International Trade Question Business Finance Assignment Help. International Trade Question Business Finance Assignment Help.
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1. Choose two stocks whose ticker starts with the first letter of your first name (example: “B”lake, BA, BYND, and B). Each company should be trading for at least two years.
2. Download two years’ worth of daily stock price data from yahoo finance or any other site you would like to use. Keep the adjusted close, and compute log returns.
Helpful Hints:
Yahoo finance is the easiest way to download historical stock price data.
Yahoo is easy but can take some time. If you are interested in getting stock data into excel and you like exploring new things, try alpha vantage
You could also use NASDAQ’s site,
Compute the average annual return, the average annual standard deviation.
3. Using excel, compute the correlation matrix between all stocks. (Hint: Make sure to watch the lecture)
4. Using the stocks, compute the unconstrained optimal-risky portfolio (maximize Sharpe-ratio; for definition, check here:
5. Using the same data, but in a new tab, compute the optimal risky portfolio with the constraint of no shorting (weights > 0).
6. Lastly, answer the following questions:
A. Using laymen terms, what is the optimal-risky portfolio, and why would an investor want to invest according to its recommendations?
B. The problems above have been exact math problems (meaning they gave a precise answer, which under stable conditions, would yield the best return possible). Name at least one issue with the efficient frontier that may lead to “over-promising.” Research, name, and explain, the logic of at least one model that has tried to fix the issue you identified.
Submit your answers and work in two files. One excel file for your work, and one word file for the final solutions. Any submission that does not consist of calculations may receive no credit.
International Trade Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHIL 110 San Jose State University Use Supplementary Food Alternatives of Soy Essay Writing Assignment Help
The research article is attached.
Do not submit an essay. Please follow the following format. Number each answer. Do NOT include the questions. Please use bullet points and/or short, concise sentences to answer these questions. Maximum 3 pages!
- After reading the introduction, explain in your own words, the reason(s) why the authors chose to conduct this research study? (3 pts)
- What scientific question is being addressed? (2 pts)
- What is the authors’ hypothesis? (2 pts)
Subjects and Methods
- What inclusion and or exclusion criteria were used to select the subjects for the study? Why? (2 pts)
- Describe the study design. (3 pts)
- Briefly summarize the results described in the text or shown in the figure(s)/table(s). (3 pts)
- What conclusion(s) do the authors draw from these results? (2 pts)
- Do you think that the study results supported the authors’ hypothesis? Why or why not? How strong/convincing did you find the results? (3 pts)
- What were the limitations of this study? (2 pts)
- Could you design a study that could provide additional answers to the question asked? What are possible future experiments/research areas related to this topic? (3 pts)
Purdue University Invitation to The New Religious Movement Letter Writing Assignment Help
I need an explanation for this History question to help me study.
going to write a “letter home” to your family. In that letter, you can put personal messages in but keep that in the beginning and/or end of the letter. Your “letter” should be 1-2 pages double-spaced, . Name the source (citation) for that factual detail you add. . You should have at least one in each of the 3 body paragraphs (source). Do this at the end of the sentence you give a fact from a lecture or reading the lectures and read please. use quotes from the sources only.
watch this link Lecture One War, Two Rebellions
then look over the lecture slide
then growth and empire
look over all the files below
then look over the file that will below and then the actual assignment named Exam 2
Requirements: 1-2 pg | .doc file
Glendale Community College Opportunity Cost of College Education Discussion Ques Economics Assignment Help
Your comment to each question has to be more than five(5) sentences based on researched facts and logical analysis to earn the full credit. Also your response to other has to be more than five(5) sentences based on researched facts and logical analysis to earn the full credit.
Opportunity cost of college education
Many college students have a doubt about staying in the college. Because the cost of college education is creeping up and many financially successful business people do not have college education.(successful stories of college drop outs such as Bill Gates,Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell etc.)
Equally it’s true many successful people have a solid college education background .
There is a debate whether a college education is still a good investment for future financial payoffs over huge student debt.
Q1) what’s the opportunity cost of typical college education? what’s your personal opportunity cost?(0.5 point)
Q2) Compare earning potentials between high school and college graduates through life time active career.(0.5 point)
Q3) what’s your opinion about staying or dropping out from the college?
