (WNL)

Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)

Mild indentation of the interior aspect of the bladder, indicating an enlarged prostate

Uroflowmetry with total voided flow of 225 mL

8 mL/sec (normal: >12 mL/sec)


Resting bladder pressure: 35 cm H2O (normal: <40 cm H2O)

Peak bladder pressure: 50 cm H2O (normal: 40-90 cm H2O)


Electromyography of the pelvic sphincter muscle

Normal resting bladder with a positive tonus limb


Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)

Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP)

0.5 units/L (normal: 0.11-0.60 units/L)

Prostate specific antigen (PSA)

1.0 ng/mL (normal: <4 ng/mL)

Prostate ultrasound

Diffusely enlarged prostate; no localized tumor

Diagnostic Analysis

Because of the patient’s symptoms, bladder outlet obstruction was highly suspected. Physical examination indicated an enlarged prostate. IVP studies corroborated that finding. The reduced urine flow rate indicated an obstruction distal to the urinary bladder. Because the patient was found to have a normal total voided volume, one could not say that the reduced flow rate was the result of an inadequately distended bladder. Rather, the bladder was appropriately distended, yet the flow rate was decreased. This indicated outlet obstruction. The cystogram indicated that the bladder was capable of mounting an effective pressure and was not an atonic bladder compatible with neurologic disease. The tonus limb again indicated the bladder was able to contract. The peak bladder pressure of 50 cm H2O was normal, again indicating appropriate muscular function of the bladder. Based on these studies, the patient was diagnosed with a urinary outlet obstruction. The PAP and PSA indicated benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). The ultrasound supported that diagnosis. Cystoscopy documented that finding, and the patient was appropriately treated by transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). This patient did well postoperatively and had no major problems.

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Does BPH predispose this patient to cancer?
  2. Why are patients with BPH at increased risk for urinary tract infections?
  3. What would you expect the patient’s PSA level to be after surgery?
  4. What is the recommended screening guidelines and treatment for BPH?
  5. What are some alternative treatments / natural homeopathic options for treatment?


answer by adding Health Medical Assignment Help


healthcare, patients often are used to nurses and other healthcare
professionals taking care of them without having any
responsibilities. In nursing, it is crucial to start patient
education as soon as the patient comes into the hospital, so they are
better able to care for themselves once they leave. Being able to
empower patients to care for themselves means they have control over
something that matters to them: their health. Healthcare
professionals can help patients understand how important it is for
the patients to manage their own health. (Bisognano, 2019)

nurses can do to empower patients to take charge of their health, is
for the patient to manage data collection. Data collection would
involve things like taking their own vital signs, keeping a
medication schedule, knowing the signs and symptoms, and checking
their blood sugar. Empowering these patients to take care of data
collection improves their involvement and can lead to better outcomes
and satisfaction.

patients to make health decisions gives them confidence, and with the
confidence earned, they are more able to communicate with healthcare
professionals and say what they’re worried about or what they want
for themselves. As nurses, we cannot just tell patients what to do,
we should advise and educate them to lead them to improve. Another
way to empower patients is to explain to them what is going on. For
example, before giving them a medication, explain what it is and why
it is needed. When the patient knows this, it makes them feel
comfortable and empowered. (“How to empower your patients every
shift”, 2015)

strategies include:

  • Creating
    solutions alongside the patient
  • Engaging
    the patient in communication
  • Creating
    planned education models with the patient, instead of just handing
    them a sheet with information on it
  • Talk
    to administration about offering continuing education to patients

responsibility as nurses is to be patient advocates, and that means
making sure your patient feels confident in the care they’re
receiving, as well as having them take control of their health.


M. (2019, October 23). 5Data-Driven
Patient Empowerment Strategies.


there are many strategies that might be effective in empowering
clients (emergency patients in particular) to make health decisions.
Firstly, staying connected with clients on a constant basis, for
example, to inform him or her of the importance of following the diet
can help motivate them to make health decisions and adopt healthy
habits. This might include health coaching, wellness programs, and
personalized care plans that promote behavior change, and motivate
clients to follow preventive care guidelines, eat healthy food, and
perform physical exercises. Secondly, embracing social networking can
help healthcare professionals keep client engagement levels high,
positively impacting their health decision making. The researchers
state that minority clients are rarely consulted about their health
preferences, they are unlikely to ask treatment-related questions,
and thus, they tend to receive incomplete data on their health (Chen,
Mullins, Novak, & Thomas, 2016). From this perspective, social
networks provide perfect means for indirect communication with
clients in order to help them make correct health decisions. Thirdly,
with the significant growth in healthcare’s mobile auditory,
providing clients with mobile options for accessing
condition-specific data, personal health records, lab results, and
other health-related information builds the foundation for
collaborative care, and improves health decision making. Next,
providing clients with a highest possible level of control and
convenience can empower them to make health decisions. The correct
combination of self-management and self-service options allow
healthcare professionals to partner with clients to improve their
health outcomes. Finally initiating a dialogue is a simple strategy
that allows to encourage open communication with clients to help them
follow treatment plans, manage their health, positively impacting
their health decisions. In addition, this provides the ability to
more accurately identify the challenges clients face when they come
to the healthcare unit. For instance, town hall meetings can be
effective in rural settings with limited access to mobile phone
networks or Internet. These strategies can help empower clients to
make health decisions, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow treatment
guidelines, and receive recommended screenings.

