IS 5213 Trine University Data Mining and Visualization Data Engineering Question Engineering Assignment Help. IS 5213 Trine University Data Mining and Visualization Data Engineering Question Engineering Assignment Help.
I’m working on a data engineering writing question and need support to help me understand better.
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Please read and study the entire online book, “Data Mining Tutorial- Introduction to Data Mining (Complete Guide).” This is a wonderful look at the major topics and tools of modern data mining studies. You will be doing much of what is discussed in the book in this class and we will continue much of the classic data science components of this book in the next class in this sequence (IS 5213 – Data Science and Big Data). You are to discuss your thoughts about this reading. Please discuss what experience you have with data mining and data visualization, what you would like to learn from these topics, and where you find your future in the field of Data Science.
Submit your answers in 1-2 page word document to this assignment.
Text Link is in the attached document.
IS 5213 Trine University Data Mining and Visualization Data Engineering Question Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Critical Thinking Strategic Management Report Business Finance Assignment Help
At the next family gathering, you want to impress your parents/grandparents with the innovative ideas you have learned in business school at Lindsey Wilson College. They have decades of experience in investing in the stock market and they believe that economic profitability is the primary responsibility of business. You would like to convince them that a triple-bottom-line approach is the modern path to stronger economic performance.
In your case, be sure to draw a clear relationship between a firm’s triple-bottom-line performance and its shareholder value creation performance. Try to find an example firm that has a better triple-bottom-line performance than its rivals and outperforms them on shareholder value creation as well. Argue your case in the face of other examples, such as that of PepsiCo, in which your family might argue that “Purpose without Performance” can be detrimental to the long-term sustainability of their retirement portfolio.
A good article for reference as a starting point is “The Bottom Line of Corporate Good” by Ryan Scott which you can find at this link.
As always, be sure your argument is backed by well founded research and you follow all the guidelines for discussion.
APA format
Words 500
A minimum of two, reputable, external sources are required
Bring clarity to the issues being discussed. Raise new and novel (yet relevant) points. Rationally defend your stated position.
University of The Rockies Statistics Problems Homework Mathematics Assignment Help
a) Complete the table below.
Number of Texts |
Adults |
None |
nothing |
1–10 |
nothing |
11–20 |
nothing |
21–50 |
nothing |
51–100 |
nothing |
100+ |
nothing |
(Round to three decimal places as needed.)
(b) Complete the table below.
Number of Texts |
Teens |
None |
nothing |
1–10 |
nothing |
11–20 |
nothing |
21–50 |
nothing |
51–100 |
nothing |
100+ |
nothing |
(Round to three decimal places as needed.)
(c) Choose the correct graph below.
A side-by-side bar graph has a horizontal axis labeled with 6 count groupings and a vertical axis from 0 to 0.6 with increments of 0.1. There are two vertical bars above each horizontal axis label. For each horizontal axis label, the first bar corresponds to Adults and the second bar corresponds to Teens. The vertical bars in each set have approximate heights as follows, where for each set of 2 bars the horizontal axis label is listed first and individual bar heights are listed from left to right: “None,” 0.090, 0.028; “1 to 10,” 0.502, 0.227; “11 to 20,” 0.078, 0.284; “21 to 50,” 0.066, 0.181; “51 to 100,” 0.132, 0.161; “100 plus,” 0.132, 0.119. None 1-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 100+ Teens
A side-by-side bar graph has a horizontal axis labeled with 6 count groupings and a vertical axis from 0 to 0.6 with increments of 0.1. There are two vertical bars above each horizontal axis label. For each horizontal axis label, the first bar corresponds to Adults and the second bar corresponds to Teens. The vertical bars in each set have approximate heights as follows, where for each set of 2 bars the horizontal axis label is listed first and individual bar heights are listed from left to right: “None,” 0.028, 0.090; “1 to 10,” 0.227, 0.502; “11 to 20,” 0.284, 0.078; “21 to 50,” 0.181, 0.066; “51 to 100,” 0.161, 0.132; “100 plus,” 0.119, 0.132. None 1-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 100+ Teens
A side-by-side bar graph has a horizontal axis labeled with 6 count groupings and a vertical axis from 0 to 0.6 with increments of 0.1. There are two vertical bars above each horizontal axis label. For each horizontal axis label, the first bar corresponds to Adults and the second bar corresponds to Teens. The vertical bars in each set have approximate heights as follows, where for each set of 2 bars the horizontal axis label is listed first and individual bar heights are listed from left to right: “None,” 0.090, 0.028; “1 to 10,” 0.502, 0.227; “11 to 20,” 0.132, 0.119; “21 to 50,” 0.132, 0.161; “51 to 100,” 0.066, 0.181; “100 plus,” 0.078, 0.284. None 1-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 100+ Teens
A side-by-side bar graph has a horizontal axis labeled with 6 count groupings and a vertical axis from 0 to 0.6 with increments of 0.1. There are two vertical bars above each horizontal axis label. For each horizontal axis label, the first bar corresponds to Adults and the second bar corresponds to Teens. The vertical bars in each set have approximate heights as follows, where for each set of 2 bars the horizontal axis label is listed first and individual bar heights are listed from left to right: “None,” 0.028, 0.090; “1 to 10,” 0.227, 0.502; “11 to 20,” 0.119, 0.132; “21 to 50,” 0.161, 0.132; “51 to 100,” 0.181, 0.066; “100 plus,” 0.284, 0.078. None 1-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 100+ Teens
(d) Choose the correct answer below.
