IT 441 Saudi Electronic University Multimedia Systems Development Discussion Other Assignment Help. IT 441 Saudi Electronic University Multimedia Systems Development Discussion Other Assignment Help.
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- You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file).
- Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
- You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
- You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
- Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
- Avoid plagiarism! The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
- Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
IT 441 Saudi Electronic University Multimedia Systems Development Discussion Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DIGI 700 WGU Digital and Strategic Community Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help
Life Application Paper Instructions
General Directions for Life Application Papers:
In this course you will write three Life Application Papers due in different weeks of the course. The first two papers will be informal (i.e. no formal APA required) but professionally written. The last paper will be formally written. The three papers will allow you to explore how to:
- Connect your professional work and the Strategic Communication community through journals, conferences, and expectations for peer-reviewed research.
- Understand and engage the communication community, specifically the historical development of Strategic Communication.
- Connect Strategic Communication and your research interest, which you will develop into your dissertation, to your faith and world view.
These papers should be a minimum of 500 words.
NOTE: Informal APA style basics include a cover page, page numbers, and references/intext citations where applicable. Critical thinking will be assessed. Careful editing is expected. The goal is to use this knowledge beyond DIGI 700 and to find a community of academics and/or professionals who are also engaged in your topic of interest.
Paper 2 Instructions:
Using the resources provided in this class and any additional sources you may discover along the way, answer these two questions: Based on the history of Strategic Communication, should Strategic Communication be considered an academic discipline or a field of study? Why is the answer to this question important for you as a student of communication? Be sure to document your answers well.
IT 441 Saudi Electronic University Multimedia Web Development Discussion Other Assignment Help
- You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file)
- Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
- You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
- You MUST show all your work avoid plagiarism!, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
- Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
- The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
- Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Westford University College Trio T1 Presentation and Apple Inc Marketing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Assessment Brief: Task and General Guidelines
Task 1: Report – 80 Marks [6000-8000 Words] Scenario: Choose an international organization (with any product) of your choice preferably where you are working or worked with or familiar with and prepare an entry plan for international markets. Your report should investigate various factors that influence the entry mode of the company into the global market along with the potential barriers that might hinder the expansion of the chosen firm. Various marketing strategies in order to enter into the international market should also be explored. The details of the expected project report format are given below:
Task2: Presentation – 20 Marks [7-10 slides on PPT and 10-15 Minutes] The presentation on the Launch new product/service in the UAE shall be conducted during the final phase of the course on a mutually agreed time slot (between the faculty and the learner). The time allotted for the presentation is 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation followed by 5 minutes Q&A) and would be evaluated based on content, presentation skills, and interaction. ThePresentation (in PPT format) and the Report (in MS Word format) should be submitted on the LMS on or before the specified submission deadline.
GRADING AND RULES: 7-10 slides on PPT You will be scored out of 20 with the marks distributed as follows:
An important Caveat: If your slides includes extensive content then you are likely to go over your time. It is recommended to stay with bullet points and give an overview of them. Sometimes it might not be required to detail everything line by line, but to give an overview and speak around the data.This requires practice but the approach will help you in delivering future presentations. The Presentation (in PPT format for Task 3) should be submitted on LMS along with the assignment.
CSUSM Shady Business Corruption in The Brazilian Army Before 1954 Article Review Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a history writing question and need support to help me study.
For this assignment, you are to read a journal article about a topic related to a regional topic within the context of the class, and you are asked to use articles from the JSTOR database. Therefore I have provided you with an ample selection of articles that I have downloaded from Palomar College’s JSTOR database. All you need to do is pick any of the articles for your review. Articles are attached below, just browse the collection of articles before you make your final selection. You do not need to notify me of your article choice, just pick any one of the articles in any of those subfolders, and you’re ready to roll!