All the strategies listed
above might also be helpful in encouraging clients to be accountable
for their own health. Firstly, staying connected with clients can
help educate them about the significance of following treatment
recommendations, whereas making them more accountable for their
health. This can also increase their engagement, helping prevent
complications and chronic diseases. Secondly, the vast majority of
clients are currently using social networks. They are effective in
connecting clients with similar health problems, pointing them to
reliable healthcare resources, and providing educational materials
about wellness and health. Using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and
other platforms for healthcare-related purposes can significantly
increase client accountability regarding their health. Thirdly,
healthcare mobile applications can be helpful in facilitating shared
decision making between healthcare providers and clients, increasing
their satisfaction, and encouraging greater participation
(Abbasgholizadeh, Menear, Robitaille, & Légaré, 2017). Better
interaction and convenient access to data can not only result in more
effective care, but also encourage clients to be accountable for
their own health. In addition, numerous clients got used to rely on
self-service instruments from retailers, airlines, and banks.
Providing them with the ability to make appointments or access their
medical records online will increase their level of control and
convenience, making them more accountable for their health actions.
Lastly, starting a conversation with clients leads to patients’
increased satisfaction and builds stronger relationships with
healthcare team. This encourages more open communication with
clients, providing the ability to better explain them the importance
of making correct health decisions. In its turn, an improved
communication will lead to an increased client accountability for
their own health. All the strategies listed above could be helpful in
both empowering healthcare clients (including the emergency patients)
to make health decisions and making them accountable for their own


R. S., Menear, M., Robitaille, H., & Légaré, F. (2017). Are
mobile health applications useful for supporting shared decision
making in diagnostic and treatment decisions? Global
Health Action, 10
1332259. doi:10.1080/16549716.2017.1332259

J., Mullins, C. D., Novak, P., & Thomas, S. B. (2016).
Personalized Strategies to Activate and Empower Patients in Health
Care and Reduce Health Disparities. Health
Education & Behavior: The Official Publication of the Society for
Public Health Education, 43
25–34. doi:10.1177/1090198115579415



Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

This week you will continue to build your final facility. The legal team has asked you to provide them with considerations regarding legal and regulatory requirements that may affect the facility planning process.

Add the required design components to your facility.

Complete the Week 4 Facility Planning Template.


Remember that the drawing itself is worth less than 20% of this assignment’s grade: 20 out of 140 points.

Cite Hayward and at least 2 other peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Remember to properly cite every idea, fact, and series of words (quotation) that is not your own. Place quotations within quotation marks.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


  • Hayward, C. (2016). Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS446 – Facility Planning course website.

Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Render four objects in four viewports Programming Assignment Help

In c++

Render four objects in four viewports of a single display window. (An example is provided at the end.)

  • Set the display window size to 512 by 512 pixels.
  • Show your name (or both names if you work with a partner) in the title of the display window.
    • By showing your name(s) in the title, you certify that the job is your individual work (or a fair share with your partner).
  • For each object, the clipping window coordinates are [-10, 10] by [-10, 10], and the background color is the same.
    • The background color is suggested to be (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) in RGBA, but you can use your own background color.

The four objects are described below.

  1. Design a stipple pattern and use it to stipple a triangle with the vertices (-8, -6), (8, -6), and (0, 8).
    • You must design your own pattern.
    • You need render the triangle twice, with different colors.
  1. Draw the polar curve


  • Use a color that is apparently different from the background color.
  • Set the line width to 2.
  • Draw the xy-coordinates as a reference.
    • In a shallow color and the line width is 1.
      • The radius of the disk is 8.
      • A tick is a short line segment. For example, the tick at 1 o’clock could be a line segment connecting and.
  1. Draw a clock with a round face, 12 ticks and 3 hands.
    • The face is a round disk filled with a color different from the background.
  • The ticks are in a different color.
  • The hands point to the time 3:45.
  1. Shade the region between the curves of


over the interval [-4, 4].

  • Use GL_QUAD_STRIP to shade the region because the region is concave.
  • Use a different color to draw the curves with thick line strips.
  • As a reference, draw the xy-coordinates as well.

Each of the above four objects is rendered in a viewport that is a quarter of the entire display window. Order does not matter. Your result should be similar to the following example.


double spaced, 12-point times new roman font, MLA documentation Writing Assignment Help

What is the Biggest Risk of Your life?
Directions: Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper. Please remember that neatness
and completeness count! If Icannot read your paper, it will be difficult to give you credit for
your good hard work. If you would prefer to type your responses, please do so. Keep it under 2
pages double spaced.
Watch the following video and then respond to the writing prompts.
Steve Harvey-Jump
Video link:     
These are hard questions. Please think about them for a minute before writing.
1. What is the biggest thing you have ever had to jump for, and what was the result?
2. What is the next big jump in life that you think should make, and what do you hope to
accomplish from it?
3. What steps do you need to take in order to take your next jump?


Unit IV Essay Writing Assignment Help

Unit IV Assignment
Building an Effective Team In Unit III, you started on your course project by selecting an organization and developing a SMARTER outline. For this unit, you will apply the team effectiveness model discussed in this unit and the Five Cs (cooperating, coordinating, communicating, comforting, and conflict-handling) into a team-building plan. In a two-page explanation, describe how you will assemble and lead a team who will develop the new product you discussed in your Unit III Assignment. Describe who will be a part of your team, how you will ensure the team is successful, and how you will apply the Five Cs. Additionally, include how you will account for different personalities and needs. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. Use your creativity and knowledge of effective teams discussed in this unit.
This is what you did in unit 3, use this for iv assignment
For this unit, assume you are in the research and development division of your selected organization. The CEO has directed you to come up with a new product or service that will be delivered to the American or global consumer in the next 12 months. Using your creativity and what you have learned thus far, establish goals and a SMARTER outline by explaining each of your SMARTER characteristics for your product /service over the next year.


