Integrated Curriculum Project Humanities Assignment Help

Integrated Curriculum Project Humanities Assignment Help. Integrated Curriculum Project Humanities Assignment Help.

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Here are the requirement:

Integrated Curriculum Project Assignment

Students will develop integrated Activity Projects using an approach that emphasizes a child-centered, integration of content across curricular areas by creating 5 Integrated Activities based on their Project Topic.

Students will describe the activities in detail and identify areas of skill development that their investigations (or activities) encourage and support.

See the California Preschool Learning Foundations (PLFs) from Visual & Performing Arts (Volume 2: pg.1-30), Mathematics (Volume 1: pg.143-167), Language and Literacy (Volume 1: pg.47-89), Science (Volume 3: pg.48-96), and History-Social Sciences (Volume 3: pg.1-39).

Paper Format:

  1. Briefly introduce your project topic, indicate why you selected it and tell the reader what age group your project investigations are intended for (3 year olds OR 4 year olds OR mixed group 3-5 year olds)
  1. Describe clearly and concisely the 5 developmentally appropriate, hands-on activities.
  1. After each activity description, provide 4 different PLFs to support the activity. One PLF skill per domain (visual & performing arts, mathematics, science, language & literacy and history-social sciences).

See the Preschool Foundation documents posted under course information in Canvas.

N.B. Do not use the same PLF skill repeatedly.The items listed in the Foundation documents ending in zero are not specific skills. Do not use Foundations 1.0. 2.0, etc.

  1. Conclude the paper with a paragraph (or so) describing your idea for a Culminating Event and an idea for a Classroom Display to share the project topic or activities with families and classroom visitors.

The completes paper should be approximately 6 to 8 pages in length. Note that each activity description plus the associated skill description should be at least one page

Integrated Curriculum Project Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PHYS 1250 The Ohio State University Physics Question Science Assignment Help

Pretend you are writing an example for a textbook or preparing a presentation (written, in this case) to a class. Explain your setup and choice of equations carefully. Solution must be legible (it does not need to be typed).

Look at the solutions to the weekly study problems in Carmen to get an idea of what’s expected. Also look at textbook example problems.

I expect some questions. Start early and ask early. If you want to submit a draft for review a few days before the due date, that is encouraged. I’ll be glad to comment and make suggestions for improvement.

You may collaborate with other students on this assignment, but you must make your own submission, and the work must be your own.


Walden University Study Plan Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment 2: Study Plan

    Based on your practice exam question results from Week 2, identify strengths and areas of opportunity and create a tailored study plan to use throughout this course to help you prepare for the national certification exam. This will serve as an action plan to help you track your goals, tasks, and progress. You will revisit and update your study plan in NRNP 6675, and you may continue to refine and use it until you take the exam.

    Photo Credit: [Jacob Ammentorp Lund]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

To Prepare

  • Reflect on your practice exam question results from Week 2. Identify content-area strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Also reflect on your overall test taking. Was the length of time allotted comfortable, or did you run out of time? Did a particular question format prove difficult?

The Assignment

  • Based on your practice test question results, and considering the national certification exam, summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement. Note: Your grade for this Assignment will not be derived from your test results but from your self-reflection and study plan.
  • Create a study plan for this quarter to prepare for the certification exam, including three or four SMART goals and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of how you will measure your progress.
  • Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.


HIST 360 AMU What Was the Program and Significance of The Mexican Reforma Ques Humanities Assignment Help

For this Discussion, answer one of the instructor-provided questions

1. Mexico’s transition to independence was peculiarly difficult and contradictory. Explain the reasons for this.

2. What were the economic and social roots of caudillismo?

3. What was the program and significance of the Mexican Reforma?

4. How did foreign interventions and class, racial, and ethnic conflicts shape early 19th century national development in the United Provinces of Central America?

5. What roles did class, race, and region play in shaping the early 19th century conflicts between Liberals and Conservatives in Central America?

6. Why did Cuba remain loyal to Spain during the early 19th century when the rest of the Spanish American colonies fought national wars of independence?


ENGL 1102 Idaho State University Commercial Analysis Forum Humanities Assignment Help

Forum: Commercial Analysis


There are two parts to this. Both parts must be posted by their respective deadlines; otherwise, your forum contribution will not earn a grade. Use the grading rubric for discussion forums to help you develop your forum posts.

