IT 511 SNHU Develop Code for Recipe Manager Program Programming Assignment Help. IT 511 SNHU Develop Code for Recipe Manager Program Programming Assignment Help.
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As you are learning, data types can move from the simple to complex as we construct programs designed to solve problems. The second stepping stone lab presents an opportunity for you to create primitive data types then use them to construct the more complex forms of strings and arrays as you begin to develop code for a recipe manager program.
Starting with Stepping Stone Lab Two and continuing to the last stepping stone lab in Module Six, you will develop code for the program described in the Stepping Stone Overview document. You will start with a simple structure and gradually build in additional complexity and functionality. The overview also illustrates steps for completing and submitting these labs.
The stepping stone labs constitute a foundation upon which you will build the program you will submit for your final project. Most of the stepping stone labs outline the additional requirements for revising and expanding the concepts in the stepping stone labs as you work on the final project.
Go to the Start Here page and download the Stepping Stone code .zip for the starter code for this assignment.
To complete this assignment, review the following documents:
IT 511 SNHU Develop Code for Recipe Manager Program Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American Military University Sustainment Decision Making Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
This dual-case assignment covers sustainment and global supply chain decision-making, respectively. The first case analyzes sustainment decision making. The second case analyzes global supply chain decision making. After reviewing each case, analyze and respond to the following questions from both cases:
- Sustainment:
- What are the payback periods for the lawn-to-prairie conversion project, the dock blankets, the T-9 lighting fixtures, and the storm water project?
- Calculate the Net Present Value of the storm water project, given the financial information in the case
- Evaluate the Pros and Cons of the storm water project both on financial and non-financial grounds and make a recommendation on what Richard Murphy should decide
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing LEED, Energy Star, and ISO 14000 certifications?
- Global Supply Chain Decision Making:
- What are the key operations and logistics issues faced by ShelterBox?
- Who are the various stakeholders that need to be considered in resolving these issues?
- How should ShelterBox respond to the issues it faces to best satisfy its stakeholders?
- How do you think ShelterBox should be organized? What are the key responsibilities and functions that need to be established before and during an emergency?
- Label your Word document as follows: yourlastname.doc (ex: Johnson.docx). Send your response to both cases in the same one Word document. Do not send in two papers!
- The paper should be at least 1,500-words
- The paper should be APA-compliant paper comprising your response.
- Feel free to emphasize one case over the other, but make sure you answer the questions thoroughly
- Minimum 5 full pages of content (Word Document) of strategic material (does not include cover page, abstract, nor reference pages)
- All charts, graphs, pictures are to go in the appendix (not a substitute for content)
Robert Morris University Reflection on Communication Between Cultures Class Learning Discussion Writing Assignment Help
This semester, even with all of its challenges, we have still been able to examine an array of aspects regarding communication and culture. At the same time, a pandemic left us with learning challenges that were unforeseen, and perhaps not having face-to-face classes was harder for many students than even they themselves expected. However, not all the material has to be all things to all people. On that note, share with me and the class what is just ONE take away you have as a result of this class. What is one thing you learned that you enjoyed and enlightened you just a little bit more than before you took this course. Secondly, please share with me what is one area we did not cover, or was not able to do in depth in lieu of having to go online and rework everything we were doing, that you would have liked to have spent more time learning and discussing.
I need 150 words at lest
(I will put two pictures below some of what my colleagues wrote and the book?) make it sample please
Florida International University Case Study Priority Setting Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Read the ATI video case study Priority Setting and respond to the following:
If you were the nurse in this situation, which client should you see first? Identify the priority framework you are using and the rationale for your selection.
- Your paper should be 2 pages
- You are required to use and cite one academic source.
- Use current APA Style.
- Include a title page and a reference page listing the source(s) you used.