Follow introctions Humanities Assignment Help

complete this using the info that I attach

Personalized Recommendations Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The USDA’s food guidance system new ChooseMyPlate recommends making half your plate fruits and vegetables, drinking skim or 1% milk, eating half of your grains whole grains, and eating lean protein. You also need to look out for sodium (salt) in the foods you buy by reading food labels to reduce your salt intake. Your sodium is at ______. Adults should take in no more than 1.5g/day. Enjoy your food, but eat less, and select from a variety of foods.

After analyzing your diet using the MyPlate Supertracker, here are some suggestions to improve the five food groups.

Grains-Bread/Cereal- compare the amounts of servings that is suggested by MyPlate against what the patient actually ate in terms of serving amounts.

Then make suggestions to improve their intake with specific foods for each food group and serving amounts. Recommend when they would eat it.

For example, add a whole wheat bagel for breakfast. Do the same for each food group.

Vegetables: For your


Milk & Dairy products

Meat & Beans

Cholesterol & Fat: The present recommendation for healthy Americans is to lower blood cholesterol levels to 200 mg/dl or below. Decreasing intake of foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol can help you maintain this level.

Salt Intake: After analyzing your diet, your sodium intake was ________mg.

The American Heart Association recommends to keep your salt intake no more than 2,300 milligrams per day. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, or are over 51 you it is recommended to limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day and follow your physician’s advice. Most excessive salt comes from processed foods. Keep in mind that 1 teaspoon of salt is equal to 2,300 mg.

Discuss what they can do to lower their salt intake if it was too high.

Water: It is better to drink water instead of sugary drinks. Drinking optimally fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay. If you choose to drink bottled water, check the label for fluoride content.

You drank _____ glasses of water. Strive for 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses each day.

Scoring the Sweets:

After evaluating your sugar consumption with Scoring the Sweets, your risk for decay

is moderate.

Here are some tips to reduce your risk of tooth decay:

If you choose to consume sugary foods and drinks, do so with meals.

Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acids that cause decay. Limit between meal snacks, especially those that have sugar.

If you crave a snack, choose nutritious foods low in salt, sugar, and fat.

Consider chewing sugarless gum afterward, preferably one that contains “xylitol,” which has been shown to be “anticariogenic,” (cavity prevention). If you choose to chew this type of gum, chew 6-10 grams of xylitol per day, for 3-5 times per day, chewed for five minutes.

Summary: Here just give bullet points of key points you want patient to remember.



there are many strategies that might be effective in empowering
clients (emergency patients in particular) to make health decisions.
Firstly, staying connected with clients on a constant basis, for
example, to inform him or her of the importance of following the diet
can help motivate them to make health decisions and adopt healthy
habits. This might include health coaching, wellness programs, and
personalized care plans that promote behavior change, and motivate
clients to follow preventive care guidelines, eat healthy food, and
perform physical exercises. Secondly, embracing social networking can
help healthcare professionals keep client engagement levels high,
positively impacting their health decision making. The researchers
state that minority clients are rarely consulted about their health
preferences, they are unlikely to ask treatment-related questions,
and thus, they tend to receive incomplete data on their health (Chen,
Mullins, Novak, & Thomas, 2016). From this perspective, social
networks provide perfect means for indirect communication with
clients in order to help them make correct health decisions. Thirdly,
with the significant growth in healthcare’s mobile auditory,
providing clients with mobile options for accessing
condition-specific data, personal health records, lab results, and
other health-related information builds the foundation for
collaborative care, and improves health decision making. Next,
providing clients with a highest possible level of control and
convenience can empower them to make health decisions. The correct
combination of self-management and self-service options allow
healthcare professionals to partner with clients to improve their
health outcomes. Finally initiating a dialogue is a simple strategy
that allows to encourage open communication with clients to help them
follow treatment plans, manage their health, positively impacting
their health decisions. In addition, this provides the ability to
more accurately identify the challenges clients face when they come
to the healthcare unit. For instance, town hall meetings can be
effective in rural settings with limited access to mobile phone
networks or Internet. These strategies can help empower clients to
make health decisions, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow treatment
guidelines, and receive recommended screenings.

All the strategies listed
above might also be helpful in encouraging clients to be accountable
for their own health. Firstly, staying connected with clients can
help educate them about the significance of following treatment
recommendations, whereas making them more accountable for their
health. This can also increase their engagement, helping prevent
complications and chronic diseases. Secondly, the vast majority of
clients are currently using social networks. They are effective in
connecting clients with similar health problems, pointing them to
reliable healthcare resources, and providing educational materials
about wellness and health. Using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and
other platforms for healthcare-related purposes can significantly
increase client accountability regarding their health. Thirdly,
healthcare mobile applications can be helpful in facilitating shared
decision making between healthcare providers and clients, increasing
their satisfaction, and encouraging greater participation
(Abbasgholizadeh, Menear, Robitaille, & Légaré, 2017). Better
interaction and convenient access to data can not only result in more
effective care, but also encourage clients to be accountable for
their own health. In addition, numerous clients got used to rely on
self-service instruments from retailers, airlines, and banks.
Providing them with the ability to make appointments or access their
medical records online will increase their level of control and
convenience, making them more accountable for their health actions.
Lastly, starting a conversation with clients leads to patients’
increased satisfaction and builds stronger relationships with
healthcare team. This encourages more open communication with
clients, providing the ability to better explain them the importance
of making correct health decisions. In its turn, an improved
communication will lead to an increased client accountability for
their own health. All the strategies listed above could be helpful in
both empowering healthcare clients (including the emergency patients)
to make health decisions and making them accountable for their own


