INT 113 Southern New Hampshire University South Africa Ideology Corruption Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

INT 113 Southern New Hampshire University South Africa Ideology Corruption Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help. INT 113 Southern New Hampshire University South Africa Ideology Corruption Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Use this discussion sample as a guide when completing your own analysis.

Governments’ influence over trade and economies should not be underestimated. You may see some connections between culture and political ideologies, which can have positive and negative effects. Let’s dive into the political and legal environment for your project country. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements: Government and Ideologies, and Corruption.

Using The World Factbook and current news reports, identify the following elements of government:

  • Government type
  • Political leader(s)
  • Political pressure (or opposition) groups
  • Recent changes in governing rule

Other risks include corrupt practices, which are also heavily influenced by culture. Use Transparency International to identify three measures of corruption. Consider a review of the following:

  • Corruption Perceptions Index
  • Global Corruption Barometer
  • Global Corruption Report

Discuss what these political risks mean for businesses. What challenges or opportunities might an organization recognize with regard to the government and corrupt practices in the region? How can an organization protect against these risks and prepare management for issues they might face?

Respond to two of your classmates and share your observations regarding the government and corruption in the country. Ask questions to encourage further considerations.

Once you have received feedback from your peers and instructor, you will insert your data and summarize your analysis findings in the Final Project Presentation Template provided. This is your third step toward the comprehensive final project presentation. Your first final project checkpoint submission will be in Module Three.

Note: You will not be able to see any of your peers’ discussion posts until you have created and posted your own discussion thread.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

INT 113 Southern New Hampshire University South Africa Ideology Corruption Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Colorado Technical University Managing Organizational Change Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Now that you have gained an understanding of Red Carpet, Leroy has asked you to join in on a preliminary meeting with the VP of HR and other members of the organization to discuss change. The meeting is important because many employees are unsure of their role in the change process. In fact, the VP of HR has not settled yet on what type of change is needed or how to start the change process. Leroy has asked you to participate in the discussion to help clarify information needed about the change process.

Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course, and with your classmates, discuss the following questions that will provide insight into the change process:

  • In your opinion, what does Red Carpet need to change? Should the change be transformational, developmental, or transitional, and why?
  • What employees or employee groups should be included in the change process, and why?
  • What do you recommend Red Carpet do to begin the change process?


Colorado Technical University Unit 2 Individual Project & Managing the Health of Populations Health Medical Assignment Help

A component of your final project is to complete a needs assessment of your target population pertaining to the disease or health issue for which you are proposing the need for an intervention or prevention program. A component of the needs assessment is to describe the disease or health issue to demonstrate the need. Using the epidemiologic triad of people, time, and place, provide a descriptive analysis of the health issue and the impacted population.

For data on your chosen disease or health issue, review the following data sources:

Describe the disease in terms of the following:

  • People: Demographics of those impacted (age, race/ethnicity, gender)
  • Time: The time period of the data you are reviewing (5–10 years, 1 year, etc.)
  • Place: Built environment and other environmental factors

Represent the data in graphs, charts, and tables as relevant, accompanied by a brief explanation.

Describe the morbidity, mortality, incidence, and prevalence rates of the data. Describe differences in terms of age, race/ethnicity, and gender. Which age group, race, or gender seems to be most impacted by the morbidity and mortality data? What were the morbidity and mortality trends for the time period observed (5 or 10 years depending on the data)?

Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length and APA-formatted with in-text citations and references.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2018, November 5). CDC wonder. Retrieved from

Community Commons. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved from

County Health Rankings. (2018). Home page. Retrieved from

U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved from


Abilene Christian University Applications of Linear Algebra in Computer Engineering Field Paper Writing Assignment Help

report of 4 or more pages describing different applications of linear algebra in computer engineering field.


  • The report must include a cover page with your name, U number, professor name, date, and course name/number.
  • The report must have an introduction and conclusion.
  • Individual sections are expected per each application under analysis.
  • The report must have four or more pages, including introduction, conclusion, and cover page (table of contents and references are not considered).
  • You must include references for each application that you describe in your report.
  • The report is going to be review for plagiarism automatically.
  • You must submit a PDF document.
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Spacing = 1.0 and Normal margins Word Office.
  • Images are allowed.
  • The cover page does not have a particular format or font.


University of California San Diego CH16 History Holocaust History Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Please respond to the following question in large paragraphs. Please do not use outside sources. Please only use the book: Wages of Destruction (chap 16) and Only the Dead (chap 7) by (Braumoeller, Bear F) .

1. Who was Fritz Sauckel? How did his duties in the National Socialist economy overlap between what we might consider the “normal” and the “despotic”? How does Tooze think Sauckel’s negotiations with the SS helped produce the Endlösung?

2. What was the Hungerplan? How did it emerge out of practical (albeit genocidal) German economic and geopolitical goals, yet (in Tooze’s telling) come to create the ideal conditions for the purely ideological goals of the SS elite to metastasize?

3. Can you think of a motivating force for the Endlösung other than the “purely ideological” or the economic one that Tooze suggests interacted with the ideological goals of the NSDAP and SS elites? What might a sociological argument for the motivating force of that genocide that examines the careers of elite SS officers look like? What about one that looks at the actions and motivations of non-German proxy forces for the Third Reich?



