Introduction to Ergonomic Definition Engineering Assignment Help

Introduction to Ergonomic Definition Engineering Assignment Help. Introduction to Ergonomic Definition Engineering Assignment Help.

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In your own words, write a short definition of what Ergonomics is to you. Do you feel that it is beneficial for an organization to have a Ergonomics program in their Safety Program – why or why not? Is there a cost benefit to having Ergonomics – why or why not? What is the Human Factor when dealing with Ergonomics?

Comment to two other learners with the pros and cons of their feelings on whether or not Ergonomics is a beneficial program, what the cost benefits are, and how the human factor effects ergonomics.

Introduction to Ergonomic Definition Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS311 Ashford University Acme Fireworks Proposal Business Finance Assignment Help

Week 3 – Assignment

Paper Proposal

For detailed information regarding outlines,
introductions, thesis statements, and an APA references list, visit the Ashford
Writing Center.

Review the assignment instructions for the
Final Paper in Week Five. Submit an outline for your Final Paper that includes
the following:

·Develop an introduction with a thesis statement for the Final

·Create an outline of the major headings with a two- to
three-sentence description of what you will discuss under each heading.

·Provide a references page for the sources used in the Final
Paper (the Final Paper has a minimum requirement of five scholarly sources).

the complete bibliographic citation for the scholarly source following APA

The outline must be two to three pages in length (excluding
title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in
the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for
the criteria that will be used to evaluate your activity.


Florida International University Ch 7 Nursing Role and Scope Questions Health Medical Assignment Help


Text and Materials: Masters, K. (2017). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (4th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-284-07832-9 Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

After reading Chapter 7 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

Please I need 800 word for this job.Thank you


1. Do you view nursing as a career or a job? What are your professional goals related to nursing?

2. Describe the steps you would take to prepare yourself to interview for your ideal future Nursing role?


Northeastern University Pet Technologies Inc Cost Management Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help

Overview and Rationale

For this assignment, you will be updating your previous Cost Document from Lesson 2. As part of this, you will be calculating contingency reserve using PERT.

Program and Course Outcomes

This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning outcomes from the course syllabus:

  • Design a cost management plan outlining how the schedule and cost would be defined, estimated, validated and controlled throughout a project.
  • Aggregate estimated costs and durations to establish a cost and schedule performance baseline with consideration given to the effects of project funding limits, constraints, procurement, and negotiations will have on project completion.

In addition to these key learning outcomes, you will also have the opportunity to evidence the following skills through completing this assignment:

  • Critical thinking and analysis
  • Technical Competency
  • Problem solving

Essential Components & Instructions

For this assignment, your starting point is the draft cost management document from Lesson 2. You should integrate the components of the draft cost management document, along with my feedback, into this final document.

  • Update any previous work based on the feedback that I gave you as part of Lesson 2_Draft Cost Management Document. Failure to do so can result in loss of credit.
  • Create a cost baseline statement and REPLACE INTO document. A cost baseline statement is simply a brief statement that summarizes the budget and states the specific amount of money and contingency that forms the cost baseline.
  • Perform a reserve analysis, using PERT or Earned Monetary Value to determine how much to request for a reserve fund (show work in appendix of document). Please note that if you have already completed a PERT analysis in this course, you only need to update it based on any feedback.
  • Create a statement of how much reserve you will be requesting, summarize how you determined the amount you requested, and provide a brief explanation for how these funds will be used and who can authorize the use of them
  • Using the estimates from your MsProject file and your reserves analysis, create an updated funding request for your project. This should be a statement that identifies the total amount needed, but differentiates between the costs associated with the project and the reserves request
  • Based on your project schedule in the MsProject file, create a funding schedule (time-scaled budget). You can do this by date or milestone. You could choose to use the following simple table headers:
  • Be sure to update any previous sections of your document based on the information you developed this week. For instance, your summary budget will most likely need to be updated to account for the PM processes, if you did not account for that previously
  1. column 1 – date or milestone
  2. column 2 – WBS code
  3. column 3 – deliverable or budget entry
  4. column 4 – amount
  5. column 5 — aggregate amount


Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in this assignment. Think of this short list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.

  • Document should professionally formatted using titles, headers, and bullets where appropriate.
  • Consider using a MsWord document template to format the report.
  • A template may be used for the formatting, but all content must be original to you.
  • You must include a title page and cite any outside sources using a works cited page according to APA 6th edition guidelines
  • Submission is free of grammatical errors and misspellings

Please be sure to review the attached rubric. It along with these assignment instructions will ensure you have a solid understanding of the assignment requirements.