R. S., Menear, M., Robitaille, H., & Légaré, F. (2017). Are
mobile health applications useful for supporting shared decision
making in diagnostic and treatment decisions? Global
Health Action, 10
1332259. doi:10.1080/16549716.2017.1332259

J., Mullins, C. D., Novak, P., & Thomas, S. B. (2016).
Personalized Strategies to Activate and Empower Patients in Health
Care and Reduce Health Disparities. Health
Education & Behavior: The Official Publication of the Society for
Public Health Education, 43
25–34. doi:10.1177/1090198115579415



Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

This week you will continue to build your final facility. The legal team has asked you to provide them with considerations regarding legal and regulatory requirements that may affect the facility planning process.

Add the required design components to your facility.

Complete the Week 4 Facility Planning Template.


Remember that the drawing itself is worth less than 20% of this assignment’s grade: 20 out of 140 points.

Cite Hayward and at least 2 other peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Remember to properly cite every idea, fact, and series of words (quotation) that is not your own. Place quotations within quotation marks.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


  • Hayward, C. (2016). Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS446 – Facility Planning course website.

Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Render four objects in four viewports Programming Assignment Help

In c++

Render four objects in four viewports of a single display window. (An example is provided at the end.)

  • Set the display window size to 512 by 512 pixels.
  • Show your name (or both names if you work with a partner) in the title of the display window.
    • By showing your name(s) in the title, you certify that the job is your individual work (or a fair share with your partner).
  • For each object, the clipping window coordinates are [-10, 10] by [-10, 10], and the background color is the same.
    • The background color is suggested to be (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) in RGBA, but you can use your own background color.

The four objects are described below.

  1. Design a stipple pattern and use it to stipple a triangle with the vertices (-8, -6), (8, -6), and (0, 8).
    • You must design your own pattern.
    • You need render the triangle twice, with different colors.
  1. Draw the polar curve


  • Use a color that is apparently different from the background color.
  • Set the line width to 2.
  • Draw the xy-coordinates as a reference.
    • In a shallow color and the line width is 1.
      • The radius of the disk is 8.
      • A tick is a short line segment. For example, the tick at 1 o’clock could be a line segment connecting and.
  1. Draw a clock with a round face, 12 ticks and 3 hands.
    • The face is a round disk filled with a color different from the background.
  • The ticks are in a different color.
  • The hands point to the time 3:45.
  1. Shade the region between the curves of


over the interval [-4, 4].

  • Use GL_QUAD_STRIP to shade the region because the region is concave.
  • Use a different color to draw the curves with thick line strips.
  • As a reference, draw the xy-coordinates as well.

Each of the above four objects is rendered in a viewport that is a quarter of the entire display window. Order does not matter. Your result should be similar to the following example.


double spaced, 12-point times new roman font, MLA documentation Writing Assignment Help

What is the Biggest Risk of Your life?
Directions: Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper. Please remember that neatness
and completeness count! If Icannot read your paper, it will be difficult to give you credit for
your good hard work. If you would prefer to type your responses, please do so. Keep it under 2
pages double spaced.
Watch the following video and then respond to the writing prompts.
Steve Harvey-Jump
Video link:     
These are hard questions. Please think about them for a minute before writing.
1. What is the biggest thing you have ever had to jump for, and what was the result?
2. What is the next big jump in life that you think should make, and what do you hope to
accomplish from it?
3. What steps do you need to take in order to take your next jump?


Unit IV Essay Writing Assignment Help

Unit IV Assignment
Building an Effective Team In Unit III, you started on your course project by selecting an organization and developing a SMARTER outline. For this unit, you will apply the team effectiveness model discussed in this unit and the Five Cs (cooperating, coordinating, communicating, comforting, and conflict-handling) into a team-building plan. In a two-page explanation, describe how you will assemble and lead a team who will develop the new product you discussed in your Unit III Assignment. Describe who will be a part of your team, how you will ensure the team is successful, and how you will apply the Five Cs. Additionally, include how you will account for different personalities and needs. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. Use your creativity and knowledge of effective teams discussed in this unit.
This is what you did in unit 3, use this for iv assignment
For this unit, assume you are in the research and development division of your selected organization. The CEO has directed you to come up with a new product or service that will be delivered to the American or global consumer in the next 12 months. Using your creativity and what you have learned thus far, establish goals and a SMARTER outline by explaining each of your SMARTER characteristics for your product /service over the next year.


Follow introctions Humanities Assignment Help

complete this using the info that I attach

Personalized Recommendations Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The USDA’s food guidance system new ChooseMyPlate recommends making half your plate fruits and vegetables, drinking skim or 1% milk, eating half of your grains whole grains, and eating lean protein. You also need to look out for sodium (salt) in the foods you buy by reading food labels to reduce your salt intake. Your sodium is at ______. Adults should take in no more than 1.5g/day. Enjoy your food, but eat less, and select from a variety of foods.

After analyzing your diet using the MyPlate Supertracker, here are some suggestions to improve the five food groups.

