Initiating the Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Initiating the Project Business Finance Assignment Help. Initiating the Project Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management project and need support to help me learn.
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I have attached the files of the residency weekend and also the required file of the assignment.

Compile/Develop a Project Charter similar to the one completed during the Residency Weekend only utilizing problem sets that you will have completed throughout the semester.

Your Individual Project Charter will include:

  1. Project Title – You will provide the title you best think fits the project
  2. Business Case – providing basic background on the project
  3. Project Scope Statement – a specific identification of what will be completed with this project
  4. Stakeholder ID – Use Exhibit 6.1 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set #3
  5. Communication Plan – Use Exhibit 6.9 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set #3
  6. Deliverables with Acceptance Criteria – Use Exhibit 7.4 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set #4
  7. WBS with Activities List – Use Exhibit 7.12 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set #4
  8. RACI Chart – Use Exhibit 9.5 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set #5
  9. Risk Register – Use Exhibit 11.9 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set #6

Make corrections to these problem sets as provided in grading feedback from the Instructor. Ensure all inserted charts are legible. You will design this as an official document to be submitted to the Project Sponsor; so, ensure that it looks professional. You may add any additional sections, besides those listed, that you think would be beneficial to your overall product.

For each of the sections below you will provide an overview of the issues identified within your original submission of each of these Problem Sets and the grade you received. This must be your own interpretation of the instructor’s feedback (do not copy and paste instructor feedback). This should be your own detailed analysis of issues within initial submission. The Bonus Point Analysis will be graded rigorously and just “jotting” something down on paper without any developed thought or evidence of effort will not be sufficient to score any of these points.

You will then provide a detailed explanation of what changes and improvements you made in response to this feedback prior to submitting as your part of your Final Project Charter. These will each be worth up to 5 bonus points each.

  1. Stakeholder ID
    1. Initial Issues (with score received)
    2. Course of action taken to improve
  2. Communication Plan
    1. Initial Issues (with score received)
    2. Course of action taken to improve
  3. Deliverables with Acceptance Criteria
    1. Initial Issues (with score received)
    2. Course of action taken to improve
  4. WBS with Activities List
    1. Initial Issues (with score received)
    2. Course of action taken to improve
  5. RACI Chart
    1. Initial Issues (with score received)
    2. Course of action taken to improve
  6. Risk Register
    1. Initial Issues (with score received)
    2. Course of action taken to improve

Initiating the Project Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CSUS A Modest Proposal What Was His Purpose in Writing This Essay Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Directions: This essay should be two to three pages long and double spaced in MLA format.

Develop your essay with short quotations (if literature or philosophy is involved) or with specific description (in the case of art or music) from the text(s) and work(s) of the period. Please identify the essay answer by number and copy the essay question, or some key words of the question, to the top of your paper. Write clearly and concisely, and answer all parts of each question. Don’t forget to include an introduction and conclusion.

Discuss in detail Jonathan Swift’s important satirical essay, “A Modest Proposal.” What was his purpose in writing this essay.


The Georgian Abkhaz Conflict Summary Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Other and need support to help me learn.

Students will submit a brief summary of the conflict case that they will be researching for the policy brief assignment. The summary will describe key facts and details about the conflict, paying particular attention to the dynamics of their conflict and the factors contributing to their conflict’s intractability. The summary should demonstrate strong research and writing skills.

Conflict Summary Brief

In the Conflict Summary assignment, you will demonstrate that you understand your conflict case by summarizing some key details about it. The assignment’s purpose is to prepare you for your policy brief by equipping you with necessary background information about your conflict and by helping you explore potential avenues for resolution.

In the assignment, you should briefly (900-1200 words) describe the following features of your conflict case:

  • How did the conflict begin? What issues caused the conflict?
  • How and when did the conflict become violent? How did the conflict escalate?
  • What major settlement(s) have been reached to stop violence or reduce the intractability of the conflict? What did the settlement(s) accomplish?
  • What are some key current impediments to reducing the intractability of the conflict?