Teens are more likely to send few texts per day, while adults are more likely to send many texts per day.
Adults are more likely to send few texts per day, while teens are more likely to send many texts per day.
Teens are more likely to send few or many texts per day, while adults are more likely to send a moderate number of texts per day.
Adults are more likely to send few or many texts per day, while teens are more likely to send a moderate number of texts per day.
Click to select your answer(s).
Grantham University Health Information Management Reflection Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Students are encouraged to create portfolios and begin to “manage” their careers. When you began a college education you took the first step. You now need to begin to reflect on the next goal, then medium, and long-term goals. I did not complete my final degree until well into my 50’s. And that is fine, I loved my health care career. I was eager to care for patients and did not leave direct patient care for many decades. I did know the time would come to do so however, and began to earn the college degrees I would need at the proper time. This is what is meant by managing your career. This is an entry level program. It is designed to assist you in getting your “foot in the door” where you can learn valuable clinical skills. A common and important degree is the Bachelor of Health Information Management (BS-HIM). This is a reflective assignment. After you have earned your Associate Degree, what would you like to do next?
Explore your next step in Career Management.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
Ø Access AHIMA: What is Health Information
Ø Explore in detail the job outlook, roles and responsibilities of the HIM professionals.
Ø Expand on your interest in pursuing this profession or if you are not interested, please discuss the reasons.
Ø Implement some characteristics that makes a good leader in the field of Health Information and explain which ones you specifically have.
Ø Demonstrate the importance of HIM professionals respecting patient privacy, accuracy, and quality care
Ø This is a non-formal 1-2 page reflection; you may use “I”. As always, proper sentences, grammar, and spelling are required.
Grantham University Cybersecurity The Seriousness of Data Breaches Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
The Health Information Technology (HIT) for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 increased electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR) adoption across the country, making cybersecurity a growing concern for health care organizations. There are regular news reports on healthcare facilities that have been breached.
Analyze the report: Hackers target health data; 82% of hospital tech experts reported ‘significant security incident’ in last year.
Provide a personal action plan to protect against security lapses on your watch.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
Ø Summarize the seriousness of the data breaches
Ø Include your definition of ” bad security hygiene”
Ø Describe how you will ” create a culture of security awareness”
Ø Develop a personal action plan which you will follow to assure technology security
CNCC Crypto Currency Bitcoins Digital Currency & Currency Denominations Essay Engineering Assignment Help
This week’s reading centered around Bitcoin Economics. For this week’s research paper, search the Internet and explain why some organizations are accepting and other organizations are rejecting the use of Bitcoins as a standard form of currency. Your paper needs to identify two major companies that have adopted Bitcoin technology as well as one that has refused accepting Bitcoin as a form of currency. Be sure to discuss each organization, how they adopted (or why they won’t adopt) Bitcoin, and what recommendations you have for them to continue to support Bitcoin (or why they should support Bitcoin).
Your paper should meet these requirements:
- Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
CNCC Crypto Currency Bitcoins Digital Currency & Currency Denominations Essay Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
College of Central Florida Social Media Conformity and Forewarning Questions Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Instructions and Information:
- First, read the Methods II Preview Assignment Instructions.docx
- Use the Abstract Assignment Checklist_7th ed.docx to make sure your paper is the best it can be! Make sure you answer “Yes” to all questions before submitting your paper or you will lose points.
- Abstract Assignment Grading Rubric-1 (9).doc
Paper to Write About:
Facebook Consensus and Forewarning.pdf
Example Paper:
This is an example of a good paper. You can use this to guide your own paper, and to give you an idea of how your paper should look.