Grains-Bread/Cereal- compare the amounts of servings that is suggested by MyPlate against what the patient actually ate in terms of serving amounts.

Then make suggestions to improve their intake with specific foods for each food group and serving amounts. Recommend when they would eat it.

For example, add a whole wheat bagel for breakfast. Do the same for each food group.

Vegetables: For your


Milk & Dairy products

Meat & Beans

Cholesterol & Fat: The present recommendation for healthy Americans is to lower blood cholesterol levels to 200 mg/dl or below. Decreasing intake of foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol can help you maintain this level.

Salt Intake: After analyzing your diet, your sodium intake was ________mg.

The American Heart Association recommends to keep your salt intake no more than 2,300 milligrams per day. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, or are over 51 you it is recommended to limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day and follow your physician’s advice. Most excessive salt comes from processed foods. Keep in mind that 1 teaspoon of salt is equal to 2,300 mg.

Discuss what they can do to lower their salt intake if it was too high.

Water: It is better to drink water instead of sugary drinks. Drinking optimally fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay. If you choose to drink bottled water, check the label for fluoride content.

You drank _____ glasses of water. Strive for 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses each day.

Scoring the Sweets:

After evaluating your sugar consumption with Scoring the Sweets, your risk for decay

is moderate.

Here are some tips to reduce your risk of tooth decay:

If you choose to consume sugary foods and drinks, do so with meals.

Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acids that cause decay. Limit between meal snacks, especially those that have sugar.

If you crave a snack, choose nutritious foods low in salt, sugar, and fat.

Consider chewing sugarless gum afterward, preferably one that contains “xylitol,” which has been shown to be “anticariogenic,” (cavity prevention). If you choose to chew this type of gum, chew 6-10 grams of xylitol per day, for 3-5 times per day, chewed for five minutes.

Summary: Here just give bullet points of key points you want patient to remember.



there are many strategies that might be effective in empowering
clients (emergency patients in particular) to make health decisions.
Firstly, staying connected with clients on a constant basis, for
example, to inform him or her of the importance of following the diet
can help motivate them to make health decisions and adopt healthy
habits. This might include health coaching, wellness programs, and
personalized care plans that promote behavior change, and motivate
clients to follow preventive care guidelines, eat healthy food, and
perform physical exercises. Secondly, embracing social networking can
help healthcare professionals keep client engagement levels high,
positively impacting their health decision making. The researchers
state that minority clients are rarely consulted about their health
preferences, they are unlikely to ask treatment-related questions,
and thus, they tend to receive incomplete data on their health (Chen,
Mullins, Novak, & Thomas, 2016). From this perspective, social
networks provide perfect means for indirect communication with
clients in order to help them make correct health decisions. Thirdly,
with the significant growth in healthcare’s mobile auditory,
providing clients with mobile options for accessing
condition-specific data, personal health records, lab results, and
other health-related information builds the foundation for
collaborative care, and improves health decision making. Next,
providing clients with a highest possible level of control and
convenience can empower them to make health decisions. The correct
combination of self-management and self-service options allow
healthcare professionals to partner with clients to improve their
health outcomes. Finally initiating a dialogue is a simple strategy
that allows to encourage open communication with clients to help them
follow treatment plans, manage their health, positively impacting
their health decisions. In addition, this provides the ability to
more accurately identify the challenges clients face when they come
to the healthcare unit. For instance, town hall meetings can be
effective in rural settings with limited access to mobile phone
networks or Internet. These strategies can help empower clients to
make health decisions, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow treatment
guidelines, and receive recommended screenings.

All the strategies listed
above might also be helpful in encouraging clients to be accountable
for their own health. Firstly, staying connected with clients can
help educate them about the significance of following treatment
recommendations, whereas making them more accountable for their
health. This can also increase their engagement, helping prevent
complications and chronic diseases. Secondly, the vast majority of
clients are currently using social networks. They are effective in
connecting clients with similar health problems, pointing them to
reliable healthcare resources, and providing educational materials
about wellness and health. Using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and
other platforms for healthcare-related purposes can significantly
increase client accountability regarding their health. Thirdly,
healthcare mobile applications can be helpful in facilitating shared
decision making between healthcare providers and clients, increasing
their satisfaction, and encouraging greater participation
(Abbasgholizadeh, Menear, Robitaille, & Légaré, 2017). Better
interaction and convenient access to data can not only result in more
effective care, but also encourage clients to be accountable for
their own health. In addition, numerous clients got used to rely on
self-service instruments from retailers, airlines, and banks.
Providing them with the ability to make appointments or access their
medical records online will increase their level of control and
convenience, making them more accountable for their health actions.
Lastly, starting a conversation with clients leads to patients’
increased satisfaction and builds stronger relationships with
healthcare team. This encourages more open communication with
clients, providing the ability to better explain them the importance
of making correct health decisions. In its turn, an improved
communication will lead to an increased client accountability for
their own health. All the strategies listed above could be helpful in
both empowering healthcare clients (including the emergency patients)
to make health decisions and making them accountable for their own


R. S., Menear, M., Robitaille, H., & Légaré, F. (2017). Are
mobile health applications useful for supporting shared decision
making in diagnostic and treatment decisions? Global
Health Action, 10
1332259. doi:10.1080/16549716.2017.1332259

J., Mullins, C. D., Novak, P., & Thomas, S. B. (2016).
Personalized Strategies to Activate and Empower Patients in Health
Care and Reduce Health Disparities. Health
Education & Behavior: The Official Publication of the Society for
Public Health Education, 43
25–34. doi:10.1177/1090198115579415



Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

This week you will continue to build your final facility. The legal team has asked you to provide them with considerations regarding legal and regulatory requirements that may affect the facility planning process.