Will the possible forgiveness of student loan affect your decision on staying college? (0.5 point)
Q4) Since the future will be highly technology oriented, will the higher education be very necessary ? Because the robot with artificial intelligence can replace many jobs of human labor in the future.(0.5 point)
Q5) On the other hand, suppose you are a brilliant, successful value investor of young Warren Buffett who is a founder of Birkshire Hathaway(BRK.A). You think that college education is unnecessary, because the opportunity cost of staying a college is too expensive. The reason is that the financial gain of investing on one company with your college tuition will be far greater than the earning potential with a college degree for the next three decades. If so, which one company to invest on for the next three decades will make you give up college education? Do you think which company will replace the success of Birkshire Hathaway for the next three decades? ( Benjamin Grahm’s Value investment : invest on a company with great product, great management, great financial condition with low debt, and great consistent past earning record and consistent future earning potential with protection of industry entry barrier).(0.5 point)
GCC If Coke Price Goes Down, What Happens to Pepsi Demand Why Questions Economics Assignment Help
Your answer has to be more than five(5) sentences for each question based on researched facts and logical analysis to earn the full credit.
1) What is the definition of ” opportunity cost” ? Give an example (2 points).
2) Compare the difference between “Change in Supply “and ” Change in Quantity Supplied”. Discuss the causes and shape of curve.(2 points).
3) At what price does Shortage and Surplus occur ? Once a market has shortage and Surplus, then what happens to the market price? (2 points)
4) if a decrease in Demand is smaller than a decrease in Supply, what happens to an equilibrium price and output sales? (2 points)
5) if Coke price goes down, what happens to Pepsi demand? why? (2 points)
Future University in Egypt Psychology Brain Training Question Humanities Assignment Help
Please complete this assignment in Canvas, and submit your responses by the deadline. Here’s a word doc version you may work from: Evidence Worksheet 1.docx
Module 2: Biological Pillar – Neuroscience, Sensation, Consciousness
Assignment: Evaluating the Evidence Worksheet 1 (10 points)
We are consistently presented with claims about human behavior and mental processes on a near daily basis. It is important that we begin to develop skills required to critically evaluate these claims. These critical thinking skills will help us understand what we are being asked to believe, evaluate the evidence supporting claims, and assist us in deciding whether we want to base our own judgements on these claims. Below you will find two claims related to Module 2. Select one and proceed with completing the evidence worksheet.
Claim 1: Most people use 10% of their brain power.
Claim 2: Brain training will make you smarter.
- Collect and read at least two sources of evidence related to your claim (in any direction). WHERE did you find evidence? Provide the website/author’s name and links for the material you considered from Evidence Worksheet 1: Reference Examples for Claims 1 & 2 Please note, you are not limited to these materials; you may also include other evidence, and provide those references (article/author name, link) here.
- WHAT did the evidence say?
- What TYPE of evidence was it? Place an “X” before the types of evidence you considered.
Something that I or someone else heard (hearsay)
My own or another person’s story (anecdote, blog/web posts)
Case study
Correlational study
Quasi-experimental study
Longitudinal study
Controlled Experimental study
Review or summary of many studies
Other (specify):
- RATE the strength of the evidence on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest), and EXPLAIN why you gave that rating.
Future University in Egypt Psychology Brain Training Question Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BUS 125 Cuyamaca College Bad Frog Brewery vs New York Liquor Authority Case Ques Business Finance Assignment Help
1. I will post the question of the discussion for you with all the requirements needed for it, so please read them carefully and do what my teacher wants exactly
2. answer all the 5 questions of the discussion and open the link and read it please!
3. I need the discussion to be organized and also I don’t need any words or sentences from google I need it to be all from your own writing.
4. There are also resources for this discussion at the end please take a look at them and use them for this discussion.
Review the Bad Frog Brewery v. New York Liquor Authority case. Here’s a link to a related article: Link (Links to an external site.)
Answer the questions below. Be sure to respond to another student.
1. Do businesses have a constitutionally protected right to free speech in their commercial endeavors? If so, is their level of protection equal to, less than or greater than the protection given to political speech?
2) Do you agree that the state had a substantial interest in prohibiting use the Bad Frog label to “protect children”? Why or why not?
3) The court said that banning the labels went too far, and that less restrictive alternatives can be used. List alternatives you can think of.
4) Would the result be the same if the logo was to be used on the packaging of a toy marketed to children?
5) Respond to another student’s post for questions 2, 3 and 4.
REMEMBER: You are not sending out a text message or tweet, so when writing your post, use proper English, grammar and writing mechanics. Make sure you include what you think about the respective section you are discussing.
Use the “Reply” icon to start your discussion. Once you type and spell-check your thread, use the “Post Reply” icon to submit your thoughts. Use can also review the Canvas video (Links to an external site.)on posting discussions.
You must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.
