Introduction to philosophy relate to my life Humanities Assignment Help. Introduction to philosophy relate to my life Humanities Assignment Help.
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you will write a short essay addressing the problem of how this introduction to philosophy relates to your life.
The title of the paper will be “Your Name: A Philosophical Summation,” “Your Name’s Apology,”
“A Prince George’s Symposium.” Or something like that.
In this paper, you will take three of our main ideas and show how they help to explain your life.
Your paper will have a 1-2 sentence introduction, setting the scene—telling a bit about the class, naming the three ideas that interested you the most, and then explaining in 1-4 sentences how these ideas relate to you.
The body of the paper will contain the following:
I. Main Idea 1
A. State the idea
B. Explain it
C. Explain what it has to do with you. Be totally specific and precise—names, places etc. You may fictionalize. Add images and videos if you wish
II. Main Idea 2–same outline as above
III. Main Idea 3–same outline as above
The paper should have a cover sheet that is a work of art. The cover sheet should have an image and title that reflect the thesis
Introduction to philosophy relate to my life Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Its about FIN4438 Business Finance Assignment Help
- When computing the balance sheet, your cash balance at the end of September will be the ending cash balance on your cash budget assuming that you arrange for the needed financing.(AFN)
- When finished with the computations, you will have three income statements and two balance sheets.Now is the heart of the problem and on what you will earn points. You must conduct a complete financial analysis of the company as to its financing problem and whether the company is in good enough financial shape to obtain the AFN needed.You covered chapters in your Managerial Course that was entitled Financial Analysis, you have taken course entitled Financial Statement Analysis and Chapter 14 from pages 534 to 569 covers it again. At the end of your financial analysis should be your recommendation as to the solution to the company’s cash problem. (REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A FORECAST AND YOU ARE THE BANKER ADVISING YOUR CLIENT.)
- Remember that you start at the beginning of April with the cash balance as of the end of March and that is indicated on the balance sheet.You add your collections from accounts receivable which I showed you how to do that with 30% of cash sales in the month of sale less the two percent discount for paying early, 60% collected in the month after the month of sale and 8% collected in the second month after the month of sale.In other words, you collect 30% of April sales minus the 2% discount in the month of April, 60% of March sales collected in the month of April and 8% of February sales in the month of April.Each of the next five months cash inflow is computed the same way.
- I also indicated how to compute the cash outflow each month.Some of the payments are made in the month in which the expense is incurred, some of the expenses are paid half in the month in which the expense is incurred and some are paid in full one month after they are incurred.Income taxes for the first quarter are paid in April and Income taxes for the second quarter are paid in July.Property taxes are paid in April and July.The interest expense on the debt will be paid quarterly so that first quarter interest as shown on the March 31st balance sheet will be paid in April and second quarter interest will be paid in July and third quarter interest will appear as interest payable on the Sept 30 balance sheet.
- Add the cash inflow to the beginning cash balance and then subtract the cash outflows to determine the cash position at the end of the month.With correct figures, you will notice that you have a deficit cash balance at the end of the April so that you must add an AFN including enough to bring the beginning balance for May to between $4,000 and $5,000.(As indicated in the extra credit class, the problem has a typo and the minimum cash balance should be $4,000 and not $40,000.)AFN is defined as ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED AND YOU SHOULD REMEMBER THAT TERM FROM MANAGERIAL FINANCE.IF YOU DO NOT, THEN YOU NEED TO REVIEW THE TERM FROM YOUR MANAGERIAL FINANCE TEXT.REMEMBER, THIS COURSE IS A CAPSTONE COURSE AND RELIES HEAVILY ON WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED IN PREVIOUS COURSE. There is a line of credit at the bank for $20,000 and if you work the correct numbers, you will see that you need more financing than what the Rogers County Bank’s line of credit will provide you.
- The Gross Accounts receivable balance as of September 30 will be 70% of Sept sales, 10% of August sales and 2% of July sales.Then you will subtract 2% of all nine months sales to arrive at Net Accounts Receivable
- Inventory on the balance sheet as of Sept 30 will be the ending inventory on your third quarter income statement plus the safety stock.(you will have started April with 20,000 units of finished inventory at $2.10 a unit and during the six month of your problem, the forecast is that you will produce 510,000 units and sell 320,000 units, so you will add 190.000 units to the 20,000 you started in April.
- Prepaid Insurance is not a cash expense as it has already been paid so it will not be in your cash budget but it is an expense, so prepaid insurance will be reduced by 300 a quarter or a total of $600 from the March 31st balance.
- Depreciation is also not a cash expense so it is not in your cash budget but it is an expense of $3,000 a quarter for a total of $6,000 for the six months so that Allowance for Depreciation will be $9,000 at the end of September.