HLSS310 AMU Critical Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection Paper Writing Assignment Help

Submit a research paper onThe critical Manufacturing Sector in the approach of thinking in general to provide information from all perspectives, terrorist view, safeguard, society etc.. The research paper will be 10-12 pages of content, excluding a title page and reference list (at least 10 outside scholarly references are required). Paper is to be written in APA style format and prepared in a Microsoft word document

This assignment is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to use sources to support your thesis. Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting or paraphrasing another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para. 14). You should use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use scholarly and credible sources. .


Written according to the APA style and format;

Use Times New Roman 12 point font;

1 inch margins on all sides

Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section heading)

Executive Summary (note, this is not an abstract)

A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 2-3 scholarly sources per page of content.



ENGR2308 University of Texas Engineering Economics Problems Analysis Engineering Assignment Help

ENGR 2308: Engineering Economics

Project Topic: Using Spreadsheets to Analyze Problems in Engineering Economics

* You are being assigned to complete one assigned problem per chapter, from Chapters 2

through 6.

* Each problem must be completed using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

* If a problem states that it can be solved using tabulated factors, calculator functions, or a

spreadsheet, ignore the instructions and only solve using a spreadsheet.

* You will submit one Excel file as the project submission, submitted electronically via


* Within the one Excel file, create a separate Sheet for each problem. Sheets are shown

via tabs at the bottom of an Excel spreadsheet.

* I have been uploaded the questions. A total of 5 problems.

* Assigned Problems: from TEXT: Basics of Engineering Economy, 2
nd edition; by Blank and Tarquin; publisher: McGraw-Hill, 2014. (ISBN: 978-0073376356)

  • Chapter 2: Problem 2.109
  • Chapter 3: Problem 3.38
  • Chapter 4: Problem 4.56
  • Chapter 5: Problem 5.28
  • Chapter 6: Problem 6.58
  • ENGR2308 University of Texas Engineering Economics Problems Analysis Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    SOWK6315 Broward College Managing HIV Treatment Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Ask if you have any questions

    Here are the instructions and format for the Treatment Plan Paper:

    This is a follow-up to your Biopsychosocial Assessment. You are to come up with 2 GOALS, AND EACH GOAL IS TO HAVE 2 OBJECTIVES. Provided below are the 2 Goals along with 1 Objective. The Biopsychosocial is also attached below to get a better understanding.

    Goal 1– managing her HIV treatment

    Goal 2 – Being financial independents

    Objective 1 – Buying a pill organizer (1 week)

    You should follow the guidelines discussed in Chapter 6 of text and in class.

    Treatment Plan Assignment

    Treatment (Service) Plan

    The purpose of this assignment is to practice and develop social work skills in treatment/service planning. Students will prepare and submit a Treatment/Service Plan with your client. The client is Marisha

    1. The Treatment Plan builds on the information presented in the Biopsychosocial Assessment so that there is a logical progression from content written in that BPS Assignment to the treatment plan devised for this assignment.

    2. Select at least two problems presented by client. Prioritize these problems using a rationale such as Maslow’s hierarchy, client readiness or preference, legal mandate, etc. This has already been selected which are the two Goals I provided above.

    Note: Present one problem at a time to completion.

    3. Present the problems in terms of unmet needs.

    4. For each problem, write a goal that provides direction for work.

    1. For each problem, evaluate levels of intervention. Should an intervention be planned for the micro, mezzo and/or macro level? Might these interventions be effective? What are the pros and cons of each intervention?
    1. For each problem, create a tentative strategy or strategies.

    7. For each problem, write at least two measurable objectives that includes performance, conditions and standards. (Who will do what by when and to what extent)

    8. For each problem, you may include action steps as needed to assist and guide the client (or worker) in achieving the objective.

    9. Finished document is typed, double spaced, and size 10-12 font, free from spelling and grammatical error, one to two pages in length.


    RWS305W San Diego State Module 2 Resume and Cover Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Demonstrate your knowledge of professional rhetoric and personal representation by creating a résumé, cover letter, and self-analysis of the strategies to best reach your audience.


    • A résumé targeted towards a specific company, organization, governmental department or university graduate program + a job or graduate school POST to which you are responding (10%)
    • Either a job cover letter OR PERSONAL STATEMENT for a graduate program that details and enhances the information on the résumé + an ANALYSIS of rhetoric and strategy in your texts (15%)

    The rest are avalibe on the attachment.