Methods II Preview Assignment Example Paper_7th ed.docx
Community College of Philadelphia Types and Resources of Financial Aid Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
In Practice Word 365: Application Capstone
Project 1
For this project, you use Microsoft Word to create a report for Sierra Pacific Community College District. You use many of the formatting, report, and table features used in Chapters 1-4.
[Student Learning Outcomes: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5]
Files Needed: FinancialAid-Word-ACP-1.docx and SPPCD-logo.png
Completed Project File Names: [your name]-FinancialAid-Word-ACP-1.docx
Skills Covered in this Project
- Change font size, style, alignment, and color.
- Change line and paragraph spacing.
- Customize margins.
- Apply a theme and theme color.
- Apply and update a style.
- Use and customize bullets.
- Use the Format Painter.
- Customize indents.
- Set a custom tab stop.
- Use the Smart Lookup feature.
- Review and delete comments.
- Convert text to a table.
- Apply a table style, change row height, and customize text alignment in a table cell.
- Insert and customize a footnote.
- Select a bibliography style.
- Insert a citation placeholder and edit source information.
- Insert and customize a references page.
- Insert and customize a table of contents.
- Insert a picture and change size and placement.
- Add document properties.
- Insert a custom footer with document properties, page number, and different first page.
- Apply a border.
- Insert and customize a hyperlink.
- Format the report and apply and customize styles.
- Apply and customize bullets.
- Convert text to a table.
- Customize a table.
<img src="" alt="Convert text to table and customize
- Use Smart Lookup and Review Comments.
- Insert a footnote.
- Add placeholders and citations to the document and edit the citations.
- Insert a reference page and a table of contents page.
- Insert and customize the SPCCD logo picture.
- Insert a footer with document properties and a page number.
- Insert and customize a hyperlink.

Previous Attempts
Use of the Principle of Strict Egalitarianism in the US Government Questions Humanities Assignment Help
answer the first two and respond to the classmates answer to the third question
1.What would you say is the purpose of a government? Has the government done anything during the last five years that you think goes beyond its purpose?
2. Do you think the United States should use the principle of strict egalitarianism as an ideal to aim for? Should it use the principle of moderate egalitarianism this way? Explain.
respond to the classmates answer to the third question. Do you agree or disagree and reason
3.Rawls says a society is just only if its inequalities somehow produce benefits for the least advantaged. What do you think he means by “inequalities”? Do you think your society meets this requirement? Why?
– I would say Rawl means the inequalities of wealth. If you’re one of the people who are poor or just have less than most. I believe to an extent society meets this requirement. The United States alone has way too many homeless people. Some are homeless because of their own choices where other’s had no other choice. Maybe their parents didn’t have the same chances so they have to eat when they can. Other’s milk the system that does help those who may need food stamps or cash assistance. Some stay on these programs for years because the government has made it easy for them. They don’t want better when they are given just enough. They don’t think about those who really need the help and can’t get it.
HUM 2020 UCF Philosophy of Existentialism by Sartre Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Within this chapter, “Our Own Time”, Alberto explains to Sophie more about the philosophy of existentialism and discusses Sartre. Sartre did not believe in God, and argued that because humans have consciousness, we are therefore different from other beings. He also argued that because there is no God, human beings, ourselves, are solely responsible for finding our own meaning in the universe and in existence. In a sense, Alberto is helping to prepare Sophie to deal with her very own existential crisis: She knows she doesn’t truly exist because she is a work of fiction through Hilde’s father. YET, despite all of that, she is conscious, she is thinking. Therefore, she uses existentialism to begin to craft her own meanings.
Watch this video of Sophie and Alberto discussing Nietzsche and meeting Kierkegaard:
Nietzsche and Kierkegaard (Links to an external site.)
For this final journal reflection assignment, reflect on what it means to exist. Do you find it strange? Have you gone through your whole life just taking for granted that we exist? That the world exists? That the universe exists? Whether you believe in God or not, have you asked why? If you don’t believe in God, have you asked what the purpose of all of this is? If you do believe in God, have you asked why God created all of this? And finally do you agree that it is up to us to create our own meaning?
Write these reflections in a minimum of two paragraphs, 5 sentences per paragraph
For this final journal reflection assignment, reflect on what it means to exist. Do you find it strange? Have you gone through your whole life just taking for granted that we exist? That the world exists? That the universe exists? Whether you believe in God or not, have you asked why? If you don’t believe in God, have you asked what the purpose of all of this is? If you do believe in God, have you asked why God created all of this? And finally do you agree that it is up to us to create our own meaning?
Write these reflections in a minimum of two paragraphs, 5 sentences per paragraph