Issue in Project Management Quiz Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Issue in Project Management Quiz Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Issue in Project Management Quiz Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Respond to the essay question below. Your answer should leverage the PMBPK knowledge domains and process group and the reading resource for this course achieve optional project performance. Your essay should not exceed 200 words.


A project team embarked on an 18 month project to implement ticketing system

Approximately 70% of the build work is now completed

The project has been underway for 12 months when a key stakeholder in the finance department expresses extreme dissatisfaction with the look and feel of the screen display and disapproves of the costs of the interface the stakeholder send a series of emails asking for substantial changes in the system requirement

What is the likely root cause of this unfavorable development

What action should the project manager take to address the concerns

How should decisions be made going forward

Issue in Project Management Quiz Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Seneca College Client Brief Reigniting the AXE Brand Customers Role Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Learning Objective

This case focus on developing strategic recommendations the AXE brand. The case is an excellent advertising and promotions course case focused on consumer insights. After completion of this case, students will be able to: draw implications from data to guide brand communications decisions; explore demographic and psychographic segmentations in the context of an emotional marketing strategy; have a basic understanding of the relationship between strategic consumer insights teams, brand managers, and advertising agencies; and gain experience in creating and presenting a client brief. Value of the assignment: 20% Individual Assignment.

Submission Deadline: Week #9 Sunday, November 9th, 2020 on or before 8:00 PM.

Harvard Case: Link


Liberty University View of Theology Changed and The Circle of Influence Essay Writing Assignment Help

We started this course by considering that everyone is a theologian because everyone has thoughts about God. Youconsidered how youform your thoughts of who God is and what God does. In Module/Week 1, you reflected on your experience with theology and your study of theology in the past. For this module/week, you will write a 600-word essay answering the following 3 prompts that will allow you to reflect on how you’ve grown in your understanding and study of theology.

1. How has your view of theology changed over the duration of this course? (approximately 200 words)

2. How have you been able to practice the principlesyou learned from the course in your own life? (approximately 200 words)

3. How will you pass on the information you have learned in this course to those within your circle of influence? (approximately 200 words)


MKT 498 University of Phoenix Mike Meatless Burger Marketing Practices Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements.

Read the following scenario:

You have just been promoted to the Lead Marketing Director position within an advertising company. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is currently investigating one of your advertising campaigns for “Mike’s Meatless Burger” which has been accused of using deceptive marketing practices due to the unsubstantiated claim of being “the tastiest meatless burger in the world.” In addition, the independent taste testers used to validate this claim have been found to consist largely of paid company employees. Your task is to: 1) replace this slogan with something that can be more easily substantiated, 2) develop a new IMC that focuses primarily on younger consumers in an online environment, and 3) establish evaluation metrics that can be used both to validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-page paper in which you include the following:

  • Summarize the issues presented in the scenario.
  • Determine whether the claim should be considered deception or puffery, and provide justification for your answer.
  • Determine whether or not the advertising practices should be considered unethical, and provide justification for your answer.
  • Develop a new slogan for the advertising campaign, and explain why you think this new slogan will be more effective and easier to substantiate.
  • Select three or more digital marketing or social media tools around which to build your new advertising campaign, and explain why you believe these tools will provide you with a competitive advantage for your particular market.
  • Determine metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of each tool in reaching its intended target market, with a focus on the value each tool provides to both the consumer and the business.
  • Discuss two marketing communications, regulations, and standards with which the company must comply in order to use the digital communications you have presented.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


Liberty University Redemption as a Image of Salvation Essay Writing Assignment Help

The student will complete a theological essay that will address the relationship of human sinfulness to an aspect of the doctrine of salvation. Students will examine one of the biblical images of salvation (adoption, conversion, regeneration, redemption, reconciliation, justification, election, sanctification, or glorification) and define and describe the doctrine with its biblical, historical and theological contours as well as discuss how this image of salvation relates to and addresses the problem of sin. Finally, the student will apply the implications of this doctrine to the Christian life and for the student’s chosen vocation. The essay will be 750-1000 words and the formatting should be compatible with your current degree program.