The report is to be 5-7 pages in length. Please be sure to use both a title page and works cited page. (title and works cited pages do not count toward the overall page count of your review) You are also encouraged to follow the MLA format. Please double-space your review. In your works cited page, please list the name of the article that you will be summarizing and analyzing. This an example of the type of the format you should follow:
“Argentina in 1983: Reflections on the Language of the Military and George Orwell,” by Alberto Ciria. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol. 11, No. 21 (1986), pp. 57-69.
In terms of the content of the report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What type of article is this? Is the author presenting an original feature, or is he/she conducting a book review? If this is a book review, what book (or books) is being reviewed? What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? What is the author’s academic or professional background?
As for the second point of discussion, this is where you provide your opinion or perceptions of the article. In other words, what did you think about it? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article? How did the article relate to the class? You are definitely encouraged to write in first person singular (I feel that…, I think..) as you provide your opinions. As a general rule of thumb, your JSTOR review should be about 60% summary and 40% commentary. Thus a 5-page review with about 3 & 1⁄2 pages summary and 1 & 1⁄2 pages commentary is an ideal proportion.
SEU Pygmalion Is Good and Essential in Any Type of Business Organization Response Business Finance Assignment Help
To assess your ability to use the knowledge from Chapter 11 readings to complete this activity
Action Plan
1- We learned about the Self-Fulfilling prophecy or Pygmalion effect in this chapter. Based on your understanding of the topic, do you think Pygmalion effect is good or bad for business? As a manager, what steps will you take to control this effect among your employees?
Read the question given above. Give your opinion on the topic. You need to answer based on your own understanding of the situation. Copy-paste answers from online and other sources will not be accepted.
There is no word limit for your response. 2 Marks.
To assess your ability to use the knowledge from Chapter 12 readings to complete this activity
Action Plan
We discussed about content perspectives on employee motivation using four theories. According to you, which of the four theories is the most realistic and applicable to a company situation? If given a chance, explain how you will use the selected theory to motivate your employees.
Read the question given above. Give your opinion on the topic. You need to answer based on your own understanding of the situation. Copy-paste answers from online and other sources will not be accepted.
There is no word limit for your response. 2 Marks.
To assess your ability to use the knowledge from Chapter 14 readings to complete this activity
Action Plan
In this chapter, we discussed about gender and differences in leadership styles. Do you think social forces are working against women leaders? If yes, give suggestions on how to break the glass ceiling for women leaders.
Read the question given above. Give your opinion on the topic. You need to answer based on your own understanding of the situation. Copy-paste answers from online and other sources will not be accepted. 2 Marks.
To assess your ability to use the knowledge from Chapter 15 readings to complete this activity
Action Plan
You learned about the different listening styles in class. From a managerial perspective, which of the four styles do you think is the most beneficial for a company? How will you ensure that all your employees follow this particular listening style?
Read the question given above. Give your opinion on the topic. You need to answer based on your own understanding of the situation. Copy-paste answers from online and other sources will not be accepted.
There is no word limit for your response. 2 Marks
SEU Pygmalion Is Good and Essential in Any Type of Business Organization Response Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ANTH 1120 Maryland The UFC and The Human Atrocities Guatemalan People Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Throughout the past 3 weeks we have watched several films demonstrating the human crises of violence experienced by local groups of people caught up in global forces- colonization, imperialism, international corporations, and political and economic oppression. Specifically we have looked at the case study of The United Fruit Company and the human atrocities perpetrated on the Guatemalan people. For this assignment, please critically analyze the videos we have watched and write a reflection on them. Reflect on the causes of the crisis presented in the videos and where we might start to move toward possible solutions. Your reflection should be at least 300 words. You do not need to formally cite course sources but if you use sources outside of the course, you would need to provide a citation.