Important Keys to Success:

  • Follow Instructions. If you weren’t able to come to class on Tuesday, 4/6 (Week 2A), then please be sure to view the recording for more information about the assignment. In addition, we will be covering writing tips throughout the quarter. Be sure to review the class lectures and follow the advice.
  • Research. Research. The first step to writing your paper is to research your conflict case. Please pay careful attention to the information offered in class about how to research your conflict case. You will need to synthesize information across at least 3 different sources, and be mindful of implicit biases across sources. You should aim to present an impartial summary of the conflict. Please use APA citation style.
  • Write concisely. The summary is brief, and as such, you should be judicious in summarizing only the most pertinent information about your conflict case. It is not necessary to cite material from the Beyond Intractability Essays, but you may draw on the Beyond Intractability readings if they help you describe key details about your conflict case.
  • Maintain a coherent paragraph structure. It is not necessary to address each of the above questions in order. Rather, you should respond to the questions in a way that allows for a logical, cohesive, and coherent flow across your paragraphs. Do NOT simply copy and paste the questions and provide your responses below.
  • Leave ample time for revisions. You will be evaluated on the quality of your writing.


INDS 400 MCCC Pregnancy Effects on Singers & Physiological Changes Literature Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology Research Paper and need a sample draft to help me study.

Hi all,

Serious writers/tutors only, I’m writing a research paper proposer (eventually) and this part is only for the literature review.

This is at least a 1,000 – 1,500 literature review paper using at least 7 sources for the interdisciplinary course. Please find attached instruction, rubric, my topic and research question, a discussion forum that I wrote using two sources.

There need to be at least 7 sources which may include 2 sources I found. Most sources need to be pretty recent (within 5 years) with maybe a few exceptions.

APA style without title and abstract, but there will be an introduction as it’s directed in the instruction paper. Let me copy and paste this one sentence from that:

*1.A literature review accomplishes two main things: it summarizes the context of other scholar’s work related to your topic, and it identifies the research gap that you propose to fill*

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any concerns.

my area of study (discipline) is biology, chemistry, psychology, and it can integrate with music.

Thank you in advance.


College of Central Florida International Monetary System Question Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a international economics discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

4 pages minimum

Briefly describe the current International Monetary System. How does the Current systems differ from the system that was in place prior to August 1971.

Prior to 1971, the world operated on a fixed exchange rate system. The value of the U. S. Dollar links to gold at the fixed price of $35 per ounce, and the values of other currencies are then tied to the dollar. For example, in 1964, the British pound was fixed at $2.80 for 1 pound, with a 1 percent permissible fluctuation around this rate. Thus, the British government had regularly intervened in the foreign exchange market to keep the pound in the range of $2.77 to $2.83. When the pound fell, the Bank of England had to buy pounds, offering foreign currencies or gold in exchange. Conversely, if the pound reached the top of the range, the Bank of England would sell pounds. The official exchange rates were occasionally “reset” to reflect changing economic conditions.

The current international monetary system for most industrialized nations is a floating rate system. In this system, currency exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate in response to market conditions with a minimum of governmental intervention. Changes in currency demand can be due to trade deficits (i.e., one nation imports more from another nation than it does exports, causing higher relative demand for the currency of the bigger exporter). It can also be due to capital movements. For example, if interest rates are relatively high in one country, investors might seek to purchase that country’s securities, increasing its currency?


Please use three peer review articles but main book chapter 17 provided to get main concepts from the book.

Then articles as references: minimum 3 articles

Bordo, M. D. (1993). The Bretton Woods international monetary system: a historical overview. In A retrospective on the Bretton Woods system: Lessons for international monetary reform (pp. 3-108). University of Chicago Press.

Dominick, S. (2000). The present international monetary system: Problems, complications, and reforms. Open Economies Review, 11(1), 133-148. Retrieved from…

Efremenko, I. N., Haabazoka, L., & Larionov, V. A. (2017). Development of the international monetary system conditions of globalization. European Research Studies, 20(3), 269-279. Retrieved from…

Eichengreen, B. (2019). Globalizing capital: a history of the international monetary system. Princeton University Press.