You will post to the forum by providing some background information followed up by your thoughts and opinions on the respective topic. It must be substantive and thoughtful dialogue. When appropriate, use outside sources such as the news, Internet, popular media, your textbook, journal articles, etc…to assist you here. Make sure to cite your work if applicable
Be sure to include headings of the question being asked, followed by your response.
Resources for the Discussion
Canvas Guide “How do I reply to a discussion as a student?” (Links to an external site.)
Canvas Guide “How do I view assignment comments from my instructor?” (Links to an external site.)
Canvas Guide “How do I view rubric results for my assignment?” (Links to an external site.)
Canvas Guide How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion? (Links to an external site.)
Canvas Guide How do I view the rubric for my assignment? (Links to an external site.)
Canvas Guide How do I view rubric results for my assignment?
STAT 250 GMU Frequency Table Results for Streaming Services Survey Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
STAT 250 Spring 2021 Data Analysis Assignment 1
Your solutions document should include the following items. Points will be deducted if the following are not included.
- Type your Name and STAT 250 with your correct section number (e.g. STAT 250-xxx) right justified and then Data Analysis Assignment #1 centered on the top of page 1 below your name to begin your solutions document.
- Number your pages across your entire solutions document.
- Your solutions document should include the ANSWERS ONLY with each answer labeled by its corresponding number and subpart. Keep the answers in order.
- Generate all requested graphs and tables using StatCrunch.
- Upload your solutions document onto Blackboard as a Word (docx) file or pdf file using the link provided by your instructor. It is your responsibility for uploading a readable file.
- You may not work with other individuals on this assignment. It is an honor code violation if you do.
Elements of good technical writing:
Use complete and coherent sentences to answer the questions.
Graphs must be appropriately titled and should refer to the context of the question.
Graphical displays must include labels with units if appropriate for each axis.
Units should always be included when referring to numerical values.
When making a comparison you must use comparative language, such as “greater than”, “less than”, or “about the same as.”
Ensure that all graphs and tables appear on one page and are not split across two pages.
Type all mathematical calculations when directed to compute an answer ‘by-hand.’
Pictures of actual handwritten work are not accepted on this assignment.
When writing mathematical expressions into your solutions document you may use either an equation editor or common shortcuts such as: can be written as sqrt(x), can be written as p-hat, can be written as x-bar.
Problem 1: Streaming Services Survey
A marketing researcher wants to investigate whether there is any relationship between preferred streaming service and age in order to properly advertise a particular streaming service. A sample of 552 individuals who responded yes to subscribing to a streaming service were asked their most watched service and age. The options listed for streaming subscriptions were: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, and Other. The individuals were grouped into three age ranges: 18-35, 36-53 and 54-71. The data set found in our StatCrunch Group presents these 552 individuals’ responses. The data set is called “Streaming Services Survey.”
a)Use StatCrunch to create a one-way table for the variable “Streaming Subscription” using both counts and percentages. Select Stat Tables Frequency. Select “Streaming Subscription” in the Select Column(s) box, and select both ‘Frequency’ and ‘Percent of total’ in the Statistic(s) box by holding down the Ctrl Key (Command Key on Macs) when making these selections. Copy your table into your solutions document and then manually round the values in the “Percent of total” column to two decimal places in the StatCrunch table that you have copied into your solutions document.
b)Interpret your findings from the table in 1(a) by identifying the subscription service with the largest and smallest percentage. Use complete sentences with context and include the streaming subscription name and percentage in the sentences.
c)Use StatCrunch to generate a two-way table for the variables “Streaming Subscription” and “Age”.
Go to Stat Tables Contingency With Data (since you have the raw data in StatCrunch). Select “Streaming Subscription” as your row variable and “Age” as your column variable. In the “Display:” box, select only “Percent of Total.” Lastly, unclick (or deselect) “Chi-Square test for independence” since it is highlighted by default by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on it. Copy the entire table into your solutions document.
d)Identify the largest and smallest percentages of individuals sampled (552) from the two-way table you constructed in part (c) (i.e. the percentages found inside the table). Explain the references of those percentages in both context and calculations. Provide both the value of the variables that make up the cell and the percentage in your answer in two complete sentences.
e)What values are the same when looking at both your one-way table from part (a) and your two-way table from part (c)? Be specific if referencing rows or columns.
f)Now, create two more two-way tables keeping “Streaming Subscription” as your row variable and “Age” as your column variable. One table needs to include row percentages and the other needs to include column percentages. To do this, select “Row percent” in the display box for the first table and “Column percent” for the second table. Include both tables in your solutions document.
g)Specifically interpret the meaning of the row percentage found in the “Netflix” and “18-35” cell. Note that there are 74 observations in that cell.
h)Now, specifically interpret the meaning of the column percentage found in the “Netflix” and “18-35” cell. Note that there are 74 observations in that cell.