California Beauty College Disintegration of Persistence of Memory Museum Report Humanities Assignment Help

I attached detailed instruction. It explains everything you need to know.

The report must written in 3 parts, I. Formal Analysis , II. Discussion of Medium, III. Interpretation

Note: You must address ALL the prompts below each the 3 parts within your essay, but your response need not be organized in
the exact order given. Your paper must include proper introductory and concluding paragraphs.

Must use MLA guidelines and proofread.

Art : The Disintegration of Persistence of Memory

Formal elements and principles of design are attached with the files. Note : its extremely important to use them when writing the report and in depth.

Museum : The Dali museum (

California Beauty College Disintegration of Persistence of Memory Museum Report Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Walden University Donald John Trump Personality Discussion Writing Assignment Help

During this module you have examined eight personality theoretical perspective and some of their corresponding theories. Additionally, you have examined cultural considerations to consider when analyzing a subject. In this Discussion, you practice analyzing a subject from the perspective of personality theory and consider cultural considerations as part of the analysis. (Note: Your fictional character analysis is for the purposes of this Discussion only. Clinical analysis and diagnosis require additional formal training and would never be conducted without first meeting the individual).

To Prepare

  • Select a public figure or celebrity, real or fictional character to analyze from the personality theory/theoretical orientation of your choice. Be sure to select a character about whose personality you know a solid amount.
  • Reflect on cultural considerations applicable to your character analysis.

By Day 4

Post the character you chose and a 3-4 paragraph analysis, including the personality theory/theoretical orientation you chose and cultural considerations you considered.

Abi-Hashem, N. (2015). Revisiting cultural awareness and cultural relevancy. The American Psychologist, 7, 660.

van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2013). Contributions of internationalization to psychology: Toward a global and inclusive discipline. American Psychologist, 68(8), 761–770.

Cervone, D., & Pervin, L. A. (2019). Personality: Theory and research (14th ed.). Wiley.


Empire Architecture Palace of Westminster Analytical Review Humanities Assignment Help

Pick 2 buildings from Unit 3 that you consider a good example of its period/style (buildings must be of different style–so not two Roman buildings). Write a short, 500-word essay per building that includes (a) a description using the proper terms; (b) what is of importance; and (c) how it reflects its political, cultural and artistic values.

Start each entry with the following identification:


Architect (if known):



Entries will be checked for plagiarism, so if you use any source besides the textbook, make sure to cite it.

all materials are online articles and videos from Youtube


MGT 300 Ashford University Supply Management & Strategic Planning Paper Writing Assignment Help

You are working for a manufacturer of a specialized guidance system for the latest jet fighter aircraft used by several branches of the military. Your current position is as a senior supply management specialist reporting to the Vice President of Purchasing. She asks for your help in developing a series of questions to be used in interviewing and hiring a new junior buyer, an entry level position. You have agreed that the successful candidate will have 0-2 years of experience and a bachelor’s degree in a related field. Most importantly, the new hire must have an excellent grasp of the current vocabulary and tools used in the professional practice of supply management. Knowing that you have recently completed at least one course in supply management, she now asks that you provide written answers to the questions so that the other interviewers can judge the candidates’ knowledge. The questions are:

  • Give examples of at least three different job titles within supply management and explain how they contribute to the success of an organization.
  • Choose one department in a company (such as legal, logistic, operations, quality assurance, etc.), and explain how the company benefits from a facilitated integration of supply management with this internal partner.
  • Explain the role that supply management plays in achieving sustainability goals in an organization.
  • Select at least five items that would be considered when determining the total cost of ownership (TCO) for a piece of capital equipment. Classify each item as being either a positive or negative value if asked to complete the calculation.
  • Name at least three characteristics that you share with professional negotiators. Explain why you believe each is important to your role in supply management.
  • Select one method of using data to choose a new supplier. Summarize why you believe this is an appropriate, fair, and consistent method of conducting business.
  • List at least three special considerations when seeking international sources of materials. Compare how each differs from doing business only within the United States.
  • Explain the application of at least three types of fixed-price contracts. Determine the implications for the supplier and the purchaser for each type.

Your Summative Assessment

  • Must be 1800-2400 words (excluding title page and references page) in length, double-spaced and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Contextual (Level One)headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must utilize a minimum of 5 scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford Library in addition to the textbook. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


San Diego State University Precambrian Plate Tectonic Setting of Africa Paper Science Assignment Help

Choose a tectonic plate to investigate from among the 15 listed at
What is the name of the plate, and where in the world is it located? What plates does it border, and what kinds of tectonic boundaries are found there? Based on your research, is your plate growing, shrinking, or staying about the same size over time? Which direction is the plate moving? Are any volcanoes found on your plate? If so, where are they located and what kinds are they? What are some of the other major landforms (mountains, lakes, rivers, etc.) present on your plate? Share with us three other interesting facts about your plate that you have learned from your research. Please do not choose a plate another student has written about, unless all 15 have already been taken.

Be sure to post an initial, substantive response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MST and respond to 2 or more peers with substantive responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MST. A substantive initial post answers the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic. Substantive peer responses ask a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic and/or answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor.


INT 113 Southern New Hampshire University South Africa Ideology Corruption Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

INT 113 Southern New Hampshire University South Africa Ideology Corruption Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

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