- All of the expenses that were incurred that were paid in the month in which they were incurred will not show up on the balance sheet.However, all expenses that were half paid in month of Sept in which they were incurred will show as a liability as of Sept 30 for the half that was not paid.Also any expense that was incurred in Sept but was not paid will be a liability on the Sept 30 balance sheet.
- Income taxes incurred for third quarter will be a liability as of Sept 30.
- The profits earned in second quarter and third quarter will be added to retained earnings to compute the retained earnings balance as of Sept 3oth. (There are no dividends being paid as this company is short on cash to grow on.
- The AFN will be entered on the liability and equity side of the balance sheet inorder for your balance sheet to balance.
chai-assignemnt Computer Science Assignment Help
Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing how database auditing and monitoring fit within a SOX compliance framework.
Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign.
Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.
Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles, place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.
Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).
ZARA’s Business Model Business Finance Assignment Help
review the “Video-of-the-Week,” The video(s) selection is directly related to at least one of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO’s), and presents a solution(s) to a business problem.
research at least one stated claim, aspect, challenge, solution, opinion, and so forth in the video
Discuss your initial thoughts about the solution/challenge/aspect presented in the video
Present what you would do in terms of a solution to the problem presented in the video
Relate the content of the video to one of the CLO’s in the course
Approximately 250 to 350 words in length (minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched video
Include the in-text citation in APA format to properly reference your article
Please be sure to provide justification by citing the article researched, and include the citation in the reference page of your paper.
200 words Discussion post and then responses Writing Assignment Help
Discussion post then 2 responses
In at least 200 words answer the following Initial Discussion – Questions:
Jean confides to Paul, a fellow nurse, that she is considering installing a piece of software she obtained from a friend. Paul knows that copyright regulations often protect software and that because the piracy of software programs is illegal, engaging in this behavior makes the perpetrator subject to fines and even jail.
a. How should Paul describe to Jean the legal stance concerning software copyrights?
b. How should Paul explain to Jean the different types of software available and their copyright considerations?
c. What definition of software piracy and information about its legal consequences should Paul provide to Jean?
a) …….
b) …….
Final Research Project Writing Assignment Help
Below are each of the Core learning outcomes (CLOs) for the course. You are to show evidence of your knowledge of each CLO by providing research of at least three resources per topic. Only one resource can be the text. In addition, you will need to provide two organizational examples through your research for each core learning objective. Please be sure your resources and research include the following information related to each topic. ALL Topics must be included in the research work.
Topic: Include all 5 topics/learning objectives to research.
Length and format:
- The paper should be approximately 7-10 pages in length excluding the cover page.
- Each new topic/core learning objective should be clearly noted. For example, you might bold and underline a new topic you begin to discuss.
- References should be listed at the end of each topic and all 5 topics should be 1.5 to 2 pages in length with 12 point font, double-spaced with one-inch margins. Use the APA format for all references.
Originality: At least 75% of the verbiage in your offering for each topic must be in your own words. Up to 25% can be the words of others taken from either the text or from the articles you used in support of your offering. You may paraphrase (which is taking the words of others and restating them in your own words – see Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.), or you may quote the words of others as long as you give proper credit (see APA link below). Be careful not to plagiarize which is using the words of others and presenting them as your own. Any verbiage presented in your offering that is not properly cited or given appropriate credit will be deemed as you presenting those words as your own.
Late Assignments: I want to make sure we are absolutely clear on this, so there are no misunderstandings down the line. Last minute emergencies, technological problems (computer crashes), etc. will not be grounds for any more time than the time you have now to get the assignment uploaded. Be sure to back up and save a copy of your Assignment in case you or we experience technical problems.
Submission: Assignments must be uploaded as a single file attachment (no multiple files will be accepted). I will be able to accept any file saved in Rich Text Format (.rtf) format or Word doc format. This is a 300-level (junior level) class ~~ I expect at least 300-level (junior level) work. You will be graded on what you submit (see grading rubric).
References: Each topic/core learning objective review should contain at least two to three appropriate quotes and citations and two examples from organizations that support the 5 core learning objectives and topics individually. This requires research and I ask that you utilize the Park Online Library and reference these examples of industries performing these functions. If you need support on using the APA style, please visit the following websites.
Content: When writing your papers, be sure to include applicable excerpts from the article (in quotes and referenced) that you use in support of your statements. Do not forget to include the organizational/industrial examples for each section and CLO.
See the Schedule page for the rubric.