Problem 2: Streaming Services Survey
At the next board meeting, the marketing researcher will present the findings from the survey to the executives of the subscription service in an organized and easy to view manner. Use the “Streaming Services Survey” data set posted in our StatCrunch group to answer the following questions.
a)Using the variable named “Streaming Subscription”, produce a relative frequency Pareto chart using Graph Bar Plot With Data. Remember to order the bars by changing “Order by” to Count Descending. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your solutions document.
b)Using the variable “Streaming Subscription”, produce a frequency bar chart. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your solutions document.
c)Using the variable “Streaming Subscription”, produce a Pie Chart using Graph Pie Chart With Data. Add an appropriate title and copy this entire graph including the legend into your solutions document.
d)Using the variable “Streaming Subscription”, produce a Pie Chart only for individuals in the “18-35” age range using Graph Pie Chart With Data. To the right of the box marked “Where:” click the “Build” button. Under “Columns:” click on “Age” and click “Add Column” to bring it to the box. Next, click the equal sign (=) on the calculator section. Then, click the arrow at right end of the “Values:” box to get a drop down menu and select “18-35” and click “Add.” Finally, click Okay. Add an appropriate title and copy this entire graph including the legend into your solutions document.
e)Explain how the percentages displayed for “Disney+” differ based on the calculations from both Pie Charts in part (c) and part (d).
f)Now produce a grouped relative frequency bar chart (to copy to your solutions document) by following the directions below.
Go to Graph Bar Plot With Data.
For this grouped bar chart, graph the variable “Streaming Subscription” and group by “Age.” To group by a particular variable click the arrow next to the “Group by:” box (the third box down) and from the drop down menu select the variable you are asked to group by. In the “Type:” box (5th box down from the top) choose “Relative Frequency (within category).” Title this graph clearly. You may keep the default labels for the x and y-axis. Copy this graph including the legend into your solutions document.
g)For this next grouped bar chart, graph the variable “Age” and group by “Streaming Subscription.” Again, in the Type box (5th box down from the top) choose “Relative Frequency (within category).” Title this graph clearly. You may keep the default labels for the x and y-axis. Copy this graph including the legend into your solutions document.
h)The two graphs you made in 2(f) and 2(g) are another representation of row and column percentage two-way tables. If we consider the row variable to be “Streaming Subscription” and the column variable to be “Age,” which graph would correspond to a row percentage two-way table and which graph would correspond to the column percentage two-way table? Answer in two complete sentences. You may create these two-way tables for this data set to help you answer the questions, but the tables do not need to be copied into your solutions document.
i)Which graph that you created in Problem 2 would you recommend the marketing researcher present to the executives at the meeting? Include your choice and a compelling argument in two to three sentences.
Problem 3: Age at Death of Australian Males
The Australian Bureau of Statistics collects data on the age of death for every individual in their country yearly. A sample of 1000 male ages at death were taken from the year 2011 and data are provided under the title “Sample of Ages at Death” in StatCrunch.
a)Create a frequency histogram for the variable “Age” by using Graph Histogram. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your solutions document.
b)Interpret the shape of this distribution in one complete sentence.
c)Use StatCrunch to obtain the sample size (n), mean, and standard deviation for the “Age” variable by using Stat Summary Stats Columns. Note: in the Statistics box, select the summary statistics listed above in the exact order given. Copy the entire table into your solutions document and manually round each value to two decimal places when necessary.
d)Use StatCrunch to obtain the five number summary and the IQR for the “Age” variable (the five number summary includes Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max). Go to Stat Summary Stats Columns to obtain these values. Note: in the Statistics box, select the summary statistics listed above in the exact order given. Copy the entire table into your solutions document.
e)Choose the appropriate summary statistics for center and spread (presented in either 3(c) or 3(d)) based on your stated shape of the distribution in 3(b). Please define the names of the statistics and their values in your answer.
f)Use your summary statistics from part 3(d) and determine the fences used to mathematically identify outliers for the “Age” variable. To do this, type all steps in your calculations manually, including how you obtained the upper and lower fences.
g)Construct a horizontally oriented boxplot of the “Age” variable by using Graph Boxplot. To do this, under “Other options:” click the “Draw boxes horizontally” button. Properly title and label and copy this graph into your solutions document.
h)How many outliers do you identify (please use both the boxplot and your results from 3(f) to answer this question)? Hint: you can sort your data by “Age” (using Data Sort in StatCrunch) to get the correct number or hover your cursor over the box of the boxplot. Write your answer explanation in one to two sentences.