Add the required design components to your facility.

Complete the Week 4 Facility Planning Template.


Remember that the drawing itself is worth less than 20% of this assignment’s grade: 20 out of 140 points.

Cite Hayward and at least 2 other peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Remember to properly cite every idea, fact, and series of words (quotation) that is not your own. Place quotations within quotation marks.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


  • Hayward, C. (2016). Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS446 – Facility Planning course website.

Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Render four objects in four viewports Programming Assignment Help

In c++

Render four objects in four viewports of a single display window. (An example is provided at the end.)

  • Set the display window size to 512 by 512 pixels.
  • Show your name (or both names if you work with a partner) in the title of the display window.
    • By showing your name(s) in the title, you certify that the job is your individual work (or a fair share with your partner).
  • For each object, the clipping window coordinates are [-10, 10] by [-10, 10], and the background color is the same.
    • The background color is suggested to be (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) in RGBA, but you can use your own background color.

The four objects are described below.

  1. Design a stipple pattern and use it to stipple a triangle with the vertices (-8, -6), (8, -6), and (0, 8).
    • You must design your own pattern.
    • You need render the triangle twice, with different colors.
  1. Draw the polar curve


  • Use a color that is apparently different from the background color.
  • Set the line width to 2.
  • Draw the xy-coordinates as a reference.
    • In a shallow color and the line width is 1.
      • The radius of the disk is 8.
      • A tick is a short line segment. For example, the tick at 1 o’clock could be a line segment connecting and.
  1. Draw a clock with a round face, 12 ticks and 3 hands.
    • The face is a round disk filled with a color different from the background.
  • The ticks are in a different color.
  • The hands point to the time 3:45.
  1. Shade the region between the curves of


over the interval [-4, 4].

  • Use GL_QUAD_STRIP to shade the region because the region is concave.
  • Use a different color to draw the curves with thick line strips.
  • As a reference, draw the xy-coordinates as well.

Each of the above four objects is rendered in a viewport that is a quarter of the entire display window. Order does not matter. Your result should be similar to the following example.


double spaced, 12-point times new roman font, MLA documentation Writing Assignment Help

What is the Biggest Risk of Your life?
Directions: Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper. Please remember that neatness
and completeness count! If Icannot read your paper, it will be difficult to give you credit for
your good hard work. If you would prefer to type your responses, please do so. Keep it under 2
pages double spaced.
Watch the following video and then respond to the writing prompts.
Steve Harvey-Jump
Video link:     
These are hard questions. Please think about them for a minute before writing.
1. What is the biggest thing you have ever had to jump for, and what was the result?
2. What is the next big jump in life that you think should make, and what do you hope to
accomplish from it?
3. What steps do you need to take in order to take your next jump?


Unit IV Essay Writing Assignment Help

Unit IV Assignment
Building an Effective Team In Unit III, you started on your course project by selecting an organization and developing a SMARTER outline. For this unit, you will apply the team effectiveness model discussed in this unit and the Five Cs (cooperating, coordinating, communicating, comforting, and conflict-handling) into a team-building plan. In a two-page explanation, describe how you will assemble and lead a team who will develop the new product you discussed in your Unit III Assignment. Describe who will be a part of your team, how you will ensure the team is successful, and how you will apply the Five Cs. Additionally, include how you will account for different personalities and needs. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. Use your creativity and knowledge of effective teams discussed in this unit.
This is what you did in unit 3, use this for iv assignment
For this unit, assume you are in the research and development division of your selected organization. The CEO has directed you to come up with a new product or service that will be delivered to the American or global consumer in the next 12 months. Using your creativity and what you have learned thus far, establish goals and a SMARTER outline by explaining each of your SMARTER characteristics for your product /service over the next year.


Follow introctions Humanities Assignment Help

complete this using the info that I attach

Personalized Recommendations Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The USDA’s food guidance system new ChooseMyPlate recommends making half your plate fruits and vegetables, drinking skim or 1% milk, eating half of your grains whole grains, and eating lean protein. You also need to look out for sodium (salt) in the foods you buy by reading food labels to reduce your salt intake. Your sodium is at ______. Adults should take in no more than 1.5g/day. Enjoy your food, but eat less, and select from a variety of foods.

After analyzing your diet using the MyPlate Supertracker, here are some suggestions to improve the five food groups.

Grains-Bread/Cereal- compare the amounts of servings that is suggested by MyPlate against what the patient actually ate in terms of serving amounts.

Then make suggestions to improve their intake with specific foods for each food group and serving amounts. Recommend when they would eat it.

For example, add a whole wheat bagel for breakfast. Do the same for each food group.

Vegetables: For your


Milk & Dairy products

Meat & Beans

Cholesterol & Fat: The present recommendation for healthy Americans is to lower blood cholesterol levels to 200 mg/dl or below. Decreasing intake of foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol can help you maintain this level.

Salt Intake: After analyzing your diet, your sodium intake was ________mg.

The American Heart Association recommends to keep your salt intake no more than 2,300 milligrams per day. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, or are over 51 you it is recommended to limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day and follow your physician’s advice. Most excessive salt comes from processed foods. Keep in mind that 1 teaspoon of salt is equal to 2,300 mg.

Discuss what they can do to lower their salt intake if it was too high.

