IT 210 SNHU Technology Solutions and Recommendations Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. IT 210 SNHU Technology Solutions and Recommendations Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Technology has changed our lives drastically in the past twenty years. For example, consider the rise of mobile devices connected to the internet using wireless
communication. We have progressed from shopping solely in brick-and-mortar stores to having the ability to do anything from renting a vacation home to
purchasing cupcakes online using a mobile device. To keep up with how consumers communicate, businesses have to incorporate these devices and
technologies into their business models to reach customers. Developing appropriate technical solutions to business problems begins with defining, analyzing,
and documenting the necessary requirements.
For this project, you will play the role of an employee working for a small brick-and-mortar business. Your business is seeking to establish an online presence, but
it must first invest in new technology. You will create a business systems analysis to provide the business owner with your recommendations for a technology
solution that will support her venture into e-commerce.
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven. Use the Final Project
template document to ensure you have met all requirements before submitting your final draft.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Analyze a business organization for determining the business requirements related to information technology systems
Articulate the role and function of information systems in business organizations for how they impact business operations
Recommend appropriate information technology options for effectively supporting business operations
Recommend basic security considerations related to business information systems for effectively securing company data
Imagine that you work for the small brick-and-mortar business described in the final project case scenario. The owner of your business wants to focus on
generating new revenue through e-commerce, but she knows that this change in operations requires the company to integrate new technology. To gain an
understanding of what the business might need for technology, she has asked you to create a business systems analysis. In this analysis, you will clearly
introduce the problem that your business is facing. Then, you will determine the business requirements for solving that problem, including the requirements
that any new technology needs to meet. Next, you will explain how your competitors are using the two technologies in which you are investing, to determine
whether those technologies are appropriate for your business. Finally, you will propose your recommendations for the technology solution that best meets the
needs of your business, including what your business owner must consider in regard to security and privacy of company data.
Select two of the following technologies to focus on in your business systems analysis paper:
Big data and knowledge management
Wireless, mobile computing, and mobile commerce
Social computing
Cloud computing
Business analytics and business intelligence solutions
Intelligent systems
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: In this section, you will briefly introduce the small business from the case scenario, and the problem that it is trying to solve.
A. Clearly state the problem that the business owner is seeking to solve. Be sure to address the question of what your business ultimately wants to
B. Identify and briefly describe the two technologies from the list provided that you will research in your business systems analysis.
II. Business Requirements: In this section, you will determine what the business requirements are for solving the stated problem, and establish the criteria
that will help form your technology recommendations. You will also articulate why the business owner should undertake the project of integrating new
A. Explain the objectives of undertaking this project to integrate new technology. In others words, what should the project accomplish, and how
does it support the goal of your business?
B. Provide a project description that explains the purpose of the project. Be sure to address the following:
i. What does your business need to do to satisfy the objectives?
ii. What are the desired results at the end of the project?
iii. Why is it important for your business owner to consider implementing new technology?
C. State the key technological requirements that will be required of any new technology in order to effectively solve your business’s problem. In
other words, what specifically does the technology need to be capable of doing? (These are the technology requirements in the decision matrix.)
III. Competitors and Technology: In this section, you will describe two competing companies that operate in the same industry as your business. You will
also explain how a company uses the two technologies that you are investigating in order to determine if the technology may be appropriate for your
business to use. Remember that a list of competing companies was provided to you in the final project case scenario.
A. Technology One: Select one company in the same industry as your own that uses this technology. Briefly describe what that company does and
how it uses this technology to support its business in general. Include specific examples.
B. Technology Two: Select one company in the same industry as your own that uses this technology. Briefly describe what that company does and
how it uses this technology to support its business in general. Include specific examples.
C. Referring to what you learned in your research on the companies above, explain one specific way in which one of the companies is benefitting
from technology, and describe the potential benefit to your business if you were to adopt the same approach.
IV. Technology Solutions: In this section, you will discuss how each of the two technologies meets the technology requirements that you identified in
section II. Use your decision matrix to guide your responses.
A. Technology One: Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.
B. Technology Two: Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.
V. Recommendations: In this section, you will recommend the technology solution that you believe is most appropriate for your business based on how
well each technology meets your business’s technology requirements.
A. Recommend a technology solution for your business, and defend why that solution is appropriate. You may recommend only one technology or
any combination of the two that you investigated.
B. Explain the overall benefit of your recommended technology solution to your business. Consider the following:
C. How will it will it enhance efficiency?
i. How will it position your business for future growth as you move online?