Due Date
- by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT
Research Topics (Complete all 5)
- CLO#1: Develop human resource strategies to support a competitive advantage and deal with change, unions, technology, diversity, globalization, and HR legislation. List and discuss three of these topics in depth using two organizational examples of successful implementation of HR strategies for each topic. For example, you may choose unions, diversity, and globalization. This will require 2 organizational examples for topic and a total of 3 references. Only one can be the text. This should be at least a page and a half using the font and margin criteria mentioned under Notes in the following section.
- CLO#2: Examine methodologies on how a firm’s human resources influence organizational performance improvement and success. Here you will discuss how human resources interacts with the entire organization to assure there is performance success. For example, you may want to discuss appraisal and performance drivers, designing competitive advantages, performance in a global market, and human resource strategies designed to align human resource skills with current and future needs. Do not forget your two required organizational examples and the three references. One can be the text. This should be at least a page and a half using the font and margin criteria mentioned under Notes in the following section.
- CLO#3: Demonstrate knowledge of staffing and human resource analysis. This can include topics that assure the right people are hired for the various jobs. Discuss two to three topics such as job analysis and design, employee recruitment and selection, human resource management systems and show two organizational examples of successful HR implementation for these topics. Remember to include 3 references (one can be the text). This should be at least a page and a half using the font and margin criteria mentioned under Notes in the following section
- CLO#4: Critique the factors influencing worker motivation that are under management control. Discuss two to three topics such as the reward system, organizational climate and cultures, how work & jobs are designed and structured and leadership styles. Do not forget your two required organizational examples and the three references per topic. One can be the text. This should be at least a page and a half using the font and margin criteria mentioned under Notes in the following section.
- CLO#5: Investigate the role of management succession and employee career development. Discuss two to three topics such as training and development, talent management, developing leadership talent, succession planning, and employee retention. This will require 2 organizational examples for topic and a total of 3 references. Only one can be the text. This should be at least a page and a half using the font and margin criteria mentioned under Notes in the following section.
Final Research Project Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
How was Woodrow Wilson’s thinking in the first five points of his 14 Points reflected in the work of Mark Twain? Humanities Assignment Help
How was Woodrow Wilson’s thinking in the first five points of his 14 Points reflected in the work of Mark Twain?
Answer this question in 150 words
Here’s the first 5 points of Woodrow Wilson
I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.
II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.
III. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.
IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
V. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined.
ENGL 1302 Argumentative Essay rough draft and final submission + Discussion board Humanities Assignment Help
I need help with an argumentative essay for my 1302 class The rough draft is due April,20,2020 11:59 (you can send it to me on here and I will review it and submit it) The essay instructions will be included below.
Essay instructions;
You will select and refine a topic for Essay 2 from They Say/I Say Blog
( conversations.
Your ability to choose, evaluate, incorporate, and cite sources will constitute a significant portion of your
grade for the argumentative research essay. Revisit Purdue OWL’s “Research Overview”
( before you begin. Or, for citation examples, refer to
Dixie State University Library’s Citation Guide.
Additionally, after you select a topic for your essay, review these characteristics of inventive research:
• Read beyond the most accessible source.
o For example, don’t stop with the first source listed in a database.
• Explore sources that are opposed to your position.
o Don’t seek out only those sources in line with your thinking.
• Be open to change.
o Be willing to modify your claim and/or approach as you encounter sources.
• Look beneath the meaning of each key word or phrase.
o See key terms and phrases as opportunities for more exploration.
• Go back in history to find the origin of words, attitudes, and beliefs related to your topic.
o Your initial understanding of a topic may be inaccurate.
• Look for principles and precedents.
o Imagine how your topic resonates with some broader set of rules or earlier cases.
• Imagine analogies.
o Make comparisons while reading and researching to see new layers of your topic.
• Read for underlying values.
o All arguments reflect values and assumptions that lie beneath the surface.
Of course, as your reading materials explain, not all research is exploratory. As you research your
topic, you may need to conduct seeking research to locate specific information to support your claim.
Evaluate your research needs by asking these “seeking” questions.1. What type of information do I need?
2. What discipline or field of study has explored this issue?
3. What type of publication is likely to offer such information?
4. What is the best way to access that information?
-The final draft of this essay should be 750–1200 words, or 3-4 double-spaced pages (plus a
Works Cited Page).
Examples of Additional Resources for Topics:
- Browse for topics in research guides that outline specific resources for subjects, courses, and homework at individual DCCCD colleges:
- Browse for topics in databases that provide ready-made lists and peer-reviewed articles, e.g, “Search Database Descriptions” for “Current Events:”
Additional Resources for Topic Development
- “Mind Mapping Your Topic” by University of Arizona:
- “Identifying the Important Aspects of Your Topic” by
- Important note: Don’t Go There – Topics to AvoidGun Control
Death Penalty
Same Sex Marriage
Religious conversions
Lowering drinking age
Legalization of drugs or marijuana
Stop smoking
Texting and driving
Multi-level marketing
I have attached two attachments one is a student examples for the essay, and the other is the handout for the essay( wich is the order for the essay)
Please note that if you did a good essay on the rough draft which is due tomorrow 11:59 you won’t have to submit a final draft.