Problem 4: Distance a Car Travels
An individual in the market for a new car is considering both electric and gas powered vehicles. Specifically, two cars the individual wants to compare are the 2020 Tesla Model Y and the 2020 Toyota Corolla. A variable of interest to the individual is how far each car can travel on a full battery charge or a full tank of gas. Data were collected from 40 identical trips in each car. For each car, the distance the car traveled in miles was recorded using a full battery charge or a full tank of gas. The data set “Distance Traveled: Electric vs. Gas” presented the data collected.
a)Construct a relative frequency histogram on the “Distance” variable. Properly title and label your graph. Copy and paste this graph into your solutions document.
b)Describe the shape of the distribution of the “Distance” variable in context in one sentence.
c)Now construct two separate relative frequency histograms for the “Distance” variable – one for each car type. Click on Options in the top left corner and select Edit. Under the “Group by:” option, select “Car”. Below the titling area, under “For multiple graphs:” change “Columns per page” from 1 to 2. Also, select the “Use same X-axis” and “Use same Y-axis” options. Finally, click Compute! Copy and paste these graphs into your solutions document.
d)Describe the shape of the distribution of the “Distance” variable for each car in context in one sentence.
e)Compare your description in part (d) with your description in part (b)? Provide a one sentence explanation on what you believe occurred.
f)Based on your histograms in part (c), generally compare the centers and spreads of each distribution (use comparative language). Answer in two sentences.
g)Use StatCrunch to obtain sample size (n), the mean, and standard deviation of the “Distance” variable by “Car” (using “Group by:”). Copy and paste the table into your solutions document. Round your answers to one decimal place.
For parts 4(h)-4(j), determine how well the Empirical Rule does in predicting the percentage of observations within some number of standard deviations of the mean.
h)Use your rounded summary statistics for “Toyota” from part 4(g) to calculate the interval corresponding to one, two, and three standard deviations about the mean Distance. Type your work showing how you obtained these intervals. Clearly label and list these three intervals in your solutions document as shown below:
68% interval (lower value, upper value)
95% interval (lower value, upper value)
99.7% interval (lower value, upper value)
i)Use StatCrunch to determine the frequency AND percentage of observations falling in each of these intervals by following the instructions listed below or using another appropriate counting method. Properly label and list these counts and percentages in your solutions document.
Go to Data Row Selection Interactive Tools. In the Slider selectors box, click the variable “Distance” into the variable box. In the Category selectors box, click the variable “Car” into the variable box. Click Compute! to open the tool.
The box that appears has a slider under the words Distance that allows you to create ranges of scores that you determined in 4(h). Under Location, you can select whether you want to use Tesla or Toyota (here select only Toyota). Use the slider to obtain the count for each interval from 4(h) by looking at the “# rows selected” presented in the first line of the box. Hint: click on the square bounds of the interval and use your arrow keys for more control. Calculate the percentages from the counts you obtained for each interval and include them in your solutions document.
j)Do each of the three percentages found in part 4(i) match what the Empirical Rule predicts? Compare your results in 4(i) with the expected percentage stated in the Empirical Rule. State your answer in three sentences (one sentence for each comparison).
k)Suppose the individual purchases the Toyota and traveled 344 miles on a full tank of gas. Use your rounded summary statistics from 4(g), calculate the z-score of this value and explain in a complete sentence what this z-score indicates. Round the z-score to two decimal places.
l)Now suppose the individual purchases the Tesla and travels 344 miles on a full change. Use your rounded summary statistics from 4(g), calculate the z-score of this value and explain in a complete sentence what this z-score indicates. Round the z-score to two decimal places.STAT 250 Spring 2021 Data Analysis Assignment 1
Your solutions document should include the following items. Points will be deducted if the following are not included.
- Type your Name and STAT 250 with your correct section number (e.g. STAT 250-xxx) right justified and then Data Analysis Assignment #1 centered on the top of page 1 below your name to begin your solutions document.
- Number your pages across your entire solutions document.
- Your solutions document should include the ANSWERS ONLY with each answer labeled by its corresponding number and subpart. Keep the answers in order.
- Generate all requested graphs and tables using StatCrunch.
- Upload your solutions document onto Blackboard as a Word (docx) file or pdf file using the link provided by your instructor. It is your responsibility for uploading a readable file.
- You may not work with other individuals on this assignment. It is an honor code violation if you do.
Elements of good technical writing:
Use complete and coherent sentences to answer the questions.