VI. Basic Security Considerations: In this section, you will briefly explain what the owner of your business must consider in regard to security and privacy if
they choose to adopt your recommendations.
A. Explain the security features your recommended technology solution should have.
B. Briefly explain what your business should consider in regard to security and privacy as you seek out third-party vendors for the proposed
C. Briefly describe the internal safeguards that should be put in place in your business to guard against loss or misuse of company data. Provide
Module Seven: Basic Security Considerations
Please note you will not engage in Milestone work for Part VI of your final project, Basic Security Considerations. However, you will have an opportunity to work
through the information that will inform this part of your project in Module Seven as well as to ask your peers and instructors any questions you have in the
topic. At this point you should be able to finish this part of your final project and submit the completed draft with all pieces.
Final Submission: Business Systems Analysis
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Guidelines for Submission: Using the Final Project Template, your business systems analysis should be 6–7 pages in length (not including a cover page and
references) and written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Feedback for 5-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Technology Solutions and Recommendations
Aimee, Well done on your proposal for your organization. In your project, you proposed recommendations for the technology solution that best meets the needs of your business, including what your business owner must consider regarding the security and privacy of company data. As you continue to work on your 3rd part of your project, continue to expand and add details to your security, third-party vendors, and internal safeguards sections. Great job. |
IT 210 SNHU Technology Solutions and Recommendations Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SWK 237 Lehman College Justice and Correction Field of Social Work Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a Social Science writing question and need support to help me study.
3 page paper! APA format!
Exploration of a Field of Practice within Social Work
Select a field of practice within social work that interests you and answer the following questions in a 3-page paper
- What are the social problems that the field of practice addresses?
- What are the social systems that a social worker must deal with while working with clients within this field of practice?
- Briefly trace the historical development of services within the field of practice.
- list 3-5 social work agencies in New York City that provide services within the field of practice.
Make a reference to 2 professional journals and 3 books. It is required that you use APA.
Capella University Ethical Reasoning & Principles in Medical Procedures Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
1. Discussion Post. Read the case Study: Missy Smith. Suppose you are the pharmacist in question. How would you respond? Do not answer simply from an intuitive sense of what seems right to you; rather, use two of the major moral theories in your response. Justify your decision using Kantian reasoning, and follow up using utilitarian reasoning. Ensure you include links to credible or scholarly articles, images or other web resources.
Case Study: Missy Smith
As the local pharmacist, you have known the Smith family for years and consider them friends as well as customers and clients. Missy Smith has always been a favorite of yours and you have watched her grow into a very pretty thirteen year old. One day when no other customers are present, Missy asks you for a kit to test for pregnancy and pleads with you not to tell her family that she is sexually active.
2. Ethical Reasoning and Principles. Review the ethical principles in Part VI in your intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Bioethics, Concise Edition text book ( ethical principles you’ll use throughout the course are also found in Part VI of your intervention and Reflection textbook such as Non-malfeasance, Beneficence, Utility, Principles of distributive justice and Autonomy. Also read Wheat, K. (2009). Applying ethical principles in healthcare practice. British Journal of Nursing, 18 (17), 1062-1063. Looking back to the case of Missy Smith from above, if you were the pharmacist in the case study, which two principles would you use to help support your choice, and why? Ensure to use reference.
PGU Organizational Behavior and Motivation of Employees Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Incorporating research
Motivation and job satisfaction can be built-in to a job for the most part, based on known research in this area. In this Discussion, you have the opportunity to both do some of your own research as well as apply existing research to a past or current job of your own.
Do some research in the Library by accessing the Academic Tools under Course Resources. Once in the Library, select the “peer reviewed” check box under the search bar, and then research current articles regarding motivation theory to answer and justify your response to the following:
Label your responses as Part 1 and Part 2.
Topic: Incorporating Research
With the current trend towards providing support for assertions in the news, social media, academics, and business (i.e., analytics) learning to find support for your statements is a valuable skill. In this Discussion you will get some practice finding support for the topic provided as well as some practice applying a model to explain your response to a query.
Part 1: Supporting Assertions
Go to the Library following the instructions above, and look for peer-reviewed research articles regarding the topic of: “Better salary and benefits motivate better employee performance.”
It does not matter whether the peer-reviewed research found support or not for this statement.
Your job is to:
- Choose an article not used by another student in this Discussion, and report the findings using an in-text citation (see the Learning Activity), and accompanying reference in APA format. (Hint: In research studies, you can look at the Abstract section at the beginning or in the final pages where the summarized results are usually found.)