Ohio State University The Satellite Solar Power Station Project Problems Engineering Assignment Help
The Satellite Solar Power Station project attempts to set up a large solar cell panel in a geostationary orbit at a distance 36,000 km above the surface of the Earth. The collected solar energy is then converted into microwave energy atfo= 4.0 GHz with an overall efficiency of 10%. This microwave energy is them beamed back to the Earth to be received and converted to the 60 Hz power with an efficiency of 25%.Suppose you are asked to design such a system which will provide 1010watts at 60 Hz, the anticipated power needs by New York in the year 2020. Suppose also the maximum power density in the vicinity of the receiving antenna on the ground, based on health considerations, is 100 watts/m2. What must be the effective area of the receiving antenna on the ground, the effective area of the transmitting antenna at the satellite, and the collecting area of the solar panel? The sun provides a flux of 106watts/m2. Assume 100% aperture efficiency for both transmitting and receiving antennas (i.e., Aef f= Aphy) and HPBW =λ/√Aphy, assuming a square aperture for each antenna.
PSUSA HP and Apple Strategic Management and Business Policy Report Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
This is a strategic management and business policy course report
We are choosing the electronics industry
And the two companies are HP and APPLE(MAC) specifically the PC’s NOT the mobile phones
In this report we are required to do two important things:
1- A data collecting document about the companies ( similar to the sample provided) where it has as many gathered information.
2- A report that follows the guidelines and the grading rubric provided where the plagiarism is LESS THAN 10% and no grammar and spelling mistakes and 4 discussion questions and answers as mentioned in the grading rubric and guideline.
Thank you
PSYC 3555 University of Toronto Behaviour Modification Program Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
The goal of the assignment is to apply behaviour modification strategies learned in this course to one of your own behaviours.
Examples of strategies learned in class:
- Positive reinforcement.
- Negative reinforcement.
- Punishment.
- Systematic desensitization.
- Shaping
- Extinction.
Examples of behaviours that need modification (See powerpoint for further examples):
. Order Uber Eats once instead of 5 times a week.
. Close open drawers (see attached Word file)
1) A description of the specific problem, and an introduction to the relevant literature;
2) A detailed plan of intervention in which you explain all the steps to tackle the problem, and justification of the various steps contained in your plan. Examples of interventions include: Shaping, behaviour chaining, etc.
3) A summary of the data gathered from the application of the behaviour modification program, and a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen plan of action.
You will conduct a behavioural assessment and select an appropriate intervention. You will then evaluate the success of your intervention and explore the strengths and weaknesses of your program. You must include schedules of reinforcement. You must include Graphs indicating the progress, and illustrating the effects produced by the intervention. You MUST* include a baseline (1 week prior to the intervention) to demonstrate how things were BEFORE the intervention was implemented.
Min. 1500 words and max. 2000 (6-8 pages double spaced)
- Excluding title page and any references
- Use APA format
- 1 inch margins
- Title page in APA style
- Graphs and tables in APA style
- Acceptable fonts: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial
- 12 point font
- NO abstract
- A minimum of two external references
- No direct quotes allowed. You will lost points if any are included.
- Introduction: A description of the specific problem, and a brief overview of any relevant literature.
- Methods: Explain all the steps used in your intervention.
- Justification of the various steps contained in your plan.
- Using the knowledge you gained from journal articles or books, you must explain why the various techniques you have chosen are relevant, useful and/or necessary to your intervention plan.
- Results: Data gathered from the application of the behaviour modification program. Present that information with suitable graph(s) and/or table(s).
- Baseline data + intervention data
- If time allows, you may also include post-intervention data
- Discussion: Strengths and weaknesses of your chosen plan of action.
PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED POWER POINT (WITH AUDIO). and PLEASE READ THE WORD FILE EXAMPLE to understand the assignment requirements in further detail. Please remember to include graphs! This assignment will be submitted VIA Turnit In. Please avoid plagiarism at all times. Thank you.
IT 441 Saudi Electronic University Multimedia Systems Development Discussion Other Assignment Help
IT 441 Saudi Electronic University Multimedia Systems Development Discussion Other Assignment Help