Obstfeld, M., & Taylor, A. M. (2017). International monetary relations: Taking finance seriously. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(3), 3-28. doi:

Farhi, E., & Maggiori, M. (2018). A model of the international monetary system. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(1), 295-355.

Bordo, M. D., & James, H. (2000). The International Monetary Fund: its present role in historical perspective (No. w7724). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Borio, C. E., James, H., & Shin, H. S. (2014). The international monetary and financial system: A capital account historical perspective.

McKinnon, R. I. (1993). The rules of the game: international money in historical perspective. Journal of Economic Literature, 31(1), 1-44.

Eichengreen, B., & Razo-Garcia, R. (2006). The international monetary system in the last and next 20 years. Economic Policy, 21(47), 393-442. doi:

Barry Eichengreen, Raul Razo-Garcia, The international monetary system in the last and next 20 years, Economic Policy, Volume 21, Issue 47, 1 July 2006, Pages 394–442,



Poverty Is Real Humanitarian Issue and No One Is Doing Anything About It Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.

I’m looking for someone to help me with getting an annotated bibliography in an MLA format done in 17hrs. The title: The Rock Bottom of Society The topic: Poverty (use and a secondary source of your choice) The argument is : Poverty is a real humanitarian issue and no ones doing anything about it. Please annotate 5 of the primary and secondary sources using: Academic, book, and news article. First cite in correct MLA format in alphabetical order, then summarize each source with a summary (at least 5 sentences) Please be sure it is relevant to the sources. Create an outline with a tentative thesis. let me know for more details and I’ll do my best tot provide more information and answer any questions needed.

MLA citations: Citations must be in the correct format, have hanging indents, be in alphabetical order, contain all the correct info in the correct order, be correctly punctuated, and contain all the necessary information.

Annotations: Must contain a detailed discussion of the source, including how the source is relevant to your topic and how you might use it in your paper, should include specific details from the source, and is in complete sentences and forms a coherent paragraph.

Outline: Must be in correct outline format. Must contain specific details about your paper. Must include your tentative thesis statement. Must follow one of the paper layout formats.

Poverty Is Real Humanitarian Issue and No One Is Doing Anything About It Bibliography Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The University of Texas at Dallas Voting in the US Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me understand better.

The topic is : Voting and Election in the US

Instructions (please follow instructions):

  • Your essay must be typed, 3-4 pages double-spaced, size 12 point font, Times New Roman.
  • The paper must be formatted in MLA style with the proper MLA style heading.
  • Your paper must have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • You must use 6-7 scholarly resources outside of those we have used in class. These sources must be cited using intext citations in MLA format. You can only have 1 basic internet source. The rest of the sources need to be a combination of academic journal articles and books. You must also provide a Works Cited page with your sources list (this is in addition to the 3-4 pages).
  • Do not use dictionary or encyclopedia sources. These are NOT considered high level sources. Remember: the purpose of sources is to support and back up your opinions. I should see sources support your major arguments/positions in the paper.
  • . The essay must be your original work. Be careful when using quotes, do not use too many. Using a significant amount of quotations takes away from your work. The point of this paper is to convey your thoughts, not just restate someone else’s entirely.

make sure to follow instructions and :Following all instructions:

Clear indication of topic chosen:

Thoughtful analysis of topic (not just reciting stated information):

Organization, grammar, spelling, sentence structure:

MLA Formatting/Sources/Works Cited Page:


Collin County Community College Native Americans in North America History Practice Humanities Assignment Help

You will make a total of 5 connections .  You must connect to each chapter, the provided primary source and create a cause and effect connection.  

The chapters and the provided primary source will be connected to the provided themes.  Each theme can only be used once.