Part 1:

Due date–10:00 p.m., Friday, March 19 (Word count: 250, minimum)

View the commercial below. Then, answer the following questions:

  1. What do most people think when they see a rodent running loose in their home? Why?
  2. In this commercial, however, many people may feel sympathetic to the mouse. Why?
  3. What is the primary appeal made by the ad, in terms of Fowles’ categories? What, if any, are the secondary appeals?
  4. What is the chief attention-getting technique in this commercial?
  5. How does the commercial make use of such tools as humor, surprise, or human interest to achieve its goals?
  6. What is the relationship between the visuals and the audio track (pay close attention to the events and the lyrics)? How do audio and video work together to achieve the sponsor’s purpose?
  7. How does the commercial’s visual techniques work to convey the message? Consider camera movement; style and pace of editing (juxtaposition of individual shots); and visual composition (the framing of the mouse and/or objects within the shot).
  8. How do the words at the end of the commercial work to communicate the commercial’s message?


    Grading Rubric for Discussion Forums

    Remember: To earn any grade, all posts (your original post AND two replies) must be made by their deadlines; late work—including posts—will not be graded.

    Criteria Excellent
    (A: 90%-100%)
    Proficient(B: 80%-89%) Marginal(70%-79%) Below Expectations(D/F: 0% to 69%)
    Relevance of Post Original discussion post relates to discussion topic, cites additional references related to topic (as needed), and meets 250 minimum word requirement. It prompts further discussion of the topic. Original discussion post relates to discussion content, but may be too general; more citations/support may be necessary. The post meets at least 85% of 250-word required length (212 words). It still prompts further discussion into the topic. Original discussion post occasional goes off-topic. More development is needed. The post meets at least 75% of 250-word required length (189 words). It offers little insight into the topic and prompts little discussion of topic. Original discussion post does not relate to the discussion. It makes short or irrelevant marks. It meets less than 75% (188 and below) of 250-word length requirement.
    Expression of Post Original discussion post expresses opinions and ideas in a clear, concise manner with obvious connection to the topic. Opinions and ideas are stated clearly in the original discussion post, with occasional lack of connection to topic. Original discussion post presents unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of ideas or opinions. Original discussion post does not express opinions or ideas clearly; it presents no connection to the topic.

    Delivery of Post
    Posts consistently use correct grammar, with rare misspellings. Posts contain few grammatical or spelling errors. Posts contain several grammatical and spelling errors. Posts contain poor spelling and grammar; posts appear “hasty.”
    Replies (A minimum of two) Replies address one point you like/agree with, and one point you dislike/disagree with, and why. Each reply meets the 75-word minimum length. Replies maintain classroom decorum. While replies address one point you like/agree with and one you dislike/disagree with, some additional details/development are needed. Each reply meets at least 84% of the 75-word minimum length (63 words). Replies maintain classroom decorum. Replies might address one point you like/agree with—or—one point you don’t like/disagree with. More development is needed. Each post meets at least 74% of the 75-word requirement (56 words). Replies maintain classroom decorum. Replies don’t address specific points, may simply express “like” or “dislike” with no reasoning (e.g. “I like your post! You answered the questions well!”), and each post falls below the 56-word requirement. Replies do not adhere to the decorum policy.
    Contribution to Learning Community Discussion board activity demonstrates awareness of needs of community; frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion; presents creative approaches to topic. Discussion board activity frequently attempts to direct the discussion and to present relevant viewpoints for consideration by group; interacts freely. Occasionally makes meaningful reflections on discussion group’s efforts and demonstrates marginal effort to become involved with discussion. Does not make an effort to participate in the learning community as it develops; discussion board activity reflects indifferent attitude.



Rasmussen College Home Language Education and Teaching Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

this based around a child care setting preschool and prek aged children.

Encouraging home language use is an effective way to increase ELL’s language and literacy skills. Knowing how influential L1 language use is, develop an activity that ELL professionals might use to encourage home language use in the classroom or caregiver setting. Be creative! How might your activity involve parents? Would you want to plan a fieldtrip? Outdoor activity? Special event?

In a minimum of 2-pages (not counting the title page and references page), include the following:

  • Provide a summary of the influences of home language (L1) use on the development of language and literacy skills in the target language (L2). Use research to support your ideas.
  • Create a detailed activity that provides ample opportunities for home language use. Include the steps, materials, and time frame required to complete this activity.

Use professional language including complete sentences and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your paper. Be sure to cite any research sources in APA format. If you need assistance with APA format, refer to this Library and Learning Services APA Guide.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Rasmussen College Home Language Education and Teaching Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Screening and Assessment Tools Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The assessment of English Language Learners is crucial. However, it raises a number of issues surrounding the validity and reliability of the assessment tool being used.

According to the NAEYC, “All young children have the right to be assessed in ways that support their learning and development. For children whose home language is not English, this means being assessed in culturally and linguistically responsive ways.”

Keeping this in mind, a number of obstacles can cause these assessment practices and policies to be ineffective. The NAEYC has set forth five (5) recommendations and indicators that help guide the assessment process of ELL students. As advocates for our English language learners, it is our responsibility to ensure that the assessments we are using are both valid and reliable.