University College Birmingham Marvels 25th Anniversary Analytical Essay Writing Assignment Help

Essay 2 – Marvels Analytical Essay (150 points)

For essay 2 you will be closely examining and analyzing the graphic novel Marvels by Kurt

Busiek. Marvels is somewhat unique within the superhero genre as we get to examine the world

of superheroes through an outsider’s perspective. Being able to view this world through our

Everyman type narrator, lets us closely examine the more ethical dilemma of the superhero’s role

within normal society.

Please choose ONE of the following options as the focus of your essay:

1. Many times within the graphic novel, we see great amounts of destruction caused by the

heroes that directly impacts the civilians. This pushes the society to question whether the

heroes/marvels are causing more harm than good. Discuss the impact of collateral

damage within the novel. Should the heroes be held accountable for the destruction that

they cause, even if they are working to stop a greater threat to humanity?

2. The graphic novel also paints very differing pictures of suggestively the same types of

characters. This is something the narrator also questions throughout the graphic novel.

While certain heroes/marvels are feared due to their immense powers, others are

celebrated and cheered on by the society. Examine what makes a hero/marvel celebrated

within the society depicted in the graphic novel. What is different about the heroes

backed by the people as opposed to those condemned by the public?

3. There are many differing perspectives within the graphic novel. One of the main

differences that we see is the reaction to superheroes from the various generations within

the book. Much of the older generation seems to fear the heroes and are wishing for the

world they once knew, before superpowers were widespread. We then have the younger

generation, represented by Phil Sheldon’s daughters, who have a more optimistic view of

the superhero world. Examine the difference between these two viewpoints. In regards to

generational gaps, what is the graphic novel suggesting about acceptance of those with


University College Birmingham Marvels 25th Anniversary Analytical Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Walden University Connection Between Humans and Music Discussion Writing Assignment Help

thank you for your answer and insight, and thank you for sharing your artifact. It is amazing how many people are moved by music. Indeed, music has a close place to many of our hearts. As you mention, songs can be representations of profound concepts deep to our heart. To you, your song represents coming to terms with their life. I think this shows how the connection of music, lyrics, and artistry can touch us to the core. I wonder if the class sees this as well and, if so, why?

Can you give me a quick answer to this question plz?


PHI 445 Ashford University Wk 3 Utilitarianism and Its Applications Case Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Case Analysis: Case Studies: Lehman Brothers, British Petroleum, Monsanto, Merck, Goodyear, Perdue Farms

In the Week 3 Discussion, you selected a current business problem from the following case categories:

  • Banking
  • Fuel and the Environment
  • GMOs
  • Factory Farming
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Gender Discrimination

In this written assignment, you will present your work on the case analysis using selected components of an argumentative essay as described in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This written assignment will include a revised and polished version of your discussion work, the presentation and support of two premises, and an analysis of how your chosen ethical theory offers the best moral solution to the business problem in your case analysis.

Using the components of the argumentative essay located in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo (2015), your assignment should include the following:

An introduction. This is the “Problem” portion of the essay that is covered in Section 9.1: The Argumentative Essay (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This should be an improved version of the introduction in your initial post, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and additional research. In this introduction you will need to (a) identify the specific issue or problem that you want to address and give an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulate briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting for the business, and (c) examine the laws that affect the operations of the business. The introduction should be one paragraph of around 200 words in length.

A thesis. Start a new paragraph with a precise and clear sentence in which you state your moral position with regard to the case that you presented in your first paragraph. This is known as stating your thesis. (See the “Thesis” passage in “The Argumentative Essay” in Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). The thesis you state here should be an improved version of the thesis in your initial post in the discussion, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and your reading of “The Argumentative Essay” indicated above.

A thesis is only one sentence, so do not write a series of sentences, or a complex sentence with explanatory clauses (e.g., “because…” or “since…” or “according to Dr. Mary Expert, an economist with the Bureau of Labor statistics…”, or “a law that was ratified with 80% votes in favor…”). An example of a precise and clear thesis is this: “Factory farms are not morally justifiable” or, of course, the opposite point of view: “Factory farms are morally justifiable.” Keep in mind that your thesis in this assignment will be the basis for the argumentative essay of the Week 5 written assignment, so take your time when formulating this thesis.