Graphs must be appropriately titled and should refer to the context of the question.
Graphical displays must include labels with units if appropriate for each axis.
Units should always be included when referring to numerical values.
When making a comparison you must use comparative language, such as “greater than”, “less than”, or “about the same as.”
Ensure that all graphs and tables appear on one page and are not split across two pages.
Type all mathematical calculations when directed to compute an answer ‘by-hand.’
Pictures of actual handwritten work are not accepted on this assignment.
When writing mathematical expressions into your solutions document you may use either an equation editor or common shortcuts such as: can be written as sqrt(x), can be written as p-hat, can be written as x-bar.
Problem 1: Streaming Services Survey
A marketing researcher wants to investigate whether there is any relationship between preferred streaming service and age in order to properly advertise a particular streaming service. A sample of 552 individuals who responded yes to subscribing to a streaming service were asked their most watched service and age. The options listed for streaming subscriptions were: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, and Other. The individuals were grouped into three age ranges: 18-35, 36-53 and 54-71. The data set found in our StatCrunch Group presents these 552 individuals’ responses. The data set is called “Streaming Services Survey.”
a)Use StatCrunch to create a one-way table for the variable “Streaming Subscription” using both counts and percentages. Select Stat Tables Frequency. Select “Streaming Subscription” in the Select Column(s) box, and select both ‘Frequency’ and ‘Percent of total’ in the Statistic(s) box by holding down the Ctrl Key (Command Key on Macs) when making these selections. Copy your table into your solutions document and then manually round the values in the “Percent of total” column to two decimal places in the StatCrunch table that you have copied into your solutions document.
b)Interpret your findings from the table in 1(a) by identifying the subscription service with the largest and smallest percentage. Use complete sentences with context and include the streaming subscription name and percentage in the sentences.
c)Use StatCrunch to generate a two-way table for the variables “Streaming Subscription” and “Age”.
Go to Stat Tables Contingency With Data (since you have the raw data in StatCrunch). Select “Streaming Subscription” as your row variable and “Age” as your column variable. In the “Display:” box, select only “Percent of Total.” Lastly, unclick (or deselect) “Chi-Square test for independence” since it is highlighted by default by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on it. Copy the entire table into your solutions document.
d)Identify the largest and smallest percentages of individuals sampled (552) from the two-way table you constructed in part (c) (i.e. the percentages found inside the table). Explain the references of those percentages in both context and calculations. Provide both the value of the variables that make up the cell and the percentage in your answer in two complete sentences.
e)What values are the same when looking at both your one-way table from part (a) and your two-way table from part (c)? Be specific if referencing rows or columns.
f)Now, create two more two-way tables keeping “Streaming Subscription” as your row variable and “Age” as your column variable. One table needs to include row percentages and the other needs to include column percentages. To do this, select “Row percent” in the display box for the first table and “Column percent” for the second table. Include both tables in your solutions document.
g)Specifically interpret the meaning of the row percentage found in the “Netflix” and “18-35” cell. Note that there are 74 observations in that cell.
h)Now, specifically interpret the meaning of the column percentage found in the “Netflix” and “18-35” cell. Note that there are 74 observations in that cell.
Problem 2: Streaming Services Survey
At the next board meeting, the marketing researcher will present the findings from the survey to the executives of the subscription service in an organized and easy to view manner. Use the “Streaming Services Survey” data set posted in our StatCrunch group to answer the following questions.
a)Using the variable named “Streaming Subscription”, produce a relative frequency Pareto chart using Graph Bar Plot With Data. Remember to order the bars by changing “Order by” to Count Descending. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your solutions document.
b)Using the variable “Streaming Subscription”, produce a frequency bar chart. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your solutions document.
c)Using the variable “Streaming Subscription”, produce a Pie Chart using Graph Pie Chart With Data. Add an appropriate title and copy this entire graph including the legend into your solutions document.
d)Using the variable “Streaming Subscription”, produce a Pie Chart only for individuals in the “18-35” age range using Graph Pie Chart With Data. To the right of the box marked “Where:” click the “Build” button. Under “Columns:” click on “Age” and click “Add Column” to bring it to the box. Next, click the equal sign (=) on the calculator section. Then, click the arrow at right end of the “Values:” box to get a drop down menu and select “18-35” and click “Add.” Finally, click Okay. Add an appropriate title and copy this entire graph including the legend into your solutions document.
e)Explain how the percentages displayed for “Disney+” differ based on the calculations from both Pie Charts in part (c) and part (d).
f)Now produce a grouped relative frequency bar chart (to copy to your solutions document) by following the directions below.