    ECON101 Southern University Facebook E Commerce Case Study Paper Writing Assignment Help

    I need 1 and 2 both Case study

    1. Case study – In < 700 words, write a response essay that addresses the following questions/issues:

      • ● What are some of the ways in which Facebook has adjusted its advertising strategy for a mobile, app-based world?
      • ● How was Little Passports able to achieve a considerable level of success by using Facebook’s ad platform?
      • ● How do you feel personally about Facebook’s LookAlike Audiences program? Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg expressed fears about putting more ads into users’ news feeds? In this section, feel free to talk about your own experiences as a user of Facebook (or any other, similar online community). Are there any particular advertisements (or advertising approaches) that you felt were particularly good? Or, have you ever felt a negative reaction towards such ads?

    You may consult outside sources to help inform your understanding of the general themes/ideas, but you do not need to. No citations are needed, either. Most of your time and energy should be devoted to the third section. I am looking to see case write-ups that demonstrate effort and originality — not some particular “right” answer to the questions.

    Remember the word limit — it is included here for a reason.

    2. Case Study #2: The Right to be Forgotten: Europe Leads on Internet Privacy

    • Read the case study in Chapter 8 of the textbook, titled “The Right to be Forgotten: Europe Leads on Internet Privacy.”
    • In < 700 words, write a response essay that addresses the following questions/issues:
      • ● What is the Right to be Forgotten?
      • ● Why did Google initially resist the decision made by the European Union?
      • ● How do you feel personally about the Right to be Forgotten? What is good about

    it? What is bad about it? Why do you think the implementation is so difficult?

    You may consult outside sources to help inform your understanding of the general themes/ideas, but you do not need to. No citations are needed, either. Most of your time and energy should be devoted to the third section. I am looking to see case write-ups that demonstrate effort and originality — not some particular “right” answer to the questions.

    Remember the word limit — it is included here for a reason.


    University of South Alabama Democracy, Corporate Wealth and Imperialism Papers Humanities Assignment Help

    This paper must be done in 6 Days.

    These papers are about Human Relations subjects (Oppression and social justice)

    I need 4 separate papers, for each paper you need to write 6 pages by answering the papers’ questions from the attached files :

    Paper # 1 Qs “Democracy, Corporate wealth and imperialism”

    • What are the 3 types of democracy political science Greenberg is talking about?
    • “The United States does not fulfill the…” Why? Page 57
    • Political scientist Michael Parenti talks about democracy and what it should mean, why does he say the US does not fulfill the principles of democracy?
    • Who create corporate wealth? 20-21
    • How wealth was created and distributed? 28-31
    • How does corporate media impact and shape democracy?
    • What is imperialism? 173-182
    • Why does Parenti say underdevelopment is a myth?
    • Why does Parenti say countries called poor is a problem?
    • What does Parenti mean by saying maldevelopment and over exploited?
    • How does empire affect your life?
    • What is the owning class and working class? 20-21

    Paper # 2 Qs “Racism”

    • What is racism? 56
    • What is prejudice? And how it is different from racism? 56
    • What is red lining? 56
    • According to Christine Sleeter “ white racism present itself in a particular way” what is white racism according to Christine? 288- 294
    • According to MacIntosh, what is white privilege? 294-297
    • According to Seldon “ being color blind is a problem” why? 297 299
    • What is educational racism? 316- 322
    • What is cultural racism?
    • How does racism affect you?

    Paper # 3 Qs “political science of sexism”

    • What is sexism? 56-57
    • What is patriarchy? 56
    • What is pornography? 56
    • What is sexual harassment? 57
    • What is a women hating culture? 335-347
    • What is femicide? 347-353
    • What are they blaming feminism for? 353-361
    • What is male bashing? Who’s doing the bashing? 361-367
    • Are men oppressed? 367-370?
    • What are stoppers? 373-378

    Paper # 4 Qs “Institutional heterosexism and homophobia”

    • Define homophobia? 55
    • What is heterosexism?
    • Describe the history about gay and lesbian liberation movement? 257-265
    • What is binary thinking and how does it promote heterosexism and homophobia?65-69
    • Explain Dualism: two warring souls in one dark body? 269-274
    • How our schools treating LGBT people? 274-278
    • How do we deal with homophobic name calling? 278-285
    • How does homophobia and heterosexism affect you?

    Note: Let me know if you cannot do it. Thank you.


    Introduction to Ergonomic Definition Engineering Assignment Help

    Introduction to Ergonomic Definition Engineering Assignment Help

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