Sophisticated | Highly Competent | Fairly Competent | Unsatisfactory | |
Content |
Points Range:45 (45.00%) – 50 (50.00%) The response fully addresses all elements of the writing prompt. The response provides detail and/or quality examples, demonstrating a depth of understanding. |
Points Range:40 (40.00%) – 44.5 (44.50%) The response addresses all elements of the writing prompt, but one or two may be vague or incomplete. Most details or examples support the prompt very well, demonstrating a strong understanding. |
Points Range:36.5 (36.50%) – 39.5 (39.50%) Multiple components of the prompt are not addressed. Details and examples may be missing in more than two occasions, demonstrating some understanding. |
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 36 (36.00%) The response is inaccurate or unrelated to the prompt and/or most components of the prompt are not addressed. There are no details or examples. |
Organization |
Points Range:40.5 (40.50%) – 45 (45.00%) There is a sophisticated, concise introduction, body, and conclusion to the paper. The introduction provides an overview of the topic. The information in the body is relevant and presented in a logical order. The conclusion summarizes the topic and includes the writer’s thoughts on the subject. |
Points Range:36 (36.00%) – 40.05 (40.05%) There is a well-written introduction, body and conclusion to the paper. The introduction provides a general overview of the topic, but may be incomplete or wordy. The information in the body is mostly relevant and mostly presented in a logical order with one or two exceptions. The conclusion summarizes the topic, but may somewhat be brief or abrupt. |
Points Range:32.85 (32.85%) – 35.55 (35.55%) There is an obvious introduction, body, and conclusion to the paper, but there may be a few instances that are off topic or vague. The information in the body is generally relevant, but not concise. Much of the information is not presented in a clear, logical order. The conclusion may be incomplete, or slightly off-topic. |
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 32.4 (32.40%) There is no clear introduction, body, or conclusion. The paper does not follow the required format. |
Mechanics and APA Format |
Points Range:4.5 (4.50%) – 5 (5.00%) The paper is written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. The paper is error free. Information from sources is appropriately paraphrased and accurately referenced and cited in APA when applicable. The paper meets assignment length requirements. |
Points Range:4 (4.00%) – 4.45 (4.45%) Most of the writing is clear and organized, but there may be one or two instances where it is not concise or formal in language. Minor errors exist in spelling and grammar with no interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from sources is paraphrased, referenced, and cited correctly. The paper meets assignment length requirements. |
Points Range:3.65 (3.65%) – 3.95 (3.95%) In three or more instances, the writing is unclear and unorganized. Several errors in spelling and grammar somewhat interfere with readability. Information from a few sources is missing or improperly cited. The paper does not fully meet assignment length requirements. |
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3.6 (3.60%) Mechanical errors significantly interfere with the readability of the paper. No attempt to follow the required format is indicated. The paper does not come close to meeting assignment length requirements. |
Strayer University Alignment Between Companys Fiscal Management and Strategic Direction Memorandum Writing Assignment Help
Read the scenario below. Then draft a 3–4 page business memorandum to Linda Hoff, Stanford’s CFO.In your memo, codify your findings and
interpretations from the horizontal and vertical analyses and the level of alignment between the company’s fiscal management and its strategic
direction. Include an Excel spreadsheet as an attachment to the memo. In this memo you will:
1. Review the year-over-year variances contained in the audited Stanford balance sheets and income statements, which are contained within the
provided Week 5 Assignment Spreadsheet [XLSX] for fiscal years 2015 through 2018. You’ll be expected to pay particular attention to the negative
variances (color coded in “red”) that you believe to be potentially the most impactful to Stanford.
2. Speculate as to the reasons for the negative variances.
3. Examine the common size balance sheets and income statements looking for abnormally low or high ratios based on what you know about the line
item and what you observe in the data for the other fiscal years.
4. Look for patterns in the line items over time (2015 through 2018) and identify any unusual findings that may need to be examined further.
5. Make a judgement regarding the alignment of the organization’s fiscal management with its strategic direction of the firm. Fiscal management is
based on your horizontal and vertical analyses. The strategic direction is based on the vision, mission, and strategic priorities of Stanford.
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with financial statements, the need to align the financials with the strategic direction of the firm, and
the process of performing a horizontal and vertical analysis of a company’s balance sheets and income statements.
The Scenario
You’re a Healthcare Administration Fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare. You have been rotating through the various departments over the
past 9 months and now you have the honor of working under the mentorship of Linda Hoff, Chief Financial Officer.