Water: It is better to drink water instead of sugary drinks. Drinking optimally fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay. If you choose to drink bottled water, check the label for fluoride content.

You drank _____ glasses of water. Strive for 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses each day.

Scoring the Sweets:

After evaluating your sugar consumption with Scoring the Sweets, your risk for decay

is moderate.

Here are some tips to reduce your risk of tooth decay:

If you choose to consume sugary foods and drinks, do so with meals.

Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acids that cause decay. Limit between meal snacks, especially those that have sugar.

If you crave a snack, choose nutritious foods low in salt, sugar, and fat.

Consider chewing sugarless gum afterward, preferably one that contains “xylitol,” which has been shown to be “anticariogenic,” (cavity prevention). If you choose to chew this type of gum, chew 6-10 grams of xylitol per day, for 3-5 times per day, chewed for five minutes.

Summary: Here just give bullet points of key points you want patient to remember.



there are many strategies that might be effective in empowering
clients (emergency patients in particular) to make health decisions.
Firstly, staying connected with clients on a constant basis, for
example, to inform him or her of the importance of following the diet
can help motivate them to make health decisions and adopt healthy
habits. This might include health coaching, wellness programs, and
personalized care plans that promote behavior change, and motivate
clients to follow preventive care guidelines, eat healthy food, and
perform physical exercises. Secondly, embracing social networking can
help healthcare professionals keep client engagement levels high,
positively impacting their health decision making. The researchers
state that minority clients are rarely consulted about their health
preferences, they are unlikely to ask treatment-related questions,
and thus, they tend to receive incomplete data on their health (Chen,
Mullins, Novak, & Thomas, 2016). From this perspective, social
networks provide perfect means for indirect communication with
clients in order to help them make correct health decisions. Thirdly,
with the significant growth in healthcare’s mobile auditory,
providing clients with mobile options for accessing
condition-specific data, personal health records, lab results, and
other health-related information builds the foundation for
collaborative care, and improves health decision making. Next,
providing clients with a highest possible level of control and
convenience can empower them to make health decisions. The correct
combination of self-management and self-service options allow
healthcare professionals to partner with clients to improve their
health outcomes. Finally initiating a dialogue is a simple strategy
that allows to encourage open communication with clients to help them
follow treatment plans, manage their health, positively impacting
their health decisions. In addition, this provides the ability to
more accurately identify the challenges clients face when they come
to the healthcare unit. For instance, town hall meetings can be
effective in rural settings with limited access to mobile phone
networks or Internet. These strategies can help empower clients to
make health decisions, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow treatment
guidelines, and receive recommended screenings.

All the strategies listed
above might also be helpful in encouraging clients to be accountable
for their own health. Firstly, staying connected with clients can
help educate them about the significance of following treatment
recommendations, whereas making them more accountable for their
health. This can also increase their engagement, helping prevent
complications and chronic diseases. Secondly, the vast majority of
clients are currently using social networks. They are effective in
connecting clients with similar health problems, pointing them to
reliable healthcare resources, and providing educational materials
about wellness and health. Using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and
other platforms for healthcare-related purposes can significantly
increase client accountability regarding their health. Thirdly,
healthcare mobile applications can be helpful in facilitating shared
decision making between healthcare providers and clients, increasing
their satisfaction, and encouraging greater participation
(Abbasgholizadeh, Menear, Robitaille, & Légaré, 2017). Better
interaction and convenient access to data can not only result in more
effective care, but also encourage clients to be accountable for
their own health. In addition, numerous clients got used to rely on
self-service instruments from retailers, airlines, and banks.
Providing them with the ability to make appointments or access their
medical records online will increase their level of control and
convenience, making them more accountable for their health actions.
Lastly, starting a conversation with clients leads to patients’
increased satisfaction and builds stronger relationships with
healthcare team. This encourages more open communication with
clients, providing the ability to better explain them the importance
of making correct health decisions. In its turn, an improved
communication will lead to an increased client accountability for
their own health. All the strategies listed above could be helpful in
both empowering healthcare clients (including the emergency patients)
to make health decisions and making them accountable for their own


R. S., Menear, M., Robitaille, H., & Légaré, F. (2017). Are
mobile health applications useful for supporting shared decision
making in diagnostic and treatment decisions? Global
Health Action, 10
1332259. doi:10.1080/16549716.2017.1332259

J., Mullins, C. D., Novak, P., & Thomas, S. B. (2016).
Personalized Strategies to Activate and Empower Patients in Health
Care and Reduce Health Disparities. Health
Education & Behavior: The Official Publication of the Society for
Public Health Education, 43
25–34. doi:10.1177/1090198115579415



Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help

This week you will continue to build your final facility. The legal team has asked you to provide them with considerations regarding legal and regulatory requirements that may affect the facility planning process.

Add the required design components to your facility.

Complete the Week 4 Facility Planning Template.


Remember that the drawing itself is worth less than 20% of this assignment’s grade: 20 out of 140 points.

Cite Hayward and at least 2 other peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Remember to properly cite every idea, fact, and series of words (quotation) that is not your own. Place quotations within quotation marks.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


  • Hayward, C. (2016). Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS446 – Facility Planning course website.

Facility Planning—Floor Plan, Part 2 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Render four objects in four viewports Programming Assignment Help

In c++

Render four objects in four viewports of a single display window. (An example is provided at the end.)