Go to Graph Bar Plot With Data.
For this grouped bar chart, graph the variable “Streaming Subscription” and group by “Age.” To group by a particular variable click the arrow next to the “Group by:” box (the third box down) and from the drop down menu select the variable you are asked to group by. In the “Type:” box (5th box down from the top) choose “Relative Frequency (within category).” Title this graph clearly. You may keep the default labels for the x and y-axis. Copy this graph including the legend into your solutions document.
g)For this next grouped bar chart, graph the variable “Age” and group by “Streaming Subscription.” Again, in the Type box (5th box down from the top) choose “Relative Frequency (within category).” Title this graph clearly. You may keep the default labels for the x and y-axis. Copy this graph including the legend into your solutions document.
h)The two graphs you made in 2(f) and 2(g) are another representation of row and column percentage two-way tables. If we consider the row variable to be “Streaming Subscription” and the column variable to be “Age,” which graph would correspond to a row percentage two-way table and which graph would correspond to the column percentage two-way table? Answer in two complete sentences. You may create these two-way tables for this data set to help you answer the questions, but the tables do not need to be copied into your solutions document.
i)Which graph that you created in Problem 2 would you recommend the marketing researcher present to the executives at the meeting? Include your choice and a compelling argument in two to three sentences.
Problem 3: Age at Death of Australian Males
The Australian Bureau of Statistics collects data on the age of death for every individual in their country yearly. A sample of 1000 male ages at death were taken from the year 2011 and data are provided under the title “Sample of Ages at Death” in StatCrunch.
a)Create a frequency histogram for the variable “Age” by using Graph Histogram. Properly title and label your graph and copy it into your solutions document.
b)Interpret the shape of this distribution in one complete sentence.
c)Use StatCrunch to obtain the sample size (n), mean, and standard deviation for the “Age” variable by using Stat Summary Stats Columns. Note: in the Statistics box, select the summary statistics listed above in the exact order given. Copy the entire table into your solutions document and manually round each value to two decimal places when necessary.
d)Use StatCrunch to obtain the five number summary and the IQR for the “Age” variable (the five number summary includes Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max). Go to Stat Summary Stats Columns to obtain these values. Note: in the Statistics box, select the summary statistics listed above in the exact order given. Copy the entire table into your solutions document.
e)Choose the appropriate summary statistics for center and spread (presented in either 3(c) or 3(d)) based on your stated shape of the distribution in 3(b). Please define the names of the statistics and their values in your answer.
f)Use your summary statistics from part 3(d) and determine the fences used to mathematically identify outliers for the “Age” variable. To do this, type all steps in your calculations manually, including how you obtained the upper and lower fences.
g)Construct a horizontally oriented boxplot of the “Age” variable by using Graph Boxplot. To do this, under “Other options:” click the “Draw boxes horizontally” button. Properly title and label and copy this graph into your solutions document.
h)How many outliers do you identify (please use both the boxplot and your results from 3(f) to answer this question)? Hint: you can sort your data by “Age” (using Data Sort in StatCrunch) to get the correct number or hover your cursor over the box of the boxplot. Write your answer explanation in one to two sentences.
Problem 4: Distance a Car Travels
An individual in the market for a new car is considering both electric and gas powered vehicles. Specifically, two cars the individual wants to compare are the 2020 Tesla Model Y and the 2020 Toyota Corolla. A variable of interest to the individual is how far each car can travel on a full battery charge or a full tank of gas. Data were collected from 40 identical trips in each car. For each car, the distance the car traveled in miles was recorded using a full battery charge or a full tank of gas. The data set “Distance Traveled: Electric vs. Gas” presented the data collected.
a)Construct a relative frequency histogram on the “Distance” variable. Properly title and label your graph. Copy and paste this graph into your solutions document.
b)Describe the shape of the distribution of the “Distance” variable in context in one sentence.
c)Now construct two separate relative frequency histograms for the “Distance” variable – one for each car type. Click on Options in the top left corner and select Edit. Under the “Group by:” option, select “Car”. Below the titling area, under “For multiple graphs:” change “Columns per page” from 1 to 2. Also, select the “Use same X-axis” and “Use same Y-axis” options. Finally, click Compute! Copy and paste these graphs into your solutions document.
d)Describe the shape of the distribution of the “Distance” variable for each car in context in one sentence.
e)Compare your description in part (d) with your description in part (b)? Provide a one sentence explanation on what you believe occurred.
f)Based on your histograms in part (c), generally compare the centers and spreads of each distribution (use comparative language). Answer in two sentences.
g)Use StatCrunch to obtain sample size (n), the mean, and standard deviation of the “Distance” variable by “Car” (using “Group by:”). Copy and paste the table into your solutions document. Round your answers to one decimal place.