Part 2: Applying the Job Characteristics Model
- Discuss your current or past job in terms of the Job Characteristics Model (see the Learning Activity on Motivation applied—part 3) to explain why you were or are currently motivated and satisfied or not, with the work.
My past jobs have been early child care teacher and restaurant management. My current Job is as a train dispatcher. If you could for part 2 incorporate one of those?
Columbia College Organization Diversity Identity Chart and Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
For this discussion, you will consider the ways in which you identify yourself, both to others and just to yourself.
First, brainstorm labels that answer the question “who am I?” Think first about the categories of family (daughter, son, mother, father, etc.), job (employee, boss, intern, etc.), or background (religion, nationality, race, etc.). Then dig deeper. What else defines who you are? Is it your hobbies or your personality type? How about your allergies or your food preferences? Think of as many identifiers as you can. List them out for us.
Note: If you do not feel comfortable creating an identity chart to share with your classmates, take on the persona of a fictional character and create a detailed identity chart for your persona.
Now that you have your list, use this blank Identity Chart ( to visualize the factors that make up your identity (arrows pointing out from the center, YOU), vs the labels that others place on your identity (arrows pointing into the center). You can use the Identity Chart as a template or draw it freehand on a piece of paper or some other visualization method (Powerpoint, for instance).
Finally, upload your identity chart. What, if anything, did you learn about how you “identify” yourself, or how you see the outside world identifying you? Are there overlapping identifiers? Based off what you’ve learned this week, what identifier do you consider to be the strongest predictor of discrimination?
ENC 3250 USF The Impact of COVID 19 on Education Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
- Which problem do you wish to research? Make sure it’s a local, real-world problem that affects your life or the lives of people you know. Think about issues on campus, in your workplace, or in the local community. Smaller, more specific problems work better for this assignment than big, abstract problems.
- Secondary research.
- Which search terms will you use to research your problem at the library
- Which library databases (Links to an external site.)? Why those?
- What timeframe will you search?
- Which citation style (Links to an external site.) will you use? Why that one?
- Primary research. What type of primary research will you conduct? Some examples include:
- Interviews.What is your level of access to stakeholders? List established members of context who have experience with the criteria, standards, priorities, and procedures related to different structures within the context. The goal of the interview process should be for you to gain insight into these experiences and the problem. List sample questions you might ask.
- Focus groups. Instead of conducting a one-on-one interview, talk to a group of stakeholders together. They riff off of each other which has its benefits and drawbacks.
- Surveys. Surveys are a collection of written questions administered to a sample of a population. They are precise data collection instruments that are easy to administer and quick to take (if designed well). The data can be used to extrapolate conclusions about the total population.
- Observations. Information from the Interactive Design Foundation (Links to an external site.)
- Document analyses (e.g., policy statements, manuals, handbooks, memos, Webpages, social media streams, reports, forms, etc. from the context). Consider:
- Formal Features. The formatting, tone, and structure of a document are not accidental but instead are related to the functions and audiences perceived by a document’s writer/s. Thus, examining such features can provide insight into the significance (or lack thereof) of a document within a context.
- Accessibility. The location, cost, and availability of a document also reflect its purposes within a context. Therefore, as you analyze a client document, consider how you became aware of it, how widely available it is, and how resources are/were allocated to its production, distribution, and maintenance.
- Potential Audiences. Who is supposed to see this document? Considering both primary and secondary audiences of a document is essential for determining its significance and functions. Thus, as you analyze a document, think about who does or does not consult it and why they do or don’t.
ENC 3250 USF The Impact of COVID 19 on Education Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Use of Hallucinogens Psychology Research Study Writing Assignment Help
Summarize and critique a psychology research study described in the popular press (e.g., on a news website). You must find a research study yourself; it is not acceptable to use an article that was assigned as reading in this class. You should read both the popular article and the original research report.
A single write-up should be 400-500 words long, and each is worth one SONA credit (1% of your final grade for the course). Three 400-500 word write-ups will satisfy the full SONA requirement for the course. Each write-up consists of two parts.
First, summarize the original research article (from the scholarly journal):
- State the hypothesis tested in the study. Provide background information as necessary to contextualize the hypothesis.
- Briefly summarize the design of the study, including the type of
research conducted the IV/predictor, the DV/criterion, and operational
definitions of the variables. - Summarize the general findings of the study.
- State the conclusions that the researcher(s) drew from the findings.
Second, briefly critique the way the study was reported in the popular source by addressing at least one of the following:
- Did the popular source misrepresent any part of the study design? If so, how?