  • Set the display window size to 512 by 512 pixels.
  • Show your name (or both names if you work with a partner) in the title of the display window.
    • By showing your name(s) in the title, you certify that the job is your individual work (or a fair share with your partner).
  • For each object, the clipping window coordinates are [-10, 10] by [-10, 10], and the background color is the same.
    • The background color is suggested to be (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) in RGBA, but you can use your own background color.

The four objects are described below.

  1. Design a stipple pattern and use it to stipple a triangle with the vertices (-8, -6), (8, -6), and (0, 8).
    • You must design your own pattern.
    • You need render the triangle twice, with different colors.
  1. Draw the polar curve


  • Use a color that is apparently different from the background color.
  • Set the line width to 2.
  • Draw the xy-coordinates as a reference.
    • In a shallow color and the line width is 1.
      • The radius of the disk is 8.
      • A tick is a short line segment. For example, the tick at 1 o’clock could be a line segment connecting and.
  1. Draw a clock with a round face, 12 ticks and 3 hands.
    • The face is a round disk filled with a color different from the background.
  • The ticks are in a different color.
  • The hands point to the time 3:45.
  1. Shade the region between the curves of


over the interval [-4, 4].

  • Use GL_QUAD_STRIP to shade the region because the region is concave.
  • Use a different color to draw the curves with thick line strips.
  • As a reference, draw the xy-coordinates as well.

Each of the above four objects is rendered in a viewport that is a quarter of the entire display window. Order does not matter. Your result should be similar to the following example.


double spaced, 12-point times new roman font, MLA documentation Writing Assignment Help

What is the Biggest Risk of Your life?
Directions: Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper. Please remember that neatness
and completeness count! If Icannot read your paper, it will be difficult to give you credit for
your good hard work. If you would prefer to type your responses, please do so. Keep it under 2
pages double spaced.
Watch the following video and then respond to the writing prompts.
Steve Harvey-Jump
Video link:     
These are hard questions. Please think about them for a minute before writing.
1. What is the biggest thing you have ever had to jump for, and what was the result?
2. What is the next big jump in life that you think should make, and what do you hope to
accomplish from it?
3. What steps do you need to take in order to take your next jump?


Unit IV Essay Writing Assignment Help

Unit IV Assignment
Building an Effective Team In Unit III, you started on your course project by selecting an organization and developing a SMARTER outline. For this unit, you will apply the team effectiveness model discussed in this unit and the Five Cs (cooperating, coordinating, communicating, comforting, and conflict-handling) into a team-building plan. In a two-page explanation, describe how you will assemble and lead a team who will develop the new product you discussed in your Unit III Assignment. Describe who will be a part of your team, how you will ensure the team is successful, and how you will apply the Five Cs. Additionally, include how you will account for different personalities and needs. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. Use your creativity and knowledge of effective teams discussed in this unit.
This is what you did in unit 3, use this for iv assignment
For this unit, assume you are in the research and development division of your selected organization. The CEO has directed you to come up with a new product or service that will be delivered to the American or global consumer in the next 12 months. Using your creativity and what you have learned thus far, establish goals and a SMARTER outline by explaining each of your SMARTER characteristics for your product /service over the next year.


Follow introctions Humanities Assignment Help

complete this using the info that I attach

Personalized Recommendations Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The USDA’s food guidance system new ChooseMyPlate recommends making half your plate fruits and vegetables, drinking skim or 1% milk, eating half of your grains whole grains, and eating lean protein. You also need to look out for sodium (salt) in the foods you buy by reading food labels to reduce your salt intake. Your sodium is at ______. Adults should take in no more than 1.5g/day. Enjoy your food, but eat less, and select from a variety of foods.

After analyzing your diet using the MyPlate Supertracker, here are some suggestions to improve the five food groups.

Grains-Bread/Cereal- compare the amounts of servings that is suggested by MyPlate against what the patient actually ate in terms of serving amounts.

Then make suggestions to improve their intake with specific foods for each food group and serving amounts. Recommend when they would eat it.

For example, add a whole wheat bagel for breakfast. Do the same for each food group.

Vegetables: For your


Milk & Dairy products

Meat & Beans

Cholesterol & Fat: The present recommendation for healthy Americans is to lower blood cholesterol levels to 200 mg/dl or below. Decreasing intake of foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol can help you maintain this level.

Salt Intake: After analyzing your diet, your sodium intake was ________mg.

The American Heart Association recommends to keep your salt intake no more than 2,300 milligrams per day. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, or are over 51 you it is recommended to limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day and follow your physician’s advice. Most excessive salt comes from processed foods. Keep in mind that 1 teaspoon of salt is equal to 2,300 mg.

Discuss what they can do to lower their salt intake if it was too high.

Water: It is better to drink water instead of sugary drinks. Drinking optimally fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay. If you choose to drink bottled water, check the label for fluoride content.

You drank _____ glasses of water. Strive for 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses each day.

Scoring the Sweets:

After evaluating your sugar consumption with Scoring the Sweets, your risk for decay

is moderate.

Here are some tips to reduce your risk of tooth decay:

If you choose to consume sugary foods and drinks, do so with meals.

Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acids that cause decay. Limit between meal snacks, especially those that have sugar.

If you crave a snack, choose nutritious foods low in salt, sugar, and fat.

Consider chewing sugarless gum afterward, preferably one that contains “xylitol,” which has been shown to be “anticariogenic,” (cavity prevention). If you choose to chew this type of gum, chew 6-10 grams of xylitol per day, for 3-5 times per day, chewed for five minutes.

Summary: Here just give bullet points of key points you want patient to remember.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

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