Stanford Medicine includes Stanford Healthcare, Stanford Children’s Hospital, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. This organization uses
an integrated approach to strategic planning, which incorporates jointly agreed upon strategic priorities from its various entities. It also ensures a high
degree of congruency in strategic focus by each entity. Before outlining the strategic priorities for Stanford Medicine, it is important to take note that a
firm’s directional strategy is comprised on three separate yet interwoven components: vision, mission, and goals (or, in this case, priorities). Armed with
this knowledge, you have taken the necessary step and located and familiarized yourself with the vision, mission, and priorities of Stanford Medicine.
Below is what you found. When examining a company’s financials, it is prudent to keep the directional strategy of the company in mind. After all, in
order to advance many strategic priorities, which include fulfilling the mission and positioning the organization to achieve it vision for the future, it will
require proper management of the firm’s scarce resources. Failure to properly manage the financial performance of the organization can compromise
the company’s ability to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Our Vision
Precision Health: Predict. Prevent. Cure. Precisely.
We will heal humanity through science and compassion by leading the biomedical revolution in Precision Health.
Strategic Priorities
A collaborative endeavor involving the entire community, the Stanford Medicine Integrated Strategic Planning process yielded a framework that is
human centered and discovery led, focused on three overarching priorities for our enterprise.
By enhancing our strengths and achieving our goals in these priority areas, we will amplify our preeminence and remain uniquely positioned to lead the
biomedical revolution in Precision Health, ensuring our continued ability to guide health care through significant global changes.
Value Focused
Provide a highly personalized patient experience.
Ensure a seamless Stanford Medicine experience
Digitally Driven
Amplify the impact of Stanford innovation globally.
Deliver human-centered, high-tech, high-touch care and revolutionize biomedical discovery.
Lead in population health and data science.
Uniquely Stanford
Accelerate discovery in and knowledge of human biology.
Discovered here, used everywhere: advance fundamental human knowledge, translational medicine, and global health.
Ensure preeminence across all of our mission areas.
Variance Analyses
Normally, managers are expected to examine positive and negative variances, and then speculate as to possible explanations for the observed
variances. Following this initial assessment, managers would be expected to dig deeper into those variances of greatest concern to the organization in
order to uncover the actual causes for the variances, and then implement necessary corrective actions. Digging into all variances would be costly and,
quite frankly, a misuse of one’s time and energy. The CFO has asked you to conduct a variance analysis of the company’s consolidated balance sheets
and income statements for fiscal years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, which you began. You have determined the variances for each account (line item)
captured in the financials. Now that this first step has been accomplished, the CFO would like for you to pay particular attention to the negative
variances contained in the spreadsheet; and focus more specifically on those variances you believe to be potentially the most impactful to Stanford.
Once you’ve completed your variance analysis over time, which is referred to as a horizontal analysis, you are ready to create a common size balance
sheet and income statement of each of the 4 fiscal years (2015 through 2018). You prepared the common sized financials, which are captured in your
spreadsheet. Now, it is time to perform a vertical and horizontal analysis of these common size financials. The common size balance sheet allows you
to see each asset relative to total assets, as well as each liability and net asset (in the case of non-profit organizations) relative to total liabilities and net
assets. In a common size income statement, each line item is expressed as a percentage of total revenue or sales. Common sizing balance sheets and
income statements allows firms to compare against one another even though they may be of different sizes. It also allows a firm to benchmark its
financial performance against comparative groups. In this case, there isn’t any comparative data to benchmark against; however, you can examine the
ratios in each fiscal year and look to see if anything looks abnormally low or high based on what you know about the line item and what you observe in
the data for the other fiscal years (vertical analysis). You can also look for patterns in the line items over time (2015 through 2018) and point out any
unusual findings that may need to be examined further (horizontal analysis). In finance, it isn’t uncommon for the organization to establish interim goals
and targets for certain line items in the financials. The firm can compare its actual performance against the established goals and targets.
Financial Management and Strategic Direction
Once you’ve completed your horizontal and vertical analyses of the financial statements, you should be able to get a sense of how well management
has managed the financial resources of the company in support of its strategic direction. In business, the strategic direction should be evident in its
vision and mission statements and strategic priorities. The strategic priorities should help support the company’s mission, and the mission should help
advance the firm’s vision for the future. Failure to effectively manage the company’s financial resources can seriously compromise the firm’s ability to
fulfill its mission and subsequently the vision.