Connection Exams meet the Student Learning Outcomes  

  • Create an argument through the use of historical evidence (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills; Personal Responsibility; Social Responsibility).  SLO1
  • Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills; Personal Responsibility; Social Responsibility). SLO2
  • Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills; Personal Responsibility; Social Responsibility). SLO3



California University Stanislaus Antoni Gaudi Sagrada Familia Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

Learn more about Antoni Gaudí and his outstanding architectural work the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. Visit the website for the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain. Explore the pages describing the life and work of Gaudi as well as the history of this unique building. Don’t miss the Virtual Visit for a chance to interactively explore detailed highlights of the exterior and interior.

In your assignment, discuss some of the unique architectural and artistic characteristics of the Sagrada Familia, citing specific examples. In your answer, consider how Gaudi’s work compares to past eras of religious art and architecture we have learned about in this class–other types of cathedrals, for example.


Cypress College Where Do Blue Eyes Come From Biology Summary Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

Where Do Blue Eyes Come From?

September 22, 2016MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS (Links to an external site.)

Humans have many phenotypic variations in eye color which is determined by multiple genes. So far, up to 16 genes have been associated with eye color inheritance. However, scientists from the Institute of Forensic Genetics at the University of Copenhagen discovered that the reason for blue eyes (Links to an external site.) mainly lies in two genes: OCA2 (Links to an external site.) and HERC2 (Links to an external site.). This way they have shown that the earlier belief that blue eye color is a simple recessive trait is incorrect.

Originally, all humans had brown eyes, although genetic variation relating to a gene called OCA2 resulted in changes to the amount of pigment produced by different individuals, resulting in the emergence of different shades of brown. Scientists studying the genetics of eye color (Links to an external site.) have identified that a mutation to a separate, nearby gene called HERC2 is the cause of blue eyes. This alteration switches off OCA2, the gene that determines the amount of the brown pigment melanin that we make.

Today, around 20-40% of European people have blue eyes. Scientist discovered that more than 99.9 per cent of blue-eyed people who volunteered to have their DNA analyzed have the same tiny mutation in the gene that determines the color of the iris.

Scientists concluded that every blue-eyed person on the world today can trace their ancestry back to a single European who probably lived about 10,000 years ago in the Black Sea region and who first developed a specific mutation that accounts for the now widespread iris coloration.

Besides your summary, include an answer for the following prompts:

Prompt 1)Tell if there are blue eyes in your family and if you have been able to trace it back to a certain relaive.

Prompt 2) My sister, Anna, and her husband, Herbie, have a blue eyed daughter, Jamie. Anna and Herbie both have brown eyes. Which is most likely true: a) Jamie is adopted, b) Jamie is NOT Herbie’s biological daughter c) or explain how it is possible for Annie and Herbie to have a blue eyed daughter.

Due Date & Grading

Initial post are due April 19 at 9:00 am. Your summary must be at least 5-7 sentences and should focus on the content and not so much about how you feel about it. It should encourage discussion amongst your peers. The summary it worth 5 points.

Replies to three peers are also due by April 26 th at 9:00 am. Liking a post does not count as a reply. Replies to peers are worth a total of 5 points. Use the rubics from previous discussions to maximize your points.

Repeat: Both Summary and reviews are due next week, April 26th , at 9:00 am.


Read the article “Where do Blue Eyes come From (Links to an external site.)” and watch the video “Why Do You Have Blue Eyes?” which explains in a simple way the genetics of blue eyes. Enjoy!

After the initial post is completed I will send you other students posts to do the replies.

[supanova_question]” and watch the video “Why Do You Have Blue Eyes?” which explains in a simple way the genetics of blue eyes. Enjoy!

After the initial post is completed I will send you other students posts to do the replies.

[supanova_question]” and watch the video “Why Do You Have Blue Eyes?” which explains in a simple way the genetics of blue eyes. Enjoy!

After the initial post is completed I will send you other students posts to do the replies.

[supanova_question]” and watch the video “Why Do You Have Blue Eyes?” which explains in a simple way the genetics of blue eyes. Enjoy!

After the initial post is completed I will send you other students posts to do the replies.


Initiating the Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Initiating the Project Business Finance Assignment Help

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