-The final draft is due Apr,25,2020 (11:59pm),
here is the link to everything I posted om here in case the tutor would like to view a better organized information :
Forum: Class Discussion: The Martian is due by April,25,2020 11:59 dallas time
Throughout the novel, there are several themes presented. Locate and discuss two prominent themes presented in the novel. How do these themes correlate to the central idea of human ingenuity and survival?
You must use direct quotes from the literature to support your ideas.
Be sure to also add a Works Cited entry for the novel.
Finding the Theme — this information will help you locate the themes in the novel.
Once you have posted your initial comments of about 250 words, return to the discussion to read all the postings of your classmates. Choose at least two classmates and write replies of at least 150 words to each. Make sure you address them by first name and then sign your reply with your own first name.
Create one intial post and two replies for 2 different students.
Unit 7: Paper Psychology 315 Humanities Assignment Help
In order to help you relate theories of personality to current research in the field, you will complete a research reaction paper. For this reaction paper, you will select an empirical research article from the Empirical Articles found in the Student View Files folder in Files.
Your research reaction paper should include a summary and discussion of the research article including the following areas:
- topic area
- hypotheses
- method
- major results and findings
Finally, reaction papers should include a thoughtful commentary by the student. Specifically, not only should you provide a general summary, but you should include a critique of the research question and design, as well as a discussion of how the research relates to other theories of personality. In addition, you should include a commentary about the relationship of the research findings to your own life and personality development. Your comments, critique, and discussion should form the majority of the paper.
Use the following guidelines and section headers to organize your paper:
- Summary (the entire summary section as described below should only take two to three pages):
- Topic area: In one or two sentences, identify the general topic area of your paper.
- Hypothesis: You may use the verbatim hypothesis directly from the study you are critiquing. The hypothesis is generally only a couple of sentences long.
- Method: Provide a summary of the research method utilized in your study; this summary should be several sentences in length. Identify the type of research, the subject population, number of subjects, methods or tests used and other relevant information.
- Results and Discussion: Summarize (in less than 10 sentences) the findings of the research study. You do not have to go into great detail, just report the conclusions drawn by the study.
- Critique (should take approximately two to three pages):
- This is your opportunity to critically evaluate the research study. You will want to discuss the appropriateness of the research methods utilized, the applicability of the subject population, the utility of the assessment measures, conclusions drawn, etc.
- Basically, you are evaluating the quality of the research design and the conclusions. Your task it to demonstrate that you are a critical consumer of psychological information.
- Relationship of the study to personality theory (approximately two to three pages):
- Discuss the relationship of this study to theories identified in class. Often, the research study will not directly address its relationship to theory; it is your task to draw these types of conclusions.
- Critically evaluate what the results of this study contribute to the field of personality theory.
- Relationship of the study to your own life and personality development (approximately two pages):
- Discuss the relevance of the study to your own life and personality; highlight areas that it either particularly applies or is not relevant.
Paper Criteria
- 10 pages (not including a title and reference page)
- all papers must be typed and use correct grammar/spelling/punctuation
- APA format (i.e., cite your reference using APA guidelines, double-space, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) – see Landmarks Citation Machine (Links to an external site.)for assistance in converting your references into APA style
- Submit as either a Word or RTF file by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT of Unit 7.
For a short example of a paper that includes all the relevant components in the correct format, click here. I have attached this below. I have also Attached the subject.
Personal Safety Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
CSWE EPAS Standard “Human Behavior: Social workers critique and apply knowledge to understand person and environment.”
Have a discussion with your field instructor regarding the types of practices, policies, etc. in your placement setting that could contribute to strong emotional reactions by clients (e.g. real or perceived rigid bureaucracy, burnout and depersonalization of clients, etc.). For this week’s Discussion, complete the following:
Create and submit a written script of your discussion.You must type out your comments verbatim. Use APA style citations to reference readings discussed in your video discussion.These references can be from both the assigned readings and outside sources.
Approximately 400-500 words
• Based on this discussion, what kinds of high risk clients or situations might you encounter in field placement?
What recommendations might you suggest to increase violence prevention, risk reduction, and personal safety?
Introduction to philosophy relate to my life Humanities Assignment Help
Introduction to philosophy relate to my life Humanities Assignment Help