Business Memorandum to CFO
Using the analysis that you performed on Stanford Healthcare and trends that you identified, write a business memorandum to the CFO.In your memo,
codify your findings and interpretations, and make a judgment regarding the alignment of the organization’s fiscal management with its strategic
direction of the firm. Attach your analysis in an Excel spreadsheet as an attachment to the memo.Your analysis and trends identified should take into
account any feedback that you received from your professor and/or peers.
Helpful hints: Negative variance is not always a bad thing. For example, you might see a slight increase in the operating costs; however, if you
achieved a positive variance in the total operating revenue that outpaced the increase in operating costs, then that may be perceived as a positive
outcome. Remember, you need to spend money to make money. We just want to make certain that operating costs/expenses don’t outpace the growth
in operating revenues. Also keep in mind that some variances are useful in explaining other variances even if these variances are associated with
different financial statements. For example, you may see an increase in operating costs, which is a negative variance, but an increase in current
assets, which is a positive variance. Furthermore, you should look for patterns over time. This can reveal both positive and negative trends that may
provide insight into the variances you discovered. For example, you may have noticed that a certain expense has continued growth over the past 3
years (negative variance); however, the rate of growth year-over-year has been declining. It could be that Stanford has implemented some cost cutting
measures that are showing signs of working.
The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Audit financial statements and expenditures for alignment with organizational strategic priorities.
Johnson & Wales University Hubspot Blogging Success and Social Media Questions Programming Assignment Help
Question 1:After reflecting on the article you read from Social Media Examiner, 3 Ways to Add Facebook Live to Marketing Strategy, select one brand/company that you think is doing a good job using Facebook Live Video as a way to engage customers and prospects and critique, and discuss some of the strategies they are using. (For example: “This small bakery business is using Facebook Live to show customers how they make their award-winning donuts in the kitchen” Provide a link to the Facebook business/brand page so the class can view. Around 200 to 300 words.
Question 2: The GM Fastlane corporate blog is a success. (Read all the attachments) As stated, the blog was introduced in January of 2005and featured direct access to candid thoughts of then vice chairman Bob Lutz and other GM executives. The effort helped GM overcome its dinosaur image, reach customers quickly, and attract web traffic through other sites and blogs linking to Fastlane. At least 2 pages. For this assignment:
1.Find another corporate or company/brand blog that is doing well.
2.What are the business objectives for the blog?
3.Communication Objectives?
Johnson & Wales University Hubspot Blogging Success and Social Media Questions Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ERHS 332 Colorado State University Controlled Clinical Trials & A cross-sectional Case Study Science Assignment Help
Assignment 4
Assignment Directions: Submit assignment in Canvas (leaving format open intentionally) by March 26 at 9:30am. Make sure your name is on the first page (above) and in the document file name (first.last.extension) (you will lose 2 points if these directions are not followed). Show all work for full credit. Short answers need to be typed; calculations may be hand-written. If the assignment is turned in late, you will lose 10 points for every 24 hours after the due date and time. The assignment is in a Word document so that you may type within the document. Show your work.
For questions 1-6, name the type of study design and list the pros and cons for that study type:
1.Epidemiologists want to evaluate the effect of screening on colon cancer in the United States. They ascertain the mortality rates from colon cancer in each of the 50 U.S. states as well as the average (mean) number of residents in each state undergoing colonoscopy screening.
Study Design:
What is the primary limitation of this study design?
2.A group of doctors is concerned that breast feeding might lead to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. To examine this possible association, they hire a team of epidemiologists to evaluate the relationship between breast cancer and a woman’s history of breastfeeding. The epidemiologists select women with breast cancer and an age-matched sample of women without breast cancer who live in the same neighborhoods. Study subjects are interviewed to determine breast feeding history of each participant.
Study Design:
Name one strength and one limitation of using this study design.
3.Researchers wanted to investigate ergonomic hazards for workers, specifically back pain. They recruited current workers from the Automobile Manufacturing Union. Workers were asked about chronic (prevalent) back pain symptoms, their job duties, and demographics (e.g., age, race, etc.).
Study Design:
Name one strength and one limitation of using this study design.