To prepare for this assignment, first read the NAEYC Position Statement on Screening and Assessment of Young English-Language Learners.

In a minimum of 2-pages (not counting the title page and references page), include the following:

  1. Identify one (1) NAEYC recommendation and indicator for Screening and Assessing Young English Language Learners and summarize this recommendation in your own words.
  2. State whether or not you believe existing literacy assessments account for the considerations of dual language learners.
  3. Explain how, as educators, it is our responsibility to ensure fair assessment for all learners.
  4. Offer suggestions on how this recommendation could be implemented in an early childhood program.

Use professional language including complete sentences and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your paper. Be sure to cite any research sources in APA format. If you need assistance with APA format, refer to this Library and Learning Services APA Guide.


Mod 1 Integrating Research EBP & Sources of Internal Evidence Essay Health Medical Assignment Help


Integrating Evidence-Based Practice

Write a 1000–1500-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be two main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with (2) current sources (1 outside source and the textbook) using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay.

Part 1:

Describe the eight steps to integrating evidence-based practice into the clinical environment. What barriers might you face in implementing a new practice to address your research topic (as identified in Module 1)? Describe strategies that could be used to increase success including overcoming barriers.

Part 2:

Describe six sources of internal evidence that could be used in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes.


University of Colorado at Boulder Media and Marketing Reaction Essay Business Finance Assignment Help…

I will provide more money to rent the video

Watch the entirety of the video and write a 300-500 word reaction. That is, don’t simply recap the video, but reflect and make connections to your own life. You will be evaluated on the sophistication and depth of your response, your ability to make connections to your life, and the quality of your writing. Include a CREATIVE TITLE!

Themes to Consider

  • How do you view the cyclical relationship between media and marketing? Is this beneficial or concerning for consumers? Why?
  • Were you aware of how interrelated the marketing and movie production processes were before watching this documentary? How do you feel these relationships impact both the movie industry and marketing?
  • Is there such a thing as ‘ethical’ marketing? How do you view the slogan, “He’s not selling out, He’s buying in.“?
  • What are your impressions of the business/sponsorship side of this marketing, or how the organizations’ purchase/negotiate/direct their promotions?
  • Do you feel that banning outdoor promotions/marketing can have an impact? Is it positive or negative?
  • Is the presence of marketing in schools something to be concerned about? How old do you think consumers are before they are aware of marketing and are there moral implications to not market to younger demographics?
  • How are you impacted by this kind of marketing? Are you aware of this kind of integrated or ‘hidden’ marketing?
  • Think back to the Amazon Empire documentary (Links to an external site.), how does Amazon’s integration into media, with streaming and content creation, impact the strategies and tactics described here?


Rasmussen College Education & Teaching Language Question Humanities Assignment Help

This is geared toward a preschool/ Prek day care center

As educators, we understand that it is important to share information with parents and families in your program. Creating strong partnerships are key, and consistent and meaningful communication is an effective way to build this partnership.

For this component of your course project, you will create a newsletter that shares both knowledge and ideas with ELL parents and families.

Your newsletter content should be a different than what was selected for your professional focus newsletter.

To complete this assignment, following the steps below.

Step 1: Choose two (2) cultural or linguistic considerations/influences that impact a child’s language and literacy acquisition in an early childhood environment and use that as the main focus of your newsletter.
Step 2: Use the Family Focus Newsletter Template or create your own using Microsoft Word or Publisher.
Your newsletter content should be different than what was selected for your professional focus newsletter.
Step 3: Include the following elements in your family focus newsletter:

  • Main Feature. Create the main feature of the article noting particular cultural or linguistic influences on children’s language and literacy acquisition in early childhood settings.
    • Use at least one (1) credible source, such as NAEYC, or another outside source to support your topics. Your sources can include books, journal articles, or appropriate websites.
  • Implications for Teaching. Describe how the considerations/influences discussed in the Main Feature could impact English Language Learners and their families.
  • Practical Activities for English Language Learners. Share two (2) examples of meaningful activities that ELL families can do with their children at home.
  • Shared Experience. Share an experience relating to this topic. The experience can be personal or the experience of someone you know.
  • Resources. Provide at least two (2) helpful resources you can recommend to ELL families on the topics discussed in the Main Feature.
    • Resources should be in APA format.

Remember, you are targeting this newsletter to ELL parents and families. Use a suitable tone and appropriate language including proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Be sure to cite any research sources in APA format. If you need assistance with APA format, refer to this Library and Learning Services APA Guide.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Integrated Curriculum Project Humanities Assignment Help

Integrated Curriculum Project Humanities Assignment Help

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