For parts 4(h)-4(j), determine how well the Empirical Rule does in predicting the percentage of observations within some number of standard deviations of the mean.
h)Use your rounded summary statistics for “Toyota” from part 4(g) to calculate the interval corresponding to one, two, and three standard deviations about the mean Distance. Type your work showing how you obtained these intervals. Clearly label and list these three intervals in your solutions document as shown below:
68% interval (lower value, upper value)
95% interval (lower value, upper value)
99.7% interval (lower value, upper value)
i)Use StatCrunch to determine the frequency AND percentage of observations falling in each of these intervals by following the instructions listed below or using another appropriate counting method. Properly label and list these counts and percentages in your solutions document.
Go to Data Row Selection Interactive Tools. In the Slider selectors box, click the variable “Distance” into the variable box. In the Category selectors box, click the variable “Car” into the variable box. Click Compute! to open the tool.
The box that appears has a slider under the words Distance that allows you to create ranges of scores that you determined in 4(h). Under Location, you can select whether you want to use Tesla or Toyota (here select only Toyota). Use the slider to obtain the count for each interval from 4(h) by looking at the “# rows selected” presented in the first line of the box. Hint: click on the square bounds of the interval and use your arrow keys for more control. Calculate the percentages from the counts you obtained for each interval and include them in your solutions document.
j)Do each of the three percentages found in part 4(i) match what the Empirical Rule predicts? Compare your results in 4(i) with the expected percentage stated in the Empirical Rule. State your answer in three sentences (one sentence for each comparison).
k)Suppose the individual purchases the Toyota and traveled 344 miles on a full tank of gas. Use your rounded summary statistics from 4(g), calculate the z-score of this value and explain in a complete sentence what this z-score indicates. Round the z-score to two decimal places.
l)Now suppose the individual purchases the Tesla and travels 344 miles on a full change. Use your rounded summary statistics from 4(g), calculate the z-score of this value and explain in a complete sentence what this z-score indicates. Round the z-score to two decimal places.
ECPI University Cyber Security Audit Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Your task: Develop an “intake” briefing for middle managers who will be assisting in the planning and execution of an internal audit of employee use of company owned laptops as part of the company’s “Work From Home” arrangements. The purpose of an “intake” briefing is to get everyone “on the same page” with respect to what will be done, who will do it, and what the roles & responsibilities of the managers will be during the audit (e.g. assist with employee contacts and “smooth ruffled feathers” amongst their workers).
Background: The purpose of the audit is to determine how the laptops are being used by the employees working from home (what corporate and non corporate systems, services, networks, and websites are being accessed) and to uncover, if possible, any misuse (e.g. usage that is outside of the company’s acceptable use policy). The audit should also look for evidence of laptops that are improperly configured or have vulnerable software installed.
Background: The company will follow the Information System Security Audit Process as defined by Harris & Maymi in the CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th edition. The steps are:
- Determine Goals
- Involve the right business unit leaders
- Determine the scope
- Choose the audit team
- Plan the audit
- Conduct the audit
- Document the results
- Communicate the results
Format: this week, your deliverable should be formatted as briefing paper (you will have a combination of paragraphs and bullet points). You should have an introduction, “analysis” section (explaining the ground rules and processes for how the audit will be conducted), and an appropriate summary section (including an appeal for cooperation and assistance). Include citations (in the text) and references (at the end) to support your work and allow your readers to fact check your analysis and conclusions.
Limit Principles of Public Ethics and their Effects on Business Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
At a minimum, the paper should include:
I. Cover Page
II. Introduction
III. Exercises
IV. Summary
V. References
Exercises to Complete
- Appendix 1.1: Read Appendices 1.1. and 1.2 and develop a bi-monthly checklist (Jan, mar, May, July, Sep and Nov) similar to the one on page 22 for how you plan to continue your ethical development.
- Exhibit 1.2 on page 18: Complete the five bullet points in the first paragraph only and change the first statement to: How do you plan your activities for each day?
- Exercise #2 & #3 on page 63.
- Exercise #5 on page 86: Discuss your results and insights.
- Exercise #6 on page 86
- Exercise #3 on page 132
- Exercises #1, #2 and #3: For Exercise #1 select a self-assessment from the list or from one that you locate I the Internet and discuss your results and insights.
PowerPoint Presentation
The PowerPoint presentation should be at least 6 slides (not including cover and reference pages) highlighting the major points of your paper