- Did the popular source misrepresent the conclusions of the study
(e.g. by suggesting a causal relationship when there wasn’t evidence for
one or by generalizing the findings of the study inappropriately)? - Did the popular source acknowledge any of the limitations of the
study that the original authors discussed? If so, do you think they did a
good job? If not, what limitations did they overlook and why do they
matter? - Do you think the popular source does a good job overall of communicating the results of this scientific study? Why or why not?
It is up to you to find a study to summarize and critique in each of your write-ups. Be sure to include references to the sources you consult for each write-up. (Web links are preferred.)
If you are not sure where to look to find a good article, I
recommend checking the following sites (though you are certainly not
restricted to these!):
- The New York Times – (Links to an external site.)
- The Atlantic – (Links to an external site.)
- The New Yorker – (Links to an external site.)
- The Guardian – (Links to an external site.)
- The Huffington Post – (Links to an external site.)
- Psychology Today – (Links to an external site.)
- The Wall Street Journal – (Links to an external site.)
- Quartz – (Links to an external site.)
Each write-up, from start to finish, should take roughly one hour to
complete (i.e., should take about as long as completing one SONA credit)
and will be graded pass/fail.
CJUS 2100 Governors State University Defunding Police Essay & Presentation Law Assignment Help
Topics: You can choose any part of the system and any policy so long as it is relevant and current. Topics will be submitted and approved by the professor by the 10th week of classes. Topics will be original. If you do not select a topic by the deadline, the instructor may assign one to you.
Objective: Complete an assessment of the topic by describing it’s independent nature and interdependent nature. This feature is something that characterizes the US criminal justice system. Explain to the class how this practice/law/policy was created and maintained independently, yet also how it affected the other criminal justice sub-systems (interdependency). Your assessment should cover each of these 4 questions:
- What is the topic? If it is policy or law, explain it fully and it’s impact on crime rates, victimization rates, imprisonment rates, or whatever measure of crime seems appropriate. Also, explain why you chose this topic.
- How is this an example of independence? Explain how the agency created, maintained, assessed, etc the program. Where does funding come from? How does it aid in addressing the problem it was set out to solve?
- How is this an example of interdependency? How does this affect the other criminal justice systems or agencies? Does it have a positive or negative (or both) impact? Are there any unintended consequences and if so, how are they addressing them?
- What could this agency/system do to make this program/practice/policy/law more effective? Address areas of improvement from all perspectives: Agency, offender, victim, and society
Presentation: Your project will be presented to the class and you should have a visual to accompany your presentation. You should have one slide per question and each slide should have at least 1 image and no more than a few bullet points. Slides should not be overly busy, messy, or contain a lot of text.
Cedar Crest College How Globalization Affects Economy Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
this’s the instructions to follow. please follow carefully and i need it in a simple vocabulary. talk about one think in the economy like open restaurants between difference countries. be specific and please do not copy base the article as it change the word.
Rubric for Cause and Effect
Times New Roman (12 point font) 1 3 5
Third Person Point of View 1 3 5
*Smooth Transition Words 1 3 5
*Adjective Clauses 1 3 5
Background Information 1 3 5
*Comparative Form 1 3 5
*Parallel Form 1 3 5
*3 sources (all scholarly) 1 3 5
5-7 pages 1 3 5
Reference Page 1 3 5
Cover Page 1 3 5
Verb Tense 135
Used the Writing Center
*Please highlight transition words, adjective clauses, comparative form, parallel form, and scholarly sources in different colors.
University of South Florida Orange & Non Orange Juice Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
Ill include pics of each of the questions
Orange Juice Problems (OJUICE data)
11.26 a, b, c (632) // PO Required: SLR result
11.42 a, b, c (639) // PO Required: OK to include SLR result from 11.26
11.54 (646) // PO Required: OK to include SLR result from 11.26
11.77 (656) // PO Required: OK to include SLR result from 11.26 AND correlation table
11.89 (664) // PO Required: NONE
Non-Orange Juice Problems
11.52 a, b, c (645) // PO Required: NONE
12.9 a, b, c, d (698) // PO Required: NONE
12.33 a, b, c, d, e (709) — TEAMPERF data // PO Required: MLR result AND prediction/fitted interval result
12.38 a, b, c (714) // PO Required: NONE
Question 10: What is one thing that you plan to change about your study habits following our first exam? // PO
IT 210 SNHU Technology Solutions and Recommendations Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
IT 210 SNHU Technology Solutions and Recommendations Research Paper Writing Assignment Help