4.Scientists wanted to evaluate innovative breast cancer treatments involving cryotherapy. They designed a study that compared two treatments of breast cancer. Women with stage 1 breast cancer were randomized to receive either cryotherapy (the new treatment) or the traditional lumpectomy. The women were then followed for 5 years to determine whether there were any differences in breast cancer recurrence and survival between the two treatments.
Study Design:
Describe the primary strength of this study design:
5.A researcher wanted to investigate the effects of early drinking (alcoholic beverages) on academic development and performance. They enrolled participants from 10 different schools in two neighboring states and obtained self-reported data on alcohol intake and school performance from students beginning in grade seven, and then again in grades 10 and 12 and then at age 23 for an overall follow-up period of 10 years.
Study Design:
Name one strength of this study design:
6.A team of epidemiologists began a study in 2010 to investigate the relationship between exposure to chest irradiation and the subsequent risk of breast cancer. Women who received therapy (either radiation or non-radiation) for postpartum mastitis in the 1950s, and who were free of breast cancer at the time, were enrolled in the study. The women were followed for 60 years to determine the incidence rates of breast cancer in each group.
Study Design:
Name one strength and one limitation of using this study design.
7.A common problem with HIV is that mothers infected with HIV can pass the virus on to their infant at birth. A group of scientists conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug (Zidovudine) in reducing maternal-infant transmission of HIV. They enrolled 363 pregnant women with HIV; 180 of these women received the Zidovudine treatment. A total of 53 infants tested HIV positive; 40 of the 53 infants who tested positive received the placebo instead of the treatment. Create and fill in a 2×2 table (OPTIONAL) to help you answer the following questions:
a.What is the cumulative incidence of HIV in infants who received the treatment (exposed)?
b.What is the cumulative incidence of HIV in infants who received the placebo (not exposed)?
c.What can you conclude from this?
MGT 301 Saudi Electronic CH13 & 14 Leadership and Supportive Leadership Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
1- Define leadership and explain the difference between being a manager and being a leader. Which boss would you rather have? Why? (02 Marks)
2- The leadership style theories, which you have learned in the chapter 13 & 14 based on that determine which leadership styles are suitable for managers who are managing workers ( both Blue collar & White collar) in the organizations.(03 Marks)
3- Describe directive leadership and supportive leadership, Explain their importance. (02 Marks)
4- How organizations are benefitted from supportive leadership? Give an example of such organization which you might have come across. (03 Marks)
University of Central Florida Madlib Input and Regular Expressions Project Programming Assignment Help
This assignment asks you to practice with “regular expressions” (import re
) to create a Mad Libs program. A madlib is a story that has blank words. The player is asked to give a list of words that will be inserted into the story. But the player doesn’t know how the words will be used; he/she is only asked to give a noun, an adjective, etc. without knowing what the story is first. Then, the player is shown the complete story, and it can be funny at times.
Your program should ask the user for a filename that contains a story with missing words (“tags”). These missing words will have this format: {noun1}
or similar (adjective, plural_noun, whatever), always in braches ({}
). The program uses a regular expression to find each {}
tag and asks the user for the value for that tag. Then the program replaces every occurrence of that tag (there could be more than one occurrence of the same tag) with the word the user typed. Then the program asks for the word for the next tag, until there are none left. Finally, the program prints the story that the user created.
Jackson State Community College The Tyger Poem by William Blake Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
View lecture: English Romantic Poets Reading assignments: o Read introduction “Romantic Poets and their Successors” pp. 896-899. o Read about British poets and their poems: Blake’s “The Tyger” (pp. 904-908; p.913), Wordsworth’s “The World Is Too Much with Us” (pp. 919-922; p. 933), Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” (pp. 969-971; pp. 973-975), Browning’s “My Last Duchess” (pp. 1011-1012; p. 1016-1017), and Tennyson’s “Ulysses” (pp. 1001-1003; pp. 1009-1010).
1. Write and submit a summary of one of the poems read this week. (180 WORDS)
2. Analyze how man’s selfish desires are part of the dramatic monologues read this week. (300 WORDS)
3. How is nature depicted in this week’s poetry? Choose two poems from this week and analyze their ideas about nature. (300 WORDS)
IT 511 SNHU Develop Code for Recipe Manager Program Programming Assignment Help
IT 511 SNHU Develop Code for Recipe Manager Program Programming Assignment Help