Ethical theory. In the same second paragraph as the thesis statement, identify the ethical theory that supports your moral position. You may choose from utilitarianism, duty ethics, or virtue ethics. Present the characteristics of the ethical theory in a broad sketch, and include citations and references in APA form. Then, apply your chosen ethical theory by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.

Two premises. Present at least two reasons in support of your thesis and these should be presented in the form of a claim. These are called premises. Articulate each premise in one clear and grammatically correct sentence. Review Section 9.1 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Foster, Hardy, and Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Start a new paragraph for each.

In the rest of the paragraph, support your premise by presenting an analysis of how the ethical theory lends itself to the best solution. This analysis includes articulating the characteristics(s) of the economic system at work that support the claims in your premises. It also includes examining the effects of the law(s) at work that also support the claims in your premises.

Comparative analysis. In the final paragraph, analyze how this application lends itself to a solution that is superior to that offered by one of the ethical theories that you did not select. To do this, provide a clear statement describing the moral solution offered by this other theory. For example, if you chose utilitarianism to apply to your case, then you can choose from either virtue ethics or deontology for your comparative analysis. Explain in no more than three sentences what moral solution would result from the application of this other ethical theory. See the “Sample Case Analysis” for an illustration of how this would look like. Finally, analyze the strengths of the moral solution presented by your chosen ethical theory in ways that demonstrate how it is superior to the moral solution offered by the other ethical theory.

Once you receive your assignment back from your professor, start working on revisions based on your professor’s feedback. This is the first step in preparing your Final Project and the details are presented on the Final Project’s prompt. You will benefit from starting your Final Project as soon as you receive your assignment back from your professor.

Requirements for Your Assignment:

  • Your assignment should be 1000 words in length, excluding the title page and reference page(s).
  • Your examination should be both thorough and succinct. This is a combination that demands time and thought, so give yourself sufficient time to draft and revise.
  • Your assignment should include citations, as well as a list of references. Both must be in APA form.
  • You should draw from the sources provided in your chosen case category in the discussion this week.
  • Also refer to Section 9.1: The Argumentative Essay and the introduction to Section 9.2: Strengthening the Argumentative Essay (intro only for the latter) from Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015).
  • Your references should include at least two scholarly sources from your own research in the Ashford University Library, Google Scholar (this is not the same as Google), or the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. No Wikipedia articles and the like should be included in the references, nor employed to inform your paper. Also keep in mind that dictionary definitions are not references in the academic sense.Your assignment should be submitted no later than the end of Monday (11:59 pm, U.S. Mountain time).


MKT 574 University of Phoenix Walmart Environmental & SWOT Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


Assignment Content

  1. Throughout the weeks of this course you will be developing a marketing plan for a company of your choice, section by section. In week 2, you will complete part A, in week 4, you will complete part B, and in week you will complete part C.
  2. For the purposes of this project you are to select an existing company. You should choose a company that has data readily available so you can easily access information about customer demographic/psychographic data to provide insights. You should obtain two years of annual reports as well as two years of 10K reports (which provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s business and financial condition and includes audited financial statements) for your data source.
  3. Company selection is a critical part of this project. YOU WILL USE THE SAME COMPANY FOR WEEKS 2, 4, & 6. I strongly suggest you get the annual reports and 10K’s for your selected company BEFORE making your selection. This helps assure you select a focus where the information needed is available. If you select your company THEN get the 10Ks, etc. you may find yourself challenged in getting the information you need.
  4. Please review the Strategic Marketing Plan. and prepare an APA document that addresses the elements from Part


CTU Online Crystal Bright Org Global Business Dynamic Environment Leadership Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

You have been interviewing for a corporate training position to assist the leadership team at Crystal Bright Org., a crystal glassware manufacturing company, to develop a leadership training program. Although this organization is a successful global organization participating in a majority of international markets, its leadership training program is not producing successful global leaders.

Now that you have successfully passed all interview screenings, you must submit a business letter outlining your perception of global leadership philosophy.

Be sure to include your perception of the following in your letter: (Please revise the attached letter, the Originality Verification is under 10%) the attached letter is in the correct format

  • Global workforce
  • Customers
  • Vendors


Issue in Project Management Quiz Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Issue in Project